#ruel headcannon
silly-ness · 1 year
wakfu headcannons!
•Adamai is biromantic asexual
•Dally (trispin im prettty sure the french name is) often forgets the names of people he doesn’t like so he makes up nicknames
•Amalia and Armond used to always fight for eva’s attention
•Yugo often falls down the steps and has to use portals to help him
•Ruel counts his money like mr.krabs when he’s bored
•Eva often has to remind dally to do basic things like eating breakfast
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rockyscactus · 4 years
Hey babes! I’m loving your work and honestly it’s fanfriggingtastic!! I was wondering if I could request a Ruel headcannon? Possibly where the reader and Ruel are together on a live just jamming and being goofs? Totally understand if it’s not possible, have a great day 🥰
a/n: first of all, thank you so much! i really appreciate that and aww i was just rewatching some of his lives earlier! im so friggin excited to do this. also im gonna make this a lil blurb instead
"I should probably be a bit quieter", he spoke on the live, "Is Y/N dead? Yes." He'd look back at your sleeping figure with a smile, "Kidding, she's just sleeping. But she's been out for like four hours so I should just double check", he joked.
You rolled over with a slight groan, running your foot into his guitar.
"Hey buddy, we don't give out free foot content here", he'd move your foot out of the frame, waking you up.
"What are you doing", you'd grumble with your face barely above the pillow.
He pointed to his phone, "I'm live. Have any song requests?" He tilted his head, waiting on your response.
"Hmm, Carry Me Home by Jorja Smith please", you'd smile sweetly to ensure that he was suckered into doing it.
He playfully rolled his eyes, "Hear that? That immaculate taste? Guess who designed it", he'd motion to himself.
You slapped his shoulder instantly, "The hell you did! What he means to say is that I redesigned his entire spotify", you credited yourself.
"We can agree to disagree", he refused to admit the truth.
He'd sing the song, making sure to keep eye contact with you because he knew that it drove you wild. You looked at him with nothing but adoration as your chin rested on your hand. Your expression caused him to blush like a madman, chuckling lightly as he tried to get through the song, and the fans were going just as crazy.
"they're def getting lucky tonight"
"oh my gooood he’s so in love with her!! he’s freaking blushing aww"
He looked back at the screen as he finished, “I was not blushing! It’s just hot in here”, he replied to the comments.
"Yeah and he was crying because his eyes were sweaty", your voice dripped with sarcasm, causing him to flick your forehead.
"Fucker", he rolled his eyes.
"Yup", you’d wink at the phone, definitely causing a ruckus in the comments.
He laughed at your comeback, "Baby come here, they can only see like half of your face now."
"That's kinda the point", you'd joke, causing him to pull you closer to him, "Eww I look disgusting."
He'd quickly kiss your forehead, "Hey, watch it! That’s the love of my life you’re talking about.”
“No, I’m not blushing or crying! You really have to get your AC checked out”, you replied to the comments, causing him to immediately make fun of you. 
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tafetta · 7 years
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My secret headcannon, is that ruel meet alibert meet while training for the real boitard boofball team. (hint trophys) and then later decided to go bounty hunding together.
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silly-ness · 1 year
Rainy day wakfu headcannons!
•Alibert makes noodles and soup for everyone. He also makes some other tasty snacks like garlic bread
•Yugo, Trispin, and the kids all try and sneak the food from alibert. They all fail miserably
•Adamai makes a pillow fort and only lets az and junior in because he finds everyone else a bit annoying
•Amalia tries to break down said fort because it’s funny
•Eva is just sitting in the corner on a couch covered in blankets barely managing to keep it together
•ruel is somehow stuck in a closet because he thought he saw a kama
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rockyscactus · 4 years
could you do a ruel x fem! actress headcanon? i feel like that would be really cute
a/n: this is such a cute concept plssss
- if he wasnt at the studio, he would def come down to see you on your own set
- and he would bring you lunch or dinner bc he knew that you would forget to eat sometimes or just to have quality time with you
- "just wanted to spend some quality time with my boo", was always his answer to anyone's questioning of him being there
- if you had an early call time, he was there with you because he knew you got lonely in your trailer sometimes
- even if he was dead asleep on the couch while you were in hair and makeup
- everyone on set loved him too so he would just sit down and watch you shoot your scenes
- "when you started crying, i started crying", was his favorite thing to say when you shot an emotional scene
- he loved seeing you do your thing and would absolutely live for watching you interact with your colleagues or do press
- and you would laugh sometimes when a fan would ask him to take a picture but they really meant for HIM to take the actual picture
- whenever you came down to the studio, his producers or writers would ask  you to take a video or sign something for their kids or them
- 4 words: award show power couple
- "what did you think of your boyfriend's new album?" "how'd you like your girlfriend's movie?"
- he would freaking praise you at all of your premieres and hated when anyone tried to overshadow you with his being there
- every time you went to visit his family, he would force them to watch at least one of your movies
- "baby, it's okay. they've probably already seen it", you'd rub his shoulder
- "well it was great, definitely worth the rewatch"
- you would sometimes convince the producers to let him be an extra like a pedestrian or something small like that
- if you would drive by a billboard or bus stop with your face on it, he would want you to get out so he could take a picture of you next to it
- "no", you'd whine
- "just say cheese!"
- he would definitely write some type of line that's all like 'my girl's a movie star' or sum shit
- overall, he would just be a supportive goof when it came to your job
- "i'll never get tired of this", he'd say next to you in the theatre at one of your premieres
- "what?"
- "watching you do your thing and just cheering you on."
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rockyscactus · 4 years
i love your ruel headcannon!!!
omggg thank you so much, babe!! im going to make more when i get the chance :))
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