#risen chameleos
mystigaron · 1 year
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two of my more finished-looking monster hunter pieces. big fan of gore and shagaru magala and i really loved how the new tu2 monsters looked at the time so i made the art commemorating its release
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roarandclank · 2 years
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damnwyverngems · 1 year
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Wich is your favourite Risen Elder Dragon?
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jlzeta-art · 2 years
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Risen Chameleos in a nutshell. Wonder what Kushy and Teo will be like....?
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psudopod · 1 year
The insect glaive instinct of avoidance
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katyvern · 7 months
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Risen Chameleos male
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b00rad · 2 years
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The Vampire’s Successor
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toktonki · 2 years
new mizutsune is cute but for the love of gog why did you have to be yet another fire monster why why wHY WHY WHY
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savageboar · 1 year
i finally got to fight scorned magnamalo and he's super fun i died once because he blew me into the air and then beamed me 10/10
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gigginox · 2 years
ok. this update is a little underwhelming
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tannerhansenart · 1 year
Chaotic Berserker monster hunter commission!
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Setlist: Helm - Chaotic Gore Chest - Risen Chameleos Larms - Gore Magala Waist - Giasmagorm Legs - Gore Magala Weapon - Leummundsbruch
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pukei-pukei · 19 days
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Risen Chameleos is insane. I actually triple carted the first time around, which I haven't done in ages. Got him down without carting the second time though B)
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damnwyverngems · 2 years
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RISEN CHAMELEOS Prepare for a vanishing toxic nightmare. Risen Chameleos are Elder Dragons that have overcome the affliction by achieving symbiosis with the Qurio, gaining great strength and new abilities.
VIOLET MIZUTSUNE Graceful leviathans known for their beautiful lilac-colored fur. They target prey with gas-filled bubbles and envelop themselves and their surroundings in an inferno of white-hot flame.
FLAMING ESPINAS An Espinas subspecies boasting a more aggressive demeanor compared to its spiky cousin, and a charged breath attack powerful enough to one-shot a hunter.
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Round 3: Garangolm Vs. Goss Harag
Garangolm (Fanged Beast)
Previous matches: Vs. Apex Rathalos, Vs. Risen Chameleos
Appears in: Sunbreak
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A monster characterized by its massive and rigid body. Garangolm are generally placid, living in regions with fertile soil. Their sap-like fluids can promote plant growth, forging a symbiotic relationship with flora that grows in their bodies. They can also use that sap to harden plants or the surrounding soil, outfitting their bodies and enhancing their attacks. -Sunbreak
Goss Harag (Fanged Beast)
Previous matches: Vs. Volvidon, Vs. Rajang
Appears in: Rise, Sunbreak
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A monster native to ice-cold climates. Covered in fur so thick it keeps out the harsh frost, it roams the snowy plains in search of prey. It can inhale the cold air to freeze its own bodily fluids and then spit them out to create icy blades on its arms. When riled up, the Goss Harag turns red and becomes exceedingly dangerous. -Sunbreak
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Monster Hunter
Lynian Felyne | Shakalaka
Herbivore Popo | Moofah | Larinoth | Rhenoplos | Mosswine | Gowngoat | Anteka | Kestodon | Kelbi
Temnoceran Rakna-Kadaki | Nerscylla
Neopteron Konchu | Seltas | Seltas Queen | Ahtal-Ka | Vespoid Queen
Theropod Bird Wyvern Velociprey | Velocidrome | Genprey | Gendrome | Ioprey | Iodrome | Jaggi | Great Jaggi | Baggi | Wroggi | Great Wroggi | Maccao | Izuchi | Great Izuchi | Boggi | Kulu-Ya-Ku
Flying Bird Wyvern Yian Kut-Ku | Blue Yian Kut-Ku | Yian Garuga | Scarred Yian Garuga | Malfestio | Pukei-Pukei | Aknosom | Gypceros | Qurupeco | Toridcless | Gargwa
