#pure copper bracelets
copperchakraa · 1 year
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Enhance Your Well-being with a Pure Copper Bracelet in the UK
Discover the remarkable benefits of wearing a pure copper bracelet in the United Kingdom. A pure copper bracelet is a stylish accessory that not only complements your attire but also offers numerous health advantages.
Made from high-quality, genuine copper, these bracelets are meticulously crafted to provide you with a sophisticated and therapeutic accessory. Copper has been revered for centuries for its potential health benefits, and now you can experience them firsthand with a pure copper bracelet.
The unique properties of copper are believed to promote holistic well-being. As you wear the bracelet, the copper comes into contact with your skin, facilitating the transfer of trace minerals into your body. These essential minerals, including copper, iron, and zinc, can contribute to improved overall health and vitality.
The potential benefits of wearing a pure copper bracelet in the UK are wide-ranging. Many individuals claim that copper bracelets alleviate joint stiffness and discomfort associated with conditions like arthritis. Copper is believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce swelling and relieve pain, supporting joint mobility and flexibility.
Moreover, copper is reputed to aid in balancing the body's energy levels. Some people believe that wearing a pure copper bracelet can enhance blood circulation, facilitating the efficient transport of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. By promoting better circulation, copper bracelets may help alleviate fatigue and boost energy levels, allowing you to feel more energized and productive throughout the day.
In addition to its potential health benefits, a pure copper bracelet is a stylish accessory that can effortlessly elevate your fashion ensemble. The warm, lustrous tones of copper add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any outfit, making it suitable for both casual and formal occasions. Whether you're attending a social gathering or simply going about your daily routine, a pure copper bracelet complements your style while offering potential health advantages.
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copperproduct · 3 months
How to Style Copper Bracelets for Men: A Fashion Guide for 2024 
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In men’s fashion, accessories play a pivotal role in defining one’s personal style. Among the myriad of options available, copper bracelets for men stand out as both a fashion statement and a symbol of wellness. Crafted from pure copper, these bracelets not only add a touch of sophistication to your ensemble but also offer unique benefits for both mind and body. Let’s delve into the art of styling copper bracelets for men and explore the undeniable allure and benefits they bring to your wardrobe.
Copper Bracelets for Men
Copper bracelets have surged in popularity among men, blending seamlessly with various fashion aesthetics, from rugged and edgy to refined and classic. The warm, earthy tones of copper add a rustic charm to any outfit, making it a versatile accessory for casual and formal occasions alike. Whether worn solo or layered with other bracelets, a copper bracelet exudes confidence and individuality, elevating your overall look with its understated elegance.
Benefits of Pure Copper Bracelets
Beyond their aesthetic appeal, pure copper bracelets offer a host of health benefits that have garnered attention in the wellness community. Here are some advantages:
Anti-inflammatory Properties: Copper is believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties that may help alleviate symptoms of arthritis and joint pain. By wearing a pure copper bracelet, you may experience relief from stiffness and discomfort, allowing you to move with greater ease and comfort throughout the day.
Improving Circulation: Some studies suggest that copper bracelets can improve blood circulation and oxygenation, promoting overall cardiovascular health. Enhanced circulation may also contribute to faster recovery from physical exertion and improved athletic performance.
Antimicrobial Action: Copper exhibits natural antimicrobial properties, making it an excellent choice for everyday wear. By wearing a copper bracelet, you create an environment that inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi on the skin, reducing the risk of infections and promoting hygiene.
Styling Tips
Now that you’re familiar with the benefits of copper bracelets, let’s explore some stylish ways to incorporate them into your wardrobe:
Stacking and Layering: Experiment with stacking your copper bracelet with other wrist accessories, such as leather bands or beaded bracelets, to create a layered look that adds dimension to your outfit. Mix and match textures and materials for a personalized touch.
Casual Chic: Pair your copper bracelet with a relaxed button-down shirt and denim jeans for a laid-back yet polished ensemble. Add a leather watch or cuff for a cohesive look that exudes effortless style.
Business Casual: Elevate your business casual attire by accessorizing with a sleek copper bracelet. Pair it with a tailored blazer, chinos, and dress shoes for a sophisticated look that transitions seamlessly from the office to after-work drinks.
Athleisure Edge: Embrace the athleisure trend by pairing your copper bracelet with a fitted T-shirt, jogger pants, and sneakers. The juxtaposition of sporty and refined elements creates a modern and dynamic ensemble.
In conclusion, copper bracelets for men offer a winning combination of style and wellness, making them a must-have accessory for the modern gentleman. Whether you’re drawn to their rustic charm or intrigued by their potential health benefits, incorporating a pure copper bracelet into your wardrobe is sure to make a statement. By following these styling tips and embracing the versatility of copper accessories, you can elevate your style with confidence and flair. Choose a copper bracelet today and redefine your look with timeless elegance and vitality.
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iamhowiseeit · 2 years
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A Collection of Obsession
I'll admit that it was my own procrastination this time around that stopped me from posting this sooner. But it's done now and at the time of posting this I have less than twenty minutes until I leave for work so I am rushing. This piece is not as thoroughly proofread as my others so far and I wanted to try something different (meaning that I didn't want to write a torture scene). Instead, y'all get to enjoy Legend being an absolute little creepy bastard man.
TW: Lots of suggestive stuff but nothing explicitly stated, yandere themes, brief mentions of blood, I want to put a restraining order on Legend after writing this
“If I may bring your attention over here, dear customer, I think you’ll find that these wares are more to your liking. Take this copper and quartz bracelet, for example! Though it may not glimmer like gems and gold or match well with any gowns or suits, it serves its purpose in a more practical way than fashionable. Here- touch it! Yes… yes, you feel that? It’s a spell of protection! And a potent one at that! You see, copper and quartz are great choices for enchantments as they…”
Though he may consider Ravio a good friend, Legend can only listen to him prattle on for so long. And when you were the one listening to the purple rabbit with such rapt attention? No matter how mundane the object or how simple the spell might be? Gods, Legend would have to shove a sock down his throat to get him to shut up.
But… Legend can’t exactly blame the merchant for his gabbiness. He can’t blame anyone for acting giddy around you. He and his brothers would know.
Any and everything you did just… did something nothing else could. Legend could take all sorts of pain medication or even healing potions, but it’d do nothing to soothe out the deep aches in his muscles and bones. But when you would offer to massage his shoulders when he had flare ups? Calm and pleasure would seep into his joints and bones like he had taken a day’s long soak in a hot spring.
Your genuine reactions were another thing that Legend found so precious. Despite having traveled with him and the rest for months, you still oohed and ahhed at anything with a hint of magic in it. Even when feeling an appropriate level of fear towards monsters, he could always see some hint of awe in your eyes. Not to mention the pure wonder he witnessed when you were greeted by the sights of dragons and fairies and all inbetween.
