#probably it'd be worth buying a bunch huh
historybounding · 2 years
I should really make some linen undershirts soon because I do need them but dear lord I am barely capable of working on projects I am excited about so how would I ever be able to do something deeply boring?
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liquid-geodes · 4 years
2 9 11 21 22 27 37 56 58 75 85
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
Of course! But it depends on the relationship. Obviously toxic relationships are never worth it, and relationships where only one person is putting in the effort also isnt worth it. Relationships are about mutual love and respect for your partner after all
9. Describe your perfect mate
Tbh I dont put a lot of thought into what a perfect boyfriend would be like. I think as long as we get along, there's mutual feelings, and it's a healthy and respectful relationship, they could be anyone. We dont have to have everything in common to be happy together.
11. Do you ever want to get married?
I mean it'd be nice but I'm probably going to die alone-
But yeah I'd want to get married.
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Dont make me laugh
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Not really no.
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
No, why would anyone do that for me?
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
Literally ever guy I've ever liked my friends hated and then they screwed me over so I guess it was like my friends knew something I didnt. But my friends liking the person I like would mean a lot to me, but if they didnt I wouldnt just magically stop liking that person. I'd still try and keep a healthy balance between the two. Your friends dont have to like the person you have feelings for, you just have to like each other.
56. State 8 facts about your body
Interesting interesting:
- got pretty bad arthritis from being double jointed
- if there's one thing I'm oddly and openly proud of it's my figure, I mean I have NICE thighs yall. I'm thicc
- pretty covered in scars tbh, most of them are pretty funny stories involving my cats and a cardboard box
- besides having thicc thighs the rest of my is pretty bony cause I'm bordering being underweight. It's pretty cool what I can do with a pencil and my ribcage ngl
- I'm pretty liddol. Like 5'1 and got tiny possum hands, perfect size for holding though.
- I say I'm pretty ugly, but everyone is obsessed with my eyebrows. Apparently their natural shape is what a lot of women want and I just?? They're just my eyebrows ???
- normal human body, definitely not a bunch of rats in a trenchcoat
- may contain full human skeleton
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
Hmmm let me think:
- being into video games so we could be nerds together would probably do it
- being pretty understanding and patient with me would be another tbh, tells you a lot about how I've been treated in the past huh?
- just little things I guess like sharing what we did that made us happy that day
- being my friend first helps the process IMMENSELY. I'd already be pretty comfortable around you by that point and we should know a few things about the other already to help ease into learning the new things. I'm very awkward and dont understand emotions sometimes I'm sorry-
- idk a lot of these just sound like stupid simple things that seem like basic human relations but I am not used to receiving those from guys so-
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
I still really cant think of anything.. I'm usually the one making things or buying things or doing little things for other people-
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
Of course! I'll admit it'd be a little lonely at first because I'm a clingy son of a bitch BUT if we knew each other pretty well and like each other, I dont see why it being long distance would be a problem. I'd be willing to put in the effort to make it work.
These question all sound suspiciously like someone out there wants to date me-
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