dunscaiith · 2 years
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originlist · 3 years
I'm just saying: Gilles absolutely owns a sports car with a Jeanne itasha wrap.
as if gilles ‘went broke as hell entirely thru buying art and thats why only saber has golden rule and still goes broke as hell in fgo canon bc he uses it exclusively for buying art and making jeanne merch’ de rais would not see a jeannu itasha wrap as an important and, in fact, necessary purchase.
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“it was a reasonable business expense,” he says as jeanne winds up to deck him. “it’s advertising for the casino and thus helpful!” he claims.
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umbracouture · 3 years
I actually feel like I’m learning about tumblr RP thanks to my new friend, @saltgulls !! I actually have RP traffic happening for once during my duration stay here. & I’ve tried RP with other muses with no luck whatsoever so ... thank you so much!! 
Seriously. You’re a true gift. ♡
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mcmcntomorii-later · 3 years
@saltgulls​ replied to your post:
...How bad are we talking?
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   — well i’m rather awful at judging poetry b/c i’m not a huge fan of it and the fact that a random guy wrote about me gave me the heebie jeebies but you can judge it lmao like i’m pretty sure he was like the last customer and I was cleaning up some of the equipment while thinking about One Piece
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tragedestined-a · 3 years
                    ❛❛ Did you know that we have pirates in Japan, too ? I actually met a pirate captain, once. Would you believe that he was babysitting a princess at the time ? ❜❜ Kiyomasa had been amazed that anyone would trust their daughter with a pirate. But then again, this pirate hadn’t been that threatening —– he’d mostly seemed tired. Well, looking after someone as inexperienced as Princess Komatsu would be pretty exhausting !
                    ❛❛ I have to say, though ——– I’ve never met female pirates before. You two must be pretty tough, to have made it big on the high seas. ❜❜ They must have had a lot more real-life experience than Princess had. However, he had to wonder —– why had they to chosen to be pirates in particular ?
                    ❛❛ By the way, my True Name is Kato Kiyomasa. I’m a samurai who mainly served Toyotomi Hideyoshi and also Tokugawa Ieyasu, for a little bit. Though I suppose I’m back to my old ‘warrior-for-hire’ ways, now that I’m serving Master-san. ❜❜
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storm-roars · 3 years
A cozy ride on Llamrei yacht , the speed of this craft violently and mesmerizingly vaporized water around it as the King headed further to the sea. There was a missing flavour however, she tilted head, didn't remember it at the moment.
Shot heard. Bullet just a hand away from her nose.
That's it!
Leaving Llamrei on auto mode, she turnt to small island where culprit stood. Bold. Teasing. Humorous. This one wouldn't miss a shot that easy, unless she just played around.
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"A bounty too great that you attempting to claim by yourself? Not even telling your partner? Mean, very mean."
Encounter with a foul pirate. The flavour now achieved. // @saltgulls (Anne)
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tiredstudents · 3 years
@saltgulls​ said: “Oi, staff guy. I heard you stole from Blackbeard's stash the other day. Nice job, yeah? I mean truthfully I don't really get what you were thinking, but still. The way I hear it, he was pretty steamed about not having enough coins to play with those gachapon machines that Da Vinci installed.” (From Mary)
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“W-Wait, so THAT was who I stole from?!” Sure Blackbeard might be a bit of a joke, but he was still...BLACKBEARD, it’s possible that he could cut Daniel so shreds of fill him with holes. Thankfully for the Staff Member, the Rider in question seemed unaware so hopefully this can all be dropped before something bad happens.
Shaking his head, Daniel would turn his attention to Mary, looking down at her with the tilt of his head. “That being said...how did you know I did it? I mean...outside of my reaction just now, what gave it away?”
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pulseofthestars · 3 years
"Summer has come again, yeah? And of course that means it's time for a well deserved vacation, too. Y'been thinking at all about what we're gonna do this year? As long as there's a beach, pretty much anything is fine with me!" (From Mary)
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"Honestly with the past few summers I've been kinda winging it based on whatever shenanigans end up occurring. I've been thinking of asking around for ideas from the Heroic Spirits here, at least the ones who I'm fairly confident won't have ulterior motives especially after that mess with Ishtar's scheme to bring back Gugalanna a couple summers back. Of course any vacation we do come up with will involve a beach, anything less would be intolerable at this point so no worries on that end."
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chxldeas-a · 3 years
“To be honest, I'm not very familiar with mead. I've heard it's far sweeter than any type of grog, and quite often more potent to boot, but I've never had a chance to put those rumors to the test. Is it possible that her highness, the Queen of Connacht, might be willing to part with a bottle from her stash?” (To Medb from Anne)
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"Ara~? You wish to have a taste of my mead?" Medb chuckled in response to the pirate woman's question, guffawing afterwards for a few more moments before taking a deep breath to regain her composure. If only she knew of the kind of mead she had on her and how it would turn even the hardiest of drinkers into mush. Her mead was sweetened with honey for an irresistible and intoxicating taste. One sip and you were gone.
