#popia proposal
copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Could you do headcanons for Popia trying to propose to his S/O, but things keep going wrong (the ring mysteriously vanishing, them being interrupted right as he’s about to do it, S/O having lots of work/chores to do that day so they have to work late and cancel the date he had planned in order to propose, ect ect, basically the entire universe is determine to prevent this proposal)?
Wonderful ask Anon... 💒💍
Definitely sounds anxiety inducing something we all know our beloved former Cardinal turned Papa would "love" lol
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According to Plan
Also available here on A03!
SFW, below cut for length
Copia has been planning this night for weeks. Although if he were honest with himself, he's been planning since the day you met. It seemed from the moment your eyes met across the nave, you were Hell-sent just for him. Staring into those eyes and being held in your arms every one moment thereafter—more paradise than anything else the rest of the world could offer him.
You just understood him—down to his core. While others may have snickered or laughed, you found his nervous habits and quirky personality endearing. He knew that only you loved him for who he truly was. Despite all his faults and perceived shortcomings, you still had eyes only for him and he, absolutely, worshiped you.
The time came when, nerves be damned, he needed to make you his. Before Lucifer, the church, and everyone else—all he wanted was to spend the rest of his life with you. So he bought a ring, one he was sure would look beautiful upon your finger. His next step was to enlist the help of a few select ghouls to set up a romantic candlelight dinner deep within Primo's garden.
Everything was planned out to a T and when the morning of the proposal came, Copia was more than excited---he was ecstatic. He went downstairs, you having already left for your duties, patting the ring in his jacket pocket as he made his way through the main hall. It wasn't long before he bumped into Cirrus and Cumulus. The two ghoulettes, giggling to themselves as they saw him. Copia knew instantly that it was because Aether couldn't keep his mouth shut and told them.
"Shhh…not a word lionesses, sí?" He said, the look of anxiety painted across his face—so thick even his skull paints couldn't obscure it.
"Of course Papa, anything for you." Cirrus chuckled before the two of them scurried off. Copia felt relieved, dabbing the cold sweat carefully from his brow. He continued down the hall, tipping his head to those he passed. A noted pep in his step that made it obvious to the whole Abbey he was feeling happy.
He went to find you in the library, your common stomping grounds. Your frequent partner in crime, Mountain, helping to return books to the high shelves as he walked in. Copia peered past the ghoul down the aisle, not seeming to find you. Mountain noticed the shift on his face, setting the stack of books down beside him on the desk to inquire.
“Morning Papa, what can I do you for?” Mountain asked him, his sweet smile pinned ear to ear.
“Have you seen mio amore? He asked him, the Ghoul tilting his head and thinking.
“Can’t say that I have. Maybe she might be with Sister Imperator. I know she was telling me the other day that today was going to be a busy one with the new siblings arriving this week.” Mountain explained. Copia put his face in his palm, rubbing his aching head. With all the ideas, plans, and preparations of the proposal he completely forgot how today you might be next to impossible to find. It was worth it to look, after all he hadn’t even invited you to “dinner” yet. Copia, shaking his head at himself for forgetting.
He did as Mountain suggested heading to Sister Imperator’s office, only for her to chastise him for interrupting a rather lewd meeting with Papa Nihil—you were still missing. Copia headed down into the chapel, another favorite spot he knew you enjoyed when the stress of the day was too much. He was feeling it already and wondered if maybe you were too. Alas, still no fiancée in sight. He decided to check the refectory since it was nearing lunch time, maybe you were in there?
Copia walked to the archway of the refectory and saw you sitting there. A group of siblings and ghouls by your side as you laughed the afternoon away, a half eaten apple in your left hand and a clipboard in the other. The Papa let out a sigh of relief as he walked towards you. His furrowed brows, now replaced with a smile.
You looked even more beautiful today, Copia not sure how that was even possible. He went to pat his jacket once more, no longer feeling the ring inside it. He panicked, his heart jumping up in his chest and head ready to explode. How could this have happened, he thought to himself, frantically digging into his pocket only to be met with a small hole.
"Damn it Ravioli! Another hole you've chewed through…this time at great cost." Copia bellowed. His small rat companion, having had a frequent chewing problem as of late. Many a Papal robes turned into a tattered mess in his wake. Copia slumped down on a bench, his head in his hands, feeling hopeless.
