#red dead redemption 2 screen shot
thedawner · 1 year
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More Red Dead 2 mule posting I am so sorry.
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acaplaya-musings · 2 months
Voiceplay-adjacent Visuals: Unshaken
Geoff's cover of the song Unshaken from the videogame Red Dead Redemption 2 was uploaded on the 10th of March, 2024, i.e. a month ago for you reading this. I wasn't quite sure at first if I was going to make a Voiceplay-adjacent Visuals post for this video or not, but I waited a couple-ish days (it released on a Sunday morning, and I'm currently typing this on the following Tuesday night), had a think about it (and watched it about half a dozen times, 5 of those just in its first day of release), and decided "yeah, I can talk about this!"
So let's get into this!
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Ho boy, that's one hell of an opening shot (and yes I know I said the same thing about Jack's Lament), and we linger on it for like 5 seconds as well!
(Howdy there, Daryl!)
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Original thumbnail/Spotify image alert! (And this was the image Geoff posted a week earlier on his Community tab as a little sneak peek, like he really gave nothing else away ahead of time)
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For a red hot second (hah) when I first watched this video I thought there was gonna be a red tint to the visuals the whole time, but thankfully no
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Did you notice how the screen expands at the same time as the lighting changes? Very neat!
Also interesting that the lighting on Goff, Daryl, Jeoph, and Jeff (more on them in a minute) is not just plain white or yellow; it's almost definitely green. The red lighting has not disappeared, as you can tell from the background, but it gets (mostly) cancelled out in the foreground by the green lighting, because red and green are of course complementary (opposite) colours. But also, red can be associated with danger and warnings (and it's in the title of the videogame of course), and green can sometimes be a "spooky"/"eerie" colour, particularly the bright neon kind. Things to think about!
(And of course, the credit for lighting automation goes to none other than Eli. Thanks Eli! (though I assume Geoff had a fair hand in coming up with ideas for lighting design as well).
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If you're reading this, you almost definitely know that this video is technically a prequel to Geoff's video for Ghost Riders In The Sky - here, we see Goff, Daryl, Jeoph, and Jeff as living human cowboys, before they became ghost cowboys. I made a side-by-side comparison post not long after this video dropped, which you can find here
I am of course, quite pleased to see the return of the "Geoffettes", and if you've been following my Voiceplay-adjacent Visuals posts (the last of which was written at least a few weeks before this), you'll know I was keenly anticipating their next feature in a Geoff video. What I wasn't expecting, however, was to have a video that was in fact, just them! Jeff, Jeoph, Goff, and Daryl, but no Geoff! A bold move, to let them do a video all by themselves, but hey, I'm not complaining! 😁😉
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Jeoph takes lead vocals for most of this one (technically a primarily-visual observation, for obvious reasons), which is interesting, as he was the only one of the four "brothers" in Ghost Riders to get a proper solo part (the "cowboy change your ways today" line). I wonder if the connection is deliberate/intentional?
(Also Jeoph's got charm, I'll give him that)
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I'm assuming that is in fact the same coat that Daryl wore in Ghost Riders In The Sky, since all the other costume pieces match up, but because of the lighting, it looks like a different colour. In Ghost Riders, it seems to have a bit more of a reddish tinge to it, but with the green lighting here, it looks more like a regular brown.
Also because I didn't mention it in my Ghost Riders post, I'll mention it here instead: Thanks to the leather coat (and a bit of extra clothing layering underneath I believe), Daryl looks like he's got a bit of extra "heft" (weight/muscle) on him compared to the other three riders, as pointed out by someone in the comments section of the Ghost Riders video
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Oh yeah and there's this golden light backdrop as well, which is quite nice, and I feel like there's some sort of meaning/intention behind this as well, but I haven't quite figured it out yet, rip
Also if Daryl's the largest of the group, at least by a small margin, then I'm saying that Jeff is the thinnest, at least a little bit.
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Back to the harsh red lighting for the chorus!
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Oh yeah and then we get more of a cool green lighting backdrop for the second chorus - sorta fitting for the lyrics about the whispering pines.
Also I just realized I haven't yet said a word about the set design, which is honestly criminal of me because it is on point. All the props are so cool, like the lanterns and the horse saddle on the far left side, and it definitely nails the Old West theme!
(This was of course filmed at Pattycake Productions Studios, so shoutout to them for their help/collaboration!)
