gougarpaw · 28 days
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Rabbitear is a pale brown she-cat with a fluffy white belly and yellow eyes.
- Daughter of Palebird + Woollytail, sister of Wrenflight, Bristlebark, and Flytail, half-sister of Finchkit and Tallstar
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ridge-clan · 6 months
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Way to ruin the mood, Jackdawkit Intro post
Previous- none
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keblestone · 6 months
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lovrclan-gen · 7 months
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elementclangen · 1 month
Moon 149-Greenleaf
At long last, Sleepypaw (15) has been made a full Healer.  She is named Sleepyfoot in honor of her serenity.  Steppemimic (32) thinks fondly back to when Sleepyfoot was a kit, running around in the healer's den and following after her mom.  She’s come so far.  Yuccastar (128) has been watching the new kits closely.  It makes Gladepatch (25) nervous.  He tries to distract her by asking her to speak up in a conversation they’re having but it doesn’t work.  She just keeps staring at Creekkit (3).  Does she suspect something?  Fry (56) is not a fan of how close Frostheart (52) is getting to his daughter, Steppemimic.  He got in a spat with her over a piece of fresh-kill, but it was really about him being an overprotective dad.  Peakspots (118) feels like Wildcave (32) is too headstrong of a deputy and brings it up with him, but the two get in a fight.  Wildcave is a different cat than Peakspots.  He’ll be deputy however he likes!  Pigeonspot (18) has noticed that Gladepatch seems to be hiding something.  She knows that plants tend to inch away from an earth-blessed cat when they lie, and they’ve been doing that whenever he’s been talking about his kits.  What is going on?  Amethystdapple (76), on the other paw, is watching the kits with fondness.  She laughs when Featherkit (5) blows a gust of wind at Wormkit (5) from behind, knocking him over.  She knows they’ll grow out of it when they’re apprentices, so she’ll enjoy it while it lasts.  She wonders if Fry  would ever like to have more kits.  Songkit (3)is a bit annoyed at Rabbitkit (5).  The older kit is always rubbing it in his face that he doesn’t have powers and she does.  He really wants to tell her that he actually does have powers.  And light her on fire.  Just a little bit.  But he can’t.  Because Gladepatch says so.  Sigh.  While on a patrol, Fry and Cypressbadger (15) come across a kittypet with her kits.  She introduces herself as Blossom (76) and explains that she fled her twolegs when one of them beat her kit, Rocky (4).  The Clan agrees to take her and her three kits in, and she changes her name to Volcanoblossom.  It turns out that she has an incredibly strong water-blessing, even rivaling that of the deceased Shardfrost.   Her youngest kit, Slipkit (4), is powerless, although with the amount of noise she makes it’s easy to forget.  The scarred Rockykit does have magic, although his water-blessing is very weak.  Her third kit, Whistlekit (4), is on the complete opposite side of the power spectrum.  She has a water-blessing that may be even more powerful than her mother’s.  She’s already flooded the camp, which Chervilcry (128) and Volcanoblossom have to clean up.  She’ll  be a formidable warrior when she’s grown.
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skyscratch-wc · 1 year
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bigfrogdraws · 10 months
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some family npcs for featherclaws' backstory!! i might use leafpaw later in some other rp bc im just in love w her design <3 she reminds me of myself from middleschool FHDSJKSFD more about their story under the cut <3 !!
OKAY so first- context: ive joined a new rp group and im using featherclaws as my rp character, so i made her a whole backstory !!
featherclaws' parents are bighowl and talldawn (and fun fact !! as such she's the grandkit of skunkstripe and portia !!). bighowl and talldawn had a litter of kits, 3 to be exact :3 rabbitkit was the firstborn and was the favorite, but died when a wolf pack attacked camp. bighowl also died that day. featherclaws basically just shut down after that but leafpaw dedicated herself to her work, working herself day and night to protect her clanmates and family. however, shortly before her warrior ceremony, she died in a flash flood at the border.
this just made featherclaws shut down even more, basically removing herself from the clan emotionally. then to add insult to injury talldawn went missing shortly after leafpaw's death. no one officially knows where she went. (canonically she ran away to become a kittypet, the great loss she suffered taking too much of a toll on her)
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🌼DaisyClan: Moon 11-12🌼
Moon 11
Daisystar was curled up outside their den, watching the warriors mill around below. Their gaze fell on Woodfur, as it often did. The orange tom was chatting animatedly with Echofall. Woodfur’s shrill laugh rang out through the camp. Daisystar’s heart leapt. Immediately, they pushed the feeling away. No! They thought, I don’t have time to fall for some warrior. My clan needs me to focus! 
