wemedicalcare · 1 year
Get an effective cancer pain treatment in Delhi And Gurgaon at our pain clinic. Dr. Amod Manocha highly specialized in Treatment for cancer pain in Delhi and Gurgaon. Cancer Pain Treatment options available at our Pain Clinic - Nerve blocks, Radiofrequency & Neurolytic procedures, Radiofrequency procedures, Oral Medication, epidural, intrathecal pumps and Therapy.
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
                                Adductor Strain
What is adductor strain?
Adductor muscles are a group of five muscles located in the inner thigh. These muscles help to bring the legs close to each other and stabilise the pelvis during standing and walking.
Strain, injury or imbalance of the adductor muscles is a common cause of inner thigh and groin pain, especially amongst individuals who are physically active or in competitive sports. Soccer players are commonly affected and as per one study adductor strains account for 10% of all injuries in soccer players. Other sports where associated with adductor injuries include hockey, basketball, tennis, figure skating, baseball, horse riding and karate. Tight adductor muscles can lead to hip, knee and back pain and affect our gait. Of all the adductor muscles, one called adductor longus is the one most frequently injured.
What are the symptoms of adductor sprain?
Common presenting features include:
Groin, inner thigh and lower abdominal pain. In some cases, the pain is intense at the beginning of athletic activity and is later replaced by a dull ache
Pain on sitting cross legged or when with coughing/ sneezing
Pain on activity such as
Lifting one leg as while stepping down from height or getting out of car
Turning or changing direction
Walking. In mild cases pain may be provoked by more strenuous activities such as running, kicking or performing lunges
Bruising or swelling in the painful area in severe cases
Localised tenderness in the upper inner thigh, close to where the adductor muscles attach to the pubic bone
Adductor strains are classified as
First degree: Pain without loss of strength or range
Second degree: Pain with loss of strength
Third degree: Complete disruption of muscle or tendon fibers with loss of strength
What causes adductor strain?
Adductor strains form a significant proportion of groin injuries. In a study among European soccer players, adductor muscle injuries were the second most common (23%) after hamstrings (37%). Risk factors contribution to injury include
Previous hip or groin injury
Overuse, fatigue and muscle imbalances
Weak adductors with poor flexibility
Poor hip/pelvic stability and strength
Running on hard surfaces, excessive running
Training associated factors such as inadequate stretching, and lower levels of sport-specific training changes in training intensity, volume or type of training
Age- tendons become less able to absorb force as they age
Biomechanical abnormalities including excessive pronation or leg-length discrepancy
Genetic factors such as poor collagen
Adductor sprain can be of sudden or gradual onset. Acute injury is associated with sporting actions such as suddenly changing direction at speed, sudden acceleration in sprinting, sliding sideways or kicking. One study analysed the videos of acute adductor injuries in professional male football players and found that majority of injuries occurred in non-contact situations (71%). Common injury actions included change of direction (35%), kicking (29%), reaching (24%) and jumping (12%).
How is this condition diagnosed?
Diagnosis can be usually made clinically. MRI is used for confirming the diagnosis and assessing severity especially in chronic injuries unresponsive to conservative treatment modalities. Ultrasound scan is the alternative imaging option.
MRI Scans can give prognostic information as tears involving >50% of the cross-sectional area, tissue fluid collection, or deep muscle tears indicate more severe injury with prolonged recovery. The location of the tear is important as tears at the junction of the muscle with tendon (musculotendinous junction) can be more aggressively rehabilitated compares to one close to the joining of the tendon with bone, due to differences in the blood supply of the two areas. Tendons can be viewed as ropes tying the muscles to the bones. The musculotendinous junction is the most common site of injury in a muscle strain.
What are the treatment options for adductor strain?
Once the diagnosis has been established, treatment and prognosis are influenced by factors such as
Location of tear as those at the junction of the muscle with the bone can be dealt by aggressive rehabilitative treatment
Degree of strain/ tear
Duration of symptoms- acute or chronic
Presence of any biomechanical abnormalities such as muscular imbalances, leg length discrepancy
Acute injuries are initially treated with rest, ice, compression anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy with further management dependant of factors discussed earlier. Early treatment is recommended, and injections are used as required.