It was like Legend was rediscovering the world through a brand new pair of lenses. All of the geological monuments or sights that he used to dismiss did have some level of majesty to them. The speckled night sky and the blazing sunsets and sunrises were rather breath taking, he would admit. “Not as breathtaking as you” is what he’d want to say but Wars always beat him to the punch. And then Legend would, typically, physically punch him later.
And he loved you for all of it.
He loved how genuine and real (because you are- you are real and this is no dream) everything felt. It was like the unseen muck clinging to his soul was cleansed from him when he was around you. His drive, his heartbeat, and his every breath was fueled by you. He adored that you made him see the silver linings in things when his pessimism gnawed at his mind. He had to stop himself from physically crooning into your arms when you’d hold him so tenderly after he awoke from a nightmare. Even when it was habit to snap or quip when in a moment of vulnerability, you still held the shards of glass that he was in your hands without fear of being cut. And if he ever hurt you, no matter how or to what capacity, he’d want you- need you- to inflict it make onto him tenfold or else he’d just have to do it himself and he long gave up on being gentle in such regards.
The long and short of it is that you made Legend feel alive. His heart- his chewed up, spat out, stomped on, cursed at, beaten up, and bruised heart- was yours. His soul- his battered, broken, and down trodden soul- was yours. He is yours. He is only yours. Curse Hylia and all the other goddesses who ever used him as a means to an end. He cares not that the Hero’s Spirit thrums within his veins. He cares not to defile it with sweet sin and indulge in what he pleases. You- you are what he wishes to please and he cares not for what way it is to be done. If you wish for him to continue on being a courageous hero, then so be it. If you want to see him cave into desire and darkness, it will be done. Your word is scripture and he, a preacher.
You won’t leave him without… perhaps a gift or two to reward his devotion?
Unlike some others, he would like to be upfront to you about every feeling of his and what he’s done but he knows he can’t. It’s intense- to the point that that word can feel like an understatement. That intensity would scare, no, terrify you- so Legend keeps his mouth shut. So, because you technically don’t know of his deeds or to the extent of which they go, it’d be wrong for Legend to ask for rewards so out of the blue. No worries, though… he knows how to take them.
He’d never steal from you- no! Gods, no! He just… takes things that are of no use to you anymore. Trash, if he had to label what some of these items were to you. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure, as they’d say. These gifts were too precious for Legend to just leave behind at his house, so he kept them close in a secret satchel of his bag. When this adventure was all over, his first objective would be to redecorate part of his home so he could display this new collection with pride. Not that he’d really need it when the real thing would be in the next room regardless if it was by choice.
At the current moment, his collection wasn’t very big but it was filled with treasures he considered priceless.
A solid choice for comfort was a lightly stained handkerchief. While it had not been in your possession for long, you did use it quite a bit. You had played an undercover role while in a town for a few days, posing yourself as a bright, bubbly, and slightly air-headed noble. Many fake tears, both happy and sad, had been wiped away on this square of cloth. The handkerchief was saturated in your essence by the end of the mission and the normal course of action would be to throw it away. Legend was not about to let that happen, though- not when the item held so much of you. He can still taste the subtlest sweet and salty tang on his tongue whenever the fabric is brought to his lips.
For a more bitter than sweet item to bring him back to his senses whenever he was off his game was a large patch of gauze. The blood that stained it had long since turned brown and slightly rancid, but Legend was not about to throw it away. It was a reminder that you, although more divine than the goddesses themselves, still bled and could still perish (even entertaining such an idea for a split second was enough to ruin Legend’s day and kick up a nightmare come bedtime). It was from your first major wound you obtained when traveling with the group and you got it whilst defending a downed Wind from a few black blooded moblins. Legend was proud of your efforts that day yet ashamed of himself for letting you be in such a situation without back up. You were- under certain conditions, of course- allowed to partake in battle with him and his brothers. You preferred to swing and hack at your enemies instead of using technique, but that in and of itself had its own charm. Legend disliked you being dirtied by anything, but seeing your visage dripping with the blood of your enemies- watching the thick liquid curve down the contours of your armor, hearing you huff and puff and snarl from beneath your helmet, seeing your slowly growing muscle mass twitch and tighten to adjust your stance or grip- did something fierce to the man. He’d find an excuse to be alone for a moment to… “relieve” himself and sing out your praises under hushed and hot breaths.
His second favorite treasure of his private collection was one of the few things you actually did gift him. It was a strange item in the fact that Legend had never seen anything like it and likely never would unless the group was to end up in your world. It’s a very ridiculous item that’s called a- and he had to ask you to repeat this multiple times because he couldn’t believe it- worm on a string. Or, as you had also endearingly named the painfully bright pink, googly eyed strip of fuzz- Fred. It took Legend some time to get used to Fred, but he eventually began to look upon the worm with some joy after awhile (out of amusement of the absurdity that was Fred, The Worm on a String). He had honed his sleight of hand over the years so manipulating the thin, practically nonexistent string that was attached to Fred was a piece of cake once he got the hang of it. Causing the fuzzy worm to wiggle around his fingers, jump from hand to hand, or even jokingly make it dance to music was a quick way to make either himself or someone else laugh. Despite the toy’s sheer level of strangeness, Legend partly saw himself reflected in it. How it did whatever the puppeteer wanted it to do but made it appear as if it acted upon free will was something Legend related to more than he’d like.
His all time favorite treasure of this collection was something he felt like he could never reveal to you. Not necessarily because of what they were, but because of what Legend has done in relation to the items. The items in question being your clothes. Not any old tunic or pair of trousers- no, your original clothes. The very same clothes you had been wearing the moment you met him and the rest and changed their lives for forever. 
You had worn them whenever possible for the longest time as a source of comfort both physically and mentally. These clothes, though, were better suited for lounging around the house than adventuring so it took naught but two weeks for them to end up to frayed to continue wearing. When Legend had taken them from you, he promised to fix them up to the best of his ability and then return them to you. And he did, but… he believed you had no need for the clothes anymore as you grew used to adventuring gear rather quickly and… Legend would feel guilty and ashamed for days on end considering what he did to the fabric. While good with a needle and thread, removing stubborn stains from fabric proved a bit more difficult than Legend had hoped for.
The hoodie had been the first article to be defiled. After it was patched up, Legend had tried it on out of curiosity and understood its charm. He also noticed that it must have been something you wore often given how heavily your scent clung to the soft cloth even after a few washes. The smell was warm, musky, and a little sweet like fresh bread and linen sheets and Legend could inhale it for hours on end if he was allowed. Whenever he had been alone with it for long periods of time, he would don it and trace his hands over it. His imagination conjured up images as wholesome as your embrace to something more… racy, such as feeling the dips and swells of your body beneath the hoodie or even slowly peeling it off of you to reveal a sea of bare skin ready to be inscribed with all manner of loving marks.
