#probably cause i kinda physically look like her + peanut allergy lol
applestorms · 1 year
i'm in a bit of a john mood atm, so i wanted to write a post about some of the things that i think fanon gets wrong about him. the biggest thing is that imo a lot of people flatten john a ton in considering him the poster child for Homestuck™ as a story, which sucks because i think it should go the opposite way around. he's the prototype kid, yes, but that just means his unique traits have interesting implications for the rest of the story and homestuck's core themes, not that he doesnt have any unique traits to begin with. john informs homestuck of its themes, the story doesn't inform him of his character traits; sburb gives him the kernelsprite, but he & his friends are the ones doing the prototyping.
so, then, what are those character traits? who is john as a person and how does that inform the story as a whole?
TL;DR: if jade's overarching story arc is about the struggle of loneliness & isolation, john's is about the feeling of falling behind your peers, which is why i think his ending the story depressed works so well
trapped in the s(u)burbs
okay, argument: SBURB is clearly pronounced "sss-burb," like suburb but skipping over the first u. when the kids enter the session they are basically trapped in the world of the game until they can beat it and make the new universe -> they are trapped in the s(u)burbs -> they are home, stuck.
this is a weird line of thought but it's kinda interesting to go through the ways that the (human) kids are trapped in their homes, both physically and emotionally. rose is stuck in that she lives seemingly in the middle of fuckin' nowhere surrounded by a forest, dave is stuck in his apartment due to being watched by an abusive parent, and jade, jake, roxy, & dirk are all stuck in the middle of the ocean. john (and jane) however? they're just in the suburbs.
idk how much this cultural context translates to people living in other countries, but john & jane's original neighborhood is the fucking Epitome of modern american suburbia. i cannot emphasize enough just how much i fucking despise neighborhoods like this: sprawling and empty, they are a modern labyrinth to navigate. every single house looks like it was copy and pasted one spot over, the streets are all named the same thing but with slight differences ("Bluejay Road" vs. "Bluejay Lane" vs "Bluebird Court" HELL), driving through them is agony and walking is impossible. my dad pointed out to me one time that every single house looks like it was painted with a different shade of baby shit and he was correct. and this is not even mentioning the people that live there: i don't want to overgeneralize too much, but these houses are usually pretty big and the fact that they're supposed to be a "safer" place to raise kids makes them decently expensive, so these places are generally very white, very upper-middle class, and you can just. Feel It in the air
so this is where john starts his story. the page (A1:82) was one of the first things that caught my eye when reading homestuck originally, even as a dumb little preteen the age of the characters themselves with barely any greater social consciousness. john starts the story fucking around in his room, talking to all of his friends online, and who could ever blame him when it's such an american wasteland outside. not to get too far into my opinions on american architecture, but if you live anywhere in the united states and ESPECIALLY the suburbs you are basically trapped in the house until you can get your license at 16, transportation entirely at the whims of where your parents can/want to drive you. it makes sense, then, that john's aspect is breath and so heavily tied to transportation, a desire to get out and moving and interacting with the world. the sick irony of sburb, imo, is how that desire is later twisted against him.
when john first enters the session, meteors are beginning to destroy the world and the rest of the entire human population of earth. but to a kid for whom the entire world feels so far away and empty, how much does that really matter? especially when your internet friends, the few people you actually care about, are just going to enter the same game and escape along with you. speaking of,
2. social anxiety & internet friends
one thing i really like about the alpha kids is the fact that you can kinda reverse engineer them and their core character traits from the beta kids, which actually still works within the logic of canon if you consider their biological relationships. not only do the alphas and betas share chumhandle initials, but the person they share with is also the person they are most similar to across generational lines:
rose & dirk are both anal retentive motherfuckers + rose's interest in psychology informs dirk's interest in philosophy/old greek dudes, roxy & dave care about their friends to a fault and serve their needs constantly (emotionally vs. practically, maybe; and also maybe are in love with all their friends to some degree or another too?), jane & jade both have ties with their respective universe-iteration's first guardian and are mentally separated from everyone else at the start of their arcs (jane by not believing roxy and jade by getting prospit visions).
imo rose & dirk have the strongest connection and jade & jane the weakest, and each kid is also pretty unique on their own + informed by their more direct familial relationship too, but i think the chumhandle connection is key in understanding how the characters were initially created in terms of basic personalities, likes, dislikes, etc. since it fits with the stacking nature of how homestuck as a whole functions, both as a story and a world.
