#right now i have classics such as: stone butch blues. the perks of being a wallflower. playground. manhunt.
Tell me more about this book blanket? I'm Fascinated
Omg yay!! Okay so I'm knitting two rows per book that I finish in 2024, and each book rows will be a different color based on the genre it is
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So here are the books I've read so far. Everything that's in bold is what I've knitted, and the last book on the list is what I'm currently reading but haven't finished yet. So I've knitted everything before Fifty Feet Down, and read everything up to Annie on My Mind, but I'm currently like thirty percent through it.
I'm choosing colors as I finish genres, and I'm trying to do it only with yarn I have (cuz yarn is expensive and I have a lot of yarn. The reason I have a lot of yarn suitable for a blanket is because I took all of this yarn from a blanket I started knitting four years ago and never finished. Like I finished frogging that blanket yesterday and made it into cakes on my new yarn winder!!) I didn't really try to make the colors fit the genres. I just own a lot of navy yarn and knew I'd read a lot of LGBTQ books, and I own a lot of black and know I'll read a lot of horror books. Then for dystopian I just chose a yarn color that I had available, same with mystery.
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Here's how it's going so far! You can see the four navy rows for the two LGBTQ books i read, the two purple for the one dystopian book (which is also very good, I highly recommend Debate Kids at the End of the World and that author in general, Alex Nonymous) and then a chunk of black because I read four I. S. Belle books in a row (you can also see all of the ends I didn't weave in, which I'm going to hate myself for when I finish the blanket)
"But Austyn, what if the book is more than one genre?" I'm so glad you asked! Most of these books could be considered more than one genre. Fifty Feet Down is a mystery, but also a romance. So I just consider what genre I believe is more integral to the story, if that makes sense. Fifty Feet Down could be relatively the same if the main characters were just friends, but the story would be vastly different if it wasn't a mystery. Therefore, it gets the mystery color instead of romance. Same with all of the I. S. Belle books. There's romance in them, but if you took out the romance it would still be pretty similar, but if you took out the horror it would be an incredibly different story.
So that's my 2024 book blanket!
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kitkasimba · 7 years
1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 15, 17, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 36, 37, 40, 44, 52, 53, 57, 65, 66, 70, 73, 74, 77, 78, 85, 86, 90, 91, 92. Some are random, but some are out of curiosity ;)
So….. I JUST saw this, and I apologize greatly! I’m assuming this was in regards to the MAKE ME ADMIT STUFF Ask, so… LEGGO. **Also, I received another message from same anon saying I might as well do all of the questions at this point, so that’s what we’re gonna do. HANG ON TIGHT.
1.) Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
2.) You talked to an ex today, correct?Nooope I have not.
3.) Have you taken someone’s virginity?Not to my knowledge.
4.) Is trust a big issue for you?Yes and no. I’m pretty open about surface level things. When it comes to deeper things, that’s when I become more closed off or vague.
5.) Did you hang out with the person you like recently?I did :)
6.) What are you excited for?So many things! I get to see my partner tonight, I get to go home this weekend, I get to move into a new apartment in 9 days, and I’m having spaghetti and hot dogs for dinner. Life is pretty good right meow.
7.) What happened tonight?Gurl, I don’t even know? The day is still young! As far as I know, I am getting dinner with a friend & then my partner is coming over.
8.) Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?No, I just worry about their well-being mostly.
9.) Is confidence cute?SO CUTE. Like, heck yes you’re amazing. Lookatchu ♥
10.) What is the last beverage you had?H20.
11.) How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?I don’t like the phrasing of this question, but one person I guess?
12.) Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?Yes I do.
13.) What are you gonna do Saturday night?Attend one of my best friend’s bridal showers!
14.) What are you going to spend money on next?Most likely gas or groceries.
15.) Are you going out with the last person you kissed?Yes indeedy I am :)
16.) Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?Oh heck yeah. We’re changing everyday, even in the smallest ways.
17.) Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?Best friends and my partner.
18.) The last time you felt broken?Uhhh... last Thursday night, maybe? I don’t know, I felt pretty shitty that day & pretty broken mentally.
19.) Have you had sex today?I have not!
20.) Are you starting to realize anything?I’m not starting school in a few weeks, and I’m an actual Adult. That is slowly sinking in.
21.) Are you in a good mood?Yeah, I think so!
22.) Would you ever want to swim with sharks?I think I’m good for the time being.
23.) Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?We both have brown eyes, but his are a darker.
24.) What do you want right this second?Food, kisses, and cuddles… tbh.
25.) What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another person? (the original said boy/girl, and I wasn’t about that)I’d be hella upset & heartbroken.
26.) Is your current hair color your natural hair color?Yes it is.
27.) Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?No thank you.
28.) What was the last thing that made you laugh?My cat Callie because she tried jumping on the bed right when I was getting off so she fell. Poor babe.
