#rgg gaiden spoilers in tags
skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
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#rgg gaiden spoilers in tags#GUH. SNIFF. GUH. BUHHHHBUHBUH. FUCK#!!!!! EUGHHHUGHHH#WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME GAIDEN WAS GOOOODDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#AUUGGUHEHGEHHVBBBBGHHG#SOBBINGNH BAWLING THROWING UP SHUDDERING SNIFFLING LIMP DREADFUL UGHHGHUUHH#EUGHHHHHHHHHGYUGHHHHHGGH#SORRY I WAS GONNA REFLECT BUT I CANT STOP TEXT GROANING LIKE. HYUGHHHGGGHHH GUHHHHHH#SOBBING INTERNALLY REALLY REALLY HARD RN...#it was such a good final sequence... like the whole final fight was so good#AND UFHGEYHG EVERYONES REACTIONS TO KIRYU COMING BACK.. AND HIS TO THEM ...#majima veing like yeah ywah ok sure thing joryu just. just don't run off too soon arright? GUHHHHHBWAUUUUHHHGGUUGUUHHBBBHHHHHHHHNNGGGHHHH#WET PILE ON THE FLOOR#and it's such a good final fight and final occasion for what's probably gonna be kiryu's final solo finale yknow?#captured the spirits of the others while getting the emotion and the hype in a way i havent felt with the past couple antags#yumi ring post credit sequence..... awhhhh 🥺🥺🥺 ...... he loves her.....🤧🤧🤧#GYUGJH so glad to see rgg finally remembering yumi oughhguhhh and theres at least one papa kazama substory#and obv Tonight is there so like. the trio have been acknowledged which is nice#anyway very happy to see ichi again i miss him OH THE HIDDEN CAMERA SHIT. HRNGHHH NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT THATTT#HGUHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNMMNRHRGZGZHJDBDBD BAWLING BAWLING BAWLIGN BAWLIGN BAWLING FUCKIGN SCREAMING‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️#nooooooooooooo god it's so fucking sad dude... houghrhhgh like kiryu just crying and whimpering for a few minutes and the screen getting#more and more covered with his tears (and snot oops) and just. hububububhhhhh AND THE WAY HE LAUGHED WHEN THEY SAID NO ONE BELIEVED HE WAS#REALLY DEAD AT MORNING GLORY.. CUTE. YEAH WE ALL KNOW YOURE BAD AT DISGUISES I LOVE YOU FOREVER JORYU SUZUKI TAICHI#my heart.... kiryuuuuuuu kiryu i love you so much forever and everrrrrrrrr kiryujuiuuuuiu. GHRBMRNRNBSHAHSV#sad. sad sad sad. but not empty. never empty.#hhhnngnhnnn and like just. pshhhUGH i really liked the side characters this time around. akame and tsuruno and shishido and nishitani#BOY WAS I HAPPY TO SEE THE (LITERAL) BLOODLUST RETURN JDGDJS THAT SCENE WHERE HES LIKE joryu you got me ROCK HARD and tsuruno's like#p-patriarch?? LAUGHING MY FUCKIGN ASS OFF THAT SHIT WAS SO GOOD. THEY CALLED HIM A CAT IN HEAT STOPPPJDGSJSHS#and the lighting was pretty and the environments were gorgeous and i really liked everything i did#theyre starting to make the dragon engine combat good lol
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lordichamo · 6 months
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General note: if im givin em (slight) digitigrade legs im givin em a tail. for balance. and for funsies.
Daigo (M-DIG)
its his stupid lil jacket
to differentiate him from fishiki (both predominately white/monochrome bots) only his upper half is white. again. jacket...
platforms. #shortkingdaigo
slightly wider waist (still. snatched as hell. bc the bots look like that)
Mine (M-MIN)
kirin influence
rgg can pry his red/brown/gold color palette out of my cold dead hands.
pretty sure the lil fur tuft on his tail is real fur.
congrats! you programmed a robot that can experience love! unfortunately this means that he & his bf are going to be Insufferable
Has the gunshot wounds Mine sustained on The Ruff
ALT: he uhm. he fell.
Ryuji (M-RYJ)
added in the black from his coat trim. + the other colors are a combo of his suit + the one dragon from the strength tarot.
also wider waist than default
Has the gunshot wounds Ryuji sustained in the finale
ALT: i think they just . gave him a random spare part arm HJGHKWEHTLEW it doesnt even match w/ his colors..... doesnt even turn into a gun either booo
Nishiki (M-NSK)
hes fish !! i was allllmost considering giving him a fancy lil tail fin thingy but mrrr. nah.
again . lots of focus on differentiating him & daigo. adding more colors n shit helps
if u look reeeeal close in the midsection the uhh. black section has a real faint y0 shirt design.
shortest of the 4 if you don't account for Daigo's platforms.