so: john & jake. i think fandom has actually done a good job with learning how to appreciate jake better in recent years by figuring out just how much of a persona he puts on to hide his intelligence, but since this is a john post, what's really interesting to me is how that might inform the way we view john.
to start, there are some really obvious connections between john & jake that are as clear as jake's first letter to john (A4:1955): both like pretty shitty movies, are allergic to peanuts, and they're practically identical in terms of appearance. what i see as the key connection however, which informs the entirety of homestuck's medium, is their shared social anxiety.
jake is a very socially anxious dude. all of the alphas are characterized by their inability to communicate and navigate interpersonal relationships, but this is especially true for jake, and i think the most obvious evidence for this is in the specific kind of character that he creates for himself. while realistically we know that jake spends most of his time (pre-brobot, at least) watching movies alone in his room, he specifically likes to take on the persona of an adventurous, extroverted action hero, charming and gentlemanly and generally a dumb jock. it's the dumb part that's important here: jake pretends to be a dumbass himbo so that when he fucks up and hurts people when he manipulates them into doing what he wants, he doesn't have to shoulder as much guilt/blame. he plays up being stupid specifically to avoid the agony of people being mad at him, caring way too much about other people's opinions (A6A2:4587). it's why the trickster arc is so painful for him, and also why he is so non-confrontational.
john is also pretty socially anxious, though i think it's a lot more subtle for him since john's upbeat personality isn't entirely a facade in the way that it is for jake. the most obvious evidence for this is again the fact that he only talks to, like, three people online and his dad. despite being 13, none of these kids ever mention jack shit about school or the other members of humanity about to be murdered by meteors from their own game, and i think that's more than just a necessity of the story considering how much homestuck seems to value realism (at least in terms of characters' emotional reactions & arc). john's dad (as pipefan413) clearly knows the neighbors since in the serious business chatting app you can see fedorafreak & the others also talking about escaping meteors, but the existence of any other kids in the neighborhood is unknown, though i would think likely considering john's early arc is set up to be as normal as possible to set up for the crazy bullshit later. (there's also the whole thing about john's peanut allergy + fear of the "peanut gallery" so)
since homestuck tells almost its entire story through the chatlogs of awkward teenagers, this is one key place where i think john's personality informs homestuck: namely, in its focus on isolation, loneliness, and growing up. SPEAKING OF,
3. childhood ignorance
jake isn't dumb, john isn't dumb, but why do so many people think that they are? for jake it's pretty clearly cause he wants it that way, but for john... i think it's cause he kind of. is? but also, he isn't. let me explain:
john often comes across to me as the most 13 year old 13 year old in the cast of homestuck. he's a sweet kid and intelligent enough for his age, but when that age is 13, there's not necessarily a lot there. john has also had the closest (closest. there's still a lot of weird shit there) thing to a Normal™ childhood out of the entire cast of homestuck (and yes that includes jane, she was the heiress to a corporate empire avoiding assassination attempts at 16, please don't call that shit normal), meaning that, in my opinion, a lot of his (lack of) maturity can be attributed to growing up pretty sheltered. where dave and rose had to contend with overt childhood abuse through toxic/neglectful parents, and even jade had to deal with a dog-parent & dead grandpa, john got a dad that actually cared about him.
this is not a bad thing in and of itself, but john being sheltered does mean that by the time they are actually entering the game and interacting with all these other worlds & alien peoples, he is imbued with a certain distinct ignorance of the greater world that becomes a very significant weakness in a story fucking dripping with semi-omniscient narrators that live to make you suffer. and, from the way he scribbles on the walls (A3:1049), this is something john is both aware of and frustrated with, calling himself a FOOL, tying to the tarot card (#1, his role as protagonist), the harlequin thing (clowns & their incredible pull on the meta of homestuck), & his anxieties (feeling ignorant & out of your depth stepping out of childhood into a world much broader and more complex and cruel than you're prepared for)
4. not a homosexual
i think i'm gonna run out of space here, so i'm just gonna copy & paste some hussie commentary here & maybe reblog this w/ some analysis of john & karkat's dynamic/parallels as "leaders" later (and maybe some june thoughts too):
Tumblr media
5. successfully saved the world: the hero is depressed
okay, so earlier in part 1 i ended with a question:
but to a kid for whom the entire world feels so far away and empty, how much does that really matter?
