#rashidah watson
storiesbyjes2g · 12 days
3.103 Every day I'm hustlin'
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For the next week, I hustled harder than ever. I went to every spa I knew of and taught 2-3 classes a day. I even went back to our gym in Willow Creek to see about teaching, but they had a full-time instructor. We were in no way hurting financially, but I hadn't worked since we got engaged. And honestly? My work activities slowed significantly when I moved in with Sophia. I wanted to spend time with her and be home when she arrived, but she got off work so early it just threw off my whole day. The money tree was in progress and my SimTube video was still doing great, so I didn't have to work so hard. But I felt compelled to, especially after our last conversation about the money tree and my family history. I had to ensure my family would be set up for success by doing any and everything I could while I had few obligations. I didn't enjoy getting home late and seeing my wife only a few hours a day, but I was willing to sacrifice for a short while.
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One morning, I woke up and caught Sophia doing push-ups outside. When we chatted on Social Bunny back in the day, she always talked about how much she loved fitness, but I never saw evidence of that when I moved in. Her job sucked the life out of her, leaving her too physically and emotionally drained to do the things she loved. But she was free now and started prioritizing her health and wellness. Her delicious curves would start slowly disappearing, and I mourned my loss but took solace in knowing she'd be happier and healthier.
An idea fell on me, so I went outside to greet her.
"Good morning, my sweet."
I grabbed her hand and kissed it so over-the-top dramatic like they did in the old movies.
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"You're awfully romantic this morning!"
That was a new one. I never saw myself as a romantic.
"I'm going to teach at the Desert Bloom Resort today. Would you like to come?"
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"Really? You want me there?"
I chuckled.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know... Some sims get nervous about friends and loved ones seeing them in action."
"Oh. Well, that's definitely not me, seeing as I used my friends and family to get started."
"Okay then! Let me text Rashidah. She was gonna come by this afternoon, but I'll tell her to come later."
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We ate, got dressed, and headed to the spa. The class was almost full, which made me happy, but I never had so many sims unwilling to try. Like, I knew everyone came with varying levels of fitness, and I never did complicated routines because of that. Alternate poses existed for that very reason, but half of my class just stood there. Why pay and not participate? It must be nice to have money to waste.
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Sophia had taken a mat in the back, so I couldn't see her very well. But every time I caught a glimpse of her, she struggled. By the end of class, she looked miserable.
"Everything hurts," she said. "I pulled muscles I didn't even know I had!"
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I didn't enjoy seeing her miserable, but her talking about muscles she didn't know she had made me chuckle a little. I knew just the thing to cheer her up.
"Come with me."
I led her upstairs to the massage rooms and found a masseuse who wasn't busy.
"Hi," I said.
"Oh, hey. You're the yoga guy, right?"
"Yeah, I'm Luca. This is my wife, Sophia. Would you mind if I borrowed your table? I'll pay if-"
"Have at it, bro. I get paid the hour. But if you don't mind, I'm gonna stay in the room. Can't let them see me slacking, ya know?"
"Sophia? Do you mind if she stays?"
"Not at all! This is so exciting and romantical!"
She changed into a towel and hopped on the table, and I attempted to melt away her pain.
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I wondered why she thought it was romantic, though. Was it because of her history? Or was it mine? I had an unused skill, and my wife had a need. Was being a good husband romantic? Regardless, I was glad she enjoyed the massage. Too bad weren't alone, though. I could have massaged everything and made sure she had a very happy ending. But I behaved, and Sophia left feeling much better. Maybe I should get a table for the new house....
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She wanted to check out the rest of the facility as she'd never been before, so I went downstairs to the gym. The punching bag made me remember me, Maia, and Dub's debate about the best exercise, and I told him I gained all my muscle from yoga, never lifting weights or punching a bag. I went a few rounds, and it was honestly kind of fun. I let out steam I didn't know I had and felt my muscles engaging and contracting so much I knew if I kept it up I'd be walking around looking like Llama Man. No disrespect to him, but the superhero look was not for me. The weights and punching bag would have to remain an occasional activity.
