#queen sinbad
lilyflowerhere · 5 months
✨️my toxic trait is that I judge people who justify male villains actions while doing the same when the villains are women ✨️
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My crush in childhood. Favorite list.
The Snow Queen ("The Snow Queen", USSR, 1957)
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2. The little robber ("The Snow Queen", USSR, 1957)
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3. Odette ("Barbie of Swan Lake", 2003)
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4. Vasilisa ("Vasilisa Mikulishna", USSR, 1975)
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5. Царица Забава ("The Flying Ship", USSR, 1979)
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6. Eris ("SInbad: Legend of the Seven Seas", 2003)
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7. Captain Amelia ("Treasure Planet", 2002)
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8. Maleficent ("Sleeping Beauty", 1959)
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9. Lady Tremaine ("Cinderella", 1950)
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To be continued...
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enetriss · 1 year
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honeyhobbs · 4 months
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"And then... I'll submit :)"
What was the reason, who wrote this show I'd like to have a word
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whitewaterpaper · 3 months
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Denna månad har jag sett klassisk SF, klassisk fredriksdal och en remake på en klassisk Hitchcock. Det blir svällande muskler, svingande svärd, sjungande värjor, damer som försvinner och one liners som haglar.
Arnbergs Korsettfabrik (2000) [👍🔁🆓🎭] Eva Rydbergs klassiska omstöpning av Poppes Oskulden från Mölle. En fortfarande genuint charmig och rolig pjäs jag tycker om att återkomma till.
Battle in Outer Space / Uchû daisensô (1959) [👍🆓] Japansk SF, väldigt gediget producerad. Bra story, och bra special effekter. Regisserad och skriven av samma man som skänkte världen Godzilla.
Dark Star (1974) [👎] John Carpenter, över lag bra special effekter och produktion. Dock konstigt manus som gör att jag tappar intresset snabbt.
En dam försvinner / Lady Vanishes, the (1979) [__] Överlag sevärd remake på Hitchcock-klassikern. Mer hysterisk än spännande, Cybil Sheppard (i rollen som Kelly) och Elliott Gould (hennes manliga kärleksintresse) tenderar slå över på överspel men Angela Lansbury gör en bra roll.
Freelance (2023) [__] Vill väldigt gärna vara en "Jakten på Stenen"-actionkomedi, men blir mest konstig.
Gullivers Resor / Gulliver's Travels (1939) [👎🆓] Klassisk animerad film uppskattad av många. Dock då ej mig.
Herrskap och Tjänstehjon (2006) [👍🔁🆓🎭] Ännu mer klassisk fars på Fredriksdal. Rydberg är i högform.
Samson and the Slave Queen / Zorro contro Maciste (1963) [👍🆓] Varför plockade amerikanarna bort Zorro Från titeln kan man undra. Väldigt underhållande film jag med all säkerhet kommer se om.
Sinbad: The Battle of the Dark Knights (1998) [👎🆓] Oinspirerad film som började med att konstatera att Sinbad behöver vara lite mer tonåring...
Sinbad of the Seven Seas (1989) [👎🆓] Rörigt och på gränsen till osebar film med Lou Ferrigno i rollen som Sinbad. Lou Ferrigno som Sinbad är typ det enda positiva som finns att säga om filmen.
Sinbads Tusen Äventyr / 7th Voyage of Sinbad, the (1958) [👍🔁🆓] Klassiskt Sinbad-äventyr.
Warcraft: The Beginning (2016) [🔁] Mindes den som överraskande bra, men upplevde den nu som tämligen avslagen. Kanske för att den här öppnade för uppföljare mot slutet som aldrig kom?
Har man, som jag, en viss fäbless för Zorro tycker jag man skall satsa sina minuter denna månad på Samson and the Slave Girl. Känner man att man vill sikta lite högre ser man med fördel Battle in Outer Space som är väl värd en chans.
Edit: Glömde emojisarna.
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minxie-lynxie · 5 months
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Ghhrhijrhh I love colours sometimes
Not my favourite thing but godDAMN that metal?? I’ve never drawn metal before but it turned out so nice
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babymagi · 10 months
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morimakesfanart · 1 year
Sindria's Prophet #32
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[AO3] [wattpad]
~POV Artemina~ When the Queen of Artemyra first received notice from Sindria about this Prophet, her opinion could be summed up by her statement, "at least there will be another woman there to make sure things get done properly." She wasn't sure how much she trusted the idea of real prophecies from anyone other than maybe a Magi. Upon receiving the letter from her daughter however, her opinion changed immensely. "Sinbad has finally been tame?" She had to see it for herself. Perhaps, the fact that Sinbad calling all of the Heads of the Alliance to meet this Prophet was proof that she wasn't going to be just any addition to that man's resources.
Artemina had arrived in Sindria a few days early so she had plenty of time to catch up with her daughter, and to hear some of the rumors about the King and the Prophet from both Pisti, and the maids giggling in the hallways. The day of the Announcement couldn't come soon enough.
