eclipse-studios · 1 year
Tutoriel Bendy Props (Part 2 )
Hello and welcome ( back ) onto this ongoing series of BATIM props tutorial. Today, we’ll make the radio ! And a working one.
This time, Orion was a big helper. He deisgned the patterns, took all the measurements and worked out a way for that radio to swing !
This tutorial will only cover the radio because the process is kinda different from the other props ( that you can find here ), we took extra time and care because we DO wanna listen to Sammy Jam on loop. Best OST, can’t change my mind.
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So, you’ll need :
EVA Foam, 5, 7 and 10mm ( or you can use cardboard. Like really, don’t feel pressured into buying those pricey materials if it’s JUST for the radio. Go ham on empty amazon packages and have fun. )
Foam Clay & Kwik Seal, those two are to buy only if you’re using EVA foam. They’re meant to seal the irregularities in foam.
Contact Cement & Hot Glue. Same here, Contact Cement is hardcore glue and isn’t that useful for cardboard, so use Hot Glue instead ! If you use extra-strong glue ( the ones in tiny packages ), be really careful not to put any on your skin ( it burns like hell ).
Yellow Ochre & Black acrylic paint
Cutter & Rotary Tool
little pieces of wood ( like lollipop sticks. )
Snap buttons
Strap ( anything from a rigid piece of cloth to leather is good for what we’re doing here. )
Hinge ( take it from a small box you don’t use anymore. oh, and maybe a screwdriver. )
a mini speaker ! the only thing you’re supposed to buy for the craft. Purchase the cheapest speaker you can find, since low quality speakers perfectly replicate the “no bass” feel of old radios. :)
If you’re looking for the cosplay materials we talked about, visit CosplayShop ( especially if you’re from Europe since they’re Belgian ), but don’t forget, you can use cardboard !
Step 1 : The pattern
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The first thing to do is figuring out the pattern. If you already have your Bluetooth speaker, take it in account for the overall size of the radio.
You don’t need to understand all that complicated stuff, Orion figured it out for you.
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Sorry for the shaky hand, I did it with my PC’s trackpad.
Step 2 : Cut the foam around your pattern.
The face and back sides will be cut in 0,7mm EVA Foam ( High Density ) ; then you cut the grill cloth in thinner foam, or using a real cloth. It’s important that part stays thin, for the sound to come out of it.
Above, you also have the pattern for the relief, that I also cut in 0,5mm Foam. Use a cutter for this !
The buttons are just two cylinders. Since they don’t need to be working, they’re pretty simple to make. Just make sure you don’t use a material that’s too thick, else it’ll be hard to bend.
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The depth of the radio is just a 10cm wide piece of material, cut to the right size, that’ll vary with the perimeter of your own radio : don’t bother with the calculus, just test and cut a bit more each time until you got the right size.
After everything is cut nicely, you have to glue it with hot glue or contact cement. For perfect seams, I recommend you sand it gently before filling the holes with Foam Clay or Kwik Seal.
Now that your radio is in 3D, you have to make the base ! Use rigid, thicker foam / cardboard, or double it and stick it together. There should be around a centimetre between the edge of the base and the edge of the radio.
Now, don’t glue it if you wanna have access to the speaker inside. Screw and / or glue the hinge in order to open it. Place the hinge on the back side of the radio.
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Now, the inside of the radio ! You gotta put a strap to stitch the speaker in place : we used a piece of leather but anything will do. To make it sit nicely, you can build a base to put it on. We built ours with both small pieces of wood and foam, because foam is easier to glue on foam than wood.
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Now, it’s painting time ! This step is explained in the first part of these tutorials, but I’m sure you can figure it out with reference pictures !
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Ta-da !
We personally use this radio as a prop when roleplaying to develop our Alternate Universe, Eclipse Studios ! By the way, we’re working on a new comic I think people will love…
Don’t forget to ask me if you need help for your own props, since I keep all my patterns and techniques.
I hope you enjoyed this post and this technic radio, and I’ll tell you soon about Eclipse Studios !
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eclipse-studios · 1 year
Tutoriel Bendy Props (Part 1)
Hi ! Today there’s a lot to do, because we’re making props ! To appease the gods...
In this first part, I’ll show you how to make the following objects :
Bacon Soup
Film roll of “the End “
Don’t worry, this the same technique for every props, I’ll just guide you through the measuring and painting you’ll have to do for these particular props !
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The materials :
EVA Foam, Ultra High Density - 7 mm
Foam Clay
Contact Cement
Hot Glue
Ochre acrylic paint
Black acrylic paint
Rotary Tool
The stages of creation :
1. Make a pattern. So this time we don’t have “reel” measures in this game. To solve this problem I used the “Bendy Crack-up Comics Collection” for reference, because “The Illusion of Living” book ( that we’ll make too in one of the following tutorials ! ) is the same size as this cartoon book. For a perfect circle, I often use a bowl or a lid.
