#riley brooks x drake walker
angelasscribbles · 4 months
My Lonely Valentine (The Agreement) A One-Shot
Series: The Agreement
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake
Rating: NSFW 🍋🍋🍋
Warnings for this chapter: Lemons, or should I say almost lemons? Lemon adjacent?
Word Count: 3,269
A/N: This is a prequel one-shot. Occurs before the events in the main series.
Submission for the @choicesholidays Valentine's Day prompts.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley walked into the informal dining room of Balymore, her estate in Valtoria, to find the table draped with a red silk cloth, flames flickering from wrought iron candelabras, and gleaming silver cloches gracing the tabletop.
Her mouth fell open and she turned to her husband in name only in astonishment. “What is all this?”
“Oh…ah…” Drake stuttered over his words as his brain spun frantically trying to find the right thing to say that would make his romantic gesture less romantic and not awkward. “I…um…I know you were disappointed that Liam had to cancel your plans for today, so I just wanted to do something to cheer you up.”
Disappointed was an understatement. It was Valentine’s Day and Liam had cancelled their plans. She shouldn’t be surprised. She should be used to it. But it hurt. A good cry and a hot bath had helped, but after a long nap, she’d found herself ravenous. Her quest for food had led her downstairs where she’d followed her nose to find the source of the delicious aroma wafting up to her.
Confusion pinged through her as she took in his demeanor. “What about your plans? Didn’t you have a date?”
“Yeah, well, that fell through.”
“Oh, Drake, I’m so sorry!” Her voice was full of so much sympathy that he felt like an ass for lying.
“It wasn’t anything serious anyway.” The truth was, he had canceled the date when he’d realized Riley would be left home alone. He had only asked the girl out so that he wouldn’t be home when Liam arrived. Not out of jealousy, but fear of discovery. He was sure his best friend could read his love for his supposedly in-name-only wife all over his face.
It was getting harder to fight his feelings for her. The more Liam fucked up and neglected her, the harder it became.
He wasn’t jealous of Liam per se. He loved the guy, and he was fully aware of the myriad web of circumstances that had led to him having to marry for political alliances and not love.
The effect it had on Riley was the same and it hurt him to watch her suffer. He had agreed to marry her to keep her at court and near Liam. A marriage of convenience. A favor for his friends. An act of service for the two people he loved most in the world.
The problem was that the longer they lived together, the closer they became and the harder he fell. He had tried to fix it, put distance between them, but his stupid, traitorous heart wouldn’t let him move on. And he had tried.
The first year they were together had been so full of turmoil that he had just focused on getting her through it. Once they had moved to Valtoria and she had settled into her new position as Duchess, she had encouraged him to find a relationship of his own.
“You shouldn’t have to suffer just because I am.”
The full truth of the situation was that he had only half-heartedly dated so that she would stop worrying about him and his happiness. Because he would do anything for her. Even date other women. But his heart had never been in it.
Every relationship he had entered had ended before it really began. Two or three dates at most. Several of the women had dumped him citing with confusion that he seemed to actually love his wife.
Everyone on the planet could see that, apparently. Everyone but her.
Because she was too busy letting Liam break her heart over and over.
“Still. I’m sorry your date canceled. I know what that feels like.”
“I’m fine.” He brushed her concern off with a twinge of guilt but telling her that he had been the one to cancel would just open up questions he wasn’t ready to answer. Or more to the point, questions he wasn’t sure she was ready to hear the answers to.
He would confess his feelings right then and there if he thought she returned them. But she was in love with Liam. He knew that.
“Stop worrying about my love life and come eat before it gets cold.”
She inhaled deeply as she stepped toward the table, “It smells so good! What is it?”
“Deep fried chicken and cheese stuffed avocado.” He told her as he pulled her chair out for her.
Her face lit up as she sat. “Really?”
“Yes,” he affirmed as he took his own seat. “I know it’s your favorite.”
“But…how? I gave the kitchen staff the night off!” Neither of them had planned to be home.
“Oh, ah…” a flush spread across his face as he rubbed the back of his neck, “I made it.”
She pulled the cloche off the plate then turned her head to him in bewilderment, “You made this?”
He scoffed while shaking his head. “Don’t act so surprised. I can cook. You know this.”
“I mean yes but this is next level!” The avocados were browned to perfection and served with a beautifully roasted Mediterranean vegetable medley, garlic mashed potatoes, and piping hot Ciabatta bread.
He tried to lighten the mood. “I’m offended that you’re this impressed, Riley. I have mad kitchen skills.”
“I know. I just can’t believe that you did all this for me.” A single tear slid down her cheek.
He leaned forward in concern, wiping the tear away. “Hey, hey, hey! What’s that about?”
“Nothing,” she smiled at him through the wetness pooling in her eyes. “These are happy tears. I didn’t think this day could be salvaged, but you somehow managed it.”
“Yeah, well, what are husbands for?” He gave her a disarming smile as he sat back in his chair and turned his attention to his plate.
She laughed at their shared joke. He always said that when he did something nice for her. It was funny because he wasn’t really her husband.
But he kind of was, wasn’t he?
She dropped her eyes to her plate to cover her sudden flush. He was always doing sweet things like this. He was always there when she needed someone to talk to. Though she would never tell Max or Hana, Drake had become her best friend.
He had left his job as a member of the King’s Guard to move to Valtoria with her. He had been there for her when her grandmother passed away. The last time Liam had stood her up, Drake was ready with her favorite pizza and a movie she’d been wanting to see.
What are husbands for?
It was beginning to feel less and less like a joke because it had become the truth.
How true?
She suspected Drake’s feelings for her. How could she not? She had pushed him to date others. It wasn’t fair to let him waste his life taking care of her when she was in love with another man.
Yet here he was, on Valentine’s Day, taking care of her once again.
She stole a surreptitious glance at him as they ate. Maybe he had deeper feelings for her than she initially suspected.
No, she was imagining things. He was just being a good friend. Because that is what he was. Her friend. And Liam’s.
Guilt swirled through her at the thought of her supposed boyfriend. Annoyance followed the guilt. He had stood her up. Again. Why should she feel guilty for anything? He married another woman for the love of God.
Not because he wanted to.
The guilt was back at the reminder of the impossible situation Liam had been placed in, but it was mingled with hurt, embarrassment, and a fair amount of anger.
She knew everyone thought she was an idiot for waiting around on scraps of the king’s time and affection. For uprooting her entire life to chase after him to Cordonia in the first place, for staying even after his rejection, and for continuing to believe that she was a priority to him.
Everyone but Drake.
He never judged her.
She lifted her eyes to his face as he regaled her with tales of Max’s misadventures from when he had tagged along on Drake’s latest fishing trip with Bastien.
“… And then he tripped over the side of the boat and fell in the water!” Drake shook with laughter at the memory.
Riley forced an obligatory smile, but she had missed most of the story, her mind occupied with an entirely new idea.
Her eyes focused on his mouth hoping he didn’t notice the flush on her face as her mind refused to stray away from imagining what his lips would feel like on her neck, on her mouth…other places….
She forced her eyes down to her plate and focused on eating her dinner. The dinner that her husband in allegedly name only had taken the time to prepare with his own two hands.
When the meal was over, she tried to clear the table, but he wouldn’t let her. “No, no, I’ve got this! I’m just going to clear the table and rinse the plates real quick. Why don’t you go pick something to watch? Whatever you want.”
“You sure? You did all this work. The least I can do is let you pick the movie.”
“Nah.” He waved her offer away. “As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”
A multitude of emotions swirled through her as she watched him walk out of the room with the dishes. If you’re happy, I’m happy. He meant that. He was always saying things like that. He was always going out of his way to do little things to make her happy.
She made her way to the media room and flipped absently through the streaming selections as a million images of Drake fell through her mind. Drake, making her laugh when she was sad. Drake, holding her when she cried. Drake, always keeping himself between her and the reporters. Drake, scrambling eggs in their kitchen at two a.m. because they’d stayed up late watching stand-up comedy specials again.
When had he become such a huge part of her life? Yes, she had married him, but that had been on paper only, so she could stay near Liam.
And yet it was Drake who had attended her grandmother’s funeral with her. It was Drake who had taken care of her when she had the flu last year. And it was always Drake who picked up the pieces after Liam shattered her heart time and time again.
Why was she keeping him at arm’s length?
He showed up in the media room with her favorite blanket, a steaming cup of hot chocolate, and a small box tucked under his arms.
She accepted the cup and the blanket while trying to peer at the box. “What’s that?”
“Oh, this?” He teased, holding it out toward her but up out of her reach.
Her eyes widened as she glimpsed the label. “Are those dark chocolate truffles?”
“Drake!” She laughed as she deposited her cup on the end table and made a grab for the promised treat.
He lifted them easily out of her reach with a teasing smile. “What? Did you want these?”
“You know I do!” She tried to pout but the smile tugging her lips upward made that difficult to maintain.
“I don’t know….” He pretended to think deeply about it. “Maybe I should keep these for myself.”
With a joyful laugh, she launched herself off the couch, her fingers touching, but not completely grasping the elusive chocolates. The impact of her body colliding into his, combined with his misstep as he tried to dodge her, sent him toppling backward onto the couch where he landed in a slightly reclined position. Her momentum carried her forward so that she landed on top of him, laying on his chest, looking up into his face.
They were both laughing as their gazes met. A sudden silence descended on them as they stared into each other’s eyes. The smiles faded as lips parted and breath caught.
She moved first, bringing her lips to his. Her kiss was tentative. His response was not.
His arms went around her, the box of truffles dropped and forgotten on the floor. He pulled her tight against him as his tongue deftly took control of her mouth. One hand tangled in her hair as the other slipped under her shirt to caress the smooth skin of her back. A plaintive whimper escaped him as he pressed his rapidly growing hardness up into her.
Riley responded, melting into his embrace, no longer tentative. She pressed herself against him as their kisses became more passionate, almost frantic.
She broke the kiss to gasp for air. “Drake…should we—"
Drake froze for a moment, and then jolted upright, gently moving her off him. “Shit, Riley!” He raked a hand through his hair as he pushed himself back away from her. “I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry!”
“What are you sorry for? I kissed you!”
“It was just the heat of the moment.”
“Is that all it was?” She asked him softly.
“Yeah…” He responded unconvincingly.
“Are you sure it wasn’t more than that?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know…” her fingers twisted the hem of her shirt nervously. “You made this whole romantic dinner…”
“I wanted to cheer you up. Because we’re friends and—"
“You went out of your way to get me my favorite candy.”
“No, I didn’t. I just….” He closed his eyes with a shuddering sigh before pushing through with the lie. “I was already in the store, and I saw it…”
“You’re a bad liar.”
His eyes flew open, and he fixed her a look that was almost pleading. “What do you want from me, Riley?”
“I think the question is, what do you want from me, Drake?” She scooted closer to him taking in the way he watched her warily. Like a rabbit watching a coyote approach, his face full of fear, longing, and a guarded passion.
He swallowed thickly and tried for a normal tone of voice. “The movie…”
Her hand slid up his thigh to the bulge in his pants. “A movie? Is that really what you want right now?”
“Fuck…” he breathed out in defeat as a shudder ran through his body. He grabbed her wrist to stop her but instead of pushing her away as he had intended, he found himself pulling her into him as he leaned forward, and then they were kissing again.
Lips and hands explored bodies and pulled at clothing. His heart thundered in his chest as a small part of his mind screamed at him to stop, to put the brakes on this.
That part was overruled as she pulled her top off and dropped it on the floor next to them. He stopped breathing for a moment as he drank in her naked form. He yanked his own shirt off and dove back in.
Riley arched her back as she gave herself over to the sensations cascading through her body. Drake’s hands on her bare skin were calloused, rough. The friction was a sharp contrast to the smoothness of her bare flesh. It felt good, forbidden, delicious. She shivered as goosebumps erupted along her spine.
His hot lips on her throat sent ribbons of white-hot desire shooting through her and coiling in her center.
She cried out in protest when he withdrew that touch. “Why are you stopping?”
“I…we shouldn’t…”
“Don’t you want me?”
A self-deprecating laugh slipped out of him. “I want you so fucking bad….you have no idea….. but not like this.”
“Like what?”
“You’re upset…vulnerable...”
“I was upset.” She drew his hand back to her body; he didn’t resist as she placed it so it was cupping a pert breast. “That’s not what I’m feeling right now.”
He was struggling mightily to keep his voice even as he gasped for breath. “…don’t want you to regret…”
“I won’t…”
“You’re in love with Liam…”
“I am…” She dropped her hand and pulled back a little. “We can stop if you want.”
“If I want?” His gaze searched hers, unsure exactly what he was looking for.
“Yes, you. I don’t want to stop.”
“But Liam—”
“I don’t want to think about Liam right now, Drake. I don’t want to think about tomorrow or what any of this means. But…” She moved away from him reluctantly. “I understand if you do.”
He instantly regretted the distance between them.
Before he could decide how to proceed, there was a knock at the door.
Drake’s eyes closed as frustration, relief and a smidge of anger pinged through him.
There was only one person it could be this late.
Talk about timing.
He quickly pulled his shirt back on and tossed her blouse to her. “I’ll go answer the door. You might want to fix your hair, it’s a little mussed.”
“No, it’s okay,” he told her as he pulled her to him and dropped a quick kiss on the top of her head before pushing her gently away. “Go make yourself presentable. I’ll show Liam in.”
“Right.” She redressed and hurried over to the closest mirror to smooth her hair back into place.
Drake combed his fingers through his own hair on his way to the front door. Pulling it open, he greeted his best friend with, “Thought you couldn’t get away, Your Majesty?”
“Some last-minute things came up, but I finally managed to slip away.”
“It’s a little late. Valentine’s Day is pretty much over.”
Liam glanced at his watch as he stepped through the doorway. “Not really. Where is she? And why are you home? I thought you had a date.”
Drake shrugged. “She canceled on me. Sick pet or something.” He was only a little horrified at how easily the lie rolled off his tongue. “Riley’s in the media room. We were just about to watch a movie.”
Liam started down the hall. Looking over his shoulder, he asked, “Are you coming?”
“No. I’m going to turn in early. You two have fun.”
He needed a shower. A cold one.
He sprinted up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He slammed his bedroom door behind him and then leaned back against it, gently banging his head into it several times before muttering to himself, “The fuck did I just do? Stupid, stupid, stupid!”
He shed his clothes as he walked across to the room and into the ensuite. He needed relief.
The water pounded down on him as he wrapped his hand around himself. His head tipped back and his eyes fell closed as he remembered her half-naked form in front of him, the feel of her skin under his fingers, the taste of her lips…..
He groaned out loud as streams of milky whiteness pulsed out of him and splashed onto the tile. He placed both hands on the wall and leaned forward, letting the water run over the back of his head as he watched the detritus of his desire swirl down the drain.
It wasn’t the first time that his ardor for her had landed him in this position, but he knew it was different this time.
They had crossed a line tonight. A line that couldn’t be uncrossed. Even though they hadn’t done the deed, the genie was out of the bottle-- his feelings for her, their obvious sexual attraction to each other, all of it.
He just had no idea what to do about any of it.
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kristinamae093 · 11 months
Ghosted - I Finally See (Chapter Six)
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Series Summary - Prince Liam fell for Riley Brooks hard and fast. A marriage filled with love and devotion was within his reach. But everything changed when she vanished just before the end of the social season. As everyone voices their concerns regarding her scandalous departure, a confession from an unlikely source turns Liam's world upside down and makes him question everything around him.
Book/Pairing - TRR - Liam x MC (Riley Brooks)
A/N1 - This AU starts right before the beginning of the engagement tour. There is a two-month lapse between the coronation and where we pick up, but we will stray from canon. Please excuse any errors found.
A/N2 - Huuuuuuugest of shout outs to @ao719, who helped me tweak this mood board a little bit (twice 🤣🥹😘)
Characters belong to Pixelberry
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Rhonda led the three of them along the path to the west grounds. At one point, that is where all major events were held in Applewood. However, over the years, the Royal family decided it was best to move all festivities to the front of the estate, as it was bigger in acres and much closer to the main building.  
The area was then practically forgotten about. There was housing for some of the staff, a couple of sheds, and a few stray apple trees, but nothing else. Liam hadn't been on the west grounds specifically since he was a child and would play hide and seek with Leo out there. He always found the best spots to hide, Leo practically never found him. 
They followed until Rhonda stopped at an older, weathered shed toward the edge of the estate property. It appeared to be practically abandoned; the paint was chipping off the sides and the roof missed several shingles. It looked like a scene from a horror movie, and Liam felt his skin turn cold and raise with goosebumps as they approached the structure. 
Rhonda turned to face them. "This is the one..."
"Don't you dare go anywhere? Do you understand me?" Liam growled. 
Rhonda didn't say a word but nodded her head rapidly. She took a few steps away but stood where they could see her even after they entered the structure. 
Olivia glanced down and saw a padlock securing the doors closed. She reached out and grabbed it. "A lock? Seems like someone doesn't want us to find what's in there." 
"How are we gonna get it open?" Drake asked. 
Olivia laughed before she responded, "Oh, don’t you worry about that, you simpleton." and pulled a small dagger out of her sleeve. She leaned forward and started working the blade into the keyhole.
After a couple of minutes, Drake grew restless. "I know this may come as a surprise to you, but not everything is solved with knives." He huffed. 
Just as the words left his mouth, Olivia stood and turned to face him with a smirk on her face, lock in hand. "You were saying?" Drake shook his head and muttered a few obscenities under his breath. 
The trio stood and stared at the doors for what felt like an eternity; nobody wanted to make that first move. After so long with so many unanswered questions, the anxiety of what could lie ahead was felt heavily by all three. 
Finally, Olivia reached for the door and swung it open. They were indeed looking at all of Riley's stuff; all her clothes, hygiene products, knick-knacks, everything was piled directly in front of them. Olivia entered first and started searching for anything of relevance. Drake followed close behind, but Liam remained cemented in place with his mouth agape. 
Liam convinced himself that Riley intentionally left because she took all of her belongings with her. To him, that meant her departure was premeditated; she had to have thought enough in advance to have her things packed so she could make her escape. 
But as Liam stood in front of the open shed, he confirmed the gut feeling he had been ignoring all along was validated. Any and every bit of resolve he had left crumpled as he took those first steps into the structure before him. 
Liam entered slowly and looked around. He stopped when he saw Riley’s ceramic cardinal and picked it up. She said it reminded her of her grandfather who had passed away, so having it meant he was exploring new horizons with her. She had the trinket in her pocket during the Regatta, Liam recalled her telling him her grandfather had a love of boats, so she had to bring it with her for the day. He held it in his hands for a moment before he gently squeezed it, and placed it back where he found it. 
Liam continued his search and stumbled upon her tortilla blanket; he smiled as he picked it up and held it to his nose to inhale a deep breath. He hadn’t understood why Riley had such a random item, but he didn’t dare question her. The one time he saw her wrapped up in it was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. 
Liam went to her door early one morning to escort her to breakfast, however, Riley wasn't expecting him. He knew it wasn't proper, but he couldn't help himself; he wanted to spend any and every spare second he had with her. 
When Riley answered the door, she was wrapped in her blanket with her glasses sliding down her nose; her hair sat piled on the top of her head in a messy bun, although it appeared to have shifted more to the side during her slumber. The smile she gave as her cheeks flushed completely stunned Liam where he stood. She looked immaculate in all the ball gowns with her makeup and hair perfectly done, but she had never been more beautiful to him than at that moment.
Liam shook his head in an attempt to steady himself but could feel his eyes burn with unshed tears. He quickly put the blanket down where he found it and continued. 
As Liam resumed his trek, he stumbled upon a book or binder of some sort. The front and back surfaces were completely covered in different multicolored stickers. He opened it and realized it was not a binder, but a photo album. 
Liam looked through the pictures with trembling hands. He saw photos of Riley as a baby with her parents, holidays, birthdays, sports, prom; practically her entire life in images. Toward the end, he found laminated funeral programs for family members Riley had lost. 
Liam closed the album and wiped the tears from his cheeks that had unwillingly fallen. He knew Riley was a very sentimental person and would not have left this stuff behind purposefully. These things meant the world to Riley; her most cherished possessions, the things she was most proud of. It was one of the things that made Liam fall in love with her; in his world, all everyone cared about was power and prestige, but she cared about moments and making memories. He knew without a shadow of a doubt, she would not have left these things behind of her own volition. 
Liam began to feel insurmountable rage, but couldn't ignore the all-consuming guilt that engulfed his conscience for turning a blind eye; especially knowing she could have been hurt before she left, or, that could have been why she left. More than that, he hadn't believed in Riley the way his friends did. He needed to be convinced to believe in her. 
Drake had been observing Liam look through the photo album. In their many years together, he thought he had seen Liam at his lowest, but the man Drake was looking at now was unrecognizable; the defeat and guilt he felt were clear as day. When Drake saw him wipe his cheeks, his heart broke even more for his friend than it had been the past two months. 
Drake approached Liam and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Liam…" He softly spoke. 
Liam sniffed. "What for? I should be thanking you. Without your persistence, I never would have opened my eyes…" He trailed off and shook his head as more tears unwillingly fell. 
"Don't do that, Liam." Liam looked at Drake with a confused expression. "I can see it written all over your face. You're feeling guilty. You can't do that to yourself, man. I know it's hard, but you have to look forward. Don't dwell on what's already happened."
Liam scoffed. "That's easy for you to say. You didn't need to be convinced to believe in her. You didn't turn your back on her like I did..."
"If I was in your shoes I probably would have reacted the same way. You thought she abandoned you! I'd be devastated too! Then to see her in the tabloids two days later, I'd've been fucking livid! You might be a King, but first and foremost you're a man. You are allowed to make mistakes!" Drake emphasized. 
"But this isn't just any mistake! This is the love of my life, and I didn't see through this sooner?"
Drake sighed. "When me and Olivia told Max, she had to bring us back because we were doing the same shit you're doing right now." He shook his head. "I know it's hard, but you can't dwell on what you did or didn't do back then. We won't get anything solved that way. We gotta focus on what we do now."
