#rip mr Balfe
ashmarie1687 · 2 years
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yanceyrenee-blog · 6 years
Delivery Day SamCait fanfic
" Any day now. That is what she said right?" Sam asks Cait when they get home from the latest midwife appointment. " Yes, thank God. I am so ready to delivery her." " Or him." " Yes. Clarissa or Caleb as long as she/ he is healthy and comes soon." She ends with a groan as she places herself in the closest seat. Her back acts. Her feet are swollen and she can't fit in any of her shoes. Her breasts are swollen and tingley, her belly fills so full like it can not expand one more inch. Her body is beyond ready to give birth. She is beyond ready to see their child and to not be pregnant. " Uggg." she moans she lifts her heavy breasts up off her chest," They feel like boulders. Like they are filled with milk already." " They probably are." he says his eyes following her hands. He knows she doesn't believe him but he is entranced by her pregnant body. The wonderful roundness of her belly. The heaviness of her breasts. Her nipples like cherries and just as sweet. He sees his look and grins. " Want to find out?" she asks him. " Are you up for that?" " We can have sex up until labor starts. It hasn't yet." she tells him as she works her shirt over her head. " Come here Sam. I need you. Until our child comes I need someone to relief this tightness, this pressure." She lifts her breast up to him. " Well, if it will help." He takes her breast into his mouth and gently sucks while he gently kneeds the other with his hand. " Harder." she says pulling him closer. He complies with a groan. The taste of her nipple sweetens as milk starts to flow. She groans to as her body responds to his attention. She realizes she is on the verge of climaxing. " Sam." she cries as for the first time in her live, she comes by just breast play. " Oh." her tummy tightens. Sam, positioned acrossed her stomach feels it too. He pulls away and places her hands over her stomach. " Is that?" " I don't know. I am new to this." " Does it hurt?" " A bit but...crips Sam maybe. We will have to see if it happens again." " Did I do that," At her look he quickly adds," I mean did me suckling cause the contraction?" " If that is what it was...maybe. Nipple stimulation can cause the start of labor. Not to mention the orgasm." " You had...well." He looks right pleased with himself. " Yes. You are the man Samwise. Oh. Here we go again." They both feel the tightning that starts at the base of her uterus and works upward until her whole stomach is a tight ball. " I need to time these." Sam says when it releases her from it's grip. " Yes." An hour later there is no doubt. The contractions are coming every six minutes and she can neither talk nor walk through them. Between them she does walk, holding tight to her husband. He talks when she needs him too and is quiet when that is what she needs. " Are you ready to go baby?" " No. They are not five minutea apart yet Sam. I don't want to spend hours laboring at the hospital I would rather be...oh." He takes her hand and she clamps down on it. " Breath darling. Deep breath in. Good love. Now let it out. Okay and the wave is going up. I know. I know but It is cresting. Okay. Going down. And another deep breath. And let it out. Good job love." With-in another half hour the contractions, the waves were four and a half minutes apart and they were on the way to the hospital. " Cait you are four centimeters dilated. You are on your way." Anne the midwife says after examing her. " That is all." she moans as she feels another contraction start. After it is over, Ann says, " I know it doesn't seem like a lot but Cait, the hardest centimeters to get are one through three. Followed by seven to ten." " Oh gawd transition." " We are not there yet." " I need to walk." Cait insist twenty minutes later. Sam wraps his arm around her and they start walking. " Oh bloody h+ll. Here we go again." " Deep breath love. In.." " Oh hush. F**k." she pushes against the wall and begins to pant. Sam knows to be quiet and give her space. He had been warned that she would get angry and not want to be touched or talked to. " I am so sorry Sam. I didn't mean." " Cait you are doing a job no man is strong enough to. You react whoever you want. " Thank you. Let's walk." " I need my mum." Cait yells out a half hour later. " She is in the waiting room. I will go get her." Sam offers. " No you can't leave. G*d d*m it." she screams as the next contraction takes her over. Sam looks to the nurse who had just walked in to check on her. " Go fetch Mrs Balfe from the waiting room please." She nods and slips out. " Sam!" " Right here. It is cresting baby. Ride the wave. Good girl. Going down. Deep breath. Let it out. Okay. Never have to do that one again." " Thank you," a weepy Cait says," I couldn't do this without you. Can you go get my mum now?" " I am right here, my girl." " Mum. Oh mum. I am