#royal rumble 2021
likesummerrainn · 8 months
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2021 // 2023
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simptasticjoe · 1 year
2023 Men’s Money in the Bank
Obviously, the winner will not challenge Roman Reigns, so whoever wins will be cashing in on Seth Rollins.  Shinsuke Nakamura had a great match against Rollins at Survivor Series in 2018, but I don’t see Nakamura getting another title chance after his underwhelming matches against AJ Styles. Ricochet is cannon fodder, and that’s it. A massive waste of a roster spot at this point. He was rushed…
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orange-catsidy · 8 months
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royal rumble 2021 -> wrestledream 2023
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oplishin · 1 month
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"I miss you," Conan Gray | Monday Night Raw, June 2nd, 2014 | Wrestlemania 33, 2017 | Monday Night Raw, July 17, 2017 | Summerslam, 2014 | Wrestlemania 31, 2015 | Summerslam, 2017 | Smackdown, September 10, 2021 | Smackdown, January 28, 2022 | Royal Rumble, 2022.
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luvksj · 1 year
Yandere!Usos: Standing Up For Myself
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author’s pov: hey, long time no see huh? sorry for being so MIA, i’ve been drained of any creative flow and have also been relaxing after a stressful year in 2022! anyway, who enjoyed Royal Rumble 2023 - i definitely did, 100%. 
i’ve been loving the development of the storyline between Sami Zayn and the Bloodline. i’m over the moon Sami finally turned on Roman and has had enough of his bullshit. but i didn’t expect Jey to walk out like that - things have gotten so much more interesting. 
i hope Sami and Jey get their well-deserved main event moments. i know the rumored plan is for Sami to face Roman at Elimination Chamber and then for Sami and Kevin to go after the tag titles but with the new angle regarding Jey - idk what’ll happen. 
but i’m very excited to see how it evolves following the Royal Rumble situation. the entire crowd cheered when Sami hit Roman with the chair intended for Kevin. but this could be the possible downfall of the Bloodline with Roman reaping what he sows. 
also congratulations to Cody Rhodes and Rhea Ripley for winning the rumble. i very much expected this, i can’t wait for Wrestlemania - i’ve honestly never been so excited for a Wrestlemania before. 
anyway, enough blabber from me. enjoy the fic!
pov: you’ve had enough and decided to take a stand. you just didn’t know the consequences that’ll come with your change of heart.
You couldn’t go on like this anymore.
The final straw was watching helplessly as they mercilessly beat up Sami and Kevin. No matter how hard you tried to suppress the tears, they still ran down your face. 
Scrunching your hands into fists, you turn around so you didn’t have to witness the atrocity happening. You’d wince every time Roman hit Sami with the chair intended for Kevin, a fresh batch of tears forming each time. 
After everything he endured, Sami finally had enough. He was fed up with Roman using him and decided to take a much-needed stand against Roman. It was satisfying to watch Sami hit Roman with the chair intended for Kevin. You were beyond proud of Sami.
Roman had become a tyrant, corrupted by power. The greed to have more has changed him into an actual monster and he forced his own family to join his reign of terror — forcing them to “acknowledge” him as the Tribal Chief.
Well, you were officially done “acknowledging him”. 
You were done acknowledging all of them including your boyfriends, the Undisputed WWE tag team champions, the Usos. 
Ever since they joined the Bloodline, they’ve been treating you differently. Treating you as if you’re a ghost, a shadow — neglecting you, pushing you to the sidelines so they can tend to the Tribal Chief’s every command. If this was a short-term thing, it wouldn’t bug you but it’s been happening since 2021 and you were done.
Sami was the only one who truly felt like family in that group and supported you no matter what. He was the only one who remembered your birthday and brought you a gift when no one else did (from the Bloodline, that is). 
You were done with everything regarding the Bloodline. It was time to get some well-deserved payback on them for yourself and everyone whose been a victim of their reign of terror.
Following Royal Rumble, you distanced yourself from the Bloodline. You treated them like they treated you— like a ghost. You were still a part of the Bloodline but fans suspected that you’d leave soon knowing your close friendship with Sami.