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Rashidah came by later, just like Sophia said. I didn't want to be rude and ignore her, but I also didn't want to be all up in their business, so I stayed and chatted with them for a little while before excusing myself. It occurred to me I hadn't checked on the money tree in a while, so I hurried outside to see if it was okay.
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Good thing I caught it when I did because it was full of weeds, and the leaves had withered. The soil was still pretty damp from my initial watering, so I guess the weeds were choking it out. I never aspired to be a gardener. Apart from Mama making me water and weed her soy plants, I didn't know a thing about it or care. But my family's future now required me to get on board. Luckily, I only had one tree to tend, not an entire garden. I could manage that for a lifetime of financial freedom.
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coatedinhoney · 5 months
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Kaydence hosted a paint and sip party for Lana’s birthday. Lana had an amazing time with her mother and closest friends!
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lollipopsimblr · 6 months
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Enrique: *Ugh!*
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Enrique: Will you stop acting all snobby and let me enjoy time with my friends?
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maladaptivemango · 8 months
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pomelosims · 16 days
Rashidah's student exchange in Windenburg (Part 5: Walpurgis and a local friend)
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Because it's Walpurgis Night today, the only accepted way of doing homework is with a drink.
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After finishing homework Rashidah took the ferry to Olde Platz where she met the only teen in town: Lucas Munch.
Rashidah: Hallo Lucas, wie geht's?
Lucas: Gut, und dir?
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Rashidah: *tries to speak Windenburgish*
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Lucas: Eeeh, you sound like a text-to-speech program reading a screenplay written by a monkey.
Rashidah: I don't understand any of those words.
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Lucas: Walpurgisnacht, yayyy~
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Rashidah: So how do people celebrate Walpurgisnacht in Windenburg?
Lucas: By getting drunk of course. Sorry but I just need to take a selfie right now.
Rashidah: Okay, I'll go and get a cup of tea.
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Hmmm, taking a selfie isn't that bad of an idea. Rashidah needs those memories from her times in Windenburg.
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Rashidah whispers something to Lucas.
Lucas: For the sake of our friendship. I'm going to pretend you never said that.
I hope this wasn't too messy of a post. Originally when I was posting Rashidah's student exchange on Twitter I had already given up with this little story.
Also, in my head Windenburgish is every Germanic languages except English, so with the Fernandez-Andersson family I used some Swedish expressions here and there, and now with Lucas Munch it's German.
AND, all Walpurgis traditions mentioned (drinking) are from my own country. I have no clue how it's celebrated in German speaking countries or anywhere else. 😅
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cassandragoth26 · 2 months
Thomas Watson and Kristopher Volkov are like competing to see who has the most children 🤨😶
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maxispremades · 6 months
Мне кажется, что первый школьный бал Джеба прошел слишком хорошо для того, чтобы это было правдой. Но на то мы и в Sims 4, чтобы наслаждаться реальностью розовых пони!
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На протяжении всего вечера я ловил себя на том, что жду какой-то внезапной жести в духе «Кэрри» Стивена Кинга...
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unusualsims · 3 months
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whimhaven · 2 years
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in order to fund her growing farm, sable works part-time at the community garden in finchwick. sable takes the opportunity to meet all her new neighbors and the lovely folks of henford-on-bagley!
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storiesbyjes2g · 2 months
3.87 Toasts
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Mama ushered everyone to the patio bar for proper drinks and toasting. As I looked around and observed everyone meeting each other and enjoying themselves, it occurred to me I had not seen my sister yet, and this dinner was almost over. Why wouldn't she come? I knew she got weird about being in crowds sometimes, and I would have understood if she would have said something. But to skip it and not call? That was offensive to me.