He looked up, hoping to see you. To have just the sight of your face make everything better again, but you weren't there. He knew you were busy, probably didn't even notice him there before you left. He still turned around to search the room. His head swiveling so fast, he might have given himself whiplash. Suddenly Aether put his hand on his shoulder. Copia looking up at the ghoul with tears in his eyes.
"Hey boss, everything ok?" The ghoul asked him. Copia sniffled back, trying his best to hold in the intense emotions that were bubbling up inside.
"I've lost the ring, there was a hole…it's gone. Now what do I do?" He asked. Aether squeezed his shoulder and Copia turned to face him.
"Alright ghouls, we got a mission!" Aether called out to the crowd. "I need everyone to look for Papa Copia's scent on the grounds. He lost something very precious. We must help him find it." With Aether's directions, the ghouls all did as they were told, all of them sniffling at the ground like wild dogs, waiting to catch a hint of Copia's scent. After only a moment from the front of the room, Rain jumped up off the floor. A round gold band within his fingers, black diamond glinting in the light.
"Found it!" He called out. Copia hopped up from his seat on the bench, running over to the ghoul with his arms held out.
"Oh grazie Lucifero. Thank you, you beautiful water ghoul you!" Copia cried, throwing his arms around Rain and hugging him tightly. Copa returned the ring to his pocket, one he was certain contained no holes. Things were back on track and Papa was so grateful. He thanked the ghouls profusely for their help and set off once more trying to find you.
Copia made his way back down the hall, seeing Primo approaching in the distance. The old man smiled gently at him. His sunhat still on his head from being out in the garden and a smidge of sweat on his brow. Copia walked to greet the retired Papa, taking off his hat in respect.
“Papa.” Copia said, his head bowed in reverence.
“Papa. How are you this fine afternoon?” Primo asked. Copia scratched the back of his head, trying to keep his optimism.
“Honestly Papa, it has been a bit of a day.” Copia sighed.
“Wouldn’t be because you're planning on popping the question to your sorella is it?” Primo asked, his gentle smile turned coy. All the color drained from Copia’s face, clearly the word was spreading. He wondered which of the ghouls decided to let the cat out of the bag. Praying to Satan that you had not learned of it.
“I…I…well you see Papa. I am planning on asking her tonight. I have made special accommodations with—” Copia began, Primo holding up a withered, but commanding hand.
“No need to explain, I too was in love once. You are looking for her, sì?” he asked him.
“Sì, do you know where she is?”
“She is with Terzo. Last I checked.” Primo explained, sending Copia on edge. It wasn’t bad enough that the universe seemed to be throwing him all the curveballs, but now you were with “Papa Cassanova ''. Copia was certain of your love and loyalty, he didn’t have that same trust with Terzo, his lustful endeavors knowing little boundaries. Copia thanked Primo for the information and made his way to Terzo’s office on the third floor.
As he approached, all manner of things went through his head. Would he find you there, succumbing to the affections of Terzo? He wasn’t sure but he had to push on. He knocked on the door, the third Papa beckoning him inside.
“Ah Copia! What brings you here?” he asked him. Copia walked into the room and took a quick look around. You weren't there, both a relief as well as a disappointment washed over him.
“Ah scusami Papa. I was told that I might find…that my…that she—” Copia muttered, his words falling apart before they could even escape him.
“That your amore would be here? Sì she was here a bit ago, but I have sent her on an errand in town. She will be back sometime late this evening.” Terzo explained turning his attention back to the mounting paperwork on his desk. Copia couldn’t believe it, this had to be a joke.
“You can’t be serious?” he asked him, Terzo raising an eyebrow at him.
“Why wouldn’t I be? I needed some errands done and she volunteered. I assure you she will be back before you know it.” Copia nodded in defeat, seeing himself out of the office. Terzo didn’t even raise his eyes back to him as he left.
Copia traveled down to the kitchen, checking on the progress of the meal. He had wanted something fancy but settled on Tagliatelle al Ragù—he was your favorite. The kitchen staff was working hard on the meal. The one and only thing that seemed to be going as planned.
As the day turned to evening and the sun began to set, the fourth Papa found his way outside, roaming the grounds until, without even trying, he found himself within Primo’s garden. The rest of the day had been a fog, Copia lost in thought and stressing about just how badly his plans had been going. He was pleased to find the table set up by the ghouls. A beautiful blue and gold hand-painted linen tablecloth draped over the table, two black candles a top golden candlesticks, and place settings for two. A simple but elegant set up he knew you’d appreciate.
