#redhead ash lynx
diabolicalworldwriter · 8 months
I'm in chaoslynx's discord server (it slays) and currently we're going through a 'what if Ash had red hair' moment. (I believe the headcanon is that Shorter dyed it, hence the background photo in my last art where Shorter has dye all over his hands and Ash is a redhead)
So yes. I made the emo boy extra emo, lmao.
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fangxin-guoshi · 1 month
Banana fish re-review ~
I did a rewatch of banana fish and oh my God I forgot how good this series was. Considering the original manga came out in the 80's in JAPAN, it was SO ahead of its time. One of the best depictions of gay characters I've ever seen in Japanese media, even by today's standards.
Some more silly thoughts:
Like yoshida just casually dropped a manga with an insanely progressive take on the bl genre by showing a complex queer interracial relationship with incredibly well-written characters. Honestly the fact that ash and eiji's relationship wasn't explicitly defined as romantic is a plus imo. Not being able to rely on obvious romantic gestures like kissing, hand-holding, romantic confessions, etc. actually forces the writer to develop their relationship without that crutch to lean on. That's why ash and eiji's relationship is so good, because it doesn't rely on surface-level romance to get across the fact that they love each other and instead use subtlety and little nuances in their interactions. It's obvious from the subtext and how much they're shown to care for each other.
Not to mention the great depiction of black characters (I know portraying black characters non-offensively is like, the bare minimum, but may I remind you this is the EIGHTIES in JAPAN, and there are so many CURRENT animes that have an issue with it).
I mean yea does it have its flaws? Sure. Ash's admittedly very lame "lynx" title that comes with many wildcat metaphors, eiji being a bit passive in the first half, sort of cringe portrayal of America, etc. but my God the way she handles the trauma and character dynamics is incredible.
Ok so I did have a uh... Not really a criticism but something that I noticed that got me thinking. I feel like some shows use dark subject matter as a bit of an easy way to evoke an emotional reaction from the audience. Sometimes authors give characters horrible backstories as a way to make the audience THINK the character is complex and interesting but in reality it's a bit of a lazy writing tactic. Low effort high reward kind of thing. Banana fish obviously does have brutal subject matter and ash is really put through the ringer, but I love that yoshida doesn't let that become the axis of his character. He has trauma that greatly impacts him, but he's also super developed on his own apart from that. When I think about Ash's character, I don't immediately think about the traumatic backstory parts. The balance between how significantly the trauma affects him vs making sure that's not the ONLY part of his character is extremely well-executed.
Scenes that stuck out to me (not including asheiji ones bc it goes without saying theyre all amazing)
- the interrogator playing Ash's tapes after being arrested ("later, movie star" was the most brutal line ever omg)
- max burning the photos of ash (underrated moment this was SO good),
- any and all interactions between sing and blanca (they're such an unlikely duo peak comedy right there)
- the convo between sing and yut lung in the last episode
- ash stabbing the guy in the dick with a fork
- callback to ^^^, ash stabbing the banana with a fork
- Ash's breakdown in front of dino (ep 19 I believe)
- the entirety of ash escaping from the "mental hospital" and then having to go rescue ibe and max lmaooo
- ash brutally murdering Abraham(?, the redhead guy) by blowing abt a thousand holes in him w a machine gun as payback for shorter
- ash shooting shorter
- running joke of max being Ash's dad
- everyone constantly manhandling yut lung by yanking on his hair (dude get a haircut)
- ash immediately going to shoot himself no hesitation after yut lung told him he wouldn't hurt eiji if he did so (technically asheiji but I'm keeping it since this was a yut lung and ash scene)
- "what does this picture look like?" "Your wife"
- eiji's cute stupid little outfit he wore when he went to go find shorter in Chinatown
I also have a confession:
I LOVE yut lung. Him being paralleled with ash, but instead of finding love he let hate consume him because he had no one unlike ash who had eiji was just devastating but in a good way.
So yea those are my messy thoughts after finishing it. I'd argue that it was probably one of the best pieces of queer media to exist at the time. In the world. And one of my personal favorite pieces of queer media ever.