Daisystar sighed, watching as Woodfur settled down next to Echofall. The sunlight caught on his ginger pelt, setting it alight like a warm flame. Besides, Daisystar thought, Woodfur is my friend. I don’t want to ruin that.
Notable Events
Daisystar is starting to develop feelings for Woodfur, but as far as they know, he doesn’t feel the same way.
Daisystar has whitecough.
Woodfur and Echofall meet a young tom named Mite. He asks for the Clan’s shelter in exchange for his healing skills. Daisystar invites him to join.
Moon 12
Pain was coursing through Icyback’s body. She could barely breathe. The branches pinned her body to the ground. Icyback tried to turn her head, but a new wave of pain threatened to overwhelm her, and she froze. Is my whole body broken? She thought, her heart pounding in her ears. Am I dying?
“Icyback,” a firm meow cut through Icyback’s roiling thoughts. Echofall appeared in front of her, and he smiled. “Hey,” he purred, “Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay. Woodfur and Fawnfire are moving the branches right now.” All Icyback could do in response was whimper. Her breaths were coming in short gasps. She was sure she would suffocate.
But again, Echofall called to her. “Icyback, look at me,” He said, “Focus on me. Focus on what I am telling you. You’re going to be okay.” Echofall kept talking, but Icyback wasn’t really hearing the words. She just listened, letting his voice fill her ears, focusing on his breathing, matching it with hers. The fear that threatened to smother her backed down, and Icyback laid there, as still as a stone, as the branches were slowly lifted off her back. 
Notable Events
Both Daisystar and Fawnkit have recovered.
While on patrol, Icyback is pinned under a pile of falling branches. Echofall speaks gently to her, keeping her calm as he works to free her.
Woodpelt and Mite work together to interpret a vision Woodpelt had. The vision told them about a place where the Clans meet every full moon: a white rock in the centre of a moonlit prairie. That full moon, Daisystar leads their cats to the Gathering, much to the surprise of the other Clans. 
Daisystar meets a rogue and her newborn kit. Puddlefern and Rabbitkit join the Clan. 
Here marks the end of one full year of DaisyClan.
If you want to see more of my work, I also have an alt account where I post non-clangen art and a YouTube channel.
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day!
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leafpoolstanblog · 3 months
Leader: Leafstar (8 seasons). Short-furred tortoiseshell molly with copper eyes and a scar on her chest between her forelegs. Deputy: Sharpclaw (8 seasons). Short-furred red mackerel tabby tom with white patches. Seer: Stormfur (7 seasons). Short-furred black tom. Echosong (4 seasons). Short-furred blue mackerel tabby molly with a white chest and green eyes. (Apprentice - Cherrypaw)
Warriors Clovertail (16 seasons). Long-furred cinnamon molly with a white underbelly & legs, and orange eyes. Patchfoot (12 seasons). Short-furred black-and-white tom with green eyes. Billystorm (8 seasons). Long-furred red-and-white tom with blue eyes and folded ears. (Apprentice - Tinypaw) Rainfur (8 seasons). Short-furred blue tom with darker spots.
Apprentices Cherrypaw (4 seasons). Short-furred chocolate molly with white speckles and blue eyes. (Mentor - Echosong) Tinypaw (2 seasons). Short-furred, small brown tabby molly white white patches along her flank and deep blue eyes. (Mentor - Billystorm)
Nursery Fallowfern (8 seasons). Short-furred deaf cinnamon molly with orange eyes. (Kits - Mintkit, Sagekit, 1 seasons) Flowerpelt (8 seasons). Short-furred calico molly with big orange eyes. (Kits - Frecklekit, 1 seasons). Waspwhisker (4 seasons). Short-furred blue-and-white tom with blue eyes and a scar that stretches from under his belly to his tail. (Kits - Rabbitkit, Creekkit, Nettlekit, Plumkit, 0 seasons)
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skyclangen · 5 months
the kittens
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cricketclan · 8 months
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FINALLY moon 9 is here. also i love pumpkinkit sm
also Duskcatcher wanted to hang out more with Alderstar this moon. And Shrewmoss was led to the clan by a Starclan cat, and considering the only cat in Starclan is the guide and Rushpelt I decided itd be Rushpelt who led her there
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poppyclangen · 7 months
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MOONS 73 & 74:
Moon 73:
WhiteKit, LizardKit, and RabbitKit are born! FallenStar lets each of her three previous kits name them. I think its super cute how every single one of FallenStars babies has had Cobalt blue eyes??? Even the newborns from her first litter that didn't make it!
