#q tip woozi is BACK
otlwoozi · 2 years
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hat trick king with his q tip hat
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
Well you know what overhaul would do. HAHA. He'd treat you even more like his little patient. Dress you in a surgical gown and sit you in his exam room so he can do all the tests to get to the bottom of whatever illness you have (even if it pronbaly is just a simple cold.)
Imagine him snapping on his gloves real menacingly as he approaches you, your legs dangling over the edge of the table. He'd constantly be looking down at you with a glare, but he's really worried you know? Secretly. Deep down.
He'd make you open your mouth and point a flashlight around, then he'd check your nose- maybe shoving a q tip up inside to send off for tests. He'd lift up your gown and palpatate your tummy, it's super embarrassing and weird. He pokes and prodes and asks "Does this hurt?"
Oh and he makes you pee for him. You claim you can't go? Fine. He starts pulling out a long tube and lubing it up. If you won't pee for him then he'll have to use a catheter. Bad utis can travel to your kidney and kill you, don't you know? It'd be so horrible, you'd beg for him to just let you go by yourself but it's too late.
Next? Rectal thermometer maybe? Sniffling as you're forced to bend over the table and hold yourself apart for him. Or maybe some breathing tests. Maybe he'll get you on a treadmill with some monitors attached to your body and make you run until you almost collapse. The tests are endless. 😌😌😌
😂😭 noooooo- this man, I swear. EXACTLY. That's exactly what he'd do! He's such a little shit with a god complex 😤💕 aaa this is so in-character, I have so little to add!! and also yeshhh overhaul and catheters are always so- unf- tw.yandere, medical malpractice mention, everything sickness
Oh poor, poor you. You're miserable. No matter what bug you caught, it's no fun freezing your ass off on the plastic covers of one of his examination tables. You can barely keep yourself up - and he doesn’t care that the lights are too bright, that you’re shivering and trying to curl into yourself. He’ll make sure to bark something at you the moment you try to lie down - this is his domain and he’ll tell you what to do and when. Don’t you even dare to sneeze without his permission. And you’re so right- you tell him exactly what’s hurting, what feels wrong - but he’ll still make you do a dozen tests that are painfully unrelated to your issues. He just likes to see you suffer a little, likes to see your little tired eyes cling to him like he’s the only thing in the world for you... I feel like he would barely let you get enough rest, even if he doesn’t require your presence - it’s all about making you a little more uncomfortable, to slow down the healing process. He likes you hazy and dependent and pliant. Why not keep it that way for a little while longer? And torturing you a little is just the proverbial cherry on top. He’s going to hold any sickness you ever had over your head for an eternity, too. Even months later, if you dare to push back a little, if you dare to show signs of disobedience - get reading for him to play it up as though he saved your life with all his nonsense. One would think he brought you back from the brink of death with how he twists his words around, it’s infuriating. But imagine if you catch something that makes you... expel any sort of bodily fluid. A fever is almost cute to him, you’re just woozy and disoriented, hell, you’ll even try to cling to him with how out of it you are. Yeah, you’re sweating a lot but that’s nothing - nothing compared to phlegm, pee, vomit or other waste. I feel like doing all these fun little tests would be easy when you’re not an active germ factory. Because once he gets even a speck of snot on him, he’ll break out in the meanest hives you’ve ever seen. I feel like if you keel over after every sip of water to puke it out again, he’d simply lock you into your room. Lets someone else bring you food, water and medicine. As long as you’re breathing, you’ll be fine. If he comes to see you, he’s gonna be red in the face with strained effort and act as though you’re a walking biohazard. Makes snide little comments about the air (as though you have window! You should be glad to have a functioning ventilation system) and keeps his distance. But as soon as your state clears up a little, he’ll make up for all those tests missed... He has to make sure you’re really getting well again, right?
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ultlie · 1 year
❛You've lost a lot of blood.❜ Kaito helping Kokichi with his chapter three injury perhaps...