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malfoymanortings · 4 years
silver tongue // part two
SUMMARY: charlie weasley was never the type to fall in love. his main focus has always been dragons. by the time he realizes he’s in love, it may be too late.
PAIRINGS: charlie weasley x fem!OC
WARNINGS: smut, and mentions of gore/injury.
well, here’s the final part to charlie’s story! i may write an epilogue of sorts in the future. and i may use luminita in a different story, i like her character! anyways, hope you all enjoy.
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charlie and luminita fell into step with the order and the weasley family. charlie spent time catching up with his family and conversing with arthur on the foreign wizards they had gathered. luminita spent a fair amount of time with kingsley, who had taken a great interest in the girl. he said she was a great asset and a natural fighter, and she was assigned as a watch guard for the burrow while they were there.
luminita was surprisingly comfortable at the burrow. it made her realize where charlie got his decorating skills from; his shack in romania was filled with warm tones of mismatched fabrics and designs. it had always drove her crazy, she preferred a set tone and color palette. but now she knew charlie was just trying to have a piece of the burrow with him while he was with the dragons.
the day of the wedding, she was stationed to stand guard outside of the tent the ceremony was being held in. another wizard and witch, remus and tonks respectively, stood guard with her.
luminita had gotten to know the two fairly well, remus was a werewolf and he had soothed a lot of the concerns she had over her injuries. the only thing she had experienced was a likening towards rare meat, and restlessness during the full moon. tonks was a delightful metamorphmagus, and a strong willed fighter like her. tonks had suggested she would make a brilliant auror, but luminita assured her that her heart belonged to the dragons and romania.
tonks was the person who had given her a dress for the wedding, a silver cap sleeved gown that clung to her chest and torso, before flowing weightlessly to her feet. her wild thick hair was twisted up in a bun, showcasing the thin dragon scale necklace around her neck. she rarely had a chance to dress up, and she enjoyed it in spite of herself.
“it’s a beautiful day for a wedding,” tonks commented brightly, twirling her wand in her hands. “not too warm, not too windy.”
“thank you for the weather update.” remus smirked playfully at the purple haired witch, nudging her shoulder.
tonks glared at remus, with no real malice. luminita laughed, their banter heartwarming and yet painful at the same time.
“so how long have you and charlie been an item?” tonks asked luminita, winking at the girl whose eyes had widened at the assumption.
“oh, no, we aren’t together,” she let out a humorless laugh. “we’re both too focused on our work. he’s always said the dragons are enough for him, he can’t entertain a relationship while there are so many undiscovered dragons.”
tonks shared a look with remus, their expressions gentle. “sometimes you just need to convince a man otherwise. even if they’re stubborn.”
luminita smiled politely, her insides churning. it was a nice sentiment, but it wasn’t like that with charlie. she knew long before her feelings for him grew that he wasn’t interested in any relationship with anyone. she was just foolish enough to let herself be captivated by charming grin and muscular biceps, his infectious laugh and extraordinary personality. she had never met someone quite like him.
spending time around his family for the past few days, she was able to see where it had all stemmed from.
before long, the ceremony had conceded and music began blasting from the speakers within. laughter and the clinking of silverware echoed outside, and luminita couldn’t help but peek inside to take a look.
“oh, you can go on inside,” tonks waved towards the tent, her eyes flicking over to remus. “we can take it from here.”
luminia hesitated, but at their reassurances, she slipped inside the tent.
she had never seen so many redheads in one place. charlie had been the first and only redhead she had met, and she found it a bit jarring to suddenly be surrounded by them. she sought him out now, a smile appearing on her face when she finally caught sight of him walking towards her.
“lumi,” he greeted, giving her a hug. he pulled away, his hands still on her arms, his eyes raking over her body. “you look wonderful.”
she laughed, a blush coating her cheeks. “well thanks. you don’t look half bad yourself, i almost don’t recognize you without the layer of ash on your face.”
charlie laughed loudly, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “thanks, i think!”
they walked over to the drinks, each taking a glass of fire whiskey. a few of charlie’s relatives came over to talk with him
about his work with the dragons, and a few of them asked if luminita was his girlfriend. charlie would quickly shake his head, his cheeks would flush, and he would deny it. luminita would joke and say she had much higher standards, even if the words burned her mouth on their way out.