You had a plan. A plan to make Wrestlemania greater than ever and you were working discreetly with Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens to pull it off. 
At Wrestlemania, Sami and Kevin will battle the Usos for the tag titles while Cody will fight Roman for the undisputed WWE universal championship.
On the day of Wrestlemania, you put the plan you have been working on ever since Royal Rumble with Sami and Kevin into action. You have been absent ever since Elimination Chamber nursing an injury from the Elimination Chamber match you competed in.
Slipping in undetected, you quickly made your way to Sami and Kevin’s shared trailer. You greeted them and got ready, concealing yourself with black clothing. You hid every detail of yourself making yourself look like the outcast the Bloodline made you feel.
Sami and Kevin were called for their match. You wished them luck, giving them a warm hug, “Go kick my boyfriends’ butts.” you muttered making them chuckle, “Don’t worry, we will. Especially with you on our side.” Kevin responded. 
During the match, you got into position and waited. Before the Usos could hit their finisher, you came running out and slid into the ring. Catching them with a punch, you mustered up all your strength and suplexed Jey from the top turnbuckle.
Turning your attention to Jimmy, he attempted an Uso splash but you caught him with a superkick. The fans went insane, cheering loudly as you assaulted them. The referee was down, accidentally hit with a superkick meant for Sami.
So, this was all perfectly legal as long as the referee didn’t see anything.
Pulling Jimmy up, you hoisted him onto your shoulders and did the Samoan drop, planting him on top of Jey. Noticing the opportunity, you climbed up to the top turnbuckle and executed an imploding 450° splash on both of them.
Positioning them so Sami and Kevin were laying on top of a Uso, you dragged the referee back into the ring. He slowly did the count, the fans counting along, “1! 2! 3!” The bell rings as the fans erupt into cheers while the referee rolled out of the ring.
“And the NEW WWE undisputed tag-team champions, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens!”
Sami and Kevin rolled off the Usos, not understanding what just happened. You took the titles and handed it to them — that’s when it hit them. It worked, the plan worked. They stared at it with teary eyes and hugged each other before hugging you.
Standing over the Usos, you pull off the mask revealing yourself and the cheering just got 10x louder. It almost knocked you off your feet, “Oh my gosh, it’s Y/N — the Usos’ girlfriend! She just cost her boyfriends the titles!” commentary was going crazy. 
The Usos were slowly regaining consciousness and you crouched down to meet their eyes, needless to say they were surprised. You grinned at their shocked expressions, “Why are you so surprise? You should’ve seen this coming — it’s only been months in the making.”
Walking off, you all stood at the top of the ramp and raised your hands up proudly to the cheers of fans, the Usos just stared at you in total disbelief which made you smirk. 
You all then headed backstage to prepare for phase 2.
Yes, that was phase one of the plan. 
Phase two was Roman’s match against Cody for the undisputed WWE universal championship. That was going to be the cherry on top. 
Before Roman could spear an oblivious Cody, you all ran into the ring and unleashed hell. Raining punches and kicks on him, you were all getting the long-awaited payback on him.
Roman fell limp and you all offered him to Cody, the same way Sami offered Kevin to Roman during their Wargames match at Survivor Series 2022. Everything was coming back to haunt him cause what goes around comes right back around.
Cody hits his finisher and pinned Roman for the win.
The fans once again erupted, overjoyed that Cody had finally achieved his American Dream and became a world champion. You were also happy for him, this was long overdue. He quickly left the ring so you guys could continue the assault on Roman.
He was now your personal punching bag and no one could stop you guys.
Hauling his limp body out of the ring, you all share a knowing look. Kevin sent him into the steel stairs, Sami drove him into the ring post and you pushed him into the barricade. Roman collapsed on the floor, recoiling in pain.
While Kevin and Sami dragged Roman back inside the ring, handcuffing him to the ropes, you got steel chairs from underneath the ring. Handing the boys a chair each, you surrounded Roman like dogs surrounding their prey.
