angy-mouse · 3 years
NSFW Masterlist
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🍑- nsfw 💗- suggestive but not explicit
🧁- chubby
♂️ - he/him
🔪- they/them or no pronouns
Awards: 🏅- mouse's favorites
DreamXD (#drexdsqueaks)
Saving a Sinner 🔪🍑🏅
Finding Salvation 🍑🏅
Karl Jacobs (#karlsqueaks)
College Fun 🍑🏅
Needy Boys 🔪🍑
Kinktober Day 5 🍑
Kinktober Day 9 🍑
Kinktober Day 16 🍑
Kinktober Day 20 🍑
C!Slimecicle (#slimesqueaks)
Tentacles 🍑 Part2 🍑
C!Eret (#eretsqueaks)
Kinktober Day 24 🍑
Foolish (#foolishsqueaks)
Discord Kitten 💗
C!Schlatt (#ramsqueaks)
Neko Maid 🍑
His Exception ♂️💗🏅
Mint Condition 🔪💗🏅
Awesamdude (#awesamsqueaks)
I like my girls BBW 🧁🍑
Awesamsimp 💗
Kinktober Day 7 🍑
Kinktober Day 21 🍑
Corpse (#cropssqueaks)
Kinktober Day 3 🍑
Kinktober Day 4 🍑
Kinktober Day 11 🍑🏅
Kinktober Day 30 🍑
Dabi (#dabisqueaks)
Brat's in a Mood💗
Terminator Thumbs-Up As I Die 🧁🍑
Boba Fett (#bobasqueaks)
Boba's Princess🧁💗🏅
Din Djarin (#mandosqueaks)
Perfect 🍑🏅
Jason Todd (#redhoodsqueaks)
Big Girl 🧁💗🏅 Part 2 🧁🍑🏅
Meanie Todd🧁🍑🏅
Venom (#venomsqueaks)
Our Precious🔪🍑
Montgomery Gator (#montysqueaks)
Working Hard Or Hardly Working 💗
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angy-mouse · 3 years
Hi can you do a greed/envey (lust?) shlatt or technoblade deamon who uses their sin either on the dream team (if deamons can do that to each other) or on y/n to try and steal them away from the dream team. please and thank you
a little different than the request but plot point ooh
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“And just what are you?” You jumped at the voice, spinning around and nearly jumping again when you found an unfamiliar demon. It was clear that was what he was- he wore an immaculate suit similar to Dream’s, but he wore it with a white collared shirt and a red tie, and his goat-like horns curled around the backs of his ears, the sharp looking tips pointing directly at you. He scowled down his nose at you in inexplicable disgust.
“Uh- excuse me?”
“You most certainly are not,” he scoffed. Every word he spoke oozed his distaste for you as he walked a lazy circle around you, eyeing you up and down. “I mean, really,” he huffed, “what’s so special about you?”
You scoffed- you didn’t care if he was a demon, you’d met three now and they were all a delight. No, you cared that he was on your property uninvited and had the gall to insult you. “I beg your pardon?”
“Oh, you’ll be begging soon enough, don’t you worry,” he mused seemingly to himself with a little chuckle. He suddenly took your face in his hand, fingers and thumb squishing your cheeks. “I really do not see what Dream must see in you.”
You faltered in your struggle at that. “You know Dream?”
He laughed, squeezing your face tighter and shaking your head side to side. “Do I know Dream,” he mocked with a scoff. “More than you do, little girl, I assure you that. Frankly I’m shocked he even gave you his name- you certainly don’t seem deserving of it.”
“Hey,” you growled around your squished cheeks. “Of course Dream gave me his name, he made a contract with me-”
“Are you really that utterly foolish?” He cackled. “What, you think demons go around giving their name to anyone who asks nicely? Maybe Dream’s keeping you around for entertainment,” he mused, turning your head to study you. “Like a bird watching the worm struggle.”