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🏁 *  ― 𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒  ( accepting! )
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          the backs of two students fallen victim to his painful prank had already turned and vanished; much quicker than they spent checking on him. an uninterested Maki was expected, but Shuichi..? ( ouch, he's definitely holding a grudge now. )
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          left to his own devices and stained with a gradual flow of blood, Kokichi wasn't quick to scramble onto his feet and join the others - in fact, he stayed put right there on the floor. droplets of sweat ran cold, a swirling wooziness taking hold of him in slow motion. amidst the television-like static roaring in both eardrums, a voice even louder tore through the frequency. those colors .. that stupid jacket .. you know who it is, but why..? if this nauseating tunnel vision were more narrow, he'd consider this a hallucination. his consciousness, faint but present, told no lie of the familiar before him. much too weak to crawl away in rebuke, he instead remains unmoving - although pouting silently.
          sheepishly avoidant of eye contact with his first responder, his gaze instead fixed on a very distinct box with a red cross sticker on it's cover. it was one of those portable med-kits from the warehouse. so far it appeared that a myriad of cotton balls, q-tips and bandages were missing from the container; a few even littered the floor. Kokichi spent so much time playing oblivious to the situation at hand that he didn't even know the job was done. no longer were clumps of hair coated in blood and soaked with sweat against his forehead. a subtle dizziness would linger for a while afterwards, but all around the physical relief was setting in.
          a sudden snap from the med-kit startled him with annoyance, audibly growling at the astronaut who just nursed him back to health. ❝ weeelll.. this makes sense! I guess monkeys are required to know first aid etiquette before they're launched into space! ❞
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Don’t Treat My Love Like a Habit Part Thirteen
Previous Part | Next Part | Masterlist Pairing: Santiago Garcia x Reader Rating: Mature (this may change) Warnings: Cursing; canon-typical violence (not terribly descriptive); flirting; pining Notes: Set before the movie. Not beta-read. Reina is Spanish for Queen. Happy New Year! 🥳 Summary: Pope and Alex had pulled a couple of stakeouts together in that time, and when neither had come back with black eyes or missing teeth -- in fact, when both had come back and neither had mysteriously ‘disappeared’, you’d taken it as a sign that things were improving.   
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“I’ve got eyes on ya,” You said, watching Alex through the monitor. “Well, now I feel self-conscious. I knew I should’ve worn tighter jeans today,” Alex’s voice was quiet as it crackled through your earpiece. “Not a problem from my point of view,” Was Pope’s retort; he was only a few feet from Alex’s position. You rolled your eyes. The two of them had continued to be somewhat combative over the last couple of weeks, but it had defrosted slightly and taken a turn for the teasing. At least, Pope had stopped openly griping to you about him. He and Alex had pulled a couple of stakeouts together in that time, and when neither had come back with black eyes or missing teeth -- in fact, when both had come back and neither had mysteriously ‘disappeared’, you’d taken it as a sign that things were improving.
“Glad it hear it, Garcia. You know, I picked these with you in mind?” Alex answered, and you huffed a laugh, unable to help it. “You know, you two were bad enough apart, you’re insufferable on the same channel,” You teased. “Oh, ouch--” “He and I are not as bad--” “How dare you, Reina--”  “If anything I make it better--” Santiago and Alex hurried to correct you over one another and you groaned, “Alright, alright, I take it back, fuckssake! Eyes up, you’ve got a car approaching.” It had been a tip from one of Santiago’s informants that had gotten you there. When he’d told you that he had a new informant, you hadn’t gone out of your way to ask the questions that you usually would’ve asked. When Isabella had first come up, before she’d disappeared with your best (and only) lead at the time, you’d made fun of him a little, asked if she was hot, if he bothered to get dressed up for her, if they went to his place or hers. This time you’d just taken the information in the same way you did when the guy handed you a tequila shot - with one solid nod and a wince once he’d turned his head. Whatever feelings you had toward the methods Pope sometimes employed, now was not the time to take issue with them. The man was letting you stay in his apartment - sleep in his bed for goddsake. Besides that, the two of you had never been closer. It was beyond being around him so constantly. You felt like you understood Pope on an entirely different level now. “What’ve we got?” You asked as you watched the car pull to a stop on the live feed. “I am seeing… Three people in the car…No one’s making a move to get out,” Alex relayed. “Just give it a minute,” Pope grumbled. Neither you nor Alex replied, just waited for a few tense seconds. And then the passenger side front door opened. “Alright, hang on, hang on,” Pope