#sajati sunvoice
the-littlest-kojin · 8 months
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As the dawning sun spills over the cliffs into the sands of the Great Work, Sajati grins - pleased that she still fits into her old dancer garb. Picking her feet up, she starts the steps again, remembered from more than four years prior. Gradually speeding up the tempo, the beads and silks snapping and swaying from the movement, the Xaela grins wider - until she swings her hips for the next step.
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Landing on the sand, Sajati pouts. Rubbing her head with one hand, her tail flicks, disturbing the sand behind her. Slowly pulling herself back to her feet, she dusts herself off, frowning down at the hips that overbalanced her.
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the-lustful-kojin · 1 year
S. Sunvoice Experimental log, 15th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon, Year 3 of the Seventh Umbral Era
Test subject:
S. Sunvoice
Mixture being tested:
Faetail and Dreaming Iris (ref. Mixture list, entry 1137)
Predicted result:
Repair of torn muscle tissue, possible mild hypertrophy of affected area
Upon imbibing the mixture, I found myself beset with extreme tiredness and fatigue. Setting an alarm to wake me with the dawn, I found that my body had been changed.
The muscles in my thighs - previously badly sprained to provide the necessary damage to test this mixture - are indeed fully healed, as expected.
Less expected was the increase in mass of my thighs and hips. While hypertrophy was a potential result, it was not expected to occur at this scale.
Further refinement of the mixture is required.
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((Screenshots provided by a friend))
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the-littlest-kojin · 7 months
Character Banner: Sajati
With the help of an off-tumblr friend, I have started collecting banners to be put at the top of asks for my characters, to provide a nice, consistent reference and bit of aesthetic flair for each such ask.
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Today's is Sajati! As such, it's a Sajati ask day. Ask the lizard questions!
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
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@avalon821 drew this incredible picture of Sajati dancing! Go check them out, they draw movement so well.
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the-littlest-kojin · 4 months
|w° 🖊 Sajati! Have fun! *Sneaks away*
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Sajati may be an alchemist as her day job, that pays the bills, but her real passion is, of course, acting.
And, like any actor, she has incredibly intense superstitions surrounding her craft. The most noteworthy of which is her rule: within 48 hours of opening night of any play where she is playing a role she is unfamiliar with, or 24 hours if it is a role she has done before, she will speak only in-character.
She will still say the things she was intending to say, but she will say them in the voice, mannerisms, and foibles of the character.
Given her trend for playing villains, this sometimes has very amusing effects.
"Pass the salt, foolish mortal, or suffer my wrath."
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
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"Hey- Hey! It's good to see you! I have your order ready. You wanted something to let you skip sleeping a couple nights, yeah? This'll do that - a Sunvoice Special. Don't drink more than one dose in a week - it'll give you about seventy bells of energy, but you'll crash hard after that. Just completely put you on your ass. Take care, now!"
((Newest character, Sajati Sunvoice! She's an alchemist, actor, dancer, and she's very irresponsible.))
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
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"Hey there."
((Screens taken by a friend, I am eternally grateful.))
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the-littlest-kojin · 8 months
(Since no muse was specified, I used this to determine which this would be about!)
Sajati is part of an amateur acting troupe! It's what she considers her real passion, her job as an alchemist is just to pay the bills. That having been said, she does use her alchemy to support her acting - what better way to portray Ifrit in a play than to drink a potion that actually lets you breathe fire?
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the-littlest-kojin · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2023, Day Seventeen: Free Day
Sitting in the Great Work, Sajati frowns at the flow of liquid. Sighing, she turns off the mechanism - pulling it apart with practiced hands, looking for the disruption. Her tail sways through the air behind her as she checks that all of the small pieces of metal are aligned properly - requiring a strictly laminar flow for her work.
Putting her tools down, she reassembles the spout - flicking her hair out of her eyes with a practiced move of her head. Biting her tongue in focus, she slowly turns the spout on - only to cheer as a smooth, laminar flow emerges. Doing a quick dance around the chamber, watching the Matanga sharing a workspace with her laugh, she grins, flicking her hips a few times before getting back a work - the grin not leaving her lips.
