jonfazzaro · 1 year
"We have a process to help us build in quality that is based on feedback and inviting human judgement, but if the system incentives constrain our ability to get the feedback, that also means we are less likely to build in quality."
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betamax65 · 10 months
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Am #Fediverse ist Teilhabe nicht nur durch Beiträge, sondern man hat die Chance auch direkt an den Funktionen mitzuwirken. Hier hatte ich ein Problem mit der #Mastodon #API bei #Friendica Das ganze konnte ich durch die Veränderung einer Zeile im Quellcode beheben. Die Änderung wurde dann auch innerhalb weniger Stunden vom Projekt übernommen. Das beste daran, solche kleinen Änderungen kann man mit Logik auch ohne Skills beim entwickeln von #Software lösen Thx @Roland Häder für #PullRequest
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engineeringlead · 2 years
4 pull request tips for engineering managers
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gmlsoftlab · 4 months
Automated web development with AI can be achieved from code generation to bug finding
In the fast-paced world of software development, ensuring code quality is paramount for the success of any project. Developers are constantly seeking innovative tools to streamline their workflows, catch potential bugs, and enhance collaboration. In this article, we'll explore five prominent code quality tools – Amazon CodeGuru, DeepCode, CodeMR, PullRequest, and Codacy – each offering unique features to elevate the standard of code.
Software development is a complex process, and maintaining high code quality is essential to deliver reliable and efficient applications. This article delves into the intricacies of five cutting-edge code quality tools, shedding light on how they contribute to the development lifecycle.
The Need for Code Quality in Software Development
Before diving into the specifics of each tool, it's crucial to understand why code quality matters. We'll discuss the impact of poor code quality on project timelines, maintenance costs, and end-user satisfaction.
1. Amazon CodeGuru: Revolutionizing Code Review
How CodeGuru Works
Amazon CodeGuru employs machine learning algorithms to analyze code and identify issues proactively. This section explores the mechanics behind CodeGuru's intelligent code review process.
Key Features and Benefits
CodeGuru isn't just about finding bugs; it offers a range of features, from code profiling to performance optimization. Learn about the key features that set CodeGuru apart.
2. DeepCode: Unleashing the Power of AI in Code Analysis
AI-Powered Code Reviews
DeepCode takes a unique approach by utilizing artificial intelligence for code reviews. Discover how DeepCode's AI algorithms identify patterns and suggest improvements.
DeepCode's Unique Approach
Dive into the specifics of DeepCode's methodology, understanding how it interprets code and provides developers with actionable insights for improvement.
3. CodeMR: Advanced Metrics for Code Quality
Comprehensive Code Metrics
CodeMR goes beyond basic bug detection, offering comprehensive metrics to evaluate the overall quality of your codebase. Explore the metrics that CodeMR provides and their significance.
Real-Time Feedback for Developers
Real-time feedback is crucial for developers to make immediate improvements. Learn how CodeMR facilitates continuous improvement through instant feedback loops.
4. PullRequest: Enhancing Code Review Processes
Automated Code Review
PullRequest automates the code review process, ensuring consistency and thoroughness. Understand how automated code reviews can save time and improve overall code quality.
Collaboration and Feedback
Collaboration is key in software development. Explore how PullRequest enhances collaboration among development teams and fosters constructive feedback.
5. Codacy: Continuous Code Quality Improvement
Code Quality Monitoring
Codacy provides continuous monitoring of code quality, helping teams stay on top of potential issues. Delve into the monitoring capabilities that Codacy offers.
Integrations and Workflow
Discover how Codacy seamlessly integrates into existing workflows, making it an efficient tool for teams working with various development tools and platforms.
Choosing the Right Code Quality Tool
Consideration Factors
Selecting the right code quality tool requires careful consideration. We'll explore the factors to keep in mind when evaluating these tools for your project.
Tailoring Tools to Specific Needs
Every project has unique requirements. Learn how to tailor code quality tools to specific needs, ensuring optimal performance and effectiveness.
Challenges in Code Quality Management
Overcoming Common Hurdles
Despite the advancements in code quality tools, challenges persist. Uncover common hurdles faced by development teams and strategies to overcome them.
Best Practices
Implementing best practices is crucial for successful code quality management. Explore recommended strategies and approaches to maximize the benefits of these tools.
The Future of Code Quality Tools
merging Trends
The landscape of code quality tools is ever-evolving. Discover the emerging trends that are shaping the future of code quality management.
Predictions and Innovations
What does the future hold for code quality tools? Gain insights into predictions and innovations that may revolutionize how developers approach code quality.
In conclusion, the significance of code quality tools cannot be overstated in the realm of software development. Each tool explored in this article brings a unique set of capabilities to the table, empowering developers to create robust and reliable software.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are these code quality tools suitable for all programming languages? Yes, most of these tools are versatile and support multiple programming languages.
Do these tools work well in both small and large development teams? Absolutely. These tools are designed to scale, making them effective for both small startups and large enterprises.
How do these tools integrate with popular version control systems like Git? Integration with Git and other version control systems is a common feature of these tools, streamlining the development workflow.
Can these tools be used for open-source projects? Yes, many of these tools are compatible with open-source projects, fostering collaboration and code quality improvement in the open-source community.