The second item was your pants. It was made of material as equally soft as the hoodie but thinner and therefore weaker. The inner thighs of the pants had already been frayed from prior use and those little holes were made more apparent due to the many hours of walking you had to do almost every day. Though you had lost some fat and replaced it with muscle, Legend imagined that the plush of your thighs would still strain and spill out of these little holes. Just wondering what it’d be like to kneel between your thighs and have a chance at kissing and licking at those spots of skin made Legend a weak man.
The third and final item was the one that brought Legend the most shame. Were he ever caught, he was sure he could explain away wearing or worshiping messing around with your hoodie or pants but… your underwear? No, there’s no coming back from that one. Not if he was found with his nose buried into the fabric. Not if he was found nibbling on it while all manner of saucy and raunchy thoughts invaded his mind. Not if it was revealed that, at one point in time, he had worn them for a full day and all it would take was for his tunic to flip up a little to reveal them.
Yeah… this collection of his was definitely going to stay private for awhile longer.
It was more than just material items that Legend considered to be a part of this growing collection of his, though. It was also moments and memories- things that were intangible and could never be bottled up. He could inscribe words onto paper, sure, but he was far from poetic and would hate to potentially soil these fond memories with lackluster writing. Memories like the first time you truly smiled at him. Memories like the sheer joy and victory that washed over your face when you successfully downed your first boss monster. Memories like your soft breathing against his neck when you had fallen asleep against his shoulder after partaking in some drinking games with him and the others.
And moments like what was happening right now.
Legend’s senses have never felt this electric before. Every smell in the air of the small inn room was sharp and distinct. Even when cloaked in shadow and dim moonlight, Legend could make out the contour of every dresser or picture frame with ease. His ears picked up on the sound of the outside breeze, the creaks of the floorboards, and the blood rushing through him. The taste of tonights dinner was still prevalent on his tongue along with the sweet undertones of the honey ale served to him by the inn’s staff. Lastly, there was the feeling of his clothes rubbing up against him whenever he moved or breathed, the way stray strands of his hair would tickle against his face, and the way you were tucked up against him.
Although five double rooms were booked for the night, it seems like the inn only had four to spare. As a result, Legend found himself sharing a single bed with you for the night. Fortunately, no one else knew of this arrangement as the innkeeper still told the group that five double rooms had been prepared for them. Unfortunately, however, was that the discovery of this single bed situation was only found out when you and Legend went to retire for the night. It was a shock to you both but you had recovered faster than he did and treated it far more casually too.
Stubborn as any Link, you had argued that it wasn’t that different than sleeping in the same tent together. After all, all that ever separated you from whoever your partner was for the night was a bed roll. It was this course of thought that caused you to drag Legend into the bed with you and then almost instantly knock out like a light. Had the two of you managed to stay on your respective side of the bed for the whole night would have potentially made him feel a little less nervous about the situation. As Legend quickly found out, though, you had a habit to latch onto things in your sleep.
Your head was nuzzled into the crook of his neck and your slow breaths cascaded down his throat and spanned across his collar bone. Your arms were loosely wrapped around his torso and although they felt lax in their grip, Legend didn’t have the strength in him to tear away. Despite trying to angle his body away from yours, your legs still ended up being intertwined with his own. You clung to him gently and completely- like something a lover would do and not a friend. That simple thought stirred up a storm in Legend’s heart and he had no idea how to calm it.
Legend was a bomb ready to blow. He didn’t know if he’d get up and run away like a coward or finally listen to the animalistic urge chittering in the back of his mind like the rabbit he loathed to be. The two courses of actions were locked with each other in a stalemate that had Legend sweating like a sinner in church. That is what he felt like at the moment and was, after all. Your body is a temple and he’d love to do nothing more than worship the holy grounds of your skin but he couldn’t. He was filthy, unclean, and drowned in sin. His mere presence near you in the moment felt like a violation to your being. Considering the many images and fantasies that have bounced around in his head more times than he can count, he felt he was ready to be burned at the stake.
You twitch and Legend freezes. He’s stiff as a board as you adjust your position in your sleep and he finds his nose nearly pressed up against the crown of your head. He caves and allows himself to inhale. It’s deep and filled to the brim with your scent. Your hair hadn’t been washed in a day so no smell of shampoo clung to it anymore but it was far more addicting that way.
Finally, Legend managed to move himself but it wasn’t away from you like he should. He idly carded a hand through your hair and marveled at the strands like they were made of gold. He did his best to not let his fingers get caught on any knots lest he wake you. Any number of lie could excuse his actions as nothing more than accidental but that would required Legend actually speaking and he was sure his throat had closed up the second he got into bed.
Legend twisted a small strand together and rubbed the tip of it between his fingers. The hair fibers were soft and smooth but not to the point of silk. It felt like messing around with the brush part of a newly crafted paint brush. Hmm… your hair would definitely make for an interesting tool if used in such a way but Legend quickly thought of something much better.
What sense of dignity and virtue he had left finally seemed to admit defeat as Legend reached to his side for the small dagger he carried with himself at all times. It was never smart to be without a weapon or tool- especially given his track record. He curled a small lock of hair around his finger until he reached your scalp. With precise movements, he brought the blade to your hair and began to saw against it. In a moments time, Legend pulled his hands away and with it came his newest prize.
With nothing to tie the hair up with, Legend resorted to knotting it onto itself. A single knot would be enough to do the job and then it was tucked away into his pocket without problem. While this all happened, you remained snoozing away. Your peaceful image made Legend’s heart twist with guilt and shame but the giddiness of obtaining a new treasure soothed the ache.
With a tiny groan, you hoisted yourself up onto your elbows and away from Legend. The ice that was in his veins only minutes ago return with a vengeance as Legend realizes that he’s about to be caught. To torment him even further, his burst of shamelessness scurries away and his moral code- no matter how busted and dingy it now was- had his face flushed full of embarrassment.
“Mmmmmmmmhhh… Legend?” You called out as you cracked open your bleary eyes. Your voice was rough from just waking up and still interwoven with fatigue. It had to have been the cutest you’ve sounded yet in Legend’s opinion.
“What?” Legend huffed after a beat. Narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms, the man did his best to appear as his normal, snarky self.
“What time is it?” You ask as you rapidly blink and rub at your eyes.
“Still nighttime. You have a nightmare?” Legend replies before asking his own question. Whenever the group was staying in an inn, you always managed to sleep like a log. So, to see you randomly wake up after only a few hours of sleep, Legend felt that something was amiss.
