#project playtime rp
mixed-up-multiverse · 2 months
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Can you set me free?
Will you take my soul away?
Casting me in cold
Bury me in bones
Rest eternally...
Home | Ask | Muses | Rules + Mun + Other blogs
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*slowly knocks on the counselors door gripping the catnap plushie tightly before looking at it and saying "i won't let you down. if she is needed for your freedom...i will do what I'm asked"...seaming to reassure himself
*Painter opens the door*
oh! hello port!
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ask-playtime-city · 4 months
Has Playtime (The company) ever really tried to retake control of the factory?
I've also heard about something they called... I think it was called Project: Playtime? (I have no idea that it was actually called so I'm using the name of the game!) Something about going in and collecting more toy parts to make more bigger bodies somewhere else? Did you have to deal with that at all?
I do hope they failed, no should else should have to be made into a toy.
The Prototype: Unfortunately they did make one bigger body outside of my "control", one boxy boo.
I hope to save him someday.
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the-cool-chicken · 4 months
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Hey! Call me mod sun!!
If you couldn’t tell, this is an rp/ask blog for Kickin’ Chicken from Poppy Playtime!!
Now, remember, there WILL be spoilers for chapter 3 on this blog, as well as serious topics such as gore, violence, implied abuse and implied death, and even mental health related issues like panic attacks and self esteem issues. Please tread cautiously.
Mod is a minor, so for the love of all that is good, no nsfw asks!
Mod also has like at least 20 blogs. So if it takes a bit to rb, thats why 🫡
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Since we currently have nothing to go off of but a few voice lines and a vhs tape, this blog will be mostly made up of headcanons! Bear with me here 😔
I personally headcanon the fella as transmasc (im projecting), so if you’re in any way bothered by that, do us both a favor and get off my blog 🫶
That’s it for now, so happy rping and stay silly!
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paperstarsdraws · 1 year
Hello there!
My name is Tanya (adult, she/they) and honestly I don't draw for fandoms very often because I have original project to work on, but when I do it's for fandoms in the list below:
• Welcome home
• Genshin Impact
• FNaF
• Poppy Playtime
All my art there will be sfw
Requests: closed
Commissions: closed
No rp sorry
The programs I use are Ibispaint x and Krita
English is not my first language so I'm sorry for anything I may say or understand wrong
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iwannabeyourman · 2 years
Hi jinx I trust u would I be in the lore and if so how
OH GOODNESS HI NORA uhhhhhhh hm. I feel like the bossy kid at playtime who’s like “YOU be this and YOU be this and YOU be this” etc etc…. you can join our ranks and become a member of [REDACTED], or you can take your chance trying to form an alliance with Carson if you want. It’s really up to you! This is a collaborative project and everyone is a self insert babey. You can make up your own lore (and sometimes make lore for other people :0 like right now let’s see uhhhh your character is always wearing a dinosaur hoodie cus of ur icon. Boom just created lore. c!Nora is a thing baby!!) like as long as u rp nicely we’re all just having fun here!!!!! :D
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listoriented · 5 years
“B”een There
done that.
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So here ends my time playing games that start with the letter B. Thanks for reading! It's been three years plus change. Back in early 2016 when I pondered how the world might look when I finished another letter, I never imagined, even from that unsteady ground, just quite how different things would become (in terms of global political-psychological landscape) - though really all the top-down drama happened that year, and everything since then has just felt like the normalisation and ratification of it, this splintered-systemic madness, the post-parody, post-fake fake-real. Or whatever you want to call it.
Nor did I imagine that it would take me so long. But, life. I went overseas, moved houses, moved cities, went through a breakup, started a PhD, rode a bike, read some books, faffed around. I anxiously played hundreds of hours of Rocket League; I ticked off every achievement in Mini Metro; I spent too long trying to remember what I was doing in Stardew Valley. I reviewed some games over at Gamecloud, which wrapped up earlier this year.  Time accumulated in a predictable but upsetting way.
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Beloved demigod of gaming blogs RPS went through a full staff turnover, pretty much. It's weird, man. VR happened but remains a bit beyond my periphery, even if it gets brought up from time to time in the groupchat. Battle Royale games weren't a thing a few years ago, then they became everything, now they are still a big deal, the biggest deal, or maybe a large-medium deal, or just a large part of the background - I honestly don’t know how to quantify this. Steam's ubiquity has slipped markedly, through a mixture of managed negligence and increasingly aggressive competition. The inherent limitations of being bound to one commercial distribution system on one hardware platform have always been at the back of my mind, but I do increasingly wonder if my time would be better spent on a project that dug through other veins. The answer is, for now, that sometimes you've gotten keep doing the thing you said you were gonna do, if no other reason than because. 
