#quote source twitter user hoshiumisexy
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look man the swords great i love swords too but its clearly not working for you
[ID 1: Ace Attorney characters drawn over a twitter screenshot. The tweet, from user hoshiumisexy, reads “i had a roommate who was a blacksmith and he kept a sword under his bed and just had knives lying around. one time he got cut by his sword and we had to take him to the ER and he was so smug because the doctor was like “that was a really really sharp knife it cut so cleanly.” In the corner of the tweet, Athena Cykes and Simon Blackquill’s faces are doodled. Athena looks exasperated and has her mouth open to speak. Simon has his eyes closed and is humming with a smug grin. ID 2: A two-panel comic, featuring flat-color Ace Attorney characters on a red-to-grey gradient background. In the first panel, Simon Blackquill, shown from the chest up, brandishes his sword and gestures to it with his free hand. He smugly speaks a text post by tumblr user yourhourisup, which reads, “while you were attending therapy i was studying the blade.” The back of Athena’s head is visible and shows anime sweat-drops. In the second panel, Athena is visible from the chest up and Simon is visible from the waist up. Athena puts her hand on Simon’s shoulder. She looks concerned. Simon now looks annoyed and confused as he lowers his sword, the hand that was previously gesturing clenched into a fist. He speaks tumblr user yourhourisup’s follow-up post, adding, “what do you mean i need better coping mechanisms.” /End ID]
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