#red and black and plays bass in a stupid industrial metal band. ITS GREAT
werebutch · 2 years
pls tell me abt scotch and atlas <3
OK so glad you asked i hope i can make this. Like. Understandable. THANK YOU so much for asking..<3
Scotch and atlas are inseparable. They’ve been best friends since they were 14ish, and even though atlas kinda hated him at first, he eventually found scotch’s obnoxiousness comforting + fun compared to his own silence. I relate to atlas a lot in this way lol. They were quite a duo in high school as class clown and off-putting loner. It’s junior or senior year when scotch tells atlas about his feelings for him. They’ve always been close, and lots of times mistaken for partners, but atlas doesnt know how to handle this confession. He largely ignores it, but not in a purposefully mean way.
During the stretch of time before atlas realizes his own feelings about scotch, he’s very protective over and sensitive to him. He drops anything for him, which actually got him in a lot of trouble in his actual relationships. Bros before hoes is what they both live by really… its a classic case of being SOOOO best friends you dont realize its a crush.
By the time atlas meets seraph (his official partner), he and scotch have become very comfortable in their relationship. They finally live like lovers. Very good ones. And seraph kinda…. Comes along and fucks it all up. This is probably the part that made u send this ask LMFAO <3. Atlas falls head over heels for them. He is obsessed for REAL they are like a dream to him. Classic (overused and cheesy..) dynamic of soft and rough. Red and blue. Innocence and corruption. Lamb of god and… i dont know. You know what i mean, i could go on. This is all going while scotch watches, very aware of all of it. He’s fine with it, really, its not like he and atlas are really dating. Atlas can do what he wants, he’s pretty sure he’s still his number one. WELL.
Until he’s not. Atlas had told seraph about scotch, that this is how it is and he cant choose them over him and vice versa. Seraph didnt like that. I dont want to make seraph out to be the bad guy, because they aren’t at all. I dont think they’re doing anything wrong by being upset atlas wants to keep his fwb+ thing going on with his buddy. I don’t think they’re a bad person for asking him to end that relationship. He doesn’t, of course, but atlas does tell scotch about it. Scotch is angry, but mostly scared. He kind of has a whole breakdown because as atlas gets more and more involved with seraph, he sees less and less of him. It really feels like its the end, and they will go back to being just friends with added …tension.
That’s not the end of the story but its all i have pretty much in stone. The rest keeps changing as the story grows LOL. Sorry if this is too long, i never know how to talk about my characters without giving the entire backstory. This is just the surface of it, there is a lot more things happening in between but i didnt want this to go on forever ehehe or be too confusing. I dont know whether im going to have them grow apart, have seraph slowly accept scotch, or have something horrible go down where seraph leaves/is left. Probably whatever is more dramatic and sad, but thats different depending on if youre rooting for seraph or scotch more lol. Anyways. TY FOR ASKING omfg iz soo long….
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