It was only a matter of time when the sun rose on the promised day. "I hope the Prophet likes my present."
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--- ~POV Mori~ This was really happening. I went over the plan in my head multiple times to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything. I was going to prove that I wasn't a love struck woman like in the rumors. I'd garner respect first, then I would start pushing more to be seen as my gender; the King and Generals would use my preferred pronouns, that was enough for now. I was growing impatient. It wasn't that long since the Great Bell rang out, and the first meeting wasn't scheduled to start until the next time it rung.
I held Sindria's emblem in my hands. It, the jewelry, and my copy of the contract from the other day were proof of what had happened, and that no one was here to take it away from me. I was okay. No one was sabotaging me, and I wasn't surrounded by reminders of my past that could lead me to sabotage myself -at least I hoped so. I could understand all of this logically, but my emotions and expectations hadn't caught up yet. I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was bound to happen sooner rather than later, especially on a day like today. That was undeniably my anxiety and trauma talking. Today was going to be high stress no matter what happened, but I'd take breaks; I could handle today. I would be okay.
I barely had the door opened before Pisti pushed passed me into my room. She was followed by other women clearly from Artemyra, and a few servants carrying boxes. The rising waves I had been feeling flooded into the room with them. My protests fell on deaf ears. After giving me a once over, Pisti yelled, "I knew it!" Then she pointed to a chair. "You sit. I'm in charge of your clothes!"
I stayed where I was. "What's wrong with my-"
"Do you want Artemyra's support or not?" She crossed her arms.
The princess smirked up at me. "I told mama all about you. So she sent you a present to show her support."
"Oh! Um. What?" Guaranteed support of one of the other nations in the Alliance? But I haven't done anything to prove myself to anyone outside of Sindria yet. Why would Queen Artemina want to support me?
Pisti opened the largest box and pulled out a long white garment. "You'll be wearing this!" The other women were setting up stations in my room. "It did take a bit to convince Mama to give you an undyed one, but she came around."
The waves made it clear there was no point in arguing. Refusing this would be a huge mistake, even if the change unsettled me. "Why undyed?" The only woman in Artemyra that didn't wear pink was the Queen, herself.
Pisti's expression soured. "You ignored every pink item I put in front of you when we went shopping. You did get one outfit but you haven't worn it, so it's obvious you don't like pink."
I didn't have anything to say to that because she was kinda right. It's not that I don't wear pink ever... I'm just picky, and prefer it be an accent color. Still, what in the world did I do to gain the Queen's attention and favor this strongly? Going shopping with Pisti was not worth this! What did she think she was getting by supporting me? Was it really okay for me to wear this on the day of my Announcement? It would make a huge political statement -especially paired with wearing Sindria's Emblem.
"Hands up, please."
I followed that and more directions while I continued ruminating. Growing up in theater had prepared me for this moment. There wasn't time for me to think. I had to accept the present and adapt.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I was flooded with a melancholic nostalgia. The last time I had gotten glammed up anywhere near this was when I was a bride's maid in 2017. The bride and groom were good friends of mine, but the groom was also the brother of my own ex fiancé, so I had to see my ex there too. It had only been a few months since the breakup, and he had been a major part of my life for 8 years, but after what he had put me through in the last 2 years or our relationship, I would never regret my decision to break up with him. The dress I wore as a bride's maid turned heads -including my ex's- but it wasn't half as revealing as this outfit from Artemyra.
I caught the sight of a familiar color in Pisti's hand that brought me back to the present. "I'm not wearing anything purple today. I was told not worry about the rumors going around but I'm not going to do anything to intentionally fan the flames on such an important day."
She groaned, "Fine~" --- ~POV Sinbad~ Ja'far was the first to arrive at the White Capricorn Tower. The General was diligent to a fault and spent most of his time in this Tower, so his presence was natural. King Sinbad was next, arriving with plenty of time to make sure that everything was going as planned. Drakon was the next, followed shortly by Spartos. There wasn't much time left for the rest to arrive before the Great Bell would ring and they were to start the first meeting. Hinahoho, Sharrkan, and Masrur arrived with only a few minutes to spare.
Sharrkan had his arms crossed behind his head. "Don't tell me that magician woman rubbed off on Mori. It's not like we can start without her." After glancing around the room he added, "Huh, I don't see Pisit either." The King wasn't surprised that Yamuraiha was late -it would be weirder if she was on time for once.
"If my daughter and the Prophet are late, that means she accepted my gift." The deep warm voice of Queen Artemina drew everyone's attention back to the entrance. The Artemyran delegates from the embassy entered with her.
The leaders of Artemyra and Heliohapt had decided to come in person. Darius Leoxses had wanted to come as well, but Sassan was still grieving so he had to stay home. After several discussions, it was agreed that the Knight King would visit some time after King Sinbad would return from his visit to the Kou Empire. Still, neither Queen Artemina nor Pharaoh Armakan were supposed to arrive at the White Capricorn Tower until after Mori was introduced to the rest of the Sindrian officials.