Education about load management and avoiding provoking factors is important. Activities like running can be replaced with swimming, walking, cycling as having baseline activities is preferred to absolute rest. Specific and individualised exercise programs have a role. A slowly progressive loading program can be used to improve strength and control of adductors, pelvis and lower limbs. The aim of the treatment initially is preventing further injury and inflammation and proving an optimal environment for healing to take place. As recovery occurs, this changes to restoration of range of motion and prevention of atrophy and then subsequently to regaining strength and flexibility.
This option is considered for individuals’ not responding to conservative measures. Injections are used in combination with physical therapy can help in confirming the diagnosis, providing early, lasting relief and possibly facilitation early return to usual activities. The options include
Steroid injections
PRP with or without needle tenotomy
Obturator Nerve block
Regardless of whichever option is used, ultrasound guidance is valuable in improving accuracy and reducing complications. Sometimes injections of the muscle in the lower abdomen (rectus abdominis muscle) are performed at the same time.
Steroid injections: There are quick to work, commonly performed injections. Steroids have anti-inflammatory effects and it may be all that is required to reduce the pain and help you actively engage with physical therapy. Some studies have shown better effects if the duration of symptoms is less that 6 weeks and hence the importance of early treatment.  Post injection graded increase in activities can be commenced once the pain remains controlled for two weeks.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): PRP injections are commonly used for treatment of tendinopathy and the evidence supporting their use is slowly accumulating. The procedure involves spinning one’s blood in a special machine which separates the platelets (containing the growth factors) from the other blood components. This concentrated platelet layer is then injected into the problem area to induce tissue healing. These injections take time to work with benefits becoming apparent 6 to 12 weeks after treatment. PRP injections are frequently used in combination with needle tenotomy which essentially implies repeated puncturing of the tendon to promote blood flow to the area and induce long-term healing.
Obturator Nerve Block: This injection can have added effect on top of the injections discussed previously. Obturator nerve supplies most of the adductor muscles and hence blocking this nerve can help in reducing the pain signals being transmitted. Injury or compression of the nerve leads to symptoms similar to adductor sprain and is addressed as obturator neuralgia.  Obturator neuralgia can also be secondary to adductor strain and is a known cause of exercise induced groin, inner thigh pain. In this situation obturator nerve block can be especially useful.
Surgery: This option may be considered for acute complete tears with limb weakness or chronic tears with non-satisfactory response to other treatment modalities for a minimum of 6 -12 months. Surgery involves tendon release or dividing the tendon (tenotomy) and this may help to reduce the pain
Restarting activities: Return to play and activity is guided by symptom recovery as well as progress with treatment. Too soon a return is risk factor for repeat injury, which can cause chronic symptoms. Generally, after an acute strain return to sports is recommended on regaining 70% of strength and a painless range of motion. This can be usually achieved between 4 to 8 weeks, although can take up to 6 months chronic injuries. Maintaining adductor strength at a minimum of 80% of abductor strength has been shown to reduce adductor injuries.
Tags - Sport Injury Treatment in Delhi, Pain Treatment in Delhi, Best pain specialist in Delhi
For more information link - www.removemypain.com
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dr-amod-manocha · 3 years
Cervical Pain Treatment in India - Removemypain
Neck Pain is a pain posteriorly anywhere between the skull base and thoracic spine. It is the largest cause of musculoskeletal disability after low back pain. Approximately two-thirds of the population will suffer from neck pain at some time in their life with high prevalence in middle ages. Fortunately for most people the acute pain resolves within days or weeks although in some it may reoccur or become chronic.
Neck pain may be a result of...
Local pathology
Whiplash (flexion-extension) injuries/ trauma
Be a part of a more widespread systemic problem such as ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia etc.
Be a result of referred pain from neighboring areas for example the shoulder joint
Neck pain usually has a multifactorial etiology -poor posture, neck strain/injuries, anxiety, depression, and stress can play a role in magnifying the perceived pain. Quite often the diagnosis of simple or nonspecific neck pain is used implying postural and mechanical causes; this is contrary to other serious causes of neck pain such as fracture, tumor, infection, etc.
Pain from the upper neck can radiate towards the head leading to frequent headaches and that from the lower part of the neck can radiate to the shoulder, arm, chest wall and scapula. Reduced neck movement along with localized areas of muscle tenderness known as trigger points are commonly observed along with pain.