Paul Heyman had been dealt with and was unconscious. Staring at each other, you look at Roman and grin at his state – he looks like Kevin and Sami when they were in his position. Without hesitating, you three unload on Roman and no-one hold back giving him exactly what he deserves. The cheering fans motivated you, increasing the strength and impact of your hits.  
After a while, you toss your chair aside and crouch down to meet his bloody face. He was barely conscious and gripped his chin, forcing him to look at you. You couldn’t help but smirk, it was a truly satisfying sight to see him like this.
You uttered the words you’ve been wanting to say for the longest time, “I’m done acknowledging you and the Bloodline. I’m done with everything regarding the Bloodline including the people who form it. I don’t need you to be the best, you’ve only been holding me back and now I’m free. So, you can take this ‘Head of the Table’ shit and go shove it cause I’m done acknowledging you.”
Standing tall over Roman’s unconscious body, you revel in the fans cheering. The Underdogs have dethroned the champs and come out on top despite the constant ridicule you guys endured from them. You guys headed backstage and celebrate your well-earned victory, taking one last glance at Roman who was being helped out of the ring by officials and rushed to the hospital.
On the RAW after Wrestlemania, you held a celebration for Sami and Kevin becoming the new tag team champions.
During the celebration, you confessed all your sins. “I had been working on that plan ever since Royal Rumble. I got sick and tired of being treated like a ghost. The final straw was them attacking the people who have felt my family since I lost mine to the pursuit of power.”
You released all your bottled-up emotions and thoughts. “It felt wonderful unleashing that beating Roman and apparently everyone else thought so because it trended worldwide on social media. I guess people have gotten sick of the Bloodline as well?” You were met with cheers making you grin.
Sami and Kevin conveyed similar words. You all cheers to a successful plan and new beginnings, not forgetting to leave a message for the Bloodline who were in the hospital.
“I don’t regret a single thing. I should have done it ages ago. To my boyfriends who have been neglecting me ever since joining the Bloodline, I’m not a ghost or a shadow you can cast aside. You have messed with the wrong girl, all of you have! What happened at Wrestlemania is a taste of what I can do. Besides didn’t anyone tell you that the underdogs always come out on top in the end?”
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [TIMESKIP] ࿐ྂ
You, Sami and Kevin focused on your respective storylines but you had formed an alliance with each other. You guys always had each other’s back no matter what.
During the Bloodline’s hiatus, you had become the Smackdown Women’s champion dethroning Charlotte Flair in a high stakes match at Summerslam, achieving one of your biggest dreams. You proudly held up the title, tears running down your cheeks as reality had set in.
But you did wish that the Usos were here to witness it and celebrate with you. Sami and Kevin had run out to celebrate with you, filling that void. “Congrats Y/N, you deserve this.” They said, hugging you tightly. You smile and return the affection, “Thank you truly.”
Sami and Kevin successfully defended their tag-team titles. You returned the favour, running out to celebrate their victory with them. All of you were now champions and stood proudly together in the ring, holding up your titles as the fans cheered, the biggest babyfaces in WWE were all champions.
Guess it’s true, you really didn’t need them after all.
Looking at Sami and Kevin, you couldn’t help but smile fondly. They had become your second family after you lost your one. The sweet moment was ruined by the sound of oh-so familiar music blaring. Ignoring the sinking feeling in your stomach, you guys turn around to see the Bloodline and their eyes were locked on you three.
Marching to the ring, they never broke eye contact and fans enjoyed the tension. You smirked at the scars left on their bodies reminding them of their downfall as the ‘top fraction in WWE’. “Hey Roman,” Sami began, you and Kevin smirked at each other knowing exactly what’s coming.
“Acknowledge us.” You three held up your titles, taunting the now title-less Bloodline. They growl and a brawl ensued. It was Roman vs Sami, Solo vs Kevin and you vs the Usos. The fans cheered as it spilled out into the crowd.
