victorvaden · 6 years
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‘well hello ms. rose.’ nik grinned as he spotted the girl and made his way towards her to playfully bump into his shoulder. ‘i hope your new beau won’t get too upset when i still cheer loudly for you.’
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shxdowsofombra · 3 years
Fight and Make Up
Rose has packed all of her items up and told her ladies they were leaving the castle. Where they were going, she didn’t know, but she was not marrying him. She couldn’t. She knew that she had to marry for an alliance, but not she was not a prize to be bought and passed around. She walked into Charlie’s room and saw a girl there and she looked at her in confusion.
Hallie had used Charlie’s room to change clothes and turned to look at a girl walking inside the room. “Hi.” She smiled as she slid on her shirt and pushed her hair out of her face. “Can I help you?”
“Um...who..who are you? Where is Charlie?” She asked looking in the room as she wondered where he was. “Why are you half dressed in his room?”
“I’m Hallie and you are?” She asked as she slid on her skirt. “I don’t know where he is, I just got here. I am visiting from school and I would have gone home but I got cut and I didn’t want my dad to freak out.” She laughed as she grabbed her jacket. 
“So he lets you, what...? Get naked in here and change? That’s...how long have you known him?” Rose asked as she brought her hands in front of her. “Do you just...walk in here whenever you want?”
“I mean if that’s what you want to say, yes. I have known him my whole life so why wouldn’t he let me let me change here when he knows how my dad gets? I’m confused, who are are you?” 
Charlie finished doing what he needed to and headed to his room. He walked in and saw Hallie and Rose talking in his room. “Hallie? What are you doing here?” He raised a brow. 
Then he turned his attention to Rose. “Hey, I know my dad said something to you about the contract but can you let me explain before you try to leave? There is a good explanation for what I did.”
Rose heard Charlie’s words and turned to him, “No I don’t want to hear it, who is this girl? Why is she naked in your room? I thought you said our engagement meant something. So why do you have some whore in here?”
“Wow okay hello, I’m still here. I am not some whore. I am his niece. He is my uncle and I just needed to change so my very overprotective dad who doesn’t have my mom to stress over doesn’t stress over me. I just needed a place to change, I’m not here to steal your man.” She laughed softly.
“You don’t want to hear what I have to say yet you just called my niece a whore. What the fuck Rose? Yeah our engagement does mean something which is why I wanted to talk to you. It’s not as my dad says but if this is how you treat family you need to leave.” He tells her. “Apologize to her and then leave.” 
“You are his what?” She asked before hearing Hallie’s words. “Oh wow...I am so sorry, I didn’t...I am so sorry Hallie. I didn’t know, I’m sorry.” She said before turning to leave the room.
“It’s okay. Really, it’s no big deal.” She smiled before seeing her leave and looking at Charlie. “Well why did you do that? It was an accident she was being jealous.” She told her uncle as she moved to watch Rose walk down the hallway. 
“She doesn’t want to be here. I bought her from her father yeah but I was planning on telling her she could do whatever she wanted and that I don’t care to own her but that is her loss. She has no right to be jealous it’s not like she actually cares about me otherwise she would have come and talked to me when she was sober and not my father.” He told Hallie before shrugging his shoulder. 
“If anything I will send you father to find her and bring her back and use that legality to do so if I need to. If she breaks that, her family owes us.”
“So romantic.” She replied, rolling her eyes as she looked at him. “How do you guys even like each other? You’ve met a handful of times and you two seem very different.” She asked. “Is this what my parents are going through?”
“What do you mean? No, she isn’t my mate nor my imprint unlike your parents. Your parents are tied together through a soulmate bond. Something I probably won’t ever have.” He tells her with a shrug. “Have you seen your mom by the way? I needed to talk to her about something.“
“If my parents' bond is so strong, how come I am going to two different houses now that I am back home?” She asked before nodding. “Yes, I saw her downstairs training. I will be back in like two days, I am going to see my dad.”
“Because your mother wanted a break. That happens sometimes, that even happened to my parents a couple of times. And okay, I guess I will see you in two days then.” He tells her before heading downstairs to see Hope. 
