#props to my buddy Ted for coming up with the fanfic title and the idea!
thealexxa123 · 4 years
Calming Winds - a Venti x Xiangling fanfiction
Third-person POV
Venti starred at Aether and Paimon talking about a certain restaurant he's never heard of.
"And the food there is amazing! Paimon likes that restaurant!" Paimon yelled in an excited tone.
"Me too Paimon." Aether said in a calm tone, unlike Paimon.
"Uhhh...guys? What are you talking about?" asked a really confused Venti.
"There's this restaurant in Liyue and it's AWESOME!" Paimon explained.
"Do they serve dandelion wine there?" asked Venti.
"They don't have it on the menu" Aether explained calmly. Venti sighed.
"But wait!" Aether screamed loudly which confused Venti more.
"What?" asked Venti. Aether smiled smugly.
"The main chef will prepare you anything even if it's not on the menu!". Venti gasped when he heard those words which made Paimon giggle.
"So...are you gonna come with us when we visit Liyue, Tone-deaf Bard?" Paimon asked smugly.
Venti suddenly lifted himself up. Aether and Paimon stared at him in confusion. Venti smirked at them and whispered softly.
"I'll be going on my own right now.". Hearing those words, Aether and Paimon starred at each other while having the most "what the fuck" looks on their faces.
Venti then proceeded to run away to a teleporting waypoint so he could teleport to Liyue. As soon as he teleported he realized he forgot to ask Aether and Paimon where the restaurant is located. He decided to ask people where the restaurant is.
"It's close! I'll show you!" a random man said and showed Venti around. As soon as they reached the restaurant Venti thanked the man and went inside the restaurant.
Venti saw a cute waitress giving out food to people and blushed. He sat at a table and the waitress approached him.
"Oh look a new face in my restaurant! What do you want to order?" the waitress asked Venti who took a look at the menu.
"Uhm.....I would like a bowl of spicy ramen please!" Venti said. The waitress nodded and quickly went to the kitchen.
Venti waited for 4 minutes and as soon as he was about to lift himself up to go outside, the waitress returned with a big bowl of ramen. Venti drooled while looking at the ramen.
"Enjoy your meal!" The waitress said and ran away quickly to take other people's orders.
Venti started slurping the ramen. Because he was used to eating spicy food he didn't flinch when he felt the spicy feeling on his tongue. After finishing the bowl the waitress came to his table again.
"Want anything else, sir?" the waitress asked. Venti then wanted to ask for a glass of dandelion wine but he was left out of cash. He could only pay for the ramen.
"I wanted some dandelion wine but I'm out of money." Venti explained and sighed sadly.
"Dandelion wine?" the waitress asked confused. "That's a thing?"
"Yes, it is. In Mondstadt, my hometown." Venti told her and then decided to show her how to prepare some. "I'll show you how to prepare this wine!"
"Thank you, sir! That's kind of you!" the waitress thanked.
"Oh, by the way, my name is Venti! Getting called sir is.....weird." Venti said, a bit uncomfortable.
"And my name is Xiangling! Nice to meet you!" Xiangling said in a cheerful voice.
Xiangling then dragged Venti to the kitchen. She had lots of dandelions there that she used for decorating food. Venti started preparing the wine while explaining to Xiangling how to do it.
"So, did you get it?" asked Venti. Xiangling nodded while writing the recipe in a book.
"So can we taste it now?" Xiangling wondered. Venti nodded and put some of the wine in a small glass. Xiangling took a sip then drank the remaining wine from the glass.
"IT'S SO TASTY!" she yelled which made Venti chuckle.
Venti looked out the window and saw that the sky started to get darker. Before he went away Xiangling gave him a bottle of wine as a thanks.
"Thanks a lot!" Venti said while holding the bottle in his hands. Xiangling giggled and hugged him then quickly let him go.
"Bye Venti!" Xiangling said in a cute tone. Venti waved and went outside. He's never had so much fun ever since he got to help Aether and Paimon fight off monsters, which happened about a year ago.
He quickly went to a teleporting waypoint and teleported back to Mondstadt. He found his way to the tavern where he lived and got greeted by Diluc.
"Hey there Venti! Where have you been?" Diluc asked. Venti explained everything while blushing.
"And then she gave me this!" Venti said, showing Diluc the bottle of wine. Diluc chuckled, which really confused Venti.
"She seems to like you." Diluc said to which Venti blushed.
"B-BUT WE BARELY MET!" Venti screamed, his face red as Diluc's hair.
"All lovey-dovey things aside...you should go to sleep. It's late." Diluc said while giving Venti the key to his room.