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(This shot is more representative of how Daryl's coat appears in the Ghost Riders video in reagards to colour)
Interestingly, Goff doesn't get any solo/lead parts in this one, and also I can't figure out whether he's left-handed in this video too or not. He's holding a large gun (rifle? musket? idk I'm Australian) in his right hand, but I can't see a gun holster on his right hip, so I'm assuming he has a holster on his left hip like in Ghost Riders (and I know Jeff kept his underarm holster in this video)
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If I may step "out-of-universe" and talk reality for a hot second, I love the fact that even when Geoff is portraying 4 different cowboy characters, the rings stay on the whole time, for every single one, and so does The Necklace (you can only see part of the necklace chain in shots of Jeff, Jeoph, and Goff here though). Like truly, his jewelry (all of which is a symbol/representation of his love for his wife <3 ) only comes off in the most exceptional of circumstances (like having your hands and chest spray-painted to turn you into a skeleton, for example)
On a completely different Doylian note, how the frick does Geoff Castellucci's hair work? Watch this video, and look at the colour/shade of his hair. Then go watch Wicked Game, the video released just last month, and do the same. And as a bonus, go watch Sleeping In The Cold Below. Seriously, is lighting more powerful/influential than I thought, or does he use colouring products sometimes? I swear I'm gonna be talking about this in many posts to come this year, lol rip.
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Jeff is my favourite in this video, though I can't help but love them all 😁
And peep the underarm gun holster I mentioned!
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Handsome pretty boy <3
Also love the fact that since Jeff's shirt didn't have any buttons on it to leave undone, he left a button undone on his vest instead (Geoff and his "Clones" are nothing if not consistent 😆)
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Lighting change!
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"Will the hunter be hunted by the smoking gun?"
Jeoph removes his hat, which in a lot of media is often associated with acknowledgement of death, and the way he holds/looks at his gun here makes me think that Cowboy Jeoph has in fact killed somebody (in this essay I will...)
(Also Matthew "Bucky" Buckner is credited as "special consultant" for this video. Did he help out with the use of the gun props or something? (they are just props, right?))
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"Amidst the crash of the-"
Love the sudden light flash to match with the sudden line pause, like a flash of lightning, and it kinda sounded like there was a subtle thunderclap there too!
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You know I love a good passionate belt from Geoff (or one of the Geoffettes) in a video 😄💜
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It's quite different tone-wise, but this bit reminds me of Geoff's Shenandoah video, with two of the Geoff clones seemingly conducting with each other at one point. Go rewatch that video after this, you'll see what I mean.
Also either it's just me, or for most of this, the self-conducting hand movements are kept quite minimal/subtle, only increasing moreso here at the big climax of the song/video. I'm gonna have to watch this video a few more times to confirm, but it adds to the more sombre vibe of the video imo (like obviously we know how the story ends for the four of them here, and it's not exactly a happy ending)
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Go off Jeoph!
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I also wish to know if there's any particular meaning/significance behind Jeff taking off his hat early on in the video and then putting it back on at the end (other than the thought that only just came to me right now, in that it's very similar to Jeff in Folsom Prison Blues, removing his glasses early on in the video, and then putting them back on at the end.)
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Honestly love this final shot, it's very cool 👌
There is one thing missing though: the gramophone logo at the end! It's not there! The video just goes straight to the Patrons list! It's not even at the very very end! Did Geoff just forget? Is it some subtle symbolism connected to how "Main Geoff" isn't in this video? I guess we'll just have to wait and see whether or not it shows up at the end of the next one!
And here I was wondering whether or not I'd have a lot to say about this video or a lot of screenshots to take! Guess I had no need to worry after all! Geoff once again knocked it out the park, and yes, as I said at the start, I watched this 5 times in one day! The arrangement is very impressive, as we've come to expect from Geoff, and though I predicted this would be a Low Bass Cover the moment I realized this would be a Western-style song/video, this was still ridiculously low. Geoff pulled out all the stops for this one, and I love it!
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1 note - Posted April 1, 2022
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I’m never leaving this site
10 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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16 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
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Fellas, is it gay?
46 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The little details in Bullet Train (2022) I only noticed/payed attention to upon a rewatch that I absolutely adore:
Spoilers below
- the train cars are visibly numbered (the one Lemon and Tangerine are in has the same number as the one The Prince is in at the beginning - 3)
- the only time Tangerine is truly happy on screen is during the “counting to 17″ flashback
- Lemon visibly putting the Diesel sticker on Prince and it being there in all the following shots until it’s discovered
- Tangerine stealing the biscuits, two separate plushies on two separate occasions, a gun ... I’m pretty sure he nicked the Momonga glasses too (yet he’s the one to pay for the water)
- when The Wolf first sees Ladybug on the train, he immediately looks down onto the wine stain on his jacket
- Ladybug’s fake British accent as he opens the fake briefcase
- “Why don’t you tell them the story about how Gordon met Percy, and now Percy’s bleeding out of his eye-sockets.” not being random Thomas characters, but actually the ones that Lemon assigned Tangerine and The Son at the beginning
- Lemon calling Tangerine “the strongest and most important”
- Tangerine’s genuine concern when he finds Lemon unconscious at their table
- Lemon casually grooming Tangerine when they talk (fixing his tie in one scene, his pocket handkerchief in another...)
