#sad doppio and s/o who tries to help
headoverjojo · 5 years
Heeey! Since the Askbox is open and of course if it isn't so much trouble, could you write something (a scenario, headcanons, whatever you feel like suits the best!) for Doppio with an female s/o that's just- very awkward at comforting people and stuff, but still tries? ;; maybe he's feeling sad or something and she wants to make him feel better but she's just so nervous she'll mess up :"0 (that's totally not me skcjdj)💕
Hello again~ It’s absolutely not a trouble, it was funny to write this little scenario! I hope you like it :3
Vinegar Doppio’s s/o tries to make him feel better but messes up
You never saw him like this.
You were used to see Doppio in his sweet and often forgetful mode, or when he was focused on Boss’ orders or even when he was angry, so angry that something slip out, in those moments. You were used to that all, but not to see him so sad and defeated.
He came home earlier than usual, bringing with him an unusual gloominess that seemed to infest the whole house in minutes. You shivered, feeling it in your bones, and quickly went to check him.
He was all slumped on the couch, his elbows on his knees, his head low, in a total defeated position. Your heart trembled: something happened, something really bad.
“Doppio…?” you murmured, slowly nearing him. He didn’t give any signal to have heard you.
“Doppio, honey…” you repeated, sitting near him. He just sighed, but didn’t answer nor lift his head, making you worry even more. Why was he acting like this? What were you supposed to do?!
“Doppio, please… talk to me.” you tried again. It was good to push the other to talk about what was distressing them, right?
Your heart sank even more, when you saw him grimacing. Ok, maybe he didn’t want to…
“If… if you don’t want it’s fine anyway…” you murmured, toying with your hands. Doppio hummed a bit, hearing your sad tone. He didn’t want to make you sad…
“It’s… well, it’s work. I can’t talk about it…” he mumbled, uncomfortable. He shifted on place, toying more nervously with his hands, flinching also when you touched his shoulders. You wanted to whine and scream in frustration: what the hell were you supposed to do?!
“Is there… something I can do for you? A hot cocoa? Some tea?” you proposed, jumping up and almost running to the kitchen, missing his call.
“Or-or maybe some cookies? You like cookies, what about that? Yes, I’m gonna do cookies, cookies for you, with a good tea…” you rambled, trying to find a way, any way, to make him feel better.
“Or maybe hot cocoa would be better? It would be better, all in a-”
“Y/N!!” you jumped, hearing his loud voice thundering. He sighed, getting up, feeling immediately guilty to have yelled at you.
“I’m sorry, Y/N… please, come here. I don’t want either a hot cocoa or tea or cookies. Just… please, hug me. Just this.” he asked, with a defeated sigh. You gulped, still trembling a little after his outburst, but trotted to him, squealing when he grabbed you to make you sit on the couch. Then, he nestled on your soft chest, with a sigh of relief when you started to pet his hair.
“Good, like this…” he murmured, closing your eyes, encouraging you to pet his hair and closing your eyes. You followed his instructions, hugging him and petting his hair, watching as his eyes finally closed, a bit more relaxed.
“I’m sorry…” you mumbled, making him hum in response.
“It’s not your fault… you were just trying to help. I’ve appreciated the effort.” he replied, making you smile a little. He was sweet…
“Thank you, dear.” you murmured, relieved, going on petting his hair and rubbing his shoulders, while he was keeping you firmly in his grasp. Well… at least, in the end, both of you had got something good: relax and relief from work and cuddles.
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thewinterwaifu · 5 years
So I noticed lots of blogs self ship.And others do not,but I have heard them talk about their faves and they sound cute!So I write down some hcs.The list is long so it's undercut!Also a bit of NSFW
By the way,if you are a mutual and don't see yourself on here,it doesn't mean I don't like your work or ship you with your fav,I may not be confident to write for that character!Or I don't know that much about you and feel like these wouldn't be that good because of it!
With that out of the way,let's go!