For More Information click here http://bit.ly/Cervical-Pain-Treatment-in-India
Tag =  Cervical Pain Treatment in India, Removemypain, Neck Pain Treatment in Delhi
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Plantar Fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain. Learn all about plantar fasciitis including - symptoms, risk factors, causes, investigations and management information. Speaker is Dr Amod Manocha, a UK trained and certified Pain Consultant with experience of managing 1000’s of chronic pain patients in UK and India. He has worked previously as a chronic pain Consultant in many renowned Hospitals in London and is currently working as the Head of Pain Management Services at Max Hospital, Saket, Delhi. For more information visit website - REMOVEMYPAIN.COM (For patients) EDUCATIONWITHOUTBARRIERS.COM (For Doctors) 
  #dramodmanocha, #removemypain.com
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wemedicalcare · 3 years
Neck Pain Treatment In Delhi | Cervical Pain Treatment in India - Removemypain
Neck Pain is a pain posteriorly anywhere between the skull base and thoracic spine. It is the largest cause of musculoskeletal disability after low back pain. Approximately two-thirds of the population will suffer from neck pain at some time in their life with high prevalence in the middle ages. Fortunately for most people, the acute pain resolves within days or weeks although in some it may reoccur or become chronic.
Neck pain may be a result of...
Local pathology
Whiplash (flexion-extension) injuries/ trauma
Be a part of a more widespread systemic problem such as ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia etc.
Be a result of referred pain from neighboring areas for example the shoulder joint
Neck pain usually has a multifactorial etiology -poor posture, neck strain/injuries, anxiety, depression, and stress can play a role in magnifying the perceived pain. Quite often the diagnosis of simple or nonspecific neck pain is used implying postural and mechanical causes; this is contrary to other serious causes of neck pain such as fracture, tumor, infection, etc.
Pain from the upper neck can radiate towards the head leading to frequent headaches and that from the lower part of the neck can radiate to the shoulder, arm, chest wall, and scapula. Reduced neck movement along with localized areas of muscle tenderness known as trigger points are commonly observed along with pain.
Tag = Neck Pain Treatment In Delhi, Cervical Pain Treatment in India
For More Information on Back Pain https://www.removemypain.com/back-pain-and-sciatica.html
For More Information on Knee Pain https://www.removemypain.com/knee-pain.html
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Back Pain Which Should Not To Be Ignored
Back pain is a common problem affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point in their life. It can affect people of all ages and is a common reason for seeking medical assistance. Back pain can arise due to many reasons and accounts for significant suffering & financial loss worldwide. Many people choose to treat their back pain at home with pain relieving medications, heat and ice, or stretching. So, if it’s so prevalent what are the warning signs of something serious which requires medical attention. Some of these are addressed as red flags in medical terminology to warn the clinician of the possibility of serious underlying pathology.
Persistent or worsening back pain. Back pain often goes away in a few days or weeks but if it is persisting or progressively increasing then its a reason to seek medical attention.
Back pain is associated with progressive numbness, tingling, or weakness. This could be a symptom of a pinched nerve, slipped disc or narrowing of the space in the spine (slipped disc) and requires medical attention
Inability to control your bowels or urination (incontinence) Spinal nerve compression can have an impact on one’s ability to control bladder and bowel function, leaving to incontinence. This is a severe symptom and requires immediate medical attention.
Back pain starts after an accident. If your back pain began after a fall, accident or an injury
Back pain that is worse at night
Back pain associated with unexplained weight loss. .
Back pain with Fever. This could be a sign of infection or ongoing inflammation
Back pain in extremes of ages (too young or too old patients) or in high risk individuals such as those with severe osteoporosis or prolonged use of steroids or drug abuse history
Tag = Pain Specialist in Delhi, Pain Treatment in Delhi, Back pain treatment in Delhi, Back pain treatment in Gurgaon
for more information https://www.removemypain.com/
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dramodmanocha · 2 years
Dr. Amod Manocha is one of the leading pain specialist in delhi and gurgaon, expertise in Thoracic spine treatment, Neuropathic Pain treatment, Back pain treatment, Pelvic Pain Treatment, Neck Pain Treatment, Joint Pain Treatment, Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment, knee pain treatment, Diabetic Pain Treatment, Chest wall pain treatment in delhi and gurgaon.
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dr-amod-manocha · 3 years
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Cervicogenic Headache Treatment In Delhi - Removemypain
What is Cervicogenic Headache?
Cervicogenic headache in simple terms means headache originating from the neck. Even though the pain you experience is in the head or part of the face, the actual problem in lies in the neck. The possible pain generators in the neck include the joints, discs, surrounding tissues such as the neck muscles, coverings of the spinal cord, and blood vessels.