Sinbad crossed half way into the room to meet the Queen in the middle. "You sent Mori a gift before meeting her? I didn't realize you were so interested in my Prophet."
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"Of course." She put her free hand on her hip. "After hearing about your interest in her I wanted to show my support." Pisti must have told her about the rumors. This was like when Queen Artemina agreed to join the Alliance all those years ago. She told Sinbad directly that she was siding with him because she didn't want him as an enemy, so of course she would show support for whomever he chose as his partner -not to mention her country's stance on gender norms.
However, "I think you'll find that those rumors are exaggerated." Sinbad laughed off the assumptions about his love life.
She chuckled, "Pisti said that would be your response. I'm sure, I'll see the truth for myself."
The Great Bell rang. The doors to the entrance were flung open.
"I made it in time!" Yamuraiha yelled and then braced herself with her staff as she caught her breath.
1 down. 2 to go. The King hummed. 'What is this 'gift' that's making them so late?'
It took another 10 minutes for the entrance to open again. Pisti's voice yelled into the room, "Before anyone says anything: we are not late! We are fashionably on time!"
Queen Artemina laughed at her daughter's antics, but Sinbad didn't hear it nor what was said afterwards because he saw what the gift was. Mori was dressed in Artemyran clothes, and covered in the jewelry he had given them. This type of feminine dress was exactly his taste -although he preferred their outfit from the previous day more. He wanted to pull them close to make their heart race, and shower them in compliments until they blushed and became putty in his hands. Instead, the last thing Mori said to him the previous day echoed in his head and kept him standing where he was. They didn't trust him. He had known that from the beginning, but hearing them say it directly gave it a new level of meaning. He didn't want to make their opinion of him worse. Even knowing that Mori enjoyed his flirting wasn't enough to fight against the what-ifs that were holding him back. This had never happened to him before. It wasn't like him to be self conscious because of another person.
His Beautiful Prophet smiled up at him. "Good morning, your Majesty." Her face has the faintest blush. "I apologize for being so late. I was already ready to go when Pisti showed up." Damnit. Did they have to have meetings all morning? Sinbad would have preferred being able clear things up with Mori.
It wasn't like him to be so shaken up by something like this. "Good morning."
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--- ~POV Mori~ Sinbad was smiling, but he felt odd somehow. Even his answer seemed on the stiff side. "It's fine. But we shouldn't keep everyone waiting much longer." He turned away from me, and his waves showed him heading towards the scheduled meeting.
Honestly, I had expected Sinbad to start flirting with me after seeing me dressed up so femininely. This was much better for me. I needed to be able to focus to survive what was going to happen today, and I was already thrown for a loop by the Queen's gift. Not to mention that I wouldn't be in the mood to flirt with anyone for a while after remembering my ex. Still, the sight of the King's back pulled at the feelings I knew I shouldn't have for him.
The Queen's voice cut through my thoughts. "Sinbad, I know you're running late thanks to my gift, but surely you aren't thinking of leaving without introducing me."
The King laughed in his usual way before introducing us. I couldn't shake the feeling that Sinbad was keeping me at arms length on purpose. It felt more than just professional. There wasn't time to think about Sinbad though.
Artemina had a commanding presence in Adventures, and it was even stronger in person. She was prettier in person too. However, the thing I was most focused on was her voice. The last I heard either her English or Japanese voice actor was over a month ago. Most likely due to my own favoritism, this Artemina's voice was closer to the English, than the Japanese VA. I first heard her English voice actor as Kizuna in The Candidate for Goddess when I was 9, and I've been a fan ever since. This wasn't the same as meeting an idol, but hearing that voice in person was intense for my brain. I did my best to keep my composure. "It's an honor to meet the Queen of Artemyra in person, let alone receive a present from her."
She smiled with one hand on her hip. "It doesn't look half bad on you. My daughter did always have an eye for these things." Was this her way of saying this was all Pisti's idea? Pisti had said as much. I could only hope she wouldn't regret her decision as our conversation was cut short by the responsibilities we were already late for. --- ~POV Queen Artemina~ The Queen was lead to a waiting room while Sinbad, his Generals and Prophet went to have their first meetings. Armakan arrived not long before they were scheduled to start. He wasn't a talkative type of man which suited Artemina just fine. When it was time, they were both lead to the meeting room where the others were already sitting in wait for them.
The news that the Prophet shared about the future war was surprising, but they knew that day would come eventually. This way they had time to plan for the inevitable. Besides, this wasn't something that should affect Artemyra. Armakan didn't seem too concerned about it either; Heliohept was also far enough away from both Reim and The Kou Empire that there wouldn't be a risk of them getting pulled into the fight. The news about scientific and magical discoveries thanks to the Prophet's visions were far more interesting -actually, those things shown through the 'microscope' were more disgusting than interesting. Just enough details and examples were given to make those claims believable. Nothing is truly free however; if they wanted more knowledge or any future invention they'd have to pay for it. It was just like Sinbad to flaunt his prosperity and then 'graciously' offer others to buy their way into it. At least, there were certain discounts they'd be granted as members of the Seven Seas Alliance.
