#renelle talbert
infiglo · 6 months
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Eleanor doodles from earlier
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stitchwraith-stingers · 6 months
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COMPETELY normal warrior cat ocs... and you should TOTTALLY ask me about it.... don't look at the tags
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penroze · 7 months
I watched The Exorcist 1973 for the first time on Halloween night. Although it wasn't really my thing, I realised it's actually pretty similar to the climax and ending of Fazbear Frights.
The climax revolves around two characters (Everette Larson & Jake (the Stitchwraith)/Lankester Merrin & Damien Karras) entering the house of a parent (Dr. Talbert/Chris MacNeil) and having to defeat the demonic presence within their daughter ('Renelle Talbert' inhabited by the shadow, albeit it's an entity pretending to be Renelle/Regan MacNeil inhabited by Pazuzu)
The possessed daughter is laying down on something ('Renelle' on a table/Regan on her bed) and a strange fluid is coming out of her body as sort of an attack against the other characters (dark Remnant coming out of 'Renelle'/green slime coming out of Regan)
After one of the protagonists is incapacitated (Larson passes out/Merrin has a heart attack), the other protagonist has to defeat the demonic presence by allowing it to enter their body (Jake absorbs the shadow into himself in order to seal it inside a memory/Karras allows Pazuzu to leave Regan and enter his body before jumping to his death)
Some time later after the parent has reconciled with their daughter (Jake reunites Talbert with the real Renelle/Chris and Regan reunite), the parent gives one of the characters a silver medallion that was relevant to the climax and he's left to ponder it on the sidewalk (Talbert gives Renelle's heart pendant to Larson/Chris gives Karras' Saint Joseph medallion to Joseph Dyer (although in the Director's Cut which I watched Dyer gives it back))
I just thought those were interesting parallels. There could be more.
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bonnielunkas · 7 months
every fazbear frights fan has that obscure or background character their obessed with (<-- renelle talbert disease)
TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE < #1 connor billings fan idk if he counts but yeah
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Título Original: Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon
Año: 2021
Duración: 106 min
País: Estados Unidos
Dirección: Ana Lily Amirpour
Guion: Ana Lily Amirpour
Música: Daniele Luppi
Fotografía: Pawel Pogorzelski
Reparto: Kate Hudson, Jeon Jong-seo, Ed Skrein, Craig Robinson, Tiffany Black, Evan Whitten, Kent Shocknek, Donna Duplantier, Armando Leduc, Odessa Sykes, Sylvia Grace Crim, Charlie Talbert, Ritchie Montgomery, Rae Gray, Billy Slaughter, Jibrail Nantambu, Jim Gleason, Colby Boothman, GiGi Erneta, Kenneth Kynt Bryan, Altonio Jackson, Anthony Reynolds, Renell Gibbs, Katia Gomez, Robert Larriviere, Michael Carollo, Jason Edwards, Kyler Porche, Samantha Beaulieu
Productora: 141 Entertainment, Le Grisbi Productions
Género: Fantasy; Mistery; Thriller
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lemmythelemuel · 2 years
Resumen del Stitchwraith Stinger #11
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Jake estaba en su noveno cumpleaños, con su tarta favorita con sus amigos, este soplo las vela y vio las caras alegre de los niños que pronto estarian llenas de helado y tarta... No, esto no esta bien, no es ni siquiera un recuerdo, esto nunca paso... Jake debia despertar, por muy feliz que pareciera ese escenario, El detective y el padre de Renelle corrian peligro. *** Larson consiguio salir del campo y acabo en la ciudad, pero no sabia ni donde ni cuando estaba, y menos como salir de ahi, hasta que se dio cuenta de una cosa ¡La Piscina de bolas! En sus visiones siempre se sumergia alli antes de llegar a otro escenario. Como si su cuerpo funcionara solo, Larson llego a la pizzeria quien ahora era Freddy Fazbear Pizza, tras apartar a los niños y ante las miradas de los padres Larson se sumergio en ella, de repente estaba en una ciudad, conocia esa ciudad de los periodicos, y especialmente el vertedero que habia alli, sabia que ella estaba ahi. Su cuerpo se