praeliumrp · 6 years
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The entire wizarding community was on the edge of their seat as voting to break the historic and unexpected tie began and came to an end. Dozens of interviews were conducted, biting questions thrown at the remaining duo, heated debates and finally the opening of the polls, a ballot with only two names. Was the wizarding world ready for a werewolf undersecretary or would they follow tradition, security and familiarity with an underestimated elite? No one was really sure how this would end, all they could do was watch, weigh answers, view platforms and VOTE. 
The day rolled around where the winner would be announced, a gloomy monday morning, clouds rolling in fat with rain and thunder.  Whoever won would change the way everyone viewed the candidates for minister as well. Would it strengthen or weaken the campaigns of the men fighting for that top spot? It all depended on this result. Not every wix had immersed themselves in the technology given to them so the result was broadcast over many mediums, on the radio, through the papers, even a podcast or two as it was announced on the steps of the ministry with both Remus Lupin and Rodolphus Lestrange in attendance, their teams with them and Helena Rosier and Alecto Carrow standing just in front of the leader they had run for.
The announcer was making a grand speech about history and society but no one was listening, waiting with anticipation coursing through chilled bones. Hopefully they’d say the winner before the sky opened up and covered those too slow to react with icy rain. 
“And finally, I am honored to announce that your new Senior Undersecretary is HELENA ROSIER!!” thunderous applause, some grumbling, and practiced smiles from both sides as Helena was congratulated by Rodolphus and his team, making her way to the podium to accept. Alecto Carrow, to her credit, smiled convincingly and clapped politely, as did Remus Lupin and the Uprising members in attendance. There was no loud protesting, no booing, even if she hadn’t been who they voted for all seemed to accept with dignity the election of Helena as undersecretary. Would her win signify another for the Opposition, did it ensure Rodolphus would be minister or was Helena enough of a middle ground to give confidence in the appointment of Remus Lupin? Only time would tell.
This concludes our first event! Helena Rosier is undersecretary! Roleplay will continue as normal, threads for her win and alecto’s loss are definitely some things we want to see! We don’t have any special instructions for this one, but we are so thrilled to see where our members are driving this rp!!!
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praeliumrp · 6 years
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It had been a week since the election of Helena Rosier to Senior Undersecretary, the people were looking forward to peace and prosperity and the months ahead at the end of which they’d choose a new Minister for Magic. Having one piece of the puzzle made everyone feel better, safer, more prepared for what was to come. The fear and uncertainty had begun to dissipate as a relative calm fell over Wizarding England. War seemed a far off concept, something of the (recent) past, not the sort of thing that creeps up on the innocent, unsuspecting and safe in the arms of the natural world order. It was this moment the blow came, as if from behind, no one saw it coming. Oh, but they should have.
Emmeline Vance was a formidable woman, she was a weapon forged from sorrow and pain and it was her intent to eradicate half breeds and their kin from the face of the earth. This was not the mask she presented in polite society, not with the cruelty and fire she felt running through her veins as her plan fell into place, perfect and deadly. The blood moon, the blue moon, two in one. If it had been the normal sort of thing it was meant to be everyone would have been fine. 
St. Mungos had set up a staging area for those citizens afflicted, the ones who wanted wolfsbane, the ones who wished to be kept safe. But Emmeline knew better, those creatures didn’t want safety, they wanted bloodshed and carnage and destruction, and oh she was going to give it to them. With the help of her own followers, those Opposition fanatics she had learned to put to good use, they had tampered with the hospital’s supply of wolfsbane, rendering the potion useless. Within hours of sunset the place would be overrun. Though they had prepared a fine cage for the beasts the locks were somehow broken, not by magic but sheer strength it seemed, those docile beasts breaking free of their restraints and filling the night with howling and screams.
But that wasn’t the only area of disaster, oh no, Emmeline couldn’t risk it not being horrific enough. She and her followers had been taking people from the street, innocent wixen, those too poor or too unimportant, those that wouldn’t be missed and turning them. One werewolf became twelve, became fifty-three and suddenly she had a bloodthirsty and uncontrollable army. They filled these poor souls with hate, tormenting them until they were nothing but the feral beasts they harbored and setting them loose on quiet suburban neighborhoods as the blue blood moon rose high in the night sky. 
By sunrise the mist was filled with the scent of blood. Emmeline woke sound in her bed at home, filled with the knowledge she had damned Remus Lupin and his little Uprising, full to the brim with a smug superiority. It did not occur to her that she had, by her own hand and choice, slain innocents; innocents like her own mother. That she had afflicted dozens more with a curse. It did not occur to her that she was more a beast than any of them. She rose to flick on the news to see chaos, fires raging, mothers crying and the snarling of a werewolf on a badly shot camera phone. 