Liam shook his head. "I just can't believe this is happening…"
"I know. It's a lot to take in. But I'm glad you're with us now." Drake smiled. 
"I swear to you, I will not rest until I find the truth. Someone is going to answer for this," Liam responded with a determined expression. 
Drake embraced Liam, "I know." and patted him on the back. 
"Thank you for being a great friend, Drake. I’d like to apologize for losing my temper with you earlier." Liam said as he returned the embrace. 
"Don't worry 'bout it. I'm just so fuckin' happy you're finally listening to yourself." Drake spoke as he stepped away. 
“Guys?” Olivia’s voice rang out from the other side of the shed, where they had not ventured to yet. 
Drake and Liam approached her and noticed her troubled expression. She was crouched on the ground as she searched through a tote that was filled with Riley's things. Olivia stood and held a black trash bag in her hands. She reached in and pulled out a balled-up piece of fabric, carefully unfolded it, and spread it open wide for Liam and Drake to see. 
Liam took the fabric from her hands. He realized he was holding a dress, but it was ripped and torn in multiple places. Some portions dangled, others completely detached. He knew he recognized it, but couldn't precisely place where he had seen it. 
The dress was white with a pink flower pattern, about mid-thigh length. It had ruffles at the bottom and a silky heart neckline at the top, which is where the tears appeared to be more prominent as well as the fabric being noticeably stretched out. The midsection had a brown leather belt sewn into its design, but portions of that had been shredded as well. 
Olivia noticed a specific area of the dress that was stuck together. She tentatively reached her hand out and grabbed the fabric and pulled, which separated the garment and revealed a large reddish-brown stain. It covered a portion of the back just above the ribs, and small spots on other areas of the dress. She reached out and lightly ran her finger over the large spot and felt that the surface was dry and hardened.
She grabbed the dress from Liam’s hands and spun it around to show him and Drake, both of their eyes widening within seconds. 
As Liam stood and stared at the back of what was left of the dress, his heart suddenly plummeted to the depths of his stomach as he realized where he recognized it from. “That’s…” He swallowed thickly. “that’s the dress she was wearing… at the jamboree…” He whispered. 
Drake bent down and picked up the bag. He opened it and saw other small pieces of the dress and even the stockings she had worn with it that night. He closed the bag and handed it to Liam with a heartbroken expression. 
Liam took the bag from Drake’s hands and peeked inside. He already knew what was in there, but looking confirmed it. Although they were unsure as to whose blood was on the dress, they could only conclude it was Riley's. 
Liam suddenly realized the maid who led them there, Rhonda, was still outside. He snatched the dress from Olivia’s hands and threw it into the bag. He turned and strode with deadly intent to where she stood outside the shed. 
Liam practically threw the bag at Rhonda, “Have you ever seen this?” He growled. 
She looked into the bag with wide eyes, “I– I– ” she stammered.
“ANSWER ME!" Liam yelled as he once again stood over the much smaller woman. 
"I– I found it on the floor. I don't know where it came from! All I did was throw it into the bag!" 
"So you find a bloodied dress, and instead of immediately reporting it to someone, anyone, you just throw it into a bag like it's nothing?!" 
Rhonda frantically shook her head. "I didn't know-" 
"BULLSHIT! It's blood! Do you really need a fucking technical course to tell you to use your brain?!" Liam yelled. 
Bastien heard Liam from his position a little ways away, and quickly rounded the corner and approached him with a curious expression. "Is there a problem here, sir?" 
"YES, there's a problem here! Look inside there, do you see that?!" Liam hollered without once breaking his attention away from the woman in front of him.  
Bastien glanced past Drake to the shed behind him. He briefly met eyes with Olivia, who remained inside searching. She arched her brow as she met his gaze, but he quickly turned back to Liam.  "What would you like me to do, sir?"
"She knows something…" Liam growled as he stalked toward the woman little by little. 
Liam stood to his entire height and squared his shoulders. He looked down at Rhonda over his nose; he puffed his chest out, only slightly, but enough to project his dominance over her. “I am giving you one last opportunity to tell me the truth. Failure to do so will result in you being placed in the custody of the Cordonian Royal Guard until you feel it’s acceptable to tell your King the truth.” He demanded in an authoritative voice.
Rhonda audibly inhaled a sharp breath, almost as if she had been hit in the gut. Her eyes welled with tears as she held her trembling hands together. “Your Majesty I swear to you on my children’s lives I know nothing else!” She dropped to her knees in front of him. “Please don’t take me from my kids! Please! I’ve told you everything I know! I'm so sorry I never said anything! P–please!” She cried as she lost herself in a fit of hysterics. 
Liam stood over Rhonda while she sobbed, his mind reeling. He wanted to believe she knew more, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized whoever did this didn't let this lowly maid in on their master scheme; she was only a pawn. The likelihood of her knowing more than she had already told them was low, and she had given them the biggest lead yet in showing them where all of Riley's things were. 
Even though he remained enraged, Liam crouched down in front of the woman and spoke in the softest tone he could force. "I will not take you from your children. I apologize for making barbaric threats to you. However, I need to make sure there's nothing else that you could tell us about that night."
Rhonda sniffed. "N–no, sir. I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner but I was worried about getting in trouble for snooping because I need this job to support my kids and–"
Liam held up his hand to stop her rambling. "For future reference, if you believe a guest could have been injured you are to call my office immediately and report it to me. Am I clear?"
"Y–yes sir." 
"This is a delicate situation, and your utmost discretion is required. You can not tell anyone we were here, or searching Lady Riley's things. Do you understand?" Rhonda quickly nodded her head. Liam stood from his crouched position and reached down and extended a hand to help her stand. "You are free to go, but please, if you remember anything else or see something suspicious, call my office."
"Shall I escort her back to the estate, sir? I'd like to ask her a few questions as well." Bastien asked, his eyes never once leaving the maid.
"Of course, Bastien. Thank you."
As Bastien led Rhonda away, Olivia reemerged from the shed. She found something that piqued her interest; it was a long shot, but she hoped perhaps her sudden hunch could poke yet another hole in the ordeal. 
Olivia approached Liam, who stood beside Drake with his hands balled at his sides watching Bastien and the maid fade away. She cleared her throat and the two turned to face her; she handed Liam a blank envelope and said nothing. 
He opened it and quickly scammed its contents; it was a letter from Riley to her grandma. She had told Liam about her letters home because her grandma wasn't smart with technology and didn't have a cell phone, but Riley wanted to stay in contact. There was no date, although it had been signed at the end. The text held no relevant information, aside from Riley retelling certain portions of her time in Cordonia, the last being their trip to the ancient ruins. 
As he reached the bottom paragraph, he felt like his already dismembered heart was ripped from the confines of his chest and tossed onto the ground in front of him, leaving it for anyone and everyone to openly stomp on.
I really don't know if I would make a good Queen, but I know I can do anything with Liam by my side. He’s the most amazing person I've ever met and makes me feel like I could do anything, and I would do anything to be with him. It might seem fast, but I can feel it in the depths of my soul; he is my forever. 
Liam took a deep, shaky breath to keep himself calm. The guilt was piling up, but he refused to let that dam open, not now. Their next move had to be calculated and precise, and he was more determined than ever to find her and ensure her safety. "Why are you showing me this?" He quietly asked Olivia.  
"I can't confirm, because I didn't see the note that was left in her room, but I know both of you did. So I just wanted to ask, does the handwriting match?" 
Liam took another good look at the paper; the one left in her room was short, so there was hardly anything to compare. Looking at this script in his hands, a few things did stand out. 
"The s's are different, and the r's as well." Liam pointed to the paper. "On this, every single one has some kind of a swirl on it, not to mention its continuous cursive. The one left in her room was just plain print writing."
"And this one is signed Riley instead of R," Drake added.
"Do you still have that original letter?" Olivia asked. 
"I… don't." Liam looked away from them and rubbed the back of his neck. "I, uh… I couldn't stand to have it anymore. I told Bastien to dispose of it…."
Olivia arched her brow. "I take it you did the same with her phone?" Once again, Liam avoided eye contact but subtly nodded his head. She felt her irritation rise at Liam's stupid decisions while in his state of denial, but opted to keep her comments within; even though he was fighting to keep it hidden, Olivia could tell he was already feeling the effects of his refusal to see the truth. "Well, we should at least check with him and see if he still has them; we can compare the letters and see if there's a chance they match." She sighed.  "Other than that, what's our plan?" 
Liam was quiet for a long moment. His mind raced as he tried desperately to figure out where to go from here. They didn't have a lead as to who could have been responsible or any information regarding the scandal. The most evident thing to be found was the chilling revelation that someone hurt Riley in some way and a potentially falsified letter, otherwise, they had no solid leads. 
Liam ran his hand down his face before he responded, "To start, I'll ask Bastien if he happened to keep those things. Otherwise, we need to begin a search for Tariq and Riley. Since the person in that photo you showed me can't be identified, they're the only two who know what actually happened. I'll have Bastien begin at once."
"The time I spent investigating by myself I tried to locate Tariq to question him, but he's gone." 
"I'll have Bastien double-check, just to make sure he hasn't gotten sloppy and left a trace somewhere."
"Are you thinking Tariq did all this?" Drake asked. 
"At this moment, no. We've known Tariq most of our lives and we all know he's not smart enough to do this." Drake and Olivia nodded their heads in agreement. “I have a feeling he could have been used in achieving someone else’s agenda, but as to who could be responsible, I don’t have a clue.” 
"What do you think their ultimate plan was?"
Olivia snickered. "I shouldn’t be surprised you can't figure it out, considering your brain is the size of a walnut." 
"Oh yeah? Enlighten us."
"Gladly," Olivia smirked. "Liam clearly wanted to pick Riley, that was no secret. Since Liam and I have been friends since we were children, I was obviously the second choice." She rolled her eyes but continued. "So whoever this person is formulated a plan to eliminate the two of us, leaving only Madeleine."
"There were other suitors." Drake retorted. 
"Oh, please." Olivia scoffed.  "Madeleine was technically the most prepared beforehand, the others weren't even in the contest." 
"But why go through all this, though?" Drake motioned to the shed. 
"I don't actually have any idea why her things are stored here, yet. Otherwise, I can only assume they wanted to push the idea that Riley left to be with Tariq. First, remove her from the situation. Next, let Liam sit and stew for a few days contemplating why she left. Lastly, release a scandal; let everyone assume she was a harlot being swept away by another."
"And I played right into it, just like they knew I would," Liam growled as he shook his head. "It was important they cemented the theory because whoever did this knew I would continue looking for her without the scandal. They needed to give me a reason to abandon that search, despite all the signs, and I did…"  Liam looked away and forcefully tensed his jaw. 
"I could be wrong, Liam… We really don't know much, yet." Olivia said in a surprisingly tender voice. 
Liam sighed. "For now perhaps it's best if we lock this back up and reconvene after the Apple Banquet. That will give Bastien a day or so to start the search; we can see where we stand then?" 
Drake and Olivia nodded, but Drake needed to ask Liam a question that had popped into his mind whilst they searched the shed and wouldn't leave. "Hey, Li?" 
"...What about the tour?" 
Liam remained silent for a moment before he quietly answered. "I know it may not make sense to either of you, but the tour has to continue. First, I feel it will make investigating this easier. Clearly, something happened that night, but everything must go on as planned to avoid raising suspicion. Second…" He trailed off and looked away from Drake's curious gaze. "If we can't prove someone plotted to get Madeleine on the throne, I will have to go through with the wedding. There is nothing I can do about that, aside from abdicating." 
Despite the seriousness of the situation, Olivia howled with laughter, which earned her a steely glare from Liam and a curious one from Drake. "Liam, you're the fucking King. You act as if you answer to all these people, but they answer to you. You're the one calling the shots, not them! If you don't want to marry her, then don't."
"I wish it were that simple, Olivia, but it's not. I have to take a Queen! Stability, above all–"
"Oh, my God!" Olivia exclaimed. "Am I talking to fucking Constantine or Liam?" 
Liam could only stare at her with a stunned expression. Drake, however, had to hide his laugh with a cough; he had thought that same exact thing every time he heard Liam utter that statement.
Olivia continued. "I'm not trying to be insensitive, because I understand you want to do what's best for the country. But marrying Madeleine is not what's best for you or Cordonia." 
Liam remained silent. Drake stepped forward after a moment and placed a hand on Liam’s shoulder. "You don't have to decide right now, just think about it, okay?" 
Liam could only nod his head, as his mind refused to form a coherent sentence. After everything that had revealed itself that day, nothing made sense. He quickly dipped back inside the shed and grabbed Riley's blanket, cardinal, and photo album. Drake and Olivia gave him a curious glance as he emerged from the shed with the items, but he didn't care; he wanted to take these things with him so he could feel close to her again, and hopefully return them if he could ever find her. 
Olivia placed the bag with the dress back inside the tote where she found it and secured the lock back in place; she slipped Riley's letter into her pocket for safekeeping, hoping and praying Bastien kept the one left in her room to compare.
The trio made their way back to the main estate as the sun was setting on the horizon. All three's minds were overflowing with questions, assumptions, accusations, and a wide variety of scenarios, all of which revolved around one thing: what happened to Riley Brooks? 
Tags (If you'd like to be removed or added, just let me know): @choicesficwriterscreations @ao719 @txemrn @imashybish @queenrileyrose @emkay512 @kingliam2019 @riseandshinelittleblossom @dcbbw @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight  @amandablink @cordonia-gothqueen @sfb123 @jared2612 @harleybeaumont  @bebepac @charlotteg234 @busywoman  @malblk21 @angelasscribbles  @bascmve01 @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie  @mysticalfangirl @umccall71  @fuckitweball0000 @differenttyphoonwerewolf  @lovingchoices14 @emersyn-in-cordonia  @aussiegurl1234 @karahalloway
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tessa-liam · 9 months
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Smoke and Mirrors
9-Hidden in Plain Sight 
Book: The Royal Romance Finale, AU
Series Premise: Hidden in the shadows, poised to challenge the status quo are enemies of the state. The loyalties and honesty of family and friends will be tested. ‘Keep your friends close, your enemies closer’. 
Smoke and Mirrors Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP ‘LiRi’ 
2nd Pairings: Leo Rys x Amalas, Drake Walker x F!OC Delaney Leigh, Olivia Nevrakis x M!OC Alex Cossoy 
*Most characters belong to Pixelberry.
*Not Beta’d, please excuse all errors 
Rating: M🔞*Series Warnings:  NSFW material, sexual innuendo, adult language/swearing/drinking/gun violence. Not recommended for anyone under 18 years of age. 
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff 
Words: 2394 
Chapter Summary: It’s the evening of the Celebration Ball and the big reveal of the Royal twins. Lena is interrogated by Interpol. Liam and Leo discuss a potential threat to the kingdom. 
Smoke and Mirrors
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9- Hidden in Plain Sight 
Music Inspiration: Sway, Michael Buble; Claire De Lune, London Symphony Orchestra; Late Night Talking, Harry Styles 
A/N2: My submission for @choicesseptemberchallenge2023, @midnightmelodiz , Day 6 – Dreams, Day dream, “I’m in love with you?” 
A/N1: My submission for @choicesflashfics @jerzwriter Week #49, Prompt 1- “You take my breath away every time I see you.” 
The King’s chamber was illuminated only by the soft light of the full moon where the King and Queen lay together. Riley was fast asleep, her head resting on Liam’s chest, her very pregnant belly snuggled safely against his side. Liam looked over at his sleeping wife, his heart swelling with love for her and their sons. In three short weeks, his family will grow to five; that time coming very quickly now.
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Cordonian Royal Palace
He lay awake; sleep eluding him again for another night. Mentally organizing his schedule for the upcoming month, his thoughts eventually returned to that conversation with Drake that they had on the beach the day before. His confession...
‘Watching you with Brooks, all these years... I want that too.’ 
‘Pretending to be happy is pretty damn exhausting.’ 
Sighing, Liam was pleasantly surprised when he heard a soft voice. 
No one else would have caught it, but Liam did. He ‘read between the lines’ of what Drake had said, like he was remembering a bad dream. Did Drake just admit that he still had feelings for his wife? Were those feelings that he had years ago still present and relevant to him? 
“How long have you been awake?” Riley whispered. 
He kissed her forehead and placed his hand on her baby bump. Stroking her belly, he could feel the soft kicks under his palm.
“Not long, love” he murmerred.
“What are you thinking about?” Liam hesitated before answering. 
Riley turning her head to look up at him, “you think too much sometimes.” 
“A conversation that I had. I am not quite sure if it was real or if it was a daydream.” Liam kept his answer opaque on purpose, not wanting to divulge too much detail to her. 
Liam chuckled, “Are you complaining?” 
“Never,” she replied, yawning. “I love you,” she added sleepily. 
His body relaxed, as he closed his eyes, “I love you more.” he murmured, tightening his arm around her protectively. 
Cordonian Palace Ballroom 
The Ballroom was filled with guests awaiting the King’s announcement scheduled for later in the evening. 
Royalty from neighboring kingdoms, nobility, politicians, and ambassadors from allied countries came from long and short distances to partake in the black-tie festivities. Music filled the air as waitstaff circulated amongst the crowd with glasses of wine and flutes of champagne. 
“I’m glad you decided to attend this event with me,” Olivia said smiling at Alex. 
“I must be honest with you, Livvie. I usually attend these functions as the enforcer. I am not used to wearing a ‘monkey suit’,” Alex smirked. He seemed to be comfortable among all the guests, nonetheless. 
Olivia grinned back at her partner, but her smile quickly faded when she spotted Amalas and Leo huddled together on the other side of the dance floor. They appeared to be deep in conversation and were not paying any attention to their surroundings.  
Alex noticed Olivia’s expression change. “Everything okay?” he asked with concern. She nodded, trying to force the smile back onto her lips. 
“I thought that Leo was coming on his own tonight.” 
“Liv, that doesn’t mean that he can't talk to anyone once he gets here,” Alex rebutted. Olivia sighed loudly and continued to watch the couple from afar. 
A waiter approached, carrying a tray of hors d’oeuvres. Alex accepted a small sampling as Olivia continued to study the couple without saying another word. Alex shook his head; he knew what was bothering her.   He also wished, he was mistaken.
As the orchestra began to play the first few notes of the Cordonian national anthem, the press began to gather around the dais waiting for the King to enter the ballroom. 
The King’s guard fell into strategic positions when the herald announced the arrival of the Royal family. 
Liam strode up to the lectern that was atop the dais wearing his full military regalia. Riley, walking with Eleanor, joined him and stood next to his side. Regina and Leo stood close by next to the dais. 
The crowd hushed in anticipation. Clearing his throat once before speaking, Liam began, “Good evening, everyone,” he proclaimed. 
“It is my pleasure and honor to welcome you all here tonight. I know many have been waiting patiently for the queen and I to make an official announcement concerning our ‘additions’ to the Royal family.”  Liam turned to wink at Riley.
The ballroom attendees erupted in whoops and cheers. 
Liam acknowledged his delighted guests with a broad smile and waited a few minutes for the accolades to subside. Continuing with, “thank you, thank you!” 
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to have my princess here to help me....” Liam turned and beamed, chuckling as Ellie clapped her hands with a peal of laughter as her uncle Leo scooped her up and joined his brother. 
“Well, Ellie, what do you think?” Leo asked, smirking at Liam. 
“Daddy, look.” Ellie exclaimed and pointed to a bevy of blue balloons filled with helium that were being released behind the crowd overtop the dance floor. 
“Everyone, our twin boys, our princes, are expected to arrive at the end of this month.” Liam lifted Riley’s hand tenderly to kiss. 
Riley joined Liam as he took her hands and led her to stand beside him at the lectern.  
Thrilled at the excitement, Liam continued once the audience returned their attention back to him.
Liam waited for the crowd to settle down after the announcement. 
The applause was deafening as everyone celebrated. 
After posing for pictures by the press, Liam led Riley to the dance floor as the orchestra began to play the beginning notes of ‘Clair de Lune’. As they danced, it felt like time stood still; as guests formed a circle around them, Liam kissed Riley’s hand and placed it atop his chest over his heart as they swayed together in time to the music.  
“It must have something to do with the love of my life in my arms,” Liam simpered. 
“How is it, that.... Liam,” as she smoothed down his lapels, “you take my breath away every time I see you.” 
“Always the charmer, Your Majesty." Riley whispered, kissing his lips sweetly. 
Drake held Delaney close to his chest as they watched the King and Queen move together in the center of the dance floor. 
“They look so perfect together,” Delaney sighed. Her voice was laced with envy. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll find someone special someday.” Drake answered sarcastically. 
Delaney laughed. “That’s so easy for you to say.” Slapping his arm.
Drake grinned, “you'are damn straight, Leigh. When I first met you, I had no idea what my future would hold. You showed me things that I had only dreamed of having with someone. … and I have treasured every minute of your love.”  
 Growling, he leaned over and kissed her fiercely on the lips. Just as Riley and Liam walked past them. Delaney noticed the look on Drake’s face when he locked eyes with Riley. It gave her an uneasy feeling. He seemed to be lost in thought.  
Smiling playfully at him, Delaney asked in jest, “I’m in love with you too?"  
She frowned. “Something wrong?” 
His eyes shifted away from Riley, and he shook his head. 
“No, nothing at all.”  
But he didn’t fool her. Delaney, now was positive that her concerns were justified, stepped back. 
“Good evening, you two.” Riley beamed as she turned towards Delaney and Drake.  
“You two are getting married! Congratulations...I am so happy for you both.” Riley put her arm around her shoulder for a side hug.
“Thank you so much,” Delaney replied, hugging Riley in return. 
“Yes, congratulations you two,” Liam reached over to kiss Delaney’s cheek. 
“I am impressed, Walker.” Riley snickered as she hugged her friend.  
“Wow, settling down and saying goodbye to the bachelor life.” Liam smirked, shaking Drake's hand.
“Who would have thought,” Riley chuckled. 