All the more reason to oblige Anne's request for a taste test. After all, she'd get to see how she and Mary would crumble before her mead. A reward as sweet as the mead itself.
"Why ask for one bottle?" the queen chirped. "In fact, I'm feeling rather generous today. You may have 5 bottles of my mead for your drinking pleasure. But I must ask that you bring along Mary with you. I would love to have her try out this mead for herself as well~"
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woerended · 3 years
♡ (Either, or perhaps both?)
@saltgulls / answered .
Both works~! 
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance / pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance / pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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mukctsu · 3 years
@saltgulls​ cont X
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“What, you think THIS is bad? You should see the other guys! Don’t go sayin’ I can’t give as much as I get!” Laughing while you’ve got holes in your chest wide enough to see through probably isn’t particularly healthy or rational, but it was sort of his thing. Just one of many silly little quirks that comes with the Berserker class, though as a Lancer or Rider he was surely not likely to be much better. Violence was as much a part of Mori Nagayoshi as his flesh and bones. It was his legacy, kneaded into the very fabric of his spirit origin!
Still, as loathe as he was to take orders from an envoy of sorts, Master wouldn’t take too kindly to the thought of picking a fight with his messenger. Not to mention that nasty looking rifle of hers. That sort of firepower was all she’d need to take down a man, twelve men, or a bull elephant. Still, an intense healing factor does the body good. “Bah. I’d throw you out on your ass if you weren’t here on the Boss’ behalf. ‘Sides, you’re not the most annoying person he’s dragged along. They shouldn’t worry too much, though. I can walk this off no problem.” 
Care to babysit a feral manchild, Anne? 
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dunscaiith · 2 years
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     Scathach’s tag for her relationship with Anne is SWALLOW ON THE STORM; it has multiple meanings. Swallows are a common maritime tattoo because they represent either 5,000 nautical miles sailed, or the concept of always finding your way home (you can trust me on this, I have been in the Navy for almost twelve years and people will and do throw hands over un-earned swallows). 
     In one sense, Anne is the swallow. Anne is the little bird in the storm that somehow always makes it home; being a woman during the golden age of piracy was not exactly easy, but she made it through. Rebellious and fearing no torrent, no gale winds, no reckless waves.
     In the second sense, the swallow again represents Anne, but Scathach is choosing to follow Anne and doing so will lead her home, following Anne and being with Anne will lead her out of the storm of loneliness and isolation that she has been in for so long. Anne is the charted course to safe harbor. Scathach can finally return to some sort of normalcy with her after being isolated for so very long.
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originlist · 3 years
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“MAT-CHING OUTFITS! MAT-CHING OUTFITS! Am I gonna be as popular on the beach as y’all?”
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umbracouture · 3 years
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Deep within slumber; lying dormant for eons under the depths of cold bodies of water. Castaway as a crime to the world she hardly remembered, birthed not of the right of she. Much rather, of wickedness. Long locks of opaque hair strains embraced her bare being. Audible outdoor voices were heard ever so faintly, a thud to her coffin followed the next, and while invasive hands dared touched upon the top lid, should it ever be opened; a bright beam glow; a beacon of light would be shone as bright as the sun itself, blinding those in her wake.
 'Awaken. My sweet dear child.' A piece of a remnant, a fragmented memory called out. Risen up of the cold coffin from the shadowy abyss. She withstands to hover amongst the thin layer of water then gently touching upon the surface floors with her heels.
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 "Well, well, isn't this quite a sight to behold? You two, there...I should thank you for awakening me." 
 A voice as sultry as she is ever so revealing, her form had shaped itself through hair strains. Transformation of dark and gold decorative clothing. 
 She smirked, playfully. 
 "Thank you, truly."
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mcmcntomorii-later · 3 years
Stranger making small talk, yay or nay for you?
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    — it’s a yay, for sure, I don’t mind small talk at all c: and it helps me kinda relax into starting conversations w/ them later on!
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ardenssolis · 3 years
all advice is amazing here; accepting || @saltgulls​
☘ How do you take confidence in your appearance? (Mary)
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     OH, THAT WAS AN easy one! Who better to ask a question like to than HIM? Ozymandias had enough confidence to fill the world's largest, deepest lake and still have plenty to spare. Arms crossing over his chest, he hummed quietly, his head tilting just a bit as he examined Mary thoughtfully. ❝I would have never taken you for one who lacked on confidence, Quiet Pirate. Hmm...then again...there is much that I do not know about you.❞ He only knew the bare minimum, which is to say, not very much now that he thought about it. Falling silent once more, he mulled over what advice he could give her in particular, although ultimately, there was only one thing he could think of.
      ❝You have to tell yourself that you are beautiful and believe it. It does not matter if you state those words and do not feel it.❞ Uncrossing his arms, he placed a hand over right where his heart would be. ❝Do not look for imperfections in the mirror. Think about the things you are proud of. Elevate them! Smile to yourself and say what it is you like aloud. From there, it will be easier. The confidence you were lacking will then be like a thing of the past.❞
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