#ruben loftus cheek x black reader
555sage · 1 year
SUMMARY — ruben and his girl are going through a bit of turmoil in their relationship, but the issues don’t seem to be letting up.
PAIRINGS — ruben loftus cheek x black fem oc
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“Ruben you’re not saying anything.” Kelsi huffed as she folded her clothes into the suitcase. She was packing for a weekend at his parents, but as the day got closer she was thinking of sitting her butt at home instead.
But, it would be selfish to his family because they weren’t involved in the shit Kelsi had going on with Ruben.
Ruben laid flat on his back on the bed with his long legs hanging off the edge, phone in his hand as he did whatever that had him too interested to respond back.
Zipping up the suitcase and struggling to take it off the bed, Kelsi broke a nail as she finally got the suitcase off the bed. “Fuck.” She hissed, her nail was lifting from the nail bed and had already started bleeding a bit.
Ruben, whose attention was now on his frustrated girlfriend, watched as she stomped towards the bathroom in their room. Letting out a deep sigh, he makes his way into the bathroom. Leaning against the frame of the door he watches her search in the cabinets for a bandaid.
Kelsi glances at him through the mirror and rolls her eyes. “Why is it like this with you now?” Ruben asks with his hands in his sweatpants pocket.
Kelsi stays silent as she wraps the bandaid on her index finger. Still looking at him in the bathroom mirror, “Like what Ruben?”
“Just—mad or bothered by every little thing now.” He shrugs.
Kelsi couldn’t help but to snicker at his comment. Instead of pressing the issue anymore she simply said, “If you say so, excuse me.” Trying to leave the bathroom but Ruben’s tall figure stood in the way.
“There you go being dismissive.” He continues on.
“Is that how it’s going to be with you now? Cause if so I don’t need your attitude this weekend.”
Now he was really pushing it. Attitude? Yeah, he was talking out the ass with that right there.
“Attitude? Ruben don’t make a problem out of nothing please. Because if anyone should have something to say it should be me. You literally ignored me earlier while I was packing.” Kelsi argued, she wasn’t yelling but she had a bit of bass in her voice.
“Hmph, I can already see how this weekend is going to go.” He walks out the bathroom leaving the bedroom since a slam of the door was heard.
A few tears slip from Kelsi’s eyes, but quickly she wipes them. Finishing the rest of her packing, so she could take a bath and head to bed to avoid dealing with Ruben for the rest of the night.
Going downstairs for a drink she quietly stepped around the house to obviously avoid him. Passing the living room she caught a glimpse of him sprawled out on the couch with the tv on soccer highlights, she couldn’t tell if he was sleep or watching it.
Completely forgetting what she came out the room for she went back upstairs to get her butt in bed to sleep.
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“Oh hello beautiful!” Ruben’s mother greeted, engulfing Kelsi in a tight embrace. “How you been? He’s been treating you well, yes?”
Kelsi pulls away with a smile to his mother before turning her head to look up at Ruben who carried their things. “Oh just lovely.” She gives Ruben a fake smile and he looks down at her biting his bottom lip to hold back a not so nice comment in front of his mother.
“He better, come come.” She pushes them into the house.
Ruben goes on to put their things in the room they’ll be in for the next 3 days. Kelsi and Ruben’s mother went on to have a glass of wine while they chatted.
“Oh! We’ll do a game night while we watch that new movie his father has been harping on about.” Ruben’s mother clapped.
Ruben walks into the area and goes up to his mother giving her a forehead kiss and side hug. Kelsi sat quietly sipping her wine. “Where is he anyway?” He questioned opening the pantry looking for anything to satisfy his slight hunger.
“Shopping for tonight’s dinner.”
Ruben sat himself next to Kelsi glancing over at her before speakig with his mother once more. While the two thought they were doing a good job at being “normal” with each other, his mother picked up on their energies.
Normally, Ruben and Kelsi would hold hands or she would rub the back of his head when they sat next to each other. Or, have a joke ready to tell his mother about Ruben, but nothing. But, she decided to bite her tongue and let the two solve their own problems instead.
“Okay?” Ruben’s large hand rubs Kelsi’s jean covered thigh. His mother watched the interaction and her heart ached for them to fix whatever it was they had going on.
“Fine.” She fake smiled before excusing herself to the restroom. Not having to actually use the bathroom, she stood with her hands against the counter as she tried not to cry.
Never would she have ever thought things would be like this between her and Ruben. Barely saying anything to each other. Constantly being sarcastic or having snarky comments. It’s like they were in a childish high school ass relationship and she hated it. A knock at the bathroom door pulled her away from her thoughts.
Before answering she looked for any tears on her face. Popping her lips together and puffing up her curly hair she opens the door a peep to see who it was. Ruben who tried to enter was stopped because of how small she had the door opened.
“Mind letting me in?”
Opening the door wide enough for him to come in she steps back as he takes up space into the bathroom. Soon as he shut the door questions started flying.
“Could you maybe try acting alive while we’re here?”
Kelsi sighed, “What the hell is with you and picking these little fights with me? Are you bored? I’m really starting to think you’re bored Ruben.” Her voice just above a whisper she taps her nails against the counter with clear irritation.
“Think again love. It’s like you purposely try to not see where I’m coming from.” He puts his hands up to his chest.
“Well then tell me Ruben. Talk. Communicate. Be an adult, stopping nagging me.”
“Nagging? What type of shit is—
Another knock to the door stops him from going on. Kelsi saw this as her opportunity to leave the intense situation, she opens the door to see Ruben’s mother.
“Oh sorry, just making sure you guys were okay. I know he said that he went to check on you.” She said sincerely.
“I’m okay, it’s just I’ve been having stomach pains lately that’s it. I think I’m going to get some rest.” Kissing her cheek, Kelsi walked away and to the room for her and Ruben.
Changing out of her clothes she put on a beige slip dress and got into the bed facing away from the door and looked outside the window. With a curtain to the side she could see a peek of the purplish sky.
Even though Kelsi thought the situation wasn’t affecting him, little did she know Ruben was going through it as well. It wasn’t like her or him to constantly bicker back and forth with each other like that especially over bullshit. He definitely blames himself because he was putting his stress on her selfishly.
He debated on whether to give Kelsi her space or apologize to her for being such a shitty boyfriend to her. But, his feet had a mind of their own as he made his way to the room. Softly opening the door, his eyes glance towards the bed where Kelsi had her back turned towards him.
“Kel.” He used the nickname he would call her.
Sleep was starting to take over her, but for some reason she couldn’t shut her eyes. Hearing Ruben softly call to her made her forget about even sleeping.
Slowly sitting up under the covers she sees Ruben standing across the room. “I’m not interrupting your sleep am I?”
“No Ruben, what do you need?”
“To talk. Communicate like adults.”
She turns her head back to the window, it was starting to get dark. Though, she tried to escape looking at Ruben he made his way over to her side blocking her view of the window.
She was face to face with the front of his sweatpants. Attempting to get up out of bed, Ruben softly grips her arm and sits her back down on the bed. “Look at me.”
Not following his order, he softly grips her jaw to look up at him. “Please?” His voice was soft.
With her brown eyes she looks up at him quietly nervous for some reason. In this position both of them were quiet, Ruben staring at her beautiful face pained from even putting his troubles on her—Kelsi sat with butterflies in her stomach nervous about what he was going to say.
“I am so fucking sorry for even troubling you love. You never deserved it. From ignoring you to picking fights, I’m sorry for it all. I should’ve been loving you like usual, but I’ve been denying my charm of that love. You know how I stress when it comes to training and the games, and that’s what it’s been. I shouldn’t burden you with any of that, but for some reason I did. I love so much and I am sorry Kelsi. You don’t know how hard it’s been to not be able to kiss you, hold you, just us being us.”