movio solo y sin pensarlo abrio el maletero de un coche, alli estaba Eleanor, con sus garras y sus dietes afilados, yendo directa a por la garganta de Larson, ella era fuerte, pero tambien ligera, asi que pudo lanzarla de una patada, el detective se fijo en un compactador de basura y se le ocurrio una idea, este insulto a Eleanor. "Tengo algo para que mastiques, estupida muñeca inutil" Eleanor solto un grito de guerra y se abalanzo contra Larson, pero este la agarro y la lanzo al compactador el cual la hizo pedazos. *** Larson desperto en la sala de estar, Eleanor tenia los ojos ennegrecidos mientras el disfraz de Renelle desaparecia, mientras Talbert preocupado le preguntaba a su "hija" que le ocurria. Eleanor abrio la boca y unos tentaculos negros salieron de ella y se abalanzaron sobre Larson, era sangre. Larson aparecio en la ciudad otra vez, pero sabia donde ir, la piscina de bolas, debia sumergirse y destruir a Eleanor otra vez, ahora la pizzeria estaba oscura, con grafitis y arcades y sillas rotas, Larson se sumergio en la piscina y aparecio en una habitacion con ropa de invierno y adornos de navidad, tambien habia una silla, un pisapapeles de vidrio, un candelabro y un baul. Larson abrio el Baul y alli estaba Eleanor quien se abalanzo sobre el, esta intento estrangularle pero Larson le dio con el pisapapeles, despues empezo a golpearla con el candelabro hasta que su piel gris se hizo papilla mostrando su craneo metalico. *** Larson desperto otra vez y vio como Eleanor se movia erraticamente, tambien vio como el Stitchwraith volvia a moverse, pero de repente, acabo en la calle otra vez, asi que repitio el proceso, ahora la pizzeria era un local de pancakes llamado Papa Bear's Pancake House. Una vez cruzo la piscina de bolas aparecio en un cuarto de un niño, de color azul, posters de freddy y coches de carrera, eso le recordo a cuando le decia a Ryan que no habian monstruos debajo de su cama, pero se equivocaba, Eleanor estaba alli, tras buscarla abrio el armario y alli aparecio. Eleanor agarro a Larson y golpeo su cabeza contra la pared repetidasmente, Larson agarro un bate de aluminio y golpeo su cabeza la cual ahora estaba balanceandose en su cuello sujetado por unos cables, Larson le dio un golpe final decapitandola y despertando de nuevo. Ahora el Stitchwraith se estaba acercando a Eleanor usando todas las fuerzas que tenia para ello, sin embargo, Larson volvio a viajar otra vez *** Larson llego a la Pizzeria, ahora en ruinas, pero la piscina seguia alli, una vez se sumergio aparecio en un almacen abandonado, con sacos de dormir y un enorme tragaluz. Del agujero en el techo aparecio Eleanor, esta le mordio en la cara, haciendole sangrar, pero Larson consiguio estrangularla. *** Jake hacia todo lo posible para acercarse a Eleanor mientras esquivaba los tentaculos de sangre negra, Eleanor trato de estrangularle, pero este agarro sus muñecas inmovilizandola, toda la rabia de Jake le dio un impulso de energia y entonces uso los ojos de plata, haciendo que sus ojos brillaran absorbiendo a Eleanor para que al igual que Andrew fue una vez, formara parte de el. Ahora solo Jake podia sentir la rabia ardiente de Eleanor, Andrew tenia furia tambien, pero el habia sido herido, no era malo, en cambio Eleanor era mala hasta la medula, era un monstruo, usando su poder de leer recuerdos Jake atrapo a Eleanor en un momento de rabia y angustia, silenciandola para siempre. Una vez volvio a ver a Eleanor esta parecia una momia, estaba mas que muerta, solo era un cascaron, asi que descanso poniendo su mente en blanco. *** Dos semanas despues, Larson, todavia magullado miraba a su hijo Ryan en un partido de beisbol, el niño se alegro de ver a su padre alli y consiguio agarrar la pelota. Mientras, Jake se dirigia a la Pizzeria, de alguna forma, al tener a Eleanor dentro suyo sabia que ese era el sitio donde debia descansar, Jake pudo sentirlo, ese lugar era como un cementerio para las almas victimas de un mal inimaginable, Jake tenia una tarea que hacer. Jake ya habia hecho todo lo que tenia que hacer en este mundo, encontro a Renelle, la verdadera Renelle y la reunio con Talbert, tambien encontro a la chica drogadicta que Eleanor habia suplantado, Eleanor la habia encerrado en un Baul en el almacen abandonado, Jake se aseguro de que fuera al hospital. Jake se sumergio al pozo y uso la ultima bondad que le