Tumblr, our home since 2016, has gone through its own shifts and controversies in this time too. They no longer seem to allow unencoded links (so no-one ever knows what they’re clicking on), it became less friendly to adult content, and as of today apparently Tumblr has been sold on to wordpress. I don’t really know the implications of this last thing.
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Some Maths
I played fifty one games beginning with B. Of the forty-eight that I'd deem to have some notional metric of completability, twenty-four of those I (often in the most flexible sense possible), "completed". 50%: Not as bad as I'd expected, TBH, especially as that includes a couple of painful six/seven game streaks where I didn't finish anything.
Ceremonious Award Giving for Games Starting with ‘B’
It is always hard to pick favourites, and from any given vantage point they tend to change. Nevertheless, an act of self-canonisation is in order, as is tradition. Given the nature of this project, I do put a lot of value in titles that surprise me in one way or another. Batman: Arkham Asylum and Bulletstorm were equal Best Goofy Action surprises (it pays having low expectations, sometimes), with an honourable mention to Brigador. The Banner Saga was the most surprisingly thought provoking. Davey Wreden’s autoficitive The Beginners Guide gets the Anodyne Prize for Most Enjoyably Difficult To Put In A Box. 
Botanicula was probably my Favourite (total) Revisit, or the best non-surprise. 
B was a letter characterised by a few high-budget action series (of which my favourite part was Bioshock 2 (Minerva's Den)), held up by substrate of modest indie things of varying impact. My attention span was all over the place, too. We had a lot of short forays with little to say, but there was there were also more than a few wordier attempts at thought. I'm bad at judging what makes "good" writing, particularly of my own, which I oscillate between accepting and loathing, but I can tell you which games/posts took the cake for length and effort: Baldur's Gate for longest playtime; Burnout: Paradise for highest word-count (and longest gestation period); Battleblock Theater for the most time-consuming method of putting a post together; The Beginners Guide for the most times played through a game in order to try and parse it; Braid for the most external reading and referencing.  
I think the most absurdly Expensive-at-purchase game here was Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which also gets the newly thought of I Can’t Believe It Still Has Functioning Online Multiplayer prize. I'm handing the Most Disappointing badge to Broken Age, despite (or because of) already having played it a bunch before attempting it for the list, though Before the Echo (fka Sequence) takes the Aquanox Award for game I inexplicably sunk the most time on trying to finish despite not really enjoying. I hold the Most Contempt for Breach & Clear. Black Mirror had the Worst Voice Acting, and it was also the Oldest Game here (2003), at least in terms of no-significant-alterations though depending on how you want to factor in remasters and remakes, you might alternatively give that prize to Broken Sword (1996) or Bionic Commando Rearmed (1988). Blueberry Garden was Purchased Most Long Ago, in 2009, though the Aquaria Trophy for Longest Unplayed Incumbent goes to Bob Came in Pieces, which I'd bought in 2010 then never installed (it's pretty good, it turns out!). However, the special Emotional Closure Award goes to Baldur's Gate, with which I already had nearly two decades of fond, scattered memories, before finally finishing for the first time during this project.
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More Maths
When I started this letter I had 438 games in my steam library. Right now I have 1049 games, which is almost exactly three times the amount I had when I started this blog in October 2015 (~350). I've played 70 games total. A further 57 entered the list behind the marker, into the exempt scorched land of the already visited alphabet, which means we're at 127/1049 = 12.11% of the way through the list, which is a +7% increase on where we were at three years ago. That's not nothing. But at 2.5% per year, it's not a lot. Globally, the average human lifespan is 68 years.
Terrifying Implications For the Future
The maths says that the current terms aren't working, that I'm drowning in a heady mixture of my own relentless consumerism, hesitation, and procrastination from this task which is itself an avenue of procrastination - that at this rate I will probably die (or certainly give up) before even getting to the halfway point, and that we can't continue like this in good faith. 
So I'm going to get a bit reckless, even change the rules slightly, in order to try and breathe new life into this thing. All games must still be played for at least an hour - yes, that one stands. But. BUT. I'm setting a hard time limit of one week, from one game to the next, post to post. For now at least. No more lofty words about striving to "finish" games as a rule rather than exception. It's quantity over quality (pretending for a second that quality was ever a concern) from here on out, business over pleasure, irreverence over lengthy considerations, scrapbooking over essays.
On the bright side, this means I can have a weekly posting schedule. Let's say Tuesdays? Tuesdays seem like a good day for posting.