“Yeah, yeah, Brooks, get your shots in now.” Drake responded, not making eye contact. 
Interrogation Room A, Interpol Headquarters, Lyon, France 
Lena sat back on her chair with her hands folded in her lap. She was flanked by two men in dark suits. One of the men was a middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair. His name was detective Lefebvre, and he had been assigned by Inspector Ryerson to investigate her case. The other man was the head of Psychiatrics and was assigned to conduct an evaluation of her psychological state by King Liam Rys of Cordonia. 
Across the table, sat Lena’s legal defense attorney, assigned to represent her by the Royal estate of Vallenheim. 
Detective Lefebvre cleared his throat. 
“Miss Runarsdottir, I understand you are familiar with the Cordonian Royal family?” 
Lena nodded. “Yes, I have met King Constantine Rys, my father. My stepmother, Queen Sigrid, raised me when my mother Eleanor Rys was murdered. I know of but never met my brother Liam or my stepbrother Leo.” 
“And what do you know about them?” he asked. 
Lena’s mouth went dry. She felt like she was trapped in a nightmare. 
“I don’t have any other information about them,” she lied. 
“Do you mean to tell me that you knew nothing about your brothers even though you were caught outside the buildings they were in this past summer?” 
Lena stared at him unflinching. 
“How did you know where to go?” he asked again. 
“I’m sorry, I can't help you.”  
Lefebvre slammed his fist against the table, making Lena jump in surprise. 
“Don't play with me. You’re either lying or delusional.” 
Lena bit her lip. She sat stoically and kept her emotions hidden. 
“I am not playing around. I have no information.” 
Feeling frustrated, Detective Lefebvre changed his strategy. 
“Miss Runarsdottir, who is Bastien Lykel? 
“Bastien Lykel,” he repeated. 
Lena’s face paled. “I don’t know anyone named Bastien.” 
“Are you sure?” he pressed. 
“We have CCTV evidence of your conversation with him in the holding cells at the Cordonian Palace.” 
“I-I-” she stammered. 
“You were seen talking to him at least three times before you escaped those holding cells in Cordonia. Is that correct?” 
Again, Lena sat in silence. 
“Choose wisely, Miss Runarsdottir, and answer my questions. What is the nature of your relationship with Bastien Lykel?” 
Lena’s breathing quickened and her hands began to shake. If she told the truth, she was dead.
“Let the records show that Miss Runarsdottir is not cooperative.” 
Cordonian Ballroom 
Leo was speaking to Rashad at the bar when Liam approached after having a debate with an American ambassador. 
“Hey Li, I see you survived your conversation with Smithfield.” Leo smirked as Liam ordered a scotch and shot it back quickly. 
“Barkeep, another round for my brother and I’ll take the same.”  
“Why, thank you Leo.” Liam clapped his back. 
“Where is your beautiful Queen?” 
“Riley is upstairs with Ellie. Being so close to her due date, she needs to be off her feet to rest from tonight’s festivities. She is exhausted.” 
Leo nodded. “Totally understandable, but Li, why are you still down here?” 
“Because I need to talk with you and apologize about the other day.” Liam responded. 
“No apologies needed.  I was being an asshole and you called me out.” Leo grinned. 
“Well, I overreacted. You pressed a nerve when you mentioned father.” 
Leo smirked, “good, because I agree with you and I believe you are ‘right on the money’.  
Liam chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Again, that’s what makes you the better King,” Leo winked 
“I do have information for you." Leo continued. "Amalas gave me an update on Interpol’s case on Lena and Bastien.” 
‘Liam winces slightly at the mention of Lena, but he does not interrupt.’ 
“Lena is being uncooperative when questioned by the detectives. Nice touch, by the way, for assigning a psychiatrist to oversee her testimony.” 
“Well, it’s the least I could do knowing what father did to her, and her future.” 
“’Amalas has uncovered a few suspicious ‘coincidences’, but nothing damning enough’ to help shed light as to what her motives are.” 
“So far, the information that he divulged on the estate of Vallenheim has been verified as true. It was uncovered that he has affiliations with members of the Vallenheim royal guard.” 
“Has there been any progress on Bastien’s involvement?” Liam inquired.
“Director Ryerson has scheduled an official update for Monday morning with me. Apparently, Interpol has uncovered a black ledger. It was 'hidden in plain sight'." 
“Care to join me, Leo?” 
Leo responded, “I will be here.” 
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📌 @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @jared2612 @irisk12 @thesvnsins @walkerdrakewalker 📌
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fadingreveries · 3 months
The Royal Romance Retelling Masterlist
Series Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
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The Royal Romance, Book 1 🏰 - Bk1 Ch1: Once Upon a Time (part 1/part 2/part 3/part 4/part 5/part 6/part 7) - Bk1 Ch2: Welcome to Cordonia (part 1/part 2/part 3/part 4/part 5) - Bk1 Ch3: Reunited
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twinkleallnight · 1 year
False truth
Book: TRR AU
Pairings: Drake x Riley, Drake x Olivia, Liam x Riley .
Word count:1020
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: mental health
A/N: Thanks a ton @lizzybeth1986 for holding my hand and bringing this to reality. This is a mini series of 6 chapters loosely weaved around themes for the days of drake-walker-appreciation week.
Prompt: Day 1: Appreciation for @drake-walker-appreciation week
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"Good morning!" Her soft whisper and sweet kisses were the things Drake cherished the most.
He stretched his arms up in the air and then turned to her, taking her in his embrace. She giggled as he peppered kisses all over her face.
"I love you." She said with a kiss.
"I love you too." He replied and asked, "What are we planning today?"
" I am going to treat you to some of your favourite foods."
"And what's so special to recieve this treat?"
"Just cause I want to celebrate, us." She waved her finger between both of them. "You know what, being with you every moment is a celebration." She added.
"You flatter me. What did I do to get all of this?" He spread out his arms and threw himself back in the softness of the plush mattress.
She placed her hand on his chest and rested her chin on it. Looking into his eyes, she started, " You Drake Walker, you are the most wonderful person on this earth. You have been a loving son, a caring brother, the most loyal friend anyone could ask for."
He raised his brows. "Well, thank you but all these things don't relate to you and me. Tell me something exclusive about us."
She chuckled, "That list will be never-ending. You know how much I love you. You are the warm hearted person I always dreamed of."
Drake smiled listening to the praises. She cupped his face and continued, "You can read me so well. I don't have to utter a single word and you know what I want. You know it all. You are so devoted that I feel blessed. You never leave my side come hell or high water. You give courage, you give hope, you make living possible. With you around I am so carefree. You are always watching my back. I can be myself and I am who I am, because of you."
Drake covered her mouth with his fingers, "Enough! Do you want me to drown in the sea of these praises?"
She shook her head and moved his hand away to speak, "No, I want you to shine like a star in the nightsky."
"A star? I am not beautiful like a star."
She got up to kiss his head. "Sadly, you don't even know."
"Know what?"
"That you are beautiful inside and outside. . Your chestnut hair that falls over your forehead." She ruffled his hair and he chuckled. "Your twinkling brown eyes, this smile of yours that only I get to see. When you say my name in your rough and heavy tenor, my legs go jelly."
"Riley." He called out her name to tease her.
"Oh, please don't start it again."
"Riley! Riley! Riley!" He repeated with a kiss each time.
She started laughing. He responded with a hearty laugh. He didn't realise his voice was loud enough to cross the barriers of the wooden doors.
There was a knock on the door. "Drake? Are you awake, Drake?" The sharp female voice from the other side of the door sounded concerned.
Drake lost his grin but Riley kept smiling. He got up to open the door. He didn't want his rendezvous with Riley to end. If only…
The moment he unlocked the door, Olivia rushed in.
"Good morning, Drake. How are you today? Did you sleep well?" She asked in a single breath, scanning the room.
"Yes, whatever." He muttered and walked in behind her. He looked at his bed and frowned. Riley was gone. Again. As always.
"Were you talking to someone?"
" None of your business!" He snarled at her and stomped out of the door. Riley was gone, so there was no point to stay there.
Olivia's shoulders slumped in defeat. She looked at the tiny study table in the corner of the room. The letter she left last night was still there. It was out of the envelope. That means he read it. Then why would he not respond well? She walked down to it with heavy steps. She picked it up to check if she had made a mistake. She started reading her handwritten ode.
'Dear Drake,
I love you. And I have some plans for tomorrow. I am going to treat you to some of your favourite foods. Nothing special. I just want to celebrate, us, although being with you every moment is a celebration. Because, you Drake Walker, you are the most wonderful person on this earth. You have been a loving son, a caring brother, the most loyal friend anyone could ask for.' Her eyes welled up. She tried to peer through her watery eyes.
'And if i start talking about us, the list will be never-ending.'
A stray streak of water spilled out of her eye to land on the letter and blotted the ink. She turned away with a sigh. Her head hung low. She crumpled the paper in her hand.
She looked up at the mantle. Photos of them together in happier times looked like they were mocking her. She picked up one she had clicked of him, standing alone in the lythikos snow with the eggnog she had made for him. He was beaming at the lens. He looked so happy. She wiped the wetness from her cheeks, reminiscing about that moment. She touched his lips in the photograph and moved her fingers over his brown eyes. "I did as I was told. I poured out my heart to you Drake Walker in a hope that you will remember what we had. But you are still dreaming of a woman who doesn't exist. I wonder how long I will have to fight this lonely battle to get you out of your hallucinations.This struggle seems like never-ending. I miss you Drake. I miss you!"
She cradled the photo frame in her bosom and let the welled up emotions loose till she could do it no more. She won't give up though. She had decided she wouldn't. With a fresh resolution in her mind,she got up to go after him.
"Drake? Drake!..."
Tags: @3pawandme @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @bascmve01 @bebepac @busywoman @dcbbw @delmissesryan @harleybeaumont @iaminlovewithtrr @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @neotericthemis @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308 @princess-geek @sazanes @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @choicesficwriterscreations
Chapter 2 here
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txemrn · 1 year
Déjà Vu
Chapter 1
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Series Summary: After an unforgettable night with a stranger, Princess Eleanor finds herself caught in a secret love triangle between a noble and a commoner.
Chapter Summary: Eleanor prepares for a night out with her best friends despite her mother's wishes for her to attend a special family dinner.
Pairing(s): Liam x Riley (in discussion); more to be revealed
Word Count: ~2740
Warning: 🔞 Mature Audiences Only 🔞 this chapter references drinking; brief language
A/N: Welcome to my Crack Fic! No one asked for this... at least no one of sound mind, and if you're a big fan of TRR, you might actually hate this (no, I'm not killing Liam!). When I pitched this idea (half-joking, half-serious) to some buddies after reading the book Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas, the eager encouragement I normally receive was met with (what's that TikTok trend with that T Swift song?) "horrified looks from everyone in the room". But... I could not get this idea out of my head. So, here we are! I have a general idea of where this story is going... but I'm actually leaving myself open to possibilities. No matter how the road twists and turns, I would be honored if you join me!
A/N 2: This story takes place approximately 2 decades after TRR/TRH. I have made some canonical changes (they will be mentioned). Characters and some plots belong to our friends at Pixelberry! Huge thank you to @charlotteg234 for looking over this for me (and laughing like a maniac with me)! This was not Beta'd; please excuse my errors.
Tapping my newly manicured nails against the glass topper to my vanity, my gaze nervously shifts back and forth between my choices for the evening. I don’t know why this is so hard–or why it’s taking me this long to decide–but somehow, here I am in quite the conundrum.
Perversion or Temptress: that’s it. But, when it came to darkening the outer-corner of my eyelid, picking the right hue of eyeshadow matters. Yes, yes, they’re both a deep black; one is a dark matte that has the potential to smudge all over my porcelain face, but the other one, while dark, has little flecks of silver.
Biting my lip, I look at myself in the mirror before looking back at the YouTube tutorial I was following.  I feel silly making such a big deal over the color; afterall, this is supposed to be fun. Normally, for me, it is.  I’m actually really good at doing my own make-up, thanks to the internet and to my mother who convinced my father when I was fourteen that mascara and lipstick would not lead me down the path of destruction and eternal damnation.
Well, I guess I should clarify: I do a great job on my make-up, my everyday natural, diplomatically poised look. Think lots of pinks and taupes. It’s the latest trend for crown princesses; I should know.
But tonight, I wouldn’t be Princess Eleanor. I didn’t want to be Princess Eleanor. 
Dangit, that came out wrong. I don’t mean to sound like some stereotypical spoiled brat that is born into money and power, who craves freedom from her poor little privileged life.  I am content–actually, very grateful for the life I have been born into. I have been given incredible opportunities and experiences because of it. But, I’m not naive; I know I have a high-calling, one filled with much responsibility and dedication. Someday I will be queen of Cordonia.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves... 
Tonight, I’m just Nora–at least that’s what my friends call me, and since I’m turning twenty this coming Tuesday, they wanted to take me out over the weekend. This weekend. See? Responsible. But, there is just one problem…
There’s a sudden knock on my door, my mother instantly inviting herself in.  “Dinner’s in thirty Eleanor–”  she freezes as her eyes grow wide. “Y–you’re make-up… don’t you think it’s a bit on the, um… heavy-side?”
“Mom,” I singsong, "it's supposed to be. This is how all the celebrities and models wear their make-up when they hit the town." 
"Hit the town?" My mother gave me that eyebrow, the one that gives away her true unspoken feelings. "You're going out tonight?"
"Mhmm. To dinner." I settle on Urban Decay's Perversion, and start tapping the color against my eyelid. "I told you and Daddy that Josie and Beth were taking me out–"
"Eleanor," my mom shot her first warning signal with her tone. "We discussed that tonight wasn't a good night. And if you ladies could do things tomorrow–"
"It's just a family dinner," I continue to work on my look. "Daddy said it was fine–"
"But you know how important this dinner is. We have a special guest."
Yes, yes. We know.
His name is Drake Walker, and he is–well, was, my parent's best friend back in the day before I was born. He actually grew up with my dad, Drake's father serving as my Grandpa Rys's royal guard when he was king of Cordonia.
But, then there was a falling out of some sort…well, that's according to my Uncle Leo. He means well, but I'm fairly certain the truth has been stretched.
Anyway, I'm not too clear on what happened, but shortly after my parents got married, Drake moved back to his home in America to start a normal life. He never settled down with a wife, but he kept busy with his construction company.
That is until four months ago when he discovered his business partner had been siphoning company funds into off-shore accounts. Now he spends his days laid up on the couch with a fifth of whiskey. And broke as a joke.
Drake's brother-in-law Bertrand Beaumont, the Duke of Ramsford, serves on the royal council with my parents, and after a late meeting one night, he shared the truth about their former best friend. 
Daddy and his bleeding heart… sure, he can see fiery red from time to time and his temper can bubble over, but my father is known for his grace, forgiveness, and charity towards others. He contacted his old friend… which then led to an invitation back to Cordonia.
'It's only for a little while, until he gets back on his feet,' Daddy assured my mom.  'We'll give him tasks around the palace until then.'
Mom called it a 'midlife crisis'. I don't think I was supposed to hear the latter part.
I began to draw on my eyeliner as my mother crossed her arms, glowering at me. Feeling the disappointment radiate from her glare, I stop, shrugging my shoulders. "What?"
"Part of being royal is posing as a unified front as a family."
"You act like this is some official business or a press event–"
"Our closest friends are going to be here, Elle, and–" she stops, her eyes playfully smoldering as her voice becomes angelically romantic. "--I think even Bartie is coming." 
"Mom!" I chuckle, my cheeks pinking in embarrassment from her inflection. "It's not like that with him."
Oh, but it was…
Bartie Beaumont is one of my closest friends. He's a few years older than me and well… I really enjoy spending time with him.  He's incredibly kind and charming in and out of social situations. He's quite handsome with his dark, well-kept hair and deep chestnut eyes. And smart–goodness, he's smart. He can keep up with my father, round-for-round in debating politics and foreign policies.
He's always been fiercely protective of me, even when I was a little girl. But he was always just Bartie, my honorary older brother… that is until he asked me to dance at a charity gala when I was sixteen. I had never been asked to dance by a boy before; I was normally paired with other noble children, usually from the suggestion made by their mothers. But this? It was different… and special. Someone chose to dance with me because they wanted to. And until that moment, I never understood what it meant to let a partner 'lead you', and well… I digress. It was nice. Bartie… he's just nice.
"But seriously, Mom," I continue, "the girls have already set everything up for tonight, and I'm the guest of honor for that. I can't just stand them up."
My mom gives me a long sigh. She's having that internal argument with herself where she compares her younger years as a commoner versus her younger years as a royal. "I guess I was hoping you'd get to meet your Uncle Drake tonight–"
I couldn't control my giggles. Growing up, Mom and Dad always referred to their close friends as 'Aunt' or 'Uncle', like my Uncle Max and Aunt Livvy. But they were also active members in my life that I saw frequently. 'Uncle Drake'? I don't even know the guy. 
"Isn't he living on our couch for a while? I'm sure I'll meet him at breakfast sometime." 
My mom pursed her lips. I think she realizes she has no other reasons to keep me home. Thank goodness.
"Is Lars going with you, or is one of the other guards?"
"Mom," I whine.
"Eleanor, you know the rules–"
"But I just want to be a normal twenty-year-old for the night–"
"Almost twenty-year-old," she smirks, stepping forward to fidget with my wavy, honey-brunette hair. "It's just not safe, baby. People know who you are–good people… and bad people. Even under all of this make-up, people will still recognize you."
I give a little huff, but she was right. I once dyed my hair purple and wore thick-rimmed frames to a show for a local punk band, and I'm pretty sure I posed for more photos with fans than the musicians.
"Fine, I'll ask Lars," I give my mother a half smile. "Anything else, your majesty?"
"One more thing," she twirls me around to face my reflection in the mirror. I'm keeping it pretty casual tonight with a white shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. I am pairing my black moto jacket with some gold accessories and my red Jimmy Choo pumps. Surely the woman doesn't think I'm showing off too much skin. 
Suddenly, she raises my shirt in the back and unclips my white bra.
"Eleanor," she snickers, shaking her head at me. "We've been over and over this ever since you got boobs: white shirt, nude undergarments."
I whip off my bra, quickly grabbing a skin-tone t-shirt bra. "No one's going to be looking."
"Someone is always looking." 
After hooking my bra and smoothing out my tee, Mom gave me an approving nod. And then she put her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. "Have a good time tonight. I love you, my twenty-year-old baby."
"Almost twenty-year-old baby." We both fall into titters as we squeeze each other closer. "I love you too, Mommy."
I text my bodyguard Lars to let him know about the evening, and as expected, he'll be ready with the car in ten minutes. 
Poor guy was ball-and-chained to me when I got my driver's license. I'm sure when he signed up for the guard, he pictured himself traveling around the world, looking like a badass with my dad. Instead, he got me, and the only traveling he normally does is to gather my morning espresso and cronut. He's made more trips to Sephora than any man should ever make in his lifetime–even more than my Uncle Max.
He's a good guy… if you like the serious, never-crack-a-smile type. He looks like John Cena with a permanent angry expression, complete with a single bulging vein in the center of his forehead. He's a man of few words despite my attempts to make him laugh, but underneath all the brawn and muscle, he has a big heart. He has literally given me his coat so that I wouldn't have to walk through a puddle of half-melted snow. And to think, he has sworn to give so much more for my own life… 
My phone abruptly pings. Beth.
>>> "Hey, bday bish! R U ready for the nite of ur life?"
I chuckle under my breath after reading the text. Night of my life… She always has a flare for the dramatics, but then again Beth has always been the life of the party. She has more personality in her pinkie finger than all of the citizens of Cordonia combined. Her mother is the Countess of Fydelia, and ever since Beth's father left, she's been indisposed.  Mom says that's a more tactful way of saying, 'alcoholic'. 
Beth walks more on the wild side, a real risk-taker. When I get in trouble, chances are she is somehow involved, like the time I got caught with a bottle of Smirnoff Ice at the Baron's Ball. Ugh, talk about the hangover from hell… and that wasn't even my punishment…
But she, along with Josie, are my ride-or-die. My BFFs. My "You jump, I jump, right?". We've grown up together, became women together, and nothing was about to ruin that bond.
I fire a text back to Beth. 
>>> "Can't wait! My car will be ready in a few. What restaurant are we meeting at?"
My phone instantly dings, catching me off guard in my attempts to glide on some lipstick. That was fast. I tap on the message.
>>> "We're coming 4 u! Be ready!"
My face falls. I know it's probably hard to believe, but my friends often forget that I'm a princess. Like, the legit crown princess of Cordonia, and because of that, I need a bodyguard present during all activities outside of the palace that have not otherwise been secured by the royal guard. As you can imagine, that rule made me so popular in grade school when my parents tried giving me a 'normal life'.
In retrospect, I'm quite grateful for the security through the years, especially when I hear about plots made by secret coups against my dad. But still, it would be nice to get my own darn breakfast. And I'm sure Lars would love to sleep in for once.
I text back.
>>> "And Lars"
>>> "R U kidding me? Ur shadow has 2 come?"
I let out a defeated exhale.  She knows this. My phone suddenly rings, her picture lighting up the screen. "Hey–"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" She sounds irritated, as if I did this maliciously to her.
"Beth, you know my parents won't allow me out without him or any other–"
"He can't come with us," she interrupts. I can hear Josie in the back, trying to calm Beth down. 
"And do tell–" I cross an arm over my chest, raising an eyebrow, "--why is that?"
She lets out a huge sigh. "Fine. It was supposed to be a surprise for your birthday, but–" she hesitates, sucking on her front teeth.  "I got us three VIP passes into Core!"
I blink a few times, racking my brain for this to somehow trip a memory. "Core?" Nope. No tripping. "What's Core?"
"Nora!" She scoffs in disbelief. "It's only the newest and hottest club in town. Tonight is opening night. Half price shots–"
"Uh, Beth–?" I could feel my stomach sinking under the weight of her excitement. And Josie wasn't any better, squealing over the line. 