More than all of that though, was the answer the Queen came to Sindria in person to find. Pisti's letter was correct. From the moment Sinbad saw Mori, as well as throughout the meeting, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her for very long. King Sinbad had finally been tamed -whether or not that proud man denied it.
Next was finding out just what type of person this Mori the Prophet is, as well as. What is she planning by offering her prophecies to Sinbad? During the meeting Mori had said she wanted to prevent a few major wars and help people and what not, and that Sinbad was the best person to make all of that happen. But it was clear that none of the members of the Alliance believed that was the whole story. If that was it then Mori wouldn't have become Sindria's Prophet and let Sinbad monopolize her prophecies.
There would be plenty of time for the Queen to talk to Mori before she left for her home country.
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((We're finally to this arc. While writing it I realized that part of why it took so long was that I was scared of writing it. The last few chapters of it involve a lot of strong emotions, and directly talks about the relationship trauma I'm writing this fic to work through. Now that I know what was holding me back in writing, I'll be able to fight against it better.))
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Nothing like a productive Sunday!
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lebibish · 7 months
Yuletide Letter
It's that most wonderful time again! If you are writing for me --Thank You! If you're just interested in seeing what's going on, feel free to explore (and if anything here prompts you towards any kind of creativity, please let me know--I'd love to see it!
Dear Yuletide Author,
Happy end of the year! The Yuletide exchange has been one of my favorite experiences year after year. Below, you will find a lot of different ideas and prompts but DO NOT feel beholden to them (they're in optional details with the key word being optional). I include lots of thoughts because as a writer, I like having some starting places to work from. If you have your own idea or direction you want to go in, I can guarantee I will love any story that you want to tell.
Please no child death, death of pets, grim!dark, or infidelity (polyamory requires enthusiastic consent from all parties). I don't really enjoy character bashing, but that's a really subjective line. In general, I just like to give people (and characters) the benefit of the doubt
I love worldbuilding and cultural details, family relationships (I am especially all about the sibling feels—found family and family you were raised with equally), extremely competent characters, discovering secrets, mythology, and discovering/building competence. You know how training montages are common tropes for saving time in a series? I’d be a happy little clam if those were expanded into entire series where I could watch people building their skills, connecting to the people around them, and learning more about the world. I adore fantasy world-building—the concept of everyday magic, for example, where everyone has their own little piece of the world (always knowing when the phone is about to ring or being able to call how many times a rock will skip on the water) or integrated magic systems where the society has been built around a magic system. I like stories about hope, about survivors who find joy and comfort together (not a request this year, but Kipo and the Wonderbeasts is a great example of the kind of “dystopia” I really love—where people are rediscovering how wonderful the world can be even when there are a lot of terrible things).
Anything from gen to smut is welcome, angst with a happy ending is good but the happy ending is key, kidfic is lovely, all types of pairings or no pairings at all work. If you present me with a love triangle my go-to solution is always polyamory.
Ideas are always suggestions, optional details are optional, tell me a story you enjoy telling!
Characters: Dedicate Lark, Dedicate Rosethorn
Why I love this: I love everyone, I love the magic system; the idea that there are people who learn this school-based/book-based magic, but also people who just interact with magic in their own ways. Craft-based magic and magic that flows through how you interact with the world—love it. I loved all of the found-family feels in the books too and I adore fics where we get to see that relationship as they grow up and continue to care for and take care of each other. I especially love the teachers. This one is all about the characters for me--and also characters being actual grown-ups and actual grown-ups being responsible care takers of kids. In my YA fiction? Don't I wish.
Ideas, Prompts and Questions (choose any or none!):
Explore the magic system even more! New characters, daily lives of existing characters, how they interact with each other.
I'd love to dig into the lives and relationships of the teachers.  I’m all in for Rosethorn/Lark, but it’s not a requirement. I’m really interested in all of the teachers and what it’s like to be a teacher in a school like that and how they deal with other the other more traditional schools and what they think about the kids in their care. What about the other students they’ve had in their care over the years?
More about the teacher's backstories and how they discovered their magic and how they have used it in the past.
What conversations are going on between the teachers during canon?
Raya and the Last Dragon
Characters: Raya, Namaari
Why I love this: Badass women. The beginning of a found family. Worldbuilding based on southeast Asian cultures. A dystopian adventure that ends in hope.
Ideas, Prompts and Questions: 
The missing time – Raya growing up. The fact that she and Namaari clearly have continued to run into each other as they grew up and what that looked like (and yes, I very much ship Raya/Namaari).
The perspectives of Raya’s father and Namaari’s mother through the movie and after. Maybe what it means to Kumandra that the dragons are back and how do you learn to trust people when that trust has been lost and broken for such a long time? What needs to be built, how are the different groups working together (where are there culture clashes?) Or, hey, time travel fix it fic.
Character: Sinbad
Why I love this: I ask for this fandom every year because: people with different cultures and languages coming together and forming a functional group/found family/deep friendships, real mythology being played with, magic hiding in the world as science becomes more prevalent…it’s all amazing.