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A couple of other things: 
List Oriented now has a ko-fi tip jar, just in case you, dear reader, enjoy this blog - or did before it went completely silent for the first half of this year - and feel like helping to pay for my caffeine addiction and/or encouraging me to keep going with this task. 
Another thing I want to do is compile a list of links to good places for games-writing and other things that I like, because a) I feel like such a page would be helpful for me to keep a record, even if for nobody else; b) my conception of the internet is permanently stuck in 2008 but also; c) it's hard to remember where to look for good things on the internet, sometimes, these days, given our habitual over-reliance on various platforms to direct us to CONTENT. But one thing I want to include is a list of other places where people are doing this kind of list-oriented project thing. I remember a bunch of them sprung up a couple of years back when we gained a brief and relative flash of notoriety, though I’m not sure how many stuck at it. If you yourself are doing one, or you’re aware of any others who are, Let Me Know! 
Anyway, looking ahead. C. An obtuse but interesting letter. Not so many of the big-hitters. A buuuuunch of city builders and management games, a few influential and/or janky platformers, more than a handful of puzzlers, some famed RTS series, a heap of question marks, a coupla interesting art things and a few uh *squints* Shooting Game. Happily for me, a lot of titles that I've not yet gotten round to giving a go, so this will be all...fresh.
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I have a vague memory from when I got through A, of looking ahead to C and thinking at least it was a much more compact section than B, at the time, some light on the other side of what I'd already known would be a slog. But here we are three years later, and now there's fifty seven such games beginning with C, so there goes that thought. You'd think, having identified the consumerist-excess problem that catalysed this stupid thing, I would have stopped buying game bundles at some point, made this ridiculous project a bit easier for myself, a little more plausible for everyone else. 
But, we must continue. It's a new day. A new letter. A new schedule.
The way is long and it is littered with videogames.
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above: “celebrating” my “achievements” with a ‘b’eer
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brightmoonfaire · 5 years
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An orc flips the last of her torches into the air. She deftly catches them as they drop down, spinning and doing tricks, and in the last moment breathing fire!
A dancer moves among the crowd, her clothing jingles with bells and false coins that jingle with every twist and turn. Accompanying her is a fiddler who seems to make it a personal challenge to throw the dancer off with changes in pace.
The smell of sweet fried foods fills the air as a goblin with a cart moves through the crowd peddling delicacies that follow the carnies - Elekk ears, breaded meats on a stick, and candy floss tempt those he passes.
A troll spins a tale about a tribe of death-whistlers… he asks for a volunteer for a demonstration.
And off in the corner is a hooded figure laying down cards on an overturned box for her patron. Not trying to draw attention to herself, yet people still seem to seek her out to get the wisdom of the spirits.
The Brightmoon Faire is back in town!
((OOC Recruitment info under the break))
Founded on January 20th 2009, Brightmoon Faire is one of the oldest roleplay guilds on the Wyrmrest Accord server.
The primary focus is to promote public RP through planned events and through support of various community events. We currently host one monthly event, The Brightmoon Show.
Our main base of operations is the Underbelly in (Old) Dalaran, and most of our shows are held in (Old) Dalaran as well.
Brightmoon Faire is considered Neutral, and we are working towards an Alliance side Guild to host blue members for events (a charter has been created).
The ‘acts’ are actual performances that are enhanced by toys, in-game effects, spells, items, addons, etc.
Currently showing:
Fire juggling & breathing
Dancing bears
Goblin cannonball & stuntwoman
Musical acts
Interpretive storyteller
Stage illusionist
Tarot readers
Want to join?
The theme of the guild meant to be mysterious and transient. These are people that are looking to make a quick buck, and take advantage of those lured in by the enigmatic atmosphere. Or perhaps you are one that is disillusioned with the high life and went looking for something a little more fun…
Right now we boast a small number of active accounts, but we are looking to grow by a few. Our current playtime is Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun evenings. Many of us work 9 to 5���s and have families and projects that keep us out of game so, the ability to plan ahead, communicate and keep in contact VIA Discord are all important for our guild.
Right now the joining process is as follows:
Fill out the application which is both in and out of character.
Join the Discord and introduce yourself.
You will be invited to the guild ASAP and keep the rank of New Member until you hold an IC interview and audition to show off your act.