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I spotted Sophia at the end of the bar. Her body language told me everything I needed to know, especially since Mama spotted her too and sat next to her. I inserted myself literally in the middle of their conversation to prevent further exasperation.
"Is this gonna wrap up soon?" I asked.
She stared up at me, looking as offended as I felt about Less.
"Are you not having a good time?"
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"We're having the best time. But this is a lot for Sophia, and she hasn't even walked down the aisle yet."
"That's how these things are, buddy. You have to talk to everyone and thank them for coming."
"Mama, I know, but... Look, she's had enough socializing for one night, and we've talked to everyone. Can we end this?"
She shrugged.
"It's your party. Do what you want."
I got up and grabbed a drink from the bar.
"Attention, everyone..."
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"Thanks again for coming. It means a lot to Sophia and I that you'd come and celebrate with us. We're gonna get out of here, but before we do, I just want to give a special shout out to my parents. To my mom, thanks for always taking care of everything. And to my dad, thanks for helping me on my journey to becoming a man."
Dad raised his glass.
"To love and support!"
Everyone joined him and drank to love and support.
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"Thank you baby, that was beautiful," Mama said.
Rashidah grabbed a drink next and stood before us.
"I guess since our guests of honor are trying to escape, I should do my toast now. Sophia and I have been friends since we were young. We used to plan our weddings and talk about how our children would also be best friends. I'm so delighted to know that you're finally getting everything you wanted. You had some bumps a long the way, but you're here, girl! And Luca seems like the total package. And cute too!"
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"I'm so happy for you, babe. Congratulations! To Luca and Sophia!"
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"To Luca and Sophia," everyone chanted.
Dub got up next, and I was pleasantly surprised.
"Hi, my name is Wade Banks. I haven't known Luca as long as many of you, but we've become really good friends in a short amount of time. I might even call him my best friend...maybe. I'll have to see what kind of moves he has tomorrow night at the party."
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Everyone laughed, and I did too.
"I used to think I had a lot of friends, but I really didn't. A lot of people hung around me because they thought I was popular and cool. But Luca didn't know me from Bob Newbie and was so nice to me. He went out of his way to make sure I had a good time when I interrupted his plans. He's a real friend, and that's rare. So let's drink to friendship."
"To friendship!"
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coatedinhoney · 5 months
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Winterfest Party
The Winterfest party was in full swing and Lana even organised Secret Santas to get family members who haven't bonded to bond!
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queeniecook · 5 months
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Rashidah "The thirst is real and I don't mean for blood."
the scene in which Lilith was hardcore flirting with Dakota...not part of the story
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gladyssite · 1 year
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Rashidah Watson
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lolathelotus · 1 month
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Penelope Chopra
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The Chopra Family Master Post
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tiptoesims · 1 year
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The Watson family, a perfect example of what a happy, loving home should be! Agnes adores the couple, you never see them making disgusting public displays of affection, they are everything an ideal pair should be!
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pomelosims · 1 month
Rashidah's student exchange in Windenburg (Part 4: Annoying day)
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Rashidah woke up feeling a bit down. It's not easy to get used to a new place.
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Luckily Fröja never fails to make Rashidah feel better. :3
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Thanks to Fröja Rashidah felt motivated to learn some Windenburgish, even though she doesn't even really need it to communicate with Fröja, because Fröja is a dog and doesn't speak any human language.
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Unfortunately, she had a bad day at school. She had said something stupid and the whole class laughed at her and she still doesn't know what was so funny about what she said. Besides a seagull pooped on her when she was queueing for the ferry.
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Ingrid: So how was school today?
Rashidah: Don't even ask... Luna is such a cute cat.
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Everything in Windenburg feels so stupid, the language, living on a boring island and having to take a ferry to get to school every morning. She didn't want to talk with Ingrid anymore, and not to pronounce a word in this useless language that's not Simlish.
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She was so annoyed that she just decided to have her dinner while running around the island hoping not seeing anyone.
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Oh, hi Ángel and Fröja!
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