was cautioning, even as you were working to enhance your stream. You froze, fingers over the keyboard as the picture became clear. “Guys,” You mumbled, “Is that-- Are you seeing--” “Yes,” Alex breathed, even as Pope hissed, “Fuck.” That was Camilo Hernandez. You’d been looking for the man for months. He was distinct, even on a grainy camera feed. “Guys,” You warned quietly, “We stick to the original plan. I know that this changes things, but it doesn’t change how many people we have at our disposal. I’m calling for backup now,” You added, fingers moving swiftly over the keys again, “But if they can’t get there in time--” “Understood,” Alex grumbled. Pope didn’t even answer you. You couldn’t imagine what was going through his head - and fuck, you wanted to ask, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. He needed to be focused on what was right in front of him. You were resolved to only speak up again if it was absolutely necessary - reinforcements were on their way, or another car pulled up. You watched as the other two people got out of the car - one of them being Pope’s informant. She was cute. You whacked the thought back down as suddenly as it appeared. There was no time for that, and the fact, while true, was not a helpful one. The three of them started toward a house not too far from where they’d parked. “I’m moving into position,” Alex warned through the comm. “Right behind you. How are we doing on reinforcements?” Pope asked. You glanced at the messages that had come through. “Eight minutes out.” “You can’t speed them up?” Pope growled. “If I could, I would,” You gritted out, leaning against the desk and watching as the two crept into position around the car. You held your breath as Alex slid under the car to place a tracking device. “Get out of there, ‘Brano, they’re coming back out,” Pope hissed. “I’m not finished--” “Alex, move--” You ordered as quickly as you could. But it wasn’t quickly enough. When you were on that side of the screen, it was never quickly enough. The feed was hazy and sluggish, the actions of the people unclear and moments behind what you were hearing. You balled your hands into fists as you heard gunfire, yelling, the squealing of car tires. You took in a shuddering breath as quiet fell on the other end. “Zambrano?” You finally dared to speak, “Garcia? Someone talk to me.” “‘Brano’s been hit.” --
The way that Santiago had delivered the news was flat, but you knew him better; his voice was tight with the fact, with worry. When you’d finally been able to leave, to meet the two at the hospital, you found Alex in one piece with a woozy ‘just-given-painkillers’ smile and his arm in a sling. The bullet hadn’t hit anything vital - it had passed through his abdomen; the stitches could come out in a week or two. Pope looked like he could’ve eaten the world twice over - his brow was drown low, in frustration or upset, you couldn’t tell; his jaw was clenched as if he was the one that had been shot. “I’ll get him home,” You told your boss quietly (because right now, that was what the man was to you - your boss; this was still work). He gave a short nod and hardly met your eye as he left the hospital room. You sighed, turning back to Alex and shaking your head. “It’s always something with you, isn’t it, ‘Brano.” “Gotta keep it interesting, Q,” He retorted, “Now help me stand up, the room feels like one of those spinny horse up-and-down rides.” “Carousel, ‘Brano,” You smiled in spite of yourself, in spite of the situation as you gave him your arm to steady himself, “A carousel.”
-- You didn’t make it back to your Pope’s apartment until very early the next morning - it was nearly 5:30; the sun had yet to rise. You’d gotten Alex to his apartment and stayed to get him settled. You’d made sure he’d had something to eat, helped him get changed into more comfortable clothing. You’d tucked him in, too, after he’d sworn up and down to call you when he woke up. You only left to check in at the office. The tracker was working. The damn thing that Alex had crawled under the car to place and nearly died working on was working. On the other side of town, while you, Pope, and ‘Brano had been in that situation, Diego’s team had hit a stash house and been able to seize a fair amount of product, cash, and several workers.  The night had viable leads, tangible results, a functioning tracker to show for it.
-- You moved around Pope’s apartment gingerly. You showered first, trying to rid yourself of the night's grime, taking twice as long, as if you could scrub off the feeling of helplessness that had lingered with you. You hadn’t heard from Pope all evening. You hadn’t reached out; you’d figured he’d have his own ends to wrap up, his own questions to ask of his informant, and you didn’t want to interrupt that...Situation. You stepped into Santiago’s room, peering around. You’d laid your pajamas out for yourself the day before, and they were still there, undisturbed on your side of the bed. You crept closer, towel wrapped tightly around yourself as you eyed where Santiago lay, back to you. You reached out, tugging your sleep shorts on. You eyed the tank top you normally slept in next. You were still a little damp from the shower, and you knew that you’d be chilly. You stepped over to his dresser, opening one of his drawers rather than yours and pulling out one of his few long-sleeve shirts. He wouldn't mind, right? They didn't get much use, anyway. 