“No… jus’ overheating,” You murmured out. It seemed like a higher power was not yet done poking fun at Legend tonight as you began to remove your shirt. Any protest for you to stop died on Legend’s tongue. Even in the lackluster moonlight sneaking in through the curtains, Legend could make out the silhouette of your side and the detailing of your skin. The sheen of sweat collected on you was obvious proof that you weren’t lying to Legend or finding some excuse to shed your shirt. A small, sick part of him wondered if you’d shed more and if he should copy you and what your reaction would be and if you’d grant him the ultimate wish of allowing his dreams to become reality.
You leaned back and flopped back onto your side with a huff and didn’t bother to cover yourself back up with a blanket. You were overheating and that was to be expected but it sure as hell was making things so much worse. How the hell was he expected to get any sleep now?! Your exposed back is right there! All of its intricate layers of muscle and soft pads of fat made his fingers twitch just… just a little touch won’t hurt, will it? He watched as a bead of sweat grew big enough to lazily run down your back he suddenly found himself feeling very parched. He couldn’t tell if this was meant to be another gift or some form of divine punishment for the unsavory things he’s done.
When a low groan rumbled from you and you tossed around for a bit, Legend was reminded that this was rather uncomfortable for you. He got up and went over to his bag for something to help. Upon finding a rag and a bottle of cool water, Legend knew exactly what to do.
In the blink of an eye, he was right back at you side. He wasted no time in wiping you down and his heart fluttered when a relaxed noise left your mouth at his actions. He handed you the bottle of water while he made sure not a drop of sweat was left clinging to you. He did his best to keep his breathing under control and to not wipe down too hard with his shaking grip. After one of the best ten minutes he’s had in awhile, he pulls away and gives you some space.
“Thank… you…” you whisper before falling back asleep. Legend is too laser focused on the damp rag in his hands to respond. He’d look over at you every minute to check on how deep of a sleep you were in. Once he was sure you were fast asleep, he made his escape.
When you awoke in the morning, it was thanks to Wind flopping onto you and squeezing the breath out of you. You shoved the little shit off and waited for Legend to bark out some heated words at him but he didn’t. In fact… where was Legend?
“He’s already downstairs with everyone else. In fact, Time said that he was up before him,” Wind answers the unasked question. He leans in a little with an exaggerated expression on his face. “I’d avoid him if I were you, though. He’s acting sort of- ugh, nice. It’s creepy.”
With the warning(?) in mind, you went downstairs with Wind after you got changed. True to his word, Legend bore a slightly more lax and passive face than he usually did in the morning. You were sure your eyes were fooling you at this point but did he just smile at you???
“Sleep well? Sorry if I made you lose any z’s thanks to my hot flash,” You speak up once you’re sat down beside Legend.
“No, no… it’s alright,” Legend idly responds. This time you’re completely sure that he’s smiling because you’ve never seen him smile so… animalistically before. He may not have had Twilight’s sharper teeth, but you knew a wolfish grin when you saw one. He leaned in close, spurred on by a sudden burst of confidence, and whispered into your ear behind a cupped hand. The words confused you at first but quickly caused your face to nearly match Legend’s tunic.
“Is everything alright?” Hyrule pipes up once he notices you and Legend. The innocent lad tilts his head at lack of response from either of you and you don’t dare to look him in those big ol’ pools of green. Besides, how could you tell him of all people what Legend just said?
He’d never look at his predecessor the same way ever again if he heard that filth.
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krsnaradhika · 10 months
A snippet from Krishavyayam hehe-
Small points to be noted before you get started—
Kamalnayani/ Hridayaa/ Mohini are the same person. The same oc has multiple names.
Mohini is also Hari here, as we know. Hence, Mohini and Mohini it is hehe-
Please if this offends you, tell me and I'll pull it down. This is purely fiction and does not intend to offend any religious beliefs and sentiments.
You'll find the whole book on Wattpad, so cheers! ✨
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She was bewitching. The woman before whom demons swooned and caelitis were rendered wordless. Dark as the zenith hour of dusk and as radiant as a nymph who rose from the cerulean waves, she had her wife in a daze for she had poof-ed out of the blue (god).
Kamalnayani looked half amused, half moonstruck as Mohini grinned at her, winking notoriously. She sported a red and black lehenga of chiffon, diamantes stuck to the flowy fringes as well as her kohl-lined eyes and she swung a vial of mead in her willowy fingers— all too coquettishly.
Why, you ask?
"Because I last saw her so long ago," Hridayaa accentuated, sheepishly batting her eyes at Kanha and linking an arm of his to hers. The latter had mirth dancing in his very handsome features and it wouldn't be wrong to say he missed those precious moments either.
Ogres raced hither and thither for one touch of Mohini who swaggered through the waves, effortlessly charming all. Flowy tresses wrapped in the whiff of lotus and pearl ornaments dangled on her voluptuous form. She was beautiful and lethal. Woman and vulpine.
"And I miss her."
He snorted out a laugh, tendrils jumping up to his forehead to kiss them and then he obstructed them with a rake of his sculpted fingers, "I am literally right here, Hridayae."
"No, Mohini." She whined, almost hopping in her place but he disciplined her with quasi glare. Krishu pouted, seeming more of a child than a mother— as if demanding not a woman but a candy. "I want Mohini! She can give me excellent company these days and you know we're nearing the due date. Also she had a kid so she can give me great parenting tips meant for mothers. Kanha pleaseeeeee?"
"As my queen pleases."
And so, Mohini and Mohini were now face to face after ages— giggling vivaciously and maniacally at each other's sight.
"So where should I escort you now, wife?"
"Jhumka shopping!" Krishu tugged her, then waddling around to the brass and copper caskets to arrange for casual robes for herself. Mohini hummed and slipped herself in the quilts of the soigne bed, then spat her beverage right through her mauve lips out of pure whammy when the whims of Kamalnayani surprised her again.
"And we're hitched. We are begetting a kid through the blessing of an austere sage. I don't want anyone ogling at you in the marketplace, hmm? They don't have any right to."
She shortly inclined her head in a yes, inarticulate. Of course, they were married.
"Right. Only you do." The goddess simpered through the chalice sitting on her mouth. Then she clipped her bracelet against her dainty wrists, kissing where the pulse chanted the name of an archeress.
───  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅  ───
"This for Bhadra Jiji, this for Lakshu Jiji and oh— Jambavati Jiji adores teals and turquoise!"
Oxidized silver bracelets, bronze armbands, floral rings and arabesque silks brimmed the tawny stalls on wheels as the two goddesses stirred past them, riveted by the grandeur of the city that was their latibule. Krisha and Mohini walked hand in hand, occasionally picking a bloom or two to profess their love in dramatic whispers as their secretive chortles became the fantasies of little girls who watched them from afar.