A club? Like, with dancing and drinking? I had never been to one before. And something tells me that the king wouldn't be too approving of his nineteen-year-old daughter partying with half-drunk strangers, groping her in the name of dancing. Still, it sounds like so much fun.
"--and we have a VIP table with bottle service until midnight!"
"Beth!" I call out to get her attention again. "There… there's just no way I can do that. Especially without Lars."
"C'mon, Nora. It's your freaking birthday. You're supposed to let loose–"
I hang my head into my hands. "You know I want to, but… I–I can't do that. My parents–"
"--don't have to know."
That silenced me real quickly into deep thought. I might not be the world's most perfect child, but I have learned never to hide things from Liam and Riley Rys. Never. 
But I'd be lying if a glimmer of hope and excitement didn't blossom in my chest at the thought of going out despite my parent's knowledge. Besides, I am an adult; I'm almost twenty for crying out loud. If anything, I've shown them how responsible I am, and that I can be trusted. Plus, Aunt Livvy has taught me more than enough self-defense maneuvers that I could probably take a second job as a spy with her wife.
Okay. Maybe Beth has a plan.
"And how won't they find out? Lars has to give a detailed report–"
"We won't bring him."
That's the plan? I snicker under my breath, chewing on the inside of my cheek. "And… how do you suggest I get rid of him?"
"Why not a sleepover?" I hear Josie suggest in the background.
A sleepover. That could work. There were few places I could go where security didn't have to be right beside me once a building was given the all clear. Beth's house happened to be one of them. 
"But I'm already dressed up. And–and I told my mom we were going out–"
"So?" Beth interjects. "We changed our minds. We'll have dinner catered."
Crap. Am I really considering this? I look at my reflection in the mirror as I twist my lips. Dangit. And I'm having a really good hair day.
"What's it gonna be, Nora?"
I take a few cleansing breaths. I can feel my pulse, galloping like a racehorse in my ears. Could I actually get away with this? I've been to Beth's house thousands of times. The guard comes in, does a quick sweep, and then keeps watch outside, never to return until it's time for me to leave. We could sneak out the back through the guest house. He would never know.
I swallow thickly, adrenaline pouring into my veins.
"Okay. Let me make a call."
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@alj4890 @ao719 @charlotteg234 @issabees @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @nikirennie87 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
@3pawandme @alyshak92 @iaminlovewithtrr @lovingchoices14 @malblk21 @rubiwalker @sfb123 @twinkleallnight
Thank you so much for your support! Every like, comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
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msjr0119 · 1 year
This life
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The majority of characters belong to Pixelberry from The Royal Romance/Heir. This is an A/U - with only parts being linked to canon.
Series warnings ⚠️: Adult language, sexual, adultery, loss of a baby.
Based on the Netflix series- Sex/life. A few parts of dialogue are from the tv series.
Please do not read unless you are over 18 🔞
Tags: Because I’ve been gone MIA in like forever I don’t know who’s here anymore 🙈… so only tagging people who have asked previously.
@ao719 @kingliam2019 @txemrn
Previously: Introduction
School psychologists aren't supposed to write books or diaries about sex. Doing so would be considered 'unethical' and 'a fireable offense'. Lucky for you, ethics was never my strong suit.
“It’s good to see you, Brooks.”
“It’s Cooper-“ Due to the shock, this was the only thing that Riley could mutter. Finally making eye contact, he gave her the refined look of innocence. “My surname is now, Cooper.”
They say that New York City is one of the worlds best places to take a run. Running was never my forte- I impersonated Phoebe in that one episode of Friends. The emotional pain that I felt in this moment, I’m not sure how many miles my body could suffer before shutting down…
“Riley! Wait!”
Olivia Nevrakis was never one to leave the house without looking presentable. Her attire generally consisted of stiletto’s which matched anything that contained sequins. She always used to say that she wore these type of shoes for self defence. In the frantic attempt to catch up with Riley, this one time she accepted that sneakers would have to do.
“Where’s, Riley?” Liam questioned as he scrutinised the unusual appearance from their friend.
“I’m glad I’ve found you- I don’t know. I assumed that she came back here, to you both?”
“What do you mean, Olivia?” There was no need for an explanation- the figure that ambled towards them confirmed the reason behind Riley’s disappearance.
“What the fuck is he doing here?”
“It’s a free country, Linz…. Liam, looking good bro!”
“Listen to what I’m about to say, Drake.. I am not your ‘bro’…” Exaggerating the word ‘bro’, Drake took a big gulp as Liam squared up towards him. “If anything happens to Riley- I will kill you this time!”
“You haven’t got it in you, Li-“ The tension between the two old friends, could have exploded due to the overload of built up anger that had been formed over the years. Olivia ‘sacrificed’ herself, separating them both- as they continued providing death stares. Neither wanted to throw the first fist or insult any further- in that moment there was the realisation that they both wanted the same thing. For Riley to be found- safe. Drake stepped back, and to everybody’s surprise expressed a slight bit of remorse.
“I fucked up, Li. I know that. I regret it each and every day. At least she has Preston to look after her, he’s a lucky guy.”
“Preston is an intelligent and caring….” This slight description stabbed Drake in the heart- if given an opportunity Lindsey would continue to dig the ‘knife’ as revenge for the pain that he had caused her sister. “Preston… he’s… The most an amazing three year old.”
“Excuse me?”
“Preston is my nephew- Riley’s son.” Awareness had finally hit, Drake- he had his wires crossed. Wishing that he hadn’t mentioned Preston, the confirmation of his identity now pulled on his heartstrings. Concealing his true feelings, he nodded to the trio- before leaving without another word.
“Lindsey, Liam- myself and Drake… it’s not what you are both assuming. I would never do that to, Ri. I can explain. It was just bad timing.” Olivia pleaded her innocence- she now knew that the jetlag would have to be put on hold whilst she explained the unexpected return of Drake Walker.
January 3rd
Let’s try this again. Drama. Life is always full of it in my case. The life of Riley Brooks. It probably would make more entertainment than the Kardashian’s.
Alcohol acts in crazy ways. It affects people differently. It can make you feel invisible- or at least it did for me tonight. I still can’t remember how I had the energy or knowledge on how to get home safely. Walking up the drive, I noticed my snobby and nosey neighbours- Hannah and Neville peering out the window. My brain was informing me to provide them with the middle finger gesture. Instead I gave a friendly neighbour wave along with the biggest fake smile that I could provide. The curtain soon shut as the pair probably scurried away like the rats that they are. What dickheads. If I know Hannah well, I can predict that she will visit tomorrow with a basket full of freshly baked muffins waiting for the tea to be spilled. The women here believe that they are the real life ‘Desperate Housewives’. Riverside may appear to be a seemingly perfect neighbourhood but like Wisteria Lane - here it more than likely also hides; many secrets, crimes, forbidden romances and domestic struggles.
Betrayal. It can occur in different ways. But you never expect it to happen with people whom you loved. The same two people who you trusted with all your heart once upon a time.
My husband is as gorgeous inside as out. I’ve never once caught him looking at another woman. To be honest, I’ve never caught him in a lie- or had proof to prove any potential deceit. So what’s the problem?
“Honey, where are you?”
“I’m upstairs, Nate.”
“Ri, things have been super crazy at work. You have no idea.”
“Yeah. We’re talking post-merger madness. Everyone is just angling for a position. They are all trying to show off for the new boss, you know.” Katrina- fantastic, little miss perfect Katrina. You can say her name, Nate. “She’s great, she wants to do all the things that I want to do- but on a much larger scale.”
“Wow.” Attempting to show a slight bit of interest, Riley didn’t realise how sarcastic that she may have sounded.
“Yeah, people are swarming- but she sees me. She loves me.” Nate noticed that Riley was in a daze, as she didn’t respond to him immediately. Laying next to her, he planted an attentive kiss on her forehead. “What’s up?”
“Nothing. I just miss you.”
“Excuse me. It’s her.” Acting dumb, Riley knew exactly who was on the other line. It’s a bit late for a work business call. “It’s her, my boss…. I won’t be long, Ri…’Katrina, hey! How are you?’” Laughing during his conversation, Riley couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed like that towards her.
The problem for Katrina, Nate Cooper is married to me. Before I met him, I had been contorted into a high percentage of the positions in the Kama sutra. Shouldn’t we all? There was rich guys, poor guys, tattooed guys, the one night stand guys. Any kind of man. Do I sound like a whore?
“We’ll sit down tomorrow just you and I, to discuss it Kat. See you then, bye.” Kat? Pet names now. The old boss was known as Mr Wilson- not by first name terms.
“Told ya, Ri. She loves me.”
“Who doesn’t?” Riley replied again in a sarcastic type of way.
I bet people often wonder why I married some man who was so straight-laced as to say. Honestly, it’s because of all the past encounters- especially, Walker. My nerves were so shot by the time that I had met Nate. As I’ve said previously I was vulnerable. My heart was riding on fumes- the stability that he offered was a soothing balm. At the time, I wanted us to live for a hundred years and die at the exact same moment to avoid any pain. I hoped that our souls would find each other on the other side- if that truly exists. We could fall in love all over again….I just also want to fuck Nate’s brains out, mainly as a distraction from the impromptu night that I have just had. Is that too much to ask?
January 4th
Last night or rather this morning was a complete disaster… When you have the urge to fuck your partner- you need to do it there and then, right? Why is it so hard to both be in the mood at the same time once you are married with kids? The way things are at the moment, I feel I’m like a reborn virgin.
“I’m sorry, I forgot to ask. Ioana mentioned that Liam and Lindsey came over. You should have gone out.”
That supportive look that he provided, was the complete opposite of what he would have really expressed. If he knew the truth, the calmness of his voice would be a different matter. Is he a controlling husband? Maybe. Protective- yes. What he doesn’t understand, is that I need to let my hair down once in a blue moon.
“I wasn’t up to it.”
To prevent my lie from being exposed I turned my phone into ‘Do not disturb’ mode.
“Besides, you’re back now….”
I reach down, making the first move. Faking orgasms- does anyone else do this?
“It’s so good.”
“Sorry, Ri- I can’t…. I’m too tired.”
Drake would never do that. He would see to all my needs. Why am I comparing them?
“Pass me the vibrator.”
It’s been nearly two years since Nate went down on me for example. I grew an entire human being in my body in half of that time.
“For fuck sake!”
I feel like screaming, due to the frustration of not only Nate ‘dying’ on me but now B.O.B does it too.
“Fuck it.”
After a slight yawn followed by a stretch, Nate snuggled into Riley-completely oblivious to his wife’s dissatisfaction. “Night baby.”
It wasn’t always like this. As much as children are a blessing- is this the reason that explains the loss of Nate’s libido or is it truly down to his work load? The passion we had has now declined, faded into something that is now virtually non existent. This must be the definition of growing up; getting married and living the family routine with a waning passion. Now I’m starving. Internally screaming at him from inside my mind trying to make us feel - something. Love is a drug, that’s what they say- right? Adrenaline. I can get that feeling again, every time I close my eyes - going back to any one of those nights in the past- I feel it. It’s not some allusive high that I’m chasing- it is - or was, real. That was the other Riley Brooks- the true, me. A wild-child. How can a girl fuck up with every relationship? I don’t know how I manage to do it? Maybe I should have worked on my brief relationship with Liam- my now brother in law. But, that’s a different story which included a poor teenage waitress in a dive bar and Lady Liberty.
January 5th
For this entry, I cannot allow for it to be discovered by Nate.
Deceit- the act or practice of deceiving; concealment or distortion of the truth for the purpose of misleading; duplicity; fraud; cheating. For me, today is just not informing my husband about the full truth. It’s in my past and something that I don’t like to ponder about. I’m still living through this nightmare behind closed doors. If he was ever to ask the reasoning behind this date- I have Lindsey as ‘my excuse’. We have previously had a discussion - to get our stories straight if Nate was ever to discover the true events about this day. The fifth of January always creeps up, then it’s gone in an instant- until it reappears each year.
Slowly walking up the path, there was the sense of tranquility. Silent neighbours. The slight wind enabled the tree branches to sway in sync.
“Hey, Linz”
“About fucking time, Riley! I’ve been worried sick about you! Are you okay? I’ve tried ringing you-“
“I’ve had no missed-“ Riley soon remembered that she hadn’t deactivated the ‘Do Not Disurb’ mode on her phone.
“I’m fine- I just… every year, we always meet here at the same time. Where are you? Why have you put flowers down without me?”
“That’s what I’m trying to explain, I’m stuck in traffic. I’ve rang you a few times mainly about the delay but also to discuss about you leaving the other night without telling us.”
“Linz, if you didn’t put these flowers here- who did?”
“Linz, I’ll ring you back.” Sensing company, Riley focused on the shadow hovering over her.
“There’s a bunch of New York’s finest flowers from, Olivia. She wasn’t sure if you wanted to see her or not as you haven’t returned any of her calls. So I offered to bring them…. It’s been too long since I’ve been here, myself.”
The callused hand gently removed the crinkly yet rusty coloured leaves that floated effortlessly in-front of them.
“The teddy is a gift from me. I hope that you don’t mind?”
Reaching out to the bear, Riley pulled it close to her chest- holding it tightly, it felt to her as if the world had just crashed. Again. The defence mechanisms that she would usually excel in, were now paper thin. Before she could have reacted, his hands gently drew her closer towards him as he knelt down to her level.
“Please…. Don’t touch me. I’m fine.”
The heat from this touch rapidly creeps into my consciousness - needing to pull away, I couldn’t. It’s like a magnet, drawing us closer- unable to separate this unexpected bond. Pulling his head back, he ran his hand through my hair before gently wiping away the tears that were now everlasting.
“You clearly aren’t fine, which is understandable. If you want me to go, I will.”
As I sink further into his torso attempting to hide my emotions, I inhale his aftershave- which has now sent me into a coma. My heart and brain have different scenarios imaged in my mind. What am I doing?
“You have a right to be here as much anyone- Drake.”
- - -
Our sleeping angel
Sweet little flower
Of heavenly birth
You were too precious
To bloom on earth
Love you always, Mommy and Daddy xxx
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flowerpowelltales · 2 years
Like Fall, Like Spring (Drake x MC)
A/N: don’t touch me, i’m not okay 😭😭😭 i’m going to miss my babies! please read till the end!
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Drake ate in silence and Riley waited. He surely needed to address his storming out and then being MIA for almost a whole day, right?
When he was finished and still made no attempt to say anything, Riley sighed and began collecting empty plates. Just as she reached for his mug, he grabbed her arm and made her look at him. 
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“I should be asking you the same thing, actually.” He rubbed his temple with his other, free, hand. “I left without saying anything but Leona hurt you too. I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be. It was a lot to take in. And she’s your family.”
“She should be yours too.” Drake let go of her arm and clenched both of his fists. “I needed time to think. It’s not easy… I mean, Leona was like a second mother to me. And then like a mother and a father, when mine died. It’s hard to see her becoming… this.”
“It’s okay Drake, you don’t owe me any explanation.”
“I do. You're my wife, you were directly affected. It felt like I’m losing someone all over again. First dad. Then my mom, to depression. I only half-have her now anyway. Then Savannah ran away. She came back but she has her family now. Then you… And now Leona. I don’t want to have her in my life if she treats you like this but it’s not easy for me.”
“You don’t have to cross her out of your life, Drake. She’s still your family,” Riley said softly, rubbing his back gently. 
“So are you, Riley. And if she doesn’t want to accept you, I’m sorry. I will always choose you anyway.” He looked at her so affectionately she thought she’d cry.
“I’m sorry I didn’t choose you when I ran away. I promise I will always choose you, too. Always, Drake. You are my family. My whole world.” She was crying and Drake stood up and pulled her into his arms. 
“Shh, it’s okay, baby, it’s okay.”
“I’m so– so– sorry,” she said through sobs. 
“I forgave you, a long time ago. Please, forgive yourself, too,” he whispered and kissed her forehead. 
They stayed like that, embracing and gently swaying to the music of their hearts, for a few minutes before Riley remembered something.
“I forgot to tell you something! I– When Leona said those things about me, about the dog being still in the U.S., me having a job in New York, I–I do have my dog with Ellen, true, but only because she really likes him and wants to have someone around. And about the job…”
“You don’t owe me an explanation,” he repeated what she said just minutes before.
“I do. You’re my husband and you need to know. I declined the job in New York. Long time ago but it doesn’t matter. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I… I found a job, actually.”
“You did?” He pulled back a little to look her in the eyes.
“I had a crazy idea… I talked to Hana and… Hana and I are starting our own pastry shop! We found a place, talked to lawyers and owners and everything so it’s all legit and we have the green light! I mean, now that we’re no longer nobility we need to support ourselves and since I wanted to become a baker when I was younger I thought that was a great chance and Hana is an amazing baker so it could actually work and I know I never really asked you about your permission and maybe you had other plans and now I feel very stupid but I don’t want you to think I was hiding anything because–”
“Riley, hey, relax. Take a breath. Pastry shop, huh?”
“Yeah. Are you mad?” She asked.
“Mad? That my wife is fulfilling her childhood dream? That she starts a career of her own? That I’ll probably have lots of yummy things for free? Are you mad?”
Riley laughed, relief spreading through her body. “You can have anything you want. You’ll always be our most treasured customer.”
Drake smiled and leaned to kiss her. She melted into him, finally feeling like they were back together for good. Like they found back their missing piece and now they could be whole again. The familiarity of them overwhelmed her.
“Drake…” she moaned in between the kisses. “I…. have the best… idea… mmm.”
“What? Are we going to have dessert now?” He asked and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes slightly.
“No, but maybe later.” This time she pulled away. “I thought we could celebrate? If you’re up for this?”
“Mhmm, of course we can. Come here.”
“Not like this,” she laughed. “Okay maybe that too. I thought with Maxwell, Hana, Liv, Liam and the rest of ours.”
Drake opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow. “I was thinking only the two of us…”
“And I was thinking something like renewing our vows? A small ceremony? Since our wedding was a big one? Now that we’re no longer–”
“Nobility, I know. I actually think this is a nice idea.”
“Right? A second chance wedding!” She babbled on and Drake chuckled.
“Okay, okay. I get it. You can plan it if you want but now about that dessert you mentioned earlier…”
Riley burst out laughing. “So needy!” 
But she didn’t protest any further and definitely not when Drake was showing off his ‘dessert’ skills.
The ceremony was just like Drake and Riley wanted. Small. Intimate. Romantic. Cozy. Only their closest friends were invited, Ellen came and brought Lasse with her while Bianca declined saying she wasn’t feeling too well. Leona, for obvious reasons, was banned from coming. Drake protested wholeheartedly against inviting Olivia but Riley couldn’t imagine that day without her. After all, it was Liv that helped them get back together. Even if unintentionally.
The vows were renewed, Drake and Riley kissed as a husband and wife and they moved to the Valtoria gardens where the party began. Even though she wasn’t a Duchess anymore, she really liked the gardens of her duchy and Liam helped her organize the ceremony there.
After a few hours of dancing, eating and talking, Riley stood with Drake and watched Savannah and Bertrand running after Bartie, who was trying to mimic Maxwell’s crazy dance moves. 
“How does he have so much energy? I’m beat!” Riley exclaimed, rubbing her back. 
“He’s still a kid.”
“No, not Bartie. Maxwell!”
“Well... Technically it applies to Max, too. Want a drink?”
“Oh yes, I think I could use a drink.”
“I’ll get it for you,” Drake said and Riley nodded. She was looking at him with a big smile on her face, until he disappeared. She turned around and noticed she wasn’t the only person following him with her eyes.
The woman was definitely not invited; at least Riley didn’t invite her. Silky blond hair, beautiful smile and a bump. When the woman turned to look at Riley and their eyes met, Riley swallowed hard.
Mary-Anne was even prettier in person.
Her face lit up and started making her way towards Riley. When she finally reached her, she extended her hand. 
“Hi, Riley!” Even her voice was attractive. Riley plastered a smile and shook Mary-Anne’s hand. How could she even compare to Drake’s ex?
“I’m Mary-Anne, Drake’s friend from Texas by the way! You were probably wondering who’s that strange person bothering you,” she laughed and Riley fake-chuckled.
“Yeah, well, it’s a private party so I was a bit surprised. Drake invited you, I suppose?” She asked.
“Erm... Not really. Savannah did mention you were renewing your vows and since I couldn’t come to your wedding when Drake invited me I thought I’d come to this party. I--I’m sorry if it was a bad idea,” she added when she saw Riley pale. “I came to apologize, actually.”
“Really? What for?” Now Riley was interested.
“I... Um... Found out what Leona said about me to you. Sav called and asked if the baby’s Drake’s. Apparently that’s what Leona kept telling you. It’s not, by the way. The baby, I mean. It’s not Drake’s. It could never be.”
“Thanks... I mean, I knew it, Drake told me but thanks.”
“I felt really bad and I figured calling would be not enough so here I am. Listen, I’m sorry about Leona. She’s like that. She’s always had this vision of me and Drake married with ten kids on their family Ranch. We even tried to date to please her but we’ve always been more like siblings than lovers. And I love Leona.”
“Leona is lovable?” Riley raised a brow and Mary-Anne chuckled.
“Yes, well, I love her.   She’s the only mother I ever had. I have four older brothers and a clueless father. He had no idea how to raise a daughter. When I got my first period and stained my jeans he thought I was dying. It was Leona who taught me about those things. I know she loves me and I guess that’s why she wanted me and Drake to work out. But it’s not going to. Besides, he’s so happy with you! When you left him and he was super upset, he got drunk and I found him in a bar. You know what he did? He showed me every single photo of you on his phone and described when it was taken, where and why in so much detail I was afraid we were going to spend a week in that bar. I’ve never seen him so in love. It’s a good look on him. I’m happy you’re back together.”
“Wow, I... I don’t know what to say. Thank you for telling me, that... does make me understand Leona a bit better. But I still don’t like her,” Riley added.
“And I’m here to change your mind. I’d be mad at her too if she did this to me.” Mary-Anne shrugged.
“And the father of your baby? Leona doesn’t like him?”