He sat at the table, his leg crossed over the other, pulling the ring from inside his pocket and staring at it blankly. He felt a tap on his shoulder, turning once more to meet with Aether’s gaze. Copia tucked the ring back in his holeless pocket and spoke.
“Aether, is everything ready…it's almost time? I will need to go fetch her since I have yet to be able to tell her. I'd like to be able to bring her here myself.” Copia sighed.
“Well actually that's what I was coming to talk with you about.” Aether, tensed. Copia could tell, whatever the ghoul had to say, it was bad news.
“What is it?” Papa asked him, hoping somehow he was wrong.
“Well…I just got a call from the group that–ah went into town.” he explained, the ghoul hesitating to finish.
“They are gonna be late, Dew may uh…may have bitten someone.” Aether laughed nervously. Aether could tell Papa was not doing well, Copia's eye beginning to twitch and his jaw tightening. Aether tried to comfort him. The ghoul, knowing just how badly this whole thing was going but Copia wasn't having it. He stood up, pacing back and forth in front of the table looking like he was moments from a full blown meltdown. “Pap–” Aether began, cut off at the quick.
“No…” Copia chided. It got quiet between them, the candles flames fighting against the breeze as the sun sat just barely on the horizon.
“But I am sure they will be home…”
"Listen, just stop! Non riesco proprio a crederci, cazzo. None of this has gone right. I don't know why I even bothered…it's probably just a sign that she will say no anyway. After all, who wants to be with someone like me?” Copia asked, turning to face away, ashamed at how upset he had become as he looked over the hedges and beyond the garden.
“Cope? What's all this?" you asked him, his back still facing away from where you and Aether stood. He slowly turned around to face you, convincing himself he had hallucinated your voice. When his eyes met with yours, the tears fell from Copia’s eyes as he dropped to his knees before you.
“Cara, am I seeing things, is it really you? Today has been awful, nothing has gone right…you must be an illusion?” Copia cried, clutching the fabric of your habit tightly in his hands. You laughed a bit, not realizing just how much chaos had ensued.
“Amore, what are you talking about?” You asked, your eyes looking over him and seeing the beautiful and romantic set up in front of you. “What is all this about?” Copia got quiet for a moment, bringing his hand into his jacket and looking up into your eyes. The soulful and loving eyes, holding you. You could get lost in them for all eternity. Just him being near you, looking at you the way he did, sending your heart aflame.
“Sorella, amore, my life, my everything. I tried so hard to make this perfect. You deserve the world. All the beauty and grace that Lucifer has to offer. I wanted this to be so special for you and I have failed.” Copia said, his words filled with regret.
“Copia, what are you talking about?” you asked him, wondering why you being late for a surprise dinner was making him so emotional. Copia pulled his hand from his jacket, a golden ring revealed as he took your left hand with his.
“L'amore della mia vita, I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I feel your soul calling to mine as if they were once one." He began, his voice slowly gaining confidence as he spoke. "I can’t think of anything that would make me happier than to have you as my wife, my Prime Mover…will you marry me?” Copia asked you, your heart pounding loudly in your chest. He was right, you felt just the same. His life and yours feeling destined to be joined as one. You smiled at him, watching as he slipped the ring on your finger. You lifted it up to see its brilliance in the fading sunlight.
“Will you amore?” he asked, you just realizing that you hadn’t yet answered. You helped pull him up to his feet. Both of you face to face as the tears streamed gently down both your cheeks as you spoke.
“There is nothing I want more in this life or the next than to be your wife.” You vowed, Copia picking you up and spinning you around in the air. Both of you, dizzy and drunk in love and glee. Aether watched as Copia picked you up and carried you to the back of the garden. The two of you disappearing from view, the table for two left abandoned for more carnal celebrations. Aether laughed to himself.
“Well I guess things went according to plan after all.”
Oh grazie Lucifero- oh thank Lucifer
Ah scusami Papa.- Ah excuse me Papa.
Non riesco proprio a crederci, cazzo.- I just can't fucking believe this.
L'amore della mia vita- Love of my life
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resin-popia · 4 months
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@fifteenpoundsofpissedoffbees just unlocked a rare cutscene:
You can feel the nervous energy radiating off of Resin Popia tonight. It's one of his favorite holidays, sure, and he's been planning something extra special for you for a while, but this time it feels different. It feels more real than ever before.