You dropped your towel and tugged it on, sighing at the immediate feeling of warmth and comfort that washed over you. You shut the dresser drawer gingerly before scooping the towel off of the floor and creeping back out of the room. Coffee. You’d make coffee, head back into the office to see how the tracker was doing and then get some food to bring over to Alex’s. That was the best course of action. You took yours and Pope’s mugs out of the dish drainer, pouring freshly brewed coffee into your mug. As you waited for it to cool a bit, you found yourself bracing yourself against the counter and closing your eyes. You were tired. It had been a long night. You hadn’t taken a moment to rest at Alex’s, more concerned with getting him situated so that you could follow up with the rest of the op. Of course, it was a relief that everything was running smoothly, but-- You glanced back as you heard a creak in the floorboard, your hand instinctively flying to your thigh, where you typically had your gun strapped. Of course you’d just showered - there was no gun to be found. “It’s just me,” Santiago’s voice was somehow soothing even when it was rough as sandpaper from sleep. You sighed quietly, nodding and straightening up to pour coffee into his mug as well. “That’s a relief. I was about to reach for the spatula.” You smiled as he chuckled and crowded up behind you. He curled his arms around you, his face pressing into your neck. “Your nose is cold,” You grumbled. “Give it a minute,” Was his muffled reply. You smiled.
“How are you feeling? Bout last night, I mean,” You clarified. Santiago took a moment to answer. And when he finally did, he mumbled, “We almost got him.” “I know. You’re gonna get him.” “We’re gonna get him. The dual raids were your idea.” “Yeah, yeah. But you guys did all of the heavy lifting.”  You glanced down, absently trailing a finger over one of Santiago’s arms where it was wrapped around you. “Your coffee’s getting cold.” “I can handle lukewarm coffee, Reina.” “...You’re cuddly first thing in the morning.” “Mm.” “Are you always this cuddly first thing?” “Mm.” You rolled your eyes as Santiago lifted his head, nudging his nose against the hinge of your jaw before he stepped away, leaning against the counter. That’s when you realized how… Well, how shirtless he was. You and Santiago always slept with your backs to one another, and you hadn’t exactly gone over to get a good look at him when you’d gone in to get dressed. Did he always sleep shirtless? You turned away as quickly as you had looked, not wanting to be caught out. You’d certainly gotten an eyeful. Whoever this informant was, she must’ve been less territorial than Isabella was. Santiago was hickey-free -- from what you could see, anyway. “How’s Zambrano?” Santiago asked after a few sips of coffee. “In one piece. He’s hopped up on pain meds and has eight stitches on his left side. He’ll be fine. He’s had worse,” You answered, warming your hands around your mug. You felt a tug on the hem of your shirt and glanced down to see Pope fiddling with it. Your eyes trailed up his arm to his face, giving him a bashful smile. “Uh… Ha, yeah, sorry. I took a shower and I was chilly so I kinda… Borrowed it.” You raised a brow as Pope tugged at the hem again. “You want it back?” You teased. “Would you hand it over right now if I asked?” Santiago’s eyes were as dark and as warm as the coffee he was sipping. You huffed out a shaky laugh, feeling yourself flush as you raised your own mug to your lips. He always did like to fuck with you; you took his flirting with a grain of salt. “I’m gonna head out soon, check on ‘Brano and see how things are at the office. Also, considering how picky you are, you’d probably just tell me I was taking it off wrong,” You added as you headed out of the kitchen. You were well into the hall when you choked on your coffee, hearing Santiago call after you, “I could show you how it’s done.” Tag list: @justanotherblonde23​  ; @revolution-starter​ ; @emurlemur​​ ; @badbitxhbuckybarnes ;  @supernaturalcat7​
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jkottke · 5 years
Remembering J Dilla On His 45th Birthday
On his 32nd birthday, February 7, 2006, J Dilla (born James Dewitt Yancey, in Detroit, MI) released an unusual instrumental album called Donuts. Three days later, he was dead, from complications of lupus. Since then, February 7 has become an especially important day for fans of Dilla and Donuts, and this year (which would have been his 45th birthday) was no different.
His local alt-weekly, the Metro Times, gathered a collection of memories from other top producers and collaborators, including Q-Tip, DJ Jazzy Jeff, and T3 from Slum Village, the underground hip-hop group to which Dilla belonged for years.