You dodge a punch from Jey and connect with a knee to the abdomen. Jimmy tried to sneak attack but you avoid that and hit him with a Poison Rana. Noticing an opportunity, you lay the Usos on the announcer’s table and climb onto the nearest top turnbuckle. Running across the top rope, you jump and execute an Uso splash on them, sending the Usos through the announcer’s table.
Rolling off them, you lay beside them and catch your breath. Wow, that was exhilarating. It ended once again with you three standing tall amongst the chaos and you guys headed backstage – needless to say that was one of the most successful Summerslams in WWE history.
Unfortunately, it didn’t end there for you. They were determined to get their revenge however that looked a bit different for you compared to Sami and Kevin. Sami and Kevin were competing in a tag team match and you decided to accompany them, watching from ringside, when the Bloodline appeared out of nowhere and attacked.
Well, Roman and Solo were assaulting Sami and Kevin. The Usos had you cornered but they weren’t attacking you. Jimmy had handcuffed your wrists while Jey gagged you, tying a bandana around your mouth. Weaving a hand through your H/C locks, Jey harshly tugs it forcing you to make eye contact with him – his wicked grin tells you something horrible is about to happen.
“I think someone has forgotten whose in charge uce. I think she needs a reminder of what happens when you disobey your master.” Jey taunts, his grip on your hair getting tighter. Jimmy hums, staring at your helpless figure, “I think you’re right uce, I think someone has forgotten whose in charge here. I guess she needs to be reminded.” He responded.
Leaning into your ear, Jey whispers, “You’ve been a brat lately and brats like you get punished. You need to remember whose in charge here.” Unable to make a snarky response, the Usos drag you out of the arena and shove you inside the car, they had gotten your belongings before.
Heading back to the hotel, you endured the harshest punishment ever. You were grateful no one was here to hear your screams. Laying lifeless on the bed, the Usos stare at your state and smirk, “Who’s the boss here?” Jimmy asks rhetorically.
Lifting your head up, you tiredly grin, “Me. I’m the boss of myself and of the Smackdown Women’s division.” Clearly that wasn’t the answer because Jimmy tugs your chin, forcing eye contact, “You clearly haven’t learnt your lesson yet.” He growls.
You endure three more punishments of an equal calibre. Your body was covered in red marks, bruises and cuts – it left you breathless. But every time they asked the question, you gave them the same response, “I’ll never stop being a brat. You don’t own me and besides… it’s fun to get you guys riled you.” You declare, grinning teasingly at them.
Your cockiness costed you severely but you didn’t care, it was fun to rile them up especially on live TV in front of millions of people. 
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hanitje · 8 months
Watching The Scene
Did anyone notice that when Christian gave Adam the chair slowly, he backed away and stood faaaar away from his former friend? He observed Adam with this laser eye focus but didn't warn Nick and Luchasaurus. He just stood away from the danger zone while Adam glanced at Christian from the corner of his eyes.
Nick had absolutely no clue who Adam was, while Lucha was told by Christian to stand between him and the new guy. Like, if these were other people from their past, they wouldn't stand so close to Adam.
Remember, Christian and Adam are practically two sides of the same coin. They both can read each other's minds.
Christian admitted that he was surprised to see Adam, but that doesn't mean that he would jump up and down to see him. He looked excited but at the same time, he knew he should be careful around the taller guy. No hugging this time.
When Adam predictably hit Nick and Lucha and aligned himself with Sting and Darby, Christian knew that he needed to protect his title. Especially when Adam was staring directly at him and his belt. There was this look of excitement but not necessarily happiness from Christian. He finally found a worthy opponent in the form of his former best friend, Adam.
Someone mentioned when Adam was in trouble during the 2021 Royal Rumble, Christian didn't hesitate to come. They even embraced each other and helped one another. But when Christian was in a position of power, and Adam arrived, he was very suspicious. Excited, but suspicious, hence the backed away thing. He knew that Adam wouldn't be on his side.
I got goosebumps when they were staring at each other. They were so excited to see each other but knew that they would destroy each other. Everyone else at that moment was just a white noise. It was at that moment, that there were only two of them, on top of the world, meeting for the first time after all these years...