i mostly left the answer to this implied earlier since it made more sense for the transition, but i think homestuck proper does give us an answer to this: it does matter! it just isn't until the end of the story, after they've won the game and finished the session, that it really starts to set in the extent of what they've lost.
so this entire post was largely motivated by another post i read earlier, which questioned why john in the snapchat credits didn't just go to live with the crockers. i gave a long ass commentary in the notes on that post, but my conclusion was basically this: john is depressed (!!!) and depression makes you apathetic & lose all motivation to do anything.
i've focused a lot on john's early life and the beginning of the story in this post, which is maybe in part because i've been rereading from the beginning recently, but also because john kind of loses touch with everyone else in the story as soon as he enters the session.
i think this is often read as just being a product of john's classpect, heir of breath. john doesn't just inherit breath when he godtiers, he also becomes it in a very literal sense (can't fucking find the page where he transforms into wind but ugh, whatever), so he when he literally loses touch with the reality of the story after gaining his retcon powers, it follows with the thematic concept of him being breath. this isn't bad, but i think it also goes further, again connecting with that idea that john is basically the "main character" of homestuck, which is actually a very unfortunate title as it means john in particular gets very wrapped up sburb & the story as a whole in a very literal sense. again: retcon powers.
for all my frustrations with the execution of the retcon, i can't deny that it makes a shit ton of sense for john to get those kinds of powers, since his character and position as the starting kid has always been so closely entwined with the story of homestuck as a whole (see: the entire rest of this post). it also ties back to that idea of john being particularly vulnerable as a naive kid in a world of maliciously omniscient characters (e.g. doc scratch, but also vriska/terezi & all of the trolls to some degree), puppetted around by the story and slowly losing all connections with "reality" and the rest of the cast (his friends!!)
you know all those scenes where john starts interacting w/ the shittily-drawn caliborn versions of all his friends? (or this page: (A6I5:6207)) that has always come across as kind of sad to me, because it feels representative of john's (lack of) connections to his friends by that point in the story. he gets so swept up in Plot Bullshit that he basically loses most of the contact he has w/ the people that were his closest friends for years (ik people hate inversion theory but he & karkat really are complementary in some ways), and that loss of connection just exacerbates his previous anxieties about being ignorant. the conversation between him, dave, & karkat on the meteor is really revealing of this (A6A6I5:7487). where dave & karkat & everyone else got three years to sort through their shit together, john was getting dragged off to make the story make sense again, technically completely losing everyone he had known and grown up with. it's not just that dad crocker is different: everyone is different.
(this also has the kind of even more depressing alternate implication that john doesn't even really get the chance to feel that difference outside of jade, since he wasn't able to connect with "his" original dave, rose, etc. in the pre-retcon timeline regardless. great!)
john's depression has always been one of my favorite parts of his character arc tbh, which ig is a weird thing to say, but it just makes so much sense to me as the next step in his story, if not the true conclusion. it's only after winning the game that john really starts to catch up with everyone else in terms of maturity and understanding, and by that point, when everyone already feels so far ahead, how could he possibly catch up? (the answer is that he can, just not alone, but it is that exact feeling of not being able to that makes him isolate in the first place. depression is a fucking shithole)
so much of homestuck is about loneliness, but in turn so much of homestuck is also about social connections, about the people around you that you love and care about and change your life. where karkat is able to heal the connections of the people around him by helping them through their interpersonal relationship bullshit, john gets caught in the wind of the plot and loses his connections, thus losing his ability to really mature as a person at the same rate as everyone else (not to mention how he might've felt behind in the first place). but still, even w/ john's arc ending on a heavy, perhaps unsatisfying note at the end of homestuck proper, i like to think there's still a lot of hope for him: after all, his dearest friends and family are all right there. he just needs to get off his ass and start talking to them.
(sidenote: while editing this part of the post, i suddenly realized just how sad it is that karkat and john talk so goddamn little in all of the post-canon shit. which fucking sucks actually because karkat would be the perfect person to yell at someone until they finally get off their ass and start trying to be a person again, exactly what john needs after the game imho. pumpkin route you are forming in my mind)
uhh anyways, i don't know how good of a job i did at tying this post back to my original goal, but if you read this far, thank you. i have been typing nonstop for like four straight hours (ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᶦʳᵗᵉᵉⁿ ᵐᶦⁿᵘᵗᵉˢˀ) and i think my right ring finger is about to fall off.
bonus: 6. john is hussie???