Moon 74:
WingPaw is named WingHoney (WHICH HAPPENED NATURALLY IN GAME which made me scream) after his older sister. Everyone is crying.
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fallenclan · 6 months
"Okay, so I'm Bluefire and you can be my apprentice, Newtpaw. We're training to prepare for-"
"Apprentice? No. I want to be a warrior."
"Then what's your warrior name?"
"Okay, Newtscratch. . . " Bluekit crouched, wriggling her haunches. "Then I'm an enemy warrior coming to attack you! Raaaah!"
Newtkit rolled out of the way just in time as Bluekit lunged for her, resulting in Bluekit pouncing face-first into the ground with a tiny oof! Newtkit snickered, swiping at Bluekit's tail. "Some warrior you are. Maybe you should be the apprentice."
Without warning, Bluekit sprang to her paws, slamming her head into Newtkit's chest and knocking her off balance. Before Newtkit could so much as open her mouth, Bluekit had pinned her to the ground. "Admit that I'm the better warrior, Newtscratch!"
"Never!" Newtkit squeaked indignantly. She swatted at Bluekit's face, jabbing her hind legs into Bluekit's belly at the same time.
"Ow!" Bluekit scrambled off of Newtkit, wincing. Newtkit stuck out her tongue, which only caused Bluekit to start giggling.
"Bluekit!" Rabbitkit, who had been haring around the camp with the other kits up until this point, scrambled to a halt in front of his littermate. "Can I play with you and Newtkit? Molekit's being mean to me again."
"No," Newtkit sniffed. "I only want to play with Bluekit."
"Bluefire," Bluekit corrected helpfully.
Rabbitkit turned a pleading gaze towards Bluekit. "Please?"
"I don't see why not. Playing warriors is more fun with three cats than two, anyway." Bluekit could have sworn she noticed a brief flash of hurt in Newtkit's gaze, but it was gone almost as soon as it appeared.
"Fine. Whatever."
"Don't be mad, Newtkit," Bluekit whispered. "You're still my best friend."
Bluepaw padded into the medicine den and was immediately greeted with the soft smell of lilac. Silverbelly had taken to decorating the den with it in an attempt to block out the more unsavory herb scents, such as garlic.
"Bluepaw." Newtpaw's head immediately turned towards the other apprentice, ears perking. She had to fight to keep a smile off her muzzle.
"Hey, Newtpaw. I brought you a thrush. Caught it myself!" Bluepaw flopped down beside Newtpaw with a dull thump, shamelessly pressing her pelt against Newtpaw's in a way that made Newtpaw's heart flutter.
"Thanks." Newtpaw inspected the thrush instead of dissecting her feelings, picking feathers off its wings.
"Your wound has almost healed, right?"
"Yeah. Silverbelly says it'll probably scar, though."
"I guess." Newtpaw took a bite from her thrush, chewing slowly.
"My ma says you were doing really well with your training. Your warrior ceremony will probably only be delayed one moon."
"One moon feels like an eternity," Newtpaw huffed, knocking her head into Bluepaw's shoulder. "And you'll be a warrior while I'm still an apprentice!"
"Only for a little bit. Maybe I should start flunking my assessments so we can be warriors at the same time?"
It took Newtpaw a few moments to realize Bluepaw was joking (she wasn't), and upon realizing she only rolled her eyes. "Just don't do anything stupid or exciting without me, okay?"
"I wouldn't dream of it," Bluepaw promised solemnly.
"Mousebrain," Newtpaw scoffed, but she was grinning nonetheless.
