#rotavh suloch
goddesstrolls · 1 month
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>> You managed to sneak out to just sit on the pier for a bit.
>> You got your cast off a few nights ago, but Joclyn's been fighting you about going back to work. Even though you've explained half a dozen times that you don't have a choice, she just tells you to figure it out.
>> Then between severe panic attacks, she's been drinking heavily and trying to get you to do the same.
>> You feel terrible about being exhausted by her, though. It's not her fault.
>> You heave a deep sigh as you stare off at the dark ocean, and then rub the bridge of your nose.
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bastsoldtrollblog · 2 years
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posts made specifically for @stuckstucktrolls​
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cloudbattrolls · 4 months
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"Poor Rotavh...Doctor Suloch, rather. At least Helios was able to retrieve him. Been using my psiionics on him, hope he'll mend quickly...he's violet, at least."
Yet he was beaten very badly, which is baffling. Well. Perhaps it was someone who hates highbloods. But still, Rotavh is quite decent. It's strange.
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academia (violent)
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goddesstrolls · 4 months
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"we aare talkiing abouut this later."
>> You hiss to your matesprit, glaring daggers at her. You know damn well she's going to try to weasel her way out of this conversation, but also-
>> "Oh, if you want to talk about it, we can talk about it now!" Snaps Joclyn in reply, raising her voice. She knows you hate arguing in public- She's trying to get you to back off.
"i said laater. we aare not taalking abouut this now."
>> You spit. For the past week, she's been walking on clouds, but she won't tell you why. You managed to get out of her that it had to do with the rustblood who punched you. And now she told you she did something to their moirail.
>> "I did it all for you, Ro! If it were anyone other than you, I wouldn't have cared- But no one should get to hurt my matesprit and just get away with it. Can I not protect and get revenge for my matesprit? Is that okay with you?" Joclyn now looks and sounds like she's going to cry.
>> You give an exasperated sigh, trying to push down some of your anger about this.
"youu went behiind my back to do this-"
>> "Because you never let me do anything for you!" Joclyn interrupts, her voice high-pitched and upset. A pair of trolls walking down the street stares at you as they pass.
"i said we'll talk about this later-"
>> "You brought it up! You always find fault in everything I do. I can never do anything right with you!" Jade tears form at the edges of your matesprit's eyes and she clenches her fists tight. You know she'll do that hard enough to draw blood, so you take another breath to try to calm down and reach out to take her hand- But she violently recoils.
>> "I don't know what to do anymore, Ro! Everything I do makes you angry! And it's scary... Feeling like I'm always walking on eggshells..." Joclyn angrily wipes away her tears, blocking herself from you with her hands.
"...i'm not tryiing to- pleaase, let's just take a breaath and calm down. i'm juust upset-"
>> Your gaze flicks over Joclyn's shoulder as you see a familiar troll moving towards the two of you.
>> Speak of the devil and she shall appear, it seems.
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goddesstrolls · 2 days
Taking a Break
[TW for physical abuse, depictions of a toxic relationship]
"Get out, Joclyn." Rotavh snarled, his voice low, eyes narrowed in exhausted fury. "Take your shit and get out of my hive."
"She's going to kill me!" Wailed Joclyn, shaking with sobs, her face streaked with jade tears. "She's going to kill me if I leave, Rotavh! B-Besides, I don't h-have anywhere to go--"
"I'm not going to freeze my card. Use that, I don't fucking care. Just get out. I'm fucking tired of drinking myself sick with you every night."
"I'll stop!" Joclyn sobbed, moving forward to try to put her hands on Rotavh's chest. "I'll stop, just don't make me leave! Please--"
"Like hell you will! You'll stop for two nights, tops. Just." Rotavh took a breath, bubbles gurgling in his mask as air moved through it. "Go. I need some space. Get out before I make you."
Tearful, messing up her face, Joclyn stepped away. With sharp, loud sobs, she turned away from him and wiped at her face- The tears wiped from her cheeks quickly being replaced with more- And she vanished into his room.
Not three seconds passed when Rotavh heard a cacophony of crashing and banging. Rotavh growled and bit his tongue, how many times had he cleaned up after her in the past few perigees? It was countless and never-ending, and he couldn't deal with it anymore.
"Stop trashing my room!" He roared through the door, feeling his voice strip raw. He heard the shattering of glass- Her throwing something through the window maybe- And he bored his fingertips into his brow in frustration.
The crashing and banging stopped, so he paced, waiting for her to come out, before stopping in the middle of the room and folding his arms to wait, staring at the kitchen wall across the living room.
The door opened and before he even had time to turn, something heavy slammed into the back of his head. Stars scattered across his vision for a moment and he whirled around, clutching his head where the object had hit him.
"Fucking hell, Joclyn, what did you throw at me?"
"Serves you right, you prick!" Joclyn snapped, as furious as she was tearful. She had an armful of her clothes bundled in her arms and her phone in hand. She stormed out the door, slamming it behind her with as much force as she could muster.