OKAY, actual finale, this is quick and dumb but this idea comes pretty much entirely from a couple random lines of hussie commentary from a john & dave conversation on (A2:324):
John makes some pretty sassy quips here. I like the "15th day in a row" line, which makes sense since I was the one who actually said it in a real conversation about this.
most people make the connection between hussie & dave (& dirk, i suppose) since dave's sense of humor is basically just unfiltered hussie, but this comment makes me wonder what was put into john too (though i suppose you could consider all fictional characters imbued with some aspect of their author). i'm not super into psychoanalyzing hussie as a person through homestuck itself, but if you're into that, here ya go.
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oops nik odds 🤷‍♀️
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Nik’s full name is Nikolas Isaac Arwaine
Nikolas means ‘victory of the people’ Isaac means ‘laughter’ and Arwaine, I took the Celtic god of the dead Arwan and added a few letters :)
It was chosen bec when i orginally was writing him, he was inspired by Nikolai Lant/sov in Grisha.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
Nik had,,, an interesting childhood. HIs father wasn’t,,, outwardly abusive, perse. But he did lock his kids in places to get out (he broke nates hand bec nate wouldnt stop drawing). His mom taught him how to lie and his parents gave him whatever he wanted besides the one thing he Really wanted
He has fond memories of Adrien and his ohter brothers taking him to the ocean. He had fond memories of hanging out with Nate in Nates studio. One of his fave memories is Nate putting face paint on his face when he was a lil birb
A bad memory he has is getting so afraid of not being able to get out of a room, he threw himself into a panic attack and he was shaking and crying so hard that his dad was so damn disappointed in him that he didnt talk to Nik for a Long Time
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
he had Three (3) sibs. Blake, Adrien and Nate. 
He has a fairly easy going relationship with Blake and Nate. Tho he butts heads with Adrien a Lot. Blake and Nate’s relationship with Nik is kinda the same growing up, tho his and Adrien’s change. Nik used to idolize Adrien, now they just fight all the time
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
Nik,,, had more superficial friends than Friend Friends. People liked his money and his influence more than they liked him. Tho he is a very infectious person, so he probably does have friends, theyre just awful people who are flighty when things go Wrong
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
y’know I think Nik does like animals!! he likes all kinds of animals and would like a pet snake or spider but IM NOT GIVING HIM EITHER. He tries to pet Bay’s pet kitten but she claws the hell out of him :(
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?the main requirement that Nik has is that he doesn’t like his food touching. He doesnt mind mixing his foods, like hot dogs and mac and cheese, but he doesn’t like them touching. He is also allergic to strawberries ;-;
13. What is their least favourite food?
peanut butter
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Nik is actually very good at cooking!! Most of the time he hates it unless hes making something Big or baking something with Cameron, who stress bakes. Cameron secretly likes his cooking but he wont admit it
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
oh hell yeah!! Nik loves taking nudes pictures and sending them to cameron. His cell phone (if he had one) would be full of random pics of people and of places. MUCH PICTURES OF THE OCEAN. He has a bunch saved on his phone and he has some in photo albums and such
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
mmmm i think nonfiction would bore him, especially for industrial revolution area. I think he would actually really like scyfi and action. Absolutely would love anything that was just fast and action packed. he would fucking LOVE deadpool
Nik: if he backtalks he gets his head cut off but he comes back from the dead. if i backtalk im just DEAD. not fair :(
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Nik absolUTELY has a temper. Its quick, its hot and he often makes an ass of himself. He’s not patient. He has,,, some patience, I guess. Where it counts. But it’s nowhere near as long as Nate’s.
When he loses his temper people get wounded or just DEAD. or he just makes an ass out of himself and has to apologize
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
Nik has a somewhat good memory. HIs long term memory is much better tho. He’s much more visual and is better with faces.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
NIk has the most juvinle sense of humor lol. But he also has a really fucking dark sense of humor when it calls for it. If someone is bleeding out, and they deserved it, hed laugh
well. he certainly thinks hes funny
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Nik,,, doesn’t really get sad. He gets pissed. He tries hiding his tears, and he tries to not cry. He shoves negative emotions down so much (which is actually why hes such an angry dude :/)
WHen he does break down and cry Cam,,, tries to be comforting with him. They can get surprisingly soft
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
mmmm it would depend on the fear. Like if it was as Genuine fear (like his is) he wouldn’t tease them. But like,,, if it was something stupid hed absoluTELY tease them for it. He would get kinda protective about it, and would tell whoever it was bothering them to fuck off and leave them alone
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Nik is mostly a cheerful drunk and hes a fucking idiot while hes drunk. Also is very slutty when hes drunk (tho when isnt he???)