ALT: i had to look up. so many burnt out cars. anyway. he exploded.
dragon elements but more normal abt it. he doesn't care as much as ryuji (who is. #1 territorial dragonposter rep)
bulkyyy. his legs are the closest to what the actual canon bots have???
bird but also catboy. stray cat strut......
first robot to experience the effects of smoking (outdated)
the lil gold accents come from his lil necklace
yes the fur pauldrons are real fur. scritching him....
obligatory tigerposting. this does mean he's SO patterns though.
this guy's got turtle shells. rounding out the whole 4 gods motif
otherwise. pretty standard design. shortest of the 4. etc.
a lil busted to hell n back
most exposed wiring
most snatched waist of the bots
Cancelled Governor Ryo Aoki
literally just repurposed the masato bot lmfao
anything pure blue was entirely replaced, otherwise they just kinda sorta. painted over. lmao.
bulkier replacement legs since support was an issue
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absolutedisasterr · 9 months
A little copium on this insane day *RGG Summit Spoilers*
Dw guys kiryu will be okay cause can u imagine a guy who has been shot, stabbed, bashed in the head, and fought multiple tigers at once and is still okay.. dying from cancer? I think it would end up sending a horrible message about cancer being unbeatable if written like that, considering a dragon couldn’t even do it.
Plus in the summit when they discuss it, Yokoyama reminds everyone how just because he’s sick doesn’t mean it’s Kiryu’s end. Maybe this is just the wakeup call he needs to genuinely retire.
I’ll also add Kiryu’s VA, Takuya Kuroda discussed his own battle with illness at the summit (not sure if it was cancer but I have heard he had to give up his career acting on screen because of illness) and said how he used his own experience being sick to fuel his acting of Kiryu in this game. I can only hope Kiryu will beat his own sickness the same way Kuroda-san has done himself.
(Yes, I am grasping at straws🧍)
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
woah comparison video upon ye
Shot-For-Shot (Gaiden Audio): 0:00 - 6:19
Raw Footage (LaD Audio): 6:20 - 13:41
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thepixelblender · 6 months
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b!tches when they don't know they'll be hit by a car within the next hour
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colonel-chicken · 6 months
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hey how come this guy has the same fursona as kiryu ://///
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mythdr · 7 months
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quick messy thing bc i needed to get out my Gaiden Feelings
[Image ID: A greyscale digital pencil doodle of Kazuma Kiryu and Hanawa from Like A Dragon: Gaiden. Kiryu, wearing his agent suit and sunglasses, points a gun at the camera. Hanawa stands next to him. The only colour on the canvas is a thin cyan wire that wraps around Kiryu's wrist and extends to the top left corner. On the top left is text in a serif font which reads 'The Man Who Erased His Name.' End ID.]
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bother-blame · 7 months
it feels so weird to be playing as kiryu again
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carcharadroid · 7 months
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rivaiin · 3 months
finally finished y8. thoughts below
im having a lot of mixed feelings. in general the game was fantastic. i honestly enjoyed every hour i put into it So much. i love the formula these games have and they just never disappoint me. the gameplay was super fun all throught the game like its really improved from y7 hawaii is cool the music was Fantastic the entire game and its just. it was an enjoyable experience. a wonderful entry in a series full of wonderful entries
some complaints tho. i was completely sure they were killing off kiryu coming in cause to me its what makes the most sense narratively. the guy is a fucking beast and an expert at stealing the show. which is exactly what happened. while kiryu is alive ichi will never truly be the protagonist of the series. and like. i dont mind that. weve had games with multiple protagonists and they work well. but this all feels like making up for the rushed ending kiryu got in y6 and backtracking on making a new protag for the series instead of fully commiting to ichi. am i glad kiryu didnt die? im not sure. cause theyve set everything up to have him appear on another game so itll depend on what they do next. i am glad that theyve dropped the daidoji stuff and that haruka will most likely appear again cause after all this time if they had him die alone and miserable it wouldve been absolutely terrible. like i guess thats the issue with kiryu in general. hes so big and hes been around for so long that like. what do you do with a character like that. how do you let him go without disappointing everyone but also. how do you keep him around without making him the center of everything. it really feels like theyve written themselves into a corner
i feel like ichis plot was kind of rushed or at least more barebones than expected. like this feels more like a kiryu game than anything else. the guy meets him mom for the first time in his life and they have so little time together. the stuff with palekana and lani feels like an afterthought. theres barely any mention of the fact that hes ebinas half brother??? like whats he gonna do now. they dont even show anything about that. will he stay in hawaii with his mom. will he stay in japan and continue with the dissolution bussiness? are daigo and co gonna help. is kiryu gonna help???? i guess well see in y9
Anyways some good stuff now. kiryus final segment was So good and hype. the jimas showing up to help. that little fight with them as support. the fight with ebina. very good. i also enjoyed ichis part but i feel it was a bit weaker (except for the part where chitose does her thing. shes my most specialest girl in the world. i hope they keep her for the next 10 games)
i would love to be able to comment on the post game content cause i enjoyed that in y7 a lot but sadly. its dlc and im not gonna get that until its very very cheap on sale :^)
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overdevelopedglasses · 7 months
Sunday Six!
AlllllRIGHT, second time is the charm!