Remus Lupin woke naked in his cage, one sturdily built, magicked, well guarded by his friends who all looked terror stricken and pale, news stations on every available monitor, phones ringing in every pocket. He got dressed quickly and began to understand the horrors that had befallen London while he slept as a wolf in a cage. If he did not find himself dead or in Azkaban by lunch he would be lucky and his campaign had all but crumbled. Many in the Uprising had abandoned the castle and the rumours that Remus himself had ordered the strikes, orchestrated the attacks, swirled in the air as he collapsed to the stone floor.
Rodolphus Lestrange was shaken awake by his brother, pulling a sweater over his ragged locks as Rabastan turned on the enormous screen he had in his bedroom, the sun barely sneaking between the curtains. Mass panic ensued and Rodolphus quickly abandoned the sweater for a shower and a suit. Rabastan was already dressed and Evan was waiting at the ministry when they arrived, they had to make a statement immediately but no one could find Severus Snape. 
Alecto Carrow stirred, her murky green eyes slitting open to unfamiliar surroundings. For a moment she panicked but she placed herself as quickly, Severus Snape’s basement, the cage he had built holding up, though she credited the Wolfsbane he’d supplied her with with half the credit. She was naked and didn’t blush as she saw him in the room, dressing in the clothes he had provided. Outside she heard emergency sirens begin to wail and fear ripped through her, had they been caught?
Helena Rosier sat in a dark exam room, Ted Tonks’s arms wrapped around her heaving shoulders. Both of them were red with trauma, both of them working that night. It was supposed to have been Helena’s last shift. The girl was full of grief and anger, not sure which one to allow out, they were both too tired to distinguish emotions for too long. Loved ones hadn’t been called and Ted’s mind drifted to Regulus as Helena whispered his name, sending a text that wasn’t going through, the towers overloaded with desperate calls to loved ones. 
If not already awake with the horror, everyone rose that morning to a new world, one where werewolves could destroy cul de sacs and rip apart soccer moms, where howling caused grown men to wet themselves and St. Mungos, hit harder than anywhere else, reeked of blood.
this is our full moon event. We realize the blue blood moon was the 31st but we wanted an event surrounding it. This event took place over the night of the full moon. It will begin friday as soon as it is published and will end monday @pm est. 
1. Please please tag threads appropriately, this event is rather dark and involves heavy themes of violence so please tag everything and use read mores as necessary. 
2. Threads may begin with the sun setting for the full moon, they can take place during the evening, the night, the morning and day after. As there is a lot of confusion in events like these we encourage your character to be somewhere odd, especially if they rushed to help. 
3. Alecto Carrow was locked up and had no involvement, neither did Remus Lupin as his friends can vouch that he was also locked up the entire time. 
4. the use of npcs is allowed and encouraged
5. communications the morning after the full moon are down, so texts won’t send, calls won’t connect. The old fashioned way is barely working with many owls spooked and many people too distraught to send a patronus with a message. Apparition has been suspended for the time being and floo networks are closed. (Severus Snape, Rodolphus Lestrange or Evan Rosier may make this announcement).
6. NO ONE knows about Emmeline’s involvement, not even Rodolphus and no one even suspects. The followers she involved and people she turned are, at current, npcs and may be used by Emmeline for plotting and other purposes for this event. 
7. The world at large believes Remus Lupin is at fault, there will be consequences. Many members of the Uprising are also under suspicion and warrants should be issued by the authorities by sunrise. This does not include double agents such as Helena Rosier and Evan Rosier. If your character is Uprising and thinks they would have been outside Hogwarts they can logically have been arrested. Rodolphus Lestrange would surely like them all brought in for questioning.
8. The werewolves involved in the attack have either been captured and put in azkaban without trial or killed on sight, per the orders of the wizengamot. Only Helena can officially challenge this authority at this point.
9. The death toll continues to rise as the sun does, no one has an exact account but it is believed to be near 1237 by eight am the morning after.
10. Participation in this event is optional! WE understood not all members may want or be able to partake and that is okay! However, previous threads should be wrapped up as this event changes the course of the rp and sets the stage for war. 
11. Please tag starters and self paras with #FULLMOON18
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praeliumrp · 6 years
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As the new year rolled lazily into the wizarding world, the snow crunching under foot as witches and wizards made resolutions and embraced traditions new and old a darker air loomed over them all. 
The election of 2018 was nearing with each passing day and lines were being drawn in the sand as the tension mounted between the two sides. Those within the Uprising were painting signs and holding peaceful rallies, they made sure to have the photos of Remus Lupin helping a child who had dropped their ice cream circulate internationally in every paper and magazine they could afford. Within the Opposition Rodolphus Lestrange was holding fundraisers for orphanages and donating a wing to st. mungos for werewolves to have refuge before and after their painful transformations. There was tentative peace as each candidate did their best to show why they should be elected and not why their opponent should not.