Nik: hungover? I don’t know her. i just start drinking againMe: Nik pls
When ohter people are drunk hes,,, pretty relaxed about it and help them from making an ass out of themselves (tho tbh he would absolutely record them being an idiot). He would try to pry someone off him if they tried to undress him
Nik: yes yes i know i am hot. But unfortunately my conscious would not sit well if i took advantage of the situation :(
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Nik doesn’t wear underwear. 
Tho he has been known to try on lacy panties ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nik: don’t judge they’re surprisingly comfy and make my ass look GREAT
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure? 
ok Nik doesn’t have guilty pleasures. hes not going to feel guilty for likeing the things he does. His total unguilty pleausres is trashy television shows. He lovesss binge watching say yes to the dress for fucking hours while sprawled out on the couch eating oreos and stoned
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
Nik,,,, is not fond of reading. He is Dyslexic and he doesn’t like sitting still or being forced to focus. Tho,,, i think he might read, depending on what he was reading. 
fiction, absolutely fiction
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? 
mmmmmmmmmm messaging and emails. Much better bec he can read them better. Tho, he does like letters every now and then. Especially if theyre like,,, looove letters 
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
He is a slutty, slutty bisexual, my dude. Nik has a hand kink. he finds slender hands attractive. he likes,,,, cool eyes?? if that makes sense?? He finds people who are kinda,,, not,,, cold cold but cool and calmness attractive. That cool confidence, like a sheet of almost frozen water.
He finds delicate features attractive. Like fine bones, not brashness. Sharp as glass cheekbones, slender hands. Tall, not,,, too much muscle. (am i describing Cameron? MAYBE SO) NIk, upon meeting Cameron: oh no hes not
mentally, he finds confidence attractive. he finds assertiveness and dominance attractive. He likes someone who can command a fucking presence. He finds passion attractive. Someone that is so passionate and so devoted to something/one attractive
What does he like? he likes someone that will meet him halfway, who will want him, and that he will be enough for them. He has a bit of an inferiority complex  and he thinks that people will just get tired of him and he wants- he NEEDS- someone that he will be enough for, that they arent going to just bolt when things get rough. Which,,, is interesting bec Cameron,,, is Cameron and hes going to want to control the situation who is afraid fo feeling anything for anyone
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
Nik,,,, acknowledges that there are gods. But i would not call him religious. If he were in modern day, he might MIGHT be spiritual but he will joke and be like dude, im going to hell.
He thinks of religious people, and nonreligious people the same way. Believe what you want to believe, but don’t shove it down my throat
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? 
A lot of people see him as a lost cause, as some druggie who is going nowhere other than down. Some think that he’s just,,, lost. HIs dad sees him as his Son who just needs tough love and the right pressure to Honor His Family
Nik,,, sees himself as a hot guy, whos shallow and with money. People dont like him, they like his money and what he can do for them. 
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
mmmmmm Nik doesn’t like many formal occassions. He thinks theyre boring and people are fake as fuck. He Hates black tie wear and he only agrees to wear a tie if Cam uses it on him later ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
he hates chit chat but he does fucking love gossip. He’ll find a couple of people to hang out with and get the Dish
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
his lighter. Its a flip lighter with engravings on it, that Nate got him. He uses it when he gets anxious. That,,, is actually the reason Nate got it for him, tho Nate did not say that.
If nate said anything about Nik having any kind of disorder, Nik would shut him down instantly.