“would you fancy a dance?” charlie asked suddenly, as they had finished off their drinks.
luminita nodded, her lips turning up as she let herself be led away to throng of people twirling to the music.
she began swaying to the music, charlie’s large hands splayed out on her hips. she had her hands on his shoulders, and they moved fluidly together to the music.
“your family is really nice,” she told him, looking into his brown eyes. “fred and george have a nice amount of spunk in them. and ginny is a force to be reckoned with. she kind of reminds me of me when i was her age.”
charlie nodded in agreement. “the twins have really made something for themselves. i’m so proud of them. ginny, too.”
“oh, charles, you’ve gone soft of us,” fred appeared next to them, twirling a gorgeous blond as he passed.
“really, i think we may swoon.” george finished, a similar girl in his arms as they danced together.
“just wait until after this wedding, i’ll have the both of you in a headlock before you can say mum.” charlie threatened, giving the two of them a look.
“we’ll be waiting!” the twins had identical grins, and they led the dance floor, disappearing with the veelas.
charlie grinned, shaking his head, and he twirled luminita in a circle. she felt wild, carefree. the feeling of charlie’s warm hands on her hips and the feeling of his thick muscles under her hands made her feel invincible. they never got the opportunity to be intimate like this, and all they were doing was dancing.
maybe it was the rush of euphoria she received from being so close with him, his hands on her hips, his eyes watching her every move. or maybe it was the feel that weddings had, like love was an attainable thing for all to grasp. whatever it was, when the music switched to a slow song, she had to finally put her feelings for the burly boy out in the open so there were no more second guesses.
“charlie,” luminita bit her lip, their movements slowing. “i know how you feel about relationships. i know we’re in a war. i know we can die at any moment... and that’s why i need to just say this and be done.”
“i care for you, charlie weasley. a lot. a damn lot, and who knows? maybe i love you. and perhaps it’s wishful thinking, but i think you like me too.”
she could feel him tense under her hands as her words spilled out in an honest confession. they paused in their dancing, and she waited with bated breath to hear his reply.
as charlie opened his mouth, everyone’s attention was suddenly turned to the opening of the tent, where a silver lynx landed a few feet away from charlie and luminita. she quickly reached under her dress for her wand that was strapped to her calf, holding it tightly in anticipation.
the patronus’ mouth opened wide, and it spoke in the loud, deep, slow voice of kingsley shacklebolt.
“the ministry has fallen. scrimgeour is dead. they are coming.”
everything was silent for a moment, most of the guests were still turned towards the remaining vapors of the patronus. then somebody screamed.
guests started running in all directions, many were disapperating. luminita swore, realizing the enchantments around the burrow had broken.
the death eaters came rather quickly. they were masked and cloaked, firing spells into the crowd of people.
luminita began dueling, her mouth set in a determined line. she was vaguely aware of charlie fighting at her side, firing off a few ‘protego’ as they fought together.
then luminita saw ginny, who appeared as though she was too busy searching for someone rather than looking out for her back. she was going to get herself killed.
“charlie,” she spat out of the corner of her mouth, firing a leg locking curse at one of the cloned figures. “where is your families safe house?”
“my aunt muriels,” charlie responded under his breath, stunning a death eater. “go there!”
“no chance in hell!”
she sprinted across the dance floor, kicking her heels off in the process. she dodged spellwork, twisting around to fire back as she ran.
“protego!” she shouted, blocking a curse that very nearly hit ginny. “ginerva! get a hold of yourself!”
“harry left,” ginny told her, her eyes wild. “i didn’t get to say goodbye.”
“you’ll see him again,” she panted, gathering the girl behind her. “where’s your wand.”
“i don’t know, i don’t know, i think it’s in the burrow.”
luminita cursed, scanning the crowd as spells continued blasting around them. molly weasley looked panic stricken, as she fired off spells at the death eaters, her eyes darting around in a worried haste. aunt muriel was next to her, looking as though she were going to hyperventilate.
she was looking for ginny.