 But a man cannot run a country and a community all on his own, he needs a companion, an advisor, someone to tell him when he is being irrational and to stay behind to finish all the paperwork after the politics are done. What a Minister needs is a secretary and the people needed their say.
Welcome to Praelium RP's first event, this event will last a little while as we get through each layer of it and it involves a lot of character and mun involvement! For both the Uprising and the Opposition we'd like at least two candidates to run for secretary. Gameplay will go on as usual for one week and then the characters will submit their vote for the person they wish to be senior undersecretary. Please come to the admins if you'd like your character to be in the running but please also be sure it is something your character would actually want to do! We will only involve characters that are volunteered so no one is forced into a role they don't want. For this first part of the event there aren't many special rules but here are a few:
1. If you'd like your character to run for secretary under their leader (Rodolphus for the Opposition, Remus for the Uprising) Please submit their name and platform or tagline to the main! An Announcement will be made with the names of those running once it has been decided.
2. Once you have been approved to run you should begin some form of campaigning. This can include moodboards, edits, playlists, pinterest boards, self paras; anything you would like to do to  that contributes to the campaign. On the dash this means asking other characters for their support in whatever way you feel works!
3. In exactly one week we will hold an election with more instructions to come at that time. Happy roleplaying!
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praeliumrp · 6 years
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As the end of the first month of the new year approaches so does a tipping point for the Wizarding world at large. The gossip around the ministry has been all about who will take the seat of power that rests above them all and if they are electing a guillotine or a noose as opposed to a guardian angel. However, eyes and ears have been turned toward a new goal, a new fascination to capture the hearts and minds of wixes around the world. The seat of Senior Undersecretary was vacated and rumors of who will run have been rampant. Every news source has been vying to release the story first, to fidn the dirt on this candidate or that, and none of it seems keen on finding the best person to run either. The Minister will need to rely on this person, to work with them, to hold the wizarding world together, to keep them in a time of peace and to take care of all its citizens. It is paramount that whoever wins is able to do the above, to go above and beyond for the people and to make sure the next minister doesn't abuse his power. It isn't an easy job but someone has to do it. Who will you vote for?
This is the second half of our first event here at Praelium and it is indeed an interactive one. We now have four candidates running for senior undersecretary and they are: Emmeline Vance, Alecto Carrow, Helena Rosier and Greta Catchlove. Members are asked to discover which of these four their character would give their vote to but beyond that the people need to know who they're getting in bed with. We are asking members to begin sending anons to all four candidates in the voice of a reporter, to ask questions about what they plan to do if they win, the skeletons in their closet, their platform and plans and naything else you can think of. These questions do not need to be asked in character but must be answered in character. Candidates may lie in their answers but every answer will affect their chances of winning and their personal lives as well. All questions and answers will be public knowledge, so all characters in the rp will know about them and may use them for interactions!! This event will take place from friday the 26th to monday the 29th when an update will be made for voting to begin.
1. Candidates are:  Emmeline Vance - Opposition aligned, public knowledge, relationship with Rodolphus Lestrange is secret but anons may hint at such a thing.
Alecto Carrow - Uprising aligned, public knowledge. Status as werewolf not known but questions aimed at the possibility of being a halfbreed are allowed, why else is she supporting the Uprising??
Helena Rosier - works in the ministry, allegiance unknown but grew up with Rodolphus Lestrange. Betrothed to Amycus Carrow, who was badly beaten to the shame of the Carrow family by Rodolphus Lestrange for the bid of minister.
Greta Catchlove - works in the ministry under Rodolphus Lestrange currently, allegiance unknown, publicly neutral. relationship with rabastan lestrange not public knowledge but anons may ask pointed questions about realtionships.
2. all questions should be asked anonymously except for Rita Skeeter who can do what she wants.
3. All questions and answers may be used for in character interactions of any kind!
4. Members may also send anons to both Rodolphus Lestrange and Remus Lupin regarding their opinion of the candidates and their answers!
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praeliumrp · 6 years
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The time is fast approaching that all our citizens will cast a vote for Minister for Magic. In the weeks to come the three candidates will participate in weekly debates, responding to questions provided by the public. It is your turn to ask the questions you need answered, to make an informed decision when it is time to cast your ballot. The Ministry and the Daily Prophet are accepting questions, these questions will be randomly chosen to be asked of our candidates during the debate to take place in the coming week. We do hope our choices are prepared for the onslaught.
1. A debate will be taking place via chatzy between the three candidates in game! We ask that all members send in questions to the admins to be asked IC of the candidates during the chatzy. The questions can be directed at a particular candidate or at all three. The questions can be asked by your character(s) or by you or both! There is no limit to the amount of questions you can send in to us!
2. We’d love for you to send questions directly to the characters as well, to be answered IC. These can be anonymous or not, the choice is yours. These questions will mimic the sort of press candidates would receive leading up to the debate and following it.