"Tesoro, we've been together so long and em...well, I've been thinking about us, and our future..." 🥀🐀
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"And don't worry about me, amore. This whole ten piece is just for you."🥀🐀
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awildjonesyappears · 2 months
My Roman empire is the fact that of all the Ghost songs that could've served as romantic background music for a proposal... my fiance asked me to marry him during Kiss The Go-Goat.
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gasolineghuleh · 4 months
For your nsfw drabble request… Soft dom!Papa Copia praise kink while he fucks her over his office desk? 🥴
i need to stop making these "drabbles" so long.
anyway, here's 2.4k of dom popia with a praise kink and a long cock. i'll come up with a name for it when i cross post it to ao3 later tomorrow lmao
cw: spanking, very light brief choking, teasing, does this count as double penetration?, derogatory language, praise kink, dom/sub
The office is swathed in silence as you consider Papa's proposal, his hands steepled underneath his chin and clad in his usual black leather gloves. Copia's even breathing is the only thing you can hear, beyond your black standard-issue shoes brushing against the plush carpet. You try and steady your heartbeat, the pulsating organ thudding away in your chest and the blush returning to your cheeks as another sly grin spreads across his face. There isn't even a need for conversation after the seductive invitation has been uttered - it sounds as alluring, and as inviting as a temptress luring an attractive man to her bed. Well, her desk, but the way he had said those words aloud like he has an ulterior motive - his breath warm on the shell of your ear, and the thought makes something within you ache. You are weak, and Copia is playing the game perfectly. If the infuriatingly sexy salt-and-pepper-haired bastard wants to fuck in his office while everyone else is attending classes or studying (in various positions, you're sure), who are you to complain?
He stands from the large seat behind his desk, almost sliding out with an eager slither of his figure and rounding it so he can approach you. Copia leans back against his desk and folds his arms across his chest, a self-sure smile on his painted face. He crosses one ankle over the other, leaning comfortably and confidently.
The crimson beneath your cheeks grows hotter, feeling his mismatched gaze roam up and down your body, and you stifle a heavy swallow as the seconds tick by. One look tells you everything he's thinking. You turn your eyes away, swallowing the growing lump of nerves in your throat, palms sweaty as they clutch the slim manila folder between two delicate and not at all clammy hands. Copia finally releases you from his stare and turns his head to the side slightly to sweep his leather-clad palm to the documents on his desk; white sheets over wood, inked with a fine ornate design and a large "IV" embossed on them.
"Add your dossier to the stack, Sister. Little birds are only useful if they sing, si?" he prompts, cocking one eyebrow at you. You nod and lean forward quickly, the spell finally broken by the verbalization of your duty to the new Papa-- a network of spies, perfectly implanted into the Sister Imperator's inner circle, and you, one of them. "Good girl." The praise settles deep in your gut with a sensation like a warm blanket, stoking the fire that's been roiling there ever since Papa's sly and unobtrusive proposal. Now that he's here, an inch away, with the office door closed and not even a Ghoul listening in, you feel an odd airy sort of light-headedness.
Papa leans forward slowly, testing the waters. There is no jumping back, no backing away as if burned by fire. Instead, there is a growing tightness in the space between your hips and an audible intake of breath. It is enough for Papa to dip down, running the tip of his nose along the smooth, gentle curves of your neck and inhaling deeply. A gentle nudge in the space below your ear causes you to stutter out a ragged breath, another deep inhale and Copia growls lightly at your neck, one hand coming to land gentle on your upper thigh.
"Are you my good girl?" he croons, breath hot and heavy, tinged with the slight hint of black tea. When you nod shakily he huffs out a soft laugh again, pulling back slightly as his hand travels farther upward. "I want to see your face," Copia says, his voice low, "when I touch you for the first time."
As soon as you make a sound his hand is at the junction of your legs, pressing directly between your thighs with little room to escape; the sensation alone makes your lips part in a silent plea for more. His fingers flex and you quake, the growing wet patch on his leather glove only making his smugness more apparent. His tongue moves to wet his lips again, this time in anticipation of things to come, eyes dark and his jaw tight as he stares down at you.