“molly!” she yelled, grabbing ginnys arm as the quickly maneuvered through the crowd.
molly looked up at her, relief sagging in her features as she saw ginny beside her. luminita pushed ginny into her mother’s arms, and they clung to each other.
“go to the safe house, we’ll take care of things from here.”
molly nodded, and turned on her heel. with a crack, they disappeared.
luminita turned back to the crowd, and joined forces with remus and tonks, the three of them were soon joined by charlie. charlie and luminita fought back to back, alongside the other two.
it appeared the death eaters were only there for harry potter. once they realized he was no longer there, due to one of them shouting it in disappointment, they left in a cloud of black smoke.
the beautifully decorated tent was destroyed, the flowers trampled and decorations ripped, platters of food and drink strewn around the floor. a few areas had been set on fire and put out, the smoldering remains letting off plumes of black smoke.
“is anyone hurt?” arthur called out tersely, a deep looking ash on his forearm.
there were a few murmurings through the crowd, but no one appeared to be gravely injured.
“right, then, let’s clean up and then we can recoup.”
it didn’t take very long to get the place cleaned up, most of it just needed to be banished away as it was damaged beyond repair. bill expressed regret over the flowers being destroyed; fleur had wanted to save a few in a photo album of their day. but they were all wrecked, stomped into the ground.
the order members who had attended the wedding all apparated to muriels cottage, crammed into the small living room as they waited for kingsley to appear. he came at half past nine, looking worn and torn.
“was harry able to leave?” he asked, standing in front of the order members.
arthur nodded. “he, ron, and hermione left. no one was able to get them.”
“that’s good.”
they began discussing further plans for the order, and repairing the wards that had been broken at the burrow. they would all head back tomorrow morning to redo he magical charms, and resume their normal schedules.
as the order members aside from the weasleys and luminita began to file out, kingsley called to her and charlie.
“you two are heading back to romania tomorrow, right?”
charlie nodded tensely. “that’s the plan.”
kingsley nodded slowly, looking over at luminita. she forced herself to remain strong under his intimidating gaze.
“luminita, if you’re willing, i would like for you to stay behind. you’re an excellent fighter, and we could really use your help.”
she faltered, unsure of what to say. she hadn’t been expecting him to say that.
“no,” charlie answered, shaking his head. “no, she comes home with me.”
“charlie, think of what’s best for the order,” kingsley said firmly, turning his gaze on the man. “if she refuses, then that’s fine. but if she’s willing to help the order, that’s her decision to make.”
“im not leaving her here unprotected,” charlie’s voice was bordering on hysterical now. “miles away from where i could help her. where i go, she goes.”
the two men stared at each other, silence echoing loudly around them. luminita felt her heart thud at the way charlie was talking about her, and she very nearly said no. but he said she would be a great asset, and if she would be more helpful here... she couldn’t say no, especially not after the death eaters she encountered tonight. fighting like that... it gave a thrill that reminded her of trying to bond with a dragon. and if she could help innocent people and fight against voldemort hands on, well, she wouldn’t say no.
charlie looked at her, and his shoulders sagged as he recognized her expression.
“please, lumi,” his voice was low and pleading. “don’t stay. come home with me.”
she swallowed hard, and looked over to kingsley. she gave the man a firm nod, straightening her shoulders. “i’ll stay.”
charlie cursed, and stormed out of the room. the front door slammed behind him, and luminita shut her eyes briefly.
“tomorrow we’ll meet at the burrow and discuss your role,” kingsley held out his hand, and they shook firmly. “i have an assignment in mind for you already.”
kingsley left then, biding a goodnight to the rest of the weasleys. luminita took a steadying breath, and slipped outside. the grass was cool against her bare feet, and the wind was balmy against her skin.
charlie stood leaning against a tree a few yards away from the house, staring out at the vast forest that expanded beyond muriels cottage. his sleeves were rolled up, and the ends of his dragon tattoo poked out from his right bicep. her heart ached as she walked towards him.
“hey,” she said softly, crossing her arms as she stopped next to him. “can we talk?”
“how could you just decide that?” he turned to her, his words hard and fast as they came from his mouth. “how could you just decide to leave me and stay here?”