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acknowledge-reigns · 3 months
I know y'all ain't really gonna sit here and try to diminish Bianca's accomplishments like she ain't shitting on a certain yt cover star that ain't even held a world title. I said what I said. Racist ass bitches.
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• Undefeated at Wrestlemania (3-0)
• Former 3x WWE women’s champion
• 2021 Royal Rumble winner
• ESPN Female wrestler of the year (2022)
• Longest WWE Raw women’s champion in history, longest women’s reign of the modern era (420 days)
• Wrestlemania main eventer
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que-de-metal · 5 months
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in honor of the royal rumble getting french commentary this year after so many years without it (I haven't watched any wrestling in a year I'm excited to pick it back up!), here are 4 unposted drawings from my 2021 lockdown wrestling group chat
my excuse for the genderbent bunny and priest is that me and my friends thought they had a melody and kuromi dynamic.
the rkbro one i drew the very first time they teamed up and i hated every second of it and thought it was only going to last for one or two shows before randy betrayed him. oh how wrong I was!
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knowurrolemodel · 3 months
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name: pamela martinez age: 34 hometown: san jose, ca status: single sexuality: bisexual. pamela martinez, better known as bayley, is a wwe superstar on the smackdown brand. she is the winner of the 2024 women's royal rumble, a grand slam champion, former miss money in the bank and your future women's world champion.
i play bayley semi-kayfabe. my portrayal of her includes elements from her in ring character and her personality outside of the ring.
she was previously engaged to aaron solow, but the two broke off their engagement in 2021. ever since then, she's been focused on her career and working on becoming the best she can be. she has two cats, kyro and dusty. (aaron has majority custody of their dog, flex) and she loves being aunt pam to her nephews. family is so important to her and she'd do anything for the people she considers family. but with that, she is loyal to a fault. ( see: damage ctrl )
she is open for all kinds of plots. exes, fwb, enemies, friends, you name it. just slide into my dm's on here or on discord and let's get plotting!
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bayleymaniaa · 4 months
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bayleymaniaa is a sideblog to @nightfcver
pamela martinez, famously known as BAYLEY, is a wwe superstar on the SMACKDOWN brand. she is 1/5 of damage ctrl, 1/4 of the four horsewomen, a grand slam champion, and your 2024 royal rumble winner. beyond this, she is an emo kid at heart, loyal to a fault and faithful to the bay for life. BANG BANG NINER GANG.
this is a semi kayfabe portrayal of bayley.
canon changes:
- pam is bisexual. - she was previously engaged to aaron solow, but ultimately ended their relationship in 2021.
i usually do ships off of chemistry, but i'm open to all connections for her. besties, enemies, fwbs, past hookups, EVERYTHING.
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rclemcdel · 5 months
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pamela martinez, also known as BAYLEY, is a part of the SMACKDOWN brand for wwe. once a hugger, always a hugger, depending on who you are she is a grand slam champion, future royal rumble winner, and 1/5 of damage ctrl. and 1/4 of the four horsewomen.. she resides in san jose, ca with her two cats.
rclemcdel is a semi-kayfabe private rp blog for royaltyhq. dms are open for connections, plots, etc! discord is also available.
bayley was previously engaged to aaron solow, but called their engagement off in 2021. they are not on good terms. (card subject to change if we get an aaron.)
she is bisexual.
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ybcpatrick · 1 year
hi we don’t know each other! but i have a picture of johnny knoxville wearing a shirt with one of your guys on it!! so funny that i can now recognize a couple of wrestlers in the wild despite not caring abt it at all. worlds colliding etc etc anyway cheers!
