Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Sleeping Vampire ー Mukami Ruki
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Source: Diabolik Lovers Vandead Carnival
Seiyuu: Takahiro Sakurai
Audio: Part 1 ll Part 2
“...Hm...? What’s wrong? You woke up?”
You ask Ruki what he is doing.
“Aah, my bad. Did you wake up because you were curious what I was up to? I was going to read till a good stopping point, but the book only made me feel even more awake. More importantly...What’s wrong? It’s unusual for you to wake up at this hour. Did you have a strange dream, perhaps?”
You nod.
“I knew it. I’m just about to start a new chapter (1). Instead of reading my book, I’ll talk with you instead. Try telling me what the dream was about. It might not be bad to listen to your idle talk every now and then like this...”
You start explaining the dream.
“ーー I see. So that’s what it was about. A picnic with the five of us, huh? That’s definitely an odd dream. However, they say that dreams reflect one’s wishes. You were wishing for something like that?”
You panic a little.
“Heh...Look at you get all flustered. Seems like I was spot on. Well, why not? It might make for a fine change of pace.”
You seem surprised.
“...Why are you giving me that look?”
You note you did not expect that.
“...Unexpected? Just who do you think I am? A cruel-hearted man who wouldn’t even grant a single wish of his own livestock?” 
You quickly shake your head.
“Pfft. ...Don’t try and deny it now. Honestly, I do not mind how you look at me; Now that I think about it, it is true that I have yet to do something for the sake of making you happy. I’m a dull man. Humankind tries to enjoy their life because they know their time is limited. However, Vampires don’t have this limit, right? As we live on, we become blind to the value or fun in life...And at some point, we even forget what exactly it is like to enjoy something. That’s why I never thought about entertaining you. Even if you find me boring because of that, I simply cannot deny it.”
You point towards the book.
“A book? You’re talking about this one? What’s wrong with it?”
You explain.
“...Aah, I suppose reading could be seen as one way to enjoy oneself. However, this is simply a means to kill some time. When you walk the path of eternal life, there are times where the nights feel very long. Although I doubt that is something a human such as yourself is able to grasp.”
You frown.
“...Don’t make that face. I am simply stating the truth, there is no other meaning behind it. Nor do I intend to refute the dream you saw or your wish. You are free to desire whatever you want after all.”
You tell Ruki he doesn’t need to force himself to go.
“I never said I don’t want to go. ...Do you really want to go on a picnic with me?”
You nod.
“Heh...Well, if you want to go with me, I don’t mind tagging along. However...Taking the others along as well will have to be for another time. If we’re heading outside and I have to watch over all four of you, it’d take an immense amount of effort.”
“If it’s just the two of us...I’ll accompany you.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Oi, don’t get up. ...Good grief. Hey, don’t flip over the blanket.”
You scoot closer to Ruki.
“Heh...What a strange woman you are, wishing to go on a picnic with a Vampire. I’m sure it’ll be boring? I’m a dull man after all.”
You tell him it will be fine.
“...I wonder. Well, I suppose it isn’t up to me to decide how you will feel about it. If I go with you...I might just be able to remember what it is like to have fun.”
You ask what he said.
“...Nothing. I was simply thinking which book would be nice to read outside.”
You pout.
“What? Got a problem with that? You’ve sure come to think highly of yourself if you believe you have the right to comment on my preferences?”
You quickly try and apologize. 
“Pfft...I was joking, idiot. I’m not upset. However...Learning about their Master’s tastes is part of your duty as my Livestock. Why don’t you give these a read sometime as well?”
“This book was written during the Neo-Latin period quite some time agーー”
You ask about the language.
“...This? It’s Latin.”
You are impressed.
“There is nothing impressive about it. Anyone can read this with enough practice. ...However, I suppose it may be a bit of a challenge for you. The other day, you didn’t score too well on the foreign language test, did you?”
You ask him how he knows.
“Of course I know. I am your Master after all. I know my Livestock in and out. Well, I suppose you’ll just have to study a little more. Try your best on the next exam, okay?”
You promise to give it your all.