Ideas for acts we would like to see:
Animal acts (perhaps a hunter that can manipulate combat and battle pets with toys and effects)
Dance (text-based performance with effects and movement for visual interest)
Comedy/clown acts (Stand up comedy basically)
Musical acts (using the addon musician, or text-based)
Magic acts (effect based act enhanced with text descriptions)
Knife throwing (Rogue throw ability with dummy and volunteer enhanced with text)
Tom Thumb or other oddities (growth or shrinking potions with associated act, likely comedy)
Strong man/woman (growth potions with contenders costumes perhaps)
Fire walker (Perhaps a Mage)
Ventriloquist act (A duo act with a shrunken toon)
Food and drink vendors (Sell some food and drink)
Game players (Dice, portal roulette, etc)
Fortune tellers of all types (Bones, runes, cards, maybe even one stage act with plants in the audience)
In most cases, we will take on additionals of acts that we already run. For example, we can always use more fortune tellers and dancing bears. We could use one more of each of the acts we currently run as well.
Discord: discord.gg/7Ku4z2B
Application: goo.gl/forms/ad23ui2iBczYfFT12
Upcoming events: discord.gg/7Ku4z2B
Lindiwe’s BNET: spoonymog#1854
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inaboxblog671 · 2 years
Roblox online games
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Roblox Squid Game - Play now online! | K.
The 10 Best Roblox Games of 2022 - Lifewire.
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Games Like Roblox - Coder Kids.
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Online dating | Roblox Wiki | Fandom.
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Roblox: 15 Best Shooting Games - TheGamer.
24 Games Like Roblox 2022 - Rigorous Themes.
Squid Game Roblox - Play Online & Unblocked.
Play Roblox Online Unblocked School - XpCourse.
Roblox Squid Game - Play now online! | K.
In these games you will have to put your mind to the contribution and try to create a virtual world Toca Life: World, in which to build a house, to arrange your interior rooms as you want, and in this chapter, you will have to know that your home can be customized in the smallest detail, from the bedroom, bathroom, hallway, pool, kitchen, to. 6 Your Bizarre Adventure: Unleash Your Stand. There are a couple of notable JoJo's Bizarre Adventure games on Roblox, Alongside Project JoJo, Your Bizarre Adventure is arguably the best on the. This is another game that has been inspired from the popular Netflix show, Squid Games. We invite you to play this new game called Squid Game: Roblox, where you will be welcomed to the wonderful world of Roblox! You have to survive through a series of deadly games to finally win a cash prize of 46.5 billion Won, just like in the TV show!.
The 10 Best Roblox Games of 2022 - Lifewire.
NOTE: It is not possible to add every single Roblox game to this list, so only popular ones will be listed 🎖️10,778 Badge Walk🎖️ Basically FNF Car Crushers 2 Color Block Epic Minigames Flex Your Account Age Funky Friday Gacha Online Literally FNF! Natural Disaster Survival Word Bomb Tower Defense Simulator Break In story Minerscave Bee Swarm Simulator Build A Boat For Treasure The.
‎Roblox on the App Store.
5 Lumber Tycoon 2. The sequel to a popular classic Roblox game, Lumber Tycoon. Owning and operating a lumbermill sounds boring, but Lumber Tycoon 2 is a really great base-building game. You start.
Games Like Roblox - Coder Kids.
All the online games you see on the platform have been built by members of the Roblox community for members of the Roblox community. Players can build the ultimate theme park, compete as a professional race car driver, star in a fashion show, become a superhero, or simply design a dream home and hang out with friends. 55% 1.7K (FREE ADMIN) 74% 5.7K Squid game Tycoon (FREE VIP) 46% 0 Impossible Glass Bridge Obby! (Squid Game) 56% 482 SQUID GAME ADMIN COMMANDS! AND Free gears! 31% 2 FREE ADMIN! (POPPY PLAYTIME) Huggy Wuggy 26% 0 Adopt Me Escape Baldis Basics Obey Parkor Obby 11% 5 FREE ADMIN ARENA 💥 68% 70 (FREE VIP) BrookHaven RP Tycoon! (UPDATE) (PETS!) 84% 50. Great game defiantly get! I love this game it is so fun there is lots of fun games you can play on it like Brookhaven where you role play and have whatever job you want, or there is hide and seek where there is a spinner to choose the map and the person who is "It" and you run around and hide or there is would you rather one of my favorite games to play with friends, there is also speed.
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Play now from Minigames and let your imagination run wild. You set the limit of what you can create. Play Roblox and dive into this free MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) that is based on Minecraft style block construction. Create your own virtual world or explore the thousands of worlds created by other users.
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Online dating | Roblox Wiki | Fandom.