His voice breaking while he spoke made Kelsi swallow her tears because she needed to get out her piece without breaking down.
She pushed his hand away from her so she could speak. “See if you would’ve communicated that earlier then maybe it wouldn’t have gotten this far. What you don’t think I’d understand you being stressed about your games or training? What am I to you exactly? Cause it seems I’m just pushed to back in your life.”
Kelsi was now up off the bed standing toe to toe with Ruben. “You know what.. I know what we need. We need a break.” She laughed, not purposefully, but because it helped her from crying anymore.
Ruben looked at her in disbelief, “Baby you don’t mean that.”
“No I do mean that. Maybe some time apart will ease your stress and you’ll only have one thing to focus on. I don’t wanna be the cause of a good thing in your life.”
He reached for her hands, but she pulled away. “You are the good thing in my life and I mean it Kelsi, I love you.”
“Look Ruben, I’ll stay for the weekend not for you, but for your parents. But after that I think I’m going to my mom’s place for a while.”
She got back into bed, “I’m done talking, good night.”
Ruben stood quietly pained from how their conversation went. He didn’t think it would get to this point. Shutting the door behind him, he went into his old room to relieve the tears that were threatening to come out.
He wasn’t the only one heartbroken, Kelsi cried a river soon as he shut the door. Even though she was hurt, she still stuck with her decision. The whole night she tried convincing herself a break was exactly what they needed to fix the issue.
But she wasn’t too convinced, and neither was he.
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Title: 4am Drunk Calls **
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Lewis Hamilton x Ex-Girlfriend Reader
Warning: Mild Cursing, Crude Language, Dirty Talk, Angst, NSFW, Phone Sex, Self-Pleasuring 
Words: 4.6k
Summary: Reader and Lewis are broken up. On a hard night of partying her shield cracks and she drunk calls and let's some dirty filthy shit spill.
Note: Appearance of someone I have been meaning to start writing for since 2021 but never found the opening. Everyone say hello to the opening and the new addition to our lineup. LOL
Thank you for reading, I appreciate it!
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***NOT Edited/Proofread***
***Slightly Interactive***
"Sweet baby Jesus in a manger he looks good as fuck," you groaned out as you watched his latest story again and again.
 You'd lost track of how many times you'd watched it, lost track of how long you'd sat there analyzing the 30 second clip of him doing pull ups from every angle. You did know that you'd started with a full to the brim glass of wine and now your glass was dryer than the Gobi.
 Upon this close up of his back as he pulled up you let your finger rest on the screen pausing the video. You gawked at the bunched muscles there and let your tongue roam over your bottom lip. You remembered your fingers resting just atop his "still I rise" tattoo. They didn't anymore though. Taking your finger off, you let the video finish off then you went back to his page to drool over the photos he'd posted today. He was off on yet another luxurious trip enjoying his wealth and fruits of his hard labor.
 On the 4th picture, you sighed. The setting sun loved him. The golden light bathed him like none other. You loved seeing him in the sunset, it was a major turn on for you that he always capitalized on when you were together. He laid in the sand with a wide smile and a hand shielding the sun. You wondered who'd taken the picture. Who was he with?
 The thoughts toiled in your head until the discontent within you bubbled. Groaning, you threw your phone across the room then dropped onto your back.
 "Jeez! You're on a roll to make it 4 phones this month," Nori, your personal assistant and friend said.
 You rolled your eyes again.
 "Then it shouldn't piss me off."
 Nori snorted. "How did an inanimate object piss you off today?"
 She approached you and as she did, she let out an amused scoff. Glancing at her, you saw her eyes on your screen.
 "If you miss him so much call him."
 "Fuck outta here, who misses him?!"
 You said it more forcefully than you’d intended. Crossing your arms, you took up the keyboard for the entertainment system on your media room and proceeded to distract yourself.
 "I'm sure he misses you too," Nori went on.
 "Bullshit. You don't see he's on yet another island? Probably with some thirsty IG thot who is desperate for some attention and dick, and he is eating it up and dickin’ her down without a care in the world. Ass!”
 Nori didn't answer for a few moments. "Or he's frontin’ as much as you are putting on a façade, so you think he's over you."
 You glared at her. "Who's frontin? Who's putting on a facade? Fuck outta here I am so over him and his bullshit double standards. Him and his bullshit stubbornness. Him and his always gotta be right and refuse to fess up to being wrong. Him and his bossiness and always needing to have the upper hand in damn near everything. Fuck him!”
 You could feel Nori's eyes on you. When you looked her eyes said it all.
 "Weren't those the reasons you fell in love with him?"
 You sneered and looked back to the massive screen in front of the room. As your personal assistant for the last eight years, she’d seen you pre-Lewis, during Lewis and post Lewis. This meant she had the receipts to back up every single one of her on point accusations. It also meant she was right. You hated she was right. Nori sighed loudly.
 "You two are so similar it’s ridiculous."
 "I'm nothing like him. If someone I say I love expresses vulnerability about something I'm not going to hurt them and turn an already tumultuous exchange into a nightmare by bring aloof, distant and wishy-washy. Then turn around like the hurt one and play victim. I also wouldn't ever make the person I say I love have to constantly guess where I stand with them."
 "Fair enough but Y/N that was you in the beginning of your relationship."
 "Nori that was almost 2 years ago. You grow up. I thought we were deeper than that and turns out I was the fucking fool. I was the one who got played."
 "But you know Lewis. You know how hard a real connection is for him. You understand him better than 90% of people. Y'all were the real thing, Nori pleaded.
 You sank deeper into the cushions fighting the sting on your eyes.
 "Bullshit. There was no connection."
 Sighing, you flung the keyboard aside after deciding on some fantasy series that would no doubt take your mind off of things.
 A few nights later, you capped your lipstick turn stood tall, assessing your outfit for the 3rd time. The short length of your moss green dress accentuated the gold and diamond thigh garter you wore while the deep plunge of the neckline showcased the jeweled breast harness. Both pieces of jewelry hugging you and amplifying your assets. It occurred to you then that you'd donned a style and color that you knew Lewis would like and you'd done it all unconsciously.
 A mixture of annoyance and sadness filled you. It had been 3 months since you'd ended things. 3 months since your argument. 3 months since your feelings erupted like a volcano while his laid as tepid as tap water. 3 months since he'd let you walk out of his hotel room in Monaco without so much as a step to stop you. 3 months since your relationship tipped to the checkbox of "it’s complicated" and 3 months you still couldn't get him off your mind. The hopelessness of the situation only pissed you off more.
 "Get a grip Y/N. He did this. You were 100. Fuck him. You're fine as fuck and any man would be lucky to have you. You don't need him!”
 Your notification went off and you grabbed your phone and went to check what was happening. Once you opened IG you saw what it was. Lewis had posted again. He looked like he was in some club with his shades on and throwing up peace signs with his friends. Fuck he looked good.
 "I sure want him though."
 Again, you tossed your phone rolling your eyes.
 By the time you and your friends rolled into the club it was well after midnight. You had a nice buzz going thanks to the few glasses of champagne you'd already had at home and on your way to the club. From the way the club was packed you guessed there was something else going on besides drinks, hot bodies and music.
 You made your way to one of the VIP areas and posted up waiting to get bottle service.
 "Please don't blackout tonight, Amdala pleaded into your ear.
 You shot her a shocked look, "Moi? Non ma belle amie. Je n'ai jamais. Je vais être sur mon meilleur comportement. (Me? No, my beautiful friend. I have never. I am going to be on my best behavior.)