“charlie, you know i won’t back down from a fight. you know i’m not the type of person to run and hide. if there’s a chance i can be more helpful here then in romania, i have to do it.”
“even if that means leaving the dragons? leaving me? i thought you lov-“ and he cut himself short, the words snipped shut as soon as he thought them.
she shut her eyes, taking another steadying breath against the thud of her heart. “don’t do that.”
“do what? at the wedding, you said- you said you loved me. how can you just drop that on me and then just leave me?”
“are you kidding me? it doesn’t even matter charlie! you don’t feel the same way about me! the dragons will always come first!”
“fuck the dragons!” charlie roared, and he took hold of her shoulders. “i love you, damnit, and i can’t lose you!”
he crashed his lips against hers, and she lost her hands in his wavy hair. she opened her mouth, tongue and teeth clashing against each other. his deliciously muscular body pressed against hers, fulfilling many a fantasy she had ever since she saw him with his shirt off three years ago. his hands cupped her cheeks, pressing her harder against him.
every single one of her nerve endings were on fire as his hands ghosted down to her hips, gripping them tightly before he tapped her thighs, signaling for her to jump. she did, wrapping her legs around his waist as he turned around, pressing her against the tree.
as his lips trailed down her neck, nipping ravenously at her skin, she could feel his hardness pressing against her core. hardness that she caused. it sparked a fire deep in her chest, and she moaned loudly as he ground her hips into hers.
he looked up at her, his eyes dark. “do you want this?”
she nodded, her eyes fluttering at the feel of his body pressed against hers. “i’ve wanted this for years, charlie.”
at her admission, he pulled up her dress, and pushed aside her panties, slipping a finger into her wetness. her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she gripped at his hair as he plunged his fingers deep in her pussy. his thumb rubbed circles on her sensitive clit, while his two fingers thrusted in and out in a fast pace.
“charlie,” his name fell from her lips among a string of moans, his hair still gripped in her fists.
“say my name,” charlie growled, biting down harshly on her neck. “say my goddamn name.”
she could feel the knot in her stomach building, and just as it was about to unravel, his fingers left her heat. her unfocused eyes attempted to look at him in annoyance, wondering why he stopped, when his full length suddenly slammed into her with a force that brought tears to her eyes.
“you like it rough, don’t you slut,” he murmured, groaning as he rolled his hips against hers. “taking me so well.”
she threw her head back in both pain and pleasure as his cock pounded into her, hitting deep inside her as he continued sucking on
her neck. the pain subsided, and she nearly saw stars as he brought a hand down to rub circles on her clit.
the knot in her stomach returned, and with it came a primal need to mark charlie as hers. she lifted her head, bending towards his neck and searching for his soft spot. as he moaned when her tongue licked over a spot near the base of his throat, she bit down harshly, drawing blood that she quickly licked up, moving to suck on the other side of his neck.
“did you just bite me?” charlie gasped out, his hips flush against hers.
she tilted her head back, meetings his eyes as he continued slamming into her. “yeah, i did.”
“do it again.” he groaned darkly, moving his head back to expose the other side of his neck.
she did as he asked, sinking her teeth once more into the taught skin of his neck. she supposed the need to bite him and mark him as hers came from the werewolf scars, but she hadn’t expected charlie to be so open to it.
the knot in her stomach tightened, and she moaned as the pressure built. charlie’s thrusts became sloppy, and she knew he was close too.
“gonna cum,” he grunted, slamming his hips into hers. “fill you up like the slut you are.”
his words drove them both over the edge, and with one final thrust he came inside her, and she released on his dick. his hips stilled, still flush against hers, and he buried his head against her neck. she rested her head on top of his, her arms resting limply around his neck.
“so,” she said after a moment, a pleased smirk on her lips. “i’m a slut?”
charlie looked up immediately, his face flushing maroon. “oh, erm, i didn’t mean-“
“don’t take it back!” she exclaimed, a laugh falling from her lips. “it’s hot. dirty. didn’t expect that from you.”
charlie gave an exasperated sigh, shaking his head. he pulled out of her, setting her down gingerly. her legs felt like jello, and she held onto his shoulders to steady herself.
