#probs be oversexualized to shit
snowberry-pie · 1 year
game time. if your ocs were popular fictional characters how exactly would fandom violently butcher and misinterpret their characters
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archivpdf · 4 years
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WHY DID SHE EVEN HAVE TO MENTION THOSE OTHER FEMALE ARTISTS? Beyoncé was threatened to be lynched after she sang about police brutality, Ariana prob went through hell when people blamed mac miller’s death on her, Kehlani after releaseing breakup song was like threatened with rape threats and shit. all these women have been mentioned in the media with “oversexualizing” girls🥴
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princeleyjeans · 4 years
Hey there, how about number 3 of unusual(ish) asks
rant. just do it: Ohhhhhhh nelllllyyyy.  There is so much to rant about in 2020, obviously, a lot of it isn’t tumblr friendly and right now, I don’t wanna prob the dozens of sleeping rad bears, played too much fallout to not see how stupid an idea that is.  BUT! I do have a slight multi-rant thing.  The LGBT community, for starters, claims to protect its members, and yet the second, the second you question the community, or yourself, shits flying, HOW DARE YOU, QUESTION YOU! HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THEIR OPINION OF YOUR GENDER/SEXUALITY?! HOW DARE YOU! BE ANYTHING OTHER THAN A POLYRAINBOW CATFISH! HOW. DARE. YOU.  Like seriously, the same community is always first in line to bitch slap anyone who comes out and says “I’ve grown, made some conclusions and decided I’m not this, I’m actually more identifying with this”, anything other than what they advocate for and you are done, D.O.N.E FUCKED (Shoutout to David Norton).  I mean, my god, during my several years identifying as transgender, the MAIN sources of abuse were from OTHER LGBT MEMBERS! others trans people, those who vowed to protect each other, me, my fellow lgbt peeps, they were the first to blast whatever questions I had, whatever questions I asked myself but wanted to get others opinions on for like, reference, CUS THAT'S WHAT YOU DO! BUT THAT WAS WRONG! YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO QUESTION ANYTHING! FROM PEOPLE WHO’D ALWAYS DISCUSS QUESTIONING THEIR SEXUALITY! IT MADE ZERO FUCKING SENSE.  Like seriously, talk about having a target on your ass. If you didn’t discuss anything, you were urged to come out, be you, be strong, but the moment anything they didn’t approve of popped out, naw bitch, out, you gone, you evil, you bad for our little community.  I understand you get bad eggs in every batch but this was like, search and destroy, anyone disagrees or says something different, you become a problem and they don’t like it. They’d rather you took a nose dive off a huge cliff than live your truth if it’s anything different from their own, ironically.  Obviously, I can’t speak for everyone but from my own experience, you’re safer coming out to a fucking deathclaw. Gay, straight, bi, lesbian, goafer, he’ll still eat you.  ----  Part II: EVERYTHING HAS TO BE TAKEN VERY VERY SERIOUSLY!  I saw this when animal crossing came out, for minute things were chill and now we have the fandom fighting because so and so’s island isn’t a certain shape or color or they’re too slow/fast working on it and they have this villager that everyone loves/hates and it’s bullshit and unfair and upsetting and jesus fucking christ, PEOPLE NEED TO GET A GRIP.  It is a fucking game. Like I paid about a 100 quid on amiibo carbs (32 on a batch of 50 and then 40 on a batch of 72) so I’d have a shit ton of choice of villagers, I don’t shit on anyone who likes to just go find them with nook tickets and shit! I’m not insane, nor do I hate anyone who sticks to a theme or design.  Yes I get weirded out when they put a certain species in a certain spot and try to make it into a race thing that they can play off as (hehe, the rhino lives in the plains area he’s so cute!) but thats because I can see they’re being racist and using cute animals to release some pent up bullshit they won’t say because understandably everyone who bitch slap them into the next century if they did.  Racism isn’t cool, guys. Don’t be like those idiots.  but yeah, a simple game has become this huge deal and if you don’t stick to these ideals then you’re problematic and shouldn’t own the game or have these certain characters and Tom Nook totally isn’t leeching off the economy aghhhhhhhh.  I bought the switch, pre ordered the game, I bought the amiibo’s and all the cute thump covers because I am an autistic insta baby, I LIKE CUTE THINGS. I also like cute villagers or anybody that matches my personality traits, so some of my people are cute while on the hill we have Coco who at night looks like she’s come to eat your soul but fuck it, she’s bae!  And we have Pietro on the cliff overlooking the ocean, the sad clown whose house is a fucking acid trip that just needs horrorcore blasting to finish the seizure you’ll inevitably have when visiting!  Not forgetting Hornsby, the sweet blue rhino! perfectly innocent and kind, just doing his thing and keeping as far away from creepy oversexualized Lionel as possible! them and a mix of adorable characters filling my poorly constructed island because again, ITS MY GAME!  --- Mic drop
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howareyanowpod · 5 years
The Letterkenny Leave
How Are Ya Now? Podcast Spotify Playlist - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1IDa578R0Drfh6WflJxMFU Guest Host:  Genesis Nunlee This weeks band:  Lizzie Boredom Pre-show stuff (00:00 - 09:58):
Indiegogo campaign:  https://igg.me/at/podscure/x/22323938#/
Please help us get our gear upgraded before the end of the month.