29.) Do you really, truly miss someone right now?My best friend(s), seester, parents, & partner.
30.) Does everyone deserve a second chance?Yes and no. I think it depends on the circumstances and the people.
31.) Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?Not at all!
32.) Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?*GASP* We’re dating, but does she really know I like-like her? OKAY WE ARE GOOD, I TOLD HER. So yeah, she knows 😂
33.) Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?For the most part, yeah.
34.) Listening to?Songs to Sing to in the Shower playlist on Spotify.
35.) Do you ever write in pencil anymore?When I do write it is usually with pen.
36.) Do you know where the last person you kissed is?She’s at home trying to get some shit done.
37.) Do you believe in love at first sight?Yes, but I’m also hesitant.
38.) Who did you last call?My mom, I think?
39.) Who was the last person you danced with?That’s a good question... I’m not sure!
40.) Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?Because I was saying good-bye and I love them.
41.) When was the last time you ate a cupcake?Uhh... the last cupcake I can recall was in late June?
42.) Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?I have not because they’re 2.5 hours away, but I’ll see them this weekend!
43.) Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?OH DONTCHA KNOW IT.
44.) Do you tan in the nude?I do not.
45.) If you could, would you take back your last kiss?HECK NO.
46.) Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?I did ♥
47.) Who was the last person to call you?My mumsie.
48.) Do you sing in the shower?Almost every time!
49.) Do you dance in the car?Mostly when I’m by myself.
50.) Ever used a bow and arrow?I do not believe so, but I would love to.
51.) Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?In June for my grad photos!
52.) Do you think musicals are cheesy?Sometimes, but that’s what makes them so fantastic and magical!
53.) Is Christmas stressful?Omg yes.
54.) Ever eat a pieorgi?Not to my knowledge.
55.) Favorite type of fruit pie?The classic apple is good for me.
56.) Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?I wanted to work in a deli like my mom, and then I wanted to be a helper of some sort.... and a photographer. Helping and photography still ring very true.
57.) Do you believe in ghosts?Yes because who am I to say they don’t exist? There are so many things that are unknown and inexpiable in this universe.
58.) Ever had a Deja-vu feeling?Oh yeah.
59.) Take a vitamin daily?Nah.
60.) Wear slippers?Very infrequently.
61.) Wear a bath robe?Nope.
62.) What do you wear to bed?Pajamas, so like shorts/sweats/pants & a t-shirt/tank/sports bra. Just varies depending on the temperature.
63.) First concert?Probably some country concert at the Tillamook Fair.
64.) Wal-mart, Target, Kmart?TARGET.
65.) Nike or Adidas?Nike, I guess? I honestly don’t care.
66.) Cheetos or Fritos?Cheetos fo shizzle. Fritos are good on bagels though.
67.) Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?Peanuts, I suppose.
68.) Favorite Taylor Swift song? Ugh.......... I like old school T-Swift, so Our Song or I Knew You Were Trouble are two of my faves. Oh, and of course Teardrops On My Guitar, haha.
69.) Ever take dance lessons? (HEHEHE)Not professionally or formally. I’ve done drag show & musicals though!
70.) Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?Whatever makes them happiest ♥
71.) Can you curl your tongue?I cannot.
72.) Ever won a spelling bee?CLOSE, but not quite.
73.) Have you ever cried because you were so happy?Oooooooh yeah. The proof is in me everytime I see The Lion King: The Musical and when I saw the sign for Disneyworld… or whenever I’ve gone to Disney On Ice, haha.
74.) What is your favorite book?The Perks of Being A Wallflower & Stone Butch Blues.
75.) Do you study better with or without music?Research shows that we can’t actually study well with music playing in the background, especially lyrical music. However, depending on the subject, french music can help me from time to time (because I don’t know what they’re saying, haha).
76.) Regularly burn incense?Nah.
77.) Ever been in love?Yes indeedy ♥
78.) Who would you like to see in concert?Melanie Martinez & Mary Lambert. Other people too, but I can’t think of anyone right now.
79.) What was the last concert you saw?AJR with my Seester!
80.) How tea or cold tea?Cold tea, please.
81.) Tea or coffee?Coffee, but tea is okay as well.
82.) Favorite type of cookie?Snickerdoodle or White Chocolate Macadamia Nut.
83.) Can you swim well?I believe so?
84.) Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?Probably, but I prefer not to.
85.) Are you patient?
86.) DJ or band, at wedding?
87.) Ever won a contest?Yeah, for cutest baby when I was younger. No big deal.
89.) What are better black or green olives?NONE. I DO NOT LIKE OLIVES.
90.) Opinions on sex before marriage?You do you, Honey Boo Boo. It ain’t my decision nor my body. Your choice, so whatever makes you happy.
91.) Best room for a fireplace?Living room or bedroom, I suppose.
92.) Do you want to get married? I would love to get married, and I really hope it happens someday ♥Thanks for the ask, Anon! :)
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