 Her don't bullshit a bullshitter look was so on point you had to laugh.
 "I'm being serious," she countered.
 "Dala when have I ever been a sloppy drunk?"
 She nodded and gave you the only response she could, "Never."
 "But you’ve always been with 44 so it was safe to say you kept the sloppy drunk away for his reputation. Now there’s no 44 in sight."
 You sighed. Amdala was always pointing shit out in that blunt way of hers. You'd always suspected it was the French way to be so forward and while her words did have a bite most times you never took offense.
 "It's not just his reputation I have to be careful with ya’ know. My mother would scalp my ass if I dragged her precious last name through the mud."
 Amdala nodded fully understanding demanding mothers who were making names for them proving that not all billion-dollar net worth bosses wore trousers and ties, the best ones wore 8-inch stilettos, Dolce sunglasses and limited-edition Birkin. Your mothers were forces in their own right for decades, but their recent venture really catapulted them past anyone's reach. They'd teamed to revitalize and solidify F1's women's division. It was a move that many men objected to because like it's hard to helm a racing empire...right. Your mothers were proving they could rise to the occasion as well as stand tall longer than any badly aging man.
 "Maman (Mama) still giving you grief over yours and Lewis' break up?"
 You scoffed. Giving grief was an understatement. She was up in arms. She thought the world of Lewis and thought the two of you together spoke volumes and no one could dare come close. Sometimes you didn't know if she wanted you with him because of the PR heaven it afforded her or because he truly made you happy. Until he wasn't.
 "She is still insisting I fix things."
 "And will you?"
 "I didn't break anything I need to fix."
 Right on time, a waiter approached with your other friends and several bottles of expensive liquor, and you cheered, thanking them as they dropped them off. You quickly filled a glass needing to wash away the bad taste on your mouth from talking about the end of your 3-year relationship.
 "To the single life and truly feeling," you toasted.
 You, Amdala, Sade, Tanzie, and Chanel raised your glasses and cheered before knocking their drinks back. From then, the night passed in a blur of drinks, skin, and blinding lights. You drank, danced, and laughed like you had not one care in the world. You partied like you were in your prime and at your best and the whole time you felt like such a fraud. So, the only natural thing to do was drink some more to dull the feeling.
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Out of nowhere from across the club you saw him, and everything stopped. He was sitting with his shades on surrounded by Miles, Daniel, and Andrew. His head was turned to your direction, but you had no way of knowing if he saw you too. The lights in the club didn't afford you many details of him but you knew from experience he was dressed to the nines in some high-end designer’s runway look that he put a spin on to call his own. You didn't doubt he looked good.
 Your mind went back to all the times you'd spent together at fashion shows pointing out things you both liked then made a game of it to see who could gift the other first. You'd even spend hours at home trying on outfits just to show them off to each other and strip them right back off to worship each other’s bodies.
 A pang of pain struck your heart and you quickly looked away. Grabbing the bottle before you, you took it to the head. You were still too sober for this. Peeking back over you saw a pretty and thin mahogany-skinned woman slip onto his lap. She laced her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear. Kill Bill alarms went off and you had to fight every urge to storm over there and mark your property. The longer she lingered in his lap the truth spoke. A putrid acrid taste washed over your tastebuds and though it was a taste you’d experienced so infrequently; you knew what it was. Jealousy.  
 You were under no illusions that he'd been pining for you or celibate since you'd ended things. Yeah, he was in the middle of the season, but he wasn't a monk. He liked sex and it was something he did well. Why wouldn't he partake now that he could with anyone he wanted. You regretted that you hadn’t found a stallion to make you forget him yet.
 "If it isn't Y/N in the flesh and in the club without her chaperone."
 You looked up to the body standing in the lights glare making it impossible to make out their face. Squinting, you angled your head and smiled when you recognized Ruben’s face. Scoffing, you leaned back and crossed your legs.
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"Ha, if it isn't Ruben Loftus-Cheek without his harem."
 He scoffed and shook his head. "Still a cheeky one I see."
 "Aww love that ain't ever gonna change. Can you handle it now?"
 Ruben looked you over as if he were really contemplating it. A few months ago, fresh off your breakup with Lewis he was there, and you'd had a nice night of flirting and canoodling until his, according to her, girlfriend pulled up causing a scene.
 "How's the girlfriend?"
 Ruben sat beside you bouncing his large soccer star knee against your thigh. You were sure it a move purposely done.
 "I told you; she wasn’t my girlfriend then and she isn't now. We'd broken up weeks before."
 You nodded and drank from the bottle again.
 "I really wish men would double check their statuses before approaching other women."
 "No need to double check when the words were exchanged. No need to stay somewhere you're not happy. Right?"
 You studied him. Though you'd kept your breakup relatively low, it had broken news, so it wasn’t farfetched to believe Ruben knew you were single right now.
 "I suppose."
 "So I get this off my chest now, he was an absolute fool to let you go. I never would have."
 His brown eyes were hypnotizing, and he knew it.
 "You know what they say, one man's trash."
 Ruben took your hand and lowered his lips to your knuckles, "You'll be my treasure."
 Damn did he spit some sexy game. Biting your bottom lip, you said fuck it. You lifted the champagne bottle to Ruben's lips then poured some into his mouth. As he tipped his head back to swallow you took a glance across the way and sure enough Lewis was watching with his shades lowered. An evil smirk split your face and you made a vow he'd regret being so cold with you by the time the night was done.
 Bottle after bottle popped and hour after hour Ruben remained by your side chatting and flirting up a storm. You wouldn't lie and say it didn't feel good having the attention of someone who showed they wanted you. The difference with Ruben and Lewis was that Lewis was mainly private and liked to stay away from public declarations and or outward expressions of emotion unless you were alone. You chalked it up to him being so reserved and deeply emotional underneath everything and never pushed for him to change. You loved him the way he was. Ruben showed off the object of his affection. His motto was I work hard so I can love just as hard. Whenever you were with him you had no doubt he was feeling you. It was addicting.
 In the middle of a sensual Latin dance, Ruben pulled your chin to him sealing your lips together. Your first reaction was to pull way because it felt so foreign to kiss anyone but Lewis, but you didn't. You allowed him to kiss you, teasing your lips with his and getting familiar with them. He pulled you closer, flush against his body and you felt every lean and powerful muscle that a premier player from an FC molded daily. A soft moan escaped you and Ruben responded by placing his hand at the small of your back. The kiss continued and before long you were lacing your fingers behind his neck. Every sensation was new, his lips, his taste, the way he held you against him and the feelings bubbling in your stomach. It felt different and entirely wrong.
 Before you made the move to pull away, you were being pulled away first.
 "Look at the time. Gotta go!”
 Amdala bit held firmly to your arm and continued pulling you away while Ruben pleaded with you to exchange numbers or continue the night together. Amdala was not hearing it though, she didn't stop or entertain his suggestions she gathered all your friends and made for the exit.
 "What the fuck, Y/N! So much for not being a sloppy drunk."
 You groaned.
 "Did you see Lewis?"
 "Yes, and he saw you and I'm sure several people saw you and him and that show."
 "He doesn't care. He didn't stop me."
 That realization said you were definitely done. When you got home you showered needing to wash away the remnants if the night. As you rinsed off your skin and applied your overnight hair mask your thoughts drifted to the many times Lewis had done this for you. He loved pampering you making you feel like relaxed. Perhaps it came from the years of him needing the same. He was a great provider. One day he may even make a good father.
 Without even realizing it your hand had dropped to your breast and you were now tweaking your nipples. Just like that the memory played of the last time he'd showered with you. It was a memory for the books, a shower that did not accomplish its goal. You both ended up as dirty at the end as you were in the beginning.