The ivory and maroon turban with pearl motifs caught her attention and then she waved her hand at her husband- urhm, wife.
Kamalnayani smiled at the lady vendor who beamed at her with gentle eyes. "What do you expect?"
"A healthy baby. Nothing more." She shrugged cordially, looking over her shoulder to find Mohini partially veiling herself as she peered at the bustling streets through the rich translucence of her raiments.
"She seems new here. Do you know her?" The genial old woman squinted, "Why would she do that? Does she not know it's not normal to mantle her face in Aryan practices?"
"She's new here, Kaaki," Hridayaa answered in a jiffy as Mohini sprang to catch up with her, flashing the gleam of her cloaked dagger to the bandits who gawked at her. The bunch inhaled sharply, going about their own businesses when they recognised her as a beguiling mirage. An elusive dream.
Women with lethal beauty were to be feared. It was doltish to trust her who had other eyes trailing on every gait she took.
"Mohini. She's enchanting and gravitates a lot of attention to herself she doesn't wish for."
"Oh. Your friend?"
"This is my wife, aunt." Mohini giggled instead as the seller flushed, then ducked her head while murmuring a small apology. "No worries."
"Exquisite couple, best wishes to both of you." She fished out a leaf of tamarind from her purse, then slid the velvet turban from the honey-eyed woman to the one whose smile was as sweet as it. Kanha— now Mohini, brought a pair of suryakanthi jhumkas and slipped in Hridayaa's lotus palms.
"Pretty moms make pretty babies."
Kaaki Sulochanaa— with eyes as pulchritudinous as her name— chuckled once again at the flushed women who squirmed a little closer to each other, surreptitiously stealing gazes and then shuffling in opposite ways, the presents never seeming enough.
"Oh, so you both aren't yet out of the mushy-mushy phase?"
───  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅  ───
The dusk and the moon and their realm in Dvaravati wasn't exotic to their ardor for each other. It was the atelier of the art they painted each other in.
The scarlet roses and ivory jasmines embraced each other in the curls of the enchantress who sat between the legs of her wife, inclining her swan neck to the side as her eyes shut themselves when ivory fingertips skimmed through her scalps and skin. The sleek obsidian waterfalls and warm breaths of the woman of flames fondled her nape and Mohini wanted to flee into the aisles to escape from her namesake, but she knew the sacred smokes and ambrosia would chase her still. For the woman who carried their child was said to have seized the sense of a thousand men too around her.
"You are seducing me, good lady Kamya?" She crooned, her voice as soothing as the psithurism of the forest they promised to be each other's.
"Keep dreaming. I have always wanted to do your shringara," Agneyaa murmured lying through her teeth and when she felt a frisson run down below her touch she smirked. "Hesitate for nothing though, darling. I am quite a charmer I am told."
Mohini let out a shuddered breath, rolling her eyes and then she caught the hand of Mohini who was yet sniggering at her. "Enough now. Your skills are laudable. I have never looked this beautiful." Her gaze traversed to the mirror which gaped at two women like long lost lovers. The stones of lapis lazuli and rubies and diamonds were bestrewed upon her lithe physique like stars on the ether. A spark birthed in her guts and she was an art. An art to be ravished by her lover.
Kamalnayani giggled and pressed a chaste kiss to the cheeks of that beauty who turned pink. Then she filled the dips of the curves of Mohini's spine with her fingers binding the kamarbandh, husking near her earlobes, "Lies."
She stifled the throes of her heart and an amaranthine smile stayed on her visage. As they multiplied and she was unwavered, she was the epitome of every mother. Mohini whisked around and pulled her in a slow dance, unhurried and buoyant as their limbs swayed in poised waves— grinning as they found forelsket again and again.
Afterall, nightmares were dreams too. The heart of Keshava was living a vision of a lover for now.
───  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅  ───
Kanha found blue roses, azure water lilies and peacock feathers all tied together by a string as a gauzy navy robe enveloped them. "They reminded me of you, love." The whimsical note read, stuck to the spruce wood table and he grinned plucking them from it.
"And oh, I loved being with Mohini."
He was a fuchsia yet again.
The setting was an atelier of a picturesque art in making— born of the love of an archeress and the chakradhaari.
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banfiyunna · 8 months
Does the immortal value currency in any way? Like they've lived long enough to see it change, and economies get built. As well as grow and fall. Do they think it's pointless and that people should just share resources, and take care of eachother, or do they actually think it's an okay system. They'd need money for a place to stay and clothes (I don't remember if they need food or not). But do they have any thoughts?
I feel like they'd carry old money, just as a keepsake. To remember a time that is long gone. It helps them remember the past, the times, the rulers (good and bad), the empires of old (long fallen), the friends that'd cared enough for them to loan the change, the plethora of colourful and carefree markets they'd set foot in on warm sunny days, and old trinkets that no longer exist which could have been purchased when the currency was still in use, all lost to the ever present ticking of time.
Maybe they believe it's arguably better for honoring and remembering history (and their past experiences), than gaining material goods.
Sorry I'm in a writing mood.
Suki im kissing you so hard rn you've got no idea how much I love your writing mood
They think the current currency system failed in every single way possible it could have failed and what once looked like an okay idea just went on and became pure living hell. Like, don't get me wrong, they were never a big fan of it (taxes are never fun), but today's way of using it is just ridiculous
They do find it kinda pointless, but then again, a lot of things became pointless along the years
They wish people took more care of each other, things might have been a little better then
Money is stupid but they do their best to save some anyway
They absolutely do! Whatever time and people didn't yank out of their hands, they keep. Gold, copper, a note, a bracelet, a doll. If it's a gift, they cherish.
They miss the markets and the chattering on the street, miss dancing on festivals and songs people no longer sing. But those times are alive as long as they remember it
They do love the funky sweaters you can buy nowadays though
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copperchakraa · 1 year
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There are claims that wearing a pure copper bracelet or a copper bracelet with magnets can provide a range of health benefits. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims. Some potential benefits that have been suggested are:
Anti-inflammatory properties: Copper is known to have anti-inflammatory properties that may help to reduce inflammation and relieve pain associated with conditions such as arthritis.
Improved circulation: It has been suggested that copper bracelets can help to improve blood circulation and oxygenation of tissues.
Reduced joint pain and stiffness: Some people claim that wearing a copper bracelet with magnets can help to reduce joint pain and stiffness associated with arthritis.
Enhanced energy levels: Some proponents of copper bracelets believe that they can help to boost energy levels and reduce fatigue.
Potential healing properties: Copper has been used for centuries as a healing metal, and some people believe that wearing a copper bracelet can promote healing and improve overall health.