Growth:  25%
Cosplay contest:  https://howareyanowpod.com/how-are-ya-now-cosplay-contest/
New Patreon subscriber:  Shaine Wynsma https://www.patreon.com/HowAreYaNowPod
Happy Saturday Dean, And my best to your lovely wife Tiara. Congrats on all of your success! I have been listening for a couple of weeks and just finished the Season 3 wrap up. The interview with Tyler was amazing. As are you guys, not surprised it has taken off the way it has. I would love to be on the show. Watching, actually re-watching, S6 E1 right now. Which is the one I would pick, between us girls. But I am gonna takes you up on your offer of promoting something. Cuz that’s what’s I appreciates about yous. Sept 7 and 8th, I am going to be riding 200 miles in the Ride for Life Chicago. The Ride benefits TPAN, an HIV/AIDS outreach group in Chicago. It is 100 mile ride from Chicago to Sawyer, Michigan. A very Letterkenny type town in West Michigan, not sure of it population, but it has its problems. Then 100 miles back on the 8th. More information on TPAN is available at TPAN.org. This will be my 9th time doing this ride and raising funds for them. If any of the degens out there would like to donate, any amount is fine, my ride donation page link is http://support.tpan.com/goto/Shainemw. All the money goes into TPAN’s general fund. If they let me know they heard it from you, I’ll make reference to How Are Ya Now.  Over an Out, ShainePlease donate ANYTHING you can to Shaine's ride and let 'em know that you heard about it from us!!!
This is a big feminist episode!
Facebook Group - Professor Tricia Would Literally Shit a Brick
Episode dive (09:58- 0:48:00):
Recap:   Letterkenny Talent Show
Deep dive of this episode:  The Letterkenny Leave
Thoughts/Theories/Trivia/Questions (0:48:00 - 1:07:20):
"Meaty" episode
Hockey players and Skids BOTH had A LOT of dialog
Dean's never played "Never Have I Ever"
Thoughts/Questions/Observations from our degens: Bobby from JB’s Meme’s via Twitter stated: Also. Reilly and Jonesy's blackboard. The chubby stick figure and it says "Shoresy = fat " 😂And then: This is possibly the first episode, not written by Jared and Jacob. I could be wrong.Well, I then brought in “Awesome” (our Trivia Maven) to fact check. Her response was: “the first episode of #letterkenny to be written by someone other than @jaredkeeso  and @jacobtierney79 was s03e04 Les Hiques, by @TorrensJonathan” Victoria McCabe - Facebook (New admin for FB pages/groups) Even more Wayne autism evidence. Why is Katy still annoyed at McMurray in the later episode after this (I mean granted the phrasing was awful)? Does this answer last week's had she had both question? Ever played never have I ever? If so, best or worst thing you ever revealed or had revealed? Ever done or had done any of the mentioned goodbyes? Are there any ones you can think of that they didn't mention in that? That girl doesn't need to be on drugs, prob a good idea she read and didn't take the steroids. Poor poor trusting hockey players. Valerie Lopez - Facebook Soooo, didjya ever notiiiice (I'm doing terrific there bud) that Tanis'ssssses didn't partake of the hot tub party? Why is that? Why wouldn't the McMurray's have invited her given they know that it would have made Wayne uncomfortable to have her in the hot tub with him and they thrive on that. Just my own theory that the McMurray's thrive on discomfort and would have loved watching that happen.. And 2nd point --- does anyone REALLY believe that Pastor Glen had noooos ideas whats was happenings? It was such a fun contradiction to watch play out. Additionally, Valerie is a Patreon patron and now our HIGHEST contributor on our Indiegogo campaign!As you may remember, she heads-up the Comedy Wham podcast. She has now done three separate episodes on Comedy Wham that are in reference to Letterkenny.If you go to comedywham.com and put “Letterkeny” in their search box, you’ll find four articles!  Check ‘em out! Thank you so much, Valerie!  We love you to pieces! 
