#rip! mc please please please just get together with shoko already❗️❗️
seoafin · 3 years
with gojo's theory of love is the most twisted curse, i wonder if akutami would bring it back to attention with another japanese folklore, especially the story of kiyohime. basically a woman liked a monk who was travelling on a pilgrimage but he was trying to avoid her and chose a different route on the return journey & the woman died in grief after finding out abt it. after her death a giant serpent emerged from her bedroom (i think she turned into that) pursue the monk b4 killing him in a (1)
bell in the dojoji temple where he had hidden. said monk appeared in a dream of a senior priest years after, begging the latter to get a copy of the lotus sutra to release him n kiyohime from their suffering in their rebirths. apparently when it's done they were reborn in separate heaven (2) - 🐱
gojo’s quote about love being the most twisted curse....UGH!!! That would be a great idea! I'd love to see more cultural/folklore allusions in the manga!
speaking of that quote....i have a drabble half written (takes place in the prequel) where gojo basically admits that he’d rather curse you than let you go LMAO
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