Headaches afflict people of all ages. The impact is variable from mild discomfort to severe incapacitation, depending on the severity and the frequency of headaches. Often the causative factors are numerous and difficult to pinpoint. Cervicogenic headaches represent one such condition that is easily overlooked and under diagnosed, due to limited awareness about the condition. This is a treatable cause of headaches with possibility of good relief if the diagnosis is correct.
Signs & Symptoms of Cervicogenic Headache:
Some of the pointers towards cervicogenic headache include:
Increase in headache with neck movements such as nodding or rotation of neck
Increase pain with pressure on certain sensitive points in the neck
Stiffness and reduced range of neck movements
Pain is generally one sided and does not change sides. Sometimes both sides are involved
Generally described as a pressure sensation at the back, side or front of head or in the area around the eye. It may be episodic with varying duration or present constantly. During severe episodes nausea and vomiting and other features similar to migraine can be present making the diagnosis more challenging.
The headaches often start after trauma/ injuries such as whiplash. Conditions such as occipital neuralgia (a problem associated with the nerves at the back of head) are closely linked to cervicogenic headaches.
Causes of Cervicogenic Headache:
A number of neck conditions have been attributed to cause cervicogenic headaches including:
Degenerative changes in the joints of the cervical spine such as osteoarthritis
Discs of the cervical spine
Whiplash injury to the cervical spine or other sports injuries
Spasms of the neck muscles
Bad posture of the neck for long periods of time, such as when working or sleeping
Diagnosing Cervicogenic Headaches:
Diagnosing a cervicogenic headache can be tricky, as a number of headaches can present with similar features. Your doctor will obtain a detailed history often taking you back to when it had first started. You will be asked in detail about your pain symptoms, stress levels, work, eating and sleep habits, medication usage etc. This is usually followed up by examination. Diagnostic investigations such as X-ray, MRI, CT scans cannot conform the diagnosis but do provide support to the diagnosis. An injection is often used for confirmation of the diagnosis.
Cervicogenic Headache Management Options:
There are a variety of treatment methods for helping with cervicogenic headaches. These include:
Lifestyle changes such as regulation of sleep cycle, workplace ergonomics
Medication may include mild or potent pain killers
Interventions such as joint, nerve or muscle injections. These generally involve injection of local anaesthetics with or without steroids. Sometimes Botulinum toxin injections are used for muscles
Radiofrequency treatment can help relieve/ reduce these headaches for a prolonged duration
Management Options continued:
Physical therapy can help to stretch and relax the muscles in and around your neck. They can help deal with the muscular trigger points
Psychology input may involve biofeedback, relaxation therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy
Complimentary and alternative medicine including meditation, yoga, TENS, acupressure and acupuncture
Surgery – this may be used in cases with severe joint changes or nerve compression causing severe headache remains unrelieved by other modalities, but this is rare
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Neck Pain Treatment in Delhi | Best Neck Pain Specialist in Delhi and Gurgaon - Removemypain
Neck Pain Treatment Gurgaon | Neck Pain Treatment in Delhi
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Majority of us would experience neck pain at some point in our life. Neck Pain can disrupt daily routine activities. Muscle spasm, pain can make it difficult to turn head and activities such as driving become difficult. It is not uncommon for the neck pain to radiate to shoulders or lead to persistent headaches. Neck pain is more commonly observed in middle ages and may have a mechanical or postural basis. Most uncomplicated neck pain is associated with poor posture, anxiety and depression, neck strain, injuries. Fortunately majority of cases are not due to serious causes. If you are experiencing unresolving or severe pain, you should seek medical opinion from neck and shoulder pain treatment specialists in Delhi so that timely diagnosis can be done and corrective action can be taken.
Some common causes include –
Muscle sprain, spasm/ increased tension
Poor posture and work ergonomics
Incorrect positioning of the neck while sleeping
Aging: Degenerative disc disease and spinal osteoarthritis become more common as we age
Injuries/ Whiplash: Whiplash neck involves sudden jolting of neck forwards and backwards and is commonly observed in vehicular accidents. This can cause excessive stretching of neck muscles, ligaments or other injuries which can be associated with neck pain.