“was it too much for you?” he teased her, his eyes dark.
she swatted at his arm, forcing herself to stand on her own. “in your dreams, weasley.”
“oh trust me, this will be the center of my dreams for years to come.”
she rolled her eyes, pulling her panties back up. “if only you would have done this sooner.”
charlie nodded slowly. “if only... are you really going to stay?”
“i have to, charlie. if it’s in the best interest of the order, then-“
“forget the order,” he stated firmly, placing a hand on her hip. “what is best for you?”
she paused. “charlie. i wouldn’t be able to live with myself if i left when i could have helped people. not after what i saw today.”
“i suppose i knew that,” he sighed ruefully. “that’s just who you are. it’s why i love you.”
“so you do love me?”
he gave her a look. “i don’t just tell people i love them if i don’t mean it. of course i do.”
she nodded. “i love you too.”
she held out her hand, and he grasped it tightly. his large one engulfed her small
one in warmth, and they walked hand in hand back to the cottage. they didn’t specify a label on each other, but she didn’t feel they needed to. they loved each other. that was all they needed.
the next day, luminita received her first assignment from kingsley. charlie prepared to leave for romania. they spent their last night together in his childhood bedroom, familiarizing each other’s bodies in the tangle of his sheets.
but he had to leave, and she had to stay.
kingsley kept her busy, and she found she didn’t have much time to dwell on how much she missed charlie. it stayed with her, like a thorn in her side, but most nights she was so exhausted she fell into a dreamless sleep, only to wake up the next morning early to get a start on her duties.
she stayed with the weasleys in the burrow, and grew quite close with molly and the twins. she practiced dueling with the boys on her rare days off, which they greatly enjoyed.
but of course, all good things must come to an end, and when ginny returned home for easter break, ron was found traveling with harry potter and hermione granger. the trio got away, but the weasleys shot to the top of the death eaters most wanted list. they were forced into hiding, and luminita took on a heavier work load as the death eaters became more determined to destroy the supporters of harry potter.
eventually, she was stationed in hogsmeade, which meant that when the final battle began, she was one of the first to join.
“it’s unfortunate you’re seeing hogwarts in shambles as your first impression,” george called to her, as he hexed a death eater. “it’s bloody amazing in its full glory.”
“has to be, though,” fred chimed in, dodging a bat bogey hex. “it’s where we got our start! the infamous weasley twins!”
“load of braggarts, you lot!” chided luminita, sending a stunner straight to the chest of a burly death eater.
the three worked together, battling the emerging death eaters. at some point in the chaos, george split away from the two, and they were joined by percy, the weasley who had blacklisted his family.
“i was a fool, fred,” percy shouted hoarsely, shooting spells at the four hooded and masked death eaters that had them back into a corner. “an utter fool!”
“and a right prat!” added fred, ducking as a green spell whizzed by his ear.
luminita became separated from the two as the death eater split them apart, two took on her while the other two kept at the weasleys. she was forced to only cast shielding spells, as she was unable to do much else with the both of them constantly firing at her. but then, by sheer luck, she found an opening.
“ventura!” she shouted, jabbing her wand directly at the two.
a hurricane swirled out of her wand, gathering the two death eaters into its depths. they flung around the room, hitting the ceiling with a sickening crack before falling to the floor, their thick blood spilling out onto the floor.
she shouted the counter curse, and the hurricane disappeared.
“nice one, lumi!” fred shouted in approval.
jets of light flew in every direction, and luminita rushed forward to help the two weasleys; out of the corner of her vision, she saw harry, ron, and hermione emerge from the hallway.
one of the death eaters hoods slipped, revealing his high forehead and streaked hair.
“hello, minister!” bellowed percy, sending a neat jinx to thicknesse who dropped his wand and clawed at his rom in discomfort. “did i mention i’m resigning?”