What is the cost associated with implementing these code quality tools? Costs vary based on features and usage. Some tools offer free plans with limited features, while others have subscription-based pricing for advanced functionalities.
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kennak · 5 months
2023年8月HashiCorpはこれまでMPL2のOSSライセンスで公開していた主要製品をBSL(Business Source License)に変更することを発表し、Terraformはv1.6.0からOSSではなくなりました。 このライセンス変更を受けて、OSS版のTerraformを求める人たちで、MPL2時点のコードベースからforkしたOpenTofuの開発が進められています。 HashiCorpのBSLは、実質的に競合他社の商用利用に制限をかけたもので、ほとんどの一般的なユーザに直接的な追加の制限はありませんが、間接的にTerraformのエコシステムに与える影響は少なくありません。 筆者自身は、HashiCorpの競合でも、OpenTofuの競合でもない中立な立場ですが、長年Terraformの3rd-partyツールを書き散らかし、HashiCorpからCore Contributorとして表彰してもらうぐらいには、TerraformのOSSのエコシステムの発展に貢献してきました。 HashiCorpのライセンス変更は昨今の脱OSSの流れもあり、OSSタダ乗りの一般論として語られがちですが、少なくともTerraformに関して言えば、ここ数年コミュニティ側からの機能追加のPullRequestはほとんどまともにレビューしてもらえず、軽微なバグ修正ぐらいしか取り込んでもらえない状態が続いていました。タダ乗りしていると一方的に扉を閉ざす前に、もっとコミュニティに助けを求めて欲しかったな、というのが個人的なお気持ちです。
Terraform職人のためのOpenTofu入門 #Terraform - Qiita
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mymetric360 · 6 months
🤔Is it reasonable for a boss to require 2+ Pull Requests per day?
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airblo-nankamemotoka · 7 months
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vinhpham0890 · 2 years
Lý do gì nên sử dụng Pull request và lợi ích
Có thể nhận thấy một số lợi ích của Pull request có thể kể đến là: Nâng cấp source code của dự án phần mềm khá tốt, chất lượng code được cải thiện bằng người có kinh nghiệm, cải thiện, nâng cao trải nghiệm. Tìm hiểu thêm ngay tại: https://bizflycloud.vn/tin-tuc/pull-request-la-gi-20220701173750101.htm. Pullrequest, #Bizflycloud
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thefastmode · 2 years
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HackerOne Acquires Code Security Tester PullRequest https://bit.ly/3MMpKfg
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bettameta · 4 years
freecodecamp.org: Pull Request Descriptions
freecodecamp.org: Pull Request Descriptions.
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marios-note · 3 years
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【GitHub】CommitからPullRequestを特定する方法 | Always be myself
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jonfazzaro · 1 year
"If we were really building quality in early, we’d be reviewing the code as it was being written — not waiting for developers to come out of their period of isolation and then check it."
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douglasabnovato · 4 years
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http://github.com/douglasabnovato #github #push #pullrequest #git #html #css #javascript #web #responsive #developer #reactjs #nodejs #reactnative (em Juiz de Fora) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9YJMG8B1Od/?igshid=1smxiy7qgh9e7
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inventivaindia · 4 years
PullRequest snags remote developer hiring platform Moonlight
PullRequest snags remote developer hiring platform Moonlight
PullRequest, a startup that provides code review as a service, announced today that it was buying Moonlight, an early-stage startup that has built an online platform for hiring remote developers. The companies did not share the terms.
Lyal Avery, founder and CEO at PullRequest, says he bought this company to expand his range of services. “Our platform is at a place where we’re very confident…
View On WordPress
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alison-durazo · 5 years
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Happy October!! 😊 This October I will be participating in #hacktoberfest, please join in on the fun by creating pull requests with @github 🎃 🍁 Don’t forget to follow my other Instagram @sutterdesigns for my graphic design & web programming work. #hacktoberfest2019 #OctoberRequest #PullRequest #Java #Javascript #javascriptdeveloper https://www.instagram.com/p/B3H8a2QB_rT/?igshid=5ek1lj3c3kwm
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misoka · 3 years
・「絶対にこっちがいいみたいなこだわりある人います?いなければとりあえずAでいいんじゃないですかね」 ・「目的は◯◯ですよね?今話してることは目的からちょっと遠そうな気がするんで、次いきませんか?」 ・「それぞれやってみたらどのくらいかかるんですか?1日くらいなら両方やっちゃえばいいんじゃないですか?」 ・「正直やってみないとわからないのでやってみましょう」 ・「すみません、問題はなんでしたっけ?」 ・「どっちの結論になったとしても、やること変わらなくないですか?今すぐやっていくぞ」 ・「自分は絶対こっちがいいです。強い反対意見のある人いますか?」 ・「これ情報少なくて今決めにくそうなので、この会議では決定するために必要な情報は何かだけ認識合わせましょう」 ・「これ今全員で話す必要ありますか?もしなければこのあと何人かで話した方がよさそう」 ・「時間かからなそうだし、やってみて怒られたら戻せばいいんじゃないですか?」 ・「2~3時間くらいでできると思うし、PullRequest出しとくんで動いてる物見ながら話しましょう」
無駄な議論を減らすために使ってる言葉 - Konifar's ZATSU
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