#rottmnt survivor for the childhood au
glitchy-wolf24 · 2 months
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— And this is Big Mama, she was one of the best... —Raven looked at the image who was once his mother as small tears fell down his face. — She is the best..
—What happened to her? —Usagi asks with a hint of sadness, curiosity and some pity marked his face, looking at his boss.
—She was murdered... And the culprit is still free.
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mecub · 1 year
A rottmnt au I wanna write
Before I start! If anyone has made something like this already, I’d be really interested in seeing it!
Now. As far as I know, we don’t know for sure that bad timeline April died in the attack that killed future Leo and Mikey. She probably did, but maybe, just maybe she didn’t. So consider: bad future April leading the very last of the survivors through an even more broken world than the one they’ve lived in for years, knowing that the Kraang have completely taken control and knowing that they can’t win, but hoping to find some place to live out the rest of their lives peacefully, even though they’ve lost everything and everyone but each other.
I texted this all to a friend, and they said it sounds really dark, and there is that path, but I feel like it could be sorta hopeful if well written, like they find a safe and beautiful place deep in the woods, a long abandoned cabin or something, and the few of them who survived learn to make the best out of what they have now, knowing that soon enough they’ll be with their loved ones again but now they can take even just a few months to make peace with their lives on earth (longest sentence ever written).
It’s April leading maybe five others and giving them hope, knowing that after all this she’ll see her family again.
My current thought is that she almost dies, but when Mikey makes the portal and dies he sends out a burst of magic to all the people he loves, and it reaches April and saves her from the brink of death. Her family reaches out in the brief moment when Mikey and Leo‘s deaths let them interact with the world mystically, and they put their energy into healing April. And she carries that with her. She carries the knowledge that her family is waiting, and the knowledge that they want her so strongly to live, and she uses the time she has left to take care of those who also survived. There are kids amongst them, and she gives them as much of a childhood as she can. Together, this group grieves for those they lost and grows close.
Here’s a scene I’ve written already! It takes place after the big Kraang attack, when April is nearly dead:
At the back of April’s mind, there are two flames. 
One is orange and feels like childhood joy and sage wisdom at the same time. It flares up, bright and warm and brilliant, and then it goes out forever. It feels like, You’re not dying that easily. It feels like, I’ll see ya soon enough.
The other is blue and strong and steady and feels like a safe hand reaching out in the middle of a storm. It bursts with warmth as it flickers out. It feels like, Buh-bye, sis. It feels like, Don’t worry, the kid is safe.  
At the edges of her perception, there’s a trace of purple energy that feels like electricity and dry sarcasm. A trace of solid, smiling red warmth in a protective wall. 
If she looks further, she can feel more.
The smallest suggestion of soft whiskers and ridiculous movie star glasses from days past.
The tiniest possibility of an ancient smile that was briefly a part of her.
The faintest chance of cafeteria food and disgust that covered love.
And maybe it’s her mind playing tricks on her, but she might just sense off-brand girl scout brownies and determination. Might just sense green explosions of joy and stupid jokes about laser tag.
All of the people she’s lost smile at her, and then they’re gone.
And April’s alone again.
April’s eyes open slowly to the red sky and cracked remains of a roof.
That’s wrong. She’s supposed to be dead now. Unless she is, and the world decided to leave her as part of the worst joke ever. Maybe the afterlife is just the real world, but she can’t feel anything around her.
Wait. That’s also wrong. A bit of debris presses into her back, and her arm and leg hurt. Not as much as they should, though.
She should have bled out from those wounds. It doesn’t make any sense.
Slowly, she pushes herself up and looks around. The tunnel is completely destroyed around her. Old concrete lies in chunks and pieces, and underneath are the bodies of those who died in the battle.
She was supposed to be with them. This really, really doesn’t make sense.
She looks at the giant cut on her arm, and finds it… covered? A slightly blue tinted bandage is wrapped around it tightly. Her leg is similarly wrapped in orange stained bandage, with a tiny smile drawn on.
Ta-da! It’s bad, but still, ta-da!
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