“It was a mistake. My mistake. I was sad and lonely and it was a one time thing with a guy I met in a bar. I don’t even know his name but it doesn’t matter. I was actually kind of happy I got pregnant. My father never cared too much about me, my brothers have their own life and I thought I might finally have someone in my life. It was like my lil miracle. My bestie. My family.” She cradled her bump affectionately. “It’s the two of us against the world.”
“You know what?” Riley asked her suddenly, a brilliant (in her opinion) idea coming to her. “I’m so glad you came! Let me introduce you to my friends,” she said and watched Mary-Anne’s face light up. Riley took her arm and led her in the direction of Liam and Maxwell. To be fair, she only wanted to introduce her to Liam in hopes something could happen between those two but Maxwell being there too was for the best. She wouldn’t want to be too obvious.
Apparently she was too obvious though because when she turned to go back to her place, smirking, Drake was already standing there, watching her, his eyebrow raised. He handed her the drink when she reached him. 
“What are you trying to do?” He asked.
“Umm... Your friend came and I thought she was lonely so I introduced her to our friends.”
“Really? Just that?”
“Err... What else do you want me to say?”
“Riley, I’m not stupid. Are you trying to play a matchmaker? Because let me remind you, we needed therapy to work out.”
“That’s because you didn’t even know my matchmaking plan! I actually asked Liam to give us a month to work things out between us, it’s not really a legit--” she paused realizing she was about to confess to a lie. 
“I actually do know it was your plan, believe it or not.”
“What?” She asked. “How? When? Why?”
“From the moment the two of you announced it. I’m not stupid and I can think. There has never been a rule like this and will never be. Not within the Cordonian mentality.”
“And... You just went with it?”
Drake shrugged. “I was mad at you. But I did have a bit of hope that maybe it would help us. So I didn’t say anything.”
“Drake Walker! I swear you always find a way to surprise me.”
Drake smiled and pulled her towards him. “I hope I’ll never stop surprising you.”
“Mhmm,” she murmured as he kissed her cheek. “I might have to start thinking of ways to surprise you, too.”
Drake froze and pulled back. He looked at her intently for a few seconds before cracking a smile. “Maybe not. I think I had enough of your surprises in this lifetime.”
“One more!” Maxwell yelled from his seat and pointed to an empty plate.
“That would be your tenth!” Hana yelled back and Riley stifled a chuckle. She kept making coffee until she felt a pair of arms encircling her waist.
“Hello, I missed you,” Drake's voice was muffled as he buried his face in Riley’s neck. 
“I missed you, too. Three days feel like three years without you,” she admitted. Drake kissed her and nodded towards coffee. 
“Got one more for your beloved husband?”
“Always. And I also put away an orange and bourbon flavored cupcake for you. Since Maxwell eats most of our supply.”
Drake laughed and the whole shop seemed to be positively vibrating with him in it. He sat down on a chair closest to the counter, ignoring Maxwell patting an empty chair beside him. 
Riley brewed Drake’s coffee (black, no cream, no sugar) and retrieved the cupcake, pretending she didn’t hear Maxwell’s gasp. She looked at her shop, her and Hana’s pastry shop and smiled. A lot of energy and effort went into their little venture but it was worth it. Hana and Riley were great partners and worked perfectly together. Riley learned a lot from Hana and Hana from Riley. Their business was flourishing, although it was to some extent thanks to Maxwell - he came every single day and ate at least seven pastries. How he kept in shape - that was the greatest mystery.
Drake also worked - he was a full time photographer now and even though he mainly took photos of different events in Corodnia, sometimes he had to go to other countries. If the job was longer than a week he took Riley with him - they didn’t want to be far from each other for too long. In between the jobs he also taught a photography course at the University of Cordonia and was considering switching to full time teaching and doing photography on the side. He felt he wanted to be home more often.
Her and Drake were also better than ever. They kept on going to therapy and worked through every single little thing together. Not only were they closer than before but also their marriage was stronger. 
There were also other changes in Cordonia. Mary-Anne and Liam were raising her almost one-year old daughter together (to Cordonian citizens’ outrage) and planning their wedding (to Cordonian citizens’ joy). Mary-Anne finally found a community that cared about her, although it wasn’t the easiest for Leona, who felt like she lost two children. 
As far as Leona was concerned, she reached out to Drake a few weeks prior, full of remorse. Drake didn't even want to listen to her but Riley insisted they work things out. They started talking, little by little. It still wasn’t a relationship Drake or Leona wanted but they were trying. 
And there was one last change. A change that no one but Riley knew about. She smiled at Drake blowing her a kiss while finishing his cupcake. She would tell him soon. She only just found out herself, but her little, approximately six-week old secret, still nestled safely in her womb, was ready to be shared with her husband. 
And she was sure it was going to be a whole different adventure.
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TAGGING: @gardeningourmet​​​ @delightfullypinkglitter​​​ @alesana45​​​ @walkerdrakewalker​​​ @karahalloway​​​ @kingliam2019​​​ @lovingchoices14​​​ @tessa-liam​​​ @gkittylove99​​​ @texaskitten30 @twinkleallnight​​​ @rubiwalker​​​ @differenttyphoonwerewolf​​​ @nestledonthaveone​​​ @marshmallowsandfire​​​ @21-wishes​​​ @thequeenofcronuts​​​ @iaminlovewithtrr​​​ @angelasscribbles​​​ @ladyangel70 @tinkie1973 @belencha77​​​ @lunaseasblog​​ @alyshak92​​​ @xpandass420x​​​​ @queen-arabella-of-cordonia​
Pssst! If you made it this far and also don’t want to say goodbye to Riley and Drake, let me know in the reblog/comments and I might have a little something for you 😏 
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bebepac · 5 months
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This is a special holiday edition of School Dayz. To catch up on the series in general please click School Dayz
I am participating in @choicesdecember2023 for Christmas
I am also participating in @choicesprompts holiday rewrite challenge in which I used the candy cane gram scene from Mean Girls.
I am also participating in @choicesflashfics christmas prompt # 59: "Ice-skating? Do you seriously trust me with knives on my feet?" will appear in bold. I also used a previous prompt as well Are you seeing this too or am I having a stroke?
Series: School Dayz
The Book: TRR (no royals)
The Pairings: Liam x Riley
Word Count: 1464
Warnings and Ratings: None. This is for anyone who has eyes. A total fluff piece.
Original post: 12/31/23 at 7:15PM EST.
Science class was different for me now that I no longer sat next to Liam, and shared a table with my sister, since Mrs. Barbour decided to make the class sit in alphabetical order, which I think the only reason for the change was to make taking roll easier. I glanced across the room to Liam whose partner was now Rashad.
My adorkable boyfriend who caught me watching him, smiled and held up his hot cocoa cup to toast me from across the room. Liam was the sweetest boyfriend and stopped by the local coffee shop Brew Bros and always got hot chocolate every morning the way that I liked it.
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So I smiled while holding up my cup.
“Oh my God, can you two be any more nerdy?” Taylor asked.
“He’s nice, and you reap the benefits of it too. My boyfriend brings us both hot chocolate, or in your case a coffee drink you like every day without us asking.”
Taylor cocked her head to the side and air toasted Liam, taking a sip from her drink when the door opened.
“Ho , Ho, Ho!!!!! Candy Cane Grams, sponsored by the National Honor Society.”
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“Make it quick, Santa.” There was a hint of sarcasm in Mrs. Barbour’s voice as she went to sit at her desk for a moment.
“And his lovely assistant Max Noel!”
“Wait… a sec… Are you seeing this too or am I having a stroke?”
Taylor doubled over in laughter “It is!!!! It’s Drake Walker-Claus.”
Taylor’s laugh seemed to antagonize Drake for a second, but good thing he had his assistant Maxwell. His brooding mood was offset by Max Noel making the class laugh with his dance versions of Christmas music as he followed around the room behind him.
“Hana Lee one for you.”
“Chris Powell four for you, you go Chris Powell!”
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“Do we have a Riley Brooks here?”
“That’s her Max Noel. She’s Riley Brooks and looks nothing like the girl sitting next to her. Those two can’t possibly be related.”
“Riley Brooks here you go, one for you.”
“Thank you Santa.”
“And nothing at all for Taylor Brooks, not even coal or black licorice, bye.”
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Drake and Max ran out of the room.
Taylor looked at me with curious eyes at the candy cane gram in my hand.
“Who’s that from?”
It wasn’t any of her business. I opened the envelope and read silently to myself.
Liam’s sweet words made me smile, and I didn’t have to answer her, and I looked at him from across the room.
“Oh my god. You guys are too much.”
Taylor looked upset, even though she shrugged it off. Later I found out why at her locker.
“I told you to get me a candy cane gram Nico!!!!”
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“Well you telling me to do it, takes the surprise out of it. Me not doing it, guess what you were surprised weren’t you?”
My sister who was always loud looked at him and said nothing.
Before I knew it the words flew out of my mouth.
“Wow, you’re a really bad boyfriend Nico, my sister deserves better than you.”
I slammed my locker walking away from the two of them. I found out later that day, my sister broke up with him, in front of everyone in true dramatic Taylor fashion. I was proud of her.
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Christmas Eve
Everyone had come over and was enjoying mom’s Christmas cookies and snacks. My dad brought in a big box sitting it down on the floor.
“I want to thank everyone for coming over tonight to spend time with our family. Our children picked people they care about to spend this time together with you. Ren and I are happy to have you in our home. We both grew up in the foster care system, and learned early in life, sometimes the people that care about you most, are not your blood relatives. So we try to celebrate that.”
“And when we had the opportunity to open our home up to two adorable identical twin girls, we couldn’t say no.” My mother chimed in.
“It’s the best decision they ever made. I went to sleep one night wishing I had a little sister. The next morning I woke up with two.” Jaiden spoke up.
“And we know what it’s like to be alone on Christmas, or missing someone special on Christmas that you were once close to. So we wanted to do something special. Liam would you mind sharing the Christmas Eve tradition you had that you told me about?”
“Christmas was my Mom’s favorite holiday. Every Christmas Eve that I can remember she’d dress us up in these ugly Christmas sweaters
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and we would go ice skating on Lake Pine. She loved to ice skate. Then she’d make us take these dorky pictures in our Christmas sweaters that matched. I miss her a lot.”
“I miss her too. I’m not adopted, but Liam’s Mom always made me feel like I was her son too. So I really get what you’re saying about family not always being blood related. She was my mom too.”
Liam hugged his brother.
My dad opened the box.
“With a little help from Riley I found some what I would think are hideously awesome ugly Christmas sweaters, and am secretly happy for your love of Star Trek too. I’m sorry Liam, you can’t be the Captain, this is mine. But this one is yours.”
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“Well if I can’t be Captain, being the science officer is the next best and most logical choice.” Liam took his blue sweater graciously.
“That’s what I said! Dad please say you got me a blue sweater too.”
“I did.”
After all the sweaters were handed out, there was still one left in the box.
“Guess you guys bought this before I broke up with Nico. No big deal.”
Once everyone was dressed, they headed out to the vehicles, and Liam stuffed the extra shirt into Leo’s trunk.
“I really don’t know how this is going to go Liam.”
“What do you mean?”
“Ice skating? Do you seriously trust me with knives on my feet?”
“Well good thing you’re not just Riley Brooks today, you’re the science officer for the USS Enterprise. Live long and prosper.”
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Liam expected Riley to be as horrible on ice skates as she had been on roller skates, but Riley amazingly was incredibly balanced.
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“Have you ice skated before?”
“No! I don’t know how I'm good at this! I usually have no natural balance.”
“You’re a natural at skating…”
“Ice skating. Let's clarify that.”
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Taylor was still sitting on the bench watching the couples skate by. “She still hasn’t gotten out on the ice yet. I think she’s feeling lonely and the extra shirt probably made her think of Nico.”
Liam’s phone beeped. “Why don’t you go sit with her for a little bit, and I’ll be back in a few with some hot cocoas for us all.”
“Is cocoa your favorite drink?”
“Yes, and my mom used to always say your heart won’t feel cold if you always have a nice warm cup of cocoa. It always makes me feel better.”
I went to sit with Taylor and Liam continued walking toward the concessions stand.
“You okay?” I asked Taylor.
“I just don’t feel like skating, and look over there.”
Nico was there, with another girl on his arm.
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“To be honest I never liked him Taylor. He called you T, like you were a drink or a shirt or something. He wasn’t even really that nice. Good riddance, I say.”
“I never thanked you for standing up for me that day Riley. It really meant a lot.”
“You’re my sister Taylor. I will always have your back, even when you pull me into a tornado.”
“Not on purpose!” She laughed.
“Oh it never is.” I remarked pulling Taylor closer to me in a hug. After a few seconds she pulled away from me.
“What are you doing here?”
“Helping Liam deliver hot cocoa. This one is yours.
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I don’t like all the extra stuff in mine.”
Drake handed Taylor her cocoa, as he sat down next to her.
“Just hot and cocoa pretty much then right?”
“Exactly. I’m not that difficult to understand.”
“Do you like to ice skate, Drake?”
“Like it? It’s okay, but I can. Would you like to skate Taylor?”
Drake took off his coat wearing the remaining ugly sweater.
“Okay.” Taylor said in a nonchalant voice.
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Taylor’s mood picked up immediately as she skated around with Drake on the ice. She never once glanced in Nico’s direction.
“That was really nice of you to do Liam.”
“He really does like her, you know. Maybe now she can finally see him with Nico out the way.”
“You’re so adorkably sweet Liam.”
“I know Riley, I know.”
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angelasscribbles · 3 months
Savage Love Chapter 37: Gone
Series: Savage Love
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake
Rating: R         
Warnings: Mature themes, violence, guns
Word Count: 987
A/N: Wow, I can't believe it's been five months since I posted an update for this! I've known since before I started writing it back in December 2021 how it's going to end. This is the downside of having so many ideas.... I can't work on all of them at once.
That said, this is a bit shorter than my regular chapters, but I just needed to see what Drake was doing while Riley was in Hidar in her quest to take down the Via Imperii and Leo was in Rivala getting the shock of his life. The next chapter will bring everyone back together again in Cordonia.
A/N2: I realize it's been a while and readers may be confused with all the OC's in this chapter, so here's a rundown. Nick is Riley's ex-fiance and also another GIA agent. Frederico Sanchez is Nick's informant. Saguaro Laurent is the head of The Gladius Company. Lorenzo is not in this chapter but is mentioned as a loan shark to whom Tariq owed money and who, on Saguaro's orders, leveraged Tariq's gambling debt to get him to abduct Riley (Tariq failed and was murdered for his failure, Lorenzo is in custody at the palace). Rico Mendez is the son of a former mafia don who wants revenge for Riley using him to take down his father's organization.
My other stuff: Master List.
Series Premise: Agent Riley Brooks is undercover on assignment in New York when she has a one-night stand with a handsome, mysterious stranger. Both of them hiding their true identities, names are not exchanged.  After one scorching night, they part ways, both returning to the duties they have pledged their lives to. Fast forward several months later and Agent Brooks is assigned a new case: investigate and infiltrate any Via Imperi influences in the small, Mediterranean country of Cordonia. Her cover? Posing as a suitor competing for the hand of the crown prince. Her way in? Civilian contractor and cyber security expert Maxwell Beaumont.
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Nick and I arrived at the warehouse where we were meeting his contact in the Liberation Core. The one that had gotten me a meeting with the head of the Gladius Company.
The air in the dimly lit warehouse was thick with tension as we made our way through the maze of crates toward their rendezvous point. The echo of our footsteps ricocheted off the walls, adding to the sense of foreboding that permeated the atmosphere.
Nick's informant, a wiry man named Frederico Sanchez, stood waiting nervously near the entrance. His eyes darted back and forth, scanning for any signs of danger. As we approached, Sanchez straightened up and extended a shaky hand.
"Drake," Sanchez said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Nice to finally meet you. Nick here has told me a lot about you."
I nodded curtly, assessing Sanchez's demeanor. I could see the fear etched into the man's face, evidence of the high stakes involved in the mission. Time was of the essence; we needed to infiltrate The Gladius Company as quickly as possible.
"Likewise," I replied as I returned the man’s handshake. “Now let’s go over the plan before we meet with your guy.”
Being on the same page was crucial. If any of these guys got a whiff that this was a setup, we were both dead. Nick would stay in the surveillance van, ready as backup if necessary. He couldn’t be seen by Saguaro or any of the men he’d brought with him from New York. They’d recognize the GIA agent that had brought down their last organization in an instant.
We poured over the plan twenty times, looking for inconsistencies, committing our cover story to memory, and working out the kinks. When it was time to go, I waved goodbye to Nick and got in a nondescript sedan with Sanchez. A quick check-in with headquarters told me that they had picked up Lorenzo’s contact, but he wasn’t talking.
With any luck, we wouldn’t need him to. I was hoping to set eyes on Rico when I met with Saguaro. If he was there, I was giving the order to breach. I knew what Nick’s objective was, but I didn’t give two shits about arresting Saguaro Laurent. It was Rico I was after. The man that had sent a kidnapper, albeit a bad one, after the woman I love.
The American justice system had failed and released a known mobster, allowing him to slip through their security net. But he wasn’t in America anymore. He was on my turf, and I had a literal license to kill.
Rico Mendez would spend the rest of his life in a Cordonian prison, or he would die, and it didn’t matter much to me which one it was. All I cared about was getting him off the streets and keeping Riley safe.
We arrived at the rendezvous spot, but nothing went according to plan.
I found myself in another damn warehouse. This one was on the waterfront and, if our intel was correct, not far from the empty factory that was serving as headquarters for The Gladius Company.
We arrived first and waited. Saguaro and his men were late, which only served to ramp up the already rapidly percolating anxiety in the man at my side.
Sanchez was too damn twitchy. Saguaro picked up on it instantly. He barely glanced at me before fixing Sanchez with a piercing stare. “What’s the problem, Freddy?”
“What?” Sanchez tried to laugh it off. “Nothing. What do you mean?”
Saguaro’s flinty eyes squinted at him, then flicked to me as his hand went to his waist. I had my gun in my hand before he could pull his. “Don’t do it! I really don’t want to shoot anyone today, but I will if I have to. What’s the problem?”
Saguaro moved his hand away from his piece and put his arms in the air. A flash of metal in my periphery caught my attention. “Get down!” I hit the ground just a shot rang out. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This wasn’t how it was supposed to go down.
Men scattered everywhere. We were outnumbered, but not for long. I could hear Nick in my earpiece giving the order to breach. Sanchez was hit. I drug him with me out of the line of fire, ducking behind a stack of metal barrels as the rat-a-tat-tat of machine gun fire spattered all around us.
“Hey, Laurent!” I craned my neck to peek around the barricade.
The only answer I got was more gunfire. I retreated back behind the stack of barrels for safety as my team poured into the building.
Now they were outnumbered, and the warehouse was surrounded. Less than fifteen minutes later, Saguaro and his men were cuffed and being loaded into the back of several guard-issue SUVs.
“Johnson, hold up!” I jogged quickly across the asphalt to intercept the lieutenant escorting the head of Gladius Company to one of the waiting vehicles. I grabbed him by his shirt and shoved him roughly up against the car. “Where’s Mendez? Was he with you?”
“Fuck you!” He lurched forward in an attempt to headbutt me, but this wasn’t my first rodeo. I snapped my head sideways, causing him to stumble forward.
I grabbed his shoulders to steady him, then brought my knee up hard into his gut. “I look forward to interrogating you, asshole.”
I beelined for the tactical van. Bursting into the mobile command center, I demanded, “Did we get Mendez?”
“Sorry, man, no,” Nick shook his head. “No sign of him. But the good news is, we got Saguaro and his second in command. There’s a second team sweeping their headquarters now. We successfully took The Gladius Company down!”
He was far too jubilant for what I considered a botched mission. I slammed out of the van with a huff. Goddamn it!
Rico was in the wind.
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kristinamae093 · 1 year
Ghosted Masterlist
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Series Summary - Prince Liam fell for Riley Brooks hard and fast. A marriage filled with love and devotion was within his reach. But everything changed when she vanished just before the end of the social season. As everyone voices their concerns regarding her scandalous departure, a confession from an unlikely source turns Liam's world upside down and makes him question everything around him.
Book/Pairing - TRR - Liam x f!MC (Riley Brooks)
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Chapter 1 - Blindsided
Chapter 2 - A Plan
Chapter 3 - Let You Go
Chapter 4 - Can't You See?
Chapter 5 - Confession
Chapter 6 - I Finally See
Chapter 7 - The Apple Banquet
Chapter 8 - Always Watching
Chapter 9 - One Step Forward
Chapter 10 - Two Steps Back
Chapter 11 - Altering Visions
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tessa-liam · 1 year
Smoke and Mirrors
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We're Ready For Anything
Chapter 7
Smoke and Mirrors
-7- We're Ready for Anything
Book: The Royal Romance Finale +, Alternate Universe
Series Premise: Hidden in the shadows, poised to challenge the status quo are enemies of the state. The loyalties and honesty of family and friends will be tested. ‘Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.’
Catch Up: Smoke and Mirrors Masterlist
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP ‘Liri’
2nd Pairings: Leo Rys x Amalas, Drake Walker x F!OC Delaney Leigh, Olivia Nevrakis x M!OC Alex Cossoy
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Delaney Leigh, Officer Alex Cossoy, Geoffrey Bessler (Amalas’ head guard.)
Rating: M🔞*Series Warnings: NSFW material, sexual innuendo, adult innuendo, adult language/swearing/drinking, gun violence.
Not Beta'd, please excuse all errors.
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff
Words: 2274, Read: 10 minutes
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Chapter 7: We’re Ready for Anything
Chapter Summary: Liam and Riley find out more about their twins and Lena is captured by Interpol.
Music and Title Inspiration: Ready for Anything, Landon Austin
A/N1: My submission for @choicesflashfics Week #32, Prompt #2 - “Sometimes memories can be the worst form of torture.”