"--and this is the honey spruce," Bluefern announced.
"Why's it called that?" Evie tilted his head, peering up at the great tree. It stood out starkly in the meadow, despite there being plenty of other spruce trees nearby.
"There's a bee's nest. Can't you see it?" Newtscar flicked her tail towards one of the tree's highest branches. "Unless you want a mouthful of bees, I'd suggest you keep your distance."
"Oh." Evie's eyes widened. "Have either of you ever tasted honeycomb?"
Bluefern and Newtscar exchanged glances. "No," Bluefern replied. "Have you?"
"No, but I've heard it tastes really good."
"Good to know," Newtscar mewed sarcastically. "We should move on, unless you want to spend all day gawking at one tree?"
"I think I could get us some honey," Evie stated, gaze never leaving the bee's nest. "I'll just wait until all the bees are out collecting pollen, and then I'll sneak up and swipe some of it. They'll never even notice."
"That's a stupid plan," Newtscar retorted at the same time Bluefern exclaimed, "You're brilliant!"
Later, Evie was confined to the medicine den after receiving many, many bee stings. (He didn't manage to obtain any honey.)
"You like-e-e-e-e him," Bluefern cackled, causing Newtscar to swipe at her ears.
"You like him too!" Newtscar hissed.
"Well, yeah, but it's more embarassing that you like him."
"Shut up, Bluefern."
Bluefern did not shut up.
"Oh." Bluefern had only found herself speechless a rare few times in her life. This was one of them. "Are you sure?"
"Of course I'm sure! I wouldn't have asked you to be my mate if I didn't like you." Newtscar was beginning to feel the telltale signs of panic. Does she not like me back? Why won't she stop staring at me with that stupid, dumbstruck expression?
"Uh," Bluefern replied intelligently.
"Do you not feel the same way?"
"No, no! I do. I want to be mates." Bluefern shoved her face so close to Newtscar's that their noses were practically touching. "You just caught me off guard."
"Why?" Newtscar flattened her ears but didn't move, secretly enjoying Bluefern's proximity.
"I thought you had a thing for Evie."
"I thought you had a thing for Evie," Newtscar fired back, suddenly defensive.
"I mean, I do." Bluefern leaned back. "I like you both."
"Can cats have more than one mate?"
"I think so. I mean, why not?" Bluefern shrugged. "As long as we're all honest with each other. You like Evie too, right?"
"Unfortunately." Newtscar sighed.
"Then maybe the three of us can be mates."
"Maybe," Newtscar assented, thinking for the first time that perhaps it didn't need to be two against the world. Perhaps it could be three.
"I like you both a lot. . ."
"We know."
"Shhh, Newtscar! He's confessing." Bluefern shoved Newtscar. "Please continue."
A playful smirk was beginning to tug at Evie's features, and the tom felt himself emboldened by Bluefern's encouragement. "So I was wondering if you two-"
"Yes," Newtscar interrupted. "But if you snore I'll change my mind."
"Okay. That's fair." Evie and Bluefern were both purring while Newtscar was doing her best to look indifferent.
She failed. (The three proceded to have a long discussion about what the future would look like, with all three of them as mates.)
Mistyfish's fever wasn't going down. She had been sick for moons, her symptoms only getting worse and worse. Surely, surely, she would recover. Bluefern couldn't let herself think any differently.
Outside, Newtscar and Evie were engaged in a hushed conversation with Stormsight and Silverbelly.
Mistyfish was gazing vacantly at Bluefern. "Ma? Don't come too close. I could get you sick."
"I don't care, sweetling." Bluefern wrapped herself around Mistyfish, around her precious kit. "It's going to be okay."
"Sweetling . . . ?"
"Your grandma used to call my littermates and I that, sometimes."
"Oh." Mistyfish snuggled closer to Bluefern. "I like it. It's nice." The smell of sickness wafted about the den in a thick, permeating cloud. Bluefern did her best to ignore it.
"It'll be okay, Mistykit," she repeated, not even noticing her slip-up.
"Okay, Ma. I believe you." Mistyfish closed her eyes, letting out a soft breath as she drifted off to sleep.
Mistyfish never woke up.
"His name is Sunnykit. He's sleeping right now, but I'll introduce you in the morning." Willowsplash's gaze was brimming with love, as if she had already spent a thousand lifetimes being this kit's mother.