Ideas, Prompts and Questions (choose any or none!): 
Sinbad’s original curse—not being able to stay on land for more than a day and what that would mean if they had succeeded in being traders.
The possibility that Cook has something strange going on with his own refusal to leave the ship. Who is he?
Post-series what these people end up doing and how they interact.
Any and all back-stories will be loved.
Any and all myths, legends or monsters entering the story are brilliant. I’m in it for the magic, for the adventure, for the learning to care about other people and finding a new sense of family. Also, playing creatively with world mythology.
The Hundred and One Dalmations
Characters: Nanny Butler, Nanny Cook
Why I love this: I haven't read the book; this, for me, comes entirely out of illustrations of these two characters posted in media and catching femslash feels.
Ideas, Prompts and Questions (choose any or none!):  All of my ideas are built around these two ladies falling in love, but I would absolutely accept a solid friendship based on the same foundations.
Nanny Cook and Nanny Butler figuring out their new roles and new positions while slowly falling in love (older women in service who maybe never thought to have love of their own…). Maybe there's some jealousy/defensiveness as they worry about being replaced, but ultimately realize they can support each other instead;
Nanny Cook and Nanny Butler met and fell in love a while ago and actually had adorable schemes to get the Darlings together because they just knew they were right for each other.
Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Characters: Wenren E
Why I love this: I didn't expect to love this, but I found myself intently invested in this story. I love the twist on "character reads their own story" -- seeing all of the perspectives and information and reasons that weren't in the limited pov novel, Wenren E trying to backwards engineer his own motivation from the story. I loved seeing his (fairly strong) sense of morality that just so happened to clash with other peoples (and my own! Hahaha.) I loved seeing him encourage Yin Hanjiang become his own person, become an equal and then build a relationship from there.
Ideas, Prompts and Questions (choose any or none!):: I don't actually have a prompt or idea for this. Feel free to explore! The past? The future? Alternate universes? Run wild! I absolutely ship Wenren E/Yin Hanjiang.
Mr. Queen
Characters: Jang Bong Hwan, Queen Cheorin
Why I love this: Because every single moment of this show is Queer (man in a woman's body flirting with women a and them flirting back--even if it's a fantasy? Queer. Man in a woman's body having a romance with a man? Queer. You're gender non-conforming one or another, dude.) Because several characters are living in completely different genres and the show manages to seamlessly tie them together into a story. Because the love story felt very real to me. Because Bong-hwan’s cooking was amazing and the fact that he kept retreating into a place where he felt comfortable and confident meant so much to me, because there were so many DETAILS they paid attention to including what modern convenience and global trade networks mean to ingredient sourcing and how ridiculous some of his demands were in the time period.
Ideas, Prompts and Questions (choose any or none!):
 I pretty firmly believe that Jang Bong-hwan was Kim So-yong’s reincarnation, so anything incorporating that (like, I think that after her experiences of being powerless as a woman, when she killed herself she insisted on being reborn as a man, and because she wasn’t supposed to die (or a lake spirit took pity on her? IDK), her future self was called back into her past self to fix things.
I’d be interested to see the changes made in Korea, the butterfly effect of the past, and Jang Bong-hwan finding his own happy ending.
 I’d be interested to see Kim So-yong with both sets of memories, figuring out who she wants to be.
I’m also a sucker for outsider pov—so the perspectives of other characters during or after the show.
The Most Important Thing to remember: I honestly will love anything you write that comes from your own joy, love, curiosity or interest. THANK YOU for participating in this event this year and THANK YOU for everything you put into this!
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burningvelvet · 2 months
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best female villain tournament!
- Only submit the same character once
- Multiple submissions with different characters are fine!