A/N2: My submission for May Choices Monthly Challenge @choiceschallenge-may2023 @jerzwriter @maychallenge prompts - Mother’s Day, holding hands/ crying /caress
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King’s Study, Cordonian Palace
It was late into the evening as Liam opened the financial report for Portavira on his computer. Taking note that Duke Ebrim was requesting a sizeable amount of emergency funds for the coastal region in the form of stipends.
Opening his e-mail to respond, a knock on his study door got his attention.
“Come.” Liam called out and continued typing, not taking his focus off the screen.
“Hey, Li. Am I interrupting?” Drake asked hesitantly.
Without looking up, Liam answered, “Drake, hey...what brings you here tonight?”
“Well, I need your advice on something.”
Closing his laptop, Liam stood up and walked to his bar cart, picking up two glasses and a bottle of Macallan.
Liam chuckled, “Why do I think this has something to do with a certain blond in your life?”
“Yeah, well...”
Pouring two glasses of scotch, Liam slid one to Drake and sat back down, taking a sip.
“Delaney wants to visit her parents in Austin....and she wants me to go with her.”
Drake exhaled a breath and Liam grinned.
“So, what’s the problem, Drake? Nervous about meeting your future in-laws?”
Drake shot his friend a look, and Liam roared in laughter.
“Seriously, Drake? This is not a problem, buddy!”
“Yeah, well...the thing is, her parents are pressuring her to move back home to the States. Laney is seriously considering it.”
Shaking his head, “Laney wants me to move back with her.”
Liam looked at his friend, noting the conflict in his expression.
“I don’t want to lose her, Li. I also don’t want to leave Cordonia.”
Queen’s Study, Monterissian Palace
“Geoffrey, do you have the video footage of the arrest from last night taken outside the palace?”
Amalas spoke to her guard through the speakerphone on her desk.
“Not at this time, your majesty. Interpol has not uploaded the file yet to our systems.”
“Wait a second. Pause and rewind...what did you just say?” Leo asked incredulously.
“Your majesty?” Geoffrey asked questionably.
“Leo, its protocol that the Interpol inspectors have access to all palace systems ahead of my Royal guard.” Amalas answered.
“Access, yes, but to commandeer all viewing?” Leo challenged.
“Thank you, Geoffrey, that will be all at this time.” Amalas tapped the app closed and spun around her chair, glaring at Leo.
“What the hell, Ams? You are taking orders from some ‘suit’ in Lyon, France? ….Why?”
“First of all, I don’t care for your tone. Do. Not. Speak. To. Me. Like I don’t run this country! Especially in front of my people.” Amalas countered angrily.
Leo sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. It was a challenge for the former Crown Prince to remember not to interject his personal opinions into conversations with the Monterissian Royal guard.
Amalas is the Queen, and he was overstepping.
“Secondly, I appreciate the expertise and assistance of Interpol.”
Leo sighed, shaking his head in disbelief. “I am surprised, to say the least. The ‘Spy Queen’ needing help in her own country.”
“And thirdly,” Amalas stood and frowned at Leo. “I am respecting the King of Cordonia’s request for a united front to uncover the truth behind the duplicity of the Royal guard in our countries.”
“Leo, we need to ‘cut the head off’ of this faction. There is someone or something controlling and directing operatives, like Bastien in Cordonia, that has infiltrated our highest security levels in the Royal guard of our countries.”
“Case in point: how a known fugitive can gain access to my private chambers, can pass through my security protocols. Allowed access to the Crown Princess of visiting monarchs, no less.”
“I get it Ams, I really do. ….and I am truly sorry.” Leo sighed and shook his head.
Amalas stood and walked over to Leo. Taking his face in her hands, she kissed his lips sweetly and touched her forehead to his.
Clearing his throat, Geoffrey stood outside the open door and waited to make his presence known.
“Your majesty.”
Amalas turned to look at her head guard. “Yes, Geoffrey?”
“Interpol has successfully captured and detained the security breach.”
Cordonian Palace
It was shortly after 1 am when Liam returned to the south wing of the palace. Loosening his tie, he nodded at Mara as she stood guard outside of Eleanor’s chambers and continued to walk to his personal chamber he shared with Riley.
After preparing for bed, he opened the veranda door and stepped out into the cool night air. Looking out over the gardens, he took a deep breath and smiled. Tomorrow, he and Riley would find out the sex of their twin babies. He grinned thinking about all the possibilities, but if he was being truly honest with himself, he favored having a son. Or...he chuckled, maybe another Ellie.
Shaking his head, he decided to turn in for the night to get some sleep considering the day would bring much excitement for him and his family.
Approaching his side of the king-sized bed, he noticed that Riley’s side of the bed was slept in, but Riley was not in bed.
Liam went to his closet and slid on a pair of sweatpants. After stepping into the hallway, he returned down the hall towards Ellie’s chambers. He quietly opened her bedroom door and entered the darkened room. Beside her canopy bed, the single night light glowed, and he saw his daughter's outline. Wrapped snugly and securely in her mother’s arms, she was fast asleep along with Riley.
As he placed a soft kiss on Ellie’s forehead, Riley awoke and smiled. “Hi”, Riley whispered and touched his hand. After carefully detaching her arms from her daughter, she rose from bed to join her husband in their bedroom.
Liam closed the door behind him, after following Riley.
Joining his wife under the silk sheets, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him.
“That’s better,” nuzzling her neck.
Smiling, Riley ran her fingers through his soft hair. “Working late tonight?”
“Yes, and no... Drake came to see me tonight.”
“Oh really, and here I thought you were avoiding me,” Riley smirked.
“Never!” Liam playfully teased.
“So, what was so important for Drake to pay such a late visit?"
“AHHHH, well...he wanted my advice. Drake is debating whether he should a, stay in Cordonia; or b, move to Delaney's home in Texas. And c, where he should go with his relationship with Delaney.”
Riley looked at her husband, “I know what you said.”
“I know you do, love,” kissing Riley’s nose.
“Home is where your love of your life is. I asked him what his true feelings were for Delaney. Once he can honestly answer that question, he will have his answer.”
Monterrisian Palace
The temperature in the Monterrisian palace holding cell area was at least 10 degrees cooler in the lower-level security offices. Amalas and Leo followed the Interpol officers and were shown to the viewing privacy window. Amalas was accustomed to the temperature change, but Leo had shivers go down his spine; from the temperature change, or nerves, or both.
On the other side of that window, Lena Rys was sitting in a chair alongside a female Royal guard. On the other side of the table sat Alex Cossoy and Olivia Nevrakis.
Amalas listened intently to the questioning, while Leo stared at the blond woman. Shock, mixed with disbelief left him speechless.
“What is your end game?” Olivia asked impatiently
“My end game is to take my place in the Rys family,” Lena coolly answered.
Olivia eyed Lena in disdain.
“My mother told me that my father wanted to hide me from my half-brother. That the ‘Cordonian royal family can’t find out who I really am... for my sake’.”
“’That’s horrible’,” Olivia sighed.
“’I didn’t want to believe those things about my family, but my mother had never lied to me’.”
"Your mother?"
"Yes, Sigrid took care of me in place of my true mother."
“You were brainwashed, she was obviously lying to you!” Olivia seethed.
“’I saw what Cordonia’s royal family really thinks of me when King Constantine came to Vallenheim for a diplomatic visit’.”
“’King Constantine told my mother that he wanted no part in foreign influences on Cordonia. He said that Queen Eleanor is gone. Which is why he wanted nothing to do with me. That Eleanor was her friend, but that association ended when Eleanor died. He does not owe us anything’.”
“My mother wanted me to meet my brothers, but Constantine said ‘he won’t be guilted with a child.’
I remember that my mother begged Constantine to meet me, and Constantine said no. 'My sons and I want nothing to do with me, my mother, Vallenheim, or any of our people!’”
My mother told me, 'This is exactly why Queen Eleanor wanted me kept away from Cordonia.’"
Lena’s eyes 'welled with tears that are equal parts anger and sadness.'
“In that moment, I knew everything my mother had said about my father and brothers was true.”
“Sometimes memories can be the worst form of torture.”
Olivia stood up and paced the floor. Stopping directly in front of Lena,
“’Liam didn’t even know about you. Your brother is a better man than your father was.’”
“’I always resented Leo and Liam for having the life I could’ve had in Cordonia. I’ll even admit to envying Liam’s throne.’”
“’He’s a lot more than you were told. You might even like him if you gave him half a chance.’”
Lena’s features hardened, “’I think that ship sailed a while ago.’”
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Dr Rameriz’s office, Cordonia
Looking at her reflection in the changing room, Riley placed her hands on her tummy. Her belly had grown so quickly this time around. Her morning sickness was now gone, and she felt more energized.
Slipping on the hospital gowni and robe, she opened the door to be greeted by the nurse.
“Your majesty”, the nurse curtsied and opened the door to the examination room.
Liam quickly stood offering his wife his hand.
“Are you ready for this, my love?”
“Oh Yes, Liam! Let’s do this!
Chuckling, he helped Riley get comfortable on the exam table, as the nurse placed a heated thermal blanket over top. Grasping his hand, she laid back and relaxed against the pillow.
Dr. Ramirez greeted the monarchs with a warm smile.
“Okay, today we are going to find out which sexes these little ones are.”
“Most definitely,” Liam smiled, squeezing Riley’s hand as she also smiled.
The doctor placed the doppler wand and the sound of heartbeats immediately could be heard.
“I will never tire from hearing those sounds.” Liam watched the monitor as the babies appeared.
Riley let out a breath and started to tear, squeezing Liam’s hand even more.
“So, what do you think, love?” Liam asked.
Riley grinned, “It’s a boy.”
The doctor nodded, “incredibly good instincts. Your majesties, you have a son.”
Liam beamed with joy and kissed his wife.
“...and baby number two?”
“A boy,” Riley answered.
The doctor shook her head smiling.
‘Your wife’s instincts are quite correct. Your children are both boys.”
Liam let out a breath.
Riley, now crying, was overcome with emotion.
“Riley, love,” Liam whispered, raising her hand, and softly kissed her palm.
“You did it again.”
Riley looked up at Liam with a question in her eyes.
Caressing her swollen tummy, “You made another dream come true for me. I love you so, so much.”
Riley, full of emotion, answered back, “as do I.”
Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her lips and said, “let’s go home.”
Liam and Riley walked slowly out of the hospital, holding hands, both smiling as they approached the waiting SUV.
“We should spend the weekend in Valtoria.’ Liam smiled.
“I would love that, and I know that Ellie will be ecstatic to go to the festival in town.”
Liam grinned as he followed Riley into the SUV.
Not mentioning that he and Ellie have a special Mother’s Day celebration planned at the estate already for her.
Thank you for reading!
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karahalloway · 11 months
Mission: Cordinia - Game of Thieves
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Fandom: TRR x Mission: Impossible II
Series: Mission: Cordonia
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Synopsis: Harper's illicit plans go awry when Drake's appearance at the Beaumont Bash throws an unexpected wrench in the works
Word count: 5,000
Rating/Warnings: E (swearing, aggravation, illegal activities, a handful of lemon-scented moments)
Chapter theme song:
A/N1: This is my submission for @choicesprompts' Rewrite Challenge and the scene I chose to redo with my OTP is the one from Mission: Impossible II where Nyah steals the necklace from the hacienda in Seville. This is (still) one of my favourite movies of all time and I especially love this scene for the music, the way it's shot, the situational humour and the sexual tension... basically everything about it! 🙃
A/N2: The clips (for anyone who hasn't seen the movie, or doesn't remember) are below (I couldn't find a YouTube video that had the entire scene in one video). Enjoy!
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Game of Thieves
"Evening, ma'am," greets a liveried footman as he reaches for the door handle of the Mercedes AMG SL 63 roadster that I've just revved to a stop. "And welcome to the Beaumont Bash."
"Thanks," I say with a smile, spinning in the seat to swivel my legs out of the car. "Looking forward to seeing if the experience lives up to the hype."
"Oh, I can assure you that it does, ma'am," he chuckles, handing me a token for my car. "The Bash gets wilder every year."
"Does it really?" I ask with wide eyed surprise as I open my clutch up to carefully stow the token away.
"I promise, you will not be disappointed, ma'am," he assures me with a wink.
"Bet your ass I won't, bud," I murmur under my breath as I turn towards the House. "Because I have something special planned for tonight..."
Stepping onto the red carpet lined stairway of the the stately, baroque manor, I can tell that the party is already very much in full swing: the thump of the bass echoes out in the night, the occasional shrill laugher rising above it as shadowy silhouettes drift and mingle.
Which is perfect.
Because even though I am normally very much a punctual kind of girl, there are certain situations where it pays to arrive fashionably late... or not at all.
As in my line of work, timing is everything.
And I intend to make it rain tonight...
...assuming everything goes to plan.
I have no real reason to think that it won’t. After all, I've been planning this job for over a year and I've made sure to account for every step, every detail, down to the time of my arrival, to the way I’ve styled my hair, and even the black lace mini dress I’m wearing.
Because when the potential pay-off is this big, nothing can be left to chance. And I am nothing if not a perfectionist.
Making it to the top of the steps, I am greeted by a pair of burly-looking security guards.
"Good evening, ma'am," says one holding a tablet. "Your name?"
"Lady Riley Brooks," I say with a demure smile.
A lie. But, then again, I’m not stupid enough to have booked myself onto the high-profile guest list under my real name.
The guard taps on the screen a few times before nodding.
"May I take a look at your bag, ma'am?" asks the other.
"Of course," I reply graciously, handing my black leather YSL clutch over.
The guy opens it up, pulling out my phone, a USB charger, a compact mirror, and a tube of lipstick, before slotting everything away again and returning it to my hands.
"Have a good evening, ma'am," he nods, opening his arm to indicate that I may enter.
"I very much intend to," I say with a smirk, stepping through the doorway into the House...
...and I am instantly transported into another world.
The strategically placed mood lights bathe everyone and everything in the lavishly decorated room in a heady mix of rose and violet, providing an ethereal backdrop to the acrobats that are twirling seductively through the air with the help of various hoops, aerial silks, and trapeze lines.
Heightening the trance-like effect are strobe lights that flash in perfect accompaniment to the EDM-remixed classical music, illuminating the glitter and lavender-scent infused smoke slithering around the guests' ankles.
But what truly takes my breath away is the centre piece of the extravagant show, which is a pair of scantily dressed dancers, performing a racy ballet routine on top of a snowy-white Lippizaner.
"Apparently money can buy you anything," I muse softly, surveying the combined effect of the spectacle that is more than on par with anything ever put on by the Cirque du Soleil.
And even though I would love to lose myself in the magic of it all, I’m here for business, not pleasure. Which means that I cannot afford any distractions.
So, taking a breath, I plunge into the crowd. Weaving between the ballgowns and the tuxedos, I'm careful to avoid direct eye contact with anyone as I skirt ‘round the edge of the performance area, trying to look the part while remaining as unassuming as possible.
But despite my attempts to lose myself in the press, I feel an unmistakable tingle rise up the back of my neck.
I'm being watched.
I come to a stop, debating what to do.
Part of my mind tells me that I should ignore it, that it's probably just some drunk duke checking out my ass.
But a deeper, more instinctual part of me knows the difference between a pervy once-over and an unrelenting, focused stare. And this is definitely the latter.
So, probably against my better judgment, I lift my head in silent challenge...
...and my gaze instantly collides with his, bringing the world around me to a sudden, screeching halt.
My breath lodges in my chest as I find myself helplessly immobile under the weight of his scrutiny, like a deer caught in the headlights. The music, the laughter, it all falls away until it feels like it's just me and him, suspended in time and space across the room.
Because even with the distance separating us, I can feel the heat of his gaze scorching into me, stripping me bare, until I'm left naked, exposed in front of him.
And still he doesn't look away. He doesn't blink, or flush, or avert his gaze in any semblance of pretence that his attention had actually been focused on anything else.
He simply stands, unmoving, on the other side of the dancers, his dark eyes binding me unapologetically, giving me no corner, no chance of escape.
Yet escape is exactly what I must do.
I have no clue who this guy is, and I have even less interest in finding out. As best case scenario, he is simply a dangerous distraction. But worst case? He somehow knows exactly who I am and my reason for being here.
And neither of those options are good.
So, as the dancers pirouette across the floor, throwing their arms out and breaking the line of sight that connects us, I wrench myself out of my stupor, diving into the crush behind me.
"Holy shit! Who was that guy?" I gasp under my breath, feeling my heart race at a million miles an hour in response to the strangely intimate nature of the encounter.
But despite my shock, I know in the back of my head that the details are irrelevant. That the only thing that matters is getting as far away from him as possible. Because the last thing I need right now is him following after me and derailing all the hard work I've put into getting here tonight.
Keep it together, Harper, I tell myself, bending my head low as I use the anonymity of the crowd to hide myself, hoping that I've managed to give him the slip.
Reaching the end of the throng without incident, I duck behind a doorway to give myself a second to catch my breath, and make sure that the coast is clear.
Satisfied that I've lost him — at least for the moment — I turn towards my next objective, which is the grand staircases.
It's an exposed location, so I know I'll have to be quick. Especially since there is a pair of guards stationed at the bottom of the steps, tasked with preventing exactly the kind of protocol violation that I am about to commit.
Luckily, just at that moment, a group of very much worse for wear noblewomen stumble out of the main party, shrieking loudly.
"Oh, my goodness!" exclaims one, feathering herself with her silk fan. "Did you see the size of that lad's package!"
"Calm down, Abigail!" admonishes another. "We know that husband of yours is next to useless, but you should at least try to not make such a spectacle of yourself!"
"Mmm, speaking of spectacle..." purrs the first, laying eyes on the guards.
"Abigail!" cries her companion, even as snorts of laughter rise up from the others. "You are absolutely incorrigible!"
"Better to be incorrigible than a vapid, old nun!" comes the pithy response as Abigail stumbles across the hallway.
Seizing my chance, I fall into line at the back of the group as the women crowd around the guards, laughing and swaying as they try to secure their attentions.
As expected, the focus of the guards quickly becomes diverted by the ladies, even if it's only to the extent of trying to maintain some semblance of professionalism in the face of the relentless coquetry, and I use the opportunity to dash up the stairs behind them.
Keeping to the shadows, I fly up the steps two at a time, knowing that I have scant few moments to make it to the upper floor before I am spotted.
Reaching the top of the landing, I throw myself behind a suit of armour. But, it seems that Lady Luck is with me tonight, and apart from the sound of the party continuing in full swing downstairs, I hear no signs of a pursuit.
So, I take advantage of the momentary reprieve to retrieve the pair of satin opera gloves that I've stashed in my garter. Pulling them on, I slip out from my hiding place and make my way towards the master wing, using my mental map of the manor's blueprints as a guide.
Arriving at the correct set of doors, I try the handle, and breathe a sigh of relief when it turns easily in my hand.
I've brought a set of lock-picks with me, of course, but being able to save time and effort in not having to use them is a massive win.
Letting myself into the room, I click the door softly closed behind me.
An opulent, Rocco-inspired suite greets me, complete with a four-poster bed and a full-blown hand-painted mural on the ceiling.
But I’m not here to gawk. And I have precious little time to get what I came for and get out.
So, pulling my compact mirror from my clutch, I open it up to reveal the miniature voltage detector concealed within.
Stepping further into the room, I hold the device out in front of me, the faint chirps serving as a beacon guiding me towards my destination.
The beeping suddenly intensifies as I swing the detector past the line of the bathroom, and I know I'm getting closer.
Adjusting my course, I follow the compass-like arrow in my hand. Zeroing in on the oversized bathtub, I am rewarded with a series of high-pitched cheeps.
Why someone would choose to hide a safe in a bathroom, not to mention in the vicinity of a bathtub that is prone to flooding and other types of short-circuit causing disasters, I have no idea.
That said, it is innovative.
Though not innovative enough to fool a professional thief like me.
Because that's what I am — a career larcenist who specialises in small, high value items. Jewellery, art, antiques... I’m not picky. As long as it has a five-to-six figure price tag and I can hide it in my cleavage, I am willing to put in the effort to lift it.
And that's why I’m here tonight — to get my hands on the 24 carat Bvlgari diamond necklace that has graced the neck of every Duchess of Ramsford since the turn of the last century. Not only is it worth millions, but it's also a stunning work of art. And it deserved to be worn, rather than gathering dust in an expensive safe somewhere.
Scooting into the marble tub, I place my clutch onto the mosaic tiled surround as I scan the expanse of the walls with the voltage detector.
The indicator suddenly jumps to the right and down, and I can't help but feel the familiar rush of butterflies in my stomach.
This is it.
Dropping the detector back in my clutch, I extract my phone and the tube of lipstick. Twisting the bottom off the tube, I pull out the miniature lock-pick hiding within and, with the help of the flashlight on my phone, I begin to move over the tiles, looking for anything out of the ordinary.
Suddenly I spot it — a tiny inconsistency in the mortar between the edge of two tiles. Reaching down with the pick, I dig at the protrusion until it pops free, revealing some kind of card slot.
Turning the flashlight off on my phone, I flip it over and snap the protective cover off, exposing a flimsy bit of plastic nestled within. Connecting the keycard decoder to my phone via the micro-USB port, I slot it into the nearly invisible slit between the tiles.
Booting up the hidden app on my phone, I quickly run the hack program and am rewarded with a beep and a click as the high-tech safety net falls away...
...only to have my sense of achievement instantly dashed.
Because instead of a discreet jewellery box nestled in the belly of the safe, I am greeted with yet another layer of security.
A slice of mosaic tile slides back on the bathtub surround to reveal a complicated-looking, multi-lock compartment within.
And this one has no electronic overrides.
"I see you've found it."
"Jesus Christ!" I gasp, nearly jumping out of my skin at the sound of the unfamiliar and unexpected voice.
Whipping around, I come face to face with the guy from downstairs, perched on the side of the tub with a conspiratorial smirk on his face.
Like this is all some kind of massive joke.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I demand, angry at him for sneaking up on me, but even angrier at myself for letting him get this close in the first place without my warning bells going off.
Because thieves without self-preservation instincts don't survive long... and mine have just let me down big time.