Rotavh rubbed the back of his head again, setting his jaw at the pain still radiating from his skull. A half-empty liquor bottle sat at his feet, it was a wonder it hadn't broken.
A few moments later he heard the roar of a motorcycle from below.
He squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a curse as the motorcycle peeled off from his hive.
She didn't even have a license.
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goddesstrolls · 5 months
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>> You suddenly surface from the lake and go slogging through the shallows, high-tailing it from the water. Camera in hand, you drag yourself through the reeds and onto land, ignoring some looks from the other trolls at this park.
>> There's a unique species of fish that lives in this lake, which you were documenting. Unfortunately there is also some ungodly alligator-bear hybrid, which has now surfaced as well and seems to be watching you.
>> You escaped with your life and limbs. The problem is...
>> There's another six-thousand-caegar camera in the lake still. It has an emergency buoy which you pulled before you fled, but you don't see it- It either failed, or maybe that thing got it.
>> Your shoulders sag in defeat as you stare at the creature. You get the feeling you're not getting your camera back.
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goddesstrolls · 2 days
proud of you for staying firm in your stance, ro
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"throowing my giirlfrieend out ontoo the street isn't reaally somethiing to be prouud of..."
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goddesstrolls · 4 months
Rotavh stared at the red numbers on his phone screen, indicating a large charge to the card he'd given Joclyn.
He chewed the inside of his cheek. It was a roll of the dice. At worst, she'd get defensive and angry if asked about it. The most likely response was that she'd be dismissive about it.
Better to make it seem like he was just asking to make sure the purchase was hers. He leaned over, showing her his phone screen. "Joclyn, was this yours?" Rotavh hovered a thumb over the negative number.
"Yeah." Joclyn gave a coy smile and pressed her finger to her lips in a 'shh' motion. "It's a secret."
Rotavh looked at the screen again. "Is it related to your joyrides on my motorcycle?"
"Oh, you noticed? Whoops." Joclyn's smile became a bit sheepish. "You're not mad, are you?"
"Well, no, as long as you're staying safe and wearing your helmet..." Rotavh frowned, as Joclyn grinned and leaned against him. She tilted his face towards her- Away from the phone screen, and kissed him.
"You're always so thoughtful~ I'll be safe, promise." She said, leaning against him.
Rotavh gave her a small smile- He knew that pressing her further at this point would just make her angry, and so would continuing to seem concerned.
It was probably fine. Or whatever it was would blow over. He wasn't entitled to know everything she was doing, anyway.
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goddesstrolls · 6 months
(TW for vomiting; Drinking; Mentions of heavy drinking and drug use; Sexual implications; Implications of domestic violence, manipulation, and abuse)
Rotavh woke, and it took him a few moments to realize it was his vision that was spinning, not the bathroom ceiling. The only other thing he registered was that his face hurt very much.
His breath hitched as the contents of his stomach threatened to jump up his throat. He sat up slowly, covering his mouth with his hand as he tried to breathe, and then leaned over to retch into the toilet next to him.
At least he had the foresight to pass out in the bathroom. The bile in his mouth was deeply bitter, the taste of undigested pills and alcohol.
It took him a few attempts to get his hands onto the floor on either side of him and put down enough force to stand. His palms were slick with sweat and his whole body ached.
He found his way to the bathroom sink and looked in the mirror. His nose was bruised, a bloody split along the bridge and dried blood streaking from his nostrils down his lips and chin.
Both eyes were ringed with black and purple bruises. He was shirtless- Naked, actually, and hickeys marked his body from his neck down to his navel. Rotavh stood there trying to piece together what happened.
They had dinner. He hadn’t been feeling well, but Joclyn made drinks anyway, and he knew she’d get out of hand if she drank both.
Things got out of hand anyway. She gave him some pills. His memories from there got blurry, moving both too fast and too slow to parse.
He said something to piss her off and she punched him. He tried to make it up to her. She passed out after they finished in bed, he stumbled off to the bathroom and fell asleep there.
Rotavh didn’t have work for a few nights. The bruising could be written off. He rinsed the blood from his face and the bile from his mouth, and readjusted his gills covers.
He shuffled back to the main room, leaning heavily on the door frame. Joclyn was awake already and at the bar, naked and her hair a mess, pouring herself a shot.
“Evening.” Drawled Rotavh. A few bottles had been discarded on the floor, and he stepped over them.
“Evening,” Joclyn replied, her voice hoarse but still sing-song. She threw back the shot and lifted the glass, her tone still overly sweet and sing-song. “Hangover cure~!”
Rotavh gave a huff of laughter and collapsed onto the couch. Joclyn poured another shot and sauntered over.
She straddled his hips, her bare legs warm against his. She pressed her lips together as she looked at him, and ghosted her fingertips over the gash in the bridge of his nose.
“Sorry about your nose, baby. I didn’t mean to hit you that hard.”