Hope felt her back hitting the wall as she was pinned to it and smirked as she looked at the boy in front of her. She felt his hand moving up her body and grabbed it before twisting it and hearing him beg her to stop. She looked at the door to see her brother and let the boy’s hand go as she pushed him off of her. “Hi Charlie.”
Charlie went down to the basement and saw Hope training with some dude. “So when are you and Zach going to be getting back together your daughter wants to know.” 
“My daughter asked you that very specific question?” She asked before shrugging and moving to grab her water. “I don’t know. We have things we have to work out.”
“More or less yeah. She was tired of going back and forth, asked about my marriage then brought up yours. Is it really about working something out or are you tired of him? Why not just leave him? I don’t see a reason why you should ‘take a break’ like you both can basically do whatever you want the only thing holding you back from whatever is that you are both still married?”
“I do love him Charlie. It’s just...very complicated. We are complicated together. And at least mom is being nice to him. I just need time Charlie.”
“How much time? Time doesn’t always fix things either. Yeah mom is being nice because she thinks you will realize you don’t need him and that you will fall for someone else.” He tells her before shaking his head.
“Charlie, why are you asking? Are you and Zach partners or something? Zach hasn’t even had this conversation with me and I just...it was a lot okay? Fighting mom and dad about Zach and then remembering what happened. I just stopped taking drugs, Zach still has Ombra in him, and we lost a baby. It’s a lot. I just need a second to remember that I am me and not...whatever.” She said sitting down.
“No, I am not partnered with Zach. I was just curious. What do you mean you aren’t whatever? What is that supposed to mean? You are always yourself regardless of what happens to you. Yeah it can change your perspective of something but that doesn’t mean it needs to be something to define you.” He tells her as he leaned against the nearby wall. 
“You don’t understand Charlie. I want to tell Zach that I am ready but if he can’t forgive himself for what happened in that stupid ship, how am I supposed to make that better? I never blamed him. Not once and I don’t. I mean he saved me...he saved Emmett and I...I want him to see things the way I do, but I can force him. What I feel for Zach is much more than love...it’s every single second of every single day I feel like I need to be with him and yeah it fucking hurts we can’t be, but...I don’t know you will understand when you fall in love Charlie.”
“You do know mom is the only one that doesn’t forgive him for what happened right? So I don’t know what you are talking about. Besides, dad feels the same way about mom when it comes to their past. He accepts what happened but that doesn’t mean he won’t try to constantly reassure her he won’t let that happen again?”
Charlie rolled his eyes, “Yeah I am not going to fall in love. My obligation is to mom and dad. I have to get married and carry on the throne, seeming as you and Zach can’t. I don’t mind. I am probably not going to find my soulmate anyway and I am okay with that.” 
“It’s not like she doesn’t have a reason not to. Before I kept convincing myself she was being ridiculous but...he did things that should be unforgivable. He allowed things to happen to me that no one who loves someone should do.” She said as she looked at her hands before she looked at him, “Maybe if you two gave each other a chance you would be. Rose doesn’t seem that bad Charlie. I mean...a little stuck up but she’s a princess. Aren’t they all?”
“Weren’t you two just starting dating when that happened? How could you two even know what love was at that point?” He asks in confusion. “She left and wouldn’t let me explain anything to her. After you took her out drinking she came back and tried to get me to sleep with her while drunk. I sent her to her room to which she didn’t listen so I had the guards take her to her room.”
“I tried to explain things to her this morning and she didn’t want to hear it. I am not going to stop her if she wants to leave. She isn’t my problem anymore. I bought her freedom that means she is free to do what she wants.” 
“You don’t have to be in love to not hand someone over to get beat and raped Charlie.” She said before feeling herself getting emotional and standing up as she moved to clean up and distract herself. “I was already out. Rose came to me and I wasn’t going to turn her away. She is going to be my sister-in-law.”