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oh my GOD i'm so excited i get to tell you about this. you will regret this /j
since you happen to just Have a photo of johnny knoxville on hand, i'm guessing he's a special guy of yours, and in that case i've got great fucking news: back in late 2021/early 2022, jackass actually partnered with wwe to promote jackass forever. johnny knoxville ended up having a legitimate storyline feud with sami zayn.
so, the royal rumble is an event held every year in january. the draw of the show is the titular royal rumble match, wherein thirty competitors battle for the opportunity to main-event wrestlemania in april for a championship of their choosing. two people start in the ring, and then every ninety seconds, another competitor is added. to eliminate someone, you have to throw them over the top rope, and both of their feet must touch the ground.
now, i say "competitors" and not "wrestlers", because you don't actually have to be a wwe superstar to be in it. case in point: johnny knoxville announced on january 7th that he was gonna be in the rumble. sami (who, i should note, was a crazy bad guy at this time) was PISSED that a celebrity like knoxville could just show up and take spotlight away from real wrestlers. so when the rumble rolled around on january 29th, sami made sure to personally eliminate johnny.
johnny took that poorly. presidential alert, the girls are fighting.
on february 2nd, sami crashed the red carpet of the jackass forever premiere and johnny had security forcibly remove him from the premises
on february 18th, sami won the intercontinental championship off of shinsuke nakamura (hence johnny's shirt in the pic djekfhskfh). then, sami lost the title to ricochet thirteen days later, on march 4th, due to interference in the match by johnny knoxville
sami challenged johnny to an anything goes match at wrestlemania 38, johnny accepted
the match at WM38 is the stupidest shit in the world, and it's fucking AWESOME. it's goofy wrestling at its best, and sami's gone on record saying it's one of his favourite things he's ever done. it's got all the jackass shenaniganning you could want. if you've got twenty minutes, i highly recommend watching it, because the whole thing is on youtube.
and bonus points, even though sami's a good guy now and it's been over a year since it went down, johnny still "hates" sami's fucking guts and takes every possible opportunity to dunk on him. it's so good it's so fuckin good man. johnny knoxville is like a blorbo-in-law. to Me.
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The Blue Brand Wrestling Blog #4 - Drew McIntyre
The Blue Brand Wrestling Blog
The Blue Brand Wrestling Blog #4
Drew McIntyre
Hey there guys & girls,
I’m Andy Mac, AKA The Blue Brand owner and creator (@The_Blue_Brand) on X / Twitter. I thought I would delve into the world of blog writing and what better thing to write about than my favourite pastime Professional Wrestling.
Today I thought I’d discuss WWE Superstar, Scotland & the UK’s own Drew McIntyre. His WWE accomplishments include –
WWE Championship (2 times)
WWE Intercontinental Championship (1 time)
NXT Championship (1 time)
WWE (Raw) Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Cody Rhodes (1) and Dolph Ziggler (1)
31st Triple Crown Champion
Men's Royal Rumble (2020)
No doubt this list of WWE achievements is impressive, but these obviously don’t include his many titles won on the independent scene.
I had the urge to write about McIntyre after seeing his recent performances on WWE Raw and interactions with Riddle and Xavier Woods. Finally, after what feels like quite a long time it feels like he has some direction and that we’re moving towards a heel turn. A heel turn in my opinion is badly needed to refresh his character, not that I think his character becoming stale has anything to do with the man himself.
WWE needs to take some responsibility for this and well of course, the covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 didn’t help his cause either.
McIntyre returned to the company and did a good job on NXT in 2017, winning the title there before moving to the main roster and teaming up with Dolph Ziggler (I quite liked this alliance). So here we are, heading towards the 2020 Royal Rumble, Drew is starting to get cheers, doing the countdown to the claymore kick which the crowd instantly gets behind. He’s got the look; he can talk, and he can undoubtedly work. He wins what is arguably one of the best Royal Rumble matches of recent times (Brock tore through the roster, Edge returned etc…)
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So, you would naturally think that Drew McIntyre is heading towards WrestleMania against Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship in the main event. Finally, he’s going to fulfil his destiny as the ‘chosen one’ and be the man in front of a huge WrestleMania crowd…. Then covid happens and ruins the entire thing. He ends up still winning the title, but he wins his first long awaited WWE Championship against Brock at WrestleMania in the WWE Performance Centre in front of nobody. I remember watching the documentary WWE produced around Drew, he was clearly disappointed about this, not that it was anyone else’s fault, and nothing could be done to change what happened at the time.
