#ramsko jezero
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Ramsko jezero, BiH
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teryontheroad · 3 months
Národní park UNA National Park najdete na severozápadě Bosny. Za symbolické vstupné se projdeme okolo krásných vodopádů. O kousek dál si uvaříme oběd u řeky, jsou tu přístřešky se stoly a čisté toalety s teplou vodou. Jsme tady opět sami. Po obědě se ještě zajedeme podívat na Janjski Otoci , což je spíše komerční místo v hlavní sezóně. Kavárničky položené přímo na řece, to má svou atmosféru. Takže plus pro nás je, že tu nikdo není, ale naopak mínus, že jsou všechny podniky zavřeny. Na spaní si vybereme výběžek pozemku místních u Ramsko jezero, kde nás přivítá vřelá starší paní a přinese nám zralá rajčata ze zahrádky. Zvládneme prohodit pár slov a už si užíváme klidu a oblohy plné hvězd. Ráno je po dlouhé době teplé a dokonce se sluníčkem. Vytahuji si jógamatku a jdu se protáhnout. Kluci řádí u jezera. Po cvičení a snídani si naprosto užívám sprchu s otevřeným výhledem na okolí (asi proto, že tu jsme sami a pokud nemá na protějším břehu někdo dalekohled, není co řešit...).
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newlifeprojects · 7 years
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in the lake.
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masar-albosna · 4 years
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📌Ramsko jezero بحيرة رامسكو تقع ضمن بلدية Prozor Rama-البوسنة والهرسك🇧🇦 #Ramsko_jezero_البوسنة_والهرسك https://www.instagram.com/p/CFJrVZqHTXo/?igshid=b3hj844agn2o
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jelyzna · 7 years
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Summer road trip - Jablanica, Prirodne Blidnije, Ramsko jezero
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talas-blog · 7 years
Nestaju jezera
Kako pišu pojedini mediji nestaju pojedina jezera, odnosno, presušuju. Prvo je presušilo Jablaničko jezero, a sada je ista sudbina pogodila i Ramsko jezero. (more…)
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prijedor24 · 6 years
U Ramskom jezeru uhvaćen šaran kapitalac od 28,4 kilograma
Da vode ramskog jezera znaju biti iznimno izdašne i darežljive po pitanju ribolova uvjerili su se danas ribari koji su ulovili šarana od 28,4 kilograma. Naime, ekipa sportskih ribolovaca iz Međugorja i Dragićine, koja inače godinama dolazi na Ramsko jezero, danas je ulovila šarana kapitalca. Ribu tešku 28,4 kg uhvatio je Dragan Kozina.
Ekipu sačinjavaju Dragan Kozina, Pavo Vasilj, Jure Stojić,…
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blueskymostar-blog · 6 years
The lake Ramsko jezero
This artificial lake has been created in 1968. The bed of the river Rama has been baffled.in its upper stream near the village Mluša by a dam made of stone fill up with an upstream concrete screen. The dam is about a 100 meters high. Its width in the foundational joint is about 305 meters.
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The lake is a real beauty. It is about 70 to 100 meters deep by the dam. The distance between the dam and Varvara is about 7.5 kilometers. The length of the shore is about 29 kilometers. The island Šćit is made even more beautiful by a dike. Other two little islands, Umac and Škarine, brake the monotony of the surrounding. The lake has a semicircle shape, with many bays. The mild dropping of the bays makes the lake accessible from all sides. The deepest point of the lake is at 95 meters under the water. It is located on the land that was fertile and had a lot of agricultural potential.
There is a lot of loam on the bottom of the water. That is why the shores of the lake are very muddy. This happens because of the constant oscillation of the water. The water is often blurred, especially in the afternoons when the wind inhibits the waves that hit the shores. The lake is normally clear and green colored. The lake fills up after the enormous amount of the snow melt, but the constant emptying of the accumulation in order to produce electricity waste the water.
That is why the lake is almost always half empty in the summer. The regular flow in of the water comes in from Rama, Buka and Krupić, and from other small brooks and springs. The spring of Rama is located underneath the surface of the lake. This river is very cold at its spring (7.5 degrees), but the surface of the lake warms up quickly for the swimmers. There are a lot of them when the lake is full. Sometimes the parts of the lake freeze during the winter. There are many kinds of fish in the lake, like trout carp, pikeperch...there are not many vessels to be seen on this lake, because of the constant oscillation of the water.
The traffic until the lake is available by a road from Prozorand by a newly opened road that leads from Tomislavgrad, Livno and Split. It is possible to come to the Ramsko jezero even from Prozor over Blidinje, Kedžare and Orašac.
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jedimolivolicom · 7 years
Ramsko jezero, jedinstveno u cijeloj Evropi po svojoj ljepoti, biser je općine Prozor/Rama, ali i cijele BiH. Iako je nastalo vještačkim putem, potapanjem korita rijeke Rame, prizor Ramskog jezera čini se nestvarno prirodnim, zbog čega svakog posjetioca ostavlja bez daha. Smještajni kapaciteti Potencijala koji u turističkom pogledu nudi ovo jezero svjesni su u Općini Prozorutf8
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newlifeprojects · 7 years
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bih-reprezentacija · 11 years
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Rama Lake, Bosnia and Herzegovina
photo by Damir Mišura 
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jedimolivolicom · 7 years
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Iz dubina modrog Ramskog jezera izronili ostaci historije Loša hidrološka godina i pojačana proizvodnja električne energije, doveli su do toga da je Ramsko jezero na najnižem nivou u posljednjih nek http://ift.tt/2lKFMte
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jedimolivolicom · 7 years
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Ramsko jezero: Prošlost izranja iz vodenih dubina Suha jesen i oštra zima doveli su do naglog opadanja Ramskog jezera i izrazite potrošnje vode zbog proizvodnje energije u HE Rama. http://ift.tt/2jrenfX
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