sundus99recruit · 1 year
SUNDUS wishes you a very happy National Day. On the occasion of UAE National Day, let us be inspired by our martyrs to always love our country and strive to make it a better place.
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windy-trickster · 1 year
So Henzel,
Do you have anyone you'd consider a 'friend' and if so, can you tell us more about them?
-friend or friends-
"I have.... A very selective groeup of friends." "There's Stelea, my soele emploeyee. She's a Teal and she's excellent at her joeb. She does as I ask her to do and does it incredibly well. And of coeurse I treat her with respect, she's a troell just like me. Noet soeme mindless droene like previoeus emploeyers believed she was. She has a few issues, noething majoer and I accoemmoedate her as much as possible. Her previoeus emploeyers were hoerrid and abused her. Me? Never. I woen't toelerate any soert of abuse toewards my emploeyee. Remember that." "I suppoese myself and Sejcei are friends, but a very loeoese versioen of the term. He can be toelerable at times, but he's just so... He's just toeoe much and he tends to bully my moeirail which I doen't appreciate. But he's quite smart despite his appearance. I have to deal with him in the Black Phoenix as well." "And of coeurse there's Scincu, a dear friend of mine. He's a Vioelet bloeoed whoe woerks aloengside Pipaga to oeverthroew the current Empress and Heiress. He's doene fantastic woerk foer the rebellioen and has such a passioen foer freedoem. I admire him hoenestly. He's kindhearted and friendly as well, truly soemeoene yoeu can sit doewn and have a proeper chat with. I truly believe Pipaga and Scincu will turn this planet upside doewn and help us all gain freedoem."
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thesongoftheirlove · 2 years
Okay I think I'm gonna. Not force myself to be all proeper so if I mistype dnot make fun of me/srs- Mark
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al-bayyinah · 3 years
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sugarsugarmp3 · 4 years
why is old yoda literally a goblin
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warlord-ix · 2 years
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Hawaiian Prayer Meditation
A great way of helping people accept forgiveness is the ancient art of ho'oponopono, a wonderful Hawaiian prayer meditation technique for forgiveness
Cleanse your mind, empower your soul and unblock the channels leading to your success, proeperity and happiness!
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dragabond · 5 years
I forgot how to add a readmore thing aha
So I won’t. Get into the same details I did earliery to some friends because I can’t warn for it properly and hide it but todays, Bad
It’s been,,, PTSD from a certain n type of abuse daay and I’ve been at wotk so I haven’t been able to have a proeper breakdown yet and I can do just feel it building up inside me and I hate it
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