#ref: roman x cassandra
marimelwrites · 1 year
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From this Text Meme here!
For Roman & Cassandra!
[Cass] You know that I don't normally bug you via text. Or, rather, I never next you. I usually call, or see you in person. [Cass] Just thought you should know that apparently my safety was short-lived, but then again, that's par for the course with this life. [Cass] Either way, all of my closest, and trusted associates have been killed. I am currently in a situation where I'm trapped. I haven't left, but I know that if I were to try to leave then I'd end up dead as well. [Cass] I just wanted to thank you for not killing me when we first met, and to say sorry for wandering on to your property without somehow letting you know I was coming first. [Cass] I truly wish that we had met under better circumstances, but I don't regret meeting you... for whatever it's worth. [Cass] Either way, this is a whole long text thread I couldn't say over the phone because I didn't want anyone to hear me talking to anyone... I doubt we'll see each other again, so I can just say that I think I loved you at first sight. Stupid as that might sound. Just... stay safe.
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