You huffed, bringing your foot up and getting a few harsh kicks at his torso before he growled and lifted you off the ground. He simply shook his head as you scrambled for a hold on his arm holding you- it felt like your head would stay in his hand as your body tumbled to the ground. “Definitely foolish,” he decided, letting go of you and letting you fall to the ground.
“Who the hell do you think you are,” you coughed out, gently touching the purple bruises he left on your jaw from his iron grip.
“Me? Doll, I’m the one who’s waiting for Dream to finish this stupid little contract of yours so he can work again!”
“...What are you talking about?”
He growled, running a hand through his unruly hair as he started pacing. “That bastard always pissed me off with his stupid ‘one contract at a time’ rule, but he always got the job done quickly so I couldn’t complain. Then you came along.” You flinched as he turned his glare to you. “Do you know how many souls he could’ve gotten me in the time he wasted on you?”
“Um, I don’t-”
“Neither do I! A lot!” He started pacing again. “But noooo. ‘This one’s different, Schlatt.’ ‘I want to take my time with this one, Schlatt.’ Well y’know what I say to that, I say-”
“So your name is Schlatt?”
You instantly knew that was a mistake by the way he froze, slowly turning back to face you. “...well, Hell,” he growled. He plucked you up by the back of your collar, ignoring your shriek of shock as he held you in front of his face so he could glare at you properly. “You’re a troublesome little thing,” he informed you. “I don’t see why Dream hasn’t completed his contract and done you in already-”
“Done me in?!”
“Wow, you really are stupid,” Schlatt chuckled, a shrewd grin spreading across his lips. “Part of a contract is that when you die your little pet demon gets your soul. ‘At the end of your natural life,’ is how they put it. So your contracted demon can’t kill you directly, but see we don’t exactly have a reputation for being patient, doll. We’ve been known to speed up the process, if you will.” He clearly delighted in your shocked look, tilting his head at you. “Dream prefers to play with his food, but maybe I can help him out and get him back to work…”
Remember, little one, I’m yours. That means whenever you call for me I’ll be there.
“Dream’s not here to help you, little-” He let go of your collar as Dream’s thick fingers wrapped around his neck. “Dream, old buddy, old pal-”
“Shut the fuck up,” Dream growled. He put himself between you and the other demon, stretching his wings out to hide you. You couldn’t hear whatever he hissed to Schlatt over the blood rushing in your ears but when he turned around Schlatt was gone. “Are you alright, sweetheart,” he murmured, kneeling next to you and cupping your cheek. You nodded but it didn’t matter- he lightly traced your new bruise with a wince. “Come on, little doll, let’s get you inside.” He froze as you flinched away from his hand when he reached to pick you up. “...baby?”
I don’t see why he hasn’t done you in already
We’ve been known to speed up the process
“...Let’s go inside,” you agreed quietly, standing up and walking ahead of him.
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angy-mouse · 3 years
Schlatt having a rough day at work and just just completely wrecking his sub while they cry, growling "who's my good fucking whore?" "I-I am daddy!" "That's fucking right", wrapping a hand around her throat, and then taking such good care of his baby, getting a bath ready, making sure they're hydrated cause "I can't fuck you if I break you" but secretly loves doting on her
only did the 2nd half of this but the 1st half is implied
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The moments after Schlatt came were always filled with silence. Nothing but the sounds of both of you panting, him into your neck and you into the sheets usually. Then for you came the fear. The worry that you were about to get kicked out, that all those things he said in the moment were true, that you’d fulfilled your purpose and he no longer had a need for you.
They came his lips on the back of your neck. The gentle hands rubbing your waist. “I’ve gotcha, doll,” he mutters as he pulls out. “Come on,” he coos, turning you over so you can wrap your arms around his neck as he picks you up. “There you go, we’re just goin’ for a little walk, baby.”
He’d sit on the wooden bench he put in his bathroom for this exact reason, placing you gently on his lap while he started the bath. He’d pull a water bottle from his stash, maybe a health potion if he roughed you up more than usual. “Drink up for me, doll,” he’d always plead as you tried to burrow into his forest of chest hair and fall asleep there. “Come on, baby, I need you to drink something.”