Glen and Gail being both oversexualized and undersexualized at the same time.
How white is Canada?
Racism:  North vs South vs Canada
Is Wayne into horror books?
What would happen if Wayne and Dary fought?
Mrs. McMurray looked really bummed when Dan got out of the hot tub. Trivia 
R&J reference "Charlotte gains, bro" and "Serge of gains, bro".  Those are references to:  Charlotte (English-French actress and singer) and Serge Gainsbourg (father of Charlotte, French singer and songwriter ) 
Soft-pass:  Opposite of a Hard-pass.  Something that you're interested in but just can't do.
Mrs. McMurray references being in (Aca)'pulco until "fellas started getting' haved from bridges with their dinks cutt off".  This was something that actually happened down in Acapulco in 2017/18 from rival drug gangs.
All of the baseball players mentioned had careers sullied by their use of steroids
Roger Clemens
Sammy Sosa
Jose Canseco
Anabolic steroids come in the form of tablets, capsules, a solution for injection and a cream or gel to rub into the skin. Weightlifters and bodybuilders who use steroids often take doses that are up to 100 times greater than those used to treat medical conditions.
Both books mentioned in this episode are real books.
Carrie Originally published: April 5, 1974 Author: Stephen King
The Boy at the Leafs Camp  Originally published: 1963 Author: Scott Young
Fuck - Fight - FERDA! (1:07:20 - 1:28:52)
Fuck:  Dan, the McMurrays (TOGETHER ONLY), Gail, and Tanis
Fight:  The FIRST time we've had NO scraps!!!
FERDA:   Everyone else.
Farewells and Outro:  (1:28:52 - 1:36:31) Next Episode: Great Day for Thunder Bay Artist of the week:  Lizzie Boredom Location:  Dallas, TX
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lizzieboredomband/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lizzieboredomtx
Instagram: https://instagram.com/lizzieboredom.band
Bandcamp: https://lizzieboredom.bandcamp.com/
****************** Intro: Song: Problem Album: Dead Men Can't Catcall Outro: Song: Dead Men Can't Catcall Album: Dead Men Can't Catcall ******************
★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
source https://share.transistor.fm/s/705f713e
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praphit · 3 years
Dating... Season You
GOOD GOD, THAT TITLE IS CORNY. I’m with you. I should be embarrassed, and I am.
Normally, I'm writing about movies/tv series, but today, I am particularly inspired to talk dating apps.
In trying some apps myself, as well as talking to a variety of people who like or dislike them. I have a few observations I'd like to share:)
But, yeah, let’s def take a time out to puke a lil bit from my title. It still hurts me too. Take your time:
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#1 - "Damn, I'm shallow."
Have any of you who have been on those apps had that moment?  
- that self-realization of how strange this is?
It's kinda like looking for fruit at the grocery store.
Say that you're looking for an orange. The orange has some spots on it, and some soft points that don't appeal to you. You simply toss it and keep looking. You're looking for perfection (or whatever perfection is in your mind), and dammit, you're going to find it. The problem is you may have tossed some fruit way too quickly. Some of those spotted fruits could have been the tastiest, juiciest fruit you've ever sunk your teeth into. I feel that way when I've swiped left on people. 
Now, I get it. You're there for a "match" or whatever, but it's still odd to me, when most would at least convince themselves that they don't do that in any other area of their lives. But, maybe I'm wrong; maybe we do. Maybe when I say I don't want to work with someone, it's not because of some objective professional reason, but because I may have heard them say that Taylor Swift is the best singer of all time. And subconsciously, I need to do my part to stop their progress in life.