Which is even more annoying given the fact that he is staring at me with that calculating, predatory gaze again, his entire body exuding a tightly-coiled, barely suppressed energy, like a panther waiting to pounce.
And even though he is dressed in a custom-tailored suit that moulds effortlessly to his muscled form like a second skin, and the watch that peeks out from beneath his cuff is worth almost as much as my car, he isn’t fooling me. Not one bit.
Because as much as he’s tried to hide it, he is an interloper here. Just like me.
His rich baritone is missing that characteristic upwards inflection that the nobility like to force upon their speech in an effort to differentiate themselves from the rest of us. And no duke, count, or baron would be caught dead with the type of five-o'clock shadow this guy is sporting, much less condone the uninhibited way with which his thick, chocolate-coloured hair has been left to fall around his face.
But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to lower my guard. Just the opposite.
Because regardless of who he is, or what he looks like (...which is hotter than hell), the guy reeks of trouble.
And his next words only help reaffirm my initial assessment.
"Think you're the only one who can pick a lock?" he asks, brow quirking upwards in sardonic challenge.
"Pfft!" I snort. "Seeing is believing, bud, and as far as I can see, I'm the only one wh—"
The sound of the bedroom door clicking open interrupts whatever retort I was going to throw at him.
Our eyes meet — mine in panic, his in measured curiosity — and in the next instant, I've grabbed the lapel of his expensive jacket, and yanked him towards me.
We hit the bottom of the tub just as the owner of the manor bursts irately into the room.
"I swear to God, Maxwell," seethes the Duke of Ramsford, the stomp of his pissed-off footsteps echoing off the wood planked floor as he enters the suite, "if one more ruddy bird defecates on my shoe, I'm culling the entire bloody lot!"
"He just got scared!" comes his companion's plaintive response. "You did boot him up the behind in a very undignified fashion..."
"Because he shat on my Oxfords!" cries the Duke, clearly incensed, as he rummages around the closet, no doubt for a replacement pair of loafers.
"Maybe if you tried being nicer to Lord Featherington—"
An unintended snort escapes me. Were these two for real right now?
"You try'na give away our position?" asks the guy from above me, his voice barely a whisper as his face hovers mere inches from mine.
"No," I hiss back, trying to sound irritated even as I struggle to contain another bout of amusement at the sheer hilarity of the situation — listening to two grown men argue about peafowl while trying to hide a third between my legs. "But it sounds like you are."
"I happen to like this position," he murmurs softly, his words sending an unexpected shiver down my spine.
"Well, don't get used to it, bud," I reply dryly, trying to ignore the feel of his overwhelming and inescapable proximity, while listening out for the Beaumont brothers. "This is a temporary situation, nothing more."
His whiskey-laced breath washes over my lips. "All the more reason to enjoy it..."
"In that case," I purr, meeting the full force of his rich, mocha-coloured eyes head on, "you wouldn't mind if I'm on top, would you?"
"Not one bit," he grins.
"Good," I smirk back as I begin to shift my weight beneath him. "Because I wouldn't have given you a choice, anyway."
He stifles a scoff as he rolls to the side.
"Something funny?" I ask with a raised brow, scooting out from under him.
"Nope," he replies, snaking a hand around my waist to pull me on top of him. "I'm just here for the ride."
"Then you better get comfortable," I tell him, as the Beaumonts make their way back across the room.
Hearing the door open and click shut again in their wake, I push myself back up, noting with more than a hint of annoyance that I now smell like the warm spice of his aftershave.
But that inconvenience can’t be helped, nor can I let it distract me from the reason I am here. I'll simply have to wait to wash it off in the shower once I am clear of this place.
So, reaching into my up-do, I extract the tension wrench hiding in my hair, and collect my lock-pick from where I dropped it on the bathtub surround earlier before refocusing my attention on the safe.
Upon closer examination, it seems to have three separate compartments, each secured by its own, dedicated lock. And I have no idea which section contained the necklace... or whether there are any hidden alarms embedded in the locking mechanisms if I pick the wrong one.
But, even with the odds — and time — stacked against me, I know I have to make a choice, because I didn't come all this way to chicken out at the final hurdle.
Taking a breath, I lean towards the middle compartment, figuring that out of the three possibilities that woul—
"You're not gonna find it there."
I nearly drop my tools all over the marble tiles.
Gritting my teeth, I glance down between my legs to find Mr Impeccable Timing smirking up at me, his hands folded easily behind his head, like he’s lazing on a tropical beach without a single care in the world, instead of at the bottom of a porcelain tub, with a stranger straddling him.
"Find what?" I bite out testily.
Who knows...? Maybe this is his idea of a good time. But it sure as hell isn’t mine.
"The former Lady Beaumont's one-of-kind Bvlgari necklace that goes up for auction next Tuesday," he replies.
My eyes narrow suspiciously. "And are you going to tell me where it is?"
He holds my gaze silently for a long moment before nodding his head, "Far left."
"Hmph," I huff, not convinced that I can trust him any further than I can throw him; which, given his size — he’s 6ft tall at least — is not very far at all.
But, unfortunately for me, I don't have time to try and psychoanalyse the possibility of whether or not he is trying to play me. The night is wearing on, the Beaumonts could return at any time, and I need to get as far out of the country as humanly possible before anyone notices the theft.
So, I am going to have to take a leap of faith.
Leaning forward again, I slide my tools into the lock of the indicated compartment and start feeling around for the binding pins.
I manage to locate the first and second relatively quickly. But, finding and setting the third proves to be slightly more elusive and I feel myself growing more agitated with each passing second.
"Damn it, why won't you move?!" I seethe under my breath as I battle with the pin.
"Hey, you put me here, remember?" comes the wry response from beneath me. "I just do as I—"
"Oh, screw you..." I huff exasperatedly, lifting my leg to give him a perfunctory knee to the gut.
"Christ, girl!" he wheezes painedly, sitting up behind me. "If you want to play rough then—"
"Gotcha!" I exclaim triumphantly, finally managing to slot the irksome pin into place and making quick work of the fourth.
The door of the compartment pings off its bolts and I drop my tools to open it up eagerly. To my relief, I'm rewarded with a velvet-lined jewellery box, which I pull quickly out.
Laying the container down on the tiles in front of me, I reach for the lid, my heart in my mouth as I lift it up...
...and I can't help but gasp at the sight in front of me.
The diamond necklace is even more stunning in real life than I could've imagined. Several hundred painstakingly curated gems gleam up at me from a nest of black silk, perfectly offsetting the elegance of the winged design to make it seem like the whole necklace is floating.
But, given that I am working on borrowed time thanks to all the unforeseen setbacks that I've run into tonight, I know that I am not going to be able to give the beautiful item the attention it deserves. At least not until I am back home.
So, reaching down, I grab the coolness of the white gold. Quickly unscrewing the heavy clasp, I unfurl the strand of precious metal and slide it down into my bra, giving my breasts a slight readjustment to help conceal my illicit cargo.
Snapping the lid of the box back closed, I turn to face my uncalled-for spectator.
"Right," I say, slotting the box back into its place. "Now that that's done, you're going to tell me exactly who you are and—"
"I wouldn't do that."
"Do what?" I bristle indignantly as I slam the safe's door closed with one hand.
An ear-splitting alarm shrieks to life.
"That," he clarifies blandly.
"Shit!" I gasp, grabbing for my stuff and haphazardly throwing them into the clutch as I scan the bathroom for possible exit points.
But my off-the-cuff plan of jumping out of the second storey window is quickly dashed as the door of the master suite bursts open to disgorge the two security guards from downstairs into the room with guns drawn.
Dread settles in the pit of my stomach like a lead weight as the guards start shouting. "Shit..."
"T'enquites pas!" comes the sudden voice of guy from behind me.
Glancing up in surprise, I see that he's pushed himself up to his full height and is gesturing at the guards to lower their weapons.
"Mr Dallas!" cries the Duke of Ramsford, bursting into the room as well. "What in blazes is going on here?" Turning to the guards, he adds, "You twits! That is Mr Dallas — our external security consultant! Apologise at once!"
"No need for that, Lord Beaumont," smiles Dallas, flapping my keycard decoder discreetly behind his back as the alarm is finally turned off. "They're just doing their jobs."
I snatch it out of his hand and stow it in my bag, throwing the satin gloves after it.
"Now, Miss Gale, my associate—"
My eyes widen at the sound of my real name as I flip my clutch closed. How did he—?
"—has your necklace in a very safe place," continues Dallas conversationally, stepping out of the bath. "But obviously, we both feel that the alarm should've gone off a bit sooner. Isn't that right, Miss Gale?"
I quickly paste a demure smile onto my face as I turn around. "Yes. Agreed. Much sooner."
Dallas — if that is even his real name — holds his hand out to help me navigate my exit from the tub in my heels while continuing his disquisition. "Now, given the circumstances, our recommendation would be to reset the sensors to respond to a lighter load. How d'you feel about sixty kilos, Miss Gale?
I shake myself out of my stupor to do some quick mental conversion, before beaming, "Perfect!"
Name? That’s one thing. My exact weight? That’s a whole 'nother league... Because no way had that been a simple guess.
But right now is not the time to ponder whether he's managed to get his hands on my Social Security number as well. Because we’re still very much in deep water.
"Shall we?" asks Dallas graciously, his face a mask of innocence as he holds his hand out in front of me.
"Let's!" I nod eagerly, stepping towards the door, my head still spinning from the sudden whirlwind of events...
...but I feel myself get pulled backwards.
"Erm, Miss Gale..." murmurs Dallas, his dark brows quirking upwards questioningly. "Aren't you... forgetting something?"
I frown in confusion. "Umm... don't think so..."
He fixes me with a level look.
My frown deepens. He’s not serious... Is he?
He stares me down uncompromisingly.
I let out a huff of annoyance.
"My lady!" cries the Duke, clearly scandalised as I reach down between my breasts. "What are you trying to do! Rob me?!"
"The thought had crossed my mind..." I reply with a tight smile, pulling the necklace out and handing it back to its owner.
"Yes, well, thank you for your..." The nobleman gulps visibly as he takes the strand of warmed metal from my hand. "...sincere efforts, Miss—"
But I've already stomped out of the room.
Flying down the grand staircase, I push my way through the — now very much more rowdy — crowd and out of the front doors of the manor, intent on putting as much distance between me and Dallas as I can so I didn't end up murdering him in full view of all of Cordonian high-society.
"You've got to be kidding me..." I grit as I continue my aggravated jog down the carpeted steps, pulling the token out for my car as I went.
"Harper! Wait up!" Dallas hollers again, managing to catch me by the arm just as I hit the last step.
"Fuck off," I snap, wrenching my arm out of his grasp.
He snaps a hold on my wrist to whirl me back around. "Look, just hear me out, will ya?"
"Why should I?" I hiss into his face. "Had it not been for your last minute growth of a conscience, I could've walked out of there with that necklace and that duke would've been none the wiser!"
"At least you walked..."
"Ha! Funny!" I hit back sarcastically, giving him an unmitigated shove to extricating myself from his grasp again. "Only I'm not laughing because your fucking chivalry just cost me a year's worth of work!"
"I needed to see how good you were," he replies evenly.
"Oh, really?" I scoff over my shoulder as I veritably throw the token at the nearby valet manager. “And why is that?"
"I find myself in need of someone of your unique skill-set."
I stare at him incredulously for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Yeah. In your dreams, bud! I work alone. And even if I didn't, I would never team up with someone I didn't know, much less—"
"You wanna know me?" he interjects, suddenly up in my space again. "Fine. My name's Drake. Drake Walker and—"
"Let me guess..." I gripe, folding my arms as my Mercedes pulls up. "You're not really the Beaumonts' external security consultant."
"Nope," he confirms, reaching out to grab the driver's side door as the valet gets out. "But, then you're not really Lady Riley Brooks, so I guess we're even on that front..."
I roll my eyes at him.
"...and if we're being honest, I should probably come clean about one more thing."
My eyes widen as he holds up a small fob.
"I triggered the alarm," he admits, pressing the button and causing the manor behind us light up with the wail of the claxton again.
I stare up at him, utterly speechless.
He shrugs down at me apathetically. "Sorry."
I manage to recollect myself enough to throw an ice cold glare at him as I get into the car. "For future reference, I don't do early mornings, date, or put up with two-faced bastards who get a kick out of screwing me over. So, you can take your job offer and shove it, Walker."
Grabbing the door, I slam it closed — getting more than a bit of perverse satisfaction out of the fact that the suddenness of the movement manages to pull him off balance — before kicking the throttle down and leaving him in a cloud of exhaust in my rear view.
Fucking asshole.
Bonus: Artwork
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@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fangirling12566 @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890 @choicesficwriterscreations @drake-walker-appreciation
Picture credits:
Drake - Necklace - Bathtub - Harper
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CFWC Fics & Art of the Week Sep 17-23, 2023
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🌺 = Hispanic Heritage Month | 🦄 = Bisexual Awareness Week
Elhalas ✒️Ⓜ️| Tyril Starfury x F!elf!MC - @starlight-starfury
Gone ✒️| Tyril Starfury x F!human!MC - @agattthaa
Little Star Falling ✒️| Tyril Starfury x F!elf!MC - @secret-fungi
Love is Love is Love 🎨🦄| Mal Volari x F!human@MC x Nia Ellarious by @/coffeeforchloe (IG) (C: @storyofmychoices)
Nia Ellarious 🎨 - @lampyri
Nia Ellarious (2) 🎨- @lampyri
Stary Night ✒️| Tyril Starfury x F!human!MC - @lawrencebarkley
Crimes Drabble ✒️🦄 | Trystan Thorne x MC - @lilyoffandoms
Film Appreciation 103 ✒️🦄| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
Trystan x Gabriel 🎨🦄by @/artbyainna (C: @lilyoffandoms)
Ice ✒️| Stacy Green x M!MC - @korgbelmont
Black Silk (Series) | Liam Rys x F!OC, Drake Walker x F!OC - @aussiegurl1234 Chapter 18: The Fire ✒️Ⓜ️
Black Silk Art by @rosefuckinggenius (C: @aussiegurl1234 ) 🎨Ⓜ️
Cordonian Karaoke (Series) | Liam Rys & Drake Walker & MC - @angelasscribbles Cordonian Karaoke Duet: Riley & Liam ✒️ Cordonian Karaoke: Drake's Response ✒️
Liam Rys x Riley Brooks 🎨by @rosefuckinggenius (C: @tessa-liam)
Midnights Like This (Series) ✒️| Leo Rys x MC, Liam Rys x F!OC - @queenrileyrose Part 10: Harder to Hide Than I Thought
The Princess's Secret Part 2 ✒️| Drake Walker x MC - @liamsqueen1984
Turning the Page (Series)✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @tessa-liam Chapter 3: Regrets Ⓜ️
Troy x Sayeed Drabble 🦄| Troy Hassan MC - @lilyoffandoms
21 notes · View notes
txemrn · 1 year
Pour Two Glasses
Chapter 5: "... Wake Me Up When It's Over..."
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Need to catch up? Masterlist
✨ Have you checked out this teaser video yet? Pour Two Glasses Teaser✨
Word Count: 3935 (+/-)
Series Synopsis:In the midst of a violent political war, Queen Riley Rys’s life is dismantled overnight, forcing her to flee Cordonia to live in hiding as a commoner with a loyal, best friend
Series Song Inspo: “Pour Two Glasses” by the Movielife
Chapter Song Inspo: "Wake Me Up" by Tommee Profitt ft. Fleurie (Avicii cover)
Series Warnings: 🔞 For Mature Audiences Only 🔞angst; profanity; major character death; grief and mental health discussion; discussion of violence & war; alcohol use; NSFW material
A/N: Characters and some plot references belong to our friends at Pixelberry. Big projects like this often takes a village of cheerleaders, barnstormers, listeners and readers. I am so blessed to have such a supportive village--huge thanks to y'all for making this story come to life! This was not beta'd, so please excuse my errors.
A/N 2: It's been a while, so how about a quick review? *clears throat* Previously on Pour Two Glasses... Sensing her need to be close to her husband, Drake coordinates for Riley to sleep each night of Liam's Royal Wake next to his closed casket; he also gives her a necklace to wear that holds Liam's wedding ring and signet ring; Riley and Drake have a heart-to-heart, which included the intimate story of the promise Liam and Riley made to each other: a promise to "pour two glasses"; after the funeral, a member of the 'Les Combattants de la Liberté' (the same coups that shot down Liam's plane) opens fire during Liam's funeral procession in an attempt to assassinate the queen. Despite Drake's efforts, Riley is shot.
"Ahhh! Fuck!" Drake grimaces, holding pressure to his left arm as blood seeps violently from his fresh bullet wound. Sucking in a sharp breath from the pain, he glances to his right where he had pushed Riley down, and hopefully out of the way.
Her body lies completely still as a pool of deep rouge grows from under her petite, lifeless frame.
"Brooks?" He stretches his neck in hopes of a glimpse of her face, but the abrupt shock of sharp torment in his shoulder knocks the air from his lungs. Anxiously panting, he glances back at Riley, realizing she remains motionless to the sound of her name. “Fuck,” he mutters. “Riley!” He frantically searches for a way to get closer to her. He peers at his injured shoulder and his crimson-stained fingers, weighing the options that don't exist on borrowed time that has already expired.
He grabs the collar of his shirt, bunching up the material in his palm before biting down on it. He rolls onto his stomach, his screams of torment muffled into his makeshift gag as he gnashes his teeth. With his good arm, he army-crawls on his side, pulling himself across the pavement with his elbow. The balls of his feet push to propel him, all the while he moans in agony.
His body finally gives out from the misery. "Brooks? Brooks?" He gruffly pants. He lays flat on the ground, reaching to her sprawled out hand with his unaffected arm. He nudges against her skin, but she doesn't move. His fingers find her wrist; he feels a weak, slow pulse.
"Goddammit!" Drake cries out in pain as he sits himself up. "No–no–no… Riley!" Groaning in anguish, he single-handedly pulls her body to himself, propping her head up in his lap. He tenderly peels the blood-drenched wisps off of her cheeks and forehead. Her head suddenly lolls back, her neck extended across his thigh with her pale lips agape. "Riley!" Tears flood his eyes, "No…" Surveying her body, he notices two bullet wounds to her left shoulder near her chest. 
Near her heart.
Drake turns to the other guards that are tending to a few critically wounded people in the otherwise desolate courtyard. "We need help over here!" He cradles Riley's head as he watches the color drain from her face. "Don't do this, Brooks,” he growls, “Don't you dare fucking do this.” He sobs angrily, gripping firmly to the fabric of her dress. "You can't leave me, too…"
A crisp gentle breeze catches her brunette waves in a delicate waltz of silk and sunshine. The softness of the evergreen grass tickles her toes as she ventures through the fragrant blooms. Somewhere amongst the fresh harvest of Cordonian rubies, a handsome melody echoes across the meadow, a deep baritone that Riley instantly recognizes.
“Liam?” Her steps begin to quicken as she searches behind the bark and the bend. “Liam?” Her voice is earnest and hungry as her widened, ocean-blue eyes survey the area for even just a glimpse of his beauty. She grips the sides of her skirt, lifting the hem to her hips as her feet become more swift amongst the uniform rows of bountiful trees.
As she approaches a knoll, a large shadow grants her body brevity from the warm sun. She brings a hand to her forehead, shielding the brightness from her eyes. She strains to make out the broad shapes and chiseled lines of the man standing before her, but she knows it's him. His eyes shimmer with the brilliance of the Mediterranean, his skin like the soft sands of Nissi.
“My love,” he smiles endearingly at her; he cups two filled wine flutes in one large hand as he extends his arm out towards her, his open palm ready to take her into his arms.
“My king,” she breathes, her heart swelling at the very presence of him. She drops her skirt. She draws closer to him as a smile brightly bubbles across her lips. It’s him; it’s really him.
But as their fingertips almost touch, Riley missteps. She trips over an imperfection in the terrain as she falls to her knees, her hands catching her on the ground. As she looks back to her husband, he is gone.
“No,” she whispers as she frantically scours the rolling hills around her. Empty. Not a single trace of life. Riley is alone. “No–no–no… Liam?”  She spins wildly around, searching for him. But suddenly, she hears an ear-piercing crackle like thunder.
And then another. 
A searing pain abruptly burns deep into her shoulder and chest, knocking her off her feet. The impact of the fall robs her of the air in her lungs. In a state of panic, she begins gasping for air, but the rise and fall of her chest makes her whimper, tears collecting in her eyes. 
"Liam?" She tries to scream, but can only muster a rough whisper. "Someone? Please?"
Riley tries to sit up, but an intense scorch of discomfort stuns her to lay back amongst the long blades of grass. Her mouth falls open from the sensation, but only silent sobs pour from her lips.
With a trembling hand, she carefully touches her fingertips to the painful area of her chest. Biting her lip to stifle her screams, she feels a thick oozing of warm fluid escaping her shoulder, flowing between her fingertips.
"Help," she strains, but her words falter as her eyelids fall heavier with each blink. 
She hugs her body with her other arm as the breeze suddenly feels frigid against her pale skin. Her breathing becomes more rapid, each inhale growing laborious, more challenging than the last.
'Anyone?' Riley mouths as she grows still. The light in her eyes falls dim, her lashes fluttering as they begin to close.
Suddenly a large, calloused hand squeezes tightly to her petite weak fingers.
"Brooks," a deep, trembling whisper calls to her, "it–it's going to be okay, baby. Hang in there." A sense of relief rushes over her; hearing the familiar gritty voice comforts her, grounding her back with reality.
Riley can hear a soft shrill of metal on metal from squeaky wheels underneath her. She feels a light current of air swishing across her body as if she is being moved rapidly. The pungent smell of medical-grade antiseptic with the slight undertone of decay hits her nostrils, reminding her instantly of the night she had to identify her husband’s remains.
She tries to speak, but her mouth refuses to move; even her whimpers fall silent, unable to get anyone’s attention. She tries to grip onto the hand that is holding her fingers, but despite her effort, nothing moves.