"Come on, tesoro mia. Come lean on Papa's desk. Let's see if I can't make you ruin some paperwork from the Sister Imperator, eh?" he winks and brings his hand to your chin, tilting your face up gently until you stand and guiding you against his desk. Your hands hit the surface at the same time that your knees bonk into the hard paneled wood-- it's loud and effective, but doesn't make your knees sting or ache. "Be a good little girl, and tell me what you want, now." Every word from Papa, every touch, every glance, feels like it's on direct course with your ability to think, leaving you dripping in your habit and wondering how many people he gets off on the regular when he's this damn good. Another finger pressing at the soaked fabric above your pussy, slipping with ease against the wetness Copia has been building up in you.
"I want you, Papa," you say, resisting the urge to wriggle your hips against him. Copia's hips press against your ass, the not so subtle bulge of his cock perfectly in line with you. The urge to be filled, to feel him in you, to forget the words to your prayers-- you feel so incredibly warm.
"Yes, tell me," he prompts, rocking his hips once more against your ass, urging the words out of your mouth. "Tell me what you want." His hands claps down on your ass, kneading the muscle there as his breathing deepens. Copia's hips roll against you in fluid motions, becoming more and more desperate and intentional as the seconds tick by. Your breathing is harsh, you can hear it in the quiet of the room as Papa leans forward, placing a kiss to the exposed skin at your neck. There are so many feelings racing through your bloodstream, and Copia's tongue flicking out to taste the saltiness of your skin has your brain sparking everywhere.
"Touch me, Papa," you whimper, moving your head back just enough to sink into his feather-light kisses as his fingers continue to brush against the sensitive spot between your legs. Another self assured chuckle rumbles from his chest as his fingers slip below the elastic band of your panties, flipping your habit up over your ass with his other hand.
"Please me, then," he groans softly in a baritone voice as he sweeps his tongue over your pulse point at the same time that his fingertips brush the place you need him most.
Your own fingers dig into the finished wood beneath you as Copia laughs, the tips of his fingers ghosting over the glistening folds of your cunt. He uses two fingers to slip further in, spreading your wetness to your bundle of nerves with little hesitation. Papa's fingers play against you in a tantalizing dance that tells you yes... yes, he was built for this, wasn't he? You push your body back into the movements of his hips, his belt buckle jingling from the motions, and the hardness you could feel before is even more evident now. Suddenly, your mind swims with all the ways you could please him, wanting to show that, out of all of the Sisters of Sin, Copia has chosen the best partner for tonight... his good girl.
"How, Papa?" you prompt him, slinking your hands forward to grip at the edge of the desk, just in front of the empty leather chair that he usually preoccupies. His fingers run gently from your entrance to your clit, mismatched eyes watching with enjoyment as you jolt every time he finds the delicate little nub.
"By letting me fuck you until you're full with the Papal lineage, Sister." The answer, lewder than you expect it to be, forces a moan out of you, timed perfectly with the head of Papa's cock rutting against you through his pants. "Is that what you want?" he asks, leaning over you again and running his leather clad fingers through your hair, petting you. "Would that make you a happy, giggly little cum slut?"
"Sathanas, Papa, yes!" The words feel simultaneously like both a plea and an admission. His fingers find their rhythm, speeding up with each of your moans and taking your pleasure as his. You know he wants more, his mouth breathing open and heavy against your ear, his whispers of encouragement only adding fuel to the fire burning beneath your skin. You gasp out his name between ragged breaths, "D-do you want me, Papa? Please, tell me that you want me," you plead as your mind races. Want me, choose me, please me, the thoughts cycle through in an endless stream of desire.
"Of course I want you, mia dolce, I picked you for a reason. Tell me what you are, now, hm? Tell Papa." There's a rustle of cloth behind you and his hand roughly pulls your panties down until they bunch around your upper thighs.
"I'm your good girl, Papa," you manage to get out between trembling lips, the arousal coursing through your body in tremors. Your muscles are taut, clenched and held in place by sheer desire and arousal, at this point. You can feel your slickness on your inner thighs where the air kisses them, now that the soaked fabric of your panties has been slid down. You'd expected him to take them off - a moment of clarity amidst the lusty haze - but it's no matter. There's no time for him to remove the offending garment completely.