@konoisisda x Dio:
•He is amused by her tastes,and is eager to hear about her deepest fantasies.He is looking forward to see her reaction when he makes all of them come true
•He spoils her with stuff he knows she loves,wanting to keep his human happy and by his side.He whispers sweet stuff in her ear too,taking pride in how he flusters her
•”Nobody else can make you feel this now can they~?” He says with a smirk,running his fingers through her gorgeous hair with care,looking into her eyes
@jojotrashmob x Dio:
•The blonde vampire is amused to see a human wants to be the dominant one in bed.He thinks he can dominate the one and only Dio?Well,he is welcome to try!And oh he succeeds indeed,Dio is pleased and surprised
•Seeing how fascinated the human is by his vampirism,Dio decides to turn him into a vampire as well.After all,he wants to spend the rest of his life with the person he loves
•He lets Maverick be the big spoon,he has earned it.And he actually kind of digs it in secret,he likes to be cared for by his partner and feeling adored by someone
@jojo-blurbs x Dio:
•Dio is quite interested in dating a writer,as he sometimes needs a good read to do something during the day when he can't go outside because of sunlight
•Knowing about how she dislikes crowds and noises,he keeps her safe and sound in his mansion,and asks his servants to leave her be,he doesn't want her to get anxious
•He adores pet play with her in the bedroom,she is just so perfect and adorable for the role.He may even use a collar and a leash if she is into that
@cuefunkymusic x Avdol:
•These two lovebirds are cuddling 90% of the time when they have some privacy,they just can’t help themselves!They are very much in love with each other after all.
•He loves seeing her laugh,chuckle and giggle.It just makes his heart feel warm and complete.Because of this he tries his best to keep her entertained or tells her jokes
•Forehead kisses are very common,he loves to lean down and just give her all the loves she deserves!Seeing her blush is also part of the reason why he likes this so much!
@the-writing-dump-bin x Jotaro:
•He is very understanding when she is busy,he knows the feeling first hand and lets her take the time with everything.When they finally get together though?He gives big old bear hugs
•He enjoys the height difference in the relationship,and might be a bit of a tease sometimes,making her get on her toes to kiss him or brag about how he can get stuff from higher shelves,just as a tease
•Jotaro enjoys being the big spoon when cuddling,it makes him feel like he is keeping her safe and protected in his strong arms.He likes it when she falls asleep on his chest too
@babie-jojo-writings x Jotaro:
•Jotaro is protective of her,he doesn’t want anyone taking advantage of her shyness and kindness.If anyone messes with her,they will have to deal with the consequences
•He is very accepting of her boundaries and it doesn’t affect things at all.He loves her for who he is,and is willing to wait to whenever she is ready,he is patient and loving
•Despite how much he denies it,he loves picking her up bridal style and giving her piggy back rides too,it’s so easy for him because of his strength,and he loves having her in his arms
@just-another-jojo-account x Josuke 4:
•So many hugs,so many of them.He can’t help it!He just wants to hug her every time he sees her!He likes picking her up and spinning her around too!It’s very cute!
•Crazy Diamond is very affective with her as well,sometimes appearing out of nowhere to kiss her cheek or put an arm around her!He is obviously Josuke’s soul
•Koichi and Okuyasu know,it’s quite obvious to see these two are in love.And honetstly,they think it’s quite adorable,but that won’t stop them from teasing him a bit about it to see her blush!
@nyashi-kaages x Yukako:
•Yukako loves to wear matching clothing or accessories with her girlfriend!She thinks it looks really cute and finds it fun!She likes it when they do each other’s hair too!
•She is very supportive of her hobbies and often asks if she can read her writing!She finds her writing style beautiful and is always happy to see her grow as a writer!
•When they first met,Yukako found her initial shyness adorable!And when she opened up to her,she felt very special and chosen,she was about to cry of joy in front of her!
@dongiovannaswife x aged up!Giorno:
•Italian and spanish aren't all that different,so they just may talk to each other in their native tongues and try to understand each other,it's cute!And quite amusing to watch too
•Giorno tries to watch Marvel movies with her to make her happy!He is one to constantly say "(character) could have easily won if-" "why didn't they just-" (guilty of this myself oops)
•When she braids or brushes his blonde hair,he is a blushing mess,it’s his weakness really!Especially if she hums or sings something,he will cover her in kisses when she is done!