 Your hand swung out and smacked the wall as your fingers swirled around your aching bud. A shiver rushed through you, and it took great effort to pull yourself together. Groaning, you angrily grabbed your towel and wrapped your body. On your way out you grabbed the waiting bottle of rum on the sink counter. Once in your bedroom, you opted out of completing your nighttime routine. Instead, you sunk into the 5000 thread count blankets that decorated the ultra-luxurious bed you’d had custom made to your sleeping style and preference. Whenever you left for trips, you hated leaving it because it meant every night's sleep would be restless.
 You lodged yourself against the headboard, then brought the bottle to your lips once more.
 The silence in the house was deafening. Grabbing your phone, you went over to Twitter to snoop. After seeing a dark and blurry picture, that you knew was of yourself, sitting with Ruben having him whispering in your ear you followed a trail of other pieces of footage and tons of speculation.
 "Y/N seems to have moved past F1 and has her eyes on Premier League now. Is that a step up or backward?"
 "Bruh, if it ain't Lewis its backward. L for her."
 "Let’s talks about how Lewis could dare let her go. She's been showing out for the last few months and even I see what he’s missing. L for Lewis."
 "I saw him in a club a few weeks ago and he definitely doesn’t look like he is sleeping well or eating well. Regrets hit you hard."
 "They just needa get back together. Can you imagine the babies? 🥺"
 "He can do better. He's Sir Lewis Hamilton. She can go on."
 "Ruben Loftus-Cheek is a snaaaack. Bout time he was with a black woman. They cute together."
 "See---no way I’m gonna be with a man who has only ever dated white women. It means I’m an experiment and not a preference. Hard pass."
 "Ruben ain’t got shit on Lewis. She needa cut the playing and go on home to that man. Ain’t no substitute for number 1 which is number 44."
 You caught view of how many people retweeted and liked it and down the list you saw a familiar handle. Springing up, your eyes bugged.
 You quirked your brow then shook your head in disbelief. Scoffing, you went down the hole and found other shady tweets he’d liked or retweeted like he was some incognito user. This was definitely not in character.
 15 minutes later, you were done with the rum and done with inhibitions. You found your phone and without needing to look you dialed him. It rang once, that's it. Once.
 "Little bunny."
 Your belly flipped hearing his nickname for you. It always flipped, every single time.
 "Still remember that name?"
 "That name still has an effect?"
 Arrogant ass, you thought.
 "We both know it never affected me as much as you. We both know whenever it came out your mouth you were hard seconds later."
 "Oh is that what you’re doing tonight? Sitting in that big comfy bed that is an exact replica of mine...sorry ours, thinking about me hard?"
 "I think we both know who is thinking about who tonight sir likes a lot," you replied in reference to his liking spree. You knew he’d catch on.
 A soft chuckle was your answer.
 "Yeah I thought so. I know you think of me. You think of my skin just reminiscing about how silky it feels against yours, under your fingers, how good it always smells, coconut, rose, and brown sugar. My lips, you drive yourself crazy thinking about how sweet they are, better than any wine. How they always bring you to your knees with the slightest lick, bite, touch. Then there’s my eyes and how hypnotizing they always were to seduce you in just seconds. My hands and how magical they were. I know you want me, Lewis. I know it as certain as I know no one but me will ever do for you. I’ve—ruined—you."
 The alcohol in your system was churning and really pushing you tonight.
 "And what about you little bunny? Do you think of me?"
 You literally bite your tongue for a few seconds hoping to stop yourself from answering truthfully.
 "Come on little bunny, you can tell me."
 "i think about your mouth a lot. I think about how you could never get enough of my pussy. I think about how you feasted on me for hours and still couldn’t get enough. I think about your thick fingers, God you had magic fingers. I miss you eating my pussy as you fucked me with those fingers before you gave me that beautiful, beautiful dick. Fuck, when you got into dom mode...nothing could compare. Uuugh, this pussy misses you as much as that dick misses me."
 When you took a beat, you realized your fingers were fast at work on a mission to get you off. The stretch if silence allowed you to hear the squelching echo around you. You were so wet, and you didn’t care if he heard. You wanted him to. This was the game after all. Lewis released a shudder, and you knew just what he was doing. A devilish smirk stretched across your face.
 "You miss this cock down your throat?"
 Your smile widened, you had him and he knew it too.
 "You know I do. My favorite thing to do is choke on it. Nothing better than not being able to breathe cause my throat is full of you. I love when you fuck my throat ‘till I can’t speak the next day then do it again like it’s my only remedy. Mmmm."
 Your fingers swirled faster and faster. You were so close. Lewis groaned in your ear and the deep baritone took you to another level of ecstasy. It was almost like he was right behind you and your fingers were his.
 "Tell me you want me, king."
 Silence. It stretched for so long you didn’t think he'd answer. Then after a minute or so, his voice ran through you in a reply that had the effect of a cock thrusting into you.
 "I want you little bunny. I want you so fucking much it hurts."
 The tension in his voice was so clear, it made it so tight, as if he were clenching his jaw through the entire sentence.
 “Let me hear how much you want me little bunny.”
 You shuddered again and let his voice do everything it has always done—take you away. You let out a moan that stretched so long you could feel the oxygen depleting from your lungs. You didn’t feel like you needed it though, it felt like all your body needed was him. You took a loud gulp of air as a shiver ran down your spine and curled in your gut. It was the telltale sign you were tipping the edge.
 “You wish this pussy was in front of you right now, don’t you? Wish you could bury your face between my legs.”
 Lewis grunted again then cursed on the next breath. You dipped two of your fingers inside your heat and hissed out, half in elation and half frustration. You wanted them to be his fingers.
 “This pussy is as tight as ever.”
 “Fuck,” Lewis grumbled, his own frustrations bubbling to the surface.
 You couldn’t help bit giggle. The power you felt was intoxicating.
 “That tight pussy always fit you like a glove. God!”
 A whimper escaped you, then a mewl and when your fingers sped and dipped deeper than before his name slipped out.
 “Oh, little bunny, you will forever be the death of me.  Do you understand how weak you make me, how utterly—open you have me all the time?”
 “Prove it. Cum with me king. I’m so fucking close and I’m not waiting.”
 With every plunge of your fingers, you crept closer and closer to complete combustion. Your shared panting and moans of pleasure was all that was uttered between you, both only focused on release. You sensed it was a release that both of you desperately needed, a release you both yearned for and hadn’t found since your last night together before everything went to hell.
 “Y/N,” Lewis grunted at the same time you screeched his name both of you finally getting sucked into the forcefield of pleasure that had only one goal—to cripple both of you.
The wave your rode took complete control sending your body into convulsions and making it next to impossible to catch a full breath. The intensity of your orgasm made your toes curl, eyes roll back in your head and your fingers involuntarily throwing up gang signs. Ever so slowly your body returned to the plush blankets covering your bed. Your skin was sensitive as was every part of your body.
 You could feel all the alcohol you’d had creeping up on you. Your exhaustion was becoming too much to stave off. As your breathing settled and you snuggled into the mattress you finally felt complete calm, complete satiation. A soft sigh fell from your lips as your eyes fluttered closed.
 “I miss you Y/N, I miss you more than you know. So much I’m--incomplete.”
 His voice was so low compared to the pounding of your heart in your ears. It was so low, you almost missed it. Almost. Your eyes opened again, and you gazed into your ceiling. He sounded just as he’d admitted—open. He sounded completely unlike how he had three months ago. Your throat tightened with the knot of emotion you knew came before your tears and you clenched your jaw. No, you wouldn’t let him do this again. The hurt was too deep this time.