It's important to note that while some people may experience benefits from wearing a copper bracelet, others may not. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using any alternative therapies or supplements for health purposes. Additionally, it's important to purchase a high-quality pure copper bracelet or copper bracelet with magnets from a reputable source to ensure its authenticity and effectiveness.
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magnetichub · 2 years
Magnetic Hub has various ornaments that connect us to history, including bone, magnetic, copper, and stone jewelry. Today, however, we will discuss the benefits of Magnetic Jewelry, its treatment, and the usefulness of magnetic wristbands.
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berryshiara · 5 months
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Copper and Teal Bracelet
Made with Amazonite, Agate, Serpentinite Jasper, resin and copper roses. Copper beads and pure copper wire.
Beautiful and weighted just right.
Perfect for any occasion you just want to look and feel even more beautiful!
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gust-jar-simulator · 9 months
Alright I’m trying to get in the practice of writing drabbles, and clearly I do not remember how to restrain myself to 100 words. This is 900. Girl help.
Characters: Red and Vio
Prompt: "Please put me out of my misery and just kiss me already."
Vio honestly wasn’t quite sure how they’d ended up here.
Here, of course, being relative- he didn’t go to the market if he could help it, given his stark differences from who they used to be. People made comments he had to spend the rest of the afternoon repressing, it wasn’t worth it. So he’d chosen to stay at home and try his hand at goldsmithing for awhile, enjoying the clarity of focus involved in intricate engraving.
Red had chosen to stay behind because Vio had chosen to stay behind, and thankfully had the sense to wait until Vio had put the jewelry in his hand down before hopping up on the workbench and shoving a glass of water at him. “Self care time! Going good so far?”
Vio took the glass, but didn’t look away from the bracelet in progress, moving the lamp to get a better look at the half-finished leaf and flower pattern. He’d left gaps for possible jewel settings (honestly a bit of pearl might look good, but he was worried about the fragility) and most of the lines had come out right, but. It was a practice piece, and he hated working on practice pieces when he could see the real goal spinning slowly behind his eyes, something truly worth the effort, something inlaid with slices of sardonyx and copper to conduct-
Something booped him on the nose, and Vio blinked up at Red, who was still sitting on the workbench and giving him a pointed look.
With an amused noise, Red stole the glass he’d forgotten he was holding, maintaining eye contact as he took a long, exaggerated sip, punctuated with an equally exaggerated sigh. “See? Water. You should have some.”
“I know I should,” and he even took the glass back to prove it, because he did know, “but- look at this, do you think the engraving is too shallow? I might have to go over it again-“ He reached out to pick up the bracelet, and Red caught his hand, weaving their fingers together and squeezing softly.
Pulling their hands back to rest on his knee, Red ran a finger over Vio’s knuckles and just smiled at the way the interruption didn’t seem to compute, Vio blinking and almost stuttering as he tried to reroute from critically eyeing his own work to the way Red’s palm was warm against his own. He needed- he was- what was going on, again? He was doing something. There was an echo of diagrams in his mind, something about minerals and dark magic and rune arrays, but that wasn’t what he was working on right now.
“C’mon,” murmured his teammate, warm like cinnamon, “I’ve got you. You can go right back to it, promise, but I need to see you drink a little water, okay?”
Drink water?
Vio blinked, and looked down at the glass in his hand. Well that was easy enough. He tipped it up and drank, just enough to wash the metallic taste out of his mouth, the cold hitting his tongue like rain through an open window.
A blink, refocusing, and he finally registered Red and the rest of the empty forge. The light had changed by now, afternoon shifting to evening, and he… actually did not have enough light in here to be working on detail work. Hm. “Are the others back yet?”
“Yep!” Red squeezed his hand briefly, grin widening at the way Vio actually saw him this time and squeezed back. “They’re sparring outside. I wanted to make sure you didn’t turn yourself into earrings or something, it’s been awhile.”
There was something there, to the way Red was still holding his hand, to the way Red’s heels were kicking a little against the leg of the bench. He wasn’t good at these things, couldn’t quite tell if it was anxiety or pure affection or what. Was a few hours of work enough time to miss someone? He squeezed Red’s hand again, gently, and the other’s smile widened a little more. “I’m sorry if I worried you, I’ve just been fighting this bracelet.”
“You’ll worry me less if you drink more,” Red prodded, kicking Vio’s knee lightly, and Vio just sighed. “You’re lucky I’m here, Blue would have picked you up.”
He grimaced at the cup. “I’d kill him for it.”
Red just hummed a vague noise of agreement, running a thumb over the back of his knuckles again, before pulling his hand a little closer and kissing Vio’s fingers. “You’ll figure it out. You always do. Maybe you need a break?”
“I…” He’d hit his flow with the work, a break was the opposite of what he wanted, but now he was vaguely aware of a stiffness in his legs and neck and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten. “Five more minutes, I need to finish this section of the pattern.”
“Five minutes.” Sliding down from the bench, Red dropped to his feet with a little spring in his step, swinging their hands briefly. Before Vio could answer, Red ducked into his space with a flash of a smile and kissed him with lips so soft that Vio’s spinning, ticking mind blanked out like a clean white page.
By the time he’d considered kissing back, Red was already at the door of the forge, waving back with a little giggle. “See you soon! Don’t forget your water!”
The door slammed to, and Vio stared blankly into his reflection in the cup as he tried and failed to remember the rhythm he’d found in tooling leaves and flowers.
He could taste the smallest bit of honey on his lip.
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copperproduct · 7 months
How to Properly Clean and Care for Your Copper Magnet Bracelet
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Properly cleaning and caring for your copper magnet bracelet is essential to maintain its appearance and effectiveness. Copper bracelets, often used as arthritis bracelets for women, require regular care to keep them in good condition. Here are some steps to help you clean and care for your pure copper magnet bracelet:
Cleaning Your Copper Magnet Bracelet:
Gentle Cleaning: To clean your copper bracelet, use a mild soap, such as dish soap or a gentle hand soap, and warm water. Avoid abrasive or harsh cleaning solutions, as they can damage the copper and any magnet components.
Soaking: Create a soapy water solution by mixing a few drops of mild soap with warm water. Let your bracelet soak for a few minutes to loosen any dirt or oils.
Soft Brush: Use a soft brush, like a toothbrush or a soft cloth, to gently scrub the bracelet’s surface. Be sure to reach into the crevices and along the edges to remove any buildup.
Rinse Thoroughly: After cleaning, rinse the bracelet thoroughly with clean, lukewarm water to remove any soap residue.
Dry Carefully: Pat your copper magnet bracelet dry with a soft, clean cloth. Avoid using abrasive materials that may scratch the copper.