"You better keep your word," Papa huffs, his free hand moving to pet your head once more, "because birds that don't sing for me aren't worth their wings," he adds. Another slip of his fingers across your drenched slit and they reach between your legs. He makes a noise that you're not sure you can replicate - one of absolute hunger, a primal craving for what the two of you are about to, deep in the back of his throat-- a sound of claim... of ownership. "My good girls attend to Papa and my Ghouls, hm? No more Siblings? Or do you not want me to make you weak for me? For this?" His fingers tighten harshly in your hair, gripping it and forcing your face down onto the desk in the same instant that the head of his cock, now free of his pants, bumps against your entrance. You whimper against the wood and squirm against the sensation, already quivering, too close already.
His fingers tighten harshly in your hair and grip it so hard you almost think the leather might rip. There's a light sting there, the familiar pressure against your scalp as he exposes the back of your neck. The sight he must be looking at -- you -- sprawled out in such a state of desperation, back arched and skin of your neck sweaty, lips parted and a permanent blush of pink dusting your cheeks. He hums in appraisal, and you can practically feel his two-toned gaze as it drags along the length of your body.
"Beg," comes the simple command.
And you do.
When his cock finally slides inside of you, you groan for the whole length of it. Papa is generously endowed; more than long enough for him to be a problem if he got overexcited.
He slips a hand around your waist to keep you angled how he wants you, and you writhe in his grasp, trying to loosen the vice grip he's kept on your hair. You receive only another thrust in response, skin slapping against skin. You half-collapse onto the desk as Copia's left hand splays against your side, his free hand twisting in your hair. He fucks you with short thrusts, pulling almost completely out of you before grinding his hips back down. Each movement from the man above you serves a dual purpose: to seek out pleasure and to taunt and to tease you as he uses your body for the first time.
"You're doing so good, aren't you, sorella? Taking me so well, like this... Usually-" he cuts himself off with a particularly deep thrust, making you yelp. "-they can't take me from behind the first time. Such a beautiful pussy though..." Another series of sharp thrusts and you're already squirming underneath him, gasping and moaning through his movements. "Almost like you were made to be mine, isn't it?" You crane your head as far back as you can to let him know you're listening and nod, even as his hips continue moving. He fucks you slow and indulgent, pulling his cock out leisurely before rolling his hips back against you. The hand that was once tugging at your hair drops down to your back, rubbing it in what you can only assume is him rewarding you-- at least, it scratches your praise itch all the same.
"Beg for it, tesoro," he commands you again, his voice almost hazy in quality. The man draws his palm over your ass until his fingertips graze your opening, the sticky remains of your orgasm from when he fingered you not so long ago mixed with his pre-come. The coil in your gut tightens as he slips two digits in easily, using them to thrust in tandem with his cock. Pleas fall from your lips as you tip over the edge into your orgasm, your senses heightened until you can practically feel the veins in his cock inside of you. When you fight through the haze of pleasure to focus on his words, you realize he's praising you. "There you are, ragazza bella," he says between ragged breaths.
When you've come down from your high, there's a dull ache in your jaw from where you've clamped your mouth shut tight and possibly bit the inside of your cheek while you came. Papa's voice is suddenly loud in your ear, his breath, hot and needy, and his thighs and hips slamming against yours without mercy. It stings, it hurts, but even as your tender nerves complain at the unyielding assault of Copia's body, you know you've never felt better. "Such a good girl, you take me so well, yes? Here, see?"
The fingers inside you withdraw, and before you can feel a sudden emptiness, they're at your lips. You wrap your lips around his fingers gratefully, swirling your tongue around them as you would a cock and moaning for him-- whatever it takes for him to fill you. Your eyes slip closed in pleasure and you can feel the distant pulse of another potential orgasm.
"Nuh, uh, uh..." Copia's mouth is suddenly at your ear, fingers encasing your throat and applying a warning squeeze to get your attention. "I want to see your face looking into my eyes when you're filled with my seed for the first time, cara mia. Everything you feel will be plain on that pretty face for me." Another wicked grin splits Papa's face as he tugs your hair. "A good face for a good girl, hm?"
With a pleased grunt, Copia's body arches back, the force of him holding onto your hips doubling, and then that second and so very unplanned orgasm has you white-knuckling the front edge of the desk again, your throat entirely given over to vocalizing your pleasure-- but no sounds come. Any moment your body will protest and cry and yet- the way he pinches at your clit and rocks his hips harder into you...
