#pre-sick? i think i meant post-sick?? idk it was 2 years ago
aamitmorthos · 1 year
love how manly knows his deep voice is what's up bc it is, in fact, what's up
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khiphop-discussions · 2 years
The only smtm winner thats always been relevant has been loco, the others just kinda disappear and reappear in intervals?? Not disappear but their music doesn’t seem to be that great after their win? I think bobby is still relevant but its hard to really say because of that YG chokehold so yeaaa i think I’d take the money over being a smtm winner. I mean look at woo won jae, not a winner but he is indeed making money
I meant to answer this a while ago but then I lost the response.
Anyway, long story short, I agree that IDK how relevant Bobby would still be without YG. It's kinda a double edged sword cause I feel like he could be bigger as a solo rapper if YG had really pushed him after SMTM. The problem was, his original goal was still to promote with iKon and get the group debuted. So that kinda slowed down his solo. On the otherhand, I feel like he wouldn't have gotten all the opportunities he's gotten as far as TV shows, touring all over the world, and his whole body of work with iKon, MOBB, and as a solo artist without YG.
Ok I said long story short but that was a lie...
I agree that for many, the music doesn't seem that great after they go on SMTM. I feel like for some (like Cj*m blocked his name cause I don't wanna be mean lol) their music actually declined post SMTM when they were doing good still pre-SMTM. But I think it could also have to do with his real life struggles and not having as much bandwidth to focus on music. I know he didn't win but I'm just using him as an example. Honestly, same with BeWhy though tbh. But honestly, he was working with Gray and he's a genius so I can't actually fault him for not having as good songs.
For Punch (smtm8), I honestly wasn't even a big fan of most of the stuff he did on show me 8. And it seems like most peopel didn't like most songs from SMTM8 so hat just puts him in a bad position all the way around. Plus, I feel like I don't hear much about him. I know he's on AOMG but I completely forget that. (Also, side note but just fucking realized that he's younger than me by about 2 weeks wtf? LOL)
Nafla's issue was his legal issues and everybody is just waiting for him to get back on track with everything.
Then we have yet to see with Lil Boi but I have faith in him because I've seen him stuff from AFTER SMTM4 and it's better than the stuff he did on SMTM4. I arguably think the stuff he did with Geeks is just as quality as the stuff he did on SMTM9 and that's saying a lot. Hi officially missing you song as part of Geeks did well long before SMTM4 too so again, kinda shows you his musical prowess (along with Louie as well).
The "problem" is that Lil Boi takes a LONG time to make his music lol. Not really a "problem" cause good stuff takes time and I think i shows when artists take time in their music BUT unfortunately it's a market where people expect you to put out stuff VERY rapidly. Only a select few artists can get by with putting stuff out with very long breaks in between. That's because they proved their quality. Luckily for Lil Boi he'll be on SMTM11 this year and I think that will help as far as exposure. People really like Lil Boi as a person too so I think it will help to make him stick in people's mind more. (Kinda like DPR Live, you know? How we like his music A LOT but also him as a person so we sick beside him no matter how long it takes for more content. Especially since we know it's gonna be good when it finally drops LOL)
Anyway, hat ended up being just as long as the original post I lost and I think I like this one better too! That's all for now though.
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