#ripp fracture
chunklet · 1 month
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keiratheraven · 8 months
Bentley 8 Squad: The Treehouse
Once upon a time in the quiet town of Bentley, there was a squad of misfits who called themselves the Bentley 8. Angela and her twin sister Lilith, Dustin, Dirk, Johnny, Ripp, Ophelia, and Puck were an unlikely group of friends who had formed a strong bond despite their differences.
Angela was the heart of the group, always caring and looking out for everyone. Lilith, on the other hand, was the rebel of the bunch, with her pierced nose and colorful hair but has the creative soul, with a passion for art and a quirky sense of style. Dustin was the troublemaker, known for his wild antics and love for adrenaline rushes. Dirk was the brainiac, constantly tinkering with gadgets and coming up with brilliant ideas. Johnny was the confident athlete, and his leadership to the group was unwavering. Ripp was the class clown, always ready with a joke or a prank. Ophelia was the mysterious one, but expresses herself with a penchant for poetry. Lastly, Puck was the shy and sensitive one, who found solace in nature and animals.
Despite their individual quirks, the Bentley 8 formed a tight-knit friendship. They spent their days exploring the town, embarking on adventures, and creating memories that would last a lifetime. From camping trips under the stars to late-night movie marathons, the squad was inseparable.
Their friendship was a beautiful tapestry woven with laughter, shared adventures, and unwavering support. They would often gather at their secret hideout, a cozy treehouse nestled deep within the woods, where they would spend hours talking, dreaming, and planning their next escapade.
But as with any group of friends, they too faced challenges and hardships. One summer, a rift formed between twin sisters Angela and Lilith, causing tension within the squad. Their once harmonious friendship was now strained, and the rest of the group felt caught in the middle.
Days turned into weeks, and the squad grew distant. The treehouse, once filled with laughter, fell silent. It seemed as though their friendship was on the verge of crumbling. But deep down, each member knew that their bond was worth fighting for.
One fateful day, as the sun began to set and cast a warm glow upon the town, Angela, Lilith, Dustin, Dirk, Johnny, Ripp, Ophelia, and Puck found themselves standing at the entrance of the treehouse. It was a moment of truth, a chance to mend the fractures that had formed.
With tear-filled eyes, Angela took a step forward, her voice trembling as she expressed her regret and apologized to Lilith. Overwhelmed with emotion, Lilith embraced her sister and friend at once, tears streaming down her face, and forgave her. The rest of the squad followed suit, each member offering their heartfelt apologies and vowing to work through their differences.
From that day forward, the Bentley 8 squad became stronger than ever. They realized that friendship was not just about the good times, but also about navigating through the rough patches together. Their bond had been tested, but it had grown stronger as a result.
Together, they embarked on countless adventures, supporting each other's dreams, and reminding one another of the power of true friendship. The Bentley 8 squad became an emblem of resilience, love, and the unwavering strength that can be found in the bonds we forge with those who truly understand us.
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harleytherapy · 7 years
New Post has been published on Harley Therapy™ Counselling Blog
New Post has been published on http://www.harleytherapy.co.uk/counselling/low-sex-drive-2.htm
Low Sex Drive - Should You Be Worried or Not?
By: djwings sia
We live in a society where we are constantly bombarded with advertisements and media telling us that we should love sex and want sex all the time. (And, of course, buy the car, perfume, or handbag that will make us more desirable for this fantasy sex life we should all have).
Is it any wonder that many of us are secretly worried if we measure up? Where is the normal in the mess?
And should you, or shouldn’t you, be worried if your sex drive is less than stellar?
Do you have a low sex drive, or not? 
Here’s the newsflash – there is actually no ‘normal’ sex drive you must measure up to.  Despite what the media would love to have us believe, we don’t all want sex all the time.
Nor are sex drives even consistent – they fluctuate across relationships and with age. And they can be affected by medication, illness, drinking too much, and even poor sleep.
Worried because you are a man and should want sex all the time? It’s another myth that only women have low sex drives and ‘normal’ men all want sex all the time. A recent study, for example, found that PERCENT of men have a low libido.
What is true is that your sex drive is relative to only you and your own happiness. If you have always had a lower libido and feel comfortable with that, there is not necessarily any problem.
This is true even if someone with a higher sex drive is insistent you have a problem  (in fact sometimes it’s a very high sex drive can be an indicator of psychological issues).
