#project Hail Mary movie
imawriternotamagican · 8 months
My goal as a Project Hail Mary fan is to set up as much of a fandom for the movie-goers as possible.
Not only do we set the tone for the fandom after the movie, but profit from the new fics and art after supplying our own for so long.
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thewanderingace · 10 days
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Please don't fuck up the story. Please don't fuck up the story. Please don't fuck up the story. 😣🙏😣🙏😣🙏
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All this talk about Ryan Gosling in the Barbie movie but what y’all don’t know is that in a couple years he’s going to be in a movie portraying a middle school teacher who, through a wild set of circumstances, becomes best friends with an alien steam engine spider in space. It’s even cooler than that. He ASKED for the part. He’s a producer. He’s always been like this.
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macinthecaac · 6 months
5 times. As of today, I've read Project Hail Mary 5 times, and each time, I've happy-cried at the ending.
It's one of those endings that really makes me feel emotional. After a lifetime of fear, fear of being rejected and fear of dying, Ryland Grace makes the decision to sacrifice his life to save his best friend. He had the option to turn around and go back to Earth; nobody would have known. He could have lied about everything, and lived his life as a hero back home. But it was his love for Rocky, his best friend, that made him face the fears that always controlled him and turn the ship around.
Then, he lives quite a number of years on Erid. The high gravity deteriorates his bones, and likely shortens his lifespan by a lot, but he stays. He had the option to leave safely years prior, but he chooses to stay. Even after finding out that humanity survived and Sol has returned to full luminance, he still isn't sure about leaving. Maybe he will one day, but not right now. Because he has people he cares about, and Erid may not be where he's from, but he sure as hell made it his home.
I'm going to sob again. If they change this ending in the movie, I'm going to STORM out of the theatre and never look back.
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gosling-obsessed · 11 days
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Ryland Grace and Eva Stratt
(and yes it's official)
PROJECT HAIL MARY movie in theatres March 20, 2026
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gcslingss · 6 days
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webbo0 · 11 months
I hope now that the Tumblr girlies love Barbie and by extension Ryan Gosling that they become hyped for Project Hail Mary (I'm 99% sure he's still playing the main character)
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aboutafox · 7 months
My new fandom is Rocky from Project Hail Mary. That’s it. Not the book. Not the other characters. Just Rocky.
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kamreadsandrecs · 2 months
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nota1eks · 8 months
If/when they create a phm movie, what changes (if any) would you like to see them make to the story?
Jesus that’s a hard question…wow…! In a perfect world, they’d change nothing. It’d be a TV show with lots of room to portray everything. But we don’t live in a perfect world. I, therefore, want to keep as much of the original book as possible. My only immediate want is that it might be cool for them to use “they” for Rocky instead of “he”. Maybe some toning down of the Crazy Russians stereotyping, though if they do it right, that can be great. Nothing else comes to mind that I want changed -- it's a very good book.
But with that out of the way, let's talk about stuff that will very likely be cut. Because I think that's very interesting...
I think, as with Pathfinder getting fried and the dust storm in the Martian (2015) (wherein, both times, a huge plot event in the movie was gotten rid of for time purposes, with little impact on the overall plot, but a devastating-ish loss to the dedicated novel-enjoyers), some stuff will get cut out. Let's go one by one through the timeline of events:
The flashbacks will be there. Maybe not in flashback form (maybe they come before the rest like in the Martian...though those aren't flashbacks it's just backstory), but nonetheless there. Not everything will be there, though. Stratt barging in on Grace's class will be there; him doing the first experiments on astrophage will likely be there; meeting the crew will be there along with some of him training them so as to explain how he learned so much about being an astronaut; the explosion at Baikonur and the proceeding chaos will be there, trailer meetings included; but I think that'd be roughly it. They'll add some; they'll take away a lot. No Steve Hatch; no Lamai; probably very little Lokken (which is very sad); no frenchscientistwhosenameicantrememberimnotevenarealphm fanomllllll, either. They'll have their stories be explained via Grace talking to Rocky. Lots will be explained via Grace talking to Rocky.
Now, they'll have to have Grace waking up and seeing his dead crewmates. They'll have to have Ryan Gosling wandering about this spaceship scratching his head. That's a big part of the story. But I think after a certain point, after enough clues are gathered together, they'll infodump on us. It will be done well, of course, I mean just look at who's making the movie, but it wil lhaev to be like that. Maybe the nannybot will give him information. Maybe there will be a "Here to save Earth from imminent apocalypse? Click here ->" type of thing, but it won't be Grace turning to the camera and saying "Hey guys! I'm here at Tau Ceti to save Earth from astrophage! There's this weird ship out there. Keep you updated! Like and subscribe!"; nor will it be a voiceover. I had a Media Arts teacher in school and he told us that, more than anything, we were to avoid having to use voice-overs to explain out movies. At all costs. So I doubt they'll use that here -- maybe later, though. More talking-head with visuals than voiceover explaining the story.