“What are you her father? You sent her to her room? And I am sure no girl loves hearing I bought you. Well you are right she is gone. She is a princess, a virgin, and very attractive, so I am sure she will be fine. You don’t want her so someone will.”
“So then you are still upset over what happened at that point in your life. See, how could you say you forgive him if it upsets you everytime?” He asks. “Yeah and you let her come home drunk and she tried to sleep with me.” 
“I never told her I bought her. Dad told her that. Yeah and if she gets into trouble I am not obligated to save her. She ran away and as you said I am not her parent so, whatever happens to her will be of her own choice to leave. I am not dad. I will not chase her down if she doesn’t want me except for when she is drunk.” 
“Because I know he is so much better than that. I know the Zach I fell in love with and the Zach that is an amazing father to our kids isn’t the Zach that was on that stupid ship. But yet it is him and he did do that and it is fucking with my mind okay Charlie? Shit.” She cussed before sighing.
“Big fucking deal she wanted your cock, cry about it and move on Charlie. She didn’t do anything wrong. She wanted to sleep with her future husband. You decided to let it slip that her marriage to you has more in it for then her and yeah you were hurt so it made sense but now you lost her and last time I checked she isn’t asking you to save her. You aren’t her savior and she never wanted you to be one, she wanted a husband. Not to know her parents fucking abandoned her. And you are exactly like dad, you are letting someone who is fucking great for you go because what? Your powers are weird? You are weird? So fucking what, it’s not the end of the world Charlie.”
“Yeah well I am not going to chase her down. She wanted to have sex before our marriage. I am not comfortable with that. I even told her I wasn’t comfortable sleeping with her while she was drunk. And even though I said that, she assumed it was because I didn’t want her, which I also told her I did want her and I respected her enough to not take advantage of her while drunk but somehow that makes me the bad guy.” 
“Someone who is great for me? I could say the same thing about you and Ken. Or you and those guys mom sets you up with. So I wouldn’t be telling me about that.” He huffed getting slightly upset with the conversation. “I am not going to stop her from leaving unlike dad. I am not some fucking puppy chasing after their owner. If she doesn’t want me I am not going to force her to change her opinion.” 
“You think I don’t know that Charlie? I know Ken is a better option and I know any other prince is a better option I am not fucking stupid. I can see that. But if I wanted that I would have said it. Unlike you I am not a pussy and I’m not scared of things not working out. I could have left Zach the moment he saved me and not called him or stop dad from ripping him apart. The reason I am with Zach isn’t because I want it easy, it’s because I love him. And real love is hard.” She said before laughing. 
“Yeah well you might find our dad a puppy chaser but let me think...who is alone right now? You or him? Hm...wait...that’s right you. And I have a feeling you will be alone for a very long time. You are nothing but exactly who Ken was and I don’t see me chasing him.” She said before scoffing and leaving.
Charlie sighed before swearing to himself under his breath and going after Rose. 
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princebenadams-blog · 9 years
Ex’s and Oh’s || Ben & Rose
It had been a long time since Ben was able to take Rose on an actual date, and admittedly he was nervous to go out with her again. Even though their breakup was what they had thought was for the best for the both of them, and maybe it was at the time, things had changed. They never got over each other, and Ben was glad for that because he never wanted to. With their past hook ups with each other, it was evident that they had strong feelings, but he was questioning himself. What if he had lost his ability to be a good boyfriend and she ended up having an awful time with him? Rose loved him, so he hoped that she wouldn’t, but he couldn’t stop the little voice in the back of his head from putting ideas there. He hated not being able to pick her up, but in order for them to keep their relationship a secret, meeting up in the Enchanted Forest was what they were going to have to do. His motorbike was next to him with two helmets and a basket with all of Rose’s favorites filled it, ready to take them even further away from Auradon. Of course, Ben had heard about Rose and Coraline’s... “disagreement” through the grapevine, and he knew how much frustration his girlfriend was probably feeling. He hoped that the date would distract her from the negative feelings, and hopefully leave her at ease. All he wanted was for her to be happy, and he was more than okay with being the person to help get her mind off of things and help her be happy.
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