Oh, and about the vinyl… It’s a pretty small one you can find in-game, and given the comparaison with the book, it’s a small one so it’s a 45 rpm ( which makes sense since it’s a single ), and for that part it’s important to conserve the standard 17cm diameter. The gear is a 10 toothed one, and i know it’s annoying since it’s hardly symmetrical but hey, cosplay is an exact science !
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2. Cut the foam around your pattern : Don’t forget that the props is in 3D so you have to cut 3 layers of foam. For the End Reel, you have to create a box-type pattern because it’s thick. For the bacon soup I just took a can of mushrooms and painted over it for the texture and the metallic feel, but you can cut it in foam too following the same technique as the reel.
3. After everything is cut nicely, you have to glue it with hot glue or contact cement. For perfect seams, I recommend you sand it gently before filling the holes with Foam Clay. For a cleaner texture, you can warm your foam in order to seal it. Sadly, I can’t do that because my heat gun is too… hot and melts away the foam, but a hairdryer could work.
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4. Now, it’s time to paint ! So this part, is the longest of this creation. I don’t have real tips for you for this part, apart from looking closely at your reference pictures ( preferably from the game if you’re looking for replicas ).
You start with a coat or two of yellow ochre paint ( yes, like Bob Ross always says ), or the colour you feel is fitting, before adding in the black details ! About the tools you can use, Posca paint pens are the best, but they’re expensive. If you’re patient enough, you can use a thin paintbrush  and go back and forth between coats of black and yellow if you do mistakes ( BUT ALWAYS LET THE PAINT DRY BEFORE ANOTHER COAT, ELSE THEY’LL MERGE AND YOU’LL BE LEFT WITH SAD, DARK BROWN ). It important to have a good painting ocre whit lot of pigments.
Don’t forget, you must have fun so you can add your own references even if they are not canon.
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And that’s the look you can achieve in this part ! Congratulations ! Don’t forget to ask me if you need help for your own props, since I keep all my patterns and techniques.
I hope you enjoyed this post format, and I’ll tell you soon about Eclipse Studios !
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eclipse-studios · 1 year
Tutorial Bendy Cutout
Hello everyone ! Do you want a beautiful cutout watching you in your little 30 m² apartment ? You are in the right place !
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The materials :
EVA Foam, Ultra High Density - 7 mm
EVA Foam, Low Density - 5 mm
Fiberglass bar
Contact Cement
Hot Glue
Ochre acrylic paint
Black acrylic paint
Rotary Tool
Of course there are cosplayer materials, you can use thin & thick cardboard. Our first cutout was made of cardboard and it looked good.
The stages of creation :
Make a pattern. Most important step ! Especially if you used expensive material, and if you want create many of them. I know a lot of people skip this step. I was the first to leave this part out, lazy cosplayer that I was. I give to you measurements and a little sketch.
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2. Trace your pattern on the foam, you have to got a good cutter for this part because the foam is hard to cut. Be precise in the cut. Don’t forget to cut the spaces between the hands and the legs.
3. You may notice that your sign is all flabby. To solve this problem you have to glue some high density foam ( or cardboard ) on the back. For more of solidity, carve a slot with the rotary tool to put a fiberglass stick inside the EVA foam. Finally you can glue the solid piece onto the back of the cutout.
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4. With a Posca or a thick marker, you can trace the drawing of the magnificent little devil darling. Do not hesitate to ask me questions in the /ask if you are missing measurements. After that you can have fun with painting, and adding texture. Mine is not finished, for I have to make details of wood and inkstains.
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TA-DA ! Your Bendy Cutout is finished ! if you want to put it against a wall, you can. Otherwise I will explain in a future post how to make a handle to carry it with you like Sammy does. I will probably add directions on how to make it stand upright too in the near future.
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I hope you enjoyed this post format, and I’ll tell you soon about the Eclipse Studios !
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eclipse-studios · 1 year
Eclipse Studios' Masterpost
Brought to you by @bikyart​ ( Biky, he/him ) and @wordly-beginning​ ( Orion, he/they ).
This blog is all about Bendy and the Ink Machine, especially our Universe, called Eclipse Studios, where we’ll develop and use our headcanons.
We follow the first game’s canon, and take elements from The Illusion of Living and Dreams Come to Life, as well as the Employee Handbook, but we haven’t played Bendy and the Dark Revival yet ! That means for now, we won’t acknowledge these new characters, and would like to not get spoiled. :)
Asks are always opened and welcomed, challenge our universe with your questions !
Under the cut, you’ll find the tags we’ll use :
Here, you can find :
Headcanons : you'll find a lot of these ! You'll find them under this tag : #eclipse headcanons
Art : we both are artists, and trust me, you gotta see those drawings ! Also... animatics, comics, stopmotion... They'll be under the tag : #eclipse art
Cosplay : Biky is an incredible cosplayer, and we are currently working on BATIM related cosplay and props. Look'em up with the tag : #biky and orion cosplay
Novels : We write this Universe through roleplays, and we'll write them up the best we can ! They're under : #eclipse novels
And if you're a real fan of Eclipse Studios, all related posts will be under the tag : #eclipse studios
And, that's it for the tags.