True Wyvern Rathalos | Azure Rathalos | Silver Rathalos | Rathian | Pink Rathian | Gold Rathian | Dreadqueen Rathian | Monoblos | White Monoblos | Diablos | Black Diablos | Basarios | Ruby Basarios | Gravios | Seregios | Bazelgeuse | Seething Bazelgeuse | Khezu | Red Khezu | Astalos | Boltreaver Astalos | Espinas | Flaming Espinas | Legiana | Akantor | Paolumu | Gurenzeburu | Gigginox
Pseudo Wyvern Tigrex | Brute Tigrex | Nargacuga | Lucent Nargacuga | Silverwind Nargacuga | Barioth | Sand Barioth | Frostfang Barioth | Ukanlos
Piscine Wyvern Cephadrome | Plesioth | Beotodus
Carapaceon Shogun Ceanataur | Hermitaur | Daimyo Hermitaur | Plum Daimyo Hermitaur | Taikun Zamuza | Shen Gaoren | Akura Vashimu
Amphibian Zamtrios | Tigerstripe Zamtrios | Tetsucabra | Tetranadon
Pelagus Rajang | Furious Rajang | Garangolm | Bulldrome | Gammoth | Bishaten | Blangonga | Kecha Wacha
Fanged Beast Arzuros | Goss Harag | Lagombi | Volvidon
Leviathan Agnaktor | Mizutsune | Violet Mizutsune | Soulseer Mizutsune | Ludroth | Royal Ludroth | Purple Ludroth | Lagiacrus | Abyssal Lagiacrus | Lavasioth | Almudron | Gobul | Baruragaru | Somnacanth | Nibelsnarf
Snake Wyvern Najarala | Remobra
Brute Wyvern Uragaan | Crystalbeard Uragaan | Pumpkin Uragaan | Deviljho | Savage Deviljho | Aberrant Deviljho | Barroth | Anjanath | Fulgur Anjanath | Banbaro | Brachydios | Raging Brachydios | Glavenus | Hellblade Glavenus | Duramboros
Fanged Wyvern Zinogre | Stygian Zinogre | Thunderlord Zinogre | Dodogama | Magnamalo | Scorned Magnamalo | Odogaron | Ebony Odogaron | Tobi-Kadachi | Viper Tobi-Kadachi | Lunagaron | Palamute | Great Jagras | Great Girros
Elder Dragon Fatalis | Crimson Fatalis | White Fatalis | Xeno'jiiva | Safi'jiiva | Teostra | Lunastra | Chameleos | Risen Chameleos | Kushala Daora | Kirin | Oroshi Kirin | Shagaru Magala | Namielle | Alatreon | Ceadeus | Nergigante | Valstrax | Crimson Glow Valstrax | Thunder Serpent Narwa | Narwa the Allmother | Wind Serpent Ibushi | Malzeno/Qurio | Primordial Malzeno | Velkhana | Vaal Hazak | Blackveil Vaal Hazak | Kulve Taroth | Amatsu | Gogmazios | Gaismagorm | Shara Ishvalda | Dalamadur | Shah Dalamadur | Lao-Shan Lung | Ashen Lao-Shan Lung | Jhen Mohran | Nakarkos | Behemoth | Yama Tsukami | Nef-Garmat | Dire Miralis | Zorah Magdaros | Makili Pietru | Oltura
Unknown Gore Magala | Chaotic Gore Magala
Endemic Life Paratoad | Thornytoad | Cohoot | Forest Pteryx | Duffel Penguin | Thunderbeetle | Vigorwesp | Spiribird
Pets Poogie
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izolyn · 1 year
finally got around to doing all the new monsters past risen chameleos in rise
velkhana sure is a monster that exists.
risen kushala and teostra are alright. teostra’s a bit annoying but I’m pretty sure it’s mostly annoying in the same ways normal teostra was so that’s not really anything out of the ordinary.
risen valstrax and shagaru on the other hand feel overtuned. Part of it is that I think they’re subject to stat inflation which does them no favors (their attacks consistently hitting for more than 50% of my health means a lot less margin for error and excessive health makes the fight take too damn long), but their movesets also include lots of attacks that have multiple parts, have delayed hitboxes, or just cover unusually wide areas which makes dodging them a lot harder than most other monsters. On top of that they both have a lot of long-range attacks (both in terms of actual ranged attacks and in terms of lunging attacks that cover a lot of ground), which makes safe opportunities to heal few and far between and exacerbates the issue of their excessive damage (since you rarely can get the full healing from a potion).
Amatsu isn’t overtuned the way R!Val and R!Shaggy are but it does suffer a lot of the same issues Ibushi and Narwa have. Its constant floating and serpentine body make its movements a lot less intuitive than most other monsters (something I think is otherwise one of monhun’s strengths - monsters typically move in ways that make sense); its constant floating and sheer size make it hard to keep enough of it in view to properly see what it’s doing in general; and its constant floating means that shorter weapons (SnS, dual blades) just kind of get fucked because they barely reach high enough to hit it at the best of times, and then on top of that every movement it makes radically changes which parts of its body are within reach.
I haven’t bothered with anomaly investigations and afflicted monsters because I have absolutely zero interest in an endless grind of The Same Monsters But Now All Their Numbers Are Too Fucking Big.
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