#revie is almost exactly a year and a month older than sontna haha
dalishborne · 5 months
❝ My apologies if I have given offense. ❞
— from Sontna on @luna-mxth ;v;
As Revenelan realized the awkwardness of the situation, a sudden warmth crept up her cheeks, pinched pink by a twinge of embarrassment. She held a hand up, as if to disspell the Inquisitor's apology, and feverently shook her head.
"No, no, it was I that was in error," Revenelan winced, the corners of her lips curling into an apologetic frown. "Ir abelas, lethallin. I overstepped by making an assumption about your faith. I will do better to be less presumptuous in the future."
As she spoke, a murky discomfort gnawed at her conscience – the tight stretch of adjusting to unfamiliarity as Revenelan grappled with how quickly her world had opened up since committing herself to the Inquisition. On one hand, she was glad to to see so many of the Elvhen in one place, and yet to her own dismay, a great number seemed to have turned away from the light of the Creators. While she had known that not all Elvhen lived as the Dalish did, it was still a grounding moment for Revenelan to see exactly how far her people have strayed from their true selves.
That was the inception of Revenelan's mistake. It was the Inquisitor's vallaslin that had strengthened her resolve to join the Inquisition's efforts; surely, her kin would understand the plight of Clan Aravun's need for protection in such troubling times, and Revenelan would be all too happy to support one of her own. The Inquisitor, to her, was a sign from the Creators, a confirmation of Revenelan's efforts to pull her clan from the shadows and into the world at large – and yet it appeared that Sontna, too, tread a different path than most Dalish.
"If you don't mind me asking," Revenelan searched Sontna's golden eyes with interest, her natural curiosity getting the better of her. "Which clan is it that you come from, if any at all?"
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