- Matchups will be posted as soon as I have enough submissions and will include the most submitted characters
-Resubmissions are fine as long as they weren’t on the tourney last time
- Please be as detailed as possible
I had issues on my end with some technicalities and media’s. eg a lot of characters from the hatchetfield musicals by team starkid were just submitted as hatchetfield which made it harder to search for them to identify them and get pictures etc. If those and similar fandoms could be submitted with what musical etc they’re from that would be great :)
Those who sent submissions through my askbox will be getting submitted by me unless it was off anon(because you’ll be getting a notification)
Cool people/awareness tags:
@tournament-announcer @bisexual-protagonist-competiton @the-ballerina-battle @the-great-british-blorbo-off @pinkhairswagtourney @childhoodfriendstoloversshowdown @most-tragic-character-tournament
characters in the last poll(please do not submit):
Makima(Chainsaw Man)
Dahlia Hawthorne(Ace Attorney)
The Handler(The Umbrella Academy)
Margaret Slitheen(Doctor Who)
Linda Monroe(Hatchetfield)
Miyo Takano(Higurashi When They Cry)
Diane Makepeace(Layton Brothers: Mystery Room)
Marisa Coulter(His Dark Materials)
Vespera(Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Master Cyclonis(Storm Hawks)
Exellinor the Witch(How To Train Your Dragon(books))
Lady Felmet(Discworld(Wyrd sisters))
Magica De Spell(Ducktales)
Twyla Sophio(Cemetery Mary)
Marie Campbell(Killer Frequency)
Jezaille Brett/Asa Shinn(Ace Attorney)
White Diamond(Steven Universe)
Medusa(Kid Icarus)
Bryce Tankthrust(Brandon Rogers/Bryce Tankthrust, CEO)
Beatrice(Umineko When They Cry)
Shiela young(Hatchetfield)
Odalia Blight(The Owl House)
Cora Mills(Once Upon a Time)
Alcina Dimitrescu(Resident Evil)
Beroba(Kamen Rider Geats)
Poison Ivy(DC)
Arlecchino(Genshin Impact)
Dr Olivia Octavius(Spiderman: Into The Spider-verse)
The Other Mother(Coraline)
Granny Rags(Dishonoured)
Larxene(Kingdom Hearts)
Morgana Pendragon(BBC Merlin)
Barbara Burgess(The Goes Wrong Show (90 Degrees))
Cinder Fall(RWBY)
Lanfear/Selene(Wheel of Time)
Azula(Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Queen Chrysalis(My Little Pony)
Mother Gothel(Tangled)
Cruella de Vil(101 Dalmations)
Missy(Doctor Who)
Nightmare Moon(My Little Pony)
Himiko Toga(My Hero Academia)
Maleficent(Sleeping Beauty)
The Iron Queen(Sonic the Hedgehog)
Lust(Fullmetal Alchemist)
Shego(Kim Possible)
Queen Beryl(Sailor Moon)
Medusa Gorgon(Soul Eater)
The Enchantress(Shovel Knight)
Delilah Briarwood(Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina)
Delilah Copperspoon(Dishonored)
Lady Gisela Sencen(Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Evelyn Deavor(the Incredibles)
Yzma(Emperors New Groove)
Ragyo Kiryuin(Kill la Kill)
The Prince(Bullet Train)
Queen Cersei Lannister(Game of Thrones)
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pearlofthesirens · 9 days
For My Princess Only: Chapter 1
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inspired by elliot as sinbad cuz why not. also, i took aladdin as a reference since i recently watched the live action one. you may or may not find south asian references cuz welp, i'm a brown person.
summary: You did not expect yourself to fall for a commoner, that too a bandit out of all the men who wanted you. But what happens when your safety is threatened and your father, the king, learns about your secret lover? pairing: Bandit!Kyle Gaz Garrick x Princess!Reader warnings: she/her pronouns used, reader of arab/south asian descent, slight cursing, historic misogyny and objectification of women mentioned now playing: Aayat by Arijit Singh word count: 1145 words(one thousand one hundred and forty five words)
She sighed at the warmth of the weather, chariot wheels rolling on the dusty roads to carry her and her father, the king, through the city and back to the palace. The horses moved rather slow in her opinion, she preferred that they'd hurry up and end this random stroll her father planned. "Stroll more like parading me around...," she thought. Did he ever think about how she felt when he showed her off like an object? Like a jewel sitting on his crown, like the emerald on his necklace? Was she there for him to boast and flaunt?
She pulled her shawl over her chest, covering herself as much as possible not only from the hot air, but also from the ogling eyes of the common men at the busy market. No one could keep their eyes off her, even women and children. Their huge smiles made her feel even more burdened about the future heir they all wanted. Her father was apparently growing old, her mother already had begun to bother her about suitors. Princess didn't understand why she had to marry so early and that too to someone she didn't even love. Couldn't she just spend the rest of her life reading and writing poetry like a hopeless romantic, waiting for the love of her life to come save her? Or maybe she could bathe in milk and roses, oil her hair, sprinkle perfume on herself and finally wear the jewels of her choice?
But alas, the daydream lasted only a few minutes before she heard her father's voice, him telling her to smile and appear more attentive of the city and her subjects. She were supposed to be the future queen, how would she participate in royal matters if she didn't know about her own kingdom?
Her eyes emptily wandered off to the smiles and curious eyes on her as your chariot moved forward, all of them looked the same. Except him. Except those two shiny brown eyes she spotted amongst many. She noticed his glimmering dark skin, his messy open hair, the beads hanging off a loose braid right in front of his face. She could only catch a glimpse of him before she lost him in the crowd and the horses trotted away, carrying her back to the castle. He didn't look like a man of a lot of fortune. But something about him stuck with her.
Perhaps it was the curve of his lips as he smiled, perhaps it was how mischievous he looked, or maybe it was the thought of leaving everything behind and living independently as a commoner that came washing along with his presence in her life. Life as a royal isn't how commoners think it is. She was trapped in a cage made of gold with the finest grain thrown at her without care. She thought she was better off living as a simple lady, raising a home where she only had to take care of herself and her livelihood, perhaps with a lover, instead of sitting with handmaidens who praised her beauty and gossiped about princes from other kingdoms seeking their future queens.