"Looks like we're grandparents. . . again," Evie grinned, placing emphasis on again.
"Newtscar is going to be so excited!" Bluefern exclaimed, practically vibrating with excitement herself.
"I don't think Mom's ever been excited about anything," Willowsplash chimed in, causing Evie to snort in amusement.
"Well, she'll be excited about this," Bluefern decided firmly.
"We'll see," Evie replied, giving Willowsplash's shoulder a reassuring lick. "I'm proud of you, kiddo."
"Thanks, Dad."
"We have matching scars now." Sleepycloud chuckled. In truth, his face still stung where the ShallowClan warrior had raked her claws. She had missed his eyes by less than a spider-leg. Likely, she had been attempting to blind him. The thought was disconcerting.
"I wouldn't call them matching." Newtscar was inspecting her son's new scars, triple checking that they had healed right and weren't going to start gushing blood at any moment. "I still don't see why you won't at least describe the cat who did this to you."
"What? I just want to give them a 'matching' scar of their own," Newtscar sniffed, expression never changing.
"I don't even remember what she looked like," Sleepycloud lied, trying to get Newtscar to let it go, though he knew it was a futile effort. She was like a bloodhound when she caught scent of something she felt was important.
"She? So it was a she-cat?"
"What mischief are you two plotting?" Newtscar narrowed her eyes, gaze flicking skeptically between Pebblefreeze and Evie.
"Us? Mischief? How could you accuse your loving mate and darling daughter of anything treacherous?" Evie gasped dramatically, feigning hurt. Newtscar was unimpressed.
"You both have your 'scheming' faces on. I know because you got it from your father," Newtscar grumbled at Pebblefreeze, shooting a pointed glance at Evie.
"Did she?" Evie drawled.
"She did."
"I did not," Pebblefreeze pouted, nose scrunching up in the same way that Newtscar's did when she was annoyed. "We haven't done anything. Yet."
"StarClan help me," Newtscar muttered. Evie shot Pebblefreeze a conspiratorial wink.
"I still think about them." Bluefern didn't want to cry. She couldn't. Yet she could feel her gaze watering as she stared up at the pelt of stars spanning the sky.
Newtscar pressed herself against Bluefern's side, and Evie wrapped his tail around both of them.
"What would their names have been?" Bluefern continued. "Would they have been warriors? Medicine cats? Mediators? Why couldn't we save them?"
"There wasn't anything we could have done, Bluefern," Evie murmured.
"Wasn't there? Why did we let Curly defend the nursery?" Bluefern's voice wobbled. "One of us should have stayed behind."
"Then maybe one of us could have died," Newtscar replied gently. "Who knows what would have happened? The past is past, Bluefern. It's too late."
"I know." Bluefern squeezed her eyes shut. "I know."
The three stayed there for half of the night, pressed together in their silent grief over the three that were lost too young.
Ravenkit. Icekit. Smokekit.
Three stars shining down upon three parents.
"So, you and Cherrydust, huh?"
"Dad!" Ripplefade hissed, mortified. "Lower your voice. Someone could hear you."
"What? I'm just saying. Being mates with the deputy is no small thing," Evie chuckled.
"She isn't my mate, Dad."
"You like her though, right?"
"Pebblefreeze likes her too! Why don't you go harass her?" Ripplefade kicked a pebble across camp. Where were his mothers when he needed them?
"Eh. Pebblefreeze doesn't fluster so easily. You're fun to tease." Evie nudged Ripplefade affectionately. "I could go talk to her for you, if you're too nervous. . ."
. . .
"You drooled on my fur last night," Newtscar complained, running her tongue over her matted shoulder fur.
"Probable. I woke up with a mouthful of your fur, anyhow."
"Guys, look. Cherrydust is calling patrols," Bluefern chirped. "Think she knows to put us together?"
"Of course. It'll always be the three of us. We're iconic," Evie grinned.
"Hm. Maybe she'll let us hunt near the Sky Pine. I hear prey's good down there lately," Newtscar spoke, finishing her pelt cleaning with a few final licks.
"As long as you don't get stuck up there," Bluefern purred.
"That was one time, Bluefern," Newtscar grumbled.