1 Murder Mystery 2. Murder Mystery 2 is another one of those old-school Roblox games that seem to have been around forever. First released in 2014, the game has close to 5 billion visits and has a consistent player number close to 100,000. The premise is simple: there is a group of "Innocents" and one Murderer.
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Get a virtual item when you redeem a Roblox gift card! Spend your Robux on new items for your avatar and additional perks in your favorite games. The ultimate gift for any Roblox fan. Discover millions of free games on Roblox and play with friends on your computer, phone, tablet, Xbox One console, Oculus Rift, or HTC Vive.
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Roblox: 15 Best Shooting Games - TheGamer.
What is Roblox Games? Roblox games is an online platform and gaming storefront courtesy of the Roblox Corporation. The brains behind the platform are David Baszucki and Erik Cassel, who have the platform available on Windows, Mac, Xbox, Android, and iOS. Currently, the platform hosts over 20 million user-created games across multiple genres. On Roblox, online dating is usually restricted to life-simulation roleplay games such as Raise a Family. It is quite dangerous, since people can use social media to be hunted by predators. In some instances, personal information may also be exchanged. Roblox's chat filter is designed to prevent this by censoring most methods of sharing.
24 Games Like Roblox 2022 - Rigorous Themes.
Roblox's mission is to bring the world together through play. We enable anyone to imagine, create, and have fun with friends as they explore millions of immersive 3D experiences, all built by a global community of developers. Roblox is powered by a global community of millions of developers who produce their own immersive multiplayer. List of Top Games Like Roblox. 1. Minecraft. We are starting our list with Minecraft, one of the most popular games globally. This sandbox-style game allows you to construct buildings using unlimited resources in its procedurally created world. Besides building beautiful bases, it also includes crafting, exploration, and combat. Creating online games and worlds through the free-to-use Roblox Studio and sharing them with the community is the real heart of Roblox. Learn coding and game development in a newbie-friendly environment with plenty of tutorials available to assist you. Share your creations with friends or let everyone in on the fun. Experienced developers can.
Squid Game Roblox - Play Online & Unblocked.
Play Roblox Instantly in Browser Play Roblox online for free with mobile cloud. Explore the ultimate virtual sandbox where millions of players around the world come together to create and share unique online experiences. In Roblox by Roblox Corporation, if you can dream it, you can do it. In this fun game, you will enjoy a lot of mini games including: P.V.P, Parkour, Flappy Bird, Don't Move, Crystal Room, Beach (Closed for Winter!), Love Land. Pick your team from Men, Women, Pets/Animals, Kids/Babies/Teens and spawn from their locations. Pick your skin style and enjoy playing around exploring the world. Adopt a kid and a pet to your family. Explore the environment with other.
Play Roblox Online Unblocked School - XpCourse.
Stick World (DOES NOT WORK) by Mr_rudy. Pvz Garden Warfare by LosPros2009. Minecraft by LosPros2009. Roblox 2007 remix by PikaMatt07. Roblox 2007 remix by JT163328. Super Mario Odyssey (remix protected) by LosPros2009. Roblox 2007 improved by LosPros2009. Roblox 2007 remix by Hubert_stach78.
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mixed-up-multiverse · 10 months
How evil are you? (part two i guess)
Boxy Boo is 66 percent evil.
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Snarling noises.
Bam is 29 percent evil.
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"Hey, this thing is all wrong and stuff! I'm not evil at all!"
Unico is 24 percent evil.
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"I-I'm not evil... don't be mean..."
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this is so embarrassing i can't believe i fell asleep in Mr.Pierres office...
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mysticvhedd · 3 years
[LFP] [PAID] [5E] Dragon Heist Sunday 7pm EDT
Dragon Heist Campaign
Game: D&D 5e
Suggested Player Experience: All levels
Day/Timezone: Thursday at 8 pm EST/ 7 pm CST/ 6pm MST/ 5pm PST
Frequency: Game runs weekly session ($15 per session fee applies)
Length of session: 3-4 hours
Beginning 5/2/21
2 seats filled, 4 seats open
Welcome to Waterdeep, the Crown of the North, where a wondrous tale of urban adventure is about to unfold. Our story begins with the gathering of adventurers at the Yawning Portal Inn and Tavern. Volothamp Geddarm, the famous explorer and raconteur, has a quest for them—one that entangles the characters in a bitter conflict between two nefarious organizations. If the adventurers complete his quest, Volo rewards them handsomely. Yet a much greater prize lies hidden somewhere in the City of Splendors, waiting to be claimed.