- Prince having curly hair just like her father in her flashback
- the otherwise always chill Ladybug getting furious over Tangerine calling him every swear word he knows when they first meet face to face (pretty sure that’s just Brad trying to hide his laughter) + Tangerine swearing throughout the whole walk through the first class
- when Tangerine’s phone rings during the fight with Ladybug and he goes to answer it, he still holds Ladybug’s arm and keeps his leg over him in some sort of loose hold, rather that getting all the way off
- Tangerine putting the plastic raincoat on during the bottle flashback
- just the water bottle being there
- Tangerine who ALWAYS has a comeback being at loss for words when The White Death tells him he’s going to kill him and his brother
- the whole talk about the bulletproof vest (Lemon saying it won’t protect you from getting shot in the neck, and Tangerine saying it would protect you from getting shot in the chest ... guess what happens later)
827 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
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gertlushgaming · 10 months
Toaplan Arcade Shoot 'Em Up Collection Vol. 2 Review (Steam)
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For this Toaplan Arcade Shoot 'Em Up Collection Vol. 2 Review, we play a collection of four well-regarded arcade shooter titles updated with modern features developed by Tatsujin, Bitwave Games, and Embracer Freemode. The collection comes packed with Fire Shark, Flying Shark, Slap Fight, and Hellfire with an array of quality-of-life improvements from quick save, practice mode, Steam Achievements, and more.
Toaplan Arcade Shoot 'Em Up Collection Vol. 2 Review Pros:
- Decent graphics. - Download size - - Fire shark - 3.05MB - Flying Shark - 2.88MB - Hellfire - 2.67MB - Slap fight - 2.31MB - Steam achievements with two games having 20, and the others having 79 and 53. - Shmup gameplay collection. - Four games in the collection with each being a seperate Steam Library entry. - Graphics settings - view, scale, scanlines, fullscreen, and speed. - Hellfire has three versions - the newer single-player, the newer two-player, and the older one-player mode. - Three game region versions of Hellfire - USA, Japan, and Europe. - Can rebind controls for both the keyboard and the controller buttons. - A handful of difficulties include modifiers like when to earn lives, starting lives, and attracting sounds. - Proper arcade experience down to putting in digital coins. - Accessibility options for each game - auto fire, auto dodge, health, hit ox size, show hotbox, and rewind. - You can save and load when you want and set up quick saving and quick loading. - Record your gameplay option. - Audio settings - echo, reverb, low pass, frequency, high pass, order, frequency for high pass, and default. - Hellfire is a side-scrolling move anywhere around the screen Shmup. - Collect power-ups and upgrades for weapons in Hellfire. - Hellfire has a button to change the direction of your shots. - Border settings – overlay (off/tutorial/music visualizer/channel visualizer/stats), frame on/off, and choice of backdrop. - Practice mode is available in each game. - It’s a huge nostalgia trip. - The music in each game is Chiptune greatness. - A lot of love and work went into these titles. - You can rotate the screen and also change the size of it. - Some of the games have the game region/version represented by the original font work on the arcades. - Flying Shark is a rolling Shmup where you are going up the screen. - All the games have amazing sprite work and excellent animated backgrounds or backdrops. - Flying Shark is a world war time shooter where you can freely move around the screen. - Fire Shark plays and looks a lot like Flying Shark. - In Fire Shark when you die your power-ups bounce around the screen so you can re-collect them. - Slap Fight Again is a scrolling Shmup where you freely move around as you make your way up the screen. - In all games, you can change how the soundtrack works and which one is used. - Rewind works instantly in all games. - Save replays. Toaplan Arcade Shoot 'Em Up Collection Vol. 2 Review Cons: - The tutorials are just border art. - A lot of cheap deaths with the enemy shooting you offscreen. - The games come down as four seperate entries in your library. - The screen settings never seem to stay saved so you have to configure them every time. - You don’t get any history or anything with the games. - In some of the games, it's really hard to make out enemy projectiles. Related Post: Red Dead Redemption Review (Nintendo Switch OLED) Toaplan Arcade Shoot 'Em Up Collection Vol. 2: Official website. Developer: Bitwave Games Publisher: Bitwave Games Store Links - Steam Read the full article
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gamerlounge · 1 year
Red dead redemption 2 and apex Legends in game screen shots
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koreandrita · 2 years
Pixel 3xl red dead redemption 2 images
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Powering it are two 40mm speakers on both the ends along with an accessible diaphragm that is also spill proof. It can playback music for up to 12 hours on a single charge and is also waterproof. For outdoor usage, this should be a perfect match. The exterior has been designed for rugged usage and the construction feels very solid.