Tho, Nik does take it everywhere with him
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callsignbaphomet · 6 years
You know the drill, you pick the characters for A4&5, C1&4, D3, G4&5, K2&3, L4, N1, T4, X3, Y1&3, and Z4? Oh wow, that’s- that’s a lot. I did not think it would be that many
Yaaaas many is good lolA4. What things are they bad at?- Leah is terrible at making long term and important choices. She freezes and takes a really long time to make any choice, even if it isn't that big of a deal but she gets anxious about every scenario that could go wrong with any choice she makes.5. What is their most impressive talent?- Ginger can shift into a giant vampire bat. An ability that no vampire under 300 years as a vampire can master.C1. How do they sit in a chair?- Trevor sits kinda awkward on most chairs and sofas when he's somewhere comfortable like his own place or Jela's or Lo's. He refers to sit on the floor since he finds it more comfortable.4. What is their major comfort food? why?- Pizza for Mason. When he was really young his older brother and sister would always take him out every Friday for pizza. They always had a great time and they talked for hours about school, music, people they had crushes on. After their sister disappeared Mason and his brother continued the pizza Fridays though it was bitter sweet at first. They did it as a way to remember her. Pizza is his go to comfort food because of this.D3. How do they decorate their own room?- Ginger likes to keep the room tidy and minimalistic. Only excetion are the bunch of small color coordinated pillows on the bed. Sheets are always really colorful. She's not a fan of decorating the walls with pictures or paintings so they're bare. She and her wife have a walk in closet because Abby can be a total diva. Has a Japanese Peace Lilly in the corner 'cause she feels like it brings a little life to the room.G4. What benefits come with being their friend?- Abigail is the kind of person that loves to spoil her friends whether it's by a small gesture or buying that one thing that they totally want but cannot afford.5. What parts of others do they envy?- Angelus definitely envies others' confidence and lack of the problems he has. He's not exactly thrilled about how he physically looks either. He absolutely knows he's pretty underweight but the thought of gaining even the slightest kind of crashes with him.K2. Have they ever thought about homicide?- This pertains to a bunch of them. Killing is part of the job since most of the threats pose a huge threat. It's kill or be killed.3. If they could kill anyone without punishment, would they? who?- They probably do IF there were no negative effects consequences.L4. Do they have any food intolerances?- Loke has a bunch of food allergies. Some include tree nuts and peanuts, as well as shellfish (just in case he also avoid mollusks). He's not allergic to eggs but he can't eat egg by itself or too much of it or he can get a lot of pain from eating it alone.N1. What would they never do?- Jelani is not one to just turn his back on people especially friends and family. You'd have to have fucked up on a cosmic level for him to turn you away.T4. Have they lied about anything they regret lying about?- Okay, so Anette (one of Loke and Jelani's many cousins) had a rougher time in her preteens and early teens. She was and sorta still is kind of the rebel without a cause kind of girl and was always getting into trouble. Part of her M.O. was being an absolute shit to everyone older than her except towards Jelani. Basically he was the only one that could control the beast and she often comfided in him. During one of her fits she wanted to go out with her friends to cool off and told him she was just going out for a walk but instead stole his keys and car and since she didn't know how to drive well she totalled the car. They only thing she felt bad about was lying to him and totalling his car but shrugged off everything else.X3. Do they have a favorite band/artist/singer?- I always use Lo and Jela for this kinda answer so let's go with someone else. Ginger's really partial to The Bauhaus, The Cure, Razed in Black, Switchblade Symphony, Lullacry, My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult among others of the gothic persuasion.Y1. How old were you when you created them?- I was 14 when I created a bunch of them.3. Were they different when they were first created?- Ooh boy, yes, they are. From the original line up only Angelus and Morris remain. The two that have changed so drastically are Angelus and Jelani.Z4. What’s their dream pet?- Loke would have a pet bird of any kind if it was possible, legal and if he wasn't allergic to bird dandruff.
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benxshyma · 4 years
Basic Facts || Oliver Watson
What is Your Character’s Name?  Oliver Watson
How does the character feel about his or her name?  It's a name. I don't feel about it one way or another.
How did he or she get this name? Was it passed on from a family member, or did the parents read it on the side of a cereal box the day the child was born?  I'm pretty sure my mother just liked olives. But "Olive" is a girl name, so. I don't know for sure, I never asked.
What is the meaning of the name?  Doesn't it just come from the word 'olive'? An olive tree farmer? An olive-r?
What culture did the name originate from?  I don't know. It's probably English.
What regions of the world did the name come from?  ...Europe?
What connotations or stereotypes does the name have?  I don't know. It's an old-fashioned name, or a dog name. I've been told "my grandpa has that name" and "I know a dog with that name" a lot.
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How old is your character?  25
When was he or she born?  September 9, 1989
What events were happening locally, nationally and globally the year your character was born?  I don't know. I was a baby. [Tiananmen Square Massacre, Voyager 2 discovers Neptune’s moons and rings]
What is the zodiac sign?  I'm a Virgo.