Neck pain can be a part of more widespread medical issues such as in fibromyalgia, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, infections, cancer etc. You can approach Pain Management Specialists in Delhi for diagnosing your problem and suggesting suitable solutions
It is advisable to seek early medical attention if you experience any of the following
Persisting symptoms or severe pain not responding to usual care or medications
Pain starting after fall, injury
New onset numbness, weakness or tingling in arms
Gait or balance problems
Loss or urine or stool control
Signs of infection/ meningitis
Pain worse at night time/interfering with your sleep
Some of the pain management techniques for neck pain include:
Lifestyle changes: Incorrect/ ignored posture while working on laptops mobiles etc can put excessive cervical spine strain leading to pain. Certain professions can be more prone to develop neck pain. Simple posture awareness and improvement, taking regular breaks can go a long way in reducing symptoms.
Medications: Anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen and pain relievers like acetaminophen may initially be prescribed by your doctor. Sometimes medications like muscle relaxants or stronger painkillers may also be suggested by your doctor.
Physical Therapy: Regular exercise, good posture, stretching can help to reduce/ prevent to prevent unwanted stress and tension to your neck muscles. Heat or cold application may be used during the initial phases of injury to facilitate your recovery and physical exercise. Depending on the severity, time since injury and your recovery the specialist may recommend limiting normal physical activity or slow range-of-motion exercises or strengthening exercises.
There is research evidence supporting the use of specific strengthening exercises as part of a routine practice for chronic neck pain, cervicogenic headache and radiculopathy.
Ergonomics & Posture Simple posture changes and better workplace ergonomics can help in preventing/reducing neck pain. Measures include adjustment of furniture height and computer position such that
Eyes point directly at the top third of the screen
Forearm is parallel to floor
Feet should be flat on the floor with thighs parallel with the floor
While sitting in office chair it’s a good practice to have back aligned against the back of the office chair and avoid slouching. Avoid sitting in one place for too long. Taking regular breaks to walk around and stretch is a good practice.
Relaxation techniques: relationship between stress and increase pain is well known and easily appreciated by most patients. Measures to deal with stress and anxiety help in more effective pain management.
Massage Therapy: The evidence supporting the use of massage therapy is limited although some people do find it useful in the short term. Massage can help in relaxing, loosening of muscles but it is important to remember that wrongly done massage can lead to harm.
Acupuncture: Certain people find Acupuncture helpful in neck pain management. When performed correctly it is a low risk procedure. The traditional acupuncture is based on the theory of restoring the energy balance in body and removing any blockages to the flow of energy.
Injections/ other interventions such as Radiofrequency ablation: These would depend on the cause of neck pain and actual pathology. They have been explained in more detail in the neck & arm pain section under treatments, on my website- removemypain.com
Ignoring persisting symptoms can aggravate the situation leading to chronic pain with reduced functionality. So, if your pain persists and does not respond to usual lifestyle changes and painkillers then seek medical opinion on time.
Tag = Pain Management in Delhi, Best pain specialist in Delhi
For More Information https://www.removemypain.com/neck-and-arm-pain.html
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Why Does Cancer Cause Pain? - Removemypain
Sources of pain in cancer may not be easy to identify and often require detailed assessment with attention to detail. Identification of the source often holds the key to correct treatment and the ability to provide relief. Pain in cancer may originate from
Cancer itself – When cancer grows it damages the tissues. It causes inflammation, unusual stretching, irritation and all of this can lead to pain. Like if we talk about pancreatic cancer, when it grows or stretches it can irritate the diaphragm (main breathing muscle), and that causes shoulder pain
Cancer spread – when cancer grows uncontrollably then it can spread to the nearby or distant body parts like the bone, liver, kidney, lymph nodes, etc.
Associated problems like bloating, constipation, blockage of ducts, clotting problems, distention of the liver or abdomen, etc.
Cancer treatments like radiotherapy or chemotherapy are known to cause nerve pain (peripheral neuropathy. Surgery may also be associated with chronic persistent pain.
Extra stress on other body parts – Often to protect one part of our body, we put pressure on other parts for example using crutches to offload a leg may become the source of shoulder pain as the crutches place extra load on my shoulder
Other coincidental problems – it is not necessary that all pain that every cancer patient suffers is due to cancer. There could be other coincidental problems in the general population such as arthritis. So it is important to identify not only the type of pain but also the source of pain before we plan treatment.
Pain-related to cancer may have different components such as background pain and breakthrough pain. These need to be taken into account while making treatment plans. Let’s take an example of pain due to pancreatic cancer. These patients may have constant pain (background pain) and there may be increased pain that comes after eating (breakthrough pain). Breakthrough pain may happen due to provoked or unprovoked factors and when we make a treatment plan it is important to have a plan for breakthrough pain.