“you’re joking, perce!” shouted fred with glee, as the death eater he was battling collapsed under the weight of four separate stunning spells. “you actually are joking, perce.. i haven’t heard you joke since you were-“
luminita felt the electric pull of the air, and her instincts kicked in. she reached out, grabbing hold of fred, just as the air around them exploded.
they flung through the air, and luminita held fred close to her chest with her wand gripped tightly in her hand, protecting his head with her arms. the yells and screams of their companions echoed around them, and the cold air that hit let her know the wall of the castle had been blasted away.
they landed with a crash, her head cracking against the floor of the castle, her leg bending the wrong way with a throbbing pain. fred slammed painfully against her chest, but she didn’t release her hold on him.
then the world resolved itself into pain and semi darkness; they were half buried in the wreckage of the corridor.
she looked down at fred, who had a dazed expression in his face. there was a gash across his forehead, dripping thick blood in his eyes.
“lumi, you have to let go of me so we can get up,” fred groaned, and she released his hold on him. “think you may have just saved my life.”
“that was the hope.” the words came out funny, and her head exploded in black stars. she wasn’t sure that the words had came out at all. there was something thick and sticky coating the back of her head, and when she reached her hand back to gingerly touch it, moaning at the pain, her hand came back slick with blood.
“percy! ron! help me get her out of here!”
she was vaguely aware of someone jostling her body out of the rubble as the pain coalesced into a blinding blackness of stars, and she faded away.
the next time she opened her eyes, she was staring at the twinkling ceiling of the great hall. she felt as though her head was filled with foam, and her leg had a stabbing pain reverberating through her shin.
her eyes fluttered over to the worried face of charlie weasley, and her heart swelled. “charlie.”
he carefully gathered her in his strong arms, holding her against his chest. “i told you to be safe.”
she wrapped her arms around him, not fully believing he was there.
“luminita. never thought i’d see the day you weren’t tossing me a witty comment.”
she lifted her head off charlie’s chest to see billius standing near them, and a grin cracked across her face.
“oh, shut it,” she scoffed. “go suck on a dragon scale.”
“that’s my girl,” billius grinned, before pausing thoughtfully. “guess i probably shouldn’t say that. you’re charlie’s girl now.”
a warmth filled her chest as his words processed, and her head became less foamy. “yeah. i am.”
“you hit your head really hard and broke your leg,” charlie informed her, keeping her in his arms. “maria had to regrow the back of your skull, and a few of your leg bones. you’re still healing.”
“maria’s here?”
“all of our romanian allies are here. we got here just after the battle ended.”
she could hear the frustration in his voice. she knew it must have killed him to get here late and then find that she was injured. “you’re here now. that’s what matters.”
they caught up while her skull regrew, and the other weasleys came by as well. fred thanked her again for saving him, and molly nearly cried as she thanked her for saving her son. she waved them off, not caring for the attention.
before long, the battle resumed, and charlie had to leave her to help in the fight. she tried her best to get up against his orders, but her vision went blurry and her leg sent shooting pains through her body. so, she was forced to sit there while harry potter was declared dead. the war raged on.
then, harry potter was alive again. the war began turning for the better, and it seemed that they would win. the residents of hogsmeade joined in, and before long, harry had killed voldemort.
the war was over.
charlie came back to her immediately, taking her in his arms and holding her tightly. she wrapped her arms around his torso as his hands tangled in her hair, and he peppered her face with kisses.
“i love you, luminita,” he declared, cupping her cheeks in his hands. “marry me.”
“marry you?” she gaped at him, staring up at his heavily freckled face.
a grin broke out across his face. “are you deaf? i said marry me, damnit!”
her heart swelled with love, and she nodded fast, her head spinning from the movement. “charlie weasley, of course i’ll marry you.”
he kissed her passionately, lifting her in his arms. everything was right in her world.
the sun rose steadily over hogwarts as they celebrated, and mourned over the ones they had lost. luminita was saddened to hear that tonks and remus had died, she would never forget their kindness. she wished she was able to tel tonks that charlie had proposed, the delightful woman would been ecstatic to hear the news.
they celebrated, they mourned. clean up on the castle would begin tomorrow, but for now, everyone was invited to stay in the dorms or go home.
charlie and luminita decided to go back to the burrow with their family. they would head back to romania after the shock of the battle wore off, but for now, charlie needed to be with his family. luminita knew that.
as she lay in charlie’s arms that night in his childhood bedroom, she smiled genuinely. she supposed she had bonded with a dragon after all.
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