sorry." she says reaching for her. " For what?" she takes the hand that Sam wasn't holding and takes a seat by her daughter. " For hurting you. Labor is bloody aweful." Her mum laughs. " That it is Caitriona Mary. But you won't remember the pain. When the baby is placed on your stomach you won't remember any of this." " Is that how you managed to have seven of us?" " Yes." " Oh f*ck it is starting again. Oh bloody h*ll! Sam!" He shots his mum-in-law an apologetic look. He knows she hates cursing. But her focus is on her daughter. " Sweet girl. You have this. Your body was made to do this. You can handle this. I know it hurts. Focus on the baby. It is going down. That is it. Okay. Catch a good breath. The baby and you need the oxygen." She does. And then takes another shaky one. " Sorry mum for the cursing." " Oh sweet Caitriona, you should have heard the words I said and called your da." " You?" " Ah yes. Labor turns the.must polite ladies into she-devils with the mouths of drunk," here she looks to Sam with a grin," Scotsmen." They all laugh. " Okay you are a hairs breath from seven centimeters." Ann tells her an hour and a half later. " Oh Gawd!" Cait moans. " I am right here baby. You can do this." Sam says. " You can Caitriona." her mom agrees. " Oh no no no!" her scream echoes through the room as the contraction that signals the start of transition rips through her. Sam watchs helplessly as his wife thrashes across the bed. " Help Christ someone help me!" His mum-in-law quickly graps her daughter's face and forces her to focus on her. " Caitriona Mary. Breath. Don't you waste your energy screaming. Breath." She stops screaming and starts whimpering. " I know it hurts. But this is the worst of it. And it won't last long. There," her voice is full of relief," it is stopping. Okay baby girl. Deep breath and now let it out." Sam looks at his mum-in-law in awe. She catches his look. " It helps to experienced it." " Seven times." Cait whispers," How did you do this seven times?" "You forget." her mum says wiping the sweat off her face with a wet rag. " I can't see ever forgetting this." Cait says," Sam!" His name is ripped from her mouth as her body is seized again. Copy his mum-in-law's example, he takes her face, focuses her and says, " Cait love, you have this. Breath remember. That's a girl. Almost over. It is going away. Okay baby, deep breath, and let it out. Never have to face that one again." " Sam. Oh gawd. I don't know if I can do this!" " I would take over for you in a heartbeat uf I could. But babe, you are doing this. And you will because." " Because?" " Our baby is on the other side of this pain." " The baby. Right. There is a purpose behind this. Right. Okay. Sam I love you. In case I forget to say." " I.love you. And I am proud of you." " F+*k. F*×k. F*÷k." The contractions, the surges, the waves are coming every minute. She just has a few seconds in between to catch her breath. " It is almost over Cait." Sam tries to sooth. " You shut the bloody h*ll up! You did this to me. Oh Chr*st. O G*d d+m Jesus Chr*st." " They are right Caitriona, you are a contraction away from ten centimeters." Ann says from.between her legs. " Oh thank God!" " Okay Caitriona push withnthe next contraction." " I need to get up." she insist. " Help her up Sam." " She can give birth standing up?" her mum asks Ann. " Aye. Gravity tends to help." Ann replies with a smile. " Times have changed." " It was much easier not to mention fun to get this baby in then out." Cait says as she leans against Sam's broad chest and pushs. " Always is." says her mum. " Ohhhhhh!" " Use that. Push out Caitriona. Push through the pain. Your child is on the other side." Ann reminds her. " My back is killing me, crips." Sam takes his hands and pushs against her back. " Thank you baby." He pushes and she rocks back against his counterpressure. " Ohhh." " Push Cait. Focus all that pressure on bringing your child into the world." Ann directs," I see hair." " Our child is coming Cait. Our baby is almost here." " I can do this. I can do this!" " Yes you can baby girl." her mum says. " A few more pushes. The baby's head is almost out." She squads down leaning against Sam. Her mum sits to her left holding her hand. Sam holds the other as he supports her weight. Anm kneels between ger legs and rubs warn oil on her. " Push Cait. That's it. Okay now pant. No. Don't push. I need to ease the baby's head out. Okay now you can push." She does. She focuses as she feels the baby slip out of her. She gasps as he or she stretches her as the head slips into the air." " Heads out. Pant again for me. Cleaning the baby's mouth out. Okay one more push and the baby will be out." She grunts and pushs the baby out. The shoulders slip out and the child slips the rest of the way out. " It is.." " No!" Cait yells out," Sam says." His hands shake as he reachs down the lift his child up. His face lights up and he says, " It is a..." To be continued....