It was always the whine in his voice that got to you. Your big, strong, deep-voiced lover would drop the tough-guy act, letting his fluffy ears droop and his eyes become more puppy-like as he pleaded with you to just let him take care of you. The way he was always so relieved when you straightened up and let him guide the mouth of the bottle to your lips, gulping down the cool water. The way he have you a light squeeze once you were finished, a little ‘good job’. It made you break every time.
“Let’s get you washed up,” he hums, turning off the tap and climbing into the tub with you, placing you between his legs. He always picked up the water bottle you just finished and filled it with bath water, tipping your chin back and wetting your hair. He was so gentle as he grabbed for the fancy shampoo he’d bought you after the first night you stayed over and couldn’t wash your hair- he bought you fancy everything after that. Anything with bath or body on the label somehow found its way into his bathroom (obviously he’d never admit he bought it for you) but in time he learned your products and kept them stocked.
A quiet ‘thank you,’ always found its way out of your mouth, usually as his fingers worked at the knots in your back, having gotten distracted as he was washing it. “Nothin’ to thank me for,” he’d always mutter back with a kiss to your temple and a blush across his cheeks. “I keep my toys in mint condition, doll, I'd never want you to break.”
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angy-mouse · 3 years
Dom!Schlatt just spoiling his boyfriend, getting anything he even mentions wanting. After being presented with a almost completely bedazzled collar, the reader laughs "Damn I didn't know I was your sugar baby, now everyone will know I'm yours?" Schlatt smirks, almost growling "exactly"
sugar daddy president pog
(side note i have a sapnap desktop pet and he hasn't moved since I started answering this I think he's jealous) (dw sap your time will come)
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If there was one thing everyone in DreamSMP knew about the new president of Manburg it was that he was a force to be reckoned with. Schlatt was a businessman through and through, willing to sacrifice anyone and anything for his own gain and not letting anyone think for a second that they were an exception.
“I got you something, doll.” You yelped at the sudden, but familiar, raspy voice in your ear, spinning around and leaping out of your chair to give the ram a hug. He cackled at your reaction but let you tuck yourself into his barrel chest, setting the velvet box on your desk so he didn’t drop it. “Careful, baby boy- you really miss me that much, huh?”
You scoffed at his snickers, moving to pull away but getting stopped as he pressed your lower back against the edge of your desk. You smirked at that, knowing his ego refused to let him hug you back and this was his way of keeping you close. Still, as much as you adored him he was still a raging asshole, so you gave his shoulder a good smack. “You’ve been busy with president shit all week, asshole!” He opened his mouth to give a no doubt snarky comeback but you snatched his tie (a gift from you, you noted) and yanked him down for a quick but passionate kiss, feeling satisfied as his words died down to a low growl in the back of his throat. You used your grip on the red fabric to push him back as well, focusing on smoothing the wrinkles you’d made and hoping that would miraculously keep him from noticing your growing blush. “... of course, I did…”
Schlatt gave a soft sigh, accompanied by a barely there smile as he pressed an uncharacteristically soft kiss against your temple. “I know, but I’m here now. And,” he stressed, snatching that velvet box back up and presenting it to you. “I got you something,” he hummed with a self-satisfied smirk- the same smirk he always got when he came home with a present for you that he knew you’d love.
“Of course you did,” you scoffed jokingly, taking it from him and tugging at the red ribbon that was wrapped around it. “Let me guess, it’s in a jewelry box so a set of rings? A new bracelet? Another diamond encrusted buttplug?”
“You’re so close, doll,”
You laughed at that but it died down as you finally got the box open, Schlatt eagerly waiting for your reaction and or praise. “Oh, wow,” you breathed out, taking the collar out of the box. It was absolutely gorgeous, a thick gold band padded on the inside with soft white fur- rabbit’s fur, you noted, meaning he had to pay someone to go hunt rabbits in a snow biome- and the outside absolutely covered in rows of shiny diamonds. Right on the front hung a flat, round charm with a simple engraving.