quedaba, finalmente dejo de sentir el mundo fisico, este era el final, pero tambien el comienzo de un nuevo viaje. *** Millie estaba sola en un bosque oscuro, no recordaba que pasaba, solo que se habia ido de casa con su abuelo y sus molestos familiares en navidad, y de alguna forma, ahora queria estar con ellos, estaba perdida y asustada. De repente un niño de ojos verdes aparecio, su nombre era Jake, este agarro a Millie y la guio, en un instante Jake desaparecio y Millie estaba en el porche de la casa de su abuelo, este la recibio y le abrazo, Millie sonrio como nunca habia hecho, de alguna manera, era mas feliz que nunca. *** En el abandonado restaurante no pasaba nada, solo silencio, pero de repente cambio, una de las pelotas en la piscina se torno cristalina, mostrando la imagen de una niña vestida de negro pasando las navidades con su familia, feliz. En un instante todas las pelotas se tornaron cristalinas, mostrando mas recuerdos felices, todas brillando como si de estrellas se trataran. *** Larson fue a visitar a Talbert una vez mas para que le explicara que era el residuo, Talbert respondio que no sabria explicarlo bien, era Metal embrujado, tal como el agua conduce la electricidad, el Residuo es la mezcla de lo tangible e intangible, las memorias con el presente. El Residuo hace que las personas y cosas que se hayan ido vuelvan a ser casi reales. Talbert le mostro el colgante de corazon a Larson, cuando Renelle era pequeña habia estado muy enferma, asi que fabrico ese colgante con Residuo, para que de alguna manera, no perdiera a si hija para siempre, sin embargo, fue un error, fue eso mismo lo que hizo que la perdiera. Talbert le regalo a Larson el colgante, no queria volver a verlo y dijo que esto abriria un nuevo capitulo de su vida, uno con su hija. Larson se marcho y escucho un leve sonido agudo, provenia del colgante, era como una cancion pero apenas inaudible, Larson alzo el colgante el cual brillaba gracias al sol, era deslumbrante...
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lemuelthelemmy · 2 years
“He could see her, but he could see into her, too, and what he saw was a black, chaotic force that fed on human suffering.”
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ponds-of-ink · 2 years
Going to try the canon-William-afton-blog approach and compile all the recent stuff that makes me go “Hold up, he cared/has a heart/might have a backstory?” with his character. Spoilers ahead for certain stuff. And me paraphrasing at certain points because I have to go by memory for some of these
Fazbear Frights
*The Cliffs Epilogue states that when Eleanor leaps out of the Trash Rabbit, TR/Will “…wasn’t looking at Larson at all. He was staring past Larson intently, almost pleadingly”. (Emphasis mine - see page 28 of that story)
*The same epilogue says that after Larson watches Elle leave, he turns back to see TR/Will where ”the plea dissolved into despair”. Right after that? “…he’d taken on an eerily human-looking demeanor. In spite of its size, Afton’s mountain of metal seemed to shrink inward, as if becoming weak and frail. Afton’s visage now looked lost and defeated.” (Again, emphasis mine - see page 28)
*When Jake talks with “Renelle” an eplilogue or two later, she explains her tragic backstory involving her father. Something about him not being able to handle grief after his wife had died. This is more sketchy to point to Will, because Eleanor could have learned this from the real Renelle or some other person she swindled.
*Dr. Talbert (not to be confused with Taggart?) might be either a stand-in for Henry or William. If William, then the fact that the real Renelle being sick and driving him to desperation might parallel that the one theory about Evan being the cause of Will going mad and looking for remnant. The pendant Talbert was connected to Renelle as well as Eleanor, so… Make of this even sketchier idea what you will.
Security Breach
*The fact this man even bothered making a set-up of STAFF Bots representing his family at all. Even adding a reference to the Bite of ‘83…? Huh. Don’t know why he’d leave a gift box with a Fredbear’s poster, though. Well, if we’re going by in-universe logic.
*There is an Easter egg where there’s a picture referencing Fnaf 4 with a huge gash across it. If this is Burn-Trap’s doing, then that means Will’s not happy remembering that moment.