@naranciabestboi x Narancia:
•Lots of watching shows or movies together!He is always excited about getting on the couch and cuddling up with her,with some popcorn or chocolate,just ready to relax for a bit
•He is always laughing or smiling around her,it’s quite obvious how happy she makes him!They tell lots of jokes to each other and probably have a big amount of inside ones nobody else gets
•He appreciates her helping him study,especially if he hugs or kisses as a reward for getting questions right!He tries his hardest to do well for her,he wants her to be proud
@nevershoutnani x Formaggio:
•Since they are both pretty open to try new stuff,these two have a lot of fun in the bedroom!They experiment a lot and cuddle afterwards,falling asleep together
•They shower and bathe together a lot.Obvious shower sex aside,he also loves washing her long and gorgeous hair for her!He is a bit childlish and might splash her in the bath!
•You can't convince me this couple wouldn't adopt lots and lots of cats.She is protective of them though,reminding him not to do anything weird!
@aquihayjojos x Bruno:
•Bruno loves having a spanish s/o!He gets a bit flustered whenever she decides to use a spanish pet name,and he uses italian ones with her too!
•He teaches her italian,and he thinks her accent is really adorable!He tries to learn spanish as well too,for her,but he is a bit shy about it
•Bruno likes to pick her up bridal style,she looks so cute in his arms!He just loves to have her in his arms in general,he wants to protect the person he loves
@ari-arrivederci x Bruno:
•Bruno is quick to get attached to her pet bunny!He has a soft spot for animals and he loves how she is so sweet to them.He probably has pics of the bunny on his phone as well
•He is sad about watching her get stressed with so much work,and tries to help her relax when she actually gets some free time.She wants to watch a movie?Walk through the park?He is okay with anything
•He usually buys her plushies as well,bunny ones more often that not,or any pink ones,if he sees any at the store.He loves seeing her happy face when she gets them
@bjnurse x Doppio:
•If she ever knits him something,he will wear him for the rest of time when he isn’t at work.He doesn’t want it to get broken in his dangerous life of work after all!He loves it so so much,and it reminds him of her no matter where he is
•He thinks about her all day until he can go home,it serves him as a motivation to get through everything the boss asks him to go stuff.Once the job is done,he gets to see his sweetheart!
•He just loves the fact that behind such an innocent person and cute person,there is such a dirty mind,he is very curious and willing to try a lot of new stuff in the bedroom
@lasquadrahoe x Risotto:
•Lots of matching Metallica shirts,seriously,lots.And they suit them quite well,Risotto loves the way they look on her!Sometimes they put Metallica music in the background during bedroom action
•Risotto really enjoys the height difference in the relationship ,even if he used to being taller than everyone he ever comes across.When she gets on her toes to kiss him?His heartbeat gets faster
•He has a dirty secret,he pretends to be annoyed when she borrows his shirts but he actually thinks it’s really hot,he just wants to pull her close and kiss her (among other things) so bad
@headoverjojo x Risotto:
•With all his work,he hasn't been able to just sit down and enjoy art for a long time.Seeing her drawings always manages to cheer him up a little!
•When he can afford to take a few days off,he wants to travel through Italy with her to see the most beautiful places and create some memories with her
•He enjoys just sitting down on the couch and cuddling with her.He doesn't get to just relax with the person he loves everyday,being a Capo is hard
@dokidoki-tae x Prosciutto:
•He may pretend to be a bit grumpy,but he enjoys their trips to Disneyland a lot!He thinks she looks just so adorable with those ears on as well
•He is always there when she needs him,he remains calm in difficult situations and wants to see her get better,he really does.He wants to be someone of comfort to her
•Prosciutto loves hearing her speak spanish!It's kind of a turn on really,especially if she is whispering in his ear as she slowly unbuttons his shirt
@ifollowfugo x aged up!Fugo:
•He helps her a lot with her studies,he doesn't want to see her stressing,and he is so proud of her for all the effort she is making
•Fugo loves to have his hair played with,whenever his hands go near his blonde locks,he blushes and feels his heart beat speeding up
•He is a bit afraid of hurting her.What if his anger gets out of control?He tries to work things out,he wants to make her the happiest she can be
@bunnywritings x Fugo:
•These two go on dinner dates often.He is a bit embarrassed though,it's a bit obvious he can't keep his eyes off her for long,she is just too perfect!