Being a princess, she was more than just trapped. She couldn't choose whom to love, she couldn't decide her schedules, she could not even choose what jewelry to wear despite its abundance. Responsibilities after responsibilities, yet she wasn't treated like anything but an object to be gawked at, bag of gold to be traded.
The chariot reached the palace and the princess was more than enthusiastic to reach her chambers. Locking herself in, she let her handmaidens strip her of her royal attire before helping her in her resting garments. A simple gown and a mesh shawl to wrap around her shoulders. She dismissed them and picked up her diary, fingers absentmindedly moving towards the quill on her desk. It seemed like a poem wove in her mind and she had to write it down before it disappeared like the handsome man she saw at the city.
like my feet seek the ground like my lungs seek air i find myself yearning for you before you fade from my memories before you withdraw from my grasp
"Perfect." she thought, as she buried her nose into the page and inhaled the smell of the ink on the fresh page. Unbeknownst to her, the mysterious man's smile engraved itself in her heart entwined with the fragrant roses in her room and the verse she just composed. She wanted to meet the man again, perhaps stare into his sun-kissed amber irises for an eternity if time and luck was on her side.
"Is this what it means to fall in love with someone at first sight? Is this what all those books talk about?"
She couldn't help but giggle to herself softly, orange rays of sunset entering her room through the window. She dropped her diary on the bed, carefully keeping the quill back in its place before running off to the open window. Evening breeze hit her hair, swaying the strands over her face as she daydreamed about the handsome stranger before the sound of her closest handmaiden's voice reminded her of reality.
"Your Highness, it's time for your daily bath. You must cleanse yourself before your dinner with His and Her Majesty."
She stood by the door, fresh clothes in her hand. Princess turned to face her, the smile still stuck to her lips as she jogged over to her. Grabbing her shoulders, she pulled her inside and closed the door. Sitting the surprised lady down with herself on the bed, she flashed her pearly whites while asking her a rather baffling question.
"Have you ever been in love?"
"I-Is this about the prince who sent you the most beautiful vase for your roses as a gift, Your Highness?"
She chuckled, shaking her head at the surprised look the older lady gave her. Her hands slowly fixed the mesh shawl over her shoulders as she sighed dreamily. Seeing her antics, the handmaiden gave her a small smile before taking off the lovestruck girl's earrings and pearl necklace for her.
"Not him, but it is the most wonderful feeling in this world to be in love.."
"Indeed, only a few people can afford to marry out of love. But you, Your Highness, can make anybody fall in love at once. Your beauty and kindness can even make a tiger bow to you out of respect."
The princess chuckled and stood up yet again, taking her diary and looking at the poem she crafted. She twirled, letting her dress flow and sat down on the windowsill, smelling the ink on the page. Her face lit up with the sweetest smile when the face of that man flashed in front of her eyes. Yes, that was definitely how love at first sight felt like.
proofread ✓ pearly venus, 17:28 240524
masterlist for my princess only series
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 month
Welcome to Revenge of the Underrated!
Some of you asked me to put a "haven't watched both" to be more fair to the more unknown movies, but I've seen other tournaments doing this and I think it limits too much who can participate in the polls. So what I decided to do is a double elimination!
What does that mean? That means a movie has to lose twice to be eliminated. In other words, there will be a sorts of losers bracket that'll be part of main bracket. I'm undecided on whether to do this for only one round or the whole bracket, as it would make the tournament very long. Do let me know if you have any opinion about it.
Anyway, Revenge of the Underrated, Round 1:
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Miss Hokusai vs Happily N'Ever After
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children vs Tiger and Bunny: The Rising
Ballerina vs Book Girl
On-Gaku: Our Sound vs Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
Cats don't Dance vs The Flight of Dragons
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge vs The Girl Without Hands
The Twelve Tasks of Asterix vs Flatland: The Film
Felidae vs Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West vs Unico in the Island of Magic
Rock and Rule vs Rock-A-Doodle
The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning vs Freddie as F.R.0.7
The Plague Dogs vs The Magic Riddle
Pokemon Heroes vs The Pebble and the Penguin
Strange Magic vs Sea Prince and the Fire Child
Help! I'm a Fish vs Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
16.Azur and Asmar: The Prince's Quest vs Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
17.Titan A.E. vs Ico, the Brave Horse
18.The Adventures of Mark Twain vs A Troll in Central Park
19.The Case of Hana and Alice vs Once Upon a Forest
20.Underdogs vs Long Way North
21.Mars Needs Moms vs The Twelve Months
22.Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Candace Against the Universe vs Blinky Bill
23.Robot Carnival vs Revue Starlight: The Movie
24.One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island vs Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
25.Ruben Brandt, Collector vs Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie
26.Lupin III: The First vs Pippi Longstocking
27.The Three Caballeros vs The Legend of Manxmouse
28.Princes and Princesses vs The Snow Queen
29.A Letter to Momo vs Seven Days War
30.The Wild Thornberrys Movie vs The Rabbi's Cat
31.Night on the Galactic Railroad vs The Boy who Wanted to be a Bear
32.The Swan Princess vs Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito
33.Patema Inverted vs Bartok the Magnificent
34.Next Gen vs Padak
35.Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods vs Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
36.Thumbelina vs Catnapped!