(Now, unlike the Canon-Afton blog, I will be going into speculation territory with these next points. As if I wasn’t with that last note, but oh well?)
*If the custody case was Will’s childhood and not Vanessa’s, then that means he’s learned some stuff from his father about manipulation. Something he probably tried to avoid for the most part, until ‘83 happened.
*The fact that 46 gets mad at all about the case being a “lie“ in CD might mean that Will wants vindication. Not for his crimes, but for the fact that he finally got to express his frustrations about feeling like he was not “being a good girl boy” that day in court. And just finally getting to admit any of this in general, since this is the first time he must’ve thought about this in years.
*Also, he apparently tried to admit some fears, according to that journal exercise in one tape? Or did he not? I forget. The bottom line is that this man’s got anxiety for days now… Maybe.
”Will is Patient 46“ aside, all this points to is that pre-Charlie emotional baggage has finally caught up with him. And it won’t be long before he has to either try to ditch it again or finally confront it. Personally, for everyone’s sanity and for genuine curiosity, I hope he confronts it. Or at least accidentally let some proof slip, idk.
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bestkillerin87 · 2 years
In this post I will try to guess who Eleanor is and what role she plays in the plot. Enjoy reading.
– Acquaintance with Eleanor.
Before I start discussing her, I want you to roughly know and understand who she is.
Eleanor is the antagonist of the Fazbear's Fright series of books, appearing in the chapter "Being Beautiful" and the epilogues.
Eleanor has a painted face with pink cheeks and lips. Her red hair is braided in two tight pigtails, and her green eyes with long eyelashes look a little like a child from the circus. She has a smooth body with grayish skin, a long neck, a thin waist, rounded bust and hips. Her arms and legs are long and thin. Her body is also small and light, as seen when Larson easily threw her to the sides.
She is an evil and manipulative creature, prone to lies and deceit. She likes to tease and mock her opponents by winking at Jake after he has absorbed the evil contained in the Stack Ghost and telling Sarah that her wish came true when she was dying. Until now, the only person with whom she had any positive relationship was William Afton, as evidenced by the fact that she gave him the strength to create a merger and supported him when he was too weak. However, she was actually using him for her own purposes.
In addition, Eleanor used Andrew's infected things to her advantage: it was she who gave the Plush Toy Hunter his human eyes and teeth. It was she who tortured Delilah at 1:35 a.m., implying that Eleanor was experiencing Ella's Agony. She held Pete after he was hit by a truck in the movie "Closer to the Step." She was the great evil that was inside William Afton and popped out of his body. There is a version that she was the second signal in his brain when he was a patient. She was also the one who clung to Toby's shadow, appearing as RWQFSFASXC from the arcade game, inheriting his competitive nature in hide and seek, and was the one who pushed Sam under the train in Blackbird.
Well, when you've read this, it's time to start analyzing personality. And the first thing I would like to talk about is that Eleanor is an agony associated with an egg pit.
In this case, her existence is similar to that of Kelsey (the Newcomer), who may also have been created out of agony.
I will express my opinion: I agree with this theory, but not completely. Eleanor was most likely a Pitbonnie, because Pitbonnie, like Eleanor, had a black mustache. Perhaps Eleanor really knows how to travel in the pit, but she is not connected with this, but with balls. If she had been bound, she probably would have taken the rest from the soul balls, but she didn't, implying she couldn't. She just uses the power of the pit, but not the composition of the pit.
Eleanor was involved in Larson's nightmares, so maybe she's connected to his mind.
-Charlie in the trilogy.
There is a version that Eleanor is a creature similar to the robot Charlie from the trilogy.
I think so because she has a human body and the ability to transform into other people in the form of an illusory disk. At the same time, the name Eleanor is another form of the name Ella, like the Charlie doll.
Perhaps Eleanor was created by Dr. Talbert to revive Renelle after her death. The drawings of Charlie's bodies could have been found by him completely by accident.
As I said earlier, Eleanor was most likely a Pitbonnie before the events of the epilogues. This proves that PitBonny, like Eleanor, cried with a black mustache and had disks of illusions, rushed at everyone.
Perhaps Afton was even obsessed with Eleanor when he killed Bonnie in a spring suit. That's cool.