“Heh...So, what will you do? If you wish so, I don’t mind reading it out loud for you.”
You hesitate.
“...No need to be modest?”
You shake your head.
“...I see. I thought it would make for a fine bedtime story though. I guess for women or children, a tale from the One Thousand and One Nights is more suitable.”
You nod.
“Well then, you should go back to sleep soon. You don’t need to force yourself to stay awake with me.”
“Make sure to cover yourself properly with the blanket. Come on. ...Close your eyes.”
You close your eyes.
You open your eyes again.
*Rustle rustle*
“...What? You woke up again? Didn’t I tell you to sleep?”
You explain.
“You feel wide awake? Haah...You’re such a child at times. That being said, I suppose I am partially responsible as well. ...It cannot be helped. Try telling me what might help you lull to sleep. I’ll do whatever you want.”
You offer to chat for a bit.
“...Talk? You’d be able to sleep if we talk for a while? But you declined by offer earlier, did you not?”
You explain.
“...Pfft, I see. It has to be in a language you understand, huh? However, this is catching me a bit off guard. Right...Should I imitate you and try talking about my dreams?”
You seem curious.
“As of late...I’ve stopped having nightmares. As a result, I can sleep well.”
You ask him about his dreams.
“Hm? What kind of dreams I have? Let’s see...Now that I think about it, I don’t have them often.”
You pout.
“...Oi. Don’t make your disappointment so clear. It hurts me a little too. Unlike me...Seems like you see all sorts of dreams? Am I wrong?”
You confirm his statement.
“Right? That’s what I thought looking at you. ...Heh, there’s no deeper meaning behind it. ...What kind of dreams do you see? Just pick one you remember. Tell me about it.”
You start talking about your dreams.
“...Hm...Heeh. Hm...? What’s wrong? Why did you stop talking?”
You assume it is boring to him.
“It isn’t boring. Stop having those ridiculous worries. I don’t dislike listening to your stories. While I won’t deny that you aren’t the best story-teller, and since you are talking about your dreams, the story is somewhat inconsistent and all over the place. However, I never expected a perfect story from you in the first place, so rest assured.”
You ask about his expectations.
“...Who knows? I’m not quite sure what exactly I was expecting. It’s just, right...I suppose I might have simply wished to listen to your rambling. I will admit that I have lost my edge to be satisfied by such a clumsy story. So...Don’t worry and tell your story the way you want. I want to listen to you talk.”
Ruki has dozed off.
“Nn...Aah...I had nodded off a little.”
You blame your own story being boring.
“That’s not it. However...How do I put this? I feel so very at ease when listening to your voice. Furthermore, the content of these wishes reflected in your dreams are like those of a child, it is rather adorable.”
You start blushing.
“...What’s wrong? Why are you pulling a weird face? Aah, because I called you cute? ...That’s a little upsetting. I am pretty sure I have always doted on you like this, haven’t I?”
You get upset because he was sleeping instead of listening to you talk.
“Heh...Rest assured. Even if I’m dozing off, I’m still listening to you. On top of the dream about the picnic, you had ones about a house made out of candy and als one where you went to an amusement park, right? Finally you talked about a dream where you rode on top of the clouds. When you put them next to each other like that, all of your dreams are about having fun, aren’t they?”
You are impressed he could list them all off.
“See? I remembered, didn’t I? What do you think hearing them listed off like that? Don’t you think it only makes sense I would perceive them as childish?”
You go quiet.
“...Haha. Seems like you can’t deny my statement.”
You protest.
“You’ve had more mature dreams as well? Hooh, now that is interesting. I would love to hear about those.”
You flinch.
“Why do you seem uneasy? You’re the one who brought it up. Now explain yourself.”
You move away.
“Oi. Think you can get away?”
Ruki quickly pulls you back to his side.
“Did you really think you could deceive me by saying you’ve suddenly gotten sleepy? If you want to lie that badly, at least come up with something a little better.”
You nod.
“...I’m glad you understand. If you were truly thinking of deceiving me, I suppose I will have to discipline you again. ーー Well then.”