 “And yet, you chose to break my heart and let me go. Goodbye, Lewis. Thanks for the orgasm.”
 You ended the call and laid ever so still in the darkness of your room until your exhaustion won and took you to a place of dreams and fantasies. It was enough for tonight.
@chaneajoyyy @caramara3 @valkryienymph @babyflowa07 @est1887 @halfrican-heat @mauvecherie-writes @nunya7394 @lovebittenbyevans @gardenwonders2 @sweetlikecoffy @dillie60 @ olabelle757 @ophiaedits @kenequa @triton08 @skyesthebomb @shipatheart @keytodespair @xsweetdellzx @labella420 @coldmuffinbanditshoe @ak329 @shar74nett @youremysuperstar @whore-like-behaviour
@alookintohersoul @asiaaisa77 @jd-now-jq @naturalthrone22      @mrsbarnes-rogers @beyourownkindofbeautiful @beccacupcakesxo @toni9 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @partypoison00 @queenoftheworldisdead @doublesidedscoobysnacks @sophiealiice @richonne4life @coffeebooksandfandom @siempremamita @raveviolet @dumbchick  @amennariee @briellableu @leebabe444 @31miw-inkpsycho
@rororo06 @disaster-rose @bugngiz @yourwonderbelle @queenbetter @melaninhawtie @bekindbecoolbeyou​ @heartfullofgolden          @idkiwantchocolatee @missuniee @avngrsfangirl @a-highly-opinionated-mess  @19jammmy ​@nunya7394 
384 notes · View notes
chaneajoyyy · 6 months
" how do you like your breakfast?", getting back together, a trip to the zoo mini series, back on the pitch, messy house, first hospital trip, you are the biggest child, bonjour, creating life, cramps, "don't you see i'm trying?", that important call series (!sisterreader), christmas day baby, snow igloo, mrs. loftus cheek, doctor, pregnant, baby shower, flutter, first date, first steps, late night picnic, spurs supporter, i miss you- (search: ruben loftus cheek, ruben loftus cheek imagine, ruben loftus cheek masterlist)- @footballerimaginess
one night stand (search: ruben loftus-cheek)- @lxndonorris
"my friend, my one true love a ruben loftus cheek imagine..." (search: ruben loftus cheek)- @mavericksicybabe
baby steps, "the early bird gets the worm" (sequel to "baby steps), i onnly have eyes for you (search ruben loftus cheek imagine)- @errythinisblue
issues, how cuddling goes with ruben, better version series, ruben watches his girl get ready for a night out (search: masterlist, ruben loftus cheek)- @555sage
the deal, offside- @holymountdias
we eloped (search: ruben loftus cheek)- @charlottemount
winter: sleigh rides., coming home, little lc "kiss number 40 with ruben loftus cheek please!", winter: family, books, (search: ruben loftus-cheek imagine, ruben loftus cheek)- @footballffbarbiex
call me anything you want- @judeswhore
injury return, couples quiz, lost bet, winning the title, soft, most likely to, family day, can't sleep (masterlist : i-q)- @emwritesfootball
being whipped on holiday, dating, pregnancy (masterlist)- @spotofimagines
love sick series, christmas n chill. ticklish, till the morning (ruben lotus cheek imagine)- @dolce-escrivain-blog
like i'm gonna lose you- @forthecoloredgirl
three is better than two (search: ruben loftus-cheek)- @yungbludz
4am drunk calls (ft. sir lewis hamilton: an appearance of ruben- @royallyprincesslilly
anyone you like- @masonmountsbitch
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forthecoloredgirl · 4 years
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For the past few days you and Ruben had been going through a rough patch. The two of you just couldn’t see eye to eye on anything. It had come to the point where you thought he just wanted to argue. Early this morning he snapped at you for accidentally pouring him too much orange juice.
“Maybe if you had been paying some damn attention we wouldn’t have this mess!”
He snapped, throwing his hands in the air. All you could do was stare because you couldn’t really register that Ruben was actually upset about some over poured orange juice. Not saying anything you just grabbed a paper towel and began cleaning up the spill.
“Ruben it’s just orange juice.”
You said softly as you wiped up the last of the spill and dried the area. As you threw away the paper towel Ruben began.
“It’s just everything with you! Just this, just that, or just everything!”
He mocked
“Well what about you!? Huh!? Like there’s not a thing wrong with you Mr. IPitchAFitOverOrangeJuice.”
“Well if you weren’t too busy pissing me off, I’d probably wouldn’t be.”
“Oh please Ruben, everything thing pisses you off!!”
“Yeah everything about you!”
That hit a little too close to home and you had decided that you had enough. If Ruben felt that way, he could feel that way alone.
“Alright, if I piss you off some much than goodbye!”
Slamming your hands down, you got up from the table and went upstairs to Ruben’s room grabbing your purse and keys. Going back down stairs you headed right for the door and slammed it right as Ruben called for your name. If you pissed him off so much than why stay. You got into your car and drove off before Ruben could catch you, but before you could even get a mile down the road your phone was already ringing. Rolling your eyes you ignored it and kept driving.
Weeks passed by and you still had ignored Ruben like the plague. He was persistent and wouldn’t leave you alone. He would call, text, and even email to try and get your attention. However you weren’t entirely ready, if you had gone back to him would it just go back to more arguing or were the two of you actually capable of solving a problem. Thoughts ran through your head all day and you couldn’t even get your work done with all the things attacking your mind. Also it didn’t help that Chelsea had a very important match today, it was Manchester City and you knew how hard not only Ruben had been preparing for the match, but all the guys were. They had even had two extra practices. It hurt a little knowing you weren’t going to be there for Ruben, but how he treated you made you feel as if he didn’t even want you to be there in the 1st place. So why go support? You knew why, it was because you loved him and whether they lost or won today nothing was going to change the fact you loved him with all your heart.
Not being able to take it anymore, you stood from your desk got your car keys and bolted to your car.  You didn’t care that your natural hair was flying and lowkey a mess. Checking the time you had on your phone, you saw that there was 20 minutes till kickoff and thankfully you worked near the stadium, but you knew match day traffic wasn’t the best. So you opted to take the back roads and made it around to the players entrance with 5 minutes to spare. The lovely staff had quickly gotten you situated and in the front tow right as the first whistle was blown and it was officially game time. The butterflies in your stomach erupted in a frenzy and you were biting your nails before any team could complete a pass. Of course you were still mad, but you couldn’t wish any bad on Ruben at this time. You’d watch him from the moment he got injured to when he was fully healed up. You were there through all those sleepless nights out in the yard passing and shooting with him. You ensured he got up everyday and remember he was not just any player but THAT player so he could have the fuel to come back better than he was before.
That was the main reason you were sitting in this seat, you wanted to see all the work the two of you had put in for months! Finally it came to that moment when Ruben received a pass and your heart sped up a bit. In awe you watched as he cut to his left switching the ball, only to loose it to an on coming defender. You felt a little sadness in your heart, but Ruben quickly tracked down the defender, locked in, and successfully got the ball back. You thought he was going to just pass it afterwards as it was the safest option, but no you saw the confidence in his face as he turned his body in the direction opposite of their goal. His stance was completely different and he looked out for blood. He unexpectedly took off right down the middle, his speed was unmatched and he was dodging defenders from every angle. Once he’d successfully made it into the opposing teams 18 yard box he pulled the ball back cutting it behind his right foot and placed his body over the ball sending a shot toward the net. You watched as the ball float through the air and sail right into the upper corner of the goal!