You blindly placed your hand flat on his chest, unable to take your eyes off the beautiful piece. “Now everyone will know I’m yours?”
He placed his hand over yours. “Exactly,” he chirped smugly as he watched you stare at the shimmering diamonds. “Can’t have a cute little pet like you wandering around without a collar, can we?”
“That’d just be irresponsible,” you agreed with a small laugh, shoving the collar into his hands and lifting your chin. “Come on, now, put it on me!”
“Alright, alright! Jeez, this is the thanks I get? Getting bossed around-”
“Oh, hush, you!”
He cackled, thick fingers working shockingly quick to clasp the collar around your neck. It felt a bit heavy, but you could tell it wouldn’t take long for the weight to become soothing- after all, no one would dare touch you with the iron-fisted president’s name around your neck. “I love it, pumpkin,” you muttered against his lips as you peppered them in kisses, giggling as he groaned.
“‘Pumpkin?’ Really? You’re gonna give me diabetes, babe.”
“Pumpkin, baby, sugar,” you chanted teasingly, laughing as he faked barfing while still kissing you. “Gross! Get off me you big lug!”
“It’s so sweet, I think I’m gonna be- bleeeeh,” he faked, cackling at your shriek and pulling you tight against his chest so you couldn’t get away, even though your own laughter made your attempts weak. “You shouldn’t try to run away from your owner, pet- bleeeh!”
“Fuck off, asshole!”
“Ooh, big talk from someone wearing my name!”
“I changed my mind, I’m gonna pawn it and buy a dog and I’m gonna name it ‘Better Schlatt!’”
“Oh, yeah, we’ll see about that!”
Laughter filled the presidential suite as Schlatt lifted you off the ground, swinging you around and declaring he was better than any mutt, only to start tossing you up in the air when you told him he was already hairier than any animal you could get. Because if there was a second thing that everyone knew about the president it was that you were his exception, his precious pet. And he’d be damned if he let anyone take you from him.
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angy-mouse · 3 years
Tag List (Updated 1/21/22)
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SFW requests will be answered on @silly-mouse and reblogged here unless they are part of a series
NSFW: mcyt smut, smut, nsfw
SFW: fluff
Content: squeakin
Anon interactions: anonymouse
Personal/Announcements: mouse-squeaks
Chain posts: chainpostsqueaks
Kinks/Series/Content Warnings
Stepcest: whatreyoudoingstepbro
Demon!Dream Team: demonteam
Dream Team cumdump series: liveinwhore
Dubcon: tw: questionable consent
Country Club au: theclub
Feederism: tw: feederism
Age Regression: tw: agere
If you see anyone on this list who is uncomfortable with fanfiction being written about them or their characters kindly send me the clip or screenshot of them saying so and I'll take down my works involving them
C! And CC!Dream: dresqueaks
C! And CC!Sapnap: sapsqueaks
C! And CC!GeorgeNotFound: gogysqueaks
C! And CC!Punz: punnysqueaks
C! And CC!Awesamdude: awesamsqueaks
C! And CC!Karl Jacobs: karlsqueaks
C! and CC!Corpse: cropssqueaks
PENDING C!Foolish: foolsqueaks
PENDING C!Charlie Slimesicle: slimesqueaks
C!DreamXD: drexdsqueaks
Piglins: piglinsqueaks
Minecraft Mobs: mobsqueaks
Venom: venomsqueaks
Loki Laufeyson: lokisqueaks
Lucifer Morningstar: morningsqueaks
Jason Todd: redhoodsqueaks
My Hero Academia
Dabi: dabisqueaks
Shigaraki: shiggysqueaks
Star Wars
Boba Fett: bobasqueaks
Din (The Mandalorian): mandosqueaks
Sun: sunnysqueaks
Moon: moonsqueaks
Monty: montysqueaks
Predator: predsqueaks
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