Cache of Dragons
In Waterdeep, a gold coin is called a dragon. Before he was ousted from his position as the Open Lord of Waterdeep, Dagult Neverember embezzled half a million dragons and hid them in a secret vault. As a security precaution, he arranged for all knowledge of the vault's location and defenses to be magically erased from his mind and the minds of his subordinates. The wizard who performed the procedure trapped this knowledge within an artifact called the Stone of Golorr. The wizard disappeared shortly thereafter, and Dagult hid the stone in the Palace of Waterdeep.
The stone was stolen and passed from one hand to another like a common jewel until it wound up in the clutches of Xanathar. The Stone of Golorr is actually an aboleth transformed by magic. In this inanimate state, the aboleth can read the mind of any creature that attunes to the stone, as well as modify that creature's memory. A creature attuned to the stone can also extract information from the aboleth, including lore about the mysterious Neverember's Vault.
War in the Streets
Beneath the city streets lurks a criminal underworld, its leader a beholder called Xanathar. Hoping to gain a political foothold in Waterdeep, agents of the Zhentarim (also known as the Black Network) recently tried to ally their organization with the Xanathar Guild. The architect of this attempt was a clone of the wizard Manshoon, a founder of the Black Network long thought dead.
While the two sides were negotiating in Xanathar's lair, the Stone ofGolorr suddenly disappeared from where Xanathar had hidden it. The paranoid beholder accused the Black Network of stealing it and slew the Zhentarim envoys who were present. When the Zhents retaliated by attacking Xanathar Guild outposts, Xanathar took their actions as confirmation of the Black Network's vile intentions. Now the bad blood between the Zhentarim and Xanathar has begun to spill into the streets, threatening peace throughout the city.
The questions on everyone's minds: Who actually stole the Stone of Golorr? And where is it now?
Now the hype is over, let us go over a few ground rules, shall we? Should you be a kind and descent person, well you only need glance at them to recognize what I am getting at… don’t be “that guy/girl”.
 1) Cursing is allowed at my table, but I request that it be used as a tactic for the purpose of character building and authenticity—in other words, in moderation. Keep the nature of your vulgarity and the comfort of your tablemates in mind. If you are asked to tone down your use of vulgarity or avoid a particular use of it in the future, be mindful of that request.
2) Be respectful of the time people spend in the spotlight. Please, try to keep talking over one another to a minimum. Granted, we will all be getting to know one another, and over time we should develop a rapport that will avoid such issues. As a good rule of thumb, use roll20’s typed-chat feature in between turns when initiating a moment of RP while another party member is currently RPing; use discord’s similar feature when speaking OOC or cracking jokes.
 3) Mic check! We've all been in a game where we heard the background of another player’s mic. This can and does diminish the fluidity of the game as well as people’s enjoyment. No one needs to hear the crunch of your snack between rounds of combat! Make sure to mute yourself while eating, or else avoid eating during the game.
 4) The majority of this game will be run via the rules as written. If you want to do something on the fly that bends the rules but does not outright break them, the rule of cool comes into effect! During a game, my adjudication is final. You may contact me privately if an adjudication bothers you. I may choose to alter future adjudications based on your expressed argument, but I reserve the right to refuse to do so. Do not bog down playtime with debate. That being said, I am fine with a “rules lawyer” helping the table by briefly citing an arcane and often forgotten rule or trying to elevate the game during epic moments, but once I make a call, leave contention and debate for post-game discussion.
 5) I respectfully require 24 hours cancellation notice. During the 24 hours prior to play, I plan out the game. If someone cancels at the last minute, then a lot of this planning goes to waste. Failure to provide 24 hours’ notice and not showing up will be considered a No Show. Too many No Shows and you will be removed from the game. Exceptions will be made for family emergencies and other unexpected things.
 6)Follow “Wheaton’s Law” and have fun!
 About the DM:
I have been playing D&D since I was a kid starting with 1st edition in 1982. Since then, I have played/Dmed all other editions through the years. When it comes to House rules, I am 90% collaborative, and will defer to group vote on incorporating them into our game. Your encounters will be on a spectrum ranging from fairly beneath you to a little too much for you. Do not count on an ever encounter being an even match. If you choose not to run when I drop hints that the encounter might be a bit too much for you, that choice is yours to deal with. Fair warning, no punches will be pulled, and no decisions retconned!