The whole moment felt like it was in slow motion as the entire stadium erupted into cheers! You yourself were up on your feet screaming cheers of joy and clapping till the palms of your hands hurt. You’d been so hyped up you didn’t care for your 4C hair covering your face, you had seen what you needed to see, but when you finally removed the coils of curls from your face your eyes met his. It was as if he to were shocked, but what it about the goal or that you were there. He sent a light hearted smile your way, he looked unsure, but you gave him a big smile and a thumbs up. You didn’t want to ruin his glory, so you pushed all your hurt aside. What mattered now was beating City’s ass, then Ruben’s.
The game was a eventful one. Many counter attacks, scares, and of course highlighted moments that would definitely be replayed on BEIN later tonight. You were excited to re watch it all over again, but that’s only because Ruben ended the game with a goal and two assists send City home 3-1. The whole city of Chelsea were going home that night with smiles on their faces and the pub on their minds. As you walked out the stadium you could hear the fans still chanting “Thank You Rubey.” you could help but laugh a little.
You decided to use the players entrance as an exit as well, seeing that’s where your car was parked. As you searched your bag for your keys, you suddenly heard a rush of footsteps coming your way. Before you could look up you were engulfed into a tight hug. A hug from somebody you knew all too well.
For a moment the two of you didn’t say anything and stood there, but you decided to break it.
“Great game.”
“I don’t deserve you, seriously. You’re too good for me, a literal blessing from the heavens! But I’m not going to mess this up, I refuse! I’m going to earn you and your love like we earned the win today. You deserve to have me give you my absolute all and nothing less! I can’t really see living on or playing on with you. Just as we spent all those night preparing for this moment, I’m going to work just as hard to earn your love and maintain it. I’m going to love you like I’m going to loose you and I mean that.”
You were speechless at his declaration of love, but you knew this from the moment the two of met. All you could do is pull away from the hug a little and look up at him.
“It’s okay Ruben I-“
“No babe I want to make sure that everyday you felt my love. Wherever and whenever. I don’t care if we’re mad at each other or completely okay with each other, I’m going to do better. I love you so much”
He spoke as he leaned his forehead onto yours. Again you smiled and whispered that you loved him too.
“And to prove my love I’m going to detangle this mane of yours you decided not to moisturize.”
You couldn’t help but laugh aloud. This man was really the love of your life and it took some spilled orange juice to really realize it.
**NOT MY GIF** **If you would like to repost my work please give credit**
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555sage · 2 years
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Calling my favorite men pretty.
Princess treatment.
Sunday reset.
All mine.
Say it. 18+
Mad for what.
I <3 my boyfriend.
Gimme kiss.
Big boy.
Tell me. 18+
Stay with me.
The little things.
Pretty Brown.
Better version, part one.
Better version, part two.
Ruben watches his girl get ready.
Cuddling with Ruben.
Tender Kisses.
Coffee in the morning. 18+
On Camera. 18+
Use me. 18+
Company 18+
Calling my favorite men pretty.
353 notes · View notes
555sage · 2 years
SUMMARY — how cuddling goes with ruben.
INCLUDES — fluff fluff.. fluff <3
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It was an innocent and intimate moment between Ruben and his girl. It was rather rare for them to have the time to spend with each other not doing a thing at all. Her legs were entangled with his long pair, under the warm blanket they shared. Both their eyes were glued to the television as the movie Legend played.
She payed no attention to Ruben, whose hands were rubbing and tracing her back, it’s more of a comfort thing for him but he knows it makes her feel good as well. Her head rested on his chest, listening to his heart beat and breathing rhythm from time to time. From the back massage to the calm aura between them as they were wrapped into each other, it was without a doubt that she would be sleep at any moment.
Ruben notices how she nuzzles her face deeper into his chest which let him know that she was close to falling asleep. He glances down at her on his chest and her eyes were indeed shut. Taking his hand he softly rubs her cheek, tracing the few freckles that appeared on her dark-brown skin.
He admired her face in its natural state, few boho braids that were untamed he carefully pulled them back. Ruben positioned himself in the bed more comfortably just in case if he were to fall asleep as well, which of course he would. She stirred in her sleep lightly, but still had herself wrapped up with Ruben.
Ruben lets out huff before leaning down to kiss her forehead. With his left arm he rubbed her back soothingly, while his right arm rested behind his head. Under him he hears light snores to which he shuts his eyes, hearing her soft snores was like white noise to him.
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555sage · 2 years
SUMMARY — ruben watches his girl get ready for a night out.
— inspired by this tweet, “watching your girl get ready for an event so damn fire”
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She sat at her vanity with her makeup scattered all around while she applied concealer on her face. The robe she had on was falling off her shoulders—the black lace bra underneath peaking through. She was getting ready for a friend’s birthday dinner, then maybe possibly hitting the lounge after—depending on how she felt of course.
“Love, have you seen my wallet? I could’ve sworn I placed it on the dresser.” Ruben walks in into the room looking around and in things.
She watched Ruben through the mirror, “No I don’t think so, check in the pants you wore earlier.”
“Yeah..” He trailed off, he looks over at her from across the room. “Going out tonight?”
She turns around and pauses her blending process, “Yeah remember the birthday dinner I told you about, it’s tonight.” She resumed doing her blending and went on to finishing her makeup so she could get dressed.
From the view in the mirror she sees him making his way to her. He stands over her watching as she did her thing. He was always amused when she did her makeup, he found it cute when she had that focused look—her tongue would stick out over her top lip.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” She giggles, lining her lips with her favorite brown liner, topping it with the Fenty Sweet Mouth gloss.
“I love watching you do your thing, that’s all.” He grins, stepping back as she stands up out the chair.
She grips her robe to keep it from falling open, but a sly Ruben moves her hand away, her robes falls open showing the black lace set she had on.
“So fucking beautiful.” He mutters, dropping his head into her neck making her shudder as his warm breath hits her neck, he sweetly kisses her neck and nibbles on her ear.
“Baby, can I pleasee finish getting ready?” She whines, putting her hand up on Ruben’s chest barely making an attempt to push him off. “And look you have a white tee on, I don’t want to get my makeup on you.”
He looks down at his white tee and brushes his hand over it. “Doesn’t matter to me love, it can always be washed.”
“I know it can Rubes but I rather my makeup not get messed up because you can’t keep your hands to yourself.” She softly pushes past him—removing the robe and setting it on the bed.
Ruben licks his lips as he scans up and down her body—her dark brown skin moisturized and shiny from the cocoa body oil she uses. He watches as she puts on the cream knitted-distressed shorts, struggling a bit when she gets up to her thick thighs.
“You think these look good on me?” Stepping over to the large mirror, she turns her back to the mirror and looks over her shoulder running her hands over the fabric.
“I think they look great.” He responds, eyeing how great her ass looks in the shorts.
She looks at him through the mirror, “The shorts or my ass?” She takes notice of his grin and knew the answer right away, but she stayed quiet to hear his answer.
“The shorts of course, baby.” He watches as she finishes getting dressed, she takes up her heels and sits at the edge of the bed. She slips on her heels and both feet before lifting her foot up towards Ruben.
“Help please.” She sweetly says.
Ruben stands up from the chair and sits down on the floor, placing her heeled foot on his thigh. He takes the laces of the heels and attempts to wraps them the way he’s seen her done it before. “Not too tight please.” She instructs.
“I’ve got this, thank you.” He continues to wrap the lace around her ankle.
“Well excuse me.” She mumbles, looking down at him as he ties a knot. Holding up the foot he finished wrapping she twirls her foot to make sure he wrapped it good enough.
Light taps on her calf lets her know he was done. He stands putting his hands on his hip, “C’mon stand for me.” He steps back as she stands from the bed. The heels made her close in height with Ruben, but still he was taller.
She did a small twirl for him, her heels clattering against the floor. She moves her curled bangs out her face to look up at him. “Absolutely gorgeous.”