•He asks her if she wouldn't mind going to the museum with him.He is worried it might bore her,but he really wants to go,and it's even better with her!
•Fugo is very supportive of her writing,and likes to read it,he is determined to make her see just how good her writing is!He wants to make her realize how talented she is
@wxnnabe x Hermes:
•These two are adorable and not afraid to show their love.Hermes wraps her arm around her,even in public,and if someone has an issue,they will have to deal with her
•Hermes likes to be the big spoon when cuddling,but any cuddles are good in her book so just for her,she will be the little spoon sometimes!
•Hermes loves pet names!If she allows her,she will call her 'babe' or 'darling' all the time.She likes seeing her blush or get flustered,it makes her want to kiss her all over!
@nightlightwrites x Gyro:
•Gyro is quite interested in his writing,he didn’t use to get much time for himself to self indulge with a good read.But now that things are different,he is happy to be dating a talented writer!
•He also makes sure his boyfriend is taking breaks and not over working himself,often singing silly songs or telling jokes to get him to stop working for just a bit
•He is the only one who can get away with Gyro’s hat!Quite a privilege isn’t it?He thinks he looks so cute on him,so it’s not like the blonde can resist to give in and let him
@lovethemsopinku x Hot pants:
•They go on many romantic walks to the beach,either by food and holding hands or on their horses,she doesn't mind as long as they get some time together
•She is happy to teach her how to ride a horse!She is also a very proud girlfriend every time she gets better,she can't wait to go on adventures with her!
•Hot pants is a bit nervous,she has nevee dated anyone,but she soon sees that they are meant for each other and calms down a bit,she wants to make her happy
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infernalyearning · 4 years
S = Sad, H = Hands, I = Impression, and P = Pet Names for any f/o(s) you want!
((long ass answer incoming, i went on paragraphs sorry about that)) 
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Doppio: While he’s pretty open visually, Doppio does tend to be rather secretive. Chances are even if he’s noticed being upset he’ll dodge any questions regarding it. He tends to keep things vague, preferring to just think over anything bothering him rather than facing them head-on unless the situation calls for action. He’s much more in his comfort zone trying to cheer up others. He’s straightforward and once he’s got a handle on the root of the situation he’ll try to offer some advice on moving past the problem.
Melone:  He’s a drama queen, that’s for sure. For Melone, the best way to navigate any sadness is through it. Obviously he won’t let it get in the way of his work, he’s a professional and he can push his feelings to the back of his mind when he needs to but he’ll need a minute to process and it’ll show. He’s an open book really. His emotions hit hard and fast but luckily that means given the time and space to mope as he sees fit he’ll fully bounce back in a couple of hours (usually a max of 24). He’s got extensive files on most of the people who are regulars around them and that includes his notes on some of their favorite things. If you’re feeling upset and Mel catches wind of it, expect to find some kind of gift from him along with a tight hug and an offer to play with your hair.
Risotto: Riz tends to keep himself a bit closed off, even more so now that he’s leading the hitman team. Even if he’d rather have others around, he’ll force himself to isolate in his sadness, allowing himself those moments alone to let his emotions get the better of him. Screaming, crying, as long as its away from prying eyes. It’s not so much a cheering himself up as it is accepting or swallowing those feelings and trying to move on with all of them bundled in his chest. To an extent he can’t offer much comfort to his teammates when things seem hopeless, only a few warning/encouraging words (often veiled as something much more harsh). Occasionally though, he does get (and take) the rare chance to set his hand on someone’s head or shoulder, offering a silent “I’m here. I’m with you.” alongside the slightest ruffle of hair and barest hints of a worried smile.