My style is collaborative, as such, I will count on you to look thing up every now and then. I have found this practice to be beneficial to group. Helping to expose inexperienced players to more game knowledge and for veteran you have a better understanding of your companion’s abilities. I have an excellent understanding of RAW, however I am not a rules encyclopedia. (please see ground rule 4)
The qualities I like to see in my players are honesty, patience, and treating each other with kindness. My peeves are meanness, cheating, using OOC knowledge/Meta-gaming. Specifically, if it feels like you are playing other players' characters. Though I do encourage thoughtful consideration (tactics and planning) I cannot allow indefinite discussion… Something I refer to affectionally as "analysis paralysis", at some point I will have to prod you for a decision to keep the game moving.  The guiding goal is fun, and enjoyment. Think about character development as well as level climbing. Your characters should make friends, enemies, and contacts. Work on projects. Build things. Establish reputations. Etc
 All Questions Can be Left below, or Feel free to contact me Via Discord at:
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hygge-lifestyle · 4 years
How Long Does It Try Reach Level Thirty?
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LOL is an free video game in the MOBA style (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). The general game is intended to be played with 5v5, but other styles are also supported. League of Legends is now one of the absolute most widely used online video games from the Earth, with in excess of 30 million people along with peak customers as high as 5 million.
That isn't any definite answer to this question apart than"a long time". You May take weeks of enjoying for the max, Based on variables like:
The Range of games that you acquire per day
The Quantity of games that you play per day
Form of games you're playing " Normals" or bot game
If you're using triumph boosts
If you are currently using EXP boosts
It is projected that it takes up to 21, 389 Summoner experience to reach level thirty. Bot games only give you around 90 knowledge per game and every single game can take approximately twenty five minutes, which equates to over than a hundred and fifty hours of playtime. Since you are able to observe, this is a great deal of time for you and energy to set up leveling your own accounts whenever you need to be concentrating in your own rated games rather than The best and the quickest way to accelerate is to Buy League of Legends Smurf.
Should you Purchase LOL Smurf Accounts?
You are Stuck at ELO Hell
Many LOL gamers get stuck in their ELO due to poor co-players or just poor luck; from leveling-up, however, this will not block you. At the same time that it's possible to spend months or weeks trying to enhance your outcome and increase your MMR, some times the ideal thing to accomplish is always to start again from scratch. Our LOL account are all unranked and amount thirty and have enough BE to buy the required 20 champs for play. By simply buying a League of Legends accounts, you're going to be straight back loving your primary positioning games at a brief while plus becoming put in the division you deserve.
Your Account Has Been Barred
You might have learned your lesson if you broke some rules and also your League of Legends account got prohibited, but it will not suggest Riot will reactivate your accounts. This should perhaps not hold back you away from playing with the games that you love. Besides, you don't need to spend months seeking to receive your accounts. All our League of Legends report have been at par 30 and also have significantly more than 20k BE. Instead of waiting for months or weeks thus, you can access fast.
Play Friends at diminished Ranks
If you buy league of legends pbe account you're going to have the ability to begin from scratch as most of balances have been unranked. If your initial account had a pair of positioning games, you can try back on a fresh account that is unranked. If you enjoy playing the game with your friends, subsequently a account will turn out to be beneficial.
If you have good friends who have just joined the game and you also would like to play with them, you're going to need a new LOL account. In the event you play on your own initial account, it's likely you will be given using possibility games. You certainly do not aspire to play with high possibility games along with your players. After you buy platinum account league of legends you're going to be able to reset your own rank. This allows you to perform at the same level of skill as associates members and your own family.
Likewise, having a new League of Legends accounts, you and friends who are less great as you can play. You and your buddy who's Bronze may play with a few Duo Queue and you are Diamond. Our LOL smurf accounts are all unranked, meaning you can play with your friends repeatedly, and instruct them a few tricks to assist them amount up fast. Your MMR is likely to undoubtedly be in line. So, your games will not only be fun but also balanced for both of you.
Cut Costs Although Acquiring Champs
Many smurf League of Legends accounts come with BE. It's possible to use your BE to get four third champs. Each grade legendary champ retails for 790 or even about 3,150 BE RP.
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fractal-grid · 5 years
a Naphtali is made in Daggerfall (running DOS through Boxer on Macbook) and this is used to bestow a sense of scale and history to Naphtali who clearly lives in a different time.  He is able to perceive the world around him in Skyrim differently because he has projected himself into the past, which represented a more functional and vast economy, world, etc...  