@carbonatedcalcium got to me first (hell yeah! great stuff as always!) and I'm tagging these fellas: @fire-tempers-steel, @mike----wazowski, @passthroughtime, and @woundedheartwithin. Let's also formally introduce two newcomers: @four-white-trees and @skysquid22 ! Share whatever you like! Judgment, RGG, or something completely random!
While not dying from finals, I've been working on a fic for MineDai Week! Not doing the whole week (too little time, and Gaiden is taunting me), but I wanted to do something bc I've grown to love this pair over the past few weeks. I've also been letting the Survive!Mine AU run wild, which means @lordichamo should see this, shouldn't they?
Besides, my Sunday Six entries have been on the happy side since Tojoctober ended...
So let's change it up this week, shall we?
Y3 spoilers ahead!
Kiryu rushes over to Daigo’s side, and Mine sees a gaping bullet wound in Daigo's neck, as he gasps for air like a fish out of water.
Mine looks back at Richardson, who lets out the evilest laugh he's ever heard.
“Would you look at that! Such a powerful man, felled by a single bullet…”
Richardson turns the gun at Mine, and aims between his eyes.
“And it's all your fault, Mine-san."
All Mine can do is swivel his vision towards the Chairman before another gunshot deafens him.
Mine bolts upright, hand thrusting outwards to the man that fades from his sight. The blank walls of Survive’s upper floor fill Mine’s vision, and the chill of the night settles into his fragile frame. He sighs and lays back down. Shivering, he weakly pulls his legs up to his chest and wills himself back to sleep, ignoring the dull ache in his heart.
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almightyrozenidiot · 4 months
Tagged by @artekai
Last Song: Do You Want To by Franz Ferdinand
Favourite Color: Dark purple
Currently Watching: Someone's walkthrough of Yakuza 5
Last Movie/TV Show: I honestly don't remember oops
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: Sweet
Relationship Status: Permanently Single Do Not Enquire
Current Obsession: I'm getting back into Yakuza/RGG so I can finally catch up on the series (I was at the end of Y5 and don't feel like replaying the game so I'm just watching the ending, and then I intend to play Y6 and Y7. I already watched Gaiden and know a bunch of spoilers but little in terms of context)
Last Thing You Googled: Shibuya 109 Building
I tag: @mageofthelufaines, @obliviousxiv, @sage-basil and @boypussydilf
No pressure if you don't want to do it, and if I haven't tagged you and you want to do it please go ahead.
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woundedheartwithin · 1 year
Just for reference, since the naming convention for the series has changed, I tag all games in the Yakuza/Like a Dragon universe (including je/lj) #yakuza
Mainline games are tagged #yakuza [number]. Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth will be tagged #yakuza 8 for just general posts about the game, and spoilers will be tagged both #yakuza 8 spoilers #spoilers. Spoiler tags are generally only used to denote major plot and/or substory spoilers, so if you want scorched earth blockage of information about the game, I suggest filtering both the spoiler tag and the game tag.
Spin-offs are tagged #yakuza #[subtitle/title] (ie #yakuza #judgment, #yakuza #ishin, etc), with the exception of Gaiden, since there are many games with the subtitle Gaiden and I don’t want to blur tags. For that reason, that particular game is tagged #yakuza #yakuza gaiden
This convention goes for all posts, past and future, and believe me, if I could go back and redo my tagging system to just rgg I would, but that’s thousands of posts at this point. One day I’ll make a full guide to my tagging system, but for now, for spoiler purposes given all the new information about y8 and gaiden (praise be), here’s the current fandom specific version
As a general rule, my tagging convention for all my posts is: fandom, game, character, ship, spoiler tags, archival tags, my dumbass thoughts
Character names for rgg follow East Asian convention (surname first, given name last), with the exception of canonically western characters and/or characters using western naming convention, such as Ryan Acosta and Nick Ogata
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majima-kensetsu · 2 years
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kamuro-junrenka · 2 months
New pinned
Hi! This is my rgg-only blog :) i mostly reblog stuff and post my own screenshots
Tags i use:
Yakuza for obviously any yakuza related reblog or post
Y1, yk2, y8, gaiden etc for game specific posts
Y8 spoilers, gaiden spoilers for spoilers of specific games
Rant for when i'm yapping about anything, rgg related or not
Not yakuza for any non rgg related posts or reblogs
I don't tag spoilers for any games except gaiden and 8
My favorite rgg games are judgment, yakuza 7 and yakuza 5 in that order
My favorite rgg characters are saejima, ichiban, kiryu, yagami, masato and shishido
Games i've played: y0, y1, yk1, yk2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, gaiden, dead souls, judgment, lost judgment
I dont like kiwami 2 and lost judgment, so i may complain about them from time to time, just a heads up lol
Feel free to message me or send me an ask talking about anything about the series!!
I dont have a dni list because this isnt a personal blog and i never liked those anyway but i don't like interacting with minors or knowing a minor is following me because of suggestive stuff i may post or reblog, please respect this request 🙏🏻
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