“An adult dream, was it? Try telling me about it. You’re stuck like this until you do.”
“Exactly, pinned down underneath me like this. Your fate is in your own hands.”
You get flustered.
“...What are you turning red for? Could it be...Something you can’t tell me about it? Hm?”
You protest.
“Aah...I get it now. This ‘adult dream’ you spoke of is related to me. That’s why you can’t tell me. ...Aren’t I right? Heh. You really are an open book. However, in that case, I am even more curious now. Try telling me. From beginning till end, without trying to cover anything up.”
You start talking.
“...Hm...Hah...How ridiculous.”
“Since you flushed red in shame, I was already wondering what kind of dream I should expect but...Let me break it to you, that is without a doubt another one of your childish dreams. I embraced you gently and we kissed? What exactly is so ‘mature’ about that? On top of that, it was like a Prince’s kiss? Children are the only ones who should still believe in that nonsense. Utterly ridiculous.”
You frown and lower your head.
“...Haah. Don’t be so down. I was a little too harsh with my words as well. However...I only just told you that dreams reflect one’s desires, right? I felt as if you were trying to express your dissatisfaction with the kisses I usually give you...So I became a little upset. Even right now, I’ve been trying to be kind to you in my own way...But it seems like the message did not get through to you.”
“I can’t just turn a blind eye to what you said. That wish of yours...I shall fulfill it right now.”
Ruki embraces you.
“I have to gently hold you in my arms first...Right? Thenーー”
*Rustle rustle*
“A Prince’s kiss, was it? ...Nn...”
“...Are you satisfied now?”
Your eyes widen in shock.
“Heh...Why do you seem so surprised? I kissed you in your dream, did I not? In that case, I don’t see a problem with me doing it to you in real life as well. Dreams reflect our desires. In short, you wanted me to kiss you.”
You pout.
“Hehe...So? What did you think of my gentle kiss?”
You whisper your response.
“...Pardon? I can’t hear you.”
You repeat it.
“...It caught you off guard so you couldn’t tell? Haah...How boring. You really are a dull woman...”
You protest.
“Pfft...I know. I’m just kidding. You truly believe that’s how I feel about you? However, if that’s the problem, I shall start asking for your permission first from here on out. When I embrace or kiss you. Even when I touch you, I will only do it after asking. What do you think? 
You shake your head.
“Oh? You don’t like the sound of that? Good grief, you are such greedy Livestock. ...Hehe. However, I don’t want to do something you don’t enjoy either. If it makes you happy, I’ll treat you with kindness any time you want.”
You smile.
“...Are you starting to get sleepy yet? We’ve been chatting for quite some time after all.”
You shake your head.
“...You feel even more awake? Heh...Because of the kiss? You really are still a child if that’s enough to keep you awake at night. Well, if you close your eyes and lay still, I’m sure you’ll eventually grow sleepy.”
You ask if he’ll sleep as well.
“Me? I’m not tired yet. I’ll continue reading my book for a little longer. ...Come on. You should hurry up and sleep. It is the optimal way to give your body some rest.”
“...Did I not tell you to sleep? What do you gain from looking at my face? If there’s something you want to tell me, then spit it out.”
You tell him he looks very handsome reading like that.
“...I was not sure what to expect, but you sure say the funniest things, calling a man in his pajamas ‘handsome’. ...Think before you speak.”
You insist it was meant in a positive way.
“...Yes, exactly. Even if it is a compliment. ...It would distract me and I won’t be able to focus on my reading. You’re the type who always voices their thoughts and emotions out loud. It makes you hard to handle. Well...I will admit that it doesn’t feel bad to receive said compliment from you.”
You ask for permission to watch him.
“...You’d still do it even if I say no, right? It can’t be helped. Only for today, okay? However, don’t say any more unnecessary things, okay?”
You promise.
“...Exactly. I don’t need to hear your impressions. I won’t ever be able to get some rest if I don’t get to a good stopping point. Don’t prevent your Master from getting his sleep. Understood?”
“...Oi. You want to fall asleep in that position?”