Keep dreaming !
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eclipse-studios · 1 year
Sammy headcannon : background
Because this little bitch has been brewing rent-free for 4 years in my mind, and now i think it's finally time to write about him.
Okay so hear me out, because it's one hell of a story.
It all starts in London, right before the Great War starts : a young and calm bartender goes on with his day, cleaning up tables and chairs while humming a merry tune in a quiet manner. He could be 25, but not older ; and his father still runs the place. The bar is all silent, since it's only the start of the afternoon, so, when the door opens and the small bells chime, it doesn't go unnoticed. Used to this routine, the young bartender greets the door opening with a smile and a wave, on his knees while scrubing the dirt off a chair's leg. Two young children run in, visibly holding a grudge against each other as the tallest pushes the smaller against the doorframe for the privilege of coming in first. They both put down their schoolbags against the bar, and as the tall one helps his way on a chair on the counter, the other child decides to wander around, still looking at everything as he discovers his environment for the first time. He peaks above the weary tables, and chuckles quietly as he deliberately make the woodplanks squeak under his feet. He has on his face the same calm as the bartender, the same expression of rêverie as he wanders around.
Sitting on his chair, his elbows on the oaken counter, the older child moves his legs around as he looks at the posters behind, mostly regarding the venues of a beautiful singer : a woman with mesmerising, dusty blue eyes, and long, flowing blonde hair giving her the panache and the elegance of an American diva. Her name, as stated with many beautfiul lettering on each of these posters, is Edna Lawrence, the Fabulous Edna Lawrence. There's also sketches of her, in front of an amazed audience, and all sorts of cheery expressions on her face as the pencil strokes bleed out love and admiration. They don't comport any kind of signature, except an occasionnal "With love," scribbled in the corner of a particularly good portrait.
The small child eventually bumps into the bartender's leg, and their eyes lock : the brownish, gentle gaze of the adult encounters the stunning, icy blue of the boy and they both illuminate with joy. The bartender puts away his cleaning tools and hugs the young boy, stroking his really, really blonde head. They rarely exchange words, that's all. But the bartender loves his sons, and as the afternoon goes by, he doesn't even mention that it was way too early for them to come home. And as the evening falls, the family, joined by the bartender's father, are playing cards in a spot clean bar. The oldest son is winning, as the youngest and their father teamed up against him. The grandfather looks amused, as he knows for sure that in a couple of rounds, he'll win easily, if the luck of the draw is with him. "This is not fair ! Jacob's always winning ! He's cheating !", complains the boy while shuffling through his hand in order to find something good to play, as if counting and organizing his cards would make a stronger one appear. His father looks over his shoulder and discreetly points out a card : it's part of their team play. "Sammy, please calm down and think about it for a moment. If you take some risks, you can win big afterwards.", says the father with a not-so-discreet wink. Sammy finally throws in his card, pouting and already figuring out that the game was lost. "Ah, to be a gambler. Good lessons you give your sons, Glenn.", laughs the older man while slightly bending his own cards, before releasing them for a quick whip sound, right before playing his own card. He looks just as rough as his voice, and his laugh seems filled with smoke even though he hasn't lit up a single cigarette in days. Too expensive to waste money on, he now says. "I'm not-", the bertender tries to defend himself as he is interrumpted by his father. "I know, I know. You're a good father... And your own son already outsmarts you.", he laughs again.
Pride burns in the Jacob's blue eyes as he tries to decrypt the messages between his father and his younger brother. His brown hair is as smooth as silk, perfectly combed, and reflects some shine from the lamps and the rays of sunlight. "You're cheating !", complains again Sammy as he pulls out a good card and takes away all the points. "And tarot is dumb !". He accelerates the game's tempo and already throws his strongest card on an impulse. "Hey, shut your mouth ! I'm just lucky, and you're jealous !", lets out the older. "You're always jealous !", he adds before being interrupted by his grandfather's hand on his shoulder. He plays his card, just enough to top Sammy's, which owes him an other complaint from the smallest. "You two, calm down.", he sighs. "You're too young to compete against each other. And besides... No competitions between two losers." There it was : the World gets put on the table with a grin from the grandfather, and his card-bending and slapping gets louder and louder. The few last turns go on the same way, and upon counting up the scores, the old man easily wins by a dozen points. Glenn chuckles as he tries to cheer up Sammy, who's apparently very upset, whereas Jacob still, quietly, tries to figure out why his granpa didn't play his most powerful cards first.
"The problem is that, both of you, you're too impulsive. Jacob, don't scream out your victory before receiving the medal. And you're the opposite, Sammy : why are you certain you're going to lose anyway, before the game has ended ?" He raises up his head, and while looking at his grandpa, he wonders too. Why does he always feel like Jacob is going to one-up him ? Will his brother always be better than him ?
"You got lots of things to learn, and you better start out soon."
Oh, Sammy didn't learn soon enough to prevent himself from his own demise. And his brother still does better than him.
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