#2 - Pics and Greetings
Like I said, I've been guilty of being shallow on these apps as well:
There's women (and men too, I assume) who can't seem to look at the camera. I'm not talking a "cool" model type pose when you intentionally don't look. I'm talking about most of their pics... they don't seem to know where the camera is.
There's look-at-my-boobs woman. Before you get mad, I'm not criticizing you, and I'm certainly not complaining :) I'm just saying... I've heard some horror stories from women who dated men off these apps who’ve objectified them. There's no excuse for them to do that, but... idk... what do you think of when you think Cardi B (whom I love btw)? Describe her... brand. Whatever word you’d use to describe it, it’s definitely soaked in sex. And why do you think of her that way? That's all I'm saying.
To be fair! - Men, prob do that to. There's look-at-me-shirtless-at the gym, on the couch, and in front of the mirror guy. Nobody likes that guy. I take that back, the only people who like that guy are other guys who take the shirtless-pants hanging down kinda low pic.
Our greetings are kinda terrible too.
Ex. "Super Feminist Lady" who greets by telling men in the beginning of their profile "You WILL respect me! I will NOT tolerate any oversexualization talk, any obscene pics, any mansplaining, etc. If you're looking for a hook-up, you outta be ashamed of yourself! You WILL love your mama! You WILL refer to me as "QUEEN"! And if you even THINK about ghosting me, my girlfriends and I will track you down, and SHIT IS GOING TO GET REAL!"
First of all, you go girl! I applaud that confidence. Hit me up, cuz I might hire you to be my bodyguard. That might...possibly... MAYBE be a lil too aggressive to start with though.
Let’s say, for example, that you’re white (and you might be, so maybe you won’t have to imagine too hard). What if you, in all of your whiteness, read a profile of mine that started with - "You should know that I'm a SUPER DUPER BLM Advocate. If you don't like that fact, Bleep you! Deal with it! BLEEP WHITEY! BLEEP WHITEY ROUGH AND SCARY RIGHT UP HIS ASS! I'm coming for all y'all white mutha bleepers!  Wanna go out?"
What would be your first reaction?
I DO think that there should be "Hoe-Levels" on all profiles (men too). For example, if a guy is blowing through 4 to 5 women a week (especially if it was during heavy COVID times), that's pertinent information. That's like a hoe level... 8 or 9, I think. Plus, if you yourself are at hoe-level 7 or 8, he'd be perfect for you.
There should also be a level for how cultish religious people are, but that's a topic for another day.
#3 - Starting off point
When I rock these apps, I've started with a joke. Like all jokes, they either land or they don't, but it normally gets one through the door.
Sometimes, there's not a lot on their profile to go off of though.
I've seen some profiles that just say "Hi :) " - with one obscure pic... of them not looking at the camera. What does one do with that? (don't get me started on catfishing possibilities).
Although, I suppose that's more realistic to a bar scene. A woman might smile at a guy, and then hope that he comes over to say “hello”, or at least to take his shirt off near you so you can see his abs. And with enough alcohol he might. But, with dating apps, it’s different. You don't want to be drunk while typing things to say... it never ends well for that person.
Most are bad at describing themselves though, so perhaps less is more.
#4 - Sites charging for a "soul mate" (if you believe in that) seems like it should be a sin.
If Jesus were in the flesh and on one of these apps, I'm sure He'd confirm that.
#5 - Is it settling or putting work in?
I didn't think i'd see people in their 30's, 40's, 50's, and even 60's on these apps. If you're 70+ I imagine that you've given up... but maybe they're there too.
People are still looking for a "perfect" match, even in more advanced ages. It's not just dating, I think it's general relationships that we're probably doing wrong. I've heard many people (especially those who are older) say that finding solid friendships that aren't on the fake-side is difficult. I would agree.
Perhaps when it comes to dating we should be less shallow, and take more chances with our "fruit" (... I should probably word that differently). But, you know what I mean. Put the necessary work in (that is if you’re looking for something serious... if not, keep striving for hoe-level 10 my friend).
Maybe one should leave these apps behind, and hit the bars/libraries/churches with shirts that say "I'm open for business".
Or maybe I'm totally wrong, and this new and increasing normalcy of narcissism and superficial standards will work out for us all in the end.
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