JBL has a come a long way in slowly improving their Bluetooth speaker line-up and the Flip 4 is definitely worth a shot.
You can access the noise cancellation settings via the Bose Connect app and it also has a dual-mic system for clearer audio ( Full Review) It can play music for 20 hours on a single charge and supports Google Assistant natively. It has a very good midrange along with excellent treble while the bass is slightly flat and thumpy, which is good for EDM and Dubstep music. A few airlines actually provide these to their Business and First class passengers. These are the most recommended ones if you travel a lot and want to sleep like a baby onboard a noisy aircraft. You get the class-leading noise cancellation that Bose is known for, good sound quality, and incredible comfort. Want to gift someone a new phone? The XR is perfect because it's cheaper, yet equally powerful ( Full Review).īuy from Amazon.in 2.
The X series iPhones have a dual camera setup, but the XR's single lens is no lesser. It is powered by Apple's latest A12 Bionic chipset, coupled with an even better LCD display. Apart from bigger bezels and an older backing, the iPhone XR is a beast from the inside. It does seem like a cheaper iPhone from the outside, but its practical use is best in class. While everyone has already perceived the iPhone XS and XS Max to be the best, the XR is definitely the most under-rated smartphone this year. We've covered all budgets to make it as relevant as possible and included multiple use cases as well. We've compiled a list of top gadgets launched this year that are perfect for gifting. Ranging from mobile phones to accessories to wearables, you have a huge inventory to choose from, and hence we've made it easier for you. Gadgets are a great gifting idea and ideal for any generation. Whatever the issue really is, Google has claimed that they are now working to fix it.Diwali is almost here and most people are looking for something new for themselves or gifting their loved ones. Then again, that explanation does the apparent stability of Pie while maintaining notch compatibility no favors. As for the alleged secondary notch anomaly, it could have been an error resulting from transitioning out of an app in landscape, or some similar bug.
This may have given more screen real estate, but also invited far too many software issues. Therefore, it appears that a Pixel 3 XL could have come with more than one notch: one along each shorter edge, for example. Nevertheless, the Redditor asserts that the second notch persisted until the phone was rebooted. This in fact contradicts Google's own rules about notch adaptations for OEMs and apps: they state that there are to be no notches along the longer edge of a device. However, it appears that this is not the only problem the phone's software has with the notch.Ī Redditor has recently posted an image in which a Pixel 3 XL appears to have 2 notches: one where it actually should be, and a software-recreated one on the right edge of the screen. When in zoomed-out modes, the notch may 'shove' the video window off to one side. At least one reviewer has noted that the notch impinges on the visibility of full-screen YouTube videos while using the Pixel 3 XL. In some respects, it appears that these attempts have failed so far. Android 9.0) so that it didn't interfere with apps and the user experience. Since Google had embraced the notch in its own hardware, it was up to the company to support the resultant display cut-outs in software (i.e. It did indeed sport this notch on its debut, which turned out to be so big in order to house the phone's dual selfie cameras and top-edge speaker. The Pixel 3 XL was rumored to have an extra deep notch several weeks prior to its launch in September 2018.
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At Horseshoe Overlook
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memes-saved-me · 4 years
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《Red Dead Redemption 2 Scenery Wallpapers》
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ocean-moonlight · 3 years
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A rare picture of Charles smiling!😱 I love Charles so much tho.
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ohhharthur · 4 years
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cowpokecorner · 3 years
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pescadodeoro · 4 years
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𝐑𝐃𝐑 𝐈𝐈: 𝙍𝘦𝘥 𝘿𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝙍𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯. ( 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 1 )
< 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 >
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commandershipper · 5 years
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that's a whole ass mood
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ladymythal · 5 years
Having way to much fun with this app.
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Look at this Handsome Boy
{From my play through so far-
Shaved his beard so nice he has a nice scruff and bought him a new black shirt cause his blue one was a mess }
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gamerlounge · 1 year
More of Red dead redemption 2 in game screen shots
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