"Don't worry, Newtscar. If you get stuck, Bluefern and I will rescue you."
"Both of you stop talking."
Neither of them stopped talking.
Newtscar didn't mind.
(whoop whoop, the polycule! last of the three requests. hope i did these guys justice in a collection of moments w/ them and their kits teehee
they're so silly i love them)
"you like him too!" "yeah but its more embarrassing that you like him" ITS SO THEMMM ITS SO THEM IM ON THE FLOOR SCREAMING CRYING. google how to get a fic tattooed onto the insides of your eyelids
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rippleclan · 5 months
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[Image ID: The title of the post is "Before RippleClan: Rabbitjoy." Rabbitjoy herself, a brown smoke molly with cyan eyes, sits underneath the title.]
So you guys really wanted to hear more about Rabbitjoy! I was excited to introduce her. As soon as she joined the Clan, I knew she was a former supporter of the Ripple ideology. Now you get to learn more about her journey back to her friends and why she changed her name!
Rabbitjoy: 54 (as of Moon 17), female, artisan, charismatic, master weaver.
Rabbitjoy's mother was an honor queen, in that she consistently took honor-sires to produce litters without a mate. Each of her litters were quite large, but Rabbitjoy's took the cake at seven kits. Yes, one died before their apprenticeship and two more before they finished their training, but large litters are quite the blessing in WheatClan's crop culture. An older sibling suggested naming the brown smoke molly Rabbitkit, teasing her mother Flowernest for her large number of kits. Flowernest took the name in stride.
Rabbitkit was an insecure child, frequently trampled over by her bigger littermates. She had a deep artistic soul, however, that earned her a few friends (such as Rustshade). Naturally, when she became Rabbitpaw, she became an artisan with a particular love of stories, art, and dancing. She was better at weaving than performing, often getting nervous in front of her Clanmates, but she still preferred the entertainment part of her job to the crafting side of things.
When she finished her apprenticeship, Sanderlingstar named her Rabbitfall, a name that reflected her nervous energy but also a windfall of prey. Her friends encouraged her performances so that during Gatherings and inter-Clan celebrations, she joined the other artisans in grand stories (usually in a background role).
One Gathering, the artisans of all the Clans guided the Gathering's guests in a grand dance, where everyone would move along to music produced by artisans across the Clans. As Rabbitfall sang, she noticed a figure swirling among AshClan's numbers. She was a long-furred molly with lilac swirls and pretty white spots. Rabbitfall had seen her in the crowd before, but the way the firelight danced over her fur made her seem... gorgeous.
When another artisan took Rabbitfall's role in the song, she slipped into the crowd and danced closer to the mysterious lilac molly. She wore a beautiful tail wrap with leaves carved into the leather. Rabbitfall summoned all the confidence that laid hidden inside her, stepped into rhythm next to the mysterious molly, and asked to share the dance.
The molly's name was Lavenderleaf, a recently graduated meditator from AshClan. She befriended Rabbitfall that night and slowly introduced her to her other friends, like Weedfoot, Downdapple, and Paleshade. Rabbitfall in turn introduced some of her WheatClan friends like Rustshade.
Rabbitfall gained more confidence and security as she met her friends more and more. As Paleshade and Weedfoot discussed rather complex ideas, Rabbitfall grew closer to Lavenderleaf. Paleshade's ideas of closer Clan connections interested her. Perhaps, by following her ideals, Rabbitfall and Lavenderleaf could become... something more.
Rabbitfall kept her trap shut around her Clan as the Ripple ideology became well-known. She and Lavenderleaf agreed that when they formed a new Clan, they would become mates. While certain Clanmates left the Clans entirely, disappeared, or died in a few dramatic confrontations with other Clan cats, Rabbitfall was a silent supporter who did little but join secret meetings and encourage the idea in closed quarters.
Eventually, only she and Rustshade remained in WheatClan to support the movement. Rabbitjoy was excited to hear that the Ashes in the Water were going to formally leave AshClan. She planned to meet Lavenderleaf by the WheatClan/AshClan border and join the new Clan.
Rabbitfall waited all night, but no one appeared.