Prosciutto: Pro’s go-to pick-me-up for himself is a freshly opened bottle of hard liqueur. Actually, he’s got a bit of a talent for drink mixing and going through the motions of prepping a cocktail calms him about as much actually drinking does. Like Risotto, he’s a self soother to an extent, though he’d rather have the distraction of others when facing his low points. Distraction is the name of his game, regardless of who’s upset. In his eyes, the best cure for wanting to cry is to turn your brain off and start swiping credit cards. Go big, he doesn’t want to go home. With others, while he’s willing to offer the same distractions, first he’s going to make sure you know exactly what he thinks of the situation and of you. Prepare yourself for a strangely blunt but kind and supportive lecture while he scowls the whole time, as if he’s threatening anything to bother you.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Doppio: It’s a pretty basic situation with him, your typical downward palm and typically pretty loose. He’s more a fan of linked elbows when walking compared to hand-holding so it can sometimes lead to a lot of hands brushing and bumping against one another. He’s much more proactive in hand holding when sitting or laying down, with a favorite being to take one of Taralli’s hands in both of his and squeezing tight.
Melone: Mel’s already a very physically affectionate person and it reflects in his “hand-holding”. It’s never just a hand, he’s always getting his arms involved. Whether it’s draping an arm over a shoulder, around a waist, holding onto/linking arms, etc. His hand holding is practically cuddling and he loves interlaced fingers.
Risotto: Riz tries to be a gentle giant when he can. He doesn’t often initiate hand-holding; partly because he’s so tall and doesn’t want to draw attention by leaning down to grab a hand but also because that sort of affection out in public is risky when you’re in Italy’s largest gang, even if you are on the assassination squad. However, he still has his preferences. Falling into his somewhat old-fashioned habits he rather enjoys the princess/bridal-esque “my lady” finger-hold position (perfect for giving him the chance to give hand kisses). He’s also fond of linked index fingers and wrist-holds. 
Prosciutto: Much like Doppio he isn’t fond of holding hands while he’s walking and like Risotto he prefers not to draw the attention of hand-holding in public often. He isn’t a very physical person in general, preferring to resort to more physical interactions when he’s being serious about something emotional. Generally, any hand holding initiated by Pro is going to be a bit of a surprise, with his go to being simply to put his hand on top of his partner’s, occasionally interlacing fingers from there. It’s always in private and typically when sitting side by side. 
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Doppio: He and Taralli were rather awkward at first. Taralli wasn’t sure what had prompted such a sudden important job assignment after primarily working only in general recon. Doppio was on guard a bit but maintained his friendly demeanor, figuring if he’d been trusted enough by the boss to be chosen as a personal guard/assistant it must be fine. In all honesty both of them began as very wary of one another.
Melone: He prefers not to form first impressions if possible, looking at anyone knew as a bundle of questions waiting to be answered and filed away. He’s curious by nature so the first thing he wants to do is gather info, either by observation and background checks or by simply a friendly interrogation. Amaratti’s a pretty spacey kind of guy and while he thought the questions were a little strange coming out of nowhere, he was happy to answer and thought Mel seemed like an interesting sort of guy. They got along pretty well from the start.
Risotto: Risotto and Vitello’s first meeting was, a bit confusing. They’ve got a strange understanding of one another. When Vitello arrives he’s well aware that he’s the odd one out as the leader of these new additional soldiers sent to replace the recently deceased. Meanwhile Risotto’s well aware of the possibility Vitello’s trio was only sent to keep tabs on at-risk traitors. It’s a tense exchange but a respectful one. They both felt the early need to keep an eye out for anything suspicious from the other. Perhaps too close of an eye.
Prosciutto: Oh it’s horrendous. Riz was wary of the new trio but Pro was ready for blood. He keeps it hidden but he cares extremely deeply about his teammates and seeing Sorbet & Gelato be replaced was already rubbing him the wrong way. Pile on top of that the fact that these three could’ve been sent with the sole purpose of spying on and killing the rest of the team, and you’ve got a natural recipe for high tempers. Torrone’s “sweet as pie” routine wasn’t exactly helping anything and as much as Torrone hates putting on the act, he also relies heavily on it and hates being called out on it. They got into a bit of a spitting match that pretty much boiled down to: “two-faced viper” “paranoid tight-ass”. (They both later apologized for things getting out of hand and decided to try and start over.)
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Doppio:  Stellino, Dolcezzo, Luce dei miei occhi
Melone: Bellissimo, Anima gemella, Bambolo/Bambolino
Risotto: Cuore mio, Innamorato, Piccolino
Prosciutto: Caro/Carino/Carimisso, Gioia, Amore mio
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