As she relaxes her body, an excruciating pain suddenly penetrates through her torso, an inexplicable affliction of torment tearing through every last nerve, leaving her senseless, breathless, motionless.
An abrupt alarm of rapid analog chimes begins to whistle.
"Heart rate 152. We need to move, people…"
Riley's eyes flicker open to blurred fluorescent lights, flashing obnoxiously into her field of vision. She hears a twisted garble of concerned voices around her, but can barely make out the faces of the strangers surrounding her.  
"Hang another liter of NS. Go ahead and draw up fifty of hydromorphone…"
"...BP 88/42…"
"... prep OR six…"
"... order four units of O neg…"
The swift movements around her makes her stomach turn as the searing discomfort ravages throughout her chest. She grimaces, her eyelids shutting at the furrow of her brows.
Suddenly, she feels a pinch, like a tiny sharp prick of pressure pushed into the swell of her thigh.  A warming sensation follows, infiltrating through the area before finally swimming briskly through her body.
"Hydromorphone with Phenergan 25 in…"
The room begins to swirl into nothingness, the chatter falling into silence. Her hand falls limp, no longer able to feel Drake's tight grip on her fingertips. No more background noise; no more strange smells. Like falling into the deep end of the ocean, a single, high-pitched shrill rings incessantly in Riley's ears as she flails her arms and legs into the blackness. She finally clenches her eyes shut, terrified of the loneliness, terrified of the struggle, terrified of the emptiness.
Until a warm glow grazes her skin.
A gentle caress of her cheek leads to a tender stroke of a thumb across her full bottom lip.
Riley's eyes cautiously flit open.
And she gasps.
"Sir, this is as far as you can go."
Though he understands hospital safety protocols, Drake scoffs as Riley's hand is pulled away from his grasp. An abrupt loneliness tugs at his heart as he watches the gurney rapidly wheel down the white sterile hallway. As his left arm hangs limp, Drake drags his fingers down his face, swallowing a sob. Will this be his last memory of her alive?
He feels his chest begin to dramatically rise and fall, his breathing becoming quicker as his expression contorts into remorseful anger. He was supposed to protect her. He promised her–shit, he promised Liam that he would look after her, and now Riley is fighting for her life.
As Drake's jaw trembles, a petite hand tenderly pats his unaffected shoulder. He jerks around to find a familiar raised eyebrow, her piercing jades sympathizing instantly with his downcast stare. “Liv,” he whispers, a crooked smile flashing across his lips as his face twists with emotions. “You’re… here. You’re… you're okay,” he chuckles into a choked cry.
Noticing the sincerity of his tone, Olivia Nevrakis’s typical stone-cold presence melts into something more human and warm.  She smirks, holding her arms outstretched. "Come here, big guy," she snickers, waving him into her embrace. “You know that even rogue militant coups can’t get rid of me that easily.” The longtime friends squeeze each other more snuggly; though they might not always see eye-to-eye, they silently gesture in agreement that life is better together.
“Christ on a Kraken! Riley is never going to believe this.”
Drake turns towards the cheerful, flamboyant voice. He casually tosses his head to the side, his chestnut fringe cascading out of his field of vision. The corners of his mouth curl, grateful to see the youngest Beaumont brother alive and well with no obvious injuries.  
"Hey, man," Drake reaches out to take Maxwell's hand, pulling him into a brotherly embrace.
"We were so worried. I thought you were dead," his breath hitches in his chest, "and–and Riley…" The young lord succumbs to his tears, unable to speak. Drake endearingly pats his friend on the back as he flashes a knowing look to Olivia.
"I'm fine, Max," Drake mutters, signaling for him to let go. 
"Have you even been seen by a doctor yet?" Maxwell looks at the crimson gore, dried across the guard's once pristinely pressed suit.
"Not yet. I–" he freezes as he peers down the now empty corridor, the last place he saw her, the last place he touched her. The last place he felt her life in his own hands. A large lump forms in his throat as the horrific scene plays in his head.
The definitive cocking of the chamber of a glock; the smell of smoke and blood in the air; the unraveling of fearful screams of hopeless onlookers… 
"Riley! Look out!"
He tried to shield her; he tried to protect her. He tried to save her.
Was he too late?
The queen's guard shakes his head, staggering away from his friends, willing the sting of his tears away. He already lost his very best friend almost a month ago; he can't lose Liam's wife, too.
"She's strong, Walker–"  Drake stops in his tracks, turning to the fiery red head that fell into step with him walking down the hallway. He leans up against the wall, shoving a hand in his pocket as his head falls forward in anguish.
"I just… I feel so fucking guilty, ya know?” he mutters under his breath. “I was supposed to be there for Liam–I should’ve been there with him, and Riley?" He looks away, blinking away tears. “It should’ve been me–"
"No," Olivia interjects sternly. "Don't go there. You are not responsible for his death. And Riley?”  She takes Drake’s face between her palms, commanding his attention to focus on her words. "She will survive this–'
"I should've been there–"
"And you were," she interrupts. "Drake, she would've been killed if you hadn't intervened when you had."
"You saved her life, man," Maxwell tearfully steps forward, holding out a cup of coffee for the guard. "She's been through a hell of a lot worse." They all chuckle knowingly with one another. "She's going to survive this," Maxwell states encouragingly as he dabs away his tears.
Olivia nods in solidarity, looking towards Drake. "She will."
Drake stares at his styrofoam coffee cup before bringing it to his lips. "She has to," he breathes before taking a sip.
"Cmon, buddy," Maxwell's mouth begins to curl as he slaps Drake on his wounded shoulder. "Let's get you checked out–"
"Ow!" Drake roars, "Limp dick motherfffff–!" Drake bites his tongue as he shields his arm.
"Oh, there he is," Olivia snickers to herself, taking a seat in the waiting room. "I was concerned he left his balls next to his snuff in the back pocket of his Wranglers."
Tangled in sheets of silk, Riley cradles Liam's head against her bare chest. He kisses tender pecks along her velveteen skin, her fingers mindlessly combing through his golden waves. 
Coming down from their euphoric bliss of making love, the gentle warmth of intimacy saturates the air. A soft hum escapes Riley's lungs as she is overwhelmed with the desire to cry streams of joy. To be at peace again. To feel whole again. To be herself again.
This is perfect. Too perfect. Riley had craved for weeks now to have just one more moment, one more breath with her beloved. And now…
Is this really happening? 
She presses her lips into his disheveled, blond hair, breathing in his intoxicating scent. His fingertips graze across her shoulders and down the slope of her full breast, his familiar touch igniting a scattering of goosebumps across her body. But when Liam looks up at her with his hungry gaze, his crystal blue stare that rivals the Northern Lights, relief floods her senses.
I'm home.
Biting her bottom lip, Riley guides her husband up her body until he's lying face-to-face with her, their longing stares never breaking from one another. She delicately traces the angles of his jaw, the contours of his neck until finally resting her palms in the scatter of hair on his chest.   
She rests her head against his body, her fingers lacing with his.
"Liam," she exhales as she listens to the rhythmic pulse of his heart. "I've missed you." Her words softly shudder against her stifled sobs, tears coursing down the curve of her nose. She nuzzles her forehead into him, wanting to be closer, deeper with him, thirsty to drink every last drop of him.
"Please tell me this is it," she flutters her eyes close, his large hands draped across her back. "Please tell me this is where our forever starts."
Feeling his piercing stare on her, Riley instantly meets his mouth in a searing kiss. She slips her tongue between his full lips as the passion continues to burn between them. 
Riley guides him to lay on his back, straddling his broad physique as their tongues continue to caress in steady pulses. She nips at him, coaxing for more.  Gently rocking her hips, Riley sits up on her husband, his length pushing against her slick folds. Taking his large, rugged hands in hers, they cup her peaking breasts, fondling them together.
"I love you," Riley moans into the darkness as her desire builds for her husband once more. 
But then she stops.
She looks back to Liam's handsome face. And a sudden chill runs down her back.
He didn't say, 'I love you'...
"Love," Riley grips one of his hands, bringing it to her lips to kiss. "Is this okay? Are–are you okay?"
He doesn't answer.
An uncomfortable coldness floods her veins as a familiar burning sensation grows in her lower left shoulder.
"Liam?" She shakes his body. "Liam baby, please," her eyes begin to water, "please talk to me." 
Riley glances around the dark room; it looks like their royal quarters, but deep in her heart, she abruptly knows she's far from home. 
And far from Liam.
And like an old film reel, the fantasy around her begins to burn away, slowly at first as a blinding light pierces through the darkness.
"This… this isn't real, is it?" She trembles, bringing his hand to her heart. "Please, baby…" the room becomes stifling as Riley begins to gasp for air, her husband’s touch nothing but a phantom pain. "Please don't leave me again…"
Suddenly, Riley feels like she's choking as a soreness forms promptly in her throat.
"That's it, your majesty," the assured voice of a stranger calls out to her. "We're done with your surgery. Take some nice big breaths for us."
Riley barely peeks through her heavy eyelids, but her stormy blues are instantly met with the brazen shine of surgical spotlights. And she grimaces, discomfort etching across her delicate features.
"Good job. Take another breath."
The queen can feel something weighted and quite warm being folded across her frigid body. Suddenly, she feels soft fabric engulfing her toes, then her feet.
Where am I?
"Let's get you some Fentanyl and the rest of your Zofran for the ride, your majesty."
Abruptly to her arm, she feels a twinge of heat expanding in her veins, traveling first to her shoulder before dispersing across her body. The panic that was building in her nerves subsides as she relaxes into a subtle snore. And then into nothingness all over again.
"Rise and shine, little blossom…"
Hearing the muffled, yet familiar whisper of her dear friend, Riley cautiously opens one eye. But in an instant, she closes it. Her eyebrows knit together, the burn from the bright sunlight too much for her right now.
“Max?” She croaks softly, her lips dry and cracked. “Maxwell?” She makes a small effort to move, but a sudden ache knocks her back onto her bed. She mouths the word ‘Ow’ as she slowly reaches up towards her injured shoulder with a trembling hand. 
“Shhh, Riley,” Maxwell tenderly pats her arm. “I’m gonna go get someone. I’ll be right back.”  With a squeeze of her fingers, Maxwell takes off to the nurse’s station.
Feeling the agonizing pulse in her left shoulder, Riley tries to open her eyes again.  Everything remains a blur as her eyes dart to the glass door. Two large men stand just outside the windows like perfect statues on either side of the frame, wearing what appears to be… guard uniforms?
“Drake…?” She tries to call out, assuming he's one of the men, but the hoarseness of her voice silences her attempt as she winces at her sore throat. Where am I? She frantically peers around her bed, noticing a collection of monitors and clear bags of fluids, all attached to her body with various cords and wires. 
What happened?
Riley’s head feels a bit swimmy, dizzy from the heavy medications she has been given, not to mention the anesthesia slowly dissipating from her body. She was trying to put the puzzle pieces back together, fact versus fiction. Each part played like a vignette in her memory. 
Laying in bed with Liam… The airplane crash… Giving herself a progesterone shot... Sneaking into the church with Drake…  Dancing at the award ceremony.  Gunshots…
Had it all been a dream?
Suddenly, her eyes widen with realization, wishful-thinking blooming across her face. It was a dream.  Noticing a big red button on the bed with the word ‘Nurse’, Riley frantically presses it. A jolt of hope bursts within her chest. 
It was just a dream– a terrible dream– but just a dream.
The sliding glass door to her ICU room hurriedly rolls open, an older nurse with peppered short hair hurries in with Maxwell hot on her tail.  “Well, well… look who’s finally awake!” She smiles kindly, her hazel gaze sparkling with genuine joy. “Your majesty, my name is Vangie, and it has been an honor to care for you through your recovery–”
“Recovery?” Riley looks to Maxwell with curiosity.
“You have two nurses that have been assigned to specifically care for you per the guard's protocol,” Maxwell informs as he takes a seat next to Riley’s bed, gently grabbing her hand. “Vangie here is your night nurse, and she has been incredible.”
Riley turns to the nurse, giving her an uncertain half grin before giving her attention back to Maxwell. “But… what is going on? Why–why am I here?”
Maxwell grips tightly to her fingers, a pensive-look crossing his features.  “You’re in the hospital, Ri. You had surgery–”
“Yes, your majesty.” Vangie finishes administering medications into Riley’s IV before glancing back to her queen. “You’re quite lucky, actually.  You lost a lot of blood, and it was touch-and-go our first night together, but you have pulled through nicely–” her pager suddenly beeps, a slight annoyance flashes in her eyes. “My apologies, your majesty,” she bows, “I need to take this.”
Riley gently nods, offering a soft smile before turning back to Maxwell. He sweetly leans over her, resting his elbow on her bed as he pushes away stray hairs on her face.  “I’m so glad you’re finally awake. I've been so worried.”
Riley’s eyebrows furrow, an expression of confusion falls over her as she glances around the room. “Maxwell, I–” she cinches her eyes closed in frustration, “how long have I been out?”
“A good part of three days.” His words drip with worry, “They said the injuries you sustained were pretty severe, but thank God, one of the bullets missed your heart by two millimeters–”
Maxwell pauses inquisitively. “You don’t remember much, do you?” 
Riley chews on her lip, shaking her head.
“That’s honestly a good thing,” he sighs heavily.
“Max,” she softly pleas, “please… tell me?”
Maxwell sits up in his chair, combing his fingers through the relaxed style of his hair. “Ri, you just woke up. I think you should get some more rest before we dive into what happened. Heck, Olivia and Drake will be back in the morning, and we can–”
“--and Liam?”
Maxwell freezes, the color draining from his face at the mention of his dear friend and king.  He swallows thickly. “Wh–what about him?”
“Is he–?” She presses the heel of her hand against her forehead. “I must sound like a lunatic,” she chuckles anxiously, “but… it’s all bleeding together, these thoughts in my head spiraling and mixing reality with fantasy. I feel like when I’m awake, I’m dreaming, and when I’m dreaming, I’m awake, and–I mean, I just…” She tosses her hands on the bed, another titter escaping her throat as tears prick her eyes. “The airplane crash, the funeral, his casket… please tell me the truth.”
Maxwell’s breath hitches, causing a sobering chill to overwhelm Riley.  Of all the images flashing through her mind–the morgue, champagne in the orchard, his wedding ring on a necklace–she had hopes that maybe–just maybe– the worst of them all was actually a nightmare, that maybe Maxwell can ground her back into reality, that maybe—
“My husband… ?”
A wave of sorrow pours onto Maxwell's features as his ever-optimistic expression drains. And he shakes his head.
It wasn’t a dream. 
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msjr0119 · 1 year
This Life
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The majority of characters belong to Pixelberry from The Royal Romance/Heir.
Series warnings ⚠️: Adult language, sexual.
Based on the Netflix series- Sex/life. Some situations are based on canon.
Tags: Because I’ve been gone MIA in like forever I don’t know who’s here anymore 🙈… so I’m not tagging specific people.
School psychologists aren't supposed to write books or diaries about sex. Doing so would be considered 'unethical' and 'a fireable offense'. Lucky for you, ethics was never my strong suit.
January 3rd
New year. New start? No. Same shit, different year. It hasn’t always been ‘bad’ though.
There was a time in my life where I was; wild, fun, happy. I was living the time of my life. As if there was no tomorrow. No worries. Anxiety- what anxiety? No sleep. It didn’t matter to me. Caffeine was my best friend as well as Liv. Both getting me through each day. Thinking back to those days- I was vulnerable. The reason why… HIM.
The man who has not been named ‘out loud’ in nearly a decade. However, just recently the memories keep flooding in my mind. I’m not sure why? As much as I try to erase them, they return immediately. Today I spent the afternoon vacantly staring at my child as he caused chaos around me. Typical toddler, some may suggest. My boy- he was…is, a blessing. To begin with, I wasn’t sure if I could be a mother. Half of the time, I’m surprised that I’ve managed to look after myself all of these years. Motherhood- that was never a high priority in my future when I imagined my fairytale life in my adolescence. Honestly, my only goal in life was to achieve my PHD in Psychology. Oh, how that went ‘tits up’.
My husband- he was my saviour five years ago. Most of our close friends and family assumed that Nate was just a rebound. Deep down, I probably believed that too back then. However, he proved everyone wrong- including myself. For the last five years he’s provided for me but for also for Preston. Most people would think that I sound ungrateful for the life that I have. Maybe I am?
The majority would dream for what I have; the wonderful house outside the city. The opportunity to not have to work for now- the life of a typical housewife. The privilege to own nice yet expensive cars due to Nate’s promotion. And not forgetting the support from Preston’s nanny- Ioana. Why isn’t all of this enough for me? I often think…What if, I had never agreed to that coffee date with Nate on our first meeting? Would my life have been any different? Could I have rekindled with the man who made me feel invisible- electrified? The intimacy with him. God, I miss it. I miss him. Back then, I was caught up in the euphoria of the moment. ‘For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and cherish, until parted by death’ I keep reminding myself about the vows that we made- ‘I am happily married’. But, is that true?
“Shit!” Looking at her watch, Riley realised that the day had rapidly disappeared. Nate could be returning home at any point.
“Mommy, you….”
“I know, Preston. I’m sorry I said a naughty word.” Scrutinising the mess surrounding them- Riley deleted all of what she had noted down, before rushing around like a headless chicken in her night wear still. Hearing the door open, she panicked slightly before recognising the familiar face. Phew.
“Excuse me, Miss Riley- but your sister and Mr Liam have just got here. I can take Preston for his bath if you’d like?”
“Erm, Ioana- let them in, I’ll quickly run upstairs and make myself decent. Preston, honey- why don’t you show Ioana the train track that we made earlier on? It’s amazing isn’t it?”
“Okay, Mommy.”
“I don’t know why they are here?!” Ioana provided a soft smile towards Riley as she mouthed this and guested that she would be one minute.
Running back downstairs dodging the washing and stray toys, Riley realised that she had two missed calls and voicemails.
Hey, girl.
Sorry I didn’t return your call earlier on. It’s been a busy crazy day. I’m back in the city- you sounded a bit upset on the voicemail. Meet up, tomorrow? Let me know.
Hello beautiful,
Just to let you know, I’m running slightly behind tonight. Emergency meeting with Katrina and ‘the big boy bosses’. I hopefully won’t be too long. I will grab some food at work- just see to yourself and Preston. Love you.
“Nothing new there, then. Working late again wasn’t expecting that at all- oh silly, me. He’s probably so far up her arse…..”
“Riley.” Lindsey shouted interrupting her sisters negative thoughts regarding her husband and his new boss.
“Hey guys. Sorry about the mess. Erm… it was Nate’s first day back at work and myself and Preston are still in the holiday mood. We still need to get back into the normal routine… anyway…. What are you doing here?” Lindsey and Liam gave each other a look- they both didn’t know how to ‘sweet talk’ the discussion that they needed to have with Riley.
“Well… we haven’t seen you since Christmas. So we thought that we’d pay you a visit.”
“It was less than two weeks ago, we’ve gone months without seeing each other before.”
“Erm…” Lindsey stuttered which encouraged Liam to continue the conversation. “Well we know that Nate is working longer hours now- we know that you have Ioana for company but if you wanted a different change of scenery…. We are here. Always.” Focusing her attention towards her sister instead of Liam - Lindsey provided a sheepish smile towards Riley.
“Linz you’ve always been a rubbish liar. What’s the real reason as to why you’ve spontaneously shown up here?”
“Ioana, are you okay looking after Preston for a couple of extra hours whilst we take Riley to the city? Mommy’s night off. I believe she deserves it?”
“Of course, Mr Liam. That is no problem. I agree, Miss Riley should go and enjoy herself.”
New York is a city of diversity and dynamism. As well as a city of politics, economy and culture. Even though I don’t live within the city anymore- this is home. The natural feeling of ‘home’ occurs every time that I enter the city. Each corner has a different story to tell. Mixed emotions. Memories both bad and good that will last a lifetime.
To begin with- Riley kept looking over her shoulder in the bars that the trio had entered. Was there some hope that she could see him? If there was to be an unexpected meeting she wasn’t quite sure on how to react. Due to anxiety and nerves - Riley began to take advantage of the alcohol as well as the child free night. The last known location for the man in question was California. Because of this she began to let her hair loose - something which pleased Lindsey but also worried her at the same time.
“Liv’s flat is literally next door. I’ll just go and surprise her and see if she wants to join us, okay?”
“Okay, we’ll get you both a drink. Gin and tonic?” Liam asked.
“No, make it two JD and cokes. It’s what myself and Liv always had during our… fun… days. Nights. Mornings…. I’ll be two minutes.”
“Liam- JD and coke, minus the JD for Ri.” Lindsey whispered to her husband, as they watched Riley enter the flat safely.
“I think she will need a coffee rather than fizzy pop to attempt to conceal the alcohol consumption from Nate. When Riley returns with or without Liv we are telling her the truth, Linz. Olivia will be the extra support that she may require.”
“Ri… what are you doing here? I suggested to meet up tomorrow on the voicemail.”
“Yeah I know, but….” Stumbling against the wall, Olivia stepped out quickly shutting the door quietly.
“Are you drunk?”
“No! Maybe. Only, slightly.” Shrugging her shoulders, she knew that Nate would berate her for being in this position. However, she didn’t care for now.
“Anyway Linz and Liam sort of dragged me out to the city- because I can never get out, I thought you could join me- us. Like old times…. But obviously old times were just you and I. It’ll be fun though…. I need to talk to you anyway…. I’ve been having these weird dreams. Memories keep rushing back of me and him….” Before Riley could continue with her word vomit - Olivia prevented her from continuing.
“Now isn’t a good time….I’m still jet-lagged from Paris. Tomorrow would better, honey. For me. I can come to you… or you could come back to the city with Preston. Whichever is easier….”
“Who’s Preston?” Standing frozen as if she had seen a ghost, Riley’s brain began to shrivel and not function properly. “I’m assuming he’s the new lucky man in your life?” Not responding to the questions- Riley couldn’t distinguish reality from fantasy.
“It’s good to see you, Brooks.”
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