Her insecurity and neuroses flourished as the days passed with no news from Lavenderleaf or AshClan. For a few days, AshClan wouldn't even talk to WheatClan. It was only when Rabbitfall and a couple meditators were on patrol that they ran into AshClan and demanded to know why they were so flaky. That's when Rabbitfall learned that most of the Ashes in the Water were dead, with only two remaining as prisoners.
WheatClan was horrified to hear of this, especially Rabbitfall and Rustshade. They no longer hid their beliefs, as now even the most traditional members of WheatClan saw Autumnstar's orders as going too far. The Ashes in the Water were still Clan cats. They didn't deserve to be massacred. The Clan's opinions only grew more open when the clerics returned from StarClan's Shrine that night and revealed that their ancestors supported the Ripple movement.
Rabbitfall joined a small patrol of cats on a sunhigh mission into AshClan territory to rescue the two prisoners. Rabbitfall prayed one of them was Lavenderleaf. Rabbitfall's job was to distract AshClan while Rustshade and the others got the prisoners out. She and her sister Cottonstealer began singing outside AshClan's camp. They sang of Autumnstar's cruelty, of StarClan's support and the blessing of the Ashes in the Water. They lured many cats out of camp, who were unsure just how to handle two intruders singing at them. AshClan chased them away, but their strange distraction gave the others enough to time to free the prisoners and hurry them over the WheatClan border.
Well, prisoner. Weedfoot was the only one left to save.
The news broke Rabbitfall. Even as the remaining members of the movement migrated to WheatClan, ready to form their own Clan near the coast, Rabbitfall felt hopeless. How could RippleClan ever be a Clan when cats like Autumnstar would kill a kind, loving, beautiful mediator like Lavenderleaf? How could Rabbitfall be a part of it? She gave a sorrowful goodbye to her friends and family, promising to find RippleClan if she ever returned.
Rabbitfall spent over a year traveling, searching for answers to the hopelessness, grief, and insecurity she battled. She stayed with humans, learned of creatures and crops the Clans had never seen, made friends who showed her the power of hope and the ways to keep living after loss. The things she saw inspired and transformed her. She abandoned her old suffix, feeling that it would only drag her down, and took a new name; Rabbitjoy. She would choose joy over any internal insecurities she faced, greet new friends with an open heart, and be as true to her thoughtful, artistic self as she could.
With a new name and a new determination, Rabbitjoy made her way back to the Clans and the friends she left behind.
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lovrclan-gen · 7 months
MOON 6!!
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Welcome pidgeonkit, finkit, basaltkit and rabbitkit !
The family tree & masterpost have been updated!
I'll draw a ref post at moon 7 when I see their kit sprites!!
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elementclangen · 1 month
Moon 148-Greenleaf
Another moon, another success.  Songkit (2) and Creekkit (2) are still undiscovered.  There was a close call where Conegoat (31) walked in on Creekkit splashing in a puddle. . .and controlling the water in it, but she already knew so it’s alright.  Songkit has taken to spending time in the healer's den with his dad.  He picked some flowers and brought them to Gladepatch (24).  So sweet. Cressfreckle (64) loves having grandkits (even though he feels too young to be a grandpaw).  He’s always checking in on them and Songkit especially appreciates it. Sleepypaw (14) is tired of being the only apprentice in the Clan.  Her sister is a warrior and she really just wants to be a full Healer.  Steppemimic (31) hasn’t been doing much training with her because she’s been so distracted lately, both with the new kits and with her various crushes.  Today, it’s Frostheart (51), who keeps casually finding excuses to hang out in the healer's den and brush up against Steppemimic.  Steppemimic has also been hanging out with the new kits.  She makes sure to give Songkit his favorite prey.  Chasingskip (60) has grown quite fond of Rabbitkit (4) and hopes that she gets to train the young cat.  It’s been a while since she had an apprentice, and she misses it.  Pigeonspot (17) and new deputy Wildcave (31) get into a disagreement.  Wildcave wants her to go herb gathering, but she doesn’t want to.  Just because she’s earth-blessed doesn’t mean she should be relegated to Healer duties.  She’s a warrior and wants to be treated like it!   The Clan really needs to learn it’s lesson about getting too close to twolegs.  While on a patrol with Chasingskip, Moorleg (60) gets too close and is captured.  Maybe she’ll be able to find Mothecho and bring her back?
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