So it’s at this point that my interactions with Hermaeus Mora begin to occur in Skyrim and during the reading of the Black Books I began to simultaneously play Morrowind, which I’d only ever put about 20 hours into.  Solstheim is a major part of Morrowind following the explosion of Red Mountain and it was here that I felt the barriers break down and the experiences had with Herma Mora and Neloth provided an excellent back drop to experience TES III in a lore friendly way.   I created Naphtali again, born under the Atronach, natively living in Vvardenfell, in Vivec, of powerful mind but limited potential.  It was through a Breton named Hank Hill that he is able to project himself as an outsider and experience the world from the safety of Vivec.  Keep in mind, this is all a RP of Skyrim’s Naphtali honing his magical power in Solstheim.  Hank Hill formed the colony of Raven Rock, and gave a greater sense of purpose and understanding to OG Naphtali.  Bouncing between the games gave it the aspect of a revelation, or a vision.   Naphtali does not exist in Cyrodiil at the time of the Oblivion Crisis, presumably because he’s still living in Vivec.  While these are projections, there is also the possibility that these are lost memories of an older being.  Maybe he lost his memory in the Red Year and was stumbling lost around Cyrodiil and Skyrim when he was arrested, and he was brought back to a sense of purpose when Alduin attacked Helgen.  Maybe he’d been a vampire before, maybe as far back as Daggerfall, or possibly Arena, although that has not yet played out for me.  Regardless, the memories of a Khajiit named Charlie, who steals, dupes, glitches, and abuses potions to a great extent.  His body, depleted of stamina, once flew across a section of the map and was woken up by the NPC that starts the quest at Kvatch, signaling the real beginning of the Crisis.  Charlie and his actions are just as much of a crisis as oblivion, and seeing as he is a non-Dunmer working for the Daedra during the Crisis, it’s clear that while he may ultimately be moving the quest with the Blades forward, he is also causing much damage.  It’s a true crisis and the extent of which Naphtali is only now learning, probably due to the fact that he was reacting to the consequences in his homeland.   Naphtali gets married to Brelyna Maryon and they live in Hjerim in Windhelm, which is ironic, due to the Gray Quarter and the fact that he killed Ulfric just next door.  He has adopted Sofie and Francois Beaufort.  Mostly his travels take him from Winterhold to Riften, while making trips for a few days to Solstheim to continue research.  Just yesterday Neloth named Naphtali a member of House Telvanni and this may give renewed interest in Morrowind, to explore the House before it’s demise.  Master Neloth claims we may return in a few decades, which could be in the right timeline for the next game and while I do see why the Illiac Bay is suspected of being the next setting, and it makes sense given the proximity to Summerset and the Thalmor threat, I do think from the trailer that there’s a slight possibility of the shot being heading North along the coast by Mournhold in a post-erruption mainland Morrowind, and perhaps we would get to explore the mainland and Vaardenfell from the perspective of The Last Dragonborn, but I know that’s a longshot.   This really all begs the question of Who’s Story Is It Anyway?  Is there a distinct bias or favor towards any faction or race, intentionally placed by Bethesda?  Is this the story of the Dunmer, formerly the Chimer, who wielded the power of Gods? Did the Dwemer free themselves?  Should we hold allegiance to the Empire?  Does it serve the people?  How do we protect Tamriel from invasion? This seems imminent and if it was just glossed over what would be the point?  If invasion happens, can we affect it and work for either side?  Would we care about protecting an empire or a franchise of entertainment that would deny us the ability to make these choices, would I care about the struggles of a land in which the player is forgotten and actions have no meaning?   So far, I’m allowed to create my own stories and mesh them together in a way which makes sense to me, and someone who has been playing since 1994 might have such a different perspective than I do, simply because they didn’t experience them all simultaneously.  
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itsyagirlsatan · 5 years
No time for fun? (BBIEAL rp)
*Playtime wants to play and tries to find someone to play with though everyone seems busy but she asks around to see if someone can play*
Playtime: Hi Yin and Yang! Want to Play?
Yin: I'm sorry but me and Yang entered this contest and we have to practice for it
Yang: Sorry maybe another time
Playtime: Oh that's okay I understand *Walks around and bumps into Foreign things stattered everywhere* Sorry *Sees that it's Foreign* Hi Foreign! *Gets up brushes the dirt off her dress and Helps Foreign up*
Foreign: Thanks Playtime *Starts picking up her pens*
Playtime: *Picks up Foreign's papers,envelops,etc and gives it to Foreign* Sorry but Foreign Wanna Play
Foreign: *grabs her stuff* I owe you for helping me but I can't play right now I'm so sorry I have organize my locker and I have to send some stuff to some of my family members again I'm sorry maybe later when I have time
Playtime:That's okay I understand
*She continues asking around but everyone is busy. Drama Queen Practing for an upcoming play she's in, Fangirl working on multiple projects, Cerise baking for a bake sale, Superstitious studying some things,etc. Playtime sits in front of her locker alone*
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