At High Snobiety, Danny Schwartz published a lengthy tribute to and analysis of Dilla's contributions to musical history:
J Dilla operated within the rich tradition of sampling, and like many other hip-hop producers, he used the MPC to layer jazz, soul, fusion, and other styles of music on top of breakbeats. What distinguished Dilla from everyone else was his holistic approach that imbued his massive production catalogue with a dynamic range of sounds and textures. His most important innovation was that he turned off the 'quantize' feature of the MPC, so that his kicks and hats might arrive significantly before or after the beat. To put it another way, he loosened his beats from their rhythmic bedrock; they were not rigid, but gambled forward with a woozy lilt. One could easily argue that Dilla and Lex Luger influenced the rhythmic sensibilities of pop music more than anyone else since funk drummers like James Brown's Clyde Stubblefield. Dilla was a perfectionist, and his rhythmic idiosyncrasies, however off-grid, were perfectly calibrated; like Gandalf, he arrived precisely when he meant to.
An MPC is a sampling machine. A little over a year ago, Vox put together a nice little video specifically about Dilla's idiosyncratic, influential use of his MPC3000:
A 2006 feature in The Fader has memories from everyone from Madlib to Erykah Badu, but Dilla's mother Maureen Yancey (affectionately known as "Ma Dukes") talks specifically about Donuts, probably Dilla's most famous album (although you're sure to start a fight if you call it or any other of his albums his "best"):
I knew he was working on a series of beat CDs before he came to Los Angeles. Donuts was a special project that he hadn't named yet. This was the tail end of his "Dill Withers" phase, while he was living in Clinton Township, Michigan. You see, musically he went into different phases. He'd start on a project, go back, go buy more records and then go back to working on the project again. I saw it because I was at his house every day, all day. I would go there for breakfast, go back to Detroit to check on the daycare business I was running, and then back to his house for lunch and dinner. He was on a special diet and he was a funny eater anyway. He had to take 15 different medications, we would split them up between meals, and every other day we would binge on a brownie sundae from Big Boys. That was his treat.
I didn't know about the actual album Donuts until I came to Los Angeles to stay indefinitely. I got a glimpse of the music during one of the hospital stays, around his 31st birthday, when [friend and producer] House Shoes came out from Detroit to visit him. I would sneak in and listen to the work in progress while he was in dialysis. He got furious when he found out I was listening to his music! He didn't want me to listen to anything until it was a finished product. He was working in the hospital. He tried to go over each beat and make sure that it was something different and make sure that there was nothing that he wanted to change. "Lightworks," oh yes, that was something! That's one of the special ones. It was so different. It blended classical music (way out there classical), commercial and underground at the same time.
At okayplayer, Elijah C. Watson focused on Dilla's influence on contemporary hip-hop artists, especially the emerging subgenre of lo-fi hip-hop:
Also called "chill-hop," "jazzy hip-hop," or the more specific "lo-fi hip-hop radio for studying, relaxing, and gaming," lo-fi hip-hop has become a subgenre and subculture. It's a subgenre featuring instrumentals rooted in the melancholy melodies of jazz and boom-bap drums of golden age hip-hop.
Playlists dedicated to lo-fi hip-hop can be found on music streaming services but YouTube serves as its primary base (with a looped image of an anime scene often being featured.) Channels like Chillhop Music, ChilledCow, and Private ChillOut offer 24/7 streams of the subgenre -- the subscriber count anywhere from 102,000 to 2,500,000. Through these channels, the aesthetic of lo-fi hip-hop is best experienced. Fans from across the world listen to the tracks and engage with each other in real time, all while a looped image of an animated character writing or working on a laptop is featured.
At Ambrosia For Heads, Dan Charnas discusses his research for his forthcoming academic book, DillaTime: How a Hip-Hop Producer Reinvented Rhythm and Changed the Way Musicians Play:
[J Dilla's] story gets complicated first as he encounters some of the pains of the business and then, later, illness. The thing he most wants to do becomes harder and harder for him to do. But that laser focus, as his friends and family have painstakingly documented, remains until his final hour. Talk about triumph and pain mixed together. One of the things I've grappled with since the day I walked into his basement in 1999 is why people have such an overwhelming emotional connection to this person and his work. And one of the answers I've come to is that, in every piece of music, we can somehow sense that overwhelming will and spirit...
My co-author, Jeff Peretz, and I took about 20 students to Detroit in 2017 as a part of my Dilla course at the Clive Davis Institute... The Detroit experience was a real eye-opener for our students. Context and environments are crucial to understanding. I'll tell you one of the things that always strikes me about the D: everyone in Detroit always seems to be building something. Dilla's 'Uncle Herm' isn't just a chef and baker--he gutted and built the donut shop with his own two hands.