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After holding the title during the pandemic era, defending it within the WWE Performance Centre and the WWE Thunderdome (Losing it once to Randy Orton before winning it back not long after) covid moved on, the world moved forward, but Drew McIntyre felt like somewhat of an afterthought. Post pandemic on WWE Raw, the show he was drafted to, Bobby Lashley, Big E and then Brock Lesnar were the title holders before Roman Reigns unified the WWE & Universal Championships. Meanwhile Drew drifted, still over as a babyface but it felt like his time to be ‘the man’ had been and gone whilst nobody was allowed in person to come and watch it all unfold.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed his challenge against Roman Reigns at Clash at the Castle 2022 and his feud with Sheamus and Gunther for the WWE Intercontinental Championship, but apart from that it feels like he’s been treading water for quite some time. The two above feuds took place after he was drafted to SmackDown, but apart from these two feuds it didn’t feel like much else happened for McIntyre.
I’ve been a huge fan of Drew McIntyre since he debuted on SmackDown when Vince McMahon announced him as the chosen one. When he went on to win the Intercontinental Championship, join 3MB and get released, I kept an eye on him and enjoyed his work with TNA. When he eventually made his way back to WWE and looked like he was finally going to be treated as the star that he is I was elated.
If the news and rumours are true and he is about to turn heel then I couldn’t be more excited. It will be exactly the shot of adrenaline his character needs. Make him driven to be relevant again at the top of WWE’s roster, upset at his glory and crowning moments being in front of nobody and how he feels forgotten and betrayed by the company and fans. The story is there, it’s easy. Drop the Scottish gimmick with the kilt, the bagpipe music (Any excuse to use the ‘Broken Dreams’ entrance song again!) and make Drew McIntyre into a monster heel!
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Anyway, I’ll stop rambling on now. Thanks for checking this fourth blog out. I’m a self-confessed WWE fanboy, always have been since I started watching WWE as a child. However, as you can hopefully and probably tell I’m trying to broaden by Professional Wrestling palate and horizons. If there is anything else you can recommend, I’m open to suggestions. I’m taking a break from my 9-5 office job at the moment and trying to fill my time!
Please leave feedback, if it’s constructive then I’ll always appreciate it. I’m always happy to learn and to become better. Please keep it respectful though, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
Take it easy guys,
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reneg661 · 9 months
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Hardened by a career defined by betrayal, disappointment and underestimation, Becky Lynch decided to take her destiny into her own hands and force her way to the top of the mountain by throwing off anyone, friend or foe, who was blocking her path. The results speak for themselves. Lynch gave the Women’s division a shot in the arm in 2018 when she won her second SmackDown Women’s Championship, leading an invasion of Raw that left Ronda Rousey demoralized and humiliated — this despite Becky suffering a concussion in the process. The Man made her mark again by winning the 2019 Royal Rumble Match to earn a World Championship opportunity at WrestleMania 35. That opportunity eventually became the first women’s main event in WrestleMania history where The Man defeated Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey and SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair to claim both titles in their Winner Take All Match. Becky would go on to become the longest-reigning Raw Women's Champion in history, fending off challenges from the likes of Sasha Banks, Lacey Evans, and pretty much anyone in a pair of boots who was brazen enough to stand in her way. Her reign finally came to an end on the May 11, 2020, edition of Raw when Lynch announced that she was pregnant and relinquished her cherished prize. At SummerSlam 2021, though, Becky returned in epic fashion, entering the ring after Sasha Banks was deemed unable to challenge SmackDown Women's Champion Bianca Belair, knocking would-be replacement Carmella out of the ring and overcoming The EST of WWE in an impromptu matchup to become a five-time Women's Champion. A short time later, Lynch proved that her star was burning as bright as ever when she was drafted to Raw with the first pick in the 2021 WWE Draft. In 2023, Lynch would become a Triple Crown Champion after she won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship with Lita.
