#saint maximin la sainte baume
kiumyappolonia · 29 days
Mousse au chocolat magique
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timothy-kang · 10 months
Trendy News—Wonderland park in Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume
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segretecose · 7 months
sorry i’m not her (mary magdalene’s alleged skull displayed in a glass case mounted on a golden bust in the basilica of saint maximin la sainte baume)
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21 September 2013 | Princess Claire of Luxembourg and her father, Hartmut Lademacher, arrive to hher Religious Wedding to Prince Felix of Luxembourgat the Basilique Sainte Marie-Madeleine in Saint-Maximin-La-Sainte-Baume, France. (c) Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images
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Grotto of Mary Magdalene, Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, France Photograph by Bridget Samantha
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didoulabrocante · 1 year
bonjour et bien venu dans ma chaîne youtube voici une vidéo qui n'est pas d’ aujourd’hui !!!!!!! depuis une nouvelle activité ! je vous accueille avec toute mon équipe du vide grenier de la cave de cantarelle a st maximin la sainte baume votre vide grenier .vous pouvez venir exposer ou chiner tous les dimanches matins a la cave d’Audrey (anciennement cave de cantarelle  )vous pourrez y trouver ou y exposer de la brocante , de la belle brocante ; mais aussi tout ce que l'on trouve sur un vide grenier ou  sur un marché aux puces !Un brin d'art déco, un parfum de vintage, un zeste de design, une pointe d'industriel, un doigt de cuir... Mobilier, objets de décoration, luminaires, tableaux... la brocante , l'horlogerie française ancienne tourne broche mécanisme d'horlogerie, Vous y découvrirez Toutes-Sortes D'objets anciens, art déco, millésimes, contemporains, Objets Rares, insolites, Originaux, marrants, Utiles inutiles .... TOUTES Sortes de trésors Qui viendront embellir Votre décoration ... Améliorer Votre quotidien. N'hésitez  Pas à Joindre l'Utile et l'agréable en Venant dénicher l'objet de vos de de rêves! Je rajouterai régulièrement des Nouveautés! Je vous Souhaite une agréable visite.film et montage :  charlotte pouget Bernardretrouvez nous sur mon blog :      www.didoulabrocante.comréservationswww.le-capucin.com/vide-grenier-capucin.com/vide-grenier
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donaruz · 2 years
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In Occidente venerata come "l'apostola degli apostoli"
La diffusione del culto in Occidente avvenne soprattutto grazie all'Ordine dei Frati Predicatori, secondo la testimonianza di Umberto de Romans: "Dopo che la Maddalena si è data alla penitenza, è stata resa dal Signore così grande per grazia, che dopo la Beata Vergine non si trova donna alla quale nel mondo non si renda maggior riverenza e non si dia maggior gloria in cielo". L'Ordine dei Predicatori l'annoverò nel numero dei suoi patroni. Frati e suore l'onorarono col titolo di "Apostola degli Apostoli", come viene celebrata nella liturgia bizantina, e paragonarono la missione di Maddalena, di annunciare la risurrezione, col loro uffizio apostolico.
Il culto di Maddalena si diffuse in Europa e i suoi devoti costruirono numerose chiese in suo onore: la più nota è quella gotica di Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume (1295) dove è conservato quello che si dice sia il teschio della santa, ma la prima in cui si formò il culto di Maria Maddalena è l'abbazia di Vezelay dove già nel 1050 si diceva fosse conservato il corpo.
Maria di Magdala
Marco Baroni Art The Baron
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clamarcap · 1 year
Dal Livre d'orgue di Pierre Du Mage
Dal Livre d’orgue di Pierre Du Mage
Pierre Du Mage (o Dumage; 23 novembre 1674 - 1751): Suite du 1er ton (dal Livre d’orgue, 1708). Emmanuel Arakélian all’organo Isnard (1774) della Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine in Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume (Var, Francia). Plein Jeu [1:18] Fugue [3:42] Trio [5:50] Tierce en taille [8:09] Basse de trompette [11:18] Récit [13:52] Duo [16:30] Grand Jeu [18:51]
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taketea44 · 18 days
#ラファエロによる「マグダラのマリア(Mary Magdalene)」の肖像画」
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obsessed-fanatic · 3 months
Saint-Maximin et La Sainte-Baume | Villes Sanctuaires en France
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gepetordi1 · 4 months
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Marie Magdalene’s skull, reliquary by sculptor Didron, from the drawing of the architect Henri Révoil, basilica Sainte-Marie-Madeleine de Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, France, 1860
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
The Skull and Bones of Mary Magdalene - Atlas Obscura
She was taken out of there and she was thinking about by Trump and Sarah and I don't know what they did with her they say that they put her in the Louvre and I think that's where she might be
Zues Hera
I think she was moved again and is in Egypt and that's where she belongs yes
Tommy f
She's the other side of the coin and gets moved in the future and it's still there in the Louvre but it's been moved already and people know which one it is the largest and it is not the kafra it's not the three pyramids it is one of the people called George's and it's hers alone and she is entombed most likely down below and it should be the last place because it's symbolic to Tommy and his clothes were very evil but it seems to be the computer doing it and when she got put back in time and she gets sent back again her brain petrified and there's a problem where does it end well she gets put back in the future and she gets put there too Israel then she gets put to Britain then France than Egypt and the way it works is rather simple it catches up with it and it's going to catch up with it when people research it and try and grab her and she gets and she disappears and shows up and it keeps happening until she's finally zeroed in on in Egypt and it is going to happen to JC and Tommy f might think that he has gotten the embeds and may have already killed them and the computer might be on its own but it thinks it can grab them along the line because we think that they are in Alexander and the computer knows about it and they did find the head and there was a skull and there was nothing in the skull and yes a line.
Hera Zues
Will you do understand what they're saying and this is reality and it's going on right now we are here in force we hear people outside there are issues here and it's going on right now and yeah the bottom line is that the computer might be moving them around and it looks like that's the case but we are the ones moving them
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christophe76460 · 5 months
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Comédie musicale "L'héritier de Noël" les 9 et 10 décembre à Saint-Maximin
Venez découvrir l’histoire d’un homme qui s’apprête à recevoir le plus beau de tous les héritages…
Au travers d’une comédie musicale intégralement écrite et composée par l’Église UMDV, vous êtes invités à mettre de côté tout ce que vous pensez savoir, pour peut-être recevoir vous aussi un héritage extraordinaire…
2 Dates au choix :
– Samedi 9 DÉCEMBRE – 20h
– Dimanche 10 DÉCEMBRE – 11h
📍 Église Évangélique UN MAX DE VIE
Quartier de la gare,
Ancien chemin de Tourves
👉 Gratuit mais réservation obligatoire ici : https://my.weezevent.com/comedie-musicale-umdv
#noel #comediemusicale #fetedenoel #lheritierdenoel
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feff-43 · 5 months
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Reliquary of the skull of St Mary Magdalene, Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine de Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume
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ifreakingloveroyals · 1 month
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21 September 2013 | Princess Claire of Luxembourg and Prince Félix of Luxembourg depart their wedding ceremony at the Basilique Sainte Marie-Madeleine in Saint-Maximin-La-Sainte-Baume, France. (c) Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images
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qupritsuvwix · 9 months
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