Hanif Abdurraqib contributed this unforgettable anecdote
I say it every year, but few things about Dilla stick with me more than the story of his mother massaging his swollen hands so that he could finish working on Donuts while he was approaching death. pic.twitter.com/66wRyAH9Lh
— Hanif Abdurraqib (@NifMuhammad) February 7, 2019
We miss you, Jay. You should still be here.
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onestowatch · 5 years
2018 Favorites & 2019 Predictions: Ones To Watch Staff Picks
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WHAT. A. YEAR. While 2018 wasn’t exactly the proudest year in American history, there were quite a number of impressive strides in the musical realm. Ones To Watch had our best year yet, and we want to send a special thank you to all the devoted music fans who have utilized our platform to dig up the most promising up & coming artists this year. 
To recap, we created a fun sizzle reel set to Masego’s “Send Yo Rita” which includes many of the talented artists we’ve had the privilege of highlighting: Buddy, The Marías, The Aces, Jade Bird, Sylvan LaCue, Transviolet, Greta Van Fleet, Night Riots, Charlotte Lawrence, Masego, Allie X, LÉON, Jorge Blanco, DaniLeigh, Harry Hudson, grandson, Jesse Jo Stark, Cautious Clay, CLOVES, Sinead Harnett, NoMBe, and Kweku Collins.
As we approach the new year, we surveyed the entire staff to assemble our 2018 favorites and 2019 predictions. What’d we miss?
Best Albums 
H.E.R. - I Used To Know Her - The Prelude
Buddy - Harlan & Alondra
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Noname - Room 25
Tierra Whack - Whack World
Amy Shark - Love Monster
Rainbow Kitten Surprise - How to: Friend, Love, Freefall
Jacob Banks - Village
JID - DiCaprio 2
HONNE - Love Me / Love Me Not
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Jorja Smith - Lost & Found
Tash Sultana - Flow State
Smino - NOIR
Lauv - I met you when I was 18. (the playlist)
Tom Misch - Geography
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Best Female Breakout Artists
King Princess
Ella Mai
Soccer Mommy
Tierra Whack
Jessie Reyez
Best Male Breakout Artists
Juice WRLD
boy pablo
Alec Benjamin
Sheck Wes
Best Breakout Bands
The Marías
Greta Van Fleet
Most Underrated Songs
Joseph Angel - “Shame”
ROLE MODEL - “not a fan”
Arin Ray - “Communication” (feat. DRAM)
skinnydip - “Call It Off”
ELIZA - “Loveable”
Rhys Lewis - “Could’ve Been”
Masego - “Black Love”
MorMor - “Heaven’s Only Wishful”
Favorite Songs To Cry To
Sinead Harnett - “Lessons”
Lewis Capaldi - “Someone You Loved”
Sasha Sloan - “The Only”
Mitski - “Nobody”
Charlotte Lawrence - “Everybody Loves You”
Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, Lucy Dacus - Me & My Dog
LANY - “Thru These Tears”
CLOVES - “Up & Down”
Favorite Songs To Make Out To
Pink Sweat$ - “Honesty”
Phlake, Mercedes - “Waited All Summer”
The Marías - “Cariño”
Omar Apollo - “Ugotme”
Hablot Brown, Maths Time Joy - “Reason”
Daniel Caesar - “Who Hurt You?”