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droptoeholdyourhorses · 9 months
An idea that's been kicking around in my head the past couple of weeks is trying to work out which former WWE Champion has faced the most other former WWE Champions. To date, there have been 54 recognised WWE Champions and out of those 54, one must have faced more of the remaining 53 than anyone else.
On paper, it's simple enough. Use a site like Cagematch or ProFightDB. Cross reference every WWE Champion with every other WWE Champion. See who has the highest tally at the end. However, there are some points I am getting caught up on as to what counts and what doesn't count.
Multi-man matches such as triple threat, fatal four ways, Royal Rumbles etc.
It feels like these shouldn't count, especially Rumbles but there does appear to be the odd case here and there. For example, Triple H and Rey Mysterio. The two have never had a one on one match together but in 2006, they did start that year's Royal Rumble. Both lasted over an hour, and in the final three, Rey eliminated Hunter before going on to eliminate Randy Orton to win the whole thing. Later in March of the same year, HHH and Rey were on opposite sides of a handicap match on Saturday Night's Main Event. Still, for sake of argument, it feels better to stick to singles matches overall.
2. House show matches.
Triple H vs. Jinder Mahal took place at an India house show in December 2017 in their only one-on-one match together. Both men are former WWE Champions so it should seemingly count but it does feel odd to count a Triple H match not many people will have seen, yet not count his interactions with Rey which many more will have seen.
3. Matches pre-WWE title reigns.
This one feels like it's splitting hairs admittedly. The most recent first-time WWE Champion is Big E defeating Bobby Lashley in September 2021. It would feel rather pedantic to say only matches after that count for Big E and matches before it don't.
4. Non WWE-matches between two WWE Champions.
I don't think there would be many cases of this either but let's take Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles as an example. They never faced off in WWE but they did have numerous matches against each other in TNA in 2010. It feels like those should count.
Will anything come of this? Eh, maybe, but I wanted to at least get the initial idea out of my head.
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gone2soon-rip · 10 months
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BRAY WYATT (Born Wyndham Lawrence Rotunda,1987-Died August 24th 2023,at 36.Heart attack).American professional wrestler. He was best known for his tenures in WWE from 2010 to 2021, and then again from 2022 until his death in 2023, where he performed under the ring name Bray Wyatt.
Rotunda was a third-generation professional wrestler, following in the footsteps of his grandfather Blackjack Mulligan, his father Mike Rotunda, and two of his uncles – Barry and Kendall Windham. His younger brother Taylor Rotunda is also a professional wrestler, best known as Bo Dallas. Alongside his brother, he held the FCW Florida Tag Team Championship twice while in WWE's then–developmental territory Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW), where he wrestled under various ring names between 2008 and 2012. He briefly wrestled on WWE's main roster from 2010 to 2011 under the ring name Husky Harris, most notably as a member of The Nexus.
After returning to WWE's developmental territory, which had been rebranded as NXT, Rotunda was repackaged as Bray Wyatt. Portrayed as the villainous leader of The Wyatt Family, a bayou-dwelling cult, he returned to the main roster alongside Wyatt Family members Luke Harper and Erick Rowan in 2013. He subsequently became a three-time world champion in WWE, holding the WWE Championship once and the Universal Championship twice. He also held the SmackDown Tag Team Championship (with Luke Harper and Randy Orton under the Freebird Rule) and the Raw Tag Team Championship (with Matt Hardy) once each.
After a hiatus from August 2018 to April 2019, Wyatt returned with a new gimmick. Portrayed as suffering from a transformative multiple personality disorder, he randomly switched back and forth between two characters: his "good side" of Bray Wyatt, a Mr. Rogers–esque children's TV host, and his bad side of The Fiend, a grotesque horror-themed monster clown. He was released from WWE in July 2021 but returned at Extreme Rules in October 2022, with a new character that claimed to be his "real-life" self but gradually re-incorporated his multiple personalities in addition to some new ones. After one televised match at the 2023 Royal Rumble, he went on a medical hiatus in February due to contracting COVID-19 and died of a heart attack that August.Bray Wyatt - Wikipedia
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