Does his or her zodiac sign have any bearing on their personality traits?  I don't believe in that stuff. [Extremely work oriented and takes on more tasks than they should because they believe they're the best at it. Detail oriented. Conservative at heart. Loyal]
What Chinese Horoscope year were they born in?  There are Chinese-specific zodiacs? [Snake]
How does this influence their personality traits?  I didn't even know there were Chinese zodiacs. [Intuitive, Strong self control] 
How does your character like to celebrate his or her birthday?  When I was little I was lucky if I got a card or some money. Now I get showered with homemade gifts from the twins, and even Dennis never forgets to buy me a card on my birthday, which is nice. 
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What does your character look like?  An average white guy, I guess. [Luke Treadaway]
Is your character Athletic or Overweight? Tall or Short?  I'm kinda skinny but strong cause I work with car parts all day. Average height for a dude. [5'11'' 150lbs]
Hair color and length?  Brown hair. Normal length for a guy? It's a little long right now cause I haven't cut it. [His hair is usually too long and he needs to get a haircut but he doesn't have time]
Eye color?  Are they green? Hazel-ish? I've also been told gray. 
Any scars or birth marks?  I have some scars on my arms and hands, from working. And some birthmarks on my back. And this one on the inside of my [right] elbow. [He also has some scars on his back from childhood trauma.]
Does your character have a physical disability?  No.
What actress or actor would you have play the role of your character if it was a movie?  I have never thought about this. I mean, any average actor will do. [Luke Treadaway lol]
What style of clothes does your character wear?  Regular clothes. T-shirts and Jeans from whatever store is having a sale. At work I wear the coveralls. 
What clothes would he or she wear every day on a casual basis? T-shirts, hoodies, jeans.
For a night out on the town? I can't remember the last time I went out 'on the town'. Probably some nicer jeans, and a nicer t-shirt.
To bed? Gym shorts and a t-shirt.
Does he or she wear any special jewelry or accessories? Can't wear jewelry 'cause of work. I did have a watch that was my father's that I liked, but my mother pawned it for some drug money when I was in high school. 
What type of shoes does your character wear? Boots at work, sneakers at other times.They always seem to be falling apart.
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Where does your character live? Darby, Pennsylvania. It's a suburb right outside of Philly.
Is it an Apartment? House? In the backseat of his car? It's a townhouse.
How does your character feel about the current living arrangements? It's a little tight. We could probably use another room, but it could be worse. [The twins share a room with Dennis. Dennis decided he'd rather live with the twins than share the small bedroom with Oliver.]
Does your character live with anyone else? Who are those people? My three younger siblings. Dennis, Aiden and Emma.
How does your character get along with his or her neighbors? My upstairs neighbors change every few years because they tend to be college kids. My downstairs neighbor is very friendly, and babysits the twins for me on nights I work I appreciate her. My right side neighbor also has young kids so the kids are friends. My left side neighbors... I don't see very often. [His left side neighbors are narcotics dealers]
What is the view outside of your character's window? A Tree, the townhouse courtyard and the parking lot.
What items do they keep next to their bed? My phone, a lamp, a bottle of Advil and a book.
What is your character's most valuable possession? I try not to get attached to possessions. It's an old habit. But I guess I'm pretty fond of the guitar, even if I don't really play it much.
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What does the character do for a living? I'm a mechanic at this dingy auto repair shop downtown.
Do they find this work enjoyable? It's alright. It's a job. And I've been working there since I was like 11 so.
What is your character's dream job? I haven't thought about it. I'm alright with the job I have now. [He doesn't have time to think about dreams and dream jobs he's got mouths to feed]
What is your character's financial situation? Not great. But I have neighbors who are way worse off than I am so I can't complain. [Oliver makes around $25,000 a year.]
What does your character spend most of his/her money on? The necessities. Food for everyone. Rent, bills, clothes for the kids.
What would your character do if he or she won the lottery? Send the kids to college with it, I guess. Or blow it all on a trip to Disney or something.
What is your character's highest level of education? I didn't graduate from high school.
What things do they wish were different about their current profession? I try not to think about things like that. [He wishes he worked at a better mechanic, somewhere with better and safer equipment and possibly upward mobility. But he would need to go to a technical school for that and he cannot go.]
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Who are his or her parents?  My mother passed away three years ago, and I don't know where my father is. He's probably dead too, to be honest.
