#popcorn x rotten apple
whipedcream · 7 months
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happy showvember rebirth. the official showvember account liked the first doodle page on twitter and i felt my soul leave my body (slash positive)
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sillygayoscfan · 3 months
beanrotaircorn headcanons because the autism is still going strong baby
first it was aircorn. now ive expanded. take the headcanons ya filthy animals
hcs under cut
popcorn is such a spider monkey to me
always clinging onto one of them. Holding onto rotten apple’s arm as they walk, wrapping her limbs around them while cuddling, gets airy to give her piggyback rides everywhere, etc
the sleeping situation is very confusing. sometimes they sleep in one big pile on the bed, sometimes someone will be on the couch, someone is on the floor and two of them are sleepily battling for territory on the bed.
beanie and popcorn have almost broken up because of giant arguments about whos the best lps popular character.
adding onto that they get into the stupidest fights all the time
from a badly timed joke to the best mcdonalds mascot they will take any excuse to fight
Rotten apple usually has to break these up
popcorn has made them all in The Sims and keeps putting them through these bizarre scenarios and everyone is mildly disturbed
airy and rotten apple are both hardcore warrior cats fans and will infodump about it to each other at random times
popcorn and beanie are getting sick of it
*in the middle of the night* R.A.: “hey.. you awake?? what did you think about spottedleafs heart?? I finally read it..” airy: “i-“ popcorn: “SHUT THE FUCK UP”
beanie and airy are the designated drivers (mostly airy depending on the situation)
beanie and airy can drive and will, rotten apple technically has a license but hates driving and will do anything to avoid it, and popcorn is legally not allowed to drive
airy and beanie both have mild road rage problems though. beanies more of a spam the horn for a few minutes muttering under his breath and flip them off when he passes guy and airys more of a trail behind them a little too close for a while and give them the death glare when they finally pass kinda guy
none of them can cook, but airys probably the best (but thats not saying much), beanie is the only one that can bake and refuses to do it with any of them because they always ruin it
popcorn likes full on makeouts, rotten apple likes kisses all around on the face, beanie prefers just little pecks on the lips, and airy likes those fancy kisses on the top of the hand (and maybe forehead kisses too. yeah i think so)
ermmm thats all i got for now sooooo yeah. hope i convinced you all to like my shitty polycule byeeee <333
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s1lv3rp4w3dc4t · 2 months
rotten apple x popcorn showvember. that's it. that's the post. k thanks bye.
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oscconfessions · 11 days
God help me why can I only think about popcorn x rotten apple
“Doesn’t popcorn have a girlfriend?”
What do you mean silly he is her girlfriend
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showvember · 2 months
*sigh* I should rewatch showvember,,, and then draw silly popcorn x rotten apple art,,,
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previously-justindi · 15 days
alright let’s do this
what you can ask me to draw:
no nsfw but explicit prompts+implications are okay.
asking me to draw ocs
asking for humanized art
ask for ship art
what you cannot ask me to draw:
Rocky, Grassy, or firey jr x ANYONE.
that’s about it:)
characters I love!:
[not in order btw]
Rotten apple
(Inanimate insanity)
Test tube
[I’ve watched more object shows than this, these are just my favorites]
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thesistersglass · 5 years
Dirty Work
TW: Blood, Violence
An unseasonable warmth had swept the Western Commons, inspiring dense moisture to hang in the air that in turn made it seem all the more hot, and with it came the mosquitoes that such evenings often donned which combined with the heat and the humidity all made Lloyd West that much grumpier and when Lloyd was grumpy he tended to drink and when Lloyd drank, the vivid burn of whiskey on his throat only encouraged Lloyd to drink more and all of these facts could be directly contributed to the fact that Lloyd West had no clue he had been followed.
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By all rights, Lloyd was a thug and like most thugs, he tended to repel people to begin with so by sheer virtue of reputation alone, following him was easy. Easier than most anyway. Of all the people over the years she’d assaulted in the name of whatever cause she had at the time, Nora Evans found herself marveling at the stupidity one man could have as he wandered down the cobblestone streets towards a home he would never see again, legless with intoxication as he paused to put one grubby hand up and lean there with the intent to urinate in the nearby shrub, and instead, doing so on his own boot. He didn’t even notice the flutter of wings or the crack of bone when she shifted.
“How’s it goin’, bud?” she called from beyond the shade of an overgrown apple tree, it’s fruit rotten and discarded. The voice made Lloyd jump and fumble his own nethers, and in turn piss down his own trousers.
“OY, ye bitch,” he said, stuffing himself back in the wet-on linens and spinning to brandish a dirty finger at where he thought she was, “Wotcher self, huh? Y’made me miss.”
“I bet,” she said, shifting off the trunk of the tree and into the light. One eye was covered by an eye patch which dark burns and mottled skin around emphasized, the other was trained on the drunk man with an air of cocksure amusement. “Couldn’t have anything to do with you being blind drunk, could it?”
Lloyd staggered slightly as the woman revealed herself, momentarily eclipsed by a healthy dose of fear that was induced by the face that lived on the walls of every establishment he frequented, warning it’s patrons of the murderess. His mouth dropped open and he attempted to find the words she was happy to supply to him.
“I’m Nora Evans,” she said, and he nodded. “And I know you, Lloyd, do you remember much of your days hiding out in bandit hollows, looking for coin to smuggle shit? Because, I remember you, Lloyd. You know, Gods bless the Commons for being so empty of Seraph all the damned time.”
“W-why are you-- what did I do?” Lloyd barked, having found his voice.
“Did you have a nice time in Salma the other day?” She asked; he went pale. He had shifted along the wall, trying to crab walk his way down the road to give her a wide berth which she matched, hands kept in her pockets and eyes fixed on him as she waited for the inevitable attempt to escape.
“Listen, I don’t want no trouble, I’m just the messenger, I-I was just doing what they asked me to do, honestly,” he said, stumbling a bit over his own feet on the cobbles, “I’ll tell you who to talk to, okay? I will give you everything you need to know.”
Nora straightened a bit, “What a cowardly thing to do. I thought your lot had guts, though I’m not surprised honestly given the circumstances. But, I am a merciful woman so I’ll give you a head start to tell them I’m coming, and then I’m going to beat you senseless.”
He jolted at once, feet unable to catch up with his desire to get as far away from her as he could as he made to go and she watched and wished she had popcorn. Slapstick comedy was always her favorite. But, Lloyd was drunk and when Lloyd was drunk he suffered from tunnel vision and because he suffered from tunnel vision, he wasn’t able to ford the fallen apples and because of this when one found itself under his boot he went down and his head hit the cobbles with a sick smack.
For once, she found herself surprised. One, because a bloody apple had done the dirty work for her and two, because a bloody apple had done the dirty work for her. She paced herself to his side and squatted there as he blinked stupidly and fought the urge to pass out, mouth flapping and arms writhing to catch her with a rage-driven wind. She waited, calmly watching the light fade from his eyes and he went still. She wiped a finger through his own blood and smeared it in an ‘X’ across his shirt, she sighed.
“Oh, Lloyd,” whispering to herself in the dark, before she stood and vanished once more “...don’t you know shooting the messenger sends a message?”
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sillygayoscfan · 5 months
its always “rotten apple has two hands! he can hold popcorn with one and beanie with the other!” but what about they ALL have two hands??? why can’t they all hold hands in a nice circle??
this is my warning for future beanie x popcorn enemies to lovers stuff by the way i have plans
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