37.Early Man vs Rainbow Magic: Return to Rainspell Island
38.Junk Head vs Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie
39.Charlotte's Web (1973) vs The Princess and the Goblin
40.Shaun the Sheep Movie vs Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
41. Redline vs Balto
42. The Addams Family vs Inu-Oh
43. Epic vs Mary and the Witch's Flower
44.The Girl Who Leapt Through Time vs Vivo
45.Barbie: Princess Charm School vs Kronk''s New Groove
46.Waking Life vs The Transformers: The Movie
47.Barbie in the Nutcracker vs Barbie as Rapunzel
48.Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back vs Cool World
49.The Land Before Time vs When the Wind Blows
50.The Secret of NIMH vs Summer Wars
51.The Black Cauldron vs All Dogs go to Heaven
52.The Red Turtle vs FernGully: The Last Rainforest
53.Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas vs Ron's Gone Wrong
54.The Boxtrolls vs Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
55.Arthur Christmas vs One Piece Film Red
56.Barbie of Swan Lake vs The Rescuers Down Under
57.Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole vs Secret of the Wings
58.The Castle of Cagliostro vs Pokemon: The Movie 2000
59.Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust vs Arthur and the Invisibles
60.Tinker Bell vs Barbie as the Island Princess
61.Mind Game vs Tekkonkinkreet
62.The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh vs Dragon Ball Super: Broly
63.Mirai vs Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
64.The Lion King II: Simba's Pride vs Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase
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minxie-lynxie · 4 months
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I'm going to make a Picrew as I work on the outfit designs for my beloved Fem!Sin >:D
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Villains through the Rainbow
I cant believe I did this for fun. This was painful XD 😅 So be free to use them as wallpapers or headers or whatever ^^
Made on BeFunky with kissthemgoodbye.net and Google (And more). CLICK FOR BETTER QUALITY.
Below the cut are all the characters and movies and shows ^^
Red: Gaston (Beauty and The Beast, 1991), Pearl (Pearl, 2022), Professor Ratigan (The Great Mouse Detective, 1986), Captain Hook (Peter Pan, 2003), Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda 2, 2011), The Djinn (Wishmaster, 1999), Jafar (Aladdin, 1992), Otis B Driftwood (House of 1000 Corpses, 2003), Death (Puss N Boots; The Last Wish, 2022), Chucky / Charles Lee Ray (Seed of Chucky, 2004), Scar (The Lion King, 1994), and Erik Destler (The Phantom of the Opera, 1989).
Yellow: Percival C McLeach (The Rescuers Down Under, 1990), Mayor George W. Buckman (2001 Maniacs, 2005), Clayton (Tarzan, 1999), Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt Jr (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 2003 + The Texas Chainsaw Massacre; The Beginning, 2006), Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls, 2012), Baby Firefly (House of 1000 Corpses, 2003), Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmations, 1961), Human!Chucky / Charles Lee Ray (Childs Play, 1988), Commander Lyle Rourke (Atlantis; The Lost Empire, 2001), Kahmunrah (Night At The Museum; Battle of the Smithsonian, 2009), Hopper (A Bugs Life, 1998), and Gilderoy Lockheart (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 2002).
Green: Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty, 1959), The Riddler (Fox Gotham, 2014), Scar (The Lion King, 1994), Leslie Vernon (Behind The Mask; Rise of Leslie Vernon, 2006), Chick Hicks (Cars, 2006), Freddy Krueger (Freddy Vs Jason, 2003), General Kai (Kung Fu Panda 3, 2016), Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice, 1988), Marvin the Martian (Space Jam, 1996), Oogie Boogie (A Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993), Greasy Weasel (Who Framed Roger Rabbit, 1988), and Lady Tremaine (Cinderella, 2015).
Blue: Wheezy Weasel (Who Framed Roger Rabbit, 1988), Michael Myers (Halloween, 1978), Hades (Hercules, 1997), Maleficent (Once Upon A Time, 2011), Prince John (Robin Hood, 1973), Pamela Voorhees (Friday the 13th, 1980), Tai Lung (Kung Fu Panda, 2008), Stuart Lloyd (The Last Showing, 2014), Prince Hans of the Southern Isles (Frozen, 2013), Hades (Once Upon A Time, 2011), Shan Yu (Mulan, 1998), and Bo Sinclair (House of Wax, 2005).
Purple: Eris (Sinbad; Legend of the Seven Seas, 2003), Carrie White (Carrie, 1978), Jafar (Aladdin, 1992), Chop Top Sawyer (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre II, 1986), Evil Queen Grimhilde (Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs, 1937), Tiffany Valentine (Bride of Chucky, 1998), Dr Facilier (The Princess and the Frog, 2009), Jervis Tetch (Fox Gotham, 2014), Ursula (The Little Mermaid, 1989), Regina Mills (Once Upon A Time, 2011), Long John Silver (Treasure Planet, 2002), and Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body, 2009).
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