“It’s fine.” Rotavh smirked. “I know I have a punchable face.”
Joclyn giggled. “And a very handsome one.” She leaned in to kiss him, grinding her hips slowly against his.
Rotavh hummed faintly. It didn’t feel bad, but he wasn’t really in the mood after yesterday. His stomach was still doing flips.
He couldn’t think of any other way to avoid it, his mind drawing blanks. “I’m not in the mood, Joclyn.” He mumbled, leaning his head back over the couch armrest and away from her.
Joclyn’s expression soured, but she didn’t say anything immediately. She shifted in place like she was trying to hold her tongue, and then shoved herself off of him and stormed a few steps away, downing the shot in her hand.
“You never are, unless you’re drunk.” Joclyn snapped and flung the shot glass in his direction. The glass sailed over the couch and landed with a thud against the carpet.
“That’s not true.” Rotavh grumbled, shoving down the flare of anger in his chest at her throwing something at him. “I’m still drunk, anyway. I’m just not in the mood.”
“Oh, and now you’re calling me a liar.” Joclyn rolled her eyes, storming towards his bedroom. “You do this shit all the time.”
“Do what?” Rotavh pushed himself slightly more upright to watch her, but she was already shutting the door.
Rotavh lay back down, folding his cold hands over his stomach. He heard some thumping and shuffling from the other room. This continued for several moments until he heaved a sigh, and got up.
He toddled over to the bedroom door, but found it locked. The thuds and rattles on the other side continued.
“Can I come in?” He asked after several moments.
“No.” Said Joclyn through the door. She sounded like she was on the verge of laughing.
Rotavh furrowed his brow slightly. “What are you doing?”
Rotavh sighed, glancing at the electronic keypad next to the door. He typed in the code and the lock clicked, and he let himself into his room.
Joclyn was in the process of removing all the drawers from the dresser and dumping all of his clothes on the bedroom floor. She grinned at him as he came in, and giggled at her handiwork. Rotavh stared for a moment, processing this. She looked too delighted for him to be angry.
“...Having fun?” Rotavh asked. She giggled again and flopped onto his bed, apparently done. Rotavh sighed again and doubled over to root through his clothes and find something to wear.
He’d take a shower if he didn’t think she’d do something else while unattended. He just bundled up his clothes and sat down on the bed.
“Can I shower?” He asked, while Joclyn lay face down on his bed and kicked her feet.
“Yeah?” She said. “I’m not stopping you.” 
“I mean, will you get up to anything else while I’m in the shower?”
“No. You don’t like my re-organizating?” Joclyn looked up at him with wide, jade eyes.
“I do. But, pinky promise?” Rotavh held out his pinky.
“You don’t have to make me pinky promise!” Squealed Joclyn. “I won’t do anything!”
Rotavh wiggled his pinky at her. She pouted and squirmed and then hooked her pinky around his. “Promise.” She said.
Rotavh got up to shower. When he came back out, he found that Joclyn had very purposefully broken her pinky promise.
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goddesstrolls · 4 months
If it makes you feel even the tiniest bit better, Rotavh, Joclyn survived the revenge rampage.
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>> You breathe a sigh of relief. And that's all.
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goddesstrolls · 4 months
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>> You hold your head in your hands. Or, one hand; The other is in a case and aching a lot from the avulsion fractions you gave yourself. The muscle tore pieces of bone clean off.
>> You had a collapsed lung, punctured by a broken rib, but your lungs are mostly non-functional anyway so that's not much different apart from the pain. You also got stabbed in the gut and lost a lot of blood overall.
>> At this point those things would be inconveniences, especially with Ullane's work. You're much, much more concerned about the fact that you don't know if your matesprit is still alive. You considered pulling a few strings with the Fleet right off the bat, but chances are she's already dead and that's not going to help anything at all.
>> Happy Matesprit's Day, you guess.
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goddesstrolls · 1 year
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mutual violence
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goddesstrolls · 1 year
On the small bright side, I can imagine Ullane catching wind of this (almost certainly Ashe too) and both of them trying to do something nice for Ro after this
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ro hates this!
he's like. all she did was break my mask, i Do Not Need Time Off, i'm fucking fine-
he'd be surprised by anyone doing something nice for him. would probably try to be polite even if they did something that annoyed him a little (i.e. he viewed as coddling)
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goddesstrolls · 5 months
Rotavh, did you manage to salvage the photos that were on the broken camera? Also Linnae has a very blurry photo of some catfish they saw in a lake to show you, they don't really know how to use their phone camera but they tried
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"...yes...thee footage waas fine...buut it wasn't thee best quaality duee to the muurky water...probaably not somethiing that couuld be heelped..."
"i guuess i'll see whaat they havee..?"
>> If they're interested in taking pictures, you guess you could give them one of your old cameras. But then you might have to deal with them showing you all the time. Oh well.
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goddesstrolls · 5 months
ogh... rotavh... hot boy...
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"...pleaase raiise your staandards..."
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