“Thank you baby.” She pecks his lips lightly to not get her gloss on him, even though he’s told her many times he doesn’t mind and really likes it. He catches her off guard when he goes in for a full kiss. “Ruben!”
He smirks mischievously, as she looks up at him trying to hide her smile. “You are so irritating.” She slaps his arms and grabs her gloss from the vanity table and reapplies it to her lips.
Ruben takes a seat at the edge of the bed, grabbing his phone from his pocket to snap pictures of his girl. He smiled as she made cute faces in the mirror. From the mirror she catches him and sticks her tongue out.
“I hope those pictures look good.” She says grabbing her purse. Standing over him she takes a glance at his phone as he swipes through the pictures he took.
“Okay it’s time for me leave, I don’t wanna be late.” She puts her hand on his cheek.
“One more kiss before you go?” His hand rests on the back of her thighs.
“Unh-uh baby, I got enough of my gloss on you.” She rubs away the little bit of gloss he had on his lips.
“Mhm c’mon sweets, don’t do that to me.”
She shakes her head at him begging, it was cute. “Just one.” Leaning in she lightly pecks his lips.
His hand on her thigh slides up to her ass squeezing it lightly, “Alrighty let me walk you out.”
She grabs hold of his hand as he leads her down the steps and out the front door. He opens the car door and she slides into the driver’s seat. “Text me when you’ve made it and call if anything, alright?”
“Yes Rube.” She sets her purse in the seat next to her after making sure she had everything she needed. “I have to go okay, love you.”
“Love you too.”
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555sage · 2 years
SUMMARY — reader falls in love with the better version of her ex-significant other.
INCLUDES — angst, cursing, and mentions cheating.
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❝BETTER VERSION, part one❞
— based off “better version” by sabrina claudio.
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“I simply ask for one thing from you. One fucking thing.” You harshly spoke. “Communication.”
“You’ll sit there and give the whole world and some more shit your time, but me? Oh it’s fuck me.” You laughed hysterically.
Your boyfriend stood up from the couch, turning the tv off and threw the remote on the couch. “It’s always something with you. If it ain’t one thing it’s a fucking ‘nother.”
“Oh so what? I ask for too much now? I could’ve sworn you were the person who told me a relationship works well when we communicate with each other.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “So, that was all bullshit then, hmm?”
“Y/N..” He sighed, placing his head in his hands with an exasperated sigh.
You put your hand up in the air, stopping him from uttering another word. “I’m going to my mother’s.”
That was the last you said to him before you walked off to you guys’ shared room and packed some of your things to blow some steam off at your mother’s house.
The effort he made to speak with you about the situation was overall bare minimum and you did not even feed into his bullshit. You had enough and finally told him he had to pack and go.
He sent a “Wish you well” text, but you replied nothing and blocked his number and rid yourself of such disgrace. You spent the next days going through a motion. You wanted to rid yourself completely of your last and move into a better space.
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Six months later, you were in a better space, glowing and flourishing. The home you previously shared with your ex made you feel empty. It wasn’t a space you wanted to be in anymore. Thankfully, you were able to move into your new home on your own. You sipped the lemon drop martini you made and plopped down carefully on your couch, unpausing the tv, which resumes playing The Gray Man. To say you watched the movie for the plot is an understatement. Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling are the plot.
Your phone ringing next to you drew your attention away from the movie. “Hey, what’s up.” You put the phone to your ear.
“Just checking on my girl. What are you doing?” Natasha, your close friend of 5 years, questioned.
“Just sippin’ on a lil’ something and watching that new movie on Netflix with Chris Evans.”
“Well, I don’t mean to break your party up, but Mateo is doing a welcome party for his friend who’s coming from London, so I wanted you to come.”
“He rented out a section for us tonight too.” She spoke in a singsong.
That sparked your interest even more. If it’s one thing Mateo will do, is that he will make sure everyone around him enjoys themselves. He’s a “make it happen” type of guy. You thought for a second before answering. “Okay.” You shrugged.
“Great! Be ready by 9:30. We have to arrive a bit early to surprise him.”
You retained the information that was told to you. Now you had to think and decide what to wear. You finished the movie and drank the rest of your drink. When 8 rolled around you started to get yourself ready.
By 9:30, you were dressed and ready to go. You touched up your baby hairs and applied a bit more gloss to your two-toned lips, which were lined with brown liner. Black or brown lined lips with gloss to top it off, ALWAYS hits.
Your phone rang and you knew it was Natasha. You answered, “Coming now!”, looking at yourself in the mirror you made sure you were good to go. Grabbing your clutch, your Tom Ford heels clatter against your house floors as you made your way outside to the black suv.
“You look absolutely gorgeous.” Natasha engulfed you in a hug as you stepped inside the backseat of the suv.
“Oh thank you, but you girl! This dress!” You admire her. The emerald green dress flushed with her dark skin.
“Just something Mateo picked up for me.” Natasha blushed, she reaches towards the front seat to rub Mateo’s shoulder who was driving.
Mateo who was engaged in a conversation on the phone still acknowledged Natasha, he let his hand off the steering wheel to squeeze her hand briefly. You smiled at them sweetly.
“So, who’s the friend?”
“Oh, I forgot to tell you about him. But, he’s a professional footballer, plays for Chelsea. Mateo is surprising him for the new season the team is about to start.”
“He’s cute too.” She added.
You laughed at her last comment. “Mhm.” You simply replied. It wasn’t that you weren’t interested in possibly being set up with someone new, but after finding out your ex was actually cheating just tore you apart. It was disheartening to know you were being faithfully to someone who did not take your feelings into consideration at all.
You were pulled away from the negative thoughts when the suv came to a stop in front of the club. You stepped out with Natasha, Mateo made his way over to the two of you, stopping beside Natasha.
“Y/N, you look lovely.” Mateo complimented.
“Thank you Mateo, you as well.”
The three of you head inside into the packed building, Pushing P played loudly in the club. Your eyes wonder around watching as people either danced, drank, or sat smoking hookah. Mateo led you guys to the section that was in the back and blocked off. A few faces you recognized, but others you didn’t. Mateo greeted the people and mingled with them before introducing you and Natasha. You gave a small wave smiled at them.
“Alright, he’ll be in with Reece soon.”
The bottle girls came to the section with a big sign that read, “Start the season with a W” and bottles with sparklers. Majority of the people in the club were looking over at our section. “We have a real one in the building tonight!” The Dj announced.
“Motherfuckin’ Ruben!”
It seemed that everyone in the club started to cheer. I stood and clapped along. I noticed two men making their way over to the section. “Which one is Ruben?” You leaned over to Natasha.
“The one who tall as hell for no damn reason.”
You laughed and glanced over at the caramel-skinned man who wore a suit that he looked too damn good in. This couldn’t be the man Natasha was calling just “cute”. He is FINE AS FUCK, you thought.
Mateo aggressively pulled him in for a bro hug. You smiled at Mateo’s excitement to see his friend. You felt a hold on your hand, “Girl come on, cause once Mateo gets started he won’t stop.”
Natasha pulled you over towards Mateo and Ruben. “Ruben!” Natasha dropped her hold on your hand to give him a hug. Mateo stepped to the side and watched Natasha.
Ruben smiled, he accepted Natasha’s hug and pulled away seconds after. “How’ve you been?” You instantly noticed his English accent.
“Just peachy. This one here couldn’t stop talking my head off about you coming down.” She slapped Mateo’s arm lightly.
His laugh did something to you, or was it his smile? You couldn’t decide. “Oh yeah huh? Missed me that much?” He joked with Mateo. His voice was something too. It was smooth and velvety.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Mateo pointed at Ruben.