-Patient out of 46.
There is a theory that Eleanor may be a patient from 46, which is based on the fact that patient 46 looks like a person, but very unnatural, which is consistent with Eleanor's ability to disguise herself as people, as well as the fact that they seem to be related to William.
This sounds very interesting, and it's possible that Eleanor is probably the second signal keeping Afton alive. She could keep him at a distance. Unsurprisingly, the authors mentioned patient 46.
There are rumors that Eleanor may be Bonnie's Shadow and Freddie's Shadow from the fnaf plot.
This is proved by the chapter "Hide and Seek", where the Shadow of Bonnie, who was Eleanor at that historical moment, came for you. Plus, Freddy's Shadow in the canon always brought back memories to the main character and was like a signal not to forget the past, and Eleanor has the same abilities. It looks like it.
-A Nightmarish Puppet.
And then hardcore starts for the Old fnaf.
There is a version that Eleanor, under someone's guidance, takes the form of a Nightmarish Puppet and torments children in their nightmares. This proves a security breach when we found Nightmare Doll toys in a room with a sleeping girl.
Eleanor's resemblance to a Puppet from a Nightmare firsthand: they both have antennae, and they are both real material beings, unlike nightmares.
But what if the Crying baby was also Eleanor's victim? It turns out that it existed back in the days of FNAF 1, in 1994. It's scary to live.
The most popular theory is that Eleanor is the new Elizabeth.
It is quite possible. Eleanor pursued Delilah, holding back Ella's agony. Ella, who appears in chapter 1:35 in the morning, may be a Child without disks. In this case, Eleanor is closely related to a Child without disks, as if the soul of this Child has moved into Eleanor's costume, becoming a perfect evil. It sounds brilliant, and those who support this theory are probably smiling now.
-Perfect hell.
Well, the last thing I want to notice is a full mention of hell in Eleanor's presence.
In the epilogues, words like occultism, hell, demonic being refer to Eleanor. Maybe it's just a birth from hell that feeds on agony. What other creature can feed on the torment of people?? Just a hellish creature.
An ordinary robot does not need this, moreover, Eleanor did not really like Afton and did not get the rest for him. She lives for herself. And everything else.
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fczbecrspizzc · 3 years
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// renelle talbert tag dump.
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partnersatfazbear · 3 years
Fazbear Frights Analysis: Friendly Face / #10
I was at my in laws last few days and shopping for decorations with my bff yesterday so I had time to read the Friendly Face book. I'm a few pages into the final story so havent gotten to the epilogue yet. Its fairly more pages than normal so suprised I havent stumbled on spoilers yet.
The first story was okay but stupid ending (I think it could work if it was set up better ie making the Friendly Face seem like it wanted revenge rather than playing--and yes this was kind of creative but didn’t really feel satisfying as an ending.) and the second story was very Goosebumps like ( Seabonnies are assholes but also kinda adorable. Seabonnies are the Sour Patch Kids of the FF universe... ). The third story.. Every character annoys me so far and its a slog. We got some cool animatronics and as I guessed early on it seems like a mini love letter to Kings Carrie. Read my thoughts below, since I had stopped reading before we got to the good stuff.
Nothing really Willry/Helliam relevant lately, unfortunately. Hoping there’s something in the epilogue though. (Now that I read it: Yeah, I think we have a Henry stand in, actually)
More on the book later.
So, turns out the last story was the most relevant, at least for me. It gives us more insight into the springlock suits (maybe more specifically the second set of them, not sure). They are described similar to Funtime Freddy in terms of the stomach cavity, but they are springlock suits. There is a switch on the outside that is stated to sometimes fail that converts it from suit to animtronic mode / vise versa. We get a pretty cool description of a character death inside of it--and well, it’s about how you’d imagine it [and pleasantly suprised close to how I remember writing it in my fic]. What’s odd is the springlock suit appears to be immediately “haunted” by the first, then the second girl in the story. I don’t think the number is as relevant as the fact that the souls attatched immediately. I guess Mrs. Carrie-Pig (Rosie Porkchop) may already be infused with remnant? It’s never explained. The springlock suit is also programmed outright. I think this was assumed before, but we get some insight into how it’s done. Also, this furthers my theory regarding Springtrap chasing the voices in FNAF 3. It’s definetly programming. The ones in this story are listed as specifically avoiding adult voices and targeting children’s voices.