"Please," he breathes and then you feel the heat, filling you up, a sensation utterly foreign but entirely necessary. You can see nothing, hear nothing but your own heartbeat in your ears for a moment. "You should be so proud of yourself, Sister," he says, fingers releasing their grip on your hair and wrapping around the front of your throat. You can feel the thin layer of sweat clinging to the leather of his gloves and droplets cling to his nose when you peer over your shoulder at him. "You've been a delightful fuck to break in on my desk." His hand pats your ass gently, reassuringly.
"I didn't expect-"
Copia leans forward and presses another gentle kiss to your neck, silencing you, but it's something utterly unlike the earlier hungry affections. This one is warm, reverent, as he murmurs a final affection against your skin, "Not only have you pleasured me, cara, I find myself enraptured by you." He strokes your hair, and the moment seems oddly silent despite the thundering pulse you can feel under your fingertips.
He runs the flat of his tongue up the sensitive curve of your throat, causing you to writhe and clutch at his thighs still wrapped around you, fingers curling into the shiny material of his trousers as he dips his hips. His mouth ghosts to the shell of your ear, his hand moving back to your chin to tilt your head to the side. He slides a thumb into your mouth and a warm shudder runs down your back, your stomach coiling in arousal at how unbelievably dominating the move is. As if he isn't still buried inside of you with the throbbing remnants of an orgasm.
"Sucking on my fingers was a good thing, you know. Reminded me of a nice, pretty pussy. So willing, so very needy. I like submissive toys like you... You're so good at following instructions and taking me." His hand claps onto your ass one more time before he steps back, pulling out of you with a soft groan of lingering arousal and doing up the zipper of his pants.
The slow drip of his release between your thighs causes your cheeks to flare up in embarrassment. He wipes his fingers off with one of the tissues from the box on his desk, pulling a few more out to gently wipe your inner thighs and still soaking core. Finally, he presses a warm, flushed kiss to the swell of your ass.
"A sinfully delicious sight indeed. Now..." He pauses to wet his bottom lip in what you assume is either concentration or arousal-- you can't quite tell the difference. Your knees still tremble, feeling and breathing heavy, mind aching for more stimulation and release from this seemingly impossible tension in your body. "Stay." His command pierces the air, settling deep in your body, and you do what you're told.
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popiastar · 2 years
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dewdrop - betting
🔥info: gn neutral reader, a lil bit of nsfw, just dew act like dew. MDI 🔞
- dew is the most popular in the clergy to be the i'm unbeatable and good at everything, so betting are like drinking a glass of water for him
- but you were another story, he hated you because you are famous to be unbeatable and good at everything as well
- it all started like this: the ghouls proposed to play thruth or dare, they invited you because you are a minor ghoul and they like spend time with you
- swiss had the shady idea of choosing dewdrop - which always chooses dare, he answers questions with random words and that's annoy the others - to be handcuffed with you for two weeks. saved swiss from the gremlin, he was about to burn him alive
- dewdrop quietly agreed, it's just two weeks no? he can do whatever he wants, maybe he can murder you?
- you were annoyed too. you thought he is an asshole because - since you were a newbie - every time you went around the ministery he sniffed you in a disgusted expression and cursed you, so you answered with an acid tone too
- imagine hundcuff two fire ghouls. yes, the ministry almost in flames and popia begged you to stop immediately because nihil scolded him
- walked fast on purpose to make you fall with every steps. you hit him with your helmet and started a fight in a strange language
- dew spend all the time doing weird and dangerous things like burns popia's outfits or bungee jumping without a rope and surprisingly you enjoyed doing those things
- one week passed, you both calm down - mostly because seestor warnined you, she said if you doing something else she puts you two hanged out of the door - and there was nothing to do
- there is one other thing that dewdrop like: SEX! and one week without it it's a brutal punishment for him
- he started to be much more irritated and hot, it seemed like he's going to burn and you teased him about it
- you could understand him: you are a fire ghoul too and of course you have your needs
- so you asked him if he wants a blowjob or something????
- some minutes later he unbottoned his pant and stuffed your mouth with his dick
- definitely not loud but a little bit talkative - some insult obv - and GROWL. you finded extremely sexy
- secret of yours, when the others were around you started a random argue
- sex every where in the last week: nihil's studio, aether's bedroom, kitchen, pubs, graveyard, car, church?
- after you were free, both of you continued to fuck and sometimes have dinner together and none of you admitted that you were an official couple
- the ghouls calls you the unbeatable couple or lovely gremlins now
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