King Princess - “Pussy Is God”
Kyle Dion - “Brown”
Best Concerts We Attended
James Bay @ The Fillmore, San Francisco
Porches @ Teragram Ballroom, Los Angeles
Lolo Zouaï @ The Echo, Los Angeles
Francis and the Lights @ Zebulon, Los Angeles
Jorja Smith @ The Wiltern, Los Angeles
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Night 2 at The Wiltern was dreamy, two nights sold out and Uncle Snoop pulled uppp🤩 Thank you all for coming out to watch 💚 Shot by @michaelaquan
A post shared by jmoney (@jorjasmith_) on Nov 28, 2018 at 8:16pm PST
JPEGMAFIA @ The Echo, Los Angeles
Billie Eilish @ Fonda Theater, Los Angeles
Yellow Days @ Moroccan Lounge, Los Angeles
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You have our hearts @yellowdayss 💛
Best Music Videos
Still Woozy - “Goodie Bag”
half•alive - “still feel”
The Blaze - “Heaven”
Col3trane - “Britney”
Phum Viphurit & Higher Brothers - “Lover Boy 88″
grandson - “blood // water”
Conan Gray - “Generation Why”
Smino - “L.M.F”
Favorite Ones To Watch Pieces (shameless self-promo)
Where Are They Now? From Medical School To Pineapple Epidemics: A Timeline of Glass Animals’ Success
All Eyes On Cautious Clay [”Stolen Moments” Live + Interview]
Q&A: Grace Carter Discusses Her Songwriting Journey, Absent Father, & Friendship with Dua Lipa
K/DA Is the Most Innovative Pop Supergroup, and They’re Not Even Real
Ambar Lucid – “Listen” Live at Black Rabbit Rose
TOUR DIARY: YUNGBLUD Is an Artist You Need to Know On & Off the Stage
30 Ones To Watch On Tour This Fall 2018
10 Tips for Aspiring Songwriters [INDUSTRY INFILTRATION]
Best TV/Film Soundtracks
The Greatest Showman: Reimagined
Black Panther
Insecure - Season 3
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Atlanta - Season 2
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before
A Star Is Born
Can Cowboys Cry (Harry Hudson)
2019 Predictions
Top Female Artists To Watch
Nina Nesbitt
Kiana Ledè
Sasha Sloan
Snail Mail
Grace Carter
Charlotte Lawrence
Donna Missal
Top Male Artists To Watch
Dominic Fike
Pink Sweat$
Billy Raffoul
Cautious Clay
Hobo Johnson
Conan Gray
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lybrate00-blog · 6 years
Safeguard Your Hearing - 7 Tips To Do It & Ear Drum Perforations: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment!!
Your listening ability is a standout amongst the most critical capacities your body does and once in a while you understand that you are losing your feeling of hearing when it is past the point where it is possible to get it back. There are two principle explanations behind this. One reason is age, as the inward ear's hair cells separate and don't get sound well. Here are 7 approaches to shield your listening ability:
Attempt to stay away from boisterous spots: It isn't fitting to go to places where you need to yell to be heard, for example, in a road, a show or a development site.
Purchase low commotion rating gear: The types of gear in your home will make sounds that you hear the most. Endeavor to maintain a strategic distance from these types of gear by purchasing apparatuses with a low clamor rating.
Wear hearing insurance at noisy spots: However, the reality of the matter is that it isn't generally conceivable to dodge uproarious commotions. This is the point at which you have to get hearing assurance. Earplugs and ear protectors are two of the most ideal approaches to ensure that notwithstanding when you are in a noisy place, your listening ability does not get influenced. Earplugs and ear covers by and large diminish sound by 15 to 30 decibels which might be urgent to ensure that later in your life, you don't lose your listening ability.
Dodge smoke: Smoking raises your odds of hearing misfortune. Second hand smoke does likewise. Hence, attempt to quit smoking in the event that you are a smoker, and endeavor to quit expending second hand smoke in the event that you are not a smoker.
Evacuate earwax appropriately: Earwax can't be expelled legitimately utilizing a cotton bud. Keep in mind this as something else; the earwax could mute your listening ability. Patient ought to go to specialist to get it cleaned. Cell phone utilize ought to be confined.
Stay away from pharmaceuticals which diminish hearing: Certain medicines increment hearing misfortune. Along these lines, twofold check with your specialist to ensure your prescriptions won't influence you to lose your listening ability.
Get your listening ability tried: Finally, get your listening ability tried as distinguishing the issue at an early stage can enable stop to intensify the circumstance. Specialist can likewise recommend some nerve vitamins to limit harm to hearing.
Words by:
Dr. Lokesh Bhama
Master of Surgery, Post Graduate Diploma In ENT, MBBS
ENT Specialist, Thane
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Ear Drum Perforations: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment!!
Ear drum is a thin curtain-like tissue that separates the inner ear from the middle and outer ear. If this ear drum is somehow punctured, then that condition is referred to as an ear drum perforation. The ear drum can get perforated for a variety of reasons, but here are the major causes for the same.
Causes Of Ear Drum Perforations
Disease An ear contamination can mitigate into an ear drum puncturing. For the most part, the tainted territory may experience aggravation to such an extent, to the point that it might cut the ear drum. Typically, in the event of ear drum apertures because of contaminations, the discharge from the disease drops out of the ear.
Remote protest Inserting an outside question inside the ear in an offer to scratch or clear the zone can harm the ear drum. Abstain from utilizing Q-tips and other outside things to scratch the ear.
