#prime defenders mlp au
tboytoby · 7 months
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friendship is magic. unless you're these idiots
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wiwisperer · 2 years
hey so that mlp anthropology song by awkward marina is stuck in my head for some reason and it got me thinking about vyncent for some reason? and now i have.. sooo many ideas . i might explode
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bloodkrieg21 · 3 months
Number 3
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tboytoby · 7 months
I really love the mlp/prime defenders art you did, the designs are so cool and I've never seen changeling william before!!! What was the inspo behind that? Just asking bc I love wiwi and I also love the bug ponies 👀
what if I told you I had a draft for this, forgot abt it and then LOST IT. anyways THANK YOUUU ahhh this ask made my day.
as for my pick - it has to do with William as a person and what he's been fighting with for the past two seasons. Will, in my eyes, views himself as a hindrance to the boys and rejected his powers because of how he got them. he feels like an imposter playing hero, when he never had the heart for it to begin with. Changelings are, intrinsically, imposters that leech off of other ponies' love, help and affection, something that I think Will would easily feel he does. that, combined with his original Wisp Form transformation, is why I picked Changeling over something like a Kirin or even just a normal Unicorn.
additionally, season 6 finds the Changelings under new rule, thus being allowed to produce their own love to sustain themselves beyond near constant starvation. that sort of self-love-turned-love-for-others is something William has ALWAYS lacked in my eyes. thus, even if he's separated from the hive, he remains in this state. it's a personal philosophy that you can't truly love others if you're always comparing yourself to them. self-hatred is not the same as loving someone, you need to be on equal grounds before you can say "I love you".
AAAND pony exclusive lore time for you - I imagined Will to be an exiled Changeling, much akin to him leaving Deadwood because he felt he no longer belonged. rather than making a perfect copy of another pony, he did his best to create his own illusion, drawing from aspects of Dakota and Vyncent before and after meeting them. I actually forgot to give his Changeling form a horn, he is supposed to have that. he pretty much constantly starves himself until he Absolutely Has To feed, and will usually leech off Vyncent while he's sleeping. it's a kind of fucked up "I love you therefore I take from you" type of shit. THE toxic relationship. and that kind of behavior further fuels his own downfall. I'm kind of obsessed with this AU at this point in writing I'm probably gonna start making comics and shit
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