Does he or she have any siblings? I have three younger siblings. Dennis, who's 9 years younger than me and the twins, Aiden and Emma, who are 22 years younger.
A spouse or other romantic partner or love interest? Ha. No.
How about children? I adopted my siblings when my mother died so technically I have three kids.
Other family? Aunts? Uncles? Second Cousins Twice Removed? No. I never met any of my mother's family and I don't know where my father's family is. [He believes his mother was estranged, and when his father left, she, Oliver, and Dennis became estranged from that family as well.]
How does your character feel about family functions and events? There're no family functions and events.
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Who are your character's closest friends? My co-workers, I guess.
How did your character meet his or her best friend? I don't have one. Never did. [true story. Oliver always had trouble making friends and it became worse as he got older.]
What do they value most in friendship? Someone I can depend on? I don't know. [it's all theoretical]
Does your character make friends easily? All evidence points to no.
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What was your character's first romantic encounter like? ...I don't want to talk about this. [Oliver's first and only relationship was with his High School history teacher at the age of 14. It ended with the teacher committing suicide while on the phone with Oliver.]
How does your character display affection? I don't know. [With Rudy, Oliver was very physically and emotionally clingy. He needed reassurance of their relationship constantly and was frequently jealous. But this probably isn't an accurate representation of what he would be like in an actual, consensual relationship.]
What is your character's idea of a perfect romantic date? No. [Being outside in public with someone that he is dating would be nice.]
Has your character ever had his or her heart broken? Hasn't everybody?
What qualities does your character look for in a romantic partner? I don't. [Oliver needs someone who can also be a caretaker of his three kids and understand his history. But he would never put that burden on anybody so he won't look for a romantic partner.]
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Does your character have any pets? What type? No.
What are your characters favorite animals? Manta rays are pretty cool. I saw them in an aquarium once.
How many times has your character visited the zoo? I think we went there on a school trip once.
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What are his or her favorite foods to eat? I like buttered noodles.
Does he or she enjoy to cook? It's alright. [Oliver gets satisfaction in feeding his siblings and would enjoy cooking so much more if he had all the ingredients/proper equipment in the kitchen. Right now it feels very survivor-y so it's hard to enjoy.]
Any food allergies or sensitivities? No. [Dennis is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts so Oliver hasn't had any nuts in 15 years though.]
What foods can he or she not stand to be around or eat? I don't like fish or any sea food. [Except shrimp]
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How does your character spend a lazy Sunday afternoon? What lazy Sunday? I'm wrestling with everyone trying to get them to finish their homework.
What are their favorite places to go when alone? I can't remember the last time I was alone. [Oliver would really love to go back to the aquarium to look at the Manta Rays.]
With friends? What friends?
Where would your character like to travel? Someplace quiet with the ocean.
How does he or she want to get there? Maybe one day when everybody's moved out. If I make it that far.
Does your character have preferences on types of lodging? If it's got a bed, it's good.
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What are your characters favorite movies and TV shows? I watch a lot of trash TV and trash movies because it helps me turn my brain off.
What are their favorite actors and actresses? Chris Evans as Captain America. Idris Elba.
How often do they watch movies and/or television? The TV is always on. I usually watch for a little while after the twins go to bed and before I go to sleep.
What television shows or movies do you think they would enjoy most? Like I said. I like trashy TV. Like reality shows. Marvel movies are good too.
What are your character's favorite music and songs? Classic rock is ok. I like acoustic stuff.
What genre of music would you find your character most likely listening to? I usually listen to whatever the other guys put on at the shop. [Oliver likes acoustic covers of rock songs]
When do they listen to music? In the car? While working?  The radio or somebody's Spotify is always playing at the repair shop. [Oliver likes to sit in the car in silence. It's the only time it's ever quiet.
What artists and bands does your character enjoy listening to?  I don't know. Whatever's on the radio?
Would your character go to a concert and enjoy it? Who paid for this?
Does your character play any musical instruments? I own a guitar.
What are his or her favorite books? I don't really like books that much.
What books are on his or her bookshelf at home? Children's books the kids got as presents from school. Harry Potter. Some comic books and some books on cars.
What titles does he or she borrow from the library? I don't have a library card.
What genre of books does your character enjoy reading? Romance Fiction? Non-fiction? Thriller Crime Novels? Historical Fiction? Self-help? Poetry? Some Sci-fi. Mostly books about how things work.
What is your character's favorite quote and why? Shit happens.
0 notes