#random spoilers given dispassionately on the internet or people simply discussing events
raisinchallah ยท 11 months
you know the thing nobody talks about with spoilers is the insane narratives you can craft that nobody else on earth will experience just like you if you are pro spoilers like because half the time the information you might receive is not actually the whole story or completely accurate so ur crafting this entire narrative in your head about how something will get to the point of the spoiler you have read about and its not real at all and tbh its kind of fun like literally nothing funnier than skipping ot the back of a book thinking you have solved the big mystery and now going forth reading with extreme confidence about whats gonna happen and then realize u have in fact fallen completely for the intentional red herring that u are now blinded to the fact is a red herring cuz u think u have secret special knowledge and truth all along..
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