You stood quietly as they spoke, Ruben eyes met with yours which made you nervous. “This is Y/N, my best friend.” Natasha gestured over to you.
Ruben held out his large hand to you, you lifted your hand and placed it in his, shaking it firmly. “Nice to meet you.” You smiled.
“You as well, beautiful.” Your heart fluttered as you made eye contact with him.
He drinks you in—your deep brown eyes, glossy lips, and smooth dark brown skin just did something to him. The dress you had on hugged your figure so well, he couldn’t help but to rake his eyes over the full length of your body. Ravishing, he thought.
Natasha noticed the interaction, “Alright! Shot o’clock!” She clapped. You were pulled away from Ruben and taken to where the drinks were. “That man was staring you down girl. He definitely likes what he sees.”
“I don’t blame him.” She shook her head.
“I’m no better than him though, the man is fine as hell.” You laughed, taking a quick glance at him across the room.
“Okay enough chitchat, time for shots for real.” Natasha clapped.
Lord knows you needed more than a shot tonight.
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555sage · 2 years
SUMMARY — reader falls in love with the better version of her ex-significant other.
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❝BETTER VERSION, part two❞
— based off “better version” by sabrina claudio.
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You sat with one leg crossed over the other, babysitting your drink, watching as the people in the section did their own thing. Natasha sat next to you taking several pictures of you guys together, herself, and videos of the guys. Mateo and the guys were turnt the hell up. Your gaze mainly settled on the six-foot giant, who was singing along to Turn Me On. You held back a smile as you watched him.
So let me hold you, girl, caress my body
“If you don’t get up and dance with that man.” Natasha nudged you.
You didn’t have a bone in your body to be that bold. “Or, I can just sit pretty and enjoy my drink.”
“You’re still pretty regardless, now get that ass up and dance.”
Natasha smacked her lips and led you over to the guys. Mateo danced his way towards her, pulling her by the waist, Natasha twirled around wining against him “Wine yuh waist fi di man.” Natasha joked with you.
You shook your head and laughed at her antics, you shyly walked over to where Ruben was, as you neared him you could smell his cologne, which had no business smelling that good.
He turned towards you still singing, he held his hand out to you, to which you grabbed with no hesitation. With your hands in his, he held it up over your head slightly—you did a twirl and moved your waist to the song.
“Yeah mi fren.” Natasha cheered.
You laughed throwing your head back. Your body moved to its own accord—your hands on your knees, ass up against his crotch, you wine all around him.
Hug me, hug me, squeeze me, squeeze me
Hug me, girl, and kiss and caress me
You looked back at him as you sang along. The look on his face alone told you he was silently losing it. You smirked to yourself and pressed yourself against him, slowing your movements. 
Ruben was actually silently losing his mind, the way your ass moved against him, gosh. The loss of contact as soon as the song ended made him want to pull you back into him, but he kept it respectful.
“I think you need practice wining your waist.” You giggled. 
“That wasn't good enough for you?” He questioned, his head tilted a bit as he smirked down at you, he stepped back and attempted to wine his waist.
You couldn't help but to smile at him, you watched as he stalked towards you—his height making you feel small. “You're lucky you're cute, you know? Cause that attempt was very weak.” 
“Cute huh?” His smile gave you butterflies—he just know he fine, whew.
“How about we settle for handsome? Cause you have a very pretty smile.” You admitted shyly.
He let out a cute and hearty chuckle, “Then handsome it is.”
You two spent the whole night chatting with each other, dancing whenever a song you two liked came on, Natasha peeped how Ruben spoke in your ear—with his hand on your waist, and the way you laughed with him. Natasha honestly found it cute the way you had a smile on your face the whole entire night.
By now, everyone was either too drunk or ready to go home. You and Natasha were ready to go home, while the guys were too drunk. Having to deal with a group of drunk men was not something you wanted to deal with. Ruben, on the other hand, was actually a cute drunk. He’s the type to admit something embarrassing to you and talk the entire night.
You guys were heading out the club and piling into the suv’s. “Alright big guy, let’s get you in here.” You held Ruben up—well tried—you tried to get him into the suv but it was struggle so Reece helped you out.
“Guys a madman.” Reece joked.
You laughed as you slid into the seat after you and Reece were able to get Ruben into the suv. “I just have to say this.. you’re fucking beautiful.” He whispered.
“Why thank you good sir.” You retorted. “I just have to say this too.. you’re fucking handsome.” You mocked him, but still speaking truthfully.
He chuckled, “Hearing that from a such beautiful woman, makes me feel good.” He admitted.
Okay, now he’s just being too cute for you. The whole entire ride to your house consisted of Ruben rambling about the new season and his love for soccer. You smiled as you listened to him intensely.
You’d be lying if you didn’t admit you felt a way about Ruben. The way he carries himself, his smile, and just how much he adores what he does, and his gentle aura. That man there was a smooth talker, he could talk you out of your panties right now and you wouldn’t hesitate.
You looked him up and down and took in his appearance—even as drunk as he is, the man still looks good. His left arm rested on his thighs, his long legs spread apart, his other arm rested up on top of the seat. His white button up shirt had a few undone buttons, adorning his neck was a simple gold link chain.
“So, when will you be heading back?”
“Um..well, possibly the end of the week.” He answered.
“So soon?”
“We have preseason conditioning and things of that nature to go through.” He explained. “Won’t miss me too much, will ya?”
You both laughed lightly, “You are something.” You shook your head.
Natasha pulled into your driveway and you begin to gather your things. The first thing you were going to do soon as you stepped inside was release your feet from the pain of these Tom Ford heels. “Thank you so much for tonight babe.” You leaned forward giving Natasha a kiss on the cheek. “Get home safe.” You turned to Mateo who was knocked out cold, you shook your head, you leaned back reaching for the door.
“Let me walk you in.” Ruben didn’t wait for you to object, he stepped out trying to keep his balance as he made his way over to you.
You led the way with him by your side, “If it’s okay with you, maybe I could have your number.. you know for some more practice.”
You raised your eyebrow at him, “My lessons aren’t free just so you know.”
Just as you stepped into your home, you quickly slipped your feet out of the Tom Ford heels. So cute, but so painful.
“That shouldn’t be much of a problem with me sweetheart.” With his back against the wall, feet crossed over the other, and his hand interlocked over his groin, he watched as you made your way towards him with your phone in hand. Just so beautiful, he thought to himself.
“You‘re a bit cocky you know? But, not overly big-headed so I’ll give you that.” You remarked.
“Can’t forget handsome as well.” He smirked as he handed you back your phone. You took a glance at your screen and noticed his contact name, RLC.
“See now I just might to take back my compliment because of what you said.” You held back a smile.
A loud and long honk outside let you both know to hurry up with your banter. With a drunk Mateo and irritated Natasha it was not good to keep them waiting any longer.
“Well, I’m gonna get going I don’t want to be left.” He joked as he made his way towards the front door.
You’re saying it like that’s a bad thing.
You bit your cheek to keep yourself from embarrassing yourself. You simply laughed with him. “Text me about those lessons.” You smiled up at him.
His tongue swiped across his pink lips, “You got it beautiful, have a good night.”
“You too handsome.” To which he gives you a hearty laugh leaving you smiling even after closing the door. For the whole entire night as you prepped yourself for bed, your cheeks were hurting—not from pain—but from how much you were smiling as you thought about the handsome athlete.
The way he made you feel was so refreshing. Even with the conversation between you two, nothing felt forced or awkward. You were hoping for more of him—his voice, his smile, his handsome face, just his presence in general.
I can’t wait to see him again
— Part One.
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