Now. With Grace meeting Rocky there will either be nothing cut or everything cut: Maybe Rocky wil have a Magic Language Machine. Maybe Grace has a Magic Language Machine. Maybe they do everything how they did it in the book. Either way, it'll have to likely be one or the other. I'm very excited to see how they do Rocky's voice. An adaptation of the Audible Audiobook's version would be ideal, as I and many others think. There aren't many other good options... With the rest, I'm genuinely not sure. I can see them going both ways with this: cutting everything and rewriting it or keeping it pretty book-accurate. By any measure, they won't cut it all out. That'd be stupid.
With the in between between the Blip-A-Hail Mary disconnection and them arriving at Adrian, much will be cut out. It'll be rewritten. For better or for worse. Since it's just that theoretical, I'm not sure what changes I'd even want to see. Maybe some more back story on Rocky's crewmates? On Adrian (the eridian)? I mean Grace asking Rocky about Adrian would be a great opportunity to get some backstory in, btu the movie will already be so chock-full of it that I don't know if they'll be able to fit it in amongst everything else.
The Adrian Incident will likely still be very, very similar. It's the emotional peak of the movie. Rocky will nearly die. I will watch my friends weep, crying about how I should have warned them, and I will tell them they should have read the book. With Grace trying to save Rocky...eeh...it might be there; it might not. Flip of the dice with the landscape of the table being what the rest of the plot looks like, if that makes sense.
Now......The Great Taumeoba Escape. It's a lot like Pathfinder and the Dust Storm. It's just not all that relevant! SO MUCH is happening in the book at this point that -- I don't think -- they would be able to fit this in, even with a TV show with half a dozen hours to show the story in. I'd much rather lose this than lose backstory or silly goofy Rocky details.
The journey back, though, along with the breeding of Taumeoba was so boring it was cut out in the book. No way they'll have it in the movie. Probably even more will be cut out. Maybe one single Eureka! scene where Grace and Rocky drink vodka and wear crystals, respectively, but no more.
Now...The Great Taumeoba Escape 2: Radiation Exposure Boogaloo will NOT be cut out. Lest I stomp out of that movie theatre shouting insults at the directors etc. I kid, but not by a lot. They have to have this in order for Grace to turn around. I also bet they'll delay Grace learning he was a coward until here. It'd work so well there, yeah!? So he does his little thing, then turns around. From here, I think everything will be to-the-book. But let's talk about the ending.
Grace being a teacher is fundamental to the story. He can't not be, or the book/movie just won't work. Now, in The Martian (2015) they changed the ending. But that's not big, really. Mark becomes a recluse who gets looped back into being an astronaut training people who will then work on Artemis versus him being a teacher -- there's not that big of a plotline difference there. And we can pretend that in the interim he was a recluse. BUT IF THEY DON'T MAKE GRACE A TEACHER I SWEAR TO GOD--! calm. be calm. Anyways, him teaching again is a huge end for his character arc. And Rocky wil come in, no doubt, and tell Grace Earth's back to normal. Sending him back off to Earth just doesn't work, plot-wise or logic-wise.
Here's my last want: Earth. I want to see Earth back in shape. I want to see Stratt looking happy in her jail cell, etc.
Christ, I just wrote a lot. Um. I hope that answers your question...? And if it doesn't, feel free to ask me! I can -- and gladly will -- talk about this book all the livelong day!
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depressel · 4 months
movie list i made a movie list (of stuff i want to watch)
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gosling-girlx · 6 days
As of today, (Monday) June 3, 2004, “Project Hail Mary” (2026) is starting to film! This is exciting for book lovers, space lovers, and Ryan Gosling lovers! So excited for what’s to come!
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macinthecaac · 4 months
I'm not sure how many Project Hail Mary fans here on Tumblr are part of the subreddit, so I'm posting this here to show everyone that Andy Weir might be working on a potential sequel!
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If I had to guess, I feel like this story will take place on Earth after the Hail Mary left for Tau Ceti. However, Andy Weir mentioned before in an interview that he wasn't sure about the idea of a sequel following the Earth characters, as that kind of sequel wouldn't have Ryland or Rocky in it.
That video was 9 months ago, and his newest post about a possible sequel was 5 months ago. My theory is that the sequel to Project Hail Mary will switch POVs between a present day Rocky and Ryland Grace, and a past Earth dealing with the astrophage crisis. And as Ryland discovers just how much life on Earth has changed since he left, we get taken to past points of view that explain how things changed and why.
It would be a really good parallel between Ryland Grace's flashbacks in the original book, and also bring back the sort of POV-switching style of The Martian to the Project Hail Mary universe. In the first book, the one and ONLY time we get a scene outside of Ryland Grace's point of view is when Stratt is called to a court hearing, and I think that was done on purpose (I might make an essay talking about that in another post someday).
So what can PHM fans expect in the future? I can't confirm anything, obviously (I'm not Andy Weir, or Lord and Miller), but I think that a movie and a potential book sequel are definitely in the cards for Project Hail Mary!
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bestbluebouquet · 8 months
i sure hope ryan gosling brings his top-tier kenergy to playing ryland grace as well
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gcslingss · 2 days
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