Polishing Your Copper Magnet Bracelet:
Natural Patina: Copper naturally develops a patina over time, giving it a unique and attractive appearance. If you want to maintain the patina, gently wipe the bracelet with a soft cloth to remove any smudges or fingerprints.
Polishing: If you prefer a shiny, polished look, use a copper-specific polishing cloth or a homemade mixture of equal parts vinegar and salt. Gently rub the bracelet with the cloth or mixture to restore its shine. Rinse and dry thoroughly afterward.
Caring for the Magnet Components:
Avoid Submersion: Try to keep the magnet components of your bracelet as dry as possible. Remove the bracelet before activities involving water, like swimming or bathing, to prevent damage to the magnets.
Check for Loose Magnets: Periodically inspect your bracelet for loose or displaced magnets. If you notice any issues, contact the manufacturer or a jeweler for repairs.
General Tips:
Store Properly: When you’re not wearing your pure copper bracelet, store it in a dry, cool place. Avoid leaving it in direct sunlight or humid conditions, as this can affect the copper’s appearance.
Frequent Use: The more you wear your copper magnet bracelet, the better it can provide potential benefits for arthritis. Wearing it regularly may also help prevent tarnishing since the oils from your skin can provide a protective barrier.
Adjust Fit: Make sure your bracelet is properly fitted to ensure comfort and to prevent it from slipping off.
Consult the Manufacturer: If you have specific care instructions from the manufacturer, follow them closely.
Remember that the effectiveness of pure copper magnet bracelets in alleviating arthritis symptoms is a matter of debate and personal experience. While some people report relief, others may not find them beneficial. If you have any concerns about your arthritis, consult a healthcare professional for advice and treatment options.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about properly cleaning and caring for your copper magnet bracelet:
Can I use regular jewelry cleaning solutions on my copper magnet bracelet?
No, it’s not recommended to use regular jewelry cleaning solutions, especially those containing harsh chemicals, on copper bracelets. These solutions can tarnish or damage the copper. Stick to mild soap and warm water for cleaning.
How often should I clean my copper magnet bracelet?
The frequency of cleaning your copper bracelet depends on how often you wear it and your body’s natural oils. Typically, cleaning it every 1-2 weeks is sufficient. However, if you notice tarnishing or a loss of shine, clean it as needed.
Is it necessary to dry the bracelet after cleaning?
Yes, it’s important to dry your copper magnet bracelet thoroughly after cleaning to prevent water spots and tarnishing. Use a soft, clean cloth for this purpose.
Can I wear my copper magnet bracelet while swimming or in the shower?
It’s not recommended to wear your copper magnet bracelet while swimming or in the shower. Submersion in water can potentially damage the magnets and affect the appearance of the copper. Removing the bracelet before these activities is advisable.
How do I deal with tarnish or patina on my copper bracelet?
If you prefer the natural patina that develops on copper, simply use a soft cloth to wipe away any smudges or fingerprints. If you want to restore a shiny finish, consider using a copper-specific polishing cloth or a vinegar and salt mixture.
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However, you don't have to consider any other than Shelley Mfg Pure Copper Cuffs when it comes to bracelets. They offer premium quality, pure, Wholesale Unisex Magnetic Copper Bracelets at affordable prices. It is a perfect place for copper jewelry
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tr-new-beginnings · 4 months
Here is my application! I'll be using @floofgryph to participate in this year's Tumblronpa.
Name: Joachim Ó hIfearnáin (real name), Morrígan (preferred name), Judith (name used amongst her gang)
Ultimate: Ultimate Gang Leader (fake), Ultimate Social Worker (real)
Birthday: October 13th
Age: 19
Personality: She possesses excellent interpersonal intelligence, a creative mind, an ambivert attitude, trust issues, and suicidal tendencies. She also possesses a charismatic, yet menacing presence and a rebellious, charitable, leisure-loving spirit. She tries her absolute best to treat people with fairness, strongly believing that everyone deserves equitable treatment. Joachim also tries to be fairly tolerant, but will act out when someone is unfairly mistreating another person or harming/threatening those she deeply cares about. She can be ruthless and aggressive, but that’s often targeted towards those she despises for a reason. She’s prudently watchful, street-smart, and persuasive, and she’s often considerably thoughtful about her words and actions around other people. She isn’t afraid to take on new challenges and potential risks, and she’s unflinching in the face of danger or difficulty. When it comes to new people, she’s timid and not very talkative at first, but she eventually shows more of her extrovertedness when she feels comfortable enough to do so. Despite being an ambivert, Joachim has more introverted tendencies, often spending her time alone, being reserved, and interacting with small groups of people.
Appearance: She has shoulder-length, curly golden copper brown hair that’s often tied into a ponytail and reddish-brown freckles on her face, neck, and chest. She has top scars and a healed slash across her face from the right side of her forehead to the middle of her cheek. She also has scars on her lower legs that she often tries to keep covered, pale ivory skin, greyish-blue eyes, and four black moles: one the right corner of her upper lip; one above her left eyebrow; one near her right wrist; and one on her left outer thigh. Joachim dons her father’s duck blue leather biker jacket with azure mist sheepskin outlining and hidden compartments. On the back, it depicts a white decapitated Gorgon’s head crying blood with hair of ten purplish, vermillion-eyed serpents and the Latin phrase “NATURA NON CONTRISTATUR” (nature is not saddened) above in shimmering gold. She has a barn red T-shirt, dirty brown, high-waisted jeans, and mid-calf black boots with bronze eyelets, teal blue laces, and silver spikes. She has silver snake bites, pink opal stud earrings, a left gold orbital conch earring, and a brass Celtic cross necklace. She also has an aquamarine hololith bracelet on her right, and her nails are often painted a yellow-orange.
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She honestly doesn’t care what people refer to her as in regards to pronouns, but she often goes for she/her and they/them.
Likes: Riding her motorcycle at night, creative writing, reading dark fantasy, psychological horror, adventure, and cyberpunk manga and novels, stargazing, nature, mythological and legendary monsters, exploring abandoned buildings, tattoos, stuffed animals, and going to the beach.
Dislikes: Predators, oppression, cold and wet weather, watching and reading romance and purely exploitative media, being yelled at, people who harm or threaten her loved ones and friends, sexist remarks directed at her, massive social gatherings, manipulation, and most of her childhood.
Any extra info: She’s part of a nerdy, yet fearsome delinquent gang called the Lackadaisical Holofernes and they partake in vandalism, dangerous driving, street fights, and drug dealing. She attended Hope’s Peak Academy in order to obtain a proper education, meet real friends who would appreciate her as a unique and creative person, and find a potential partner. Joachim is half-Irish and she’s very interested in philosophy, mythology, ancient history, astronomy, art, religion, and biology. She secretly carries around a switchblade, pepper spray, her grandfather’s Desert Eagle pistol, and a package of .50 Action Express. She doesn’t like to acknowledge her real Ultimate as much, so she often uses her fake Ultimate to mask it and it’s quite conceiving.