So when might you need to be concerned?
Good questions to ask yourself about your low sex drive
1.) Is my physical health good? Am I on medication? 
By: Matthias Ripp
There are physical issues that obviously cause a low sex drive, such as hormonal issues and chronic illness. But lesser known physical causes for a low sex drive include diabetes, sleep disorders, and overuse of alcohol and/or drugs. A low libido can also be a side effect of the medication you are taking, including antidepressants and contraception methods.
2). Is this low sex drive abnormal for me?
If you often lose your sex drive when going through a life change, and then it bounces back, it might just be that you are stress sensitive but otherwise there is no real issue. But if it’s sudden and you don’t know why, or if it’s long-term but you have a feeling inside it’s not who you really are, then it’s a problem.
3). Do I suffer low self-esteem because of my libido? 
If you are happy with your libido, then it can perhaps just be time to stop comparing yourself to others. But if you secretly feel flawed because of your low sex drive, or avoid relationships, then it’s something to look into.
4).Is my lack of sexual interest across the board? 
If you are still interested in other forms of sex such as self-stimulation and fantasy, and your low sex drive is only an issue with your present partner,  it’s likely more a question of a relationship problem than a sex drive issue.
Do note, though, that if you’ve never been interested in real sex but only just in pornography, it can be a sign of porn addiction over anything to do with a low sex drive.
5). Is my low libido always causing me problems in relationships?
If you are in a relationship where your low sex drive hasn’t caused problems, or are alone and happy with your low sex drive, it’s one thing. But if you avoid relationships because of your sex drive and feel terribly lonely, or if every time you are in a relationship you find yourself constantly fighting about sex, then your sex drive is directly affecting  your daily life and you need support.
6).  Do I feel ‘stuck’ somehow, like something inside me isn’t quite right?
If you have always had a low sex drive and aren’t really bothered by it, as it feels natural to you, then it’s likely your low sex drive genetic. But if you have instead a feeling of being fractured, or an instinct you are hiding something inside of you are can’t ‘feel’ who you are sexually somehow, listen to that instinct.
7). Do I feel there is an experience in my past that might be behind my low sex drive?
By: Linda Tanner
This might be a traumatic sexual experience, or something in your childhood. It might be something you remember, or it might just be a strange feeling you can’t put your finger on there is something in your past to be explored.
8). Is my lack of sex drive secretly upsetting me?
Whether or not your low sex drive is genetic or caused by psychological problems, if you feel upset by it then it’s worth seeking help.
9) Is my low sex drive the issue, or is it ‘desire discrepancy’? 
If you were perfectly happy with your sex life and your sex drive until a new partner came along with a higher drive, it’s what psychology calls a ‘desire discrepancy’. You need need to communicate and find a compromise that works, and focus on other forms of intimacy like increased trust and shared experience. If any of that seems hard, a couples counsellor can be a great help.
10) Is it possibly just a life change that I need to work out? 
Life changes are often a desire killer. We all only have so much headspace and physical energy, and life change can cause so much stress there is no energy left for a sex life. If you have recently gone through a bereavement, redundancy, moved house or country, or become an empty nester, consider dealing with the stress of that first before panicking that you’ve lost your sex drive.
11) Is it really a sex drive issue, or is it a relationship issue? 
Low sex drives are often the result of a relationship experiencing a change. Perhaps the trust has been affected by something like an affair, or you have just become overfamiliar with each other. It could also be that you are simply in the wrong relationship and are sticking it out because you are afraid of the change that leaving would mean. If you aren’t sure what is causing the problem, again, a couples counsellor can help you talk to each other with clarity and kindness and find real ways forward.
When a low sex drive is a psychological issue
A low sex drive can and often is related to psychological issues. Obvious ones include stress, depression, and anxiety. But there are others that might be more hidden and long-term.
To learn about the psychological issues that might be blocking your sex drive, sign up now to receive an alert when we release the next piece in this series, “Low Libido- The Hidden Psychological Reasons You Don’t Want Sex”.
Would you like to speak to an experienced and empathic counsellor about your low sex drive or relationship problems? Harley Therapy puts you in touch with some of London’s best sex and relationship psychotherapists. Not in the UK? Try Skype Therapy from anywhere. 
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chunklet · 1 month
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late night arcade + courier and vault dweller
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