#ptd is infantilizing but boy with luv is soulless corporate greed packaged into trendy pastels
sanstropfremir · 2 years
I feel like so many kpop fans disregard the work of the ppl behind the scenes while also blaming them for anything that they see as a hindrance to their groups and its so sick like smthn smthn no man is an island and bts's inability to find consistent collaborators was such a huge roadblock in creating a creative identity that evolves with them as artists. like!! I'm pretty sure pixy have worked with the same producers since debut and!!! what do u know!!! they have distinct artistic identity!! loona is a good example too bc they regularly worked w monotree from pre debut to butterfly and since they stopped working w monotree their sound has completely shifted + they were also pretty consistently working with digipedi for mvs and just from the TEASER for their newest comeback u can tell they switched. also I find it rly funny how many ppl were defending their last few releases when one of the members said he hated boy with luv??? like??? u think they like permission to dance???
yep yep yep!!! tons of idols work with the same creative teams; beat int has had the same stylist on payroll since a.c.e's debut, she's done all of their comebacks and now she's doing forestella's too! and sm also has a couple of resident stylists, including wook/punkyspider who has done all the senior sm artists cbs in the last three years at least. every person in a creative team has their own signatures and brings their own opinions to the table and that is so important to collaborative work. it's what gives the work depth, what makes it feel alive. aesthetics are so important to performance and they help shape everything about it, from how the work is conceptualized to how it is received by an audience. to actively ignore and not invest in that aspect is naive and shortsighted, especially when you are in an explicitly performance based industry. part of the reason why i started talking about kpop design here is because pretty much no one else is doing it, and talking about it is just as important as talking about dance or about the vocals. everything comes together to create the performance!!! you can't talk about one thing without taking into account the others!!!
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