Character triggers: Excessive alcohol, her private parts being touched, discrimination in general, suicide, and stalking.
This Student Application is approved and is on the list.
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wirewrapart · 1 year
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Link in bio🔝@wirewrapart The bracelet is made of pure copper wire. The copper is artificially aged with patination, which gives an antique look and makes the details of the bracelet more expressive. After patination, the bracelet was polished to a shine, which gives a beautiful aesthetic appearance to the bracelet. The bracelet is covered with a protective varnish to prevent darkening. You will receive the exact bracelet you see in the photos. The bracelet can be combined with any wardrobe and emphasize your uniqueness and style. Link in bio🔝 @wirewrapart ✈️Free shipiing🌐 . . #wirewrappedjewelry #wirewrappedjewellery #wirewrapping #wirewrappedart #wirewrappedjewellry #wirewrappedjewlery #witchbracelet #witchythings #vibepositiva #witchystyle #wirewrap #wirewrappedjewelry #handmade #witchyvibes #gothgirl #copperjewelry #hippiestyle #hippiejewelry #instafashion #chakrabracelet #oxidizedjewellery #wirewrapsofinstagram #wirewrappedcrystals #peacefulvibesjewelry #jewelrymakers #instajewellery #wirewrappedjewellery #inststyle #prettyjewelry #prettyjewellery https://www.instagram.com/p/Cne0RPdNBbC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ecozonelifestyle · 1 year
Ecozone Lifestyle Answers Common Questions On Using Copper Carafe Daily
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If there is a thought, that drinking water from the Copper Carafe or else from the Copper product such as Copper Glass, Copper Mug, Copper Bottle or else any Copper Jug etc is very much in trend and then it has to be used. Then, the thought is very sick and there is a urgent need to repurpose the mind and think beyond this only. And, here Ecozone Lifestyle Answers Common Questions On Using Copper Carafe Daily as, the practice of drinking and storing water in any Copper product or else the vessel is very much an ancient tradition which comes from the Ayurveda's background which goes back thousand of the years.
The art of the drinking the water from the Copper carafe or any vessel is the Ayurvedic way which consists of the Intention, Medium, Litmus and the Shine in which it usually becomes a way of the life which is more than just a superficial practice just because it is the most trendy and the popular thing to do nowadays.
Many of the scientist have been researching and studying the effects of the Copper Oligodynamic Effect along with the many health benefits to the well being which all our closely in the recent years. Even the ways of storing the water and the length (duration) of the time one need to wait before the consuming of the Copper water has plenty of the details and the benefits.
The researches and the studies have also shown that, the storing the water in the Copper Carafes and the Copper Products- like Mugs, Glasses, Jugs, Bottles etc. for upto 48 hours is the best way to ensure that is needed to reap the most benefits out the Copper Water!
More than the just a Copper Carafe there are many more products which are available such as specially for drinking pure water purposes copper product like Eco Friendly Copper Bottle In England are the Best Copper Bottle In England and are one of the Pure Copper Bottle In England, not only this to get the Best Copper Ware In England as well as the Premium Copper Ware In England like Pure Copper Glass In England, Pure Copper Carafe In England along with the Best Jugs In England which are the Pure Copper Jugs In England, Pure Copper Mug In England is a common practice.
 As, the use of the copper is one of the most important advances human has ever made this year as being the seller of the Ecozone Lifestyle Products for Eco-friendly Products In England who has Copper Ware In England like Copper Bottle In England, MattCopper Bottle In England, Copper Bracelet InEngland, Copper Ware Bracelet In England, Copper Carafe In England, Copper Glass In England, CopperJugs In England, Copper Mug In England and so many more products where Ecozone Lifestyle Products Reviews are so immense that found this autumn's celebrations so sustainable and Eco-Friendly.
They are not only just used as the Copper Product used for drinking purpose, Ecozone Lifestyle's Copper Products are also an elegant door accent for any kind of the table top and the kitchen.
Inspired by the Ayurvedic traditions of the storage of the water in Copper Product such as the Copper Carafe or Bottles etc. is very good for the health. And, here mentioned below are few of the common questions where Ecozone Lifestyle Answers Common Questions On Using Copper Carafe Daily are being mentioned below.
1-) Is Copper Water Safe To Drink Daily?
YES! However, if anyone has the existing health conditions as well as the illness, it is suggested good to consult any doctor or any physician.
Drinking copper water on the regular basics mostly daily is not at all be cured from the diseases and illness. The illness which is from prior in anyone then it has to be treated by proper medications. Only drinking copper water is not going cure the disease.
Most of the beginners can even react to the drinking water initially by having a cold during the winter or autumn season.
2-) Which Is The Best Place To Purchase Copper Product?
Most of the water storing Copper Carafe can been seen when a quick search is made on the browser or just Goggling can help out the most that, which copper carafe is the best and comes with a lid to store, cover and protect the water.
Ecozone Lifestyle has elegantly designed with a lid that eventually has the customers clamouring to a 'put a lid on' to the beloved hammered Copper Carafe and Jugs which store water in the Copper vessel.
It is not only this that Ecozone Lifestyle has only Copper Products for the health. It has been dealing in most of the wellness products along with some decorative stuff  for BestHandicraft In England like Best DecorativeStool In England, Wooden Stool In England which are the Best Wooden Stool In England, Tea Light Holders In England, Handmade Tea Light In England, Napkin Holders In England which are the best Wooden Napkin Holders In England, Copper Gift Sets In England from Ecozone Lifestyle can be bought straight. Also, can search for some fun authentic pieces for personal use like Copper Tongue Cleaner In England, Bamboo Cotton Buds In England, Umbrella In England.
3-) Is Copper Stored Water Beneficial For Health?
As, the trace elements of the mineral is something which is required to perform proper functions optimally and also for enjoying the good health.
Copper waster which is stored for a long time in Copper Products is generally very good as well as very much beneficial for the health.
By storing the water in an Copper Carafe can transmit the energy and the minerals into the normal water which brings literally good health with loads of benefits.
If there is a requirement to add drinking water stored in Copper Carafe or any product is the best decision and commitment made in the daily lifestyle. Copper Carafe is the best place to start. With all the elegant designs that honours the ancient tradition of the Ayurvedic Copper Water, the Ecozone Lifestyle's Copper Carafes and other Copper products are there which are bound as the best  companion when it comes to sipping the daily water for many more years t come. And, forsure this will not only be a simple practice of drinking water it will be start to a healthy lifestyle.
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