3. Members will vote after the debate chatzy is posted on which candidate they believe won the debate itself. This may be factored in to the voting for minister. 
4. Questions can be personal or professional, but your character can only ask probing questions, or suspicion ones if they have reason to be suspicious. No questions about Mary and the baby will be allowed in regards to Rodolphus! If your character would not know or have information they can’t ask questions about that information. HOWEVER, members can send questions that are more pointed, if they so wish. The admins may decide not to use all the questions but we’d LOVE to have a ton to choose from.
5. The same questions can be sent to the characters directly before the debate but may also be used during the debate! Please feel free to send a ton to both the admins and the characters. 
6. This won’t be just for the three candidates! WE encourage members to ask questions of one another IC, send questions to all characters about their stance, who they plan to vote for, what policies they want to see, what changes they want or don’t want! WE want everyone involved!
7. This will be the ONLY debate before we hold the official election so we’d love to have every single taken character participate! 
8. Please use the tag #DEBATE2018 in all responses to questions posted on your character account!
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praeliumrp · 6 years
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The charity ball was a rousing success, patrons and guests were generous as they emptied their purses not only into the donation jar but also at the auction tables. Prizes were won by those in gowns and suits, happy smiles all around though if that was from winning or the abundance of free alcohol no one could tell. 
Despite the Lestrange manor being full of contentious enemies and those on opposite sides of a stinging conflict nothing went wrong. There were no fights, no fists thrown or wands drawn and though some rooms were used beyond their intended purpose nothing unsavory went down. The Prophet reported all the events from the arrivals to the possible arguments, they speculated on fighting and the amount to be raised and finished the reporting with how much was given, Close to seven hundred thousand galleons, an incredible amount of money for the victims, the survivors and the memorial to be built. 
The morning following the Charity ball Rodolphus Lestrange arrived at the ministry to give the Undersecretary the money raised. He had a proud smile on his regal face as he passed the large white sack to Helena Rosier, all smiles and a room full of clapping officials and victims family members. However shock and anger rang through the room as the sack was opened and found empty of the donations, empty of galleons, full of nothing but pieces of parchment written with the names of the dead. 
Rodolphus Lestrange and the Opposition were immediately questioned and though the candidate for minister denied any knowledge of the robbery or wrong doing he was quickly attacked by the media that seemed to adore him just hours earlier, calling him a thief and playing with people’s sympathies. Some called for him to remove himself from the running but more agreed that he had no reason to take the funds intended for those in need. Still, the damage was done and though his candidacy was intact the Opposition was in trouble, public opinion had taken an incredible hit and the Uprising was quickly regaining the traction they’d lost after the Massacre.
Remus Lupin was being hailed as a silent hero, one that had been criticized only weeks before was now being exalted and new members flocked to the Uprising. Some others chose to support the Opposition in their darker moment. Both sides had taken hits and both were now growing for very different reasons. With the election just around the corner it was impossible to tell who was now in the lead, Marlene Mckinnon still a dark horse.
As the days after the ball unfolded no culprit was found but many hoped the funds would be located and given as they had been intended to be distributed. Only one person knew what had really happened to it all and that was Evan Rosier.
1. The charity ball event has concluded as of midnight 
2. Evan Rosier has hidden the raised money in order to bring harm to the Opposition, only Evan knows where it is and no other character saw him do it or knows he did unless Evan tells them IC.
3. Speculation is welcome! Rita Skeeter can post news articles regarding this
4. The Opposition and all its members will need to react to public outrage and scrutiny
5. New people may join either side, any neutrals that might decide to join up because of this revelation may do so! Please come to the admins if you have any questions.
6. gameplay can resume and go forward as normal! 
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praeliumrp · 6 years
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It had been nearly six weeks since the massacre and people were just beginning to move on, seeing reminders of what had been taken from them everywhere slowed the grieving process. Rodolphus Lestrange organized a charity ball to raise money for the victims, the families who lost people and the newly turned werewolves and the funerals for those that perished, in addition to needing the money to rebuild st. Mungo’s. The ball was to take place at the Lestrange manor with it’s expansive halls and gardens. A silent auction was to take place to help encourage fundraising, wine and food was offered and entertainment in the form of music and games was to be provided for guests. The goal was simply to bring everyone together after the tragedy and raise the money needed for what was left behind
1. The silent auction has magical objects, vacations and experiences for auction. Players can basically decide what it is they are bidding on, within reason. Please keep in mind the wealth of your character when discussing bids!
2. This is a black tie event. You are encouraged to post your character’s outfit!
3. your character can bring a date
4. your character doesn’t have to bid
5. This event is for ALL characters, everyone is invited
6. the date of this event is march 9th, and threads for the event can continue through next weekend! current threads may continue as planned and plotted!
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