Tag = Cancer pain treatment in Delhi, Cancer Pain Treatment in Gurgaon, Pain management centre in Delhi
Read more about Cancer treatment https://www.removemypain.com/cancer-pain.html
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Chronic Pain Management In Delhi - Removemypain
Pain affects more people than heart disease, diabetes, and cancer combined International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
If you do not believe this statement then let me remind you of some common scenes from your daily life. You may have stopped noticing these believing that nothing can be done or accepting them as a part of aging. BUT IS THAT SO?
…remember the grandma who grunts in pain every time she tries to get up
…. the husband who complains of a backache every morning, taking his time to overcome the stiffness before he can start his day
….aunt who finds it difficult to get out of the car because of pain
….your colleague who has to randomly take time off work because of severe headaches
…your work colleague who keeps pressing his neck complaining of neck pain
….your friend who gave up badminton because of shoulder pain
….diabetic uncle who cannot sleep as he feels his feet are on fire
….your close friend who underwent breast surgery a few years back and still complains of pain
Do these sound familiar… I have not even talked about the numerous patients with sciatica, tennis elbow, heel pain, abdominal pain, cancer pain, pelvic pain, testicular pain, chest-wall pain, post-traumatic pain, nerve injury pain, etc. The list is endless. The financial burden of these problems on individuals, families, society, and government is enormous.
Yes, these are all examples of chronic pain
Yes, these are challenging to treat because pain is a very personal experience and one therapy does not work for all.
BUT YES…. there are options that can improve your quality of life significantly. After all, quality of life is important for everyone. For someone, it may all be about being able to play a few rounds of golf and for someone to attend an important meeting at work without being distracted by pain. Your goals are your goals and they are important.
Chronic pain is a frequent condition affecting an estimated 20% of people worldwide. Globally 1 in 10 adults is diagnosed with chronic pain each year. Despite this, not many are aware of the available pain management options. The general perception is that pain management is for cancer pain. Even for the majority of well-informed people, it stops at a few nerve blocks for relieving pain in cancer or trigeminal neuralgia.
In India, there is huge variability in the services offered by the existing pain clinics. The lack of a recognized comprehensive training curriculum in pain medicine with government-approved minimal training standards may be one of the contributing factors. The focus of most specialists is on interventions rather than holistic management. This is contrary to most western countries where Pain Medicine is a separate specialty with a well-defined curriculum and minimum standards that must be fulfilled for one to proclaim himself as a pain specialist. The focus there is on long-term solutions using a multi-disciplinary approach and teamwork. Nevertheless, the awareness of chronic pain options is increasing with an important role being played by the media. I hope that the benefits do not get restricted to a privileged few and that all fellow brothers and sisters are able to benefit.
Tag = Chronic Post Surgical Pain treatment in Delhi, Pain Management in Delhi, Pain Specialist in Delhi
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Best Neck Pain Specialist in Delhi - Removemypain
Dr. Amod Manocha is the Head of Pain Management Services at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket. He is trained as a Pain Management Specialist and an Anaesthetist in the UK. He has over 13 years of work experience in the UK including working as a Chronic Pain Consultant in many UK hospitals. Dr. Manocha believes in a multidisciplinary approach and providing evidence-based treatments at par with international standards. He is committed to providing quality care and believes in building a long-term relationship with patients based on honest communication and keeping their interests foremost.
Professional Qualifications
Fellow of Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists (FFPMRCA) Royal College of Anaesthetists, London
Fellow of Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) Royal College of Anaesthetists, London
Post Graduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (PGD MSK US) University of East London, UK
Post Graduate Diploma in Rheumatology University of South Wales, UK
European Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia & Acute Pain Management (EDRA) European Society of Regional Anaesthesia
Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care Indian Association of Palliative Care, India
Diploma in Anaesthesia (DA) Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi University, India
Certificate course in Acupuncture Training Acupuncture Association of India
Post Graduate Diploma in Medico-Legal Systems (PGDMLS) Symbiosis Centre of Health Care, India
M.B.B.S. University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi University, India
For More Information https://www.removemypain.com/dr-amod-manocha.html
Tag = Best Neck Pain Specialist in Delhi, Best Back Pain Doctor in Delhi, Best Pain Specialist in South Delhi, Pain specialist in Gurgaon
See our Documents https://issuu.com/back-pain-treatment-in-india/docs/why_does_cancer_cause_pain_-_removemypain
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