Barotrauma-This is a condition when the pneumatic stress on the external ear isn't the same as the weight inside the internal ear. Typically, barotrauma is caused when a plane changes elevation or if there should be an occurrence of scuba jumpers when they make the plunge where it counts.
Damage Injury coming about because of head injury or a slap over the ear can infrequently cause the ear drum to burst also.
Manifestations of Ear Drum Perforation
Everybody does not encounter the regular side effects that are related with a punctured ear drum. A great many people don't see it on the double, yet may visit the specialist following a few days of inconvenience. Individuals who have a punctured ear drum may likewise see air leaving their ears when they clean out their nose. This occurs as the commanding blow of air makes the air ascend inside the ear pit and turn out through the opening in the ear drum. Aside from these side effects, torment in the ear, discharge release, hearing misfortune and wooziness may likewise be caused because of the condition.
Treatment for Ear Drum Perforation
Ear drum aperture does not require a particular sort of treatment to mend. This is on the grounds that the condition gets repaired without anyone else inside a few months. Specialists may, and no more, endorse anti-toxins to guarantee that the ear does not get tainted before total recuperating. On the off chance that the condition is to a great degree agonizing, specialists may likewise recommend sure finished the-counter torment pharmaceuticals to you. In some uncommon cases, surgery might be required with a specific end goal to totally retouch the punctured ear drum.
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fivestarjamz · 6 years
“The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker” by Prince (1987)
“The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker” would have been a better movie than Graffiti Bridge.
Taken from the Purple Yoda’s magnum opus, 1987’s Sign o’ The Times, “Dorothy” is a woozy, lo-fi pop/funk jam that sounds like it was recorded underwater (thanks at least partially to an electrical glitch in the studio equipment that produced an effect Prince liked). The lyrics are somewhat abstract (no surprise, it’s a Prince song from the ‘80s), but despite the obtuse turns of phrase, the song tells a story that’s surprisingly linear.
Prince walks into a restaurant, starts talking to his favorite waitress. He’s exhausted, having gone through a patch of fighting with former lovers. Dorothy’s witty and sarcastic and comes on to him. Wit aside, Prince still gets off the best lines (“cool...but I’m leaving my pants on/’cause I’m kinda going with someone,” and “my pants were wet/they came off/but she didn’t see the movie ‘cause she hadn’t read the book first.”) Dorothy’s attention makes Prince able to go back into the “violent room” with his fighting former (current?) lovers and all is right in the world again.
There’s something about “Dorothy” that’s way more vivid than Prince’s other great story-songs (“Raspberry Beret”, for one.) I can’t describe it with any more detail than to say it sounds druggy in a way that I think I’d only be able to truly relate to under the influence of hallucinogens. Then again, I ain’t Prince.
I believe “Dorothy” is the first (only?) song in which Prince directly references Joni Mitchell. I was 10 when Sign o’ The Times came out, and it was the first I ever heard of her. If you were a weird black kid in the ‘80s, Prince was your portal into Joni (and if you were a weird black kid in the ‘90s, then it was Janet & Q-Tip.) The way Prince coos “oh-oh!” before he quotes Joni’s “Help Me” is one of the most warmly ecstatic moments I’ve ever heard in a song.
Four-star songs between “Bad Romance” & “The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker”: “Bad Side” (Michelle Branch, 2017) | “Bad Sneakers” (Steely Dan, 1975) | “Bad Times (I Can’t Stand It)” (Captain Rapp, 1983...produced by Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis!) | “Bad Weather” (The Supremes...produced by Stevie Wonder!, 1973) | “Bad Bad Leroy Brown” (Jim Croce, 1973) | “The Baddest Man Alive” (The Black Keys feat. RZA, 2012) | “Badfish” (Sublime, 1992) | “Bag Lady” (the remixed version that samples Dr. Dre’s “Xxplosive”) (Erykah Badu, 2000) | “Baggage” (Mary J. Blige, 2005) | “Ball & Chain” (Anthony Hamilton, 2005) | “Ball & Chain” (Phonte, 2011) | “Ball & Chain” (Sheldon Williams Remix) (The Foreign Exchange, 2013) | “Ball Of Confusion (That’s What The World Is Today)” (The Temptations, 1970...bumped from five stars) | “The Ballad Of Cradle Rob & Me” (Teena Marie, 1981)
Listen to the original “Ballad of Dorothy Parker” on Spotify.
Here’s a live version of “Dorothy Parker” from the 2000s
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