*Rustle rustle*
“You have to lie down properly to sleep. Otherwise you’ll hurt your body. Come onーー”
“You don’t need to sleep while looking at me, do you? Go for a sleeping position which is the most comfortable for you.”
You protest.
“You grow curious? Because I’m next to you? ...Okay. In that case, I’ll return to my own roーー”
You quickly stop him.
Ruki: Oi, don’t suddenly pull onto me. ...You don’t want me to leave, huh? You’ve gotten quite skilled at tempting me. However, you can’t sleep when I’m here, right? I suppose it wouldn’t be a problem if I were to sleep as well, but I’m still going to be awake for quite some time. In that case, sleeping separately would be much more effective.”
You ask him to sleep as well.
“...What do you mean ‘motivation to sleep’? How exactly should I try my best to fall asleep?” 
You pout.
“...Fine. In that case, I’ll hit the hay too. That’ll solve the problem, right? I could no longer concentrate either because you kept on catching my attention. Let’s go to bed so we’ll be well-rested in the morning.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Good grief. You sure are a handful. Come on, stop looking at me forever. Close your eyes. In that case...I don’t mind embracing you, shrouding you in darkness that way?”
“Yeah, I suppose I’ll do that. I’ll be able to sleep quicker that way too.”
You seem reluctant.
“Heh...You really are a child. You still don’t know just how nice it feels to have someone hold you in their arms. Seems like the contents of your dreams won’t be changing any time soon then.”
You pout.
“...Don’t sulk. If you get upset, you’ll only have even more trouble falling asleep. If I can’t embrace you...How about stroking your forehead like this? They say that children enjoy having their head patted. Doesn’t it put you at ease?”
You nod.
“...I see. As long as it helps you get some sleep.”
You smile.
“...My hand feels cold and refreshing? Little late to notice that, don’t you think? I’m a Vampire, remember? Exactly. A Vampire is going this far for you, so just get some rest already, okay? If you really can’t fall asleep, I don’t mind sucking your blood until you grow anemic. Then you’d be able to sleep soundly, no?”
You protest.
“Heh...If you don’t want that, perhaps I should return to my own room after all? ...You want me to stay here, don’t you? In that case, be a good girl and sleep.”
You sigh.
“You’re to blame for refusing to sleep. Come on, scoot closer.”
“You said you’d be too nervous to sleep when I embrace you but...Try looking at it this way. You should simply think that right here...that being in my arms is the most cozy place in the whole wid world. You...held my hand while I was sleeping in the past, didn’t you? This is no different. Think of these arms as something which bring you peace. By doing so, I’m sure you’ll be able to relax. ...What do you think?”
You admit feeling relaxed.
“I see. Then fall asleep like that. You can watch my face to your heart’s content again in the morning, can’t you?”
You ask Ruki if he will stay by your side.
“...Yeah. I’ll still be here in the morning. So rest assured and close your eyes.”
You close your eyes.
“...Good girl.”
You doze off.
“...Seems like she fell asleep. She really is still a child who needs to be put to bed, huh? ...Making such a pleased expression, I wonder if she’s having a dream right now? I wonder what kind of dream it is?”
“One where she has childish fun? Or perhaps part two of the picnic? Or maybeーー A dream about me? I’ll have you tell me tomorrow.”
“Heh...When asleep, she leaves herself even more vulnerable than usual. ...Dreams, huh? This might be one of her wishes as well but, what if...Nn...”
“...She might just get me actually kissing her ass she sleeps like this mixed up with her dream. That would be very much like her.”
“I suppose she’ll wake up again if I keep talking for too long.”
Ruki closes his eyes.
“...Suppose I’ll get some shut-eye as well.”
He closes his book.
“I don’t see fun dreams like you do, nor do they interest me. But when I look at your adorable, relaxed sleeping face...I feel like I’ll be able to see an enjoyable dream just like you do. ...Especially tonight. I hope that you too...Will have a fun, long dream. ...Nn...”
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) 区切り or ‘kugiri’ is used to refer to a breakpoint in general. Since he is reading a book, this seemed like a fine translation in English. 
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