#realistically though my true deltaswap would switch the chapters progression around so its 7-1 instead of 1-7
kinderedgeisc00t · 8 months
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On today's old and in need of an update, my old one off idea for a deltaswap spawned by "okay so queen has a punch out gimmick, but also what would fit for a napstablook neo form (later used in my underswap that has Mad Dummy/Mew Mew <> Mettaton) if I actually made one, and so my conclusion was Pac Man, the hunter of ghost.
And then... queen... Miss Pacman!
Mind you I totally would've used the giga queen head if I thought of it at the time, but oh well.
For lore, she basically looked like normal queen originally, but because this dark world is kris's computer (Kris<>Berdly swap and also Library<>Dreamurr house swap I guess?) She was just a famous celebrity. Kind of a model ala Kim Kardashian or Something. Maybe a twitch streamer. But what happened is one day she started mumbling about nonsense she says was told to her by someone who's been leaving her boques of yellow flowers
So her popularity and the publics liking her kinda just. Dropped.
And then she was invited to take a ride on The Grandmasters wild ride, and win wild prizes in return, including all the viewers she could ever want. So she did, and... (roller coaster <> swan ride and basement <> acid tunnel of love) she ended up flattened.
She became Q_mpress.
Queen Compressed.
A shorter, conniving, significantly less smart version of herself left to wander, trying to find her precious throne.
Sadly said throne ended up in the Krisis Computer Worlds dump. Alongside her now unfinished giant freaking robot (wires <> plugs) as all the money into that went into something for someone much more high paying, and more influential after his recent power display.
Tel Me Bery, Wud U Hep Me Fin M: Thon? I Ned M: Thone (Bery)
We Can Rue Da Word Wit A: //Iron_Fist!!
Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho He He He He He He Ha Ha Ha !!!
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