Epilogue and theory is under the cut:
The epilogue... you guys, I don’t know where to begin with this. I’m gonna write my initial thoughts here and then scour Freddit for some clarification. The beginning starts with Larson looking into the DNA samples and connecting them to a bunch of incidents, mostly involving a skeletal figure which appears to be Eleanor. Next, we get confirmation that Eleanor took over Renelle at some point. Eleanor goes to the house of “her father”. The description does hold many similarities to the Afton household, specifically a couch with a lamp next to it reminded me a lot of Sister Location, but it’s not enough to really confirm anything (the lamps are different types too). The man is a remnant-specialist named Talbert. I feel like I remember the name being mentioned before. The story specifically points out a photo of him and his partner, Phineas. (This should ring so many bells for anyone in the Willry/Helliam ship..). However, Eleanor as she was or is is NOT Talbert’s daughter, who is shown in a photo and described with: black hair and brown eyes. Most people would probably associate it with Cassidy, but my mind went more to Charlotte. So Talbert seems to be a Henry stand in. He seems shocked to see his dead daughter, yet can believe she’s alive (probably because he’s very experienced with remnant or maybe The Spark). Talbert takes remnant to give to his “daughter”/Eleanor who is disguised as her. We know she can project her appearance with the locket and I guess she does that here. If I wasn’t speed reading too much, it seems the Plushtrap chaser might be there too? Eleanor starts turning into another wierd rabbit-bot-monster thing at the end, too. I’m assuming this thing is related to Pit-Bonnie, but we don’t get many details here. The entire thing also has a long segment of Larson’s “visions” going through all the events of the Fazbear Frights we’ve seen so far and even explaining Blackbird in more detail.
I don’t know what to think about it...
Having checked Freddit: I guess this went over my head, but the most important detail seems to be that Eleanor is harvesting remnant and/or agony to grow stronger and was also behind many of the events in the stories. As in, not just setting them up sort of way, but like... being one of the doctors in Step Closer and having the Plushtrap chaser... and being present somehow in 1280. I think it’s wierd, bordering on dumb, but I’ll roll with it. Also worthy to note, she appears to be bringing all the remnant/agony back to the ballpit. I’m secretly really hoping it’s all an effort to revive William (despite the epilogue that sort of contradicts it, where Eleanor steals agony from AlmagAfton--although I see this as a last ditch kind of move to save it rather than destroying him--it’s clear the Puppet did that, isn’t it?) I even had the thought when they discussed Eleanor specifically having the Plushtrap chaser that it reminded me of the Spring Bonnie plush at the end of FNAF: VR / HW.
Also, since I jumped to the idea that Renelle was Charlotte, I missed a specific detail about curly black hair, which gets reiterated. [TBF, I based my Charlotte off of game-Charlotte, so I depict her with black, not brown hair. I didn’t see the ‘curly’ word specified or missed it] A theory I like and really agree with is Renelle WAS who became Andrew. We all know Andrew is our Cassidy stand in... and what has the fandom been fighting over? The damn gender. If Renelle died and forgot who she was, she could easily reimagine herself as a male spirit aka Andrew. This solves that dilemma. As an extra note, Scott’s voice request for the angry spirit was listed as ‘male or female’.
I think that’s all the important stuff.
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whats everyones fave obscure character, it cannot be a well known side character its either zero lines at all and is jsut mentioned or is trapped in a obscure piece of media the average person wouldnt know
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stitchwraith-stingers · 7 months
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quickly drew my sarah fnaf design cuz im the no 1 faz frights fan and i have massive swap au brainrot rn, i have not gotten quite the hang of human anatomy yet haha, shes jake / the stitchwraith in this au and millie is andrew, you want to ask me questions about this au sooo badly
quick who is who post
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i love jake and andrew fnaf sm they're my children i feel like andrew would put an egg in the microwave just to see it explode
theyre my little meow meows
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stitchwraith-stingers · 6 months
i love u renelle talbert (is only mentioned and all her screentime isnt even hers its someone pretending to be her)
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stitchwraith-stingers · 6 months
being a fan of a character that is just mentioned and has limited information is so fun, brutus and the crows trial are so renelle talbert songs . my source is that it came to me in a vision trust me
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