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the-littlest-kojin · 10 months
Lizzy would like to take Sajati to the beach on a date. I think relaxing in the sun would be the highest priority, but Lizzy would absolutely eventually find an excuse to get Sajati into the water to splash her.
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"Hey! If you splash me like that, I'm gonna splash you back! Hold still!"
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
🖊 + Bril c:
🖊 + Shio c:
🖊️ + Sald c:
🖊️ + Sajati
No smile for Sajati? The injustice.
Bril doesn't actually need to maintain her musculature - as a Warrior of Light with the ability to use aether to enhance her strength, it is entirely superfluous. She just likes looking that way.
Shio very rarely drinks water! She drinks (extremely strong) alcohol 99% of the time, and juice or tea the remaining 1%. Don't ask to borrow her waterskin.
Saldlona is convinced that if she ends a day of gambling without breaking even, things will happen before she goes to sleep to balance her life. Won that day? Attacked by a pieste on the way home. Lost that day? Had a surprise hot date afterwards.
Sajati is part of an acting troupe that is trying to put together shows of musicals - Saj likes being cast in the role of the villain most.
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
Sajati's latest experiment
Peering into the small cauldron, Sajati carefully adds a few drops from the vial in her hand. Ticking her hips back and forth, she watches the iridescent sheen spread across the surface of the mixture.
Nodding to herself in satisfaction, she grabs a ladle, dipping into the potion.
If this works the way I intended, it should give the drinker a little bit of fire around their mouths for a bell or so. So, let's see... Taking a small sip from the ladle, the Xaela smacks her lips - before hiccuping in shock as a spurt of flame escapes from her mouth and nose.
Moving over to the polished silver mirror in the corner of her workshop, Sajati watches as each breath causes a small tongue of orange flame to curl from her lips before dissipating.
...We're going to call that one a partial success. Where's my notebook...
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
Lizzy: Bril, Shio, Sald, Arrow, Cholla
Valerie: platonically with Gloyn
Leaf: Sajati
Lizzy: Collects femroes. Accidentally pulled a turtle and rabbit while trying for more femroes.
I've already discussed Bril, Shio, and Cholla, but:
Sald mainly wants to have fun at the Saucer! Come hang out. Kiss the dice. Kiss her hand. Kiss her lips.
Arrow would be confused by this idea. She's only off work one day a week and she spends it drinking and sighing wistfully at posters. I'm not even sure how you'd start to romance such a person.
Gloyn is a perfect platonic partner for Valerie. They have one brain cell. They both dropped it when they saw a cool plant.
Sajati is very curious at someone wanting to romance her! Come closer. Ignore the smell of burned hair, her latest mixture exploded. Do you want to see her newest play? It's an amateur production of I Want To Be Your Canary, and she's super proud of it.
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the-littlest-kojin · 11 months
What does Sajati do when she's not messing with potions?
Sajati is part of both an acting troupe and a dancing club! She's not professional with either, but she basically splits her free time between the two.
She considers acting, and not alchemy, to be her true passion - her work with potions is primarily for the end goal of aiding her acting.
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the-littlest-kojin · 7 months
What would the perfect date be for Sajati? A certain fat tailed lizard might like to know
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She would never admit it, but her ideal date would go as follows. She'd want to be given a nice outfit (that was well-fitted to her), and taken to a play she'd never seen before. She'd want her date to listen to her talk about how she'd have acted if she was cast in the play, then taken to get spicy food at a place she loved. Then, of course, the two could find a nice secluded bed somewhere...
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the-littlest-kojin · 7 months
What is your favorite food to cook? To eat?
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"To cook? Generally, if I'm at home cooking, it's something simple and basic, like a simple soup. If I'm eating out, though, I like nice poultry thighs, maybe with some spicy sauce. Nice spicy tender meat, it's delicious. Too much effort to cook myself, though."
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