"Goodnight, master Diluc!" Venti said loudly. Diluc waved at Venti and then went to sleep. Venti did the same and fell asleep quite easily.
The next morning Venti woke up feeling really rested. He went downstairs so he could ask Diluc to make breakfast for the both of them but noticed Diluc was still sleeping.
"Guess I'll go somewhere else to eat..." Venti said disappointingly while sighing.
He went outside and ate some food from "Good Hunter". After eating his food he decided to pay Xiangling a visit. He went to a teleporting waypoint and teleported near the restaurant. He went inside and as immediately as Xiangling saw him she ran to him to hug him tightly.
"Hi Venti!" she said while hugging him tightly.
"Hey, Xiangling!" Venti said back while hugging Xiangling back.
Their friendship went like this for a few months, until Venti and Xiangling actually started having feelings for each other. Venti fell in love with her after she saved him during a fight against a horde of Hilichurls and Xiangling fell in love with Venti after he defended her from Dvalin, who tried to attack her.
A few customers of the restaurant noticed the close friendship and decided to make a ship cult. They called it the "VenLing cult" (which they created by mixing their names together) and they would gather at the restaurant once a week and plan stuff like fanart and fanfiction.
One of the members was Diluc. Since he knew Venti would hang out for about 2 hours at Xiangling's, he would write fanfiction while Venti was gone, as he couldn't draw.
The whole cult thing has been going on for months, and for some reason, Xiangling and Venti didn't know anything about it, even if almost 90% of Liyue shipped it.
One day, Venti and Xiangling had a fight because Xiangling wanted to "improve" the dandelion wine recipe by adding slime condensate, which angered Venti.
"You're not adding slime in the dandelion wine! Understood!?" Venti screamed furiously.
"But I'm a chef that improvises! I have to try my idea!" Xiangling tried to defend herself.
Venti's anger made him slap Xiangling's face. He gasped after he did it and tried to excuse himself but Xiangling had enough of him.
"Out! Out of my chicken! I MEAN KITCHEN! OUT!" Xiangling screamed while crying a river of tears. Venti immediately went outside, without looking at Xiangling or caring about her feelings. That really hurt Xiangling's feelings and it made her cry more.
Venti started regretting it but he decided to go home and cry to himself. He teleported near the tavern and as soon as he went inside the tavern, Diluc put down something he was writing.
"What's that, master Diluc?" Venti asked curiously. Diluc hid the paper and grinned.
"It's nothing Venti!" Diluc said, trying to hide the fact that he was writing Venti x Xiangling smut.
Venti took the paper in his hands and read what was written on it. He blushed at the details and then broke the paper in pieces. Diluc wanted to say something to Venti but Venti rushed outside and, without teleporting, went to Liyue on feet, by gliding and by swimming. He entered in the Wanmin restaurant all wet and tired. Xiangling saw him and asked him politely to go outside, because he was getting the floor wet. He dragged Xiangling with him outside and explained the whole thing to Xiangling.
"I already know of this thing.....Now leave and never look at me!" Xiangling screamed at Venti and pushed him away. Venti was about to leave but Diluc came in, hiccuping from the alcohol he drank.
"Master Diluc, what are you doing here?" asked Xiangling, confused by the man's sudden appearence.
Diluc didn't say anything and just pushed Venti, making him kiss Xiangling's soft lips. Venti gasped but before he kissed Xiangling she broke the kiss and ran inside. Venti regretted making her sad and started crying. Diluc hugged his friend and pat his back.
"Wait I got an idea!" Venti screamed with an excited tone and then ran to someone selling flowers from Mondstadt.
He brought a few flowers and waited behind a bush for the closing hour at the Wanmin restaurant.
As soon as Xiangling got out, Venti got out and surprised Xiangling with the flowers.
"I just want to say that I'm sorry for being rude to you and that...I love you Xiangling!" and as soon as he said that, he kissed her. Xiangling's eyes widened but then she closed her eyes, and started kissing Venti back.
Xiangling broke the kiss and teared up. She hugged Venti tightly and cried on his chest.
"I love you too you idiot!" she said between sobs.
Venti kissed Xiangling's hair and started crying as well. They sat there like that for a few minutes before breaking the hug.
"You know what? You can add as much condensate in the dandelion wine as you wish! I bet it will taste good!" Venti said while smiling dorkly.
Xiangling took him back to Mondstadt and when they reached the tavern, Xiangling kissed Venti's cheek as a goodnight then left to a teleporting waypoint that was nearby. Venti then went to sleep and he sighed as he took a stone off his chest by confessing to Xiangling.
And that's how Venti and Xiangling got together!
The end!
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