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Starz recently announced that the hotly-anticipated Season 3 premiere of Outlander will hit our screens in September — an agonizingly long wait, considering that we got our last glimpse of Claire (Caitriona Balfe) and Jamie (Sam Heughan) way back in July 2016.
But anything worth having is worth waiting for, and that's especially true of Outlander Season 3, which will explore that very theme, as Claire and Jamie must defy the odds and find a way to reunite after decades apart.  
Here's everything we know about Outlander Season 3 so far:
Fans of Diana Gabaldon's beloved series of novels know that Season 3 is based on the third book in her Outlander saga, Voyager — a rip-roaring adventure that spans multiple years and countries.
Here's how Starz describes the new season: The story picks up right after Claire travels through the stones to return to her life in 1948. Now pregnant with Jamie’s child, she struggles with the fallout of her sudden reappearance and its effect on her marriage to her first husband, Frank (Tobias Menzies).
Meanwhile, in the 18th century, Jamie suffers from the aftermath of his doomed last stand at the historic battle of Culloden, as well as the loss of Claire. As the years pass, Jamie and Claire attempt to make a life apart from one another, each haunted by the memory of their lost love. The budding possibility that Claire can return to Jamie in the past breathes new hope into Claire’s heart… as well as new doubt.
Separated by continents and centuries, Claire and Jamie must find their way back to each other. As always, adversity, mystery, and adventure await them on the path to reunion. And the question remains: When they find each other, will they be the same people who parted at the standing stones, all those years ago?
That means we'll jump back to the Battle of Culloden and its aftermath to see what became of Jamie (since Claire spent decades assuming that he had died in that infamous clash), his men, and Black Jack Randall (Menzies). We'll also spend some time with Claire, Frank and Bree (Sophie Skelton) throughout Bree's childhood.
The show has a lot of ground to cover before we catch up to Claire and her headstrong daughter in 1968, where the Season 2 finale ended with Claire contemplating the possibility of traveling back through time to find Jamie after 20 years apart.
In addition to Balfe, Heughan, Menzies and Skelton, we'll see a number of other familiar faces returning for the new season, including Richard Rankin as Roger Wakefield, Laura Donnelly as Jenny Fraser Murray, Steven Cree as Ian Murray and Romann Berrux as Fergus, to name a few (but definitely not all).
The show has also been busy casting some new additions for the upcoming year, including an older version of Fergus, played by Cesar Domboy.
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He's not the only character getting a makeover: Australian actor David Berry has been cast in the pivotal role of Lord John Grey, a character we encountered in Season 2 as a naive (but honorable) young British solider who attempted to defend Claire's honor from the Scottish barbarians John assumed were holding her captive before the Battle of Prestonpans.
When we encounter him again, Lord John will be all grown up, and he'll be sticking around for a while. Here's how Starz describes him: "He's a steadfast and honorable British subject, torn between a finely-honed sense of familial duty and a strong moral compass of right and wrong. He is boyishly handsome with an upper class rearing — the consummate gentleman. However, a scandal from his past has relegated Lord John to an undesirable position as governor of a desolate prison in Northern Scotland."
Following his introduction in Voyager, Lord John has earned his own loyal fanbase over the years, and Gabaldon has written a series of novels and novellas centered around the dreamy and upstanding soldier. So if Starz and Sony are ever in the market for an Outlander spinoff at some point, Berry might have plenty of career security ahead.
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Among the other newcomers for Season 3 are John Bell as Young Ian Murray, Jamie's adventurous nephew; Wil Johnson as Joe Abernathy, Claire's closest friend and coworker, whom she meets during medical school; Gary Young as Mr. Willoughby, a Chinese man with a deep knowledge of Eastern medicine who befriends Jamie; Lauren Lyle as Marsali, the 18-year-old, high-spirited daughter of Laoghaire (Nell Hudson); Hannah James and Tanya Reynolds as Geneva and Isobel Dunsany, two privileged young noblewomen who cross paths with Jamie; and Charlie Hiett as Thomas Leonard, the inexperienced, by-the-book de facto captain of the British Naval ship Artemis.
Hiett is playing the captain of a ship, so it's not a spoiler to note that some of Season 3 will take place on the high seas, which probably won't sit well with Jamie, since we all know how he feels about boats...
Showrunner Ronald D. Moore was already expressing his enthusiasm for the show's nautical turn back when he was promoting Season 2: "I can't wait to get out to sea ... The technology now, between real ships like what they have in Black Sails and CG, it’s now developed to a place where you can believe it," he told CinemaBlend. "Now you can really realize on a television budget what Pirates of the Caribbean was doing 8-10 years ago. Now, we can actually do better CG than that on the television front."
Undoubtedly the biggest change for Outlander Season 3 is that in its final five episodes, the series will shift its production from Scotland, which has been the show's home for its first two seasons, to Cape Town, South Africa. There, it will utilize the sets and ships previously used on Starz's Black Sails to adapt Gabaldon's elaborate sea voyage scenes, with the balmy new location standing in for the Caribbean.
Season 3 of Outlander will be 13 episodes in length, and will air on Starz in September, with a specific airdate yet to be announced.
Four new writers have also been drafted to join Moore, Matt Roberts, Toni Graphia and Anne Kenney for Season 3: Joy Blake, Karen Campbell, Shannon Goss and Luke Schelhaas.
Because the season will be jumping around in time to cover various periods in Claire and Jamie's years apart, we'll see the duo transform from their twenties to their forties over the course of the season — subtle but noticeable shifts which will no doubt showcase the incredible work of the hair, makeup and costume departments, as well as the consistently compelling performances of Balfe and Heughan (who are long overdue for some awards recognition).
Production on the season began in September 2016 and will conclude in June 2017, Starz confirms, and the show will make a triumphant appearance at San Diego Comic-Con this July to give fans a preview of what they can expect when Outlander returns to our screens this fall. So close and yet so far!
The "droughtlander" may seem endless now, but the gargantuan effort involved in shifting an entire production to a new continent can't be overstated, especially when Voyager is such an ambitious and sprawling novel, which takes its characters through an evolution that few shows would dare to tackle. You can't rush perfection, after all.
The good news is, Outlander has already been renewed for Season 4 in addition to Season 3, meaning that we're guaranteed another dose of Starz and Sony's time-traveling epic in the next year or two. Season 4, based on Drums of Autumn, will bring the show to the halfway point of Gabaldon's currently published Outlander novels, but the prolific author is already at work on a ninth installment and sees no end in sight yet.
The takeaway? We can look forward to plenty more adventures from Claire and